8 l Maple, Con 11:- Liberal I always willing contributed by its readers In Maple. in Maple is Mrs. R. Thompson. Maple 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. February 7. 1957 cord & to publish interesting items regarding people and "uh Concord & Edgeley districts. 0m- representative 6.]: in Concord. Mrs. Sid Mills. AV. 5-1035: In Downsvlew-Havllland, Mrs. A. C. Powell, STlrllng 8-6045. Maple MEGS Information has been received from Vancouver that Roy Jack- son, a former resident of Maple, has died there following a heart attack on January 18th and was buried January 22nd. He was 65 years of age. Mr. Jackson went to school in Maple and lived here until about 35 years ago. His father was Herb. Jackson, who owned the house now in- hablted by John Perry, and his mother was Annie Line, ï¬rst Wife of Herb Jackson. The Jackson family were settlers in this dis- trict many years ago. Bingo Mrs. Ambrose Langley was .Jicher by $500 after winning the Jackpot at the last of the Maple Lions Bingos held on Tuesday, January 29th. Mrs, Langley had been attending the weekly Bin- gos almost reguarly, and on that evening she had called “Bingo†once before only to ï¬nd that she had made an error. However, during the Jackpot game she was not in error. She is not quite sure yet to what use this money will be put, but says that with 4 children it will not be hard to spend it. Mission Band St. Andrew's Mission Band met at the Manse on Saturday afterâ€", noon, with Susan Scott presiding and also reading the scriptures. The roll call was answered with telling what they liked best at .school. The'following four girls were presented with their mem- bership cards: Elizabeth Walker, n. w. MILLER GROWER â€" FLORIST Sinoe' mu . The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. Phone Maple 2 â€" -Keele Street . Maple, Ont. CO-OP INSURANCE "'"AUTO - FIRE - LIABILITY ACCIDENT 8: SICKNESS See J.vA. (Jim) SPENCER Naylon St., Maple 247 w _-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€"qâ€"-â€"â€" :5 DEPT. OF HEALTH NORTH YORK 90 PARENTS -â€" _ regarding IMMUNIZATION Diphtheria. Tetanus and Whooping Cough Immunization will be av- ailable for all children OVER 4 MONTHS of age if accom- panied by a parent. Clinics will be held once a month at each of the fol- lowing centres during‘FEB~ RUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY and JUNE:â€" Humberview School. St., Weston 2nd Monday Mallow Road School, Don Mills 2nd Tuesday Township Building. 5000 Yonge St. 2nd Wednesday Downsview United Church, Keele St. 2nd Thursday Asbury United Church, Bathurst St. 2nd Friday Time -â€" 2.30 - 3.30 pm. Kindly pass this Message along to your neighbours. a t a a POLIOMYELITIS VACCINE will be available to all pre- school children OVER 6 MONTHS of age. ALL SCHOOLS WILL BE USED AS CENTRES The schedule will be publish- ed shortly NORTH YORK DEPT. OF HEALTH Charles G. Johnstone. M.D. Acting M.0.H. Main Sharon Clegg. Sandra Matheson and Susan Scott. Plans were made for a Valentine Party at the home of Mrs. E. KefEer on February 16th. During the work period the girls made dragons from empty cotton spools. Joint communion of St. An- tions was held at St. Pauls drew's and St. Paul‘s congrega- Vaughan Presbyterian Church last Sunday. Six new members joined by profession of faith and one by.certiï¬cate. Quilting Bee A quilting bee was conducted by some of the members of St. Andrew's W.M.S. at the home of Mrs. C. H. Snider in Concord on Thursday, January 3lst. Present were Mrs. E. Keller, Mrs. R. Kef- fer, Mrs. V. Orr, Mrs. A. Rum- ble, Mrs. E. Wade and Mrs. T. Witherspoon, and one quilt was started and completed on that day. Mrs. Snider provided a de- licious hot lun’hheon for all. WJ. The February meeting of the Maple Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Jen- nings on February 13th under the motto Let your friendship link the world. The roll call is to be answered with Something money cannot buy, and the com- mittee in charge will be Mrs. M. Palmer, Mrs. D. Jarrett and Mrs. A. Snider. Concord Notes The children and teachers of the Thornhaven School for Re- tarded Children were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Witty on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Witty took them on a sleigh- ing party and after the ride, Mrs. Witty served refreshments to the happy group. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orr and family. Garden Ave., motored to Hamilton last Sunday. “Tweenie†Valerie Simmons was enrolled at the Brownie meeting on Thursday, January 31, and Jean Gilbert earned her Golden Bar. We are sorry to hear that Earl Witty is conï¬ned to his home with measles. Home & School The February meeting of the Concord Home and School As- sociation will be held on Mon- day, February 11. Miss Gourlay from the Toronto Milk Founda- tion will be the guest speaker. GORMLEY NEWS " Correspondent: Mrs. Chas. Milsted Phone Gormley 5201 1.. Congratulations to Mrs. Asa Sider who celebrated her 93rd birthday last Saturday. All her family enjoyed a birthday supper at her home. Miss Vera Hilts entertained her friends at a quilting on Wed- nesday. , We wish a speedy recovery for Miss Marjory Barber who is in St. Joseph’s Hospital. While toâ€" bogganing in Toronto. Marjory suffered a severe back and foot injury. Rev. and Mrs. C. Hunking and Carl visited on Mondaywith Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunking and Mrs. C. Hunking of Corbetton. Bishop and Mrs. Alvin Winger and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Nigh attended the Bible Conference at Fort Erie during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Cliï¬ord Winger and Mrs. Marian Kelly visited Mrs. Earl Cober in Listowel Gen- eral Hospital on Saturday. Her many friends here wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Paul Farmer and baby daughter, Coleen Deborah, arriv- ed home from Grace Hospital on Sunday. Mrs. W. Reaman is stay- ing with her daughter, Mrs. Far- mer, for several days. Mrs. G. Campey and baby son, John are spending a week with her parents in Toronto. Mr. Alvin Farmer is sporting a new DeSoto. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eade were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crowder and family of Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Staley of Brantford. and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Middrey of Aurora. Mrs. Reg McMullen entertain- ed a number of ladies at an af- ternoon tea on Thursday. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. R. Elms and boys who moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. C. Brander. A number of local ï¬shermen are enjoying ice ï¬shing at Lake Simcoe with varying degrees of success. WW.†STUART PAXTON Electrician WIRING . LINE WORK Phone TUrner 4-2881 =‘_‘â€"â€"â€"=__â€"â€" $9.0“me m k EYES h EXAnnNED f4}, / «WMM WW P. L. LOWRIE, RD. 3 . OPTOMETRIST GLASSES FITTED Now at 3242 Yonge Street IN NORTH TORONTO Opposite Park Theatre 9 a.m. to 6 p.111. Including SAT. EVENINGS by appointment nu. 3-3949 WWW-“ . NM .a OPTICAL REPAIRS WWVx. CLM MN Busy Session On Thursday For Community Centre Board The ï¬rst meeting of the new year of the Maple Community Centre took place at the Com- munity Centre on Thursday night, January 31. The two new members appointed as represen- tatives from Vaughan Township Council, Deputy-reeve Robert Kirk and Councillor Wilson An- stey, were present, as were all other members of the Board. Considerable time was taken by Chairman Harold Miller to ex- plain to the two new members what had been the main activities of the board during the past year, and it was pointed out that the Board now has a clean slate with regard to outstanding debts, all bills having been paid to-dateor being in the process of being paid. Secretary Mrs. M. Palmer read the minutes of several past meetings, and some of the old business brought up included the ï¬re escape railings and the panic hardware which was to be install- ed. Mr. Miller had been in touch with the lock manufacturers re- garding the chosen lock bets sev- eral times, but only some of the locks had been installed so far. He undertooï¬ to phone the Acme Lock Co. again and to make sure these locks were in place before the next board meeting. Fire Escape In connection with the ï¬re es- cape rails, which are essential for safety in case of any ï¬re or other disturbance at the hall. the board, gave Allan Moore authority to obtain the services of someone to get this important job completed without fail. Fifty new chairs were purchased for the hall during the past month, and in the near future it was hoped to purchase some further cutlery and dishes for the kitch- en. Honorarium‘ ' The subject of an honorarium for the treasurer, Mrs. H. Miller, was brought up. and a motion was carried to give Mrs. Miller a cheque for $50 at the end of her present term in June and to offer a salary to the incoming treas- urer, as the post of Treasurer for the Board required a consider- able amount of work and time, as well as skill. Bowling Alleys Other items under discussion were the income and expendi- tures for the Bowling Alleys, and the treasurer stated that by May 1958 the original capital invest- ment on the alleys would be com- pletely paid for and all income could then be used for the good of 'the whole Community Centre. At the present time the Bowling Alleys only-just carry them- selves. Hall rentals were also discussed and it was decided to stick as closely as posible to a rental scale ulness exceptional circumstances arise. Before, adjourning, the Board decided to make the third Wedâ€" nesday in each month the regu- lar meeting time in future, rath- er than at the call of the chair- man. Annual Report ShoWs $21,000 Raised; Maple Twenty-one thousand dollars was the amount raised during the year 1956 by the congrega- tion of Maple United Church. This was the encouraging report made to the annual meeting of the congregation by Dr. R. A. Bigford, Church Treasurer on Wednesday night, January 30. Finances were shown to be in a most encouraging state, with all organizations reporting estimat- ed receipts over‘subscribed. One thousand dollars was raised for the missionary and maintenance fund and the Women's Mission- ary Society went beyond its ob- jective by nearly a hundred doll- ars. The Woman’s Association re- ported a year of activity, with promises of even greater projects with the opening of the new Christian Education Hall with its modern kitchen. Sunday School The Sunday School ï¬nances were reported to be in a very healthy condition and the amount raised for missions, $240, was the highest in the history of the school. Attendance was also re- ported to be at a new high water mark, having outgrown the pres- ent facilities. It was decided that four new Stewards should be add- ed to the present membership, bringing the committee to 17 and the following were elected to ï¬ll existing vacancies: Mrs. Leslie Laver, Bruce Murchison, Kirby Brock, Graham Walter, Harry United Church Jackson, Douglas Devall, Gordon Watson and Robert ames. Session The report of Session showed a net increase in membership of 16, the active membership now being 171. Increases in attend- ance at divine worship and at communion were reported. Dur- ing the year the minister con- ducted four wedding ceremonies, six funerals and baptized 14. Plans were made for the dedica- tion of the new Christian Educa- tion .Hall on75unday, February 17. Two services will be held, at 10 o’clock for members of the Sunday School and at 11 am. for the adult congregation. Rev. A. C. Forrest, Editor of The United Church Observer and a graduate of Maple Church and Sunday School will preach and the Presi- dent of the Toronto Conference of the United Church of Canada will perform the act of dedica- tion. - On Monday night, February 18, a congregational supper and con- cert will be held. Laymen of the church will serve and be respon- sible for the program. Hearty votes of thanks were passed to the Choir Director, Mrs. Roy Clegg and members of the choir, the church officer, Mrs. John Leece, oï¬icers in all departments of the church’s life and Rev. A. G. and Mrs. Donald and Miss Marion Donald. TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, B. It. 3. KING WJ. , - The W.I. will meet at 8 p.m., February 13, at the home of Mrs. Fred Hare. Program convenor is Mrs. Jack Macklin with Agricul- ture as the topic. "Name a farm hazard†is the roll call. Current events will be taken by Miss Ir- ene Mashinter. Hostesses are Mrs. E. Phillips, Mrs. Don Chalk and new members. There were 12 tables of euchre on January 28. Prizes were won by Mrs. Fred Hare, Mrs. Les Glass, Mrs. Robert Ash, C. Max- im, Wm. Mitchell, Len Embury. Next euchre February 12. The plastic demonstration in aid of W.I. funds held at the home of Mrs. Stella Paxton re- sulted in $13.55 for the WI. funds. The articles purchased will be delivered on February 9, to the home of Mrs. Paxton after 2 pm. . Personals 2 Those present in the Temper- anceville congregation thorough- ly enjoyed having as guest min- ister, Rev. W. M. Jenkinson of King City, on Sunday evening. Greetings to Mrs. Jarret who celebrated her birthday on Sat- urday, February 2. Gifts of flow- ers and lovely greeting cards were received by Mrs. Jarret. Little David Pike, aged 4. had a delightful time on his birthday, January 31. Mrs. Stella Paxton. Judith, Wayne and the boys enjoyed beâ€" ing the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levison and family on Sunday. Mr. Howard Clark has success- fully undergone an operation on February 2. Mrs. Clark spent the previous week in the city to be near her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jarret of Sarnia and their daughters, Arlene and Lorraine visited Mrs. Jarret and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henshaw recently. Friends of Brian Bailey hope he soon will be feeling much bertlter and able to return to SC 00‘ F Phone TU. (-3059 , The men from this district who attended the implement display at the Coliseum were Everett Phillips, Jack Macklin, Bill Mit- chell, Nelson Thompson, Eddie Cottell 'and Norman Burnett. It is hoped Billy Thompson will soon be well enough to re- tuirji to school after his severe co . _..._... THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. J. C. Donnelly Phone AV. 5-1777 Thornlea extends a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. H. Coleman and family who have taken up resi- dence in the house formerly oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tighe on No. 7 Highway. The Colemans have a son and a dau- ghter attending Thornlea School. Mr. and Mrs. Tighe recently mov- ed to Fonthill, Ontario. Mrs. Coles, Briggs Ave., is home again after spending sev- eral weeks in hospital. Thornlea boys won their third game of the season last Monday by defeating the boys of Powell Road school 6 to 1. Dave Pady scored three of the goals. while Gordon Morley, John Donnelly and George Elmes each scored one goal. A Theatre Night and candy sale will be held in the school Friday evening, February 15, at 7.30. A good program of pictures will be shown. Silver collection. Child- ren and adults welcome. School pins will be presented to last year’s graduates at the next regular Home and School meeting to be held on Wednesâ€" day. February 13. A very inter- esting program has been arrang- ed. and the executive is hoping to make this the best meeting of the year, Please keep this date in mind and plan to attend the meeting. Edgeley Districts H avilla'nd Happenings Church News ‘ The annual Vestry meeting of the Church of the Apostles, Shep- pard Ave. was held in the church basement, Monday, January 28, Rev. J. Purser was in the chair, Mr. George Gibson was elected secretary for the meeting. Mr. Green read a message from Bish- op Snell, Suffragan Bishop of Toronto. Rev. Mr. Purser then read the Incumbent's report. He paid tribute to the leadership given the church by Rev. G. Lesâ€" ser, the last incumbent and wish- ed him God's blessing in his new ï¬eld. Rev. Mr. Burser thanked the congregation for their loyal co-operation and friendliness to him since his arrival and predict- ed steady progress of the parish. Mr. Gil Nelson, Rector's War- den thanked those who had as- sisted in carrying on the church work in the period between Mr. Lesser's departure and the ar- rival of Mr. Purser, and to the choir and members of all church organizations. The auditor’s report showed all branches of the church to be in a healthy condition wih all ob- ligations met. Mr. W. T. Green was appointed Rector's Warden and Mr. 1. Matthews was elected People’s Warden. Sidesmen elected were: Ernest Biman (chairman); the present slate of Sidesmen with a few ad- ditions. Lay Delegates to Synod: Stan Hathway,.L. Phillips; sub- stitutes, H. Cave, SteWart Ged- des. Envelope Sec., Mrs. H. Lick- erish. Parochial Tribunal, A. Eckert, L. Brown, I. Franks, H. McDonald. Advisory Board, W. Williams, F. Lock, G. Motters- head, W. Brown, P. Burrows, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. E. Lock. Auditors: S. Geddes, G. Mottershead. Mrs. Lickerish gave a report on the envelope system in the church. ' It was decided to hold a drive to ask more people to use the duplex envelopes rather than open collection, and a committee was set up for this purpose, con- sisting of The Rector, the two Wardens, chairman of Sidesmen, ._ with volunteers to be invited to help from each organization. Building Committee: Messrs. 1“. Lock, LeGear, Lickerish, Geddes, Hathway, L. Brown. Religious Education Commit- tee: Mrs. Olive Williams, Mrs. Shirley Eckert, Mrs. Phyllis Hathway, Mrs. Jane Booth and Mr. L. Phillips. Delegates to the Bible Society: Mrs. C. Williams, Mrs. Dorothy Brown. Social'Committee: E. Birman, S. Hathway, George Gibson and Mrs. Sid Harrison. Pageant Com- mittee: H. Cave, G. Gibson, Mrs. K. Amos and Mrs. G. McDonald. A discussion arose, regarding various forms of recreation to be held in the church basement and several good suggestions were proposed. The committee is to meet and lay plans for the com- ing session. - An increasing attendance was reported in the Sunday School. The meeting was followed by a social gathering and refresh- ments were served by the ladies of the church. Junior Choir The Junior Choir of the Church of the Apostles held their annual party on January 31 at 4.30 pm. Choir practice was foregone for this occasion and the time de- voted to fun and games. About 35 children, did full justice to the lovely refreshments provided for the occasion, and served by ladies of the church. The young- sters gave a hearty "thanks for a nice party†to Mr. Cave and his assistants. Anniversary Congratulations and good wish- es go to Mr. and Mrs. Perry James, 669 Sheppard Ave., on the occasion of their 25th wed- ding anniversary. The James family, quite literally, "moved house" from Dufferin St. to Sheppard Ave. about 15 years ago. The sale of their home was needed for the DeHaviland Run- way and so they had the hOuse brought to its present location on a huge float. The silver wedding was attend- ed by the couple's seven children and one grandson. Mr. and Mrs. James are active members of Vic- tory Gospel Church, being among the original congregation when services were held in the old Dublin School. Mr. and Mrs; Stewart Geddes of 65 Reeves Road, are enter- taining Mr. Geddes sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Westcott, who are here from Vancouver. Mothers’ Campaign The Marching Mothers of this ' district were out in full force on January 31. Although it will be some time before complete ï¬g- ures are obtained, people were most generous and it is expected the quota will have been ex- ceeded. Mrs. William Earl celebrated her birthday on January 31. The former Jane Anne Powell, Mrs. Earl, who now lives in Newmar- ket, is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Powell of 803 Shep- pard Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hurding and family formerly of McAllister Road, have moved to Quebec City where Mr. Hurding is working on a project. Mrs. W. Sutherland re- ceives glowing accounts of life in Quebec from her grandchildren. A meeting of the Dublin Stit- chettes was held at the home of Mrs. Craton, Bryant Ave. The members of the club worked on two baby quilts which were ï¬n- ished during the afternoon. They also brought in a quantity of sew- ing, principally baby clothes, which had been done at home. Tea was served by Mrs. Craton to the seven members who were present. STOUFFVILLE : Thieves cut 1'75 feet out of a temporary telephone wire laid along the ground near here last week. This left some 200 Markham Township teleâ€" phone: out of order. Don Head Farms Win Many Prizes Don Head Farms. well-known local livestock breeding establish- ment, carried ii’f many prizes and trophies at the International Live Stock Exposition which took place recently in the Dominican Republic. This is the largest International Show held this year in the Caribbean area, and comâ€" petition was very keen, with many famous U.S. breeders sending exhibits, as well as breed- ers from Latin America. Don Head Farms sent 9 Ab- erdeen Angus and 11 Jerseys, and they won several Champion- ships as well as the top prizes in the ‘Get of Sire“ classes for both breeds. Another Jersey Breeder in this. district, Mr. Norman Bagg. of Edgeley, sent a Senior Yearling bull with the exhibit, and was able to win a second prize with him. In all, over one hundred animals from Ontario participat- ed in the Show, including Guer- nseys, Ayrshires, Holsteins Short-horns, and Suffolk sheep. The animals were flown from Malton airport to Cuidad Truâ€" jillo, the city where the show took place, and Art McKeown, Jersey Herd Superintendent at Don Had Farms, was one of the senior Ontario cattlemen in char- ge of the exhibit. He left Malton on December 28th on a large 4- engined DC4 cargo plane be- longing to Pan American Air- ways, which carried the Jerseys, as well as several Ayrshires con- signed to Mr. Eric Craddock, of Aurora, and returned on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redel- meier of Don Head Farms also attended the show, remaining in Ciudad, Trujillo from January 10th to 20th. 1 BETWEEN | YOUR FIRST AND LAST l : PAYCHECKS... | I l But how much will l I be yours to keep? l l | l I It's a sad thing to earn thousands of dollars during your working years-â€" I only to "miss the boat" on ï¬nancial security. Now, State Farm has a I Guaranteed Savings Plan to .ï¬t your income. This plan makes it easy to ' save a part of what you earn and I Imp it mm! for when you need it. "an m- & It Pay: 10 Know You I STATE FARM Agent l W. H, HARDY 31 Yonge St. North t Richmond Hill TU. 4-1397 Residence TU. 4-3766 maul-nu METRO WRE CKIN G 8: LUMBER CO. Used Building Materials, lumber, Doors, Windows, Sash and Plumbing , CEDAR AVE., RICHMOND HILL V2 mile east of Tonga of! Markham Road Open daily to 6 pan. CARS BY THE POUND The other day I was reading a little economic joke pulled by two professors of Cornell University. They wrote a long, serious essay comparing the price-per-pound of cars with the price-per-pound of protein foods like cheese, meat and ï¬sh. New cars. they found. sell from 48 com; to 81.10 per pound with the average being 55 cents a pound. That's two cent: less than the average price of the protein foods. 6" cents. That's pretty good value, I thought. especially since you’ll get some of the! 65 cents back when you trade h. But Who ever bought a used pork chop? l They found a lot of similarities between the economice of cars and food and they came up with a pretty sound con- clusion: The 50-cent‘ a pound car will get you to your desti- nation just as the 40-cent a pound chuck roast will give you lots of vitamins. But the dollar-a-pound car will get you there with less bumping, just as the dollar-aâ€"pound meat will give you the vitamins with less chewing. A unique thing about automobiles, however, i that anyone who can afford to buy a used cut it all m afford just as much luxury and comfort as he wants. V And with a used car lot as large as ours you get the whole range of choices all in front of you, néw cars, old our». almost every make and model you can think of. It 'stands to reason (or really two mono) why we have the best selection of used can. We sell I lot of new can because we can offer the best prices around here. So we get a lot of trade-ins. We sell those tradeâ€"ins at the best prices stand here, so we get a lot of people whogtrade in on the trade-ins. All this means we sell a lot of cars and make money. .You get the low prices. costs. Be Careful. Safety in the automobile is optional at n_o extra cost. No mechanical safety device can replace the protection of careful dnvmg. Last year, trafï¬c accidents claimed the lives of more Canadians than ever before. Someone was injured every 8 minutes. A car was damaged every 48 seconds. Automobile insurance claims rose to more than one hundred million dollars. One result of this is higher automobile insurance rates â€" because what is paid out in claims must be brought in by premiums. But even more important is the fact that you hold your lite, and the lives of others, in your hands when you get behind the Wheel Of a car. Saieiy pays dividends. . . saves lives, helps to lower your insurance ALI. CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION ...at your. . ï¬ngertips on behalf :7! mm than :00 competinl companion 11-!!an Fire, Automobile and Casualty Insurance. (in '