Mrs. Robert A. Kirk, Mrs. Adam Read. Mrs. James Will- iams and Mrs. R. E. Middleton attended the anuai meting of the Toronto Centre Presbytery Wo- man’s Association of the'United Church of Canada on February 1, at Eglinton United Church, Toronto. Mrs. G. S. Gardener the president was in charge of the meeting. Mr. Wm. N. Find- y was organist and soloist was rs.:rW. J. Baylis. Formerly of Gerrard 3mm Work guaranteed. Free satin-ï¬es Following thé i’norning session, Rev. Dr. Edward Cragg, minis- Annual Meeting If your fuel oil bills seem to be gradually (Sometimes suddenly) increasing above normal, may we suggest that you inspect your furnace through the ï¬re door or inspection port for excessive soot deposits. If So, call HERRIDGE ELECTRIC Heating Bills High ? DID YOU KNOW? This is an opportunity to establish yourself in sales work with unlimited opportunities for the fu- ture. on the furnace heat exchanger means We require three representatives for the territor- ies of Richmond Hill and Thornhilf. 145 Main Street, Newmarket, Ontario PIANO TUNING and Repairing S. Hoffman Over 25 um expert-nee In the Better Shop: tn Toning Free Estimates AV. 5-1682 Applicants should be neat in appearance, have good education and be between 23 and 40. Reply in own hand to: Efficiency Reduced 25% Phone Liberal OM00 TUrner 4-1105 53 Yonge St. N. CAREER OPPORTUNITY Excellent ï¬nancial arrangements. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETOR Telephone Maple 130!!! CHESTER CLEANERS AND DYERS LADIES’ DRESSES February Dry Cleaning Sale RECOVERED For as low as $65.00 (Including materials) 5 Year Guarantee $10.00 Down - 2 Years to Pay Special Prices‘ on Commercial Work A. SMITH UPHOLSTERING 1I8" 0f Soot MR. A. J. MEEHAN, oil furnace Serviceman ' TU. 4-3211 anytime GENTS’ SUITS For Pick-up and Delivery phone TU. 4-1601 The-’9‘ 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD MA _ __ AA_-_â€".â€"â€" CARRVILLE NEWS FUEL OIL 99c Bob McEwen entertained the young men of Carrville United Church congregation at his home on Wednesday evening. There was a business meeting and then some games were played. Following this, lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton, Mr. and Mrs.,David Barton and Bon- nie and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mid- dleton and Gretta and Nancy Middleton attended a surprise birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ash at Edge- ley. in honour of Jim Ash. Others present were Mrs. John Ash, Mr. and 'Mrs. Percy Ash, Concord, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mitchell. Wes- ton.. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash, Edgeley. The evening, was spent in playing euchre. Winners were Don Mitchell, Mrs. Chas. Ash, Jack Barton, Mrs. J. Barton and Chas. Ash. Social Notes ter at Eglinton United Church administered the rite of Holy Communion. Following the lun- cheon the guest 5 peaker was Mrs. V. W. Kinsman, president of Dominion Council Woman’s Association. Surprise l’grty v . â€". lid .,,," GENTS’ TROUSERS LADIES’ SKIRTS LADIES’ BLOUSES LADIES’ SWEATERS LADIES’ SLACKS Board of Stewards: For three years: Mrs. L. Mumberson, Mrs. N. Snider, Harvey Collard and David Houck. For two years: Gordon McWhirter, Carl Walker, Following is a list of church officers for‘ 1957: Board of Session: Rolph Boyn- ton, Gordon Mortson, William Orr, Douglas Gee; Heber Mc- Cague and Stanley Boynton. Cllerk of Session, Louis L. Nich- o s. Building Supplies LIMITED RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1851 AV. 5-3941 Comunity Hall February 13. Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meeting of Victoria Square Un- ited Church was held January 29. It was preceded by a potluck supper. Rev. iA. Huston‘ was in the chair. Douglas Gee acted as secretary. Reports from the var- ious organizations were handed ou'é. in book form. which showed an increase in every department. Total regident active members 127. Two wre removed from the roll by transfer, one by marriage. Seven were added to the roll in 1956, ï¬ve by profession of faith and two by certiï¬cate from other churches. Richmond Hill uuvnn v There were 15 tables of players at the euchre in the Community Hall Wednesday evening. Prize winners were: Mrs. Allison, Mrs. Wilford. Mrs. Andrew Forson, W. J. Muirhead. Harry Forster, John McCague. Freeze-out Philip Will- ows and W. J. Muirhead. Harry Forster and Bill Sandie. The next euchre will be held in, the Gifford, Mr. Bruce Empringham. and Mr. Victor Britnell. The 'godparenls for Shirley were: Miss Marigold Browu. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gillespie. Following the cere- mony about 50 friends and rela- tives enjoyeda reception at Chitâ€" church Farms, the home,of Mr. and Mrs. R. Britnell, grandpar- ents of the twins. The occasion was also the birthday of Mr.. Britnell. Euchre There were 15 tables_of players We are sorry to near 0; me av cident that befell Miss Marjorie Barber while she was tobogan- ning at St. George’s Golf and Country Club at Islington on Saturday evening, January 26 Marjorie had the misfortune to suffer a fractured spine in three places, also a dislocated foot. She is in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Tor- nto.‘ Her address is: Room 224. A speedy recovery is wished for |her. Christening . ,5 ï¬L:..IA‘v Tag“ Unnswums . Brian Harry a d Shirley Joan twin babies of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Empringham. were chrisL ened on Sunday, January 27, at 4 pm. by Rev. A. A. Chote in St. Mary’s nglican Church, Richmond Hill. The godparents for Brian were: Miss Anne Mc- Gifl'nrd. Mr. Bruce Empringham. Tobogganing I 49c FAMOUS READING ANTH RACITE ? Buy it. ..:ave fuel dollars . . . gel comfofluble heal. RED TRADEMARKED CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandie. Vietbrln Scum Telephone GormJey 5421 _ H. Jones VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Accident y to hear of the ac- efell Miss Marjorie she was tobogan- George's Golf and ) at Islington on lKen Stiff Furs ’Specialize in Custom Fur Coa! 'designs. We also carry a larg- st0ck of tuna: UP ms A very impressive Youth Ser- vice was held in the Victoria Square United Church on Sunâ€" day evening. The guest speaker was Mr. Elly Bradley, who is a graduate in engineering, now a student in Theology, at Emman- uel College, Toronto. The young people occupied the choir. Miss Margaret Jnes was guest so-' oist. Following the service, they met in the Sunday School room for a ‘social half hour. LIMITED 2 STORES Richvalo - Stop 21A Yong. an. Branch 1758-60 Avenue ï¬end Main Store A large experienced stat! d experienced Furriers to handle repairs and restyling muskrat to mini-L Main Store 1738-60 Avenue Rd. RU. 1-9173 _ Bxanch mchnlo - sxop 21A Yong. 9!. AV. 5-4172 On February 11, there 'will be a meeting in the Sunday School room for teachers and officers of the Sunday School. Rev. Elmer Leaker, ‘B.D., Toronto, frm the United Church headquarters in Toronto. ‘ Sewing Bee Miss Mae Sanderson and Miss Lever of Richmond Hill spent Sunday with Miss Mabel San- derson. Youth Service A number of ladies held a sewing bee in the Sunday school room on Wednesday and'l‘hurs- day of last w‘eek When they made curtains for the Sunday schol room. ~ Neighbourhood Notes Miss Olive Williams of Mark- ham is visiting with Mis Mabel Sanderson for a few days. We were pleased to see that Mr. Ralph Boynton Was able to attend Sunday schol and church on Sunday, following his recent illnesg. Birthday greetings to Miss Ma- rion Nichols for February 8; to Mrs. Stanley Boynton for Feb- ruary 11. to Norman Ge who will be seven years old on February 12; to Terry Hart wha will be seven on Febuary 13. Friends were sorry to hear that Mrs. Wm. Wilson had the misfortune to fall in her home recently and break one of her legs in two places. She is in East Genral Hospiteal, Toronto. Her adress is Rom 382. A speedy re- covery is wished for her. Prices arehreasonable â€" quot- nons invited. The Sr. Women’s Institute is holding a community party in the Community Hall February 11. Miss Eelanor Syrcuse of Toronto will help with the program. There will also be a play “Silence Please". Sunday School Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mortson entertained a number of their fn'ends and neighbours at a sac- ial evening on Monday of last week. Misses Barbara Harrison and Karen Chadwick attended Miss Sandra Jean Chadwick’s eighth birthday on Saturday. The Februar meeting of the W.A. will be he (1 in the Sunday school room February 13 at 8 pm. Mrs. Garnet Francy will show slides. Institute Party ALL WORK AND MATERIAL GUARANTEED Mrs. A. Huston. Mrs. H. Mc- Cague. Mrs. H. Joyce, Mrs. H. Collard, Mrs. S. DeFoe, Miss Ma- bel Sanderson and Mrs. S. Boyn- ton attended the WA. contention of the Toronto Centre Presby- terial held in Eglinton United Church on Friday. The February meeting of the W.MS will be held Wednesday February 13 at 2.30 pm. at the home of Mrs Westbrook: Re- ports o_f the Toront Centre Pres- byterial held at Willwdale and of the formation of the new Pres- byterial of York, will be given. Mrs. A. Huston, Mrs. H. Mc- Cague. Mrs. G. Joyce, Mrs. W. Orr, Mrs. R. Boynton, Miss Mabel Sanderson, Mrs Brand, Mrs. H. Acreman. Mrs. H. Deveill. Mrs. R. Perkins attended the meeting at Richmond Hill on Tuesday of last week when the W.M.S. of the new resbytery of York was formed. M. & M. committe: Mrs. W. Orr, Mrs. D. Gee, Mrs. Cécil Ni- chols, treasurer. Auditors: Miss Joy Mortson,» Ms. John Buchan- an. Chairman of the Manse com- mitte: Mr. Carl Walker. W.M.S. Lloyd Beatty, Herman Mortson. For one year: Fraser Gee, Clar- ence Steckley, Douglas Parsons. Earl Empringham. Retiring this year: Allan Orr, V Westbrook Rei_d Brumwell, L. Mumberson. Church ushers: Roy Glover, Arnold Mortson, Wm. Sandle, Harold Hill. Recording Secretary: Douglas Gee. Lay representative to Pres- bytery: Louis Nichols. Treasurer: Fraser Gee. Trustee Board: Harvey Collard, Stanley Boynton, Rolph Boynton, Louis Nichols, Herman Mrtson, Luis Stoutenburg. Fraser Gee, William Orr. Frank Brumwell, Cecil Nichols. Heber McCague, Reid Brumwell. KEN STIFF Nominating committee for 1957: Douglas Parsons Earl Em- plingham, Mrs. G. McWhirter. Mabel Sanderson, Nelson Boyn- ton. "Mm Here's GREAT NEWS for the home-hobby enthusiast! The New Answell Pre~Hung Uni-Door is a factory built packaged unit, consisting of two properly trimmed iamb sections, with the door ALREADY HUNG, and the lock-set attached. Answell NO. 7 HIGHWAY AT DUFFERIN STREET Frame trimmed both sides with clear white. wood or basswood casing High quality cylindrical lock-set already installed Door carefully pry-ï¬tted and hinged to iomb Precision made from kiln dried lumber Mahogany or birch stab door New AnSWell Pre-lwng “Any handyman or “Do-It-Yourself†enthusiast can easily install an Answell Pre-Hung Uni-Door in minutes. A hammer and a level are the only tools needed. The ï¬nished door is guaranteed to ï¬t and will look like a professional job.’ LUMBER 8: BUILDING SUPPLIES THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, February 7, 1957 Telephone AVenue 5-1161 Endorsed by Peter W’hittall, T.V.‘s “MR. FIXIT“ INSTAllS ,OUICKlY - EASILY! SAVES TIME & lABOUR TOOKS MORE ATTRACTIVE HTS BETTER Limited CONCORD