Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jan 1957, p. 6

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The annual Sunday School meeting of King City United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Verdun Gordon, King St., King City. on Friday evening, January 11. Lawrence Scott was again elect- ed Sunday School superintendâ€" ent and Jack Parsons, assistant superintendent. Mrs. Verdun ordon Is secretaryâ€"treasurer. A The following are the teachers of the classes: Supt. of beginners. Mrs. Austin Rumble; teachers. Mrs. V. Doner. Mrs. R. Innes and Mrs Bruce Hall. Primary girls. Miss Claire Campbell Primary boys, Miss Helen Thompson and Mrs. Ray Love. Junior girls, Mrs. Gordon Orr and Mrs. Jack Par- sons. Senior boys. Jack Parsons. Intermediate boys. Adam David- son. Intermediate girls, Mrs. Ha- zel Thompson. Bible Class. Frank Gambrill, Glenna Sawyer, pianist. Beth Ge‘llatly; assistant pianist, Mrs. Harold Kirby is in charge of the oracle roll. Presbytery The next meeting of the Lions will be New Canadian night. The special speaker will be Mrs. Douglas Jennings who recently returned from Austria. Mrs. Jen- nings was a guest on TabloAid last ivee'k. Chain-nan of New Canad- an Night is Lion Stan Huntor. Sunday Schol Meeting “ft 1935 feported that he sale of Christmas trees raised $50 for the Hungarian ljelief Fund. A_ Lion Fergus Lawson won the convention fund draw of a set of refrigerator dishes donated by Crawford Wells. Lion Fergus Lawson was ap- pointed to head the committee for file Lions Oyster Supper. Chairman of the Skating Carnival at the end‘of the skating season will be Lion Jack Thompson. Lions New: It was an open meeting for the King City Lions Club on Janu- ary 7 in the United Church. King 1?“. catered for the dinner. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson was el- ected chairman of the newly for- med Presbytery of York at Mark~ ham on January 8. The new pres~ bytery includes the territory north of No. 7 Highway. There ,are 24 churches in the presby- tel‘y. Rev. Mr. Jenkinson,.who is the pastor of the United Churches in King City, Teston and Laskay will remain in office until the end of June. Herb Ross and A11- 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond H111, Ontario, Thursday, Janua‘ry 17, 195‘! (at Fail-lawn) HU. 8.5406 2 bus stops below city limits WM) Mllunery 5; Accessories imao/eflzine :5 MADELEINE YONGE ST. & KING SIDEROAD. OAK RIDGES 3319 YONGE ST. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS King City Notes 9 mm. to 6.30 pm. Friday till 9 pm. DAVIS 8: DAY - DRUGS A QUALIFIED PHARMACIST (EITHER M. G. DAY, th. B. or R. DAVIS. th. B.) ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCE King City, Oak Ridges The Libel-u In than planned to publish item of h- . ’ tens: regarding people Ind event- In the 0“ Ridge:- Lako Wilcox and Kin: City districts. Our nun corres- pondent In Kin: Cit! In Mrs. Donald McCulIun. telephone ’ , King 132M: and 11: Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox. Mn. C. M. Butt. telephone PR. 3-5575. G OPEN D 'eine .4 .’ 10 am. - 10 pm. PHONE TU. 4-3117 8 am. - 10 pm. Mrs. William Carson was the hostess for the monthly meeting of King City United Church W. M.S. on January 10. Mrs. John Norris conducted the worship. Mrs. I. L. Scott read the study book chapter in “East from Bur- ma.” Rev. M. L. Jenkinson in- stalled the new offlcers. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Maude Crossley. Firefighters King City Volunteer Firemen received instruction in the opera- tion of the auxiliary pump at their meeting on Monday even- ing, January 7. Over $3500 to date has been spent on the new fire hall. Firemen will be conducting a campaign in the fire area in the near future to raise $2,000 to complete the fire hall. Presentation ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fry, of South Keele St. were honored with a presentation party given by their friends and neighbours of New Scotland community at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Bert Ross, 8th line King on January 12. Mr. and Mrs. Fry who moved last fall from their farm on the 8th line were presented with a lovely lamp. en Gellatly. Iay representatives of the King churches were also present at the meeting. W.M.S. Miss Lenore Robb. Keele St., and Mrs. Bruce Lewis, Aurora, left Saturday by train for St. Petersburg. Florida. Both girls who are King City telephone op- erators will spend two weeks in the sunny south. Mr. Norman D. MacMurchy. 6th line King, and Mr. L. Fry of Nobleton are spending the win- ter near St. Petersburg. Florida. Miss E. Graham. a represanta- tivemf the Children‘s Aid from Ne‘i'market. was the speaker at the Laskay W.I. meeting in the hall on January 8. Miss Graham, who was introduced by Mrs. Mar- shall McMurchy. gave an in- formative talk on the work of the Children’s Aid Society. She stated that the Children’s Aid in Newmarket, has jurisdiction over between 60 and 70 families, There are 55 societies in Ontario, Mrs. Pearson Smeltzer gave the words of appreciation. The W.I. members decided to make lay- ettes for the Children's Aid. Wool and fiannelette for the layettes will be provided by the Child- ren's Aid. Current Events were given by Miss Helen Hunter. 4-H News Members of Laskay Learners 4-H Club attended the Achieve- ment Day program at Newmark- at on Saturday. Janet Buddin gave the commentary on the pro- ject. Being Well Dressed and We]! Groomed. Euchre Winners at the Laskay W1. euchre on Friday evening were: Mrs. George Foster. Mrs. Effie Bath. Mrs. Tom Walker, Mrs. Norman Egan, Tom Walker. Charles Black Archie McDonald. Miss Marshall McMurchy ahd Miss Helen Hunter are convenâ€" ing the next euchre which will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Forester on January 25. Mrs. William Willoughby, Den- nison Ave. King City, was the hostess for the monthly meeting of St. Andrew’s-Strange Presby- terian Church W.M.S. on Wednes- day evening, January 9. The pres- ident. Mrs. Robert Farren, presi- ded. Mrs. Charles Black and Mrs. J. E. C. Shepherd led in prayer. Mrs. Donald McCallum l‘ead the scripture The study book chap- ter from “The Church in South- ern Asia" was read by Mrs. Will- oughby. Mrs. Black read a poem entitled “The Road Ahead." Mrs. Shepherd was app'ointed delegate to the annual meeting of West Toronto Presbyterial on February 7. in High Park Presby- terian Church in Toronto. Plans were made to hold a mis- sionary night in February to which all societies in the district are invited. The annual congregational meeting of St. Andrew’s Strange Presbyterian Church will be held on Friday evening, January ’18. Laskay News News Notes From Strange The Oak Ridges Board of Trade met at the Ridge Inn. on Thursday, January 10, with 24 members present. Presiding was President James Wall, with vice president Alex Gallacher; sec- retary Gord Rowe and treasurer Len Ellins. The financial report showed a considerable balance "in the black” in comparison to last year’s “in the red", and great hopes for the new year. Some time was spent discuss- ing the Gail Philips accident, which took place during the San- ta Claus Parade at Oak Ridges. Plans are being made to raise the monye for the child’s hospital and doctor‘s bills, amounting to $134.10. A meeting is being planned with the Lions and the Board of Trade members on this matter. Form Industrial Committee Alex Gallacher President Ridges Board Of Trade Keen interest was shown to- wards encouraging industry in Oak Ridges and several attrac~ tive lots are available. An Indus- trial Committee was set up. naming Ross Davis, Joe Landl and George_Wright. Ross Davis reported on his findings re conditions of un- sightly dwellings in the district and his talk with the Department of Health on the matter. The Board is hoping to look into this Inaugural Reception Held For Whitchurch Twp. Council A most pleasant and informal evening was enjoyed by mem- bers of Whitchurch Township council, their wives, the staff. and guests. when they attended the Inaugural Reception held in their honour in the council chambers of the Township office in Van- dorf on Wednesday, January 9. The newly elected and acclaimed council, Reeve P. S. Legge, G. E. Richardson, C. Wallwork, F. Williams and J. Wylie. took their oath of office, administered by Clerk J. Crawford. Rev. Mr. Johnston of the Pres- byterian Church, Ne\vmarket, ad- dressed the members of council. Rev. Mr. Johnston reminded them of the great privilege they have of serving their fellow man, bringing into being legislation for the benefit of the community. “All too few are willing to offer themselves in the service of the community," he said. Rev. G. Winch of St. Paul’s United Church, Oak Ridges. read Psalm 67 and gave a short prayer. ‘ Reeve P. S. Legge spoke briefly 0n the past year’s accom- plishments and the hopes for this year of 1957. “We have high hopes for industry to come to this Township,” said the Reeve, and we are situated where good transpbrtation is available.” Paved roads are also being plan- ned throughout the township in the near future. The summary of the Reeve's address indicated a Dist. President W. I. Speaker Mrs. George Shoults of Schem- berg, president 0! the district W. I., was the guest speaker at King W..I on January 8 at the home of Mis H.Ratc1iff King Street, King City. In her address, Mrs. Shoults ‘stressed member- ship. She suggested setting aside a month a year for the member~ ship drive. She also gave a brief talk on the Ground Observer Corps. Mrs. C. Powell, secretary-treas~ urer of the district was also pres- ent. Mrs. Laura Rolling explain- ed the motto. “Character like pmbroidery is made stitch by Istitch." Roll call was answered by the “Meaning of your name." A letter was read from the Canadian Assoéiation of Consumâ€" ers asking the members to watch the progrm “Open House" from January 4 to 25. The topic is budgeting. Mrs. Victof‘ Doher and Mrs. H. Ratcllff are the conveners of the hat show in March. Plans were made for the Feb- ruary meeting when the diamond anniversary of the W.I. will be observed across Canada. It was decided that a History of King “7.1.. which had its beginning in 31939 would be given at this meet- mg. The 11 remaining charter mem- bers of lhe original 15 will be in- vited to the meeting. They are Mrs. Ross Walker, Mrs. Colin Stewart. .Mrs. A. J. Gordon. Mrs. Duncan Ross. Mrs. Frank Arm- strong. Mrs J. Norris, Mrs. J. Walsh. Mrs. Clark Archibald. Mrs. E. Bice. Mrs Mervyn Wilson and Mrs. Douglas Davis of Stoufi- ville. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Norris, King Street. Miss Lois McBride. dietitian will demonstrate “How to make fancy sandwiches.” A calendar was received by the W.I. from Mrs. John Robertson, president of the W1. at Loch- Eellx‘. Scotland. Mrs Robertson‘s gelly, Scotland. Mrs Robertson‘: daughter-in-law. Mrs. P. M. Rob- ertson Is a member of King WJ in greater detail and approach Whitchurch township council for their co-operation. Jack Blyth was appointed chairman in ,charge of nomina- tions. The nominating committee consisted of D. Sherratt. G. Cragg and C. Van Stone. The following were elected: President, A Gallacher; lst vice-president Eric Smith; 2nd vice president, Bob Kennoway; 3rd vice-presi- dent Gord Rowe; secretary. S. Norman; treasurer, Len Ellins; seven directors, Mrs. Betty Fitz- simmons, George Wright, Stan Dufiield, Geo Cragg, Doug Mar- tin, Joe Land! and Doug Sher- ratt. The newly elected presi- dent, Alex Gallacher then took the chair. He offered his sincere thanks to his supporters and con- gratulations to the past presi- dent and his officers. Future executive meetings of the Board will be held during the lunch hour, all felt this more suitable. Plans for a ladies’ night will be discussed in the near fu- ture. President Gallacher declar- ed the next general meeting will be held at the Ridge Inn on Tuesday, February 25. John Lar- kin was named membership can- venor. good year in '56 and great pro- gress ahead for ’57. Reeve Legge then introduced his guests of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Butt. South Road. Lake Wilcox. The candle-light buffet luncheon was served by the wives of the council members, and all enjoy- ed the informal atmosphere of the evening. Mrs. Catherine Elizabeth (Kate) Cairns, well known King Town- ship resident passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W111- iam Farren, Snowball. on Friday, January 11. Mrs. Cairns was in her 915t year. She celebrated her 90th birthday on March 16 of last year. Late Mrs. Cairns In 91st Year Mrs. Cairns was one of eight children born to M“. and Mrs. Martin Shanks of Kettleby. all of whom predeceased her. Mrs. Cairns” husband, William Cairns, died at the age ofA52 in 1917. , She was the mother of 11 child- ren 10 of whom are still living. Her daughter Bertha, Mrs. Eric Phripp, died in 1947. Mrs.’Cairns and her husband before his death farmed on the third line of King. She is surviv- ed by her children. She is surviv- Marjorie (Mrs. P. Gillham), De- troit; Mrs. A. Bovair, 3rd line, King: Arwood, Aurora; Nellie Mrs. G. McCachen), Oak Ridges; Howard and Clyde, King; Harold, Downsview; Oilve, Mrs. William Farren, Snowball; Alma. Mrs. B. Hunter, Strathroy. She is also survived by 21 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. Rev. M. R. Jenkins‘on conduct- ed the funeral service at the Thompson Funeral Home, Aurora on January 14. Interment was in King City Cemetery. Pallbear- ‘ers were her six grandsons, Mur- ray Hunter Ross Bovair. Keith and Allan Cairns. Bill Cairns and Bill McCachen. L. Shropshire W.M.' Robertson Lodge The installation of officers was held at Robertson Masonic lodge, King City, on January 8. Several visiting lodge members were am- ong the more than 100 persons present. A delicious turkey supâ€" per was served by the members‘ wives. Marvin Hunter acted as Install- ing Officer. The new Ruling Mas- ter is Leonard Shropshire of Queensville. The following offic- ers were installed: Senior War- den, Norman Burnett: Junior Warden. Grant McCachen; chap- lain, Ray Jennings; treapurer, Wib Burns; secretary, Fred Boys; Senior Deacon, Bob Watson; Jun- ior Deacon, Charles Henshaw; Director of Ceremonies, Wilbert Jennings; Inner Guard, S. Case: Tyler, Bob Rickward; Senior Steward. Fred Hare; Junior Slewâ€" ard, Norman Taylor. The monthly meeting of St. Andrew’s Eversley Presbyterian Church WA. was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Gordon. King Street. King City. on Mon- day evening. January 7. Miss L1Iy Anderson, the president, presldâ€" ed. Mrs. Fred Curtis read the scripture and led in prayer. Plans were made for the con- gregational pot luck supper on Friday, February 15. E versley Socials Judy Marchalle, 14 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Marchalle, South Rd, eritered the Sick Children’s Hospital, Toron- to, on Thursday, January 10. Judy has been taking treatments on her shoulder and back during this past year. While in hospital, where she will be for three or four months, the doctors will per- form a bone grafting operation which is needed to straighten Judy's back. Young people in the Lake Wilcox. Oak Ridges area all know Judy and wish her the best of luck. She will need lots of cheering up while going through many uncomfortable weeks. Anyone wishing to write to Judy should address mail to Miss Judy Marchalle, Room 610 Semi-Public. ’Sick Children‘s Hospital, Toronto. Please write and send lots of cards to help this young lady along the road to recovery. She will be unable to attend school this year, but will be carrying on with her s‘gdies at home when she is a e. - Glad to see Mr. Len Ellins back at his job as manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia. Oak Ridges. Mr. Ellins has been ill for several weeks. Chicken Pox Chicken Fox is making the rounds in the Lake Wilcox dis- trict. Many school children are home and some adults who have yet to take the germ, are keep- ing their fingers crossed. Jade Seager of North Lake Road, and student of Aurora High School. is getting over the Pox. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Cole have their child- ren on the sick list too. New Speed Sign Hope all motorists using the Lake Roads will respect the 30- mile speed limit. The new signs are up at last and the ratepayers are quite happy to see one of their requests acknowledged. Jamboree Representative Congratulations to Earl New: hall of Lakeland Ave., Lake Wil- cox. who has been chosen to rep- resent the lst Oak Ridges Scout Troop at. the 1957 World Jambor- ee in England. Earl attended the Jamboree at Niagara Falls last year and has attained higb hon- ors in his scouting activities. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Newhall. ’ Mr. James Wall [recently re- turned from a Chnstmas vaca- tion in Great Britain. Mr. Wall reports a most enjoyable time, making many new friends. Florida Vacationers It would seem as though a good part of the district population has gone to Sunny Florida for a few weeks' vacation. We might add â€"- it’s a good place to be during this cold snap. Some fam- iliar names we know, who are away are: Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rule, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gallacher. Mrs. Jim Farquharson, LakeIand Ave. Lake Wilcox, left last week RICHMOND mu, Ontario Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox Socials llEW Til llIllllE shows em all isle msl'glamuumm styling an the lllilll- eieri'e new trend wiih new Shape of Muiion Dodge brings you a new beauty in the low-price fieldâ€"big and wide, long and low. road!) And brimful of fresh-from-tomorrow styling ideas like rakish ’twin lights Dodge moves out frontâ€"with new Flight-Sweep ' '57 styllng . . . new Torsion-Alre Rlde . . . new push- ‘ button Torque-Flue drive . . . new hlgh-torque englnes . . . new __-_. -__.-_. .___..._. vnu GET MORE INA '57 styllng . . . ne‘w Torsion-lure Ride . . . new push- buflon Torque-Flue drlve . . . new hlgh-torque engines . . . new Total-Contact brakus I YOU, 657: MORE IN A CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA. LIMITEU The moment you touch the button and go, you know there's nothlng so modern and exciting as the bountiful '57 Dodge! For what could be more modern than the new deep-cradled Torsion-Aim suspension that achieves the sweetest riding, steadiest cornering and surest roadvfeel you’ve ever experienced! Or more exciting than an automatic transmission that starts you on your way through the modern magic of for California. where she will visit with relatives. Mrs. Farqu- harson’s sister in Detroit will ac- company her on vacation. Ice Fishing Ice fishing is the popular sport this month. Several district resi- dents have reported good catches and many are in process of build- ing their fishing huts. Lake Sim- coe is a popular fishing paradise and others have had good luck in the Georgian Bay area. Mr. Herb Fowler. Park Crescent. and his party brought home some nice big fish last week-end. Mr. Fowler also brought home a froz- en nose and ear! Not so good. Lions Meeting The meeting of the Lion Wives was held at the home of Mrs. Walter Geary, Yonge St.. Oak Ridges on Monday, January 7. A most enjoyable evening was planned. This being entertain- ment night, the ladies tried their skill and dexterity on “Beat the Clock". conducted by Mrs. Chas. Connor. Mrs. Geary conducted the quiz game which proved to be quite a brain teaser. Lucky winners were: Mrs. Ron Mackin- tosh and Mrs. Ches. Butt. The next meeting will be craft night at the home of Mrs. Don Hodg- son, South Road. WILLIAM NEAL You’re always a step ahead in ‘1. C. BREWER AURORA PA. 7-9022 Heating, Installation, General Maintenance Hall‘s Domestic Fuel Oils Our trucks are equipped with Government Inspected RICHMOND HILL GIL BURNER PARTS 8: SERVICE Printo-Meters- for your protection. The annual meeting of King City Cemetery Co. will be held in the Masonic Hall, King City on Satur- day afternoon. January 19th, at 2 o’clock for the election of officers and the transaction of general business. All plot holders are urged to attend. cars of The Forward Look mechanically operated push-button controls, pr'oved millions of miles over! Got a craving for s irited action? Just put your toe to that ig new Dodge V-8. It’s the biggeqt stggdag‘l‘ V-8 in its field-â€" L 7 ~____l..I LLB mu: up uup wvu..-_.- . _ V, , 303 cubic fiches big. The moat powerful, tooâ€"215 horsa strong. So come on! Right NOW! Slip behind the wheel of a new ’57 Dodge. Discover how exciting a car can really be. § PHONE: TUrner 4-2091 LAWRENCE SCOTT, President NOTICE 1 low. (Just 4V2 feet from roof to lights”, racy upswept tail fins! PHONE TU. 4-2061

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