' 93 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill 23 Collier Street We have an exceptional opening for man or woman in this area to be a Franchised Dealer. You will be expected to supervise delivery and replenishing of stocks of Brand Name Products in retail outlets. Absolutely no selling or soliciting required. Age. education or business experience is not important as full Company Sup- ervised Training Plan is provided. Can be handled in 4 to 6 hours a week (evenings or Saturday) and will not interfere with your present employment. Ex- ceptional income to start which can readily develop into a full time business. An automobile is an asset. but not essential. Applicants must be able to post $599. cash for bonded merchandise which is secured by re-purchase agreement. If you are sincerely interested in owning and operating your own business. write at once givingr your name, address and telephone number to: 145 Main Street, Newmarket, Ontario This is an opportunity to establish ydurself in sales work with unlimited opportunities for the fu- ture. We require three representatives for the territor- ies of Richmond Hill and Thomhill. Applicants should be neat in appearance, have good education and be between 23 and 40. Reply in own hand to: 'Your wedding day is when one love story ends . . . and ’another, fuller and more rich begins. This 15 a moment you’ll want to keep . . . in picturm that are always a tribute to your loveliness . . . as only a skilled photog- ‘rapher whose sympathetic understanding of the little .things you will want to remember, can interpget them. 53 Yonge St. N. CAREER OPPORTUNITY Excellent ï¬nancial arrangements. LAGERQUIST STUDIO Consolidated Merchandising COMPANY OF CANADA CHESTER CLEANERS AND DYERS LADIES’ DRESSES February Dry Cleaning Saie MR. A. J. MEEHAN, For Pick-up and Delivery phone TU. 4-1601 GEN FULL OR SPARE TIME NTS’ SUITS PERSONNEL 99c Toronto, Ontario I GENTS’ TROUSERS LADIES’ SKIRTS LADIES’ BLOUSES LADIES’ SWEATERS LADIES’ SLACKS TU. 4-2791 Branch Richvlh- Stop 21A Yong. St. AV. 3- 4171 The Richmond Hill Public School Board is receiving tenders for the supplying of medium fuel oil for the Mac- Killop School and Beverley Acres School for the heating season of 1957, approximate- ly 20,000 gallons to be deliv- ered in tank wagon .lots of 4500 gal., for individual schools, on demand of the School Board. Tenders must be in the l‘ands of the Secretary not later thaln 5 pm. February 9, 1957. The lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. JAMES GRAINGER, Sec.~Treasurer, Richmond Hill Public School Board Main Store 1738-60 Avenue Rd. RU. 1-9170 llMlTED 2 float: Rich's]. - Stop 211 Tonga 3!. Branch 1758-80 Avenue nouQ Main State Specialize in Custom Fur Coat designs. We also carry a large stock of I' A large experienced staff of experienced Furriers to handle repairs and "styling muskrat Ibo mink. Due to lack of co~operaflion from the weatherman and some confusion as to destination. the Brownie outin had to be cancell- ed last week. ransportation was also a problem and certainly this last item could be remedied by the parents of the children con- .cerned. It is hoped to have both the skiing party and the trip to the zoo arranged during the next month, and since several parents have already indicated that they are anxious to do their share of the transportation. no further MADE UP rum. ALL WORK AND MATERIAL GUARANTEED Prim are reasonable â€" quota- tions invited. Mr. Harry Hunt and Mrs. C. Burns who teach at Jefferson. ln- vited the grade 8 girls to attend the ski meet at Midland last Sun- day. The lucky girls were Nancy Passmore, Lorraine Webb. Mary Lake and Julie Ensor. The group met at the school at noon and left immediately for Midland. We haven't too much to report about the ski tournament itself, because all the girls could say when they got home was “it was just won- derful.†- Brownie Outing Cancelled 49c “The Liberal†is very pleased to announce the ap- pointment of Mrs. Ivan Pet- ersen as our new Corres- pondent for the Elgin-Vlllls- Jefferson area. In order that We may give your district complete news coverage. kindly forward all news and lterns of local interest to Mrs. Peterson who may be reach- ed by telephoning TUrner 4-2444. Skl Meet Ken Stiff Furs KEN STIFF Richmond Hill ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS TENDERS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. I. PETERSEN Telephone TUrner 4-2444 â€mm Mrs. Ted Gamble gave a lunch for her sister, Mrs.'D. Goulding, in honour’ of Mrs. Goulding's birthday, January 24. Their mo- ther, Mrs. A. Hall and Mrs. G. Taylor from Richmond Hill, and Mrs. Ernie Hall from Elgin Mills were also present. In the even- ing. Mrs. W. Bell. Mrs. T. Gam- ble. Mrs. R. Browne. Mrs. I. Peterson, Mrs. E. Hall and Mrs. Lorne Clubine from Victoria Square arranged 'another birth- day party for Mrs. Goulding, l Help Wanted Parents are invited to send their correspondent a record of their children's ages and birth- days, ~c/o Elgin Mills Post Office. We will endeavour to remember them in this column at the ap- propriate time. We are also interested in any community affairs, social events and other happenings, which are of general interest to readers in our community. _Random Thoughts . Mrs. A. E. Terry was elected president at the ï¬rst meeting of the WA. Evening Branch of St. John’s Anglican Church. Other officers are: vice-president, Mrs. Ross Silcox, treasurer Mrs. Lyall Bayle, secretary Mrs. Jack Pass- more. The meeting was held re- cently at the home of Mrs. Terry with 16 ladies and the Rev. D. C. H. Michell present. Otganize New Evening Branch St. John’s W. A. The Rev. Mr. Michell address- ed the ladies and said he was pleased to see a 390d attendance on such a cold night. He stressed the need to for the church to take a more positive stand in the com- munity. An item for future con- sideration. brought up by Mr. Michell, was a bus service to help people without transporta- tion to get to church. This same service could probably be utiliz- ed for Sunday school as well, he said. month Snow is wonderful it it would only stay put. The old inhabiâ€" tants talk about snow "to the top of the telephone polesâ€. We have a strong suspicion that 30 or 40 years ago a_ lot of telephone wires were strung along farm fences. Mrs. M. Beynon and Mrs. G. Kerswill of the W.A. afternoon branch addressed the group. Mrs. Beynon explained how important it was for a W.A. group to work towards a deï¬nite objective. Mrs. Kersm'll also offered her assist- ance in forming the group. and reminded the ladies that it was better to attain a small objective. than to set one which could not be realized. A prayer by the Rev. Mr. ML chell asking for guidance in the undertaking. and blessing of this newly formed organization, clos- ed the meeting. Regular meetings will be held on the second Thursday of every Hospi Mabel and Johnny Robertson have been laid up for the past week. Mabel was ill with the flu and John _suï¬ered an ear infec; tion. Birthday Luncheon We often wonder why city dwellers who move to the counâ€" try, always talk about the con- veniences they left behind, or could it be possible they talk about the wonderful life in the country when they go to see their friends in thecity? Are you going t-orhave a garden this year, or is it going to be the opposite? Many people in the country have a pond, but quite a number have decided that “next year†they are not going to have it. in their basement. Mr. F. Powell has almost com- pletely recovered and is feeling ,ï¬ne. Mr. Powell broke his collar- bone as a result of a fall some weeks ago. , Mrs. Wm. Bell visited her son and daughter-in-law in Toronto on Wednesday of last week'. It was the morning of the snow storm and freezing rain and the trip took almost 21/; hours. How- ever as MrsuBell said, it was well worth it to be with her two love- ly grandchildren Elaine and Kenneth fqr the day. ~ Paul Dodson had a skating par« ty on Saturday for his friends. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Ray Jackson is feeling much better. ‘ Congratulations . to Dar'rell Goulding on his appointment as chairman of the planning board. Darrell is a good man for the job and a real booster for the town- ship. We would like to extend birth- day greetings to everyone in our community who celebrated birth- days durinz the month of Janu- ary. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson and son Hank are in Florida. Their son Bill and his chum are looking after the homestead. Congratulations _ We were pleased to hear that Mrs. D. F. Snell and her lovely daughter returned home from hospital last week. Birthday Greetings Mrs. Ron Browne was hostess to her ladies' club on January 25. This young group has been ho’ld- ing regular meetings once a month for the past two years. They sew, knit and chat during their pleasant evenings together. Present were Mrs. D. Hillaby and Mrs. D. Hicks. Richmond Hill; Mrs. H. Forster, Victoria Square. Mrs. J. Pettigrew. King City and Mrs. L. Cannon from Mount Den- ms. problems should arise werg sorry to learn that PIANO TUNING " and Repairing ' S. Hoï¬man 'l’omefly of Gen-ago Bahamian Work (nu-Inked. Free estimate. Highway 11, 1!"; miles north of Richmond Hill TU. 4-1911 The next 'meeting of the Home and School Association will be held on February 12 and prom- ises to be very interesting. The guest speaker will be 'Mr. R. M. Robinson, Vice President and General Manager of the Elecâ€" tronic Equipment and Tube De- partment of the Canadian, Gen- eral Electric Company who will speak on “The Need of Educa- tion". There will be a movie en- titled "Power and Passage†which shows the past,: present and fu- ture 01' the St. Lawrence River. '. ELECTRICAL 2 †APPLIANCE 7" REPAIR , OR TELEVISION REPAIR SERVICE IT’S NATURAL TO CALL The School Area Spelling Bee will be held on Thursday. Feb- ruary 7, at 7.30 pm. in Thornhill Public School. Each school will have one boy and one girl enter- ed. Representatives from Lang- staff will be Grace LeRiche and Jack Smith. Home 8; School KEN RUSTON Shell Service Station The February meeting of the institute will be held at the home of Mrs. N. Hicks, Essex Avenue. on Thursday. February 7. Con- venor for the evening is Mrs. Holt. Community Activities and Public Relations. The roll call will be "How to 1m rove Lang- staff" and there wil be a collec- tion of magazines for distribution to hospitals, rest homes, etc. Lanzstafl School News Polio Vaccination will be held on February 7 for those who are having the ï¬rst shot of Salk vac- cine. The second shot will be giv- en one month later, March 7. Also on March 7, the third shot will be given to the children who have had the ï¬rst and second shots over the past two years. There is a Safety Poster Com- petition underway in the area. Each school will pick nine win- ners. three each from the senior, junior and midget divisions. These winning posters will be judged by persons picked by the Area Child Safety Committee and ï¬rst, second and third aw- ards made. The winning posters will be on display during Educa- tion week. All the winners from each school will receive a Safety Crest. TELEVISION & ELECTRIC CO. AV. 5-1333 Mark-Vaun Women’s Institute nz's HOW you can regain H lost power . . . set free 5 to 10 horsepower trapped in you; engine! Ordinar; motor oils must be warmed up to flow freely. Until they do, your engine wastes power just pushing the oil around. And you gef another big advantage. X- 1 00 prevents acid actian~major cause of engine wear. For more power : ; . more englne life insist on , HE ll. Shell X-;00 Motor Oil Premium flows freelyâ€"even when cold . . . gives you 5 to 10 bogus horsepower} life . . . insis Shell X-IOO Motor Oil Premium. Sluggish engine got you "hoppingâ€? Phone Liberal Ofï¬ce TUrner 4-1105 SUBURBAN 0R TU. 4-2241 LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: M85. 31. J. 30! Phone AVenue 5-2808 \The Youth Fellowship sleigh riding party which was to be held last Tuesday evening was cancelled on account of rain. Personals Birthday greetings this week g9 to David Weavers. Brian and Bruce Good and Terry Evans, all of Boyle Drive, who celebrated birthdays during the past week. Last Saturday. thrge of the Sunday School teachers. Elwood Maclean. Orville Knight and PM]- ip Brown, took their pupils on a skating paxjty. Mr. and Mrs. B. Mountjoy and family. formerly of Sussex Ave. and now living in Blackstock, were surprised last Saturday ev- ening when a group of 25 adults and children, former neighbours on Sussex Avenue and No. 7 highWay, arrived at their resi- dence in Blackstock. During the evening, they were presented with a farewell gift of two wool blankets from the group. Mr and Mrs. J. Johnstone. Es- sex Avenue had as their week- end guests. Mrs Freda Watt and 5011 David formerly of Sussex Avenue and now living in Scar- boro The Evening Mission Circle met last Thursday evening and the main business was the elec- tion of officers for the coming year. Those elected were presiâ€" dent, Mrs. Marritt; vice presi- dent, Mrs. Weavers; secretary. Mrs. LeMasurier; treasurer, Mrs. Eagleson; social convenor, Mrs. Loverock; sewing committee, Mrs. Spenceley, Mrs. Mark. Mrs. Green; pianist. Mrs. Coghili. The usual social hour was held after the business session. One of the Sunday School tea- chers. Miss Mabel Baker, of Scott Drive, was injured last Saturday while on a tobogganing party and is now in the Toronto Western Hospital with undetermined back injuries. Baptist Church News Add Years to flu lift of the engine; Keen on! dirt and abrasives. Complete for most Ford and Chev. .. n n: SUPSBOYI. 10-30 Pun Pennsylvcnla ll 1):. sup-dun" now Winter-Summer Heavy Duty Oil. SUPEZEOYL 10-30 ll as iron-flowing as the lightest loâ€"W Whaler all In zero wodhor . . . pnvonll cold all "engine drug". ‘19! It gives lull-bathed pro- rocuon of SAE 30 on honor! summer days. .SUPERO‘IL 10-30 qlvol premium qm performance in regular grade qcrs. The hlqh detergency level of Heavy Duty SUPBROYL 10-30 maker u the period lubricant let all curl. regradlou 0! ago or audition. SAVE smut Motor Master VJ. 100 + Heavy Duty Motii}T Oil Clum- nn I! lybrlccnel â€" Elknhwtu valve-[mot sucking. Reï¬ned from 100% Pure Pennsylvania and iorï¬ï¬‚ed with cmofnlly selected high detox-gentry additives. Savo $1 on Ivery on charge. NUGOLD MOTOR (Ill. _. or. .28 FAST-FLOW OIL FILTER ï¬at/mm m WWW? _ xiii-1+2 .’ TILE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, January 31 81.95 P e r ! o e f "plume!!! Oor all can and trucks. A new ï¬lter will pro- ted your englne. FILTER CARTRIDGE .10 RICHMOND HILL, YONGE ST. N. TU. 4-1125 A‘ '72? Doors - Sash - Frames $3 Mouldings - Plywood - Wallboards {if Paints - Garage Doors - Hardwood Flooring over )5 yen: expert-nee In the Better Shop: In Toronto Free Estimates " AV. 5-1682 Butler 8: Iain! lumber Ltd. 25 Yonge St. "i RICHMOND I!“ TUrner ‘4-1 196 HOME BUILDER EQarry Everything For The Time Payment Plan Available .89 WI FEATURE Pre-Fit Window Units 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD RECOVERED Far as low as $65.00 (Including materials) $ Year Guarantee $10.00 Down - 2 Years to Pay Special Prices on Commercial Work A. SMITH UPHOLSTERING Rem ave: vat", varnish and dirt from cavbmeâ€" var, fuel pump and gun 233;. ........ -98 FLOOR SANDER TO RENT Carburetor Conditioner .99 QT. .37 , GAL 1.49 .98 S-GAL DRUM Presmn on foo! m- trol cleans window in Ietonds, given ("Namath clear viskm. Easy to install I QUART WINDSHIELD WASHER .89 GAL. AV. 5-3506 , 1957 9 5.50