$10,000.00 to $20,000.00 annual income passibie by spending only a few hours monthly in just spare time. Well established Canadian Company will appoint local man or woman to super- vise this sensational business. No experience necessary as we train you in all phases of the business and no high pressure man is wanted as no selling on your part is required. Qualiï¬cations are as follows: 1. Good Character and References 2. Spare 5 to 10 Hours Monthly 3. A Minimum o_f S}.600.00 Cash Required Which is Fully Secured If you can meet these qualiï¬cations and desire an interview with Company Executive in your area, answer this ad im- mediately. n Please do not answer this advertisement unless you, are def- initely interested in a business on a high plane. have the necessary cash available, and are a person who can make and give a deï¬nite decision after you know the facts. as those selected will be appointed immediately. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity with a permanent unlimited income. , For a personal interview in your area. write fully about your- self, include phone number, to J. W. WEBB COMPANY, DEPT. K. 1449 St. Alexander, MONTREAL. Quebec. Cars not roperly Cared {or will squea their rotest . . . ive you a rough ri e and often come difficult to steer. Ignore these complaints and your car will take further reven e by developing little troub es that can grow into major r9p_a_ir bills.†â€""‘Iâ€"’ * '1 Avoid this sort of bother and expense. Get regular Shellu- DO TANK OUR OIL AND 60 BE DONE, WITH COLDISH Rooms WHICH‘AREN'T fUN The case . of the angry ca: FROM OUR RECORDS â€"- Many electric motor repairs are caused by over-oiling. We recommend two drops of oil per oil well per season. Motors have actually been known to run for 14 years after being oiled once. After oiling a motor attach a large shipping tag and mark each date oiled. CAREER OPPORTUNITY 'A large international Life Insurance Com- pany requires a representative, aged 25 to 40 years in Richmond Hill. The man selected will receive adequate income, extensive train- ing, group insurance and pension beneï¬ts with an excellent chance for advancement. Write stating age, education and busi- ness experience 10 Box 19 “The Liberalâ€. Highway 11, 1% miles north of Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1911 TU. 4-3211 THE LIBERAL}, Richmond gm. Onhrb, W, TM ’1. E EMERGENCY SERVICE KEN RUSTON‘ Shell Service Station HERRIDGE ELECTRIC Beneï¬t by our experience AND help yourself. EMERGENCY OIL BURNER & ELECTRIC SERVICE OPPORTUNITY THIS AREA Does cost Premium rate. MANAGEEWANTED PART TIME ONLY Expert brications. With Shellubricaa tion, vou get lubrication in accordance with the require- ments of your car. You get a written guarantee, [11145 a nota- tiou of parts that may need additional service to keep your car running smoothly . . . safely. Drive around and see us soon for your guaranteed Shellubrication. m ..... 'ALL HOURS ".11. Mrs. Hugh Deverell and Mrs. Aereman were present at the in- augural meeting of the new York Presbytery W.A. of the United Church last Tuesday at St. An- drew's. Markham. A few names among the exeCutive will be quite familiar. Mrs. Irwin Scott. Mrs. Austin Rumble, Mrs. S. DeFoe; Mrs. Leonarq Wellmqn, Mrs. A. nu... ...... C. Huston. These with others. were installed by Rev. Jenkinson. _The speaker was Mrs. Sturtridge, former president of Toronto Council. Local W.A. Headford W.A. met last Tues- day evening at the home of Mrs. Wes Middleton, with the presi- dent, Mrs. Rumble. in charge of the program; and the devotional directed by Mrs. Middleton. A Joan Hall Mezzo- Soprano Resides n Beverley Acres Richmond Hill's rapidly growâ€" ing subdivision of Beverley Acres welcomes another family, that of Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Melsness and their 15 months old daughter, Gail Anne, now residing at the corner of Windhurst Gate and an.) ..-.. _ .Formerly of Winnipeg, Mani: toba, Dr. Melsness secured his Chiropractic Degree at the Uni- versity of Toronto, and is now practising his profession, with offices in Toronto and Aurora. Mrs. Melsness, known profess-i ionally in the musical world as Joan Hall, has gained national recognition as a mezzo~soprano, graduating from the Royal Conâ€" servatory under the tuition of Dr. Ernesto Vinci. Miss Hall’s great versatility is indicated by the number of her concert and or- -chestral engagements during the past two years. These include four {solo appearances during a single season under the direction of Sir Ernest MacMillan, with one en- gagement in the U.S.A.; also in Regina, Winnipeg, Montreal, and with the Toronto Symphony. With the CBC and Conservatory Opera Companies, Miss Hall has appeared in the leading roles of the Marriage of Figaro, Rigoletta, 11 Trovatore, Aida, Madame But- terfly, Gianni Schicci, Hansel and Gretel, Dierde of the Sorrows: and the 01d Maid and the Thief. Prior to appearing in Radio and TV programs. Joan Hall won the top award.of $1,000 in the annual CIL contest, “Singing Stars of Tomorrow“. Miss Hall also takes the vocal lead in CBC's “Folioâ€, and in the premiere 0f the Ballet “Emperor Jonesâ€. STUART PAXTON Electrician STEEL LIN‘I‘ELS I BEAMS STEEL‘ FABRICATING To Customer Speciï¬- cations FINDER BROS. LTD. 'HC "‘ “I ’what could‘ [this trip A Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service In the pan 10 years, the cost of building and furnishing a house has just about doubled. Has your Fire Insurance Pro- tection kept pace? Look over your present ï¬re coverage now and see. If you need additional protection let me help you plan it. Call or stop in today. CORRESPONDENT : MRS. B. ACREMAN R. R. 2 Gormley â€" ‘ Phone TUrner 4-2236 _ 31 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill TU. 4-1397 Residence TU. 4â€"3766 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 costâ€"you? i W. H. HARDY M pays to how your' STATE FARM Agent I HEADFORD NEWS brief report of the inaugural of York Presbytery W.A. was given, and a committee selected to take care of a few matters concerning the church basement and stem. Mrs. E. Leek gave an inspiring talk on tie “Impartance of Lit- tle Things". using references of incidents from the Bible to em- phasize her points. Mrs. Wm. Wellman gave a very informal, yet withal informative talk on the past history of the Headford Church. telling stories of the steadfast purpose of folk who had so little of this world's mat- erial things, yet such an abund- ance of faith and the willingness to labour for the goal of their achievement. It was hard to keep one‘s eyes from becoming misty at some of the recollections, yet lone had to smile at the frequent ‘touches of whimsy. We all became so engrossed that time slipped by unnoticed and we ï¬nally hur- ried home with our hearts and minds full of great admiration for the folk who spent and are spending their lives ,for this comâ€" munity. Mrs. Hugh Deverell attended} W.M.S. on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. V. West- brook at Victoria Square. The Board of Stewards meeting planned to precede the Valentine party in the church basement. could not beheld for lack of at- tendance. Perhaps another date will be set. The: party at eight was well attended by children and young folk, who had a hilar- ious time under the direction of "Margaret Brodie. assisted by El- isabeth Barker. Cocoa and cook- ies rounded out a happy get-to- igether. ‘Oratorical Contest Word of the Oratorical Con- test to mark the Silver Anniver- sary of York County Temperance Federation was given out Sun- day in Church and Sunday School. We will be hearing more of this in the immediate future. A meeting of teachers and offi- cers resulted in ‘setting up a committee to purchase Bibles with the gift of $25 donated for that purpose. We were sorry to hear Mrs. Terry had to go to hospital, but hope she is now home again and beginning to feel better. Mrs. Wes Wellman has been visiting for the past week with Mrs. William Wellman. Birthday greetings to Gloria and Gordie Lee for February 26, to Mrs. Wm. Leuschner for Feb. 27 and to Harold Acreman for February 24. If there could have been a February 29 this year we would have included Lee Burton, but perhaps she celebrates on March 1 when there\ is no leap year. A very successful Home and School meeting was held in the Thornlea school last Wednesday, the theme of the meeting being “Safety." The ï¬rst speaker of the evening was E. Sand, who in addition to being Supervising Principal of the School Area, is also Chairman of the Area Safe- ty Committee. Mr. Sand outlined the work which has been done by this committee in an endeavour to make our community a safer place in which to live, and spoke of the things they hoped to ac- complish in the future. President Mr. Pocklington called on last year‘s award winning scholar to introduce the second speaker. An- drew Triolaire made a short but ï¬tting speech of introduction for Inspector Albert Witts of the On- tario Provincial Police, who is en- gaged in developing a Basic Safe- ty Council for Ontario. Inspector Witts gave a must interesting ad- dress on Traffic Safety. He said that the ï¬rst fatal accident on this continent was reported in Ohio in 1899, when the only two cars registered in the state collid- ed-with each other. Since then over 1,000,000 road deaths have occurred. The great ï¬ght today is the Crusade for Safety on our highways. Education for safety is the only answer to the traffic problem and the time to start | driving education is in the cradle. ' was the crux of Inspector Witts’ ' address. A short ï¬lm on Sale Driving was shown by Mr. Learn; safety pasters made by the school} pupils were on display in thei various rooms. Mr. Learn an- nounced that the prize winning _posters Would be sent in to the Area Safety Committee where the ï¬nal winners in each division of the contest would be chosen. To conclude the meeting. school pins were presented to the grad- uates of Thornlea for 1955-56. District News The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mr. Reg. Frost. Greenlane Ave, whose iaâ€" ther passed away in Mt. Dennis on February 12. _ , Home & School News Ricky Hunt celebrated his 9th birthday last Saturday by enter. taining a group of his friends at a pal‘tyt â€" Jill‘s: Guy Frazer has resumed her duties as teacher at Headford school after several weeks ab- sence due to illness. M’r‘sfc'. R. Elmes, Greenlane, has been on the sick list for the pasg thrge \_v_ee}5$. Mrs. T. Birch, Bayview Ave" sailed last week'for a holiday trip to Ireland where she will visit her mother at Enniskillen. Miss Catherine McKeigan was guest of honor at a shower held recently at the home of Mrs. J. W. Curtis. About 25 friends and neighbours attended and pres- ented her with lovely and useful gifts. Miss McKeigan's wedding to Mr. Gordon Lak will take plzgée on Marsh 2. ' THORNLEA NEWS Thornlea Boys Hockey team played another game against the Ross Doan school last Monday. Once again the result was a scoreless tie. The boys have done very well this season. winning two and tying two games out of four. Correspondent: Mrs. J. C. Donnell! Phone AV. 5-1777. Guide & Brownifs Uluuv w --_.V> 2nd Richvale Guides enjoyed a sleigh riding party on Saturday. February 16, at Sunnybrook Rid- ing Academy, under the super. vision of Mrs. K. Kirk, and Mrs. M. Jarman. Hot chocolaqe and hot dogs were consumed by the girls on their return at the home of Lieut. M. Jarman. On Tuesday evehing a “Think. l. ulcuu. AVA. ..,.__, On Tuesday evening a “Think- ing Day Frogram" was held at Charles Hewitt School, with Mrs. D. Martin as guest speaker for 2nd Richvale Guides. Her topic was “Guiding in China" and her Chinese uniform was much ad- mired. " 7‘ L o n--.....: qu Vu- 2nd Richvale Guide 8; Browniel Mothers held a meeting on Wed- nesday, February 13, at the home of Mrs. H. Martin with 22 moth- ers present. A valentine party was enjoyed by all, topped with pie and ice cream. 1st Richvale Brownies put on a “skit" entitled “Other Coun- tries" complete with costumes for the beneï¬t of their parents, at Richvale School, Wednesday evening. 3rd Richvale Guide and Brown- ie Mothers held a meeting Mon- day evening~ at the home of Mrs. D. Bursey. Yongehurst Road. The fmothers are holding a bake sale .at Ross Doan school this Satur- day V..., . lst Richvale Brownie Mothers will hold a mothers' meeting at the home of Mrs. J. McCarthy, Spruce Ave. on Thursday even- ing, February 21, at 8.30. “.5, _ -w- , Linda Bounds and Sharon Loveless were enrolled las't Wed~ nesday evening into 3rd Richvale Brownies at Ross Doan School. Richvale School Home & School held its regu- lar monthly meeting on Monday. February 18. with a good attend- ance. The theme of the evening was “Your Child’s Health". A ï¬lm was shown on the proper foods to eat followed by a talk from the Public Health Nurse, Miss Campbell. The guest speak- er was Dr. Ralph McCaw. Psy- wchologist of the school area. who spoke on “Mental Health†Mr. P. Kurita. principal, told how and what is taught in the school re- garding\the child's health. Re- freshments were served at the close of the meeting. The Safety Poster contest for the school area is underway and winners from Richvale school, Whose names were submitted to the Area judges are: Midgets: Marlene Wicklum, Connie Mc- Dermitt, Debbie Kirk. Juniors: Francis Paul, Judy Kurek, Janet Taylor. Seniors: Beverley Bush- e11y Thelma King, Martha Foster. Ross Doan School Names sent in to the Area judges as winners of the Safety Poster contest are: Group “C" Midgets: Gail Masters. Mark Kirk, Linda Bounds. Group ‘B" Juniors: Stephen Sim. Chuck Jay, Chris Miller. Group C Sen- AV. 5-4391 flhevmlet Chevrolet is famous for its winning ways. More people buy Chevrolet than any other car. There isn‘t a car on the road can touch Chevrolet's record! That’s because no other car has so consistently offered the styling, per- formance and dependability that make Chevrolet an unbeatable value year after year. , Again in ’57 Chevrolet outclasses them all! Here‘s a car that loves to go and looks it! From bumper to bumper it has the sweet good looks and the ï¬ne-car luxuries of Body-by-Fisher that put fashion and function beautifully together! Try it on the road! See how Chevrolet outsteps them all! Try A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. BLACKBURN Yongehurst Road Phone TU. 4-2617 ,__._ A... 0-0... :COIIOOOOOOOO'mti RICHVALE NEWS YEAR AHER YEAH iors: Beverly Morris. Gordon Bounds, Willene Clark. Hockey Senior boys flï¬al for the Area championship next Monday 4 p. m. at Richmond Hill Arena. Ross Doan versus Thornlea. Charles Howitt School Names sent in to the Area Judges of the Safety Poster contest are: Midget Division: *Lembit Piirsalu. Allison Raey. Arthur Besio. Junior Division: Jan Every. Pauline Raey, Paul Swindle. Senior Division: Averâ€" ill Lunau, Bill Berge, Michael Rhodes. Charles Hewitt Home & SI held a “Fun Fair Day†at school on Saturday, with a large turnout and it proved a sucessful venture. Monday. 25. the Home 8: School will its regular monthly meeting. ents are urged to attend. Socials A seventh daughter was born to the Brian Baileys of Richvale recently. Owing to illness Virginia Chev- is of Mill Road. had to cancel her party. planned for last Friâ€" day night All being well she hopes to early out her plans on February 22. Mr. R. Sutton of Pemberton while pushing a neighbor’s car last week, slipped on the icy road and as a result suffered a broken foot. , Mrs.'A. Allen of Pemberton Road, observed her birthday on February 14 Ricnvale - Stop 21A Yonge 5!. Branch use-so' Avenue Road Main Store Specialize in Custom Fur Coa1 designs. We also carry a large stock of MADE UP FURS Ken Stiff Furs A large experienced staff of experienced Furriers to handle 'repairs and restyl'mg muskrat to mink. ALL WORK __A_ND MATERIAL __â€"«v--‘ .-__,___ " Eï¬ARANTEED Prices are_reas9na'ble -- quota- t1ons mv1ted. Main Store 1758-60 Avenue Rd. RU. 1-9178 Branch Bichvale - Stop 21A Yong. 5!. AV. 5-4172 KEN silrr LIMITED ; STORES YONGE STREET NORTH TU. 4- 1276 uletI School at the a very a very I. Feb- 11 hold ‘2. Par- anutstvles 93 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill the smoothest, liveliest V8 or 6 you ever put a toe to. Try the most copied ride and handling on the road! ‘(Glide-Ride suspension, Outrigger rear springsl). Far from resting on their laurels, Chevrolet engineers have made this beautiful ride even better for 1957! Small wonder Chevrolet outsells’ them all! More and more people are taking to Chevy's winning Ways because they’re ï¬nd- ing that Chevy‘s value can't be beat! See your Chevrolet dealer now . . . see why Chevrolet outstyles, outsteps, outsells them all! Your wedding day is when one love story ends . . . and- another, fuller and more rich begins. This is a moment you’ll want to keep . . . in pictures that are always a tribute to your loveliness . . . as only a skilled photog- rapher whose sympathetic understanding of the little ,things you will want to remember, can interpret them. noon“. 1953 15' Place LAGERQUIST STUDIO %EVROLEI % RICHMQHD. HELD 1 :I'IIVOOIMIOOOIII‘OOII: THE MOST MODERN "PIC!!!“ 55; ENGINES IN THE WORLD 'Based on oflictal nation nelstrauons supplled u an Independem muroo TU. 4-2791