Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Feb 1957, p. 6

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Rev. Victor Wood of Temper- anceville conducted the church service which culminated youth week on Sunday evening, Febru- ary 3, in the King City United Church. All the youth organiza- tions in the village were repre- sented at the service. Members of the CGIT, GA, Girl Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs, made up the large attendance at the services. The scripture was read by president Carol Gellatly of the CGIT. Betty Cunningham of the G.A. announced the hymns. A trio consisting of Nancy Patton of the G.A.. Beverley Barker of the Girl Guides and Glenna Saw- yer of the CGIT sang a selection with the church choir First King Scouts Barry Wallace and Jack Wallas acted as ushers In his address Rev. Mr. 'Wood urged the young people to keep their eyes on the right road through life remembering that a smile goes further than a frown. Church News was the hostess for the monthly meeting on Tuesday evening. January 29. Mrs. George Harvey conducted the worship service taking talents as her theme. The annual reports for the past year were given. Rev. M. R. Jenkin- son had installed the officers of the WA. during the church ser- The date of the illustrated lec- ture to be given by John le- ingston o! the Audubon Society was published incorrectly in the column last week. The lecture will be glven this comlng Wed- nesday, February 13, at 8.15 pm. in Kingcraft House..Tickets to the lecutre are being sold by Kingcraft members. ' Refresh- ments will be served. Youth' Week Mrs. Ted Wallas, president of King City United Church W.A. Discuss Court In the report of the 1956 war- den and commissioners to Coun- ty council an account of a hear- ing with Hon. Kelso Roberts. At- torney-General of Ontario was in- cluded. The warden. commission- ers and Fact Finding committee had an audience with Mr. Rob- erts to discuss the need of a cougt house in York County. There was no indication given min a Civil court will be estab- lished outside of Metropolitan Toronto, the report stated. It recommended the 1957 County council consider provision of an administrative building which would include a suitable Council Chamber. Action by the 1956 Fact Find- lng committee had been deferred until the requirements for space by all County agencies could be determined. It was noted that the warden and commissioners for 1955 and 1956 had called atten~ tion to the inadequate Council chamber in the present County building. The 'recommendation was re- ferred to the 1957 Fact Finding committee. It is chaired by Reeve Joseph Fry of Markham village. York Manor Named '85 Commissioners for York Manor, the County's Home or the Aged on Yonge St.. for Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS TAKE NOTICE that all per- sons having claims against the Estate of WILLIAM JAMES NESS, late of the Village of Thornhlll, in the County of York, Retired Farmer, who died on or nbout the 6th day of October, 1956 are required to forward details of the same, together with due proof thereqt‘, to the undersigned EX< ecutors on or before the 22nd day of February. 1957. 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 7, 1957 After that date, the will proceed to distrib tate. having regard 0! claims of which they have notice. DATED at Thornhill, this day of January, 1957. JOHN A. BAKER and EDITH LEUSBY, County Council Highlight SAME DAY SERVICE Open 7 a.m. - 12 Midnight DAILY Victor Draper Agencies Oak Ridges Ontario PR. 3-5471 EM. 8~9559 Executors by their Solicitors. NEWMAN & NEWMAN. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto RELIANCE SERVICE STATION TELEVISION Radio â€" Wuhu Repair Servicc King City Notes Conversion To 60 Cm. King City, Lake Wilcox ak Ridges The Liberal is always pinned to pnbfllil ital!!! e! in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak lika- Lako Wilcox and King City districts Our new: corru- pondcnt in King City in Mrs. Donald MoCnlhun. ”lepton. King 132M; and in Oak Ridge: . Lake Wilcox. Mrs. C. II. Butt, telephone PR. 3-5575. ..--_-v. u ‘. file Executors only to such :y shall then 25th vice on Sunday morning, Januâ€" ary 27. Bmtist 5211th Rev. G‘ A. Hart, pastor of the Baptist circuit in King was pre- sented with a walnut desk by the young people at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vieuham, Heritage Park at the weekly prayer meet- ing. on Tuesday evening, January 319. Mr. Vienham had made the esk. . The annual meeting of the 2nd King, Pottagevllle Baptist Church was held on Thursday evening, January 31 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton. The slate of officers for this year re- mains unchanged. The annual meeting of Bethel Baptist church, King City, was held Wednesday evening. Janu- ary 24 at the parsonage The slate of officers remalns unchang- ed Mr. A Peck is the secretary- treasurer. T e annual meeting of Kettle- by aptist Church was held on Wednesday evening. February 6, at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis. All Saints The annual vestry meetin of All Saints Anglican Church. ing City, was held on Wednesday ev- ening. January 30, in the parish hall of the church. Plans were made for the centennial anniver- sary of the church which will be celebrated with special services all year. The first service will be the dedication of the new vestry by Bishop Wilkinson on Sunday evenipg, February 17, at '7 pm. Mr. A. E. Jarvis is the Reetor’s Warden and Mr. Ian Baxter the People's Warden. Mr. George Armstrong was appointed chair- man of the sidesmen. Mr. J. Keens Is the lay delegate. 1957, were ReeveWimam Clark of Markham township. Deputy Reeve Clark Martin of North Gwlllimbury township and Reeve Howard Anderson of Georgina township. The elections were by acclama- tion and were made on Wednes~ day. January 16. Mr. Anderson served as Commissioner at the Home last year and was re-ap- pointed to provide continuity in he work of the York Manor board of management. Annual Appointments Annual appointments were made at the January 16 session of York County council Mrs. Vi- olet MacNaughton, deputy reeve, Newmarket was appointed reprd~ sentative to the York County Hospital board and the Board of Directors of the Children’s Aid Society. Also named to the Children’s Aid board were Mrs. Alma Walk- er. deputy reeve of Markham Village and Donald Deacon, dep- uty reeve of Markham township. Deputy Reeve Walter Rate of East Gwlllimbury township will represent County council on the Royal Winter Fair board. The two representatives of York county on the ONE board are De- puty Reeves Wilfred Aitchison of King Township and Milton Burke of Stouffville. Warden Nomination Reeve Fred Armstrong of Woodbridge. withdrew his name when nominated for Warden of York County at the inaugural meeting in Newmarket last week, making the election of Reeve W. J. Taylor of Richmond Hill, to the wardenship by acclamation. Mr. Armstrong had been nomin- ated by Reeve William Hodgson of King Township and Reeve Ed- war_d Wrigbtman of Newmarket. Mr. Hodgson said that Mr. Armstrong had served six years on County council with his totgl municipal experience dating back eight years. He termed him a jo- vial man who was easy to know and capable of carrying on the duties of County Warden. In seconding the nomination, Mr. Wrightman said Mr. Arm- strong had served the county well in 1955 as a Commissioner and that his experience included membership on many of the ma- jor committees. ' ' After thanking his nominators, Mr. Armstrong asked that his name be withdrawn in favor of Mr‘ Taylor. The February 3 meeting of the St. Paul's United Fireside Group was a most interesting gathering. Geo. Wilkinson, who is past pres- ident of the Aurora Couples Club was guest speaker and explained how the club is organized and conducted. There will be a meet- ing on February 21 at 8 o‘clocx and at this first club meeting at St. Paul’s. the Aurora club will be in charge of the evening's program. Rev. Gordon Winch expressed the hope that all interested coup- les in the age group of 20 to 80 years would come out ’to the February 215t meeting if at all possible. The Junior choir of 23 sang at the church service Sunday morn- ing. This is a fine group of youngsters and they did a splen- did singing job. Mrs. L. Harnden choir leader and organist has done a wonderful job training these children. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Farquhar- son and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Farquharson and family lelt last week end for Florida where they will vacation for a few weeks. ‘ Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials Clamp Dion Water Arrears Matters pertaining to the leI- age fire department, waterworks, and wholesale hydro were qulck- ly dispatched by King City trus- tees on Tuesday evening, Janu- ary 29 in King City Memorial Library. a...” -.. . After discussion it was decided to increase insurance compensa- tion coverage from $3,000 per person to $4.000 per person for each of the group of ten of vol- unteer firemen. Fire Chief David Glass reported that the fire trailâ€" er hadn't been sold as yet. Chas. E. Ham had agreed to rent the stall in the Firehall. The purchase of a C02 fire ex- tinguisher which had been dis- cussed at the previous meeting was again mentioned. The fire chief Was requested to find out the cost of the extinguisher be- fore the trustees would make their decision. It was pointed out that the extinguisher could save thousand of dollars of water dam~ agein case} of an electrical or kitchen fire. Mutual Aid The question was raised re- garding Schomberg’s refusal to sign the agree ent. It was ex- plained that Sc omberg felt they were too far away to be covered by .King City, Maple, Richmond Hill or Aurora. Fire, Hydro And Water Discussed By Trustees Fire Chief David Glass then asked the trustees if they would sign the proposed bylaw Mutual Aid agreement. In pointing out the advantages of Mutual Aid, the chief cited the big fire in Aurora a few yearsago when several municipalities were without fire protection as their firemen and fire trucks were at the fire. One coordinator would be appointed who would see all areas were covered. It would be necessary in case of war for National Defence. he said. Under Mutual Aid all rural brigades will be trained on the same basis. This draft standard by-law can be repealed or amended if it does not work out, commented trustee Donald Findlay, Q.C. “In that case,” interjected Chairman of the trustees E. R. Smith, “I see no reason for not signing the agreement." Trustee Ron Bolton moved adoption of the by-law ag- reement which was signed by all three trustees. Inspection Chief David Glass asked the trustees for their opinions on ap- pointing an inspector from the fire department to inspect the electrical wiring in businesses and private homes. Some of the wiring in the old homes in the village is a fire hazard. he said. Also some of the business estab- lishments have wiring that is ex- posed and extremely dangerous, stated the Fire Chief. Specific cases which present fire hazards in the village were mentioned by the trustees. The trustees how- ever did not approve of an in- spector going into homes except by invitation. The Fire Chief had informed the trustees that the inspector in the capacity of a constable had the power to in- spect any private home. ‘ The trustees were in agree- ment with the two motions made by Donald Findlay. They were (1) That the Fire Chief select one member of the fire department to attend the forthcoming elec- trical inspection course at the Fire Marshall’s office. (2) That any King City fire hazard inspec- tion relate to places of public assembly, industrial. wholesale, storage and other places by in- vitation. In the case of the first motion, the travelling expenses Chamber Of Commerce Meet Touches Many Local Topics The annual meeting of the King City Chamber of Commerce was held on Monday evening, January 28, in the Masonic Hall. Douglas Rennison, the vice-chair- man presided. As there was a poor representation of the rate- payers and business men present (approximately 18 persons at- tended the meeting) there was considerable discussion as to whether *it would be worthwhile to continue. Those present indi- cated by their remarks their will- ingness to support the incoming board and that the Chamber of Commerce could be important and useful to the community if concrete projects are undertaken and regularly scheduled general meetings are held. Doug'las Rennison, Keith Cam- bden. Ernest Smith, Bill Jensen and Jack Turner were appointgi to the Board of Directo'ré. The board will select its chairman, secretary and treasurer. Skating Rink Ernest R. Smith was named chairman of a committee to es- tablish an outdoor skating rink. Mr. Smith, with Fire Chief David Glass made arrangements last week~end for a rink in King City Memorial Park. Using hose from the fire department they were able to flood the rink. Community Centre Donald 7 M. Findlay was ap- pointed chairman of a community centre co-ordinating committee to contact. other organizations in and twa days wages would be paid. Water Bills What is to be done wlth people who refuse to pay their water bllls, questioned chairman of the trustees. E. R. Smlth. “I have been in touch with Toronto of- ficials in regard to shutting off the water in such cases," said trustee Donald Findlay. “Accord- ing to the waterworks by-law it can be shut off," he stated. “Sometfines in the \case of sick- ness the Toronto M.0.H. has re- quested the water turned on ag- ain. In default of payment the corporation can cut off supply, but arrears can still be collected. They are not in arrears until nine months," he added. Crack Down “We must get after these peop- le who are in arrears," urged the Chairman E. R. Smith. Secretary of the waterworks was instructed to give the ofienders one last warning with thelr April bill. Those in arreacs will have their water shut off if accounts are not paid withip Athe limited time. Secretary Harvey Malcolm stat- ed that the agreement with the village plumber was subject to renwal in January The secretary was authorized to issue tenders for plumber for 1957. Subdivision Elmer Cairns of waterworks maintenance was questioned in regard to the waterworks system. “Everything has been working well,” he stated. Chairman E. R. Smith suggest- ed that any new subdivider of any new subdivision be required to tap the water at his own expense and run his mains to the street line. "We could ask the township to incorporate it into the subdiv- iders’ agreement. This will save the village a lot of work and worry." Ratepayer Doug Rennlson ask- ed the trustees if the village had a standby pump in case some- thing happened to the present pump. "No we have nothing," said the chairman. "It would take 48 hours to fix the present pump," stated Trustee Don Findlay. It was agreed to send a rec- ommendation to township that in agreements made with the sub- divider affecting King City water- works that the subdividex‘ install water services from main to streetline. Hydro Trustee Ron Bolton brought up the matter of having wholesale hydro for the village. To show the advantage of having a cost con- tract, he clted neighbouring towns and villages that were us~ ing the system. In King-City, he said, there are 16 commercial, one industrial and 285 domestic users of the hydro. It would have to ‘be accepted by vote of the people and would take 18 months to establish. The hydro will make a tentative survey and will pres- ent a tentative operating state- ment and a detailed inventory will be given. It was agreed to pass a resolution regarding the cost contract. Some commercial busimesses in King City are not paying com- mercial water rates said the chairman E. R. Smith. This was confirmed by the waterworks secretary Harvey Malcolm. Trus- tee Findlay suggested the matter should be referred to the water- works commissioner for study of commercial water rates. It was agreed to defer the parking byâ€"law which was dis- cussed in June 1956 for the time being. the community as to the possi- bility_of,building a community centre. The five per cent of land given to the municipality by the subdividers could make land available for such a project, Donald Findlay commented. Incorporation Committee The board of directors was au- thorized to form a committee to investigate the problems of in- corporating King City. The com- mittee is to make a survey of the situation in regard to acreage, poâ€" tential population and school ac- commodation, the cost of operat- ing as a corporation, and how much it would cost the taxpayer. “There is an alternative schéme," informed Donald Flndâ€" lay, “that of forming the village into a township which does not affect the school grants. The sur- vey would find out if incorpora- tion would be on the existing land or whether to enlarge the village.” Children’s Path Allen Cooke was appointed chairman of a committee to find out if an access path could be built from Kingsview Subdivis- ion through Heritage Park to allow children to reach Keele St. and avoid the CNR tracks on their way to school. Since the general meeting the Board of Direcmn met and elected Doug- las Rennison, president of the Board and Ernest R. Smith was re-elected secretary-treasurer. The Newmarket and District Association for Retarded Child- ren held its regular meeting on Tuesday, January 15. Parents of children attending this separate class gathered to Plan for the new year and choose a nominat- ing committee for the new oific~ ers. Mr. Don Hodgson from the Lake Wilcox area, secured a film from the Ontario Association and showed it to the parents. This film called “Tuesday's Child" depicted the life of a young girl who had in her very early years, contracted a serious illness which left her abnormal, or in other words. "retarded." The combin- ed efforts of all the citizens of the small town in this film, made possible a normal school life and happy atmosphere for the child and others in the same condition. Retarded .Childrens’ School Desperately Needs Help There are several from the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox area who attend or would like to attend this class, but transportation poses a serious problem, In two months alone. this small associa- tion paid out over $150. in taxi fares from Oak Ridges to New- The St. Mark’s Anglican church of Oak Ridges held the first vestry meeting on Monday, February 4, in the church. Rev. D. C. H. Michell addressed the group and gave a short talk on the development of St. Marks, mentioning future planS. The parish of Maple, King and St. John’s has been divided into two groups and now Mr. Michell will be in charge of St. John's and St. Mark’s with Rev. Mr. McLea- non as minister at the St. Mark’s chapel. St. Marks Chapel 15t Vestry Meet The following officers were chosen for the 1957 term: Rec- tor‘s Warden for ’57, chosen by Mr. McLennon was Mr Leslie Porter; People’s Warden. elected, Mr. Tim Woolley; Head Sidesman, nominated and elected by accla- mation. Mr. Don Anderson; two auditors, Mr. L Porter and Mrs. Sid Cole; treasurer for Chapel elected by acclamation, Mrs. Doug. Nash; Building committee consisting of four, Mr .Don An- derson, Mr. Bert Comfort, Mr. R. Rickward and Mr. S. Cole. Re- freshments were served by the Reports were heard from the Sunday school, girls’ club, men's club and the WA. The financial report was very favorable and was given by Mrs. Silcox. Mrs. McLennon acted as secretary for the ievening. planning an addition to the pubâ€" BOLTON : The School Board is} he school. | King Township Council re- ceived word last Friday, Feb- ruary 1 that there was no indication that the CNR sta- tion at King City would be closed. It had been reported earlier that there Was a plan to close the King City Sta- tion. The Board of Trustees have gone on recurd as dis- favoring any move to close the station. When your car gets into trouble, our Tow Truck will come your way on the double! OUR TOW TRUCK IS AT YOUR SERVICE Our expert “post-ac- cident” treatment will put your car back in prime condition pronto. Hunt & Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill ’ TU. 4-3151 1 King Station S tags Open market school. This money has to be met from donations from sympathetic citizens in the sur- rounding areas. The government grant does not cover the teachers’ salary, and rent must also be met from donations. Last fall the small hard work- ing group of parents held 8 ba- zaar and white elephant sale, and a bake sale and rummage sale, which helped somewhat with the funds. There is nothing these parents won’t do to put all their efforts into keeping this school going. The enrollment is now 12, and hey have one teach- er, Mrs. Mor on. Fund Drive The drive for funds is now on, and has been drawn to everyone's attention. However, the amount of donations to date is only $600. compared to $2,000. at the same time last year. It is to be hoped that welfare organizations, and clubs can arrange to channel some at their funds to this very worthy cause. If some of them could at- tend one of these parents‘ gath- erings, they would realize’ how necessary additional money is at this time. There are many. who are un- aware of this school’s existence, because they themselves are not immediately connected with a child needing special training in their early years. But to see the things these hands cando. and the satisfaction they receive by doing them, is certainly reward- ing. These children have as much right to education as those at- tending public schools, but why don’t they 'get more help! Hall‘s Domestic Fuel Oils Our trucks are equipped with Government Inspected RICHMOND HILL SEE! THE m IlKW 3 =6 For New Motoring CONVENIENCE YON GE 'ST. 01L BURNER PARTS 8: SERVICE Printo-Meters for your protection. FRONT WHEEL DRIVE FLOATING REAR AXLE NO OIL T0 CHAN/GE ONLY 7 MOVING PARTS TO MOTOR A. J. BARRACLOUGH After your wedding day, only the wedding dress, the g'fts, and the photographs are left to tell your Wonderful, once- in-a-lifetime story. .u u ...v..... Keep all the gay, heart-stopping moments of getting ready. the solemnin of the service, and the last ‘goodbyfi in 8 pro- fessionally made series of candid photogmphs . . . made by a skilled photographer who will never get in the way. Kills swan-d Prompt (temporary location) Store LAGERQUIST STUDIO Tenders are invited by the Police Village of King City for the installation of Water Works service connections as required. Specifications of materials and workmanship to be included. Tenders should be sealed and received by the undersigned no later than 12 o’clock noon February 26, 1957. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. » T.V. SERVICE TU. 4 - 2624 Watch Channel 17 T. H. A. Brenan Kitchen Cabinet. NOTICE PHONE TU. 4-2061 H. B. Malcolm, Secretary to the Trustees, Police Village of King City OAK BIDGIS and PLEASURE Gwen] Woodworking IS 1'0. o-uu OAK RIDGES Reliable TU. 4'2791

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