; School Area Financial , Report Shows Balance Teachers' salaries amounted to $229,003.49 last year; plant op- eration and maintenance $64,~ 433.61: administration $13,763.00; transportation $7,623.00; bank interest $2,449.24. From the building fund payments on the proposed new school on Mill Rd. were $20,237.86, other buildings accounted for $11.905.72. Re- ceipts for the year in the build- ing fund were $39,434.27. New construction during the year for the area schools includ- ed new blackboards in two rooms in Thornhill Public School and The Board of Trustees of Town- ship School Area 1 Markham and Vaughan received the $400,069.- 85 ï¬nancial report for 1956 at their regular meeting on Tues- day night in the Thornhill Pub- lic School. Treasurer A. W. R. Doan presented the report which showed the Board had a balance of $18,753.14 in current funds and a balance of $1,750.27 in the building fund on January 1. Dr. Doan commented on the budget, "In viewing the current balance we should take into considera- tion the approximate 1,767 stud- ents in the area, the balance will then be on a par per student with that in rural areas.†Dr. Dean said further, “For the ï¬rst time we received a bill from Markham Township for the mun- icipal auditors’ report, it is $150. We also have a bill for $200. from Vaughan Township for the mun- icipal auditor's report, as usual.†Dr. Doan said two auditors work~ ed for two days at the school on the books. and one auditor for ï¬ve days, and the ï¬nal reports were compiled in the auditor's own offices. CARPETINGS, TWISTS, ORIENTALS AND FINE UPHOLSTERY may now be safely cleaned and revived with consideration for their life and textures -â€" Dura- cleaning restores resilience to wool ï¬bres â€"â€" Pile unmats and rises â€"â€" Colors revive â€" Furnish- ings are Duracleaned in your home -â€" No inconvenience in having them done â€" Also moth proofed if desired. HAND CLEANING AT IT’S BEST For DISCRIMINATING HOME LOVERS No shrinkage or broken threads â€"- Due to harsh scrubbing or sat- uration of fabrics â€"â€" Wall to wall carpeting a specialty â€" Furnish- ings can be in use a few hours after cleaning. AMERICAN DURACLEANERS RICHMOND HILL LIONS’ RAH. Monday, Feb. 11 Sheppard Ave. E., Willowdale SALESMEN WA N T E D Let our success be your suc- cess. Our tremendous ever increasing volume of busi- ness necessitates our im~ mediate appointment of ad- ditional staff in both our busy Thornhiii and Rich~ mond Hill ofl‘ices. Neat ap~ nearing, career minded and energetic men of good character will be accepted. For conï¬dentiai interviews call Mr. Carlisle AV. 5-1176. evenings AV. 5-2742. DAVID McLEAN Licensed Mechanic Repairs To All Makes 0! Cars Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups 1": Texaco Products {3 Towing ELGIN MILLS TU Bldg. 7 - Bayview Court PHONE BA. 1-0212 DAY OR NIGHT BURT KERLEY, Mgr. LIMITED OUR GARAGE Principal Sand also asked the Board to add $28.81 to the ï¬re insurance program of the area for this year to cover. the personal property of the teaching staff. On motion of Trustee Hicks, second- ed by Trustee Bick this was done. Music instructor John Martin will receive ï¬nancial assistance to attend a music convention in Atlantic City, N.J.. this spring. As previously' agreed by the Board, Mr. Martin receives as- sistance towards his convention expenses every other year, pay- ing them himself otherwise. Maintenance Supervisor Present He aiso presented the a new drinking fountain Powell Road School, at This item was approved Board. Supegvising Principal E. T. Sand was present and announced the spelling contest on the In- spectorate level will be held on Thursday evening at 7:30 in the Thornhlll Public School. A point regarding whether Workmen’s Compensation covered the custodial staff of the area while they were acting as traffic guards was discussed and it was decided that it did. as they were ,on official school business. Trus- tee Taylor asked that the guards be requested always to wear their special garments in order to be highly ‘visible to motorists. Mr. Downing also mentioned that the police frOm both town- ships were carrying out spot checks on the traffic crossings more frequently, as requested by‘ Mr. Sand. Meredith Subdivision Following the Tuesday night meeting Chairman Ladell called an Education committee meeting to begin discussion on salary ne~ gotiatlons with the teaching staff for 1957. Trustee Taylor also announced a Public Relations committee meeting for next Monday even- ing. Supervising Principal Reports Five committees will function for the Board this year. Trustee Nathan Hicks will head the Prop- erty and Planning; Trustee Roy Bick, Finance; Chairman W. A. Ladell, Education; Trustee Jack- son Taylor, Public Relations; Trustee Allan Parker, Health, Recreation and Safety. The en- tire board will serve on each committee with three members forming a quorum at any one time. The chairman is an ex-offic- i0 member of all committees. Maintenance Supervisor W. Downing was present and asked the Board to please come to some agreement regarding the pension plan for the custodial staff as soon as possible. The maintenance supervisor mentioned all necessary repairs to the pipes at Thornhill Public School had been attended td‘. These occurred during the ex- tremely cold weather. The mo- tor at POWell Road School also failed during the very cold wea- ther but it happened at 2:30 pm. on a Friday and was repaired by Monday so no school time was lost, It is understood the Board is planning no new building in re- gard to the Meredith subdivision recently approved by Vaughan Township. According to Chair- man Ladell, it. is felt, from the size of subdivision planned, the Charles Howitt school can accom- modate any children from the subdivision. two in Langstaff Public School New Committees 9.17 am. 6.12 pm. 1:11.37 a.m. y 8.37 am. x 2.37 pm. 12.47 am. x - to B'racebridge y - to Barrie Additional Service to Newmarket and Beaverton “Standard Time†ROUND TRIP FARES between TORONTO and BUFFALO ......... $6.30 NEW YORK . . . . . . $24.25 CHICAGO . . . . . . . . . $24.15 MONTREAL . . . . . . . $16.40 O'I'I‘AWA .......... $12.90 Tickets & Information at 0, NO DRIVING WORRIES ‘ NO PARKING TROUBIES 0 FARES ARE [OW Leave Richmond Hill TO NORTH BAY CITIES SERVICE STATION Phone TU. 4-0001 You ’ll Enjoy Going Anywhere . . . by Bus Towing Service TU. 4-1773 cost of for the $85.00. by the The members took the prelim- inary steps in preparing a by-law which will outline the terms of employment for Commission em- ployees. Such matters as work- ing conditions, rate of renumer- ation, sick leave and annual leave were discussed. A list of equipâ€" ment owned by the Commission was also compiled. Available of- ï¬ce space to be rented by the Commission in the new munici- pal building was inspected by the members. The actual amount of rent to be paid to the munici- pality has yet to be set. Indica- tions are that the Hydro will oc- cupy oï¬ice space on the ground floor of the new building. Secretary B. Ellis was instruct- ed to secure prices from the Bell Telephone Company on the cost of setting up an emergency phone service, connected with the homes of the afterâ€"hours line- men for emergency senvice. At present all emergency calls- re- ceived after hours are handled by the Ontario Hydro. It was the unanimous feeling of the Com- mission that this emergency sys- tem should be set up as quickly as possible. The members are in full con- tact with town officials regard- ing the sale of the outstanding $125,000 hydro debenture issue. It is hoped the municipality very shortly will be successful in its efforts to sell this outstanding debenture issue. - The Commis- sion‘are holding meetings in pre- partion to tabling the 1957 hydro budget some time in February. on a proposed job classiï¬cation form prepared by the Personnel Committee of the Town Council. The new form if sanctioned by the Town Council will be put in force for all town employees.- The Personnel Committee had quer- ied the Hydro Commission on the possibility of the Commission using a similar form for hydro employees. Representatives of the Ontario Hydro will meet with the Com- mission on February 14 in order to discuss problems associated with the operation of a local Hydroâ€"Electric Commission. All the members were in attendance for the meeting which include Chairman Douglas DingWall, and Commission members“ Mr. Sam Cook and Mayor William Neal. Secretaryâ€"treasurer Brydon Ellis was also in attendance. In an informative session last Monday, members of Vaughan Council learned the differentia- tion of the terms “mistake†and “omission" when used in regards to architects and .‘their plans. A representative of the ï¬rm of Shore and Moï¬at, architects for the new township office at Maple. met with council to “clarify†the architects’ stand on the question of extras. Mr. D. Blenkhorn stated that an omission was some- thing'which the customer has not paid for and which has been mis- sed in the plan. A mistake, on the other hand, is something which has been paid for and mis- sed on the plan, he explained. He explained that the contingen- cy clause allows for such things as might-he ovenlooked in the plan but added that the previous council had eliminated this clause to save money. At the Richmond Hill Hydro Commission meeting held Thurs- day of last week members de~ cided to delay the ï¬nal decision At a previous meeting at which the architect was strongly criti- cized by council, it was felt that things like doors should not be forgotten in the plans. Council was fully aware that extras or changes that they made were naturally chargeable. Mr. Blenk- horn cited a number of examples where thingstight be overlook- ed on the drawing board and had to be added as extras ‘later on. Hydro Commision Discusses Set-Up Difference Between Mistake & Omission Says Arghitect Lay Pians ComingYear R. H. United Church The Annual Congregational Meeting of the Richmond Hill United Church, was held on Jan- uary 30th, with a record atten- dance by the members. After partaking of the din- ner prepared and served by ladies of the Evening Group cf the WA. â€" a vote of thanks to the ladies was proposed by Mr. Dickson Miller on, behalf of thoseApresent. Following the Doxologyâ€"and Prayer by Mr. Ralph Kerslake, the election of Recording Stew- arde resulted in the appointment of Mr. Ralph Wood. Mr. P. Schell introduced the guest speaker, the Rev, J. Arnold. of the Fairbank United Church, who was thanked for his enlight- For the musical interlude, two solos were contributed by Mrs. R. P. RobbinS, with Mr. H. Fow- ler as accompanist. ening son. Proceedingâ€" with the‘ year’s business, the-Minutes were adop- ted as read. In Memoriam was observed by two minutes of silence and pray- er with the Rev C. G. Higginsan reading the names of the 26 members that had passed on to their‘ï¬nal reward during 1956. Elders to serve a term 01 three years comprised: Mr. P. E Angle, Mr. J. R. Herrington, MI F. W. Morrow, Mr. A. R. Phipps Mr. ’W. Rombough. Mr. C. H a--- address, by Dr. J. P. Wil- i“ G 0 GOL;§$N0310N_$'450 00 STARTING TIME- 8 P. M. mm. Hem JACKPOT' 58 Numbers Called When the Personnel Commit- tee presented its report at a special session Wednesday morn- ing. Richmond Hill Town Coun- cil declined to accept the pro- posals and called for a new re- port. The report dealt with the drawing up of a job classiï¬cation form, describing positions in the various town departments and would be allied with the salary schedule. After considerable discussion, it was the majority opinion that the form was too complicated for the present administration' and it Wis agreed that a new form should be presented for councll's consideration. The committee consists of Councillors Stanley Tinker, chair- man; Councillors Harold Jones and James Haggart and MaYOr William Neal, ex officio. Several ratepayers expressed objection to the proposed loca- tion of duplexes in Richmond Acres. Council referred the mat- ter to the Planning Board. NEWMARKET : Council voted ï¬ve to four in favor of holding a plebiscite on a liquor store and brewers’ warehouse this week. Strong opposition against any action that might lead to liquor and beer being made available here was voiced by nine delega- tions. The placement of a service panel for telephone and hydro was his principal example. The township will have to pay an extra $35 or so because in drawing the plans, the architect was not aware that it would be an eyesore from the main foyer, otherwise it will re- main exposed. He concluded by telling members of council that the architects were working on the municipality’s behalf and suggested that if members of council were more familiar with construction, they would realize that extras creep into all con- struction and would not have been so critical. uvAa-r‘l‘wlr ors may lose out but I don’t think the architects ever do", replied Mr. Perry in response to a state- ment by Mr. Blenkhorn that the architects were making a very small proï¬t on the job. Town Requests A New Report Nonplussed. council approved the several extras presented. It Was reported that the building should be ready for occupancy in May. The architect also offered to assist the council in planning interior furnishings and land- scaping. As yet council has made no decision on these matters. . -w‘. ‘nnuwuhl a. Reeve JohH_Perry commented that hgwever it happened, the customer (Vaughan Township) would be paying: “The contract- MARKHAM: The newly installed pipe organ has been dedicated at Church Sanderson, Dr. J. P. Wilson, Mr. W. C. Wilson, Mr. R. H. Wood and Mr. P. C. Savage. Mr. Ralph Kerslake was ap- pointed to serve a two year term as successor to Dr. A. W. R. Doan. who has transferred to another church. Stewards to serve are Mr. J. Grainger, Mr. H. D. Sanderson, Mr. J. R. Scrim- ger, Mr. A. W. R. Uren, Mr. T. IV. Gradeen, Mr. Wm. Fahey, and Mr. Frank Southwell. Members of the Church to act as Nominat- ing Committee for the 1958 An- nual Congregational Meeting comprise: Mr. Albert Hill as Chairman, Mrs. Marguerite Bain. Mrs. Jessie Morrow, Mr. Norman Gibson, Mr. Ross Scrimger. Following his review of the “Years Work†Chairman and Treasurer. Mr. Harold Sanderson Treasurer, Mr. Harold Sanderson1 in his theme Passing Years, traced the growth of this Church and \its congregation from the ï¬rst church meeting held in the house “of one. John Sandersoni in 1803â€. the speaker quotingl from the original document, wherein it states “Special perâ€" mission is granted by the Arch- bishOp of York, to his Majesty's Protestant dissenting subjects called Methodists, to hold Church in the hoseu of one, John San- derson, County of York†believed to be in the vicinity of Richmond Hill. School Debentures Mayor William Neal re- ported to‘ council Monday night that the Town had been successful in its appli- cation to the Ontario Mun- icipal Investment Corpora- tion for the sale of $280,000. debentures for the Beverley Acres Public School. The de- bentures for twenty years will bear interest at 6 per Cent. Robert Ross, Public School chairman, who attended the meeting expresaed satisfac- tion with the announcement and said the sale would pre- vent any hold-up on the con- struction work which is be- ing rushed to completion. Chairman Ross thanked coun- cil for co-operation. Andrew’s Preéï¬ï¬Ã©fiï¬ Sold 15 Numbers Called A petition objecting to the es- tablishment of a new car dealer- ship at the corner of Kirk Drive and Yonge Street, Thornhill, was Efbled with Markham Township Council at its regular meeting held Monday. The petition which contains some 41 names was pre- sented by Mrs. Wesley ThompSOn and Miss Alma Hoopengarner, both residents of Yonge Street. The petition represented the feel- ings of residents living on both .Yonge St and Kirk Drive, close to the proposed establishment. A similar petition is to be for- warded to the Township Plan- ning Board. Miss Hoopengarner who acted as spokesman stated it was understood that the prop- rietors of Thornhill Motor Sales who are dealers for one of the big three 'in the automotive ï¬eld plan to erect a garage, show- room and body shop. At present the business is being operated from a service station located at the corner of Yonge St. and Kirk Drive. The property in question is located in the Selkirk Subdivision. Zoned Residential Thornhill Residents Object To Car Agency The area in question is pres- ently zoned as residential. The Planning Director R. Forrest stated that the Planning Board has had requests from a number of Yonge St. residents to rezone the area extending from Heintz- man‘s Lane north to the Selkirk property, as highway commer- cial. Miss Hoopengarner stated Vaughan Township had turned down a similar request to locate the business in the Scott subdiv- ision. Miss Hoopengarner maintained Council owes an obligation to the residents of the area who have spent a great deal of money on_their property.“We certainly don’t want this area turned into a junk yard,†stated the speaker. Mr. Forrest said Council could insist On a 20-foot buffer strip between the garage property and the adjoining residential area. The protective strip could be planted with trees and shrubs to cut off the rear view of the prem- ises. Miss Hoopengarner felt Council should recommend that the business locate in the Rich- vale area of Yonge Street where several garages are already in operation. Councillor L. Mumberson said he would oppose a body shop, “as the ï¬rst thing you know, they will want to put on night shifts and bother residents with their noise." Mr. Mumberson ‘felt this was one of the main prob- lems associated with the opera- tion of body shops in the city. Reeve W. L. Clark echoed the unanimous sentiments of Coun- cil when he stated that Council would take no steps which would' in any way depreciate the prop- erty values of the present owners. Tharnhill Trustees MuchActivityln Planning March Skating Carnival One of the healthiest, happi- est, biggest and most active clubs in the community is the Rich- mond Hill Figure Skating Club. It all began when artiï¬cial ice was installed in the Richmond Hill Arena and as. the hockey leagues were formed one by one for the boys, and the schools were allotted time for free skat- ing, a small group of interested mothers met at the home of Mrs. Hugh MacKay. The leadership of the group was given to Mrs. D. H. Featherstonhaugh, who comes of a family well versed in the arts and intricacies of the Figure Skating World. That ï¬rst group of mothers has been augmented as the months went by and the need grew, but much of the success of the club is due to the persistence and work of the President. Mrs. D. H. Featherstonhaugh; Vice - Pres. Mrs. Walter Smith; Secretary, Mrs. Wm. Hall; Corres. Sec., Mrs. Wm. Wilson; Treasurer, Mrs. Duncan Gillard; Membership Secretary Mrs. Norman Gibson; Publicity, Mrs. MacGregor, Mrs. John Anderson and appointed Head Supervisor Mrs. N. Dean. Many Problems Starting from scratch the ï¬rst thing to do was to gather together a sufficient membership to war- rant the hiring of a competent in- structor. Within a few weeks these two things were accom- plished. A membership of over 100 was enrolled and a very com- petent Church Kiel was hired to instruct an assortment of begin- ners and near- -beginners ranging in _a_ge from 5 years to 25 years. The 'ï¬rst year ,as with any ï¬rst year, was not without its prob- A letter was read from the The minimum legal age limit for a child starting school will be deï¬ned in On- tario for the ï¬rst time under a bill introduced this week in _the Provincial legislature. The problem, nearly al- ways good for a tug-of-war between parents and school, will be met by government- sponsored legislation which would enable a child who tur- ned ï¬ve before December 31 to enroll in school the follow- ing September. Ontario Deï¬nes School A ge Minimum Board of Trustees of the Police Village of Thornhill, in which the Trustees asked to be kept ad- vised of any proposed changes in the boundaries of School Area No. 1 Markham and Vaughan. Acting on a petition from some hundred ratepayers. Council re- cently set up a three-member committee to investigate the fea- sibility of dissolving the present school area which serves both the townships of Markham and Vaughan. In its place the com- mittee will study the possibility of setting up a new school area to serve only Markham Town- ship residents. The Thornhill Trustees stated that in the case of such a dissolu- tion, the residents of Thornhill might wish to form their own local school section. Of the 934 dwellings in Markham Township, in the area extending from the Ladies' Golf Club to Steeles’ Avenue on Yonge Street, only 134 of these dwellings actually lie within the legal boundaries of the Police Village of Thorn- hill. The vast majority of the homes actually lie within the township proper. Prior to the establishment of the school area in 1951 Thornhill was served by a Union School Section embrac- ing both the Markham and Vau- ghan portions of the police vill- “The Trustees are jumping at conclusions,†stated Reeve Clark, “Our fact-ï¬nding committee has not even made its report yet." “I certainly agree we should keep all the ratepayers fully in- formed on any proposed changes in our present educational set- up," remarked Ward I Councill- or Mrs. K. James. age The Department of Highways has informed Markham that it will approve up to a maximum ï¬gure 0f $166,000 for provincial subsidy for the 1957 road budget. This includes $140,000 for road maintenance, and $25,000 for conâ€" struction purposes. This year’s maximum is up $10,000 over the 19% ï¬gure. The 1957 wage schedule for township employees of the Road Department has been referred by the Road Commitee to the Finance Committee for study be- fore its presentation to Council. On recommendation of the Road Committee (Councillors Mrs. K. James and H. Cosburn and Dep- uty-Reeve D. Deacon) Council has approved the expenditure of $4,032 for the purchase of a building from the Armco Drain and Metal Products Company for the use of storing calcium chlor- ide. The new metal shed will be erected close to the present gar- age at Buttonville. The Police Committee (Coun- cillors Mumberson and Cosburn) will confer shortly with the P01- ice Department regarding that department’s salary brief and working conditions for 1957. lems. The success of a non-proï¬t organization ,a comunity project such as this, depends largely on the amount of volunteer work given by members, members’ par- ents and in particular the mothâ€" ers in the work of supervising. The Canadian Figure Skating As- sociation recommends constant supervision for skaters at all times, and a club such as this, whose fees are exceedingly low for value received, depends on unpaid supervision. It has been between a school principal and said that a supervisor is a cross a duchess. They are usually ap- pointed because they like chil- dren and are willing to give hours of their time at the arena. Mrs. N. Dean is in charge of su- pervisors and has been doing a most efficent job of telephoning and organizing. Charter Member The Carnival is a job within a job and the lst Annual Carnival held last Mrch was an unquali- ï¬ed success,\both artistically and ï¬nancially. ‘A whole separate Carnival Committee is necessary to organize and carry through this event. For instance Mrs. W. C. Cowan is responsible for procuring the necessary adver- tising to make our printed proâ€" gramme a ï¬nancial success. Mrs. W. Wilson is in charge of all court mothers. Court mothers are appointed to take charge of a court or group of performers -â€" costumes must be ï¬tted and make-up applied the nights of the carnival. It is surprising how much work there is for fathers also. especially around carnival time with back drops to construct and paint, lighting. etc. The club is fortunate in having the close co-operation of the Arena staff, particularly that of the Arena Manager, Mr. McDerment. The Club is a chartered memâ€" ber of the Canadian Figure Skat- ing Association which entitles its members to participate in official competitions. There are 179 members this season not includ- ing the adult group and there is a waiting list of 50. As you can see, it all adds up to a lot of workâ€"running a skat- ing club, but on one thing all the skaters will agree, that be- sides being a healthful competi- tive sport, ï¬gure skating is a lot of funâ€"and when the Carnival goes on in March, the members hogeiypu too think ï¬gure skating is fuï¬L-to watch THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 7, 195 SENTINEL STORM WINDOWS Cottage Sets, marquisette, with print trim, assorted trim Ladies Blouses, just in, crepes, rayons, etc., assort- ed 12 to 44 Girls Art Silk Pyjamas, em- broidered, sizes 8 to 14 yrs. Ladies Crinolines, White net with pink and blue trim Men’s Wool Lined Gloves, With leather face, grey, navy, brown $1.98 AND $2.98 $2.98 $2.49 $2.98 $1. 98 SIMPSON’ S DRY GOODS Ladies Blouses, just in, crepes, rayons, etc., assort- ed 12 to 44 Girls Art Silk Pyjamas, em- broidered, sizes 8 to 14 yrs. Ladies Crinolines, white net with pink and blue trim Men’s Wool Lined Gloves, With leather face, grey, navy, brown if you want to keep warm this Winter get Peamealed Cottage Rolls . . . 69c 1b. Fresh Pork Tenderloins ...... 99c 1b. Sliced Side Bacon ............ 69c lb. Lean Plate Brisket .......... 19c lb. Lean Minced Steak ........ 3 lbs. $1.00 Presswood Smoked Picnics . . . . 49c 1b. Margene ............... Domestic Shortening . . . . SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS IF YOU CAN STAND IHE 03W 00 THIS 12 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill '] KING CITY BAKE RY . . . installed now, nothing to pay till June, 1957. Sentinel aluminum windows are guaranteed and expertly installed by factory-trained, salaried installers. Get a free estimate without obligation. YORK FARMERS MARKET THORNHILL PHONE AV. 5-1526 HOME-MADE BREAD Daily Delivery Except Saturdays Phone AV. 5-2558 REdfern . NELS GAGE Worth Driving Miles To Buy ON THE WAY TO 400 HWY. OPEN DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY Finest Quality Meats AV. 5-1526 Finest Quality Meats FREE DELIVERY 37c lb. . . .. 34c lb. TU. 4-1651 6671