Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Jan 1957, p. 10

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10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January fillffififfifiAFA®W§mfi®W§§§W§§§§§§Ifi Licensed Mechanic Repairs To All Makes Of Cars Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups fir Texaco Products <3; Towing Service ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-1773 ‘ 1'. krillrtrtxtltxttxffix’llllllll) I‘D ollars and Sense” Richmond Hill Branch: H. C. Powell You’ll find it much easier to keep an accurate record of your current expenses when you have a Current Account. When you pay all bills by cheque on'your Current Account, you receive back. at the end of each month, all your cancelled cheques as well as a bank statement showing every withdrawal and every deposit you have made. Furthermore, they are much easier to file away than receipts and take less room to store. With them and your bank statements, you'll find it far easier to get an exact picture of how you spend your money. So it’s a good move to use a Current Account for paying all current billsâ€"and keep your Savings Account for actual savings. lAYING PROGRAM Get Better-Than-Ever Egg Production Orchid Show YORK PARMERS' 0 MARKET o Stop 15, Yonge St, at Thomhill THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE OPEN EVERY SATURDAY - 7.30 mm. to 5.30 p.111. The Brampton Rotary Club and The Telegram invite you to enjoy a unique midâ€"winter floral treat. One hundred knapsand exotically beautiful orchids will be on display in the Dale greenhouses. Don"! miss this exciting tron! For details see this Saturday's Weekend Tely It’s Spring in February AT THE WORLD‘S LARGEST How can YOU benefit from having a Current Account? ON THE DALE ESTATE, BRAMPTON Sunday, Feb. Famous For Fresh Produce OUR GARAGE NW-32( W. I. Euchre W. I. Lucnre , Friday evening of last week saw the second euchre game of the Winter Series, at Buttonville Hall. There were 17 tables of players, and prizes were won by Mrs. Helen Cowling. who was high player for the evening, Mrs. Douglas Brown, Mrs. O. Denby; Messrs. Russell Burr. James Weir and Chester Weir. The ireezeout winners were Mr. Alex Young. Mrs. Ada Hood, Mrs. Walton and Mrs. Adam Brown. Following play, hot-dogs and, coffee were served by the hostesses: Mrs. Charles Hooper, Mrs. Russell Boyington, 'Mrs. G. Francy and Mrs. Walton. The next party is scheduled for Friday. February 8. Official School Opening .,,, 1.-.... In ulc a: I'M. Sympathy of the comunity is extended to Mrs. S. R. Patterson. whose eldest brother died sud- denly at Strathroy, on Monday of this week. It is Only a few weeks since Mrs. Patterson lost her mother. We are deeply sorry. Davidson Mission Band Prizes for Junior Harmony Christmas card sales were pre- sented to Darlene Brumwell and Janet Craig, who tied for first; Margaret Patterson. 2nd; John Rodick, 3rd: and honourable mention to Nancy Cunningham, Joy Fuller and Mary Hooper. These young people sold a total of $521.00 worth of Christmas cards, with a net profit of $168.14. Mrs. English presented the prizes, and thanked salesmen and customers alike for their effprts. Friday, February 1, has been set for the official opening of Thornhiil High School, and local residents will wish to visit their secondary school. The evening should be of interest to everyone in the area. ..,_ x- ya I luuv- ..__~-,_, The January meeting of the Davidson Mission Band opened with the retiring president, Betty Patterson. in the chair. The min- utes of the previous meeting were read and approved and the treas- urer's report was read by Janet Oakes. Luatulllvnu v“... -V. ...-_V -__,, Mr. A. C. Huston spoke briefly to the children, and Mrs. Wilfred Turner told an illustrated story Feeding the 5000. Using a special service. Mrs. W. Rodick, W.M.S. president, in- stalled the officers for 1957. Sen- dra Burr played a piano solo. Folowing the meeting, refresh- ments were served by the leaders, Mrs. S. J. English and.Mrs. Wil- fred Turner, assisted by the members. , Library Teas Library Teas , New books have been pur- chased for Unionville Library, and as in other years, the Library Board has planned two teas, one for Feb. 2, and a second for Feb. 9, when all those interested in good reading are invited to come to the Library to view the new selections, have a cup of tea, chat with friends and join up for 1957. Come along, you will be glad you did. Buttonville School children had a‘holiday on Monday of this Week, when Mr. Murray Roberts wag ill. We hope it is nothing senous. Toronto Centre Presbyterill Brown's Corners W.M.S. mem- bers attended their last Presby- terial meeting as members of To- ronto Centre Presbyterial when they were present fo the Annual meeting, which was h 1d on Tues- day of last wek at Willowdaie United Church. The inaugural meeting of York Presbyterial was held on Tuesday of this week in Richmond Hill \United Church and charges north of No: 7 High- way are included in it. Attending the Willowdale meet- ing were Miss Nancy Spears, Mrs. H. A. Roberts, Mrs. A. C. Huston, Mrs Ross Hord, Mrs Wm. Rodick. Mrs Edgar Fullpr. Mrs Douglas Hood and.Mrs. 13‘. Leaf. DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK NATIONAL HEALTH WEEK Feb. 8rd ‘- 9th Once more your Health De- partment joins with the Health League of Canada . during this week in drawing special attention to Health. CRUSADE FOR HEALTH JOIN THE CRUSADE CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H Only through individual and group action combined can we hope to reduce the amount of preventable ill- ness and suffering which yearly drains the resources of individuals, municipalities and the Nation as a whole. Don't wait for illness wheth- er physical, mental or social, to attack you and yours. 31. 1957 CORRESPONDENT x I. B. 2 Gormley â€"- P1! BUTTONVILLE NEWS â€"- Phone AXmlnner 3-6188 Annual Meeting -â€" Brown’s Corners United Church Brown's Corners United Church had a successful year according to reports tabled for the annual meeting, 1 ,J Following a pot luck supper which was well attended by mem- bers and adherents of the con- gregation,‘ Rev. A. C. Huston con- ducted the meeting, with approxiâ€" mately 50 present. ,4 .. The printed report was dis- tributed, -and showed that with a resident membership of 88 (total membership 143) there was a total of $8,384.40 raised for all purposes during 1956. This com- pares favourably with wealthier Toronto charges, on a per capita basis. ’ A point was raised during the meeting, as to whether adherents may act on the church board. Mr. Huston stated that non~members may serve on the boagd of Stew- ards, but not on the Session. alua, uuu llvv v" ...- _,“_ Retiring Stewards are Messrs. Milton Sherman, Walter Craig, Chas. Turner, William Palmer, Stewards font 1957 are Chairman, Wm. Rodick; Members, Ross Hord, W. J. Spears._}’V. Eruinweil, 1101“, H. U. My ya--. . E. Fuller, Wm. Hood, Harola Steffler, Robert Hood Wilfred Turner. James Miller Rnggnl‘ Burr, Jim Rogiick- Mljs W. Craig. Clerk for the Session for 19b? is N. R. Reid; members of Ses- sion are Messrs. John Donald- son. L. A. Hood, Aubrey Stephen- son D. E. Hood, J. E. Brown. Cline Burr. Wm Rodick Mr. John Brown is Recording Secretary. as in the past, and W. A. Craig is Treasurer. Audi- tors for 1957 are Misses Margar- et Hood and Bertie Carruthers. During 1956 the new heating system was installed in the church and storm windows were added to some windows In part these expenses were met by gifts from anonymous donors. There was discussion regarding the date for Anniversary Serv- ices, and the first Sunday in May was officially decided upon. With regard to further Build- ing or Improvement plans, a spe- cial meeting has been called for Monday, March 4, at which time comparison facts and figures will be given for approximate costs of adding to the present premises or securing new property and starting a new building. Action is imperative, for already the Sunday School is overcrowded. Socials Mr. J. C. McKendry arrived home from St. Michael’s Hospi- tal on Saturdayrafternoon. Brian and Shirley Empring- ham, twin babies of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Empringham, were christ- ened at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill on Sun- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Britnell entertained relatives and friends at the christening tea at their home following the ceremony. Missing . In the Gormley Institute area, three Dresden Plate quilt blocks. Will the lady or ladies who had these to finish please phone the quilt convenor at Gormley 5431 as soon as possible? The W.I. la- dies would like to quilt on Wedâ€" nesday, February 6, at the home of Mrs. W. C. Noble. Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan and Georgina of Dundalk, and Mrs. Harry Lyon and John of Shelburne spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs A. Doner and Mr. and Mrs. C. Milsted. Mrs. 'W Henderson and girls spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Scharbach and family of Mid- land. Mrs. Peter Brillinger is con- fined to bed following a recent fall and sick spelL sons having claims against the Estate of MARGARET GRACE McNAIR, late of the Townshio of Markham, in the County of York Spinster, who died on or about the 24th day of September 1956, are required to forward details of the same, together with due proof thereof. to the undersigned Administrator, on or before the 22nd day of February, 1957. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS TAKE KNOTI_C_E that all per- After that date, the Adminisâ€" trator will proceed to distribute the Estate, having regard only to such claims of which he shall then have notice. DATED at Richmond Hill, this 29th day of January, 1957 STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS To Customer Specifi- cations FINDER BROSJTD. GEORGE T. MCNAIR, Administrator. by his Solicitors, NEWMAN 8: NEWMAN. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING GORMLEY NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Chas. Milsted Phone Gormley 520] 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 The congregational meeting of Temperancevllle Church will be held on February 6 at 8 pm. Sunday School attendance was most gratifying last Sunday. Ap- preciation is extended to the par- ents of all present and it is hoped to have even larger attendance in the future. Church ilfiega - LgugA.‘ ,2 VII...- win" v... ...... Rev. M. R. Jenkinson of King will be guest speaker at the Tem- peranceville United Church ser- vice at 7.30 pm. on Sunday, Febâ€" ruary 3. Mission Band will be held at 1.30 pm. on Saturday in the Sunday school rooms. Miss Mer- ilyn Annand is the newly ap- pointed‘ superintendent. , -:_-I_n_ ...:n k- 01.... Pu... . V, Miss Patsy Macklin will be the pianist for the Sunday School for the month of February. Miss Don- na Jennings has ”“1 in that cap- acity during January. W.A. and _w.M.$. The W.A. and W.M.S. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Norman Rumble on Thursday afw ternoon with 17 present. The de- votional period'for the W.A. was taken by Mrs. Lorne Cunning- ham who read an article on the origin of the hymn “Oh God Our Help in Ages Past" written by Isaac Watts. ,Mrs. Jack Macklin read the scripture while Mrs. A1- bert Folliptt led in prayer. My: .. - ..77, A meeting is to be held in St. Andrew's United Church. Mark- ham. on Feb. 12 at 10.30 am. for .the purpose of forming a York Presbytery quap's Association. A ......,_ W. During the business period. it was decided. to send $1.00 per member to the Victor Home for Girls. Films for church use cost- ing $5.00 for the year will be ob- tained and used for Junior Con- gregation. Mrs. C. Beynon and Mrs. F. Boys were appointed to act on the parsonage committee for Temperanceville. The annual meeting of Toronto Centre Presbytery W.A. will be held Feb. 1 at 10 am. in Eglin~ ton United Churchn »Mr. Ewart Jennings attended the short course on Farm Econ- omics at Newmarket on January 24 and 25. Skating Party Farmers skating party in Aurora on January 25 were Misses Clara Herrema, Donna Jennings, Ruth Beynon, Bob Beynon (the presi- dent), Garret Herrema and Peter _Vanderpost. The group enjoyed lunch and games at the home of the president after their invigor- Rting skating session. 'HVVU The Presbyterial Young Peop- le‘s skating party will be held at Queensville. Socials Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ash of Foxboro were week-end guests STOP 24 YONGE ST. , SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTOR, B. I». 3. KING ~. Phone 1‘0. 4-3059 Here’s the long and the short of it A GENERAL MOTORS VALU’ TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS - flilfllillifli/M/ Rich-Hill Motors Ltd. Whether you want a lot of truck in my size . . . whether you need the power and pull of a big tandem or the speedy efficiency of a 1/2-ton pick-up, you’ll find that GMC, as usual, 1': your wisest choice.Yes, large or small, or anywhere in between, GMC ofl'ers you the world’s largest choice of carrying capacities, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hare. Miss Joan Hare spent from Friday to Sunday visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Turner and Patti. The W.I. euchre prizes for the ladies were donated by Mrs. D. Clark of Richmond Hill. Winners were: Mrs. Everett Phillips, Mrs. nred Hare Mrs. B. Benjamin. Jack Macklin, Wilbert Jennings, E Clark. Mrs. Alvin Wideman of Ottawa (Ruth Jennings) was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jennings last week. She attended the euchre and chatted with many of her Temperanceville frienus. Greetings to Nancy Jennings. daughter of Mr. and M15. Ewart Jennings who celebrated her 7th birthday on Tuesday, Januay .. Nancv and her guests had a won- derful time. ’ Those present were Jackie and Susan lnman,, Donna and Sharon dell. Ann Paxton, Diana and Johnny Jennings and Christine Nissen. Twenty-two persons were pres- ent at the demonstration party at the home of Mrs. Stella Plax- ton. The proceeds will be don- ated to the W.I. funds. STUART PAXTON NWWWW WIRING LINE WORK Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of Henry Hoover, Deceased. All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of Henry Hoover, deceased. late of the Township of King, in the County of York, who died on or about the 7th day of March, 1955. are herebv notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 3lst day of March, 1957. After which date, the assets of the above mentioned estate will be distribute among the per- sons entitled thereto having re- gard only to claims of which the administrators shall then have notice. DATED this 23rd day of Januâ€" ary, 1957. WILLIAM‘H. C. BAILEY, Esq., ‘ Aurora, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrators Phone TUmer 4-2881 Electrician power, axles, transmissions. YOu name it . . . GMC has it. Naturally, you’ll want to get yodr new GMC Money: Maker soon. Right now, in fact, is the best and most economical time to do it. So what’s our advice to anyone who wants to save on trucking costs? See your GMC dealerâ€"now! AND LIST OUT-OF-TOWN NUMBERS OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS Phone or ask for a FREE copy at'any Telephone Business Office. We have It in regular orlpocket size. Need a new Blue Book? THE Bill TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA (as Well as local) in your Blue Book TEL. AV. 5-4351

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