Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Feb 1957, p. 11

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Dianne Forhan (Mrs.'Ma1colr_n Black) will appear with her dan~ cing partner, Norman Thompson, on the Jackie Rae Show on Feb ruary 28, over CBLT. Misg For~ ban is a sister of Mrs. E. W. S. Klimitz, the owner of the pharmacy, no drugs or other mer- chandise were taken. the main loss being from the branch post office. At the time your corres~ pendent interviewed him, Mr. Klimitz was still checking his cash receipts, and could not say definitely how much money had been stolen. The store mUSt have been broken into. said Mr. Klim- itz, some time between 10 pm. Sunday evening. when the last police check was made, and a quarter to 12 that some night, when an unidentified youth re- ported the broken door to the lo~ cal police. Mr. Kliinitz himself first heard of the robbery» about midnight Sunday. Police of Markham. Vaughan and North York have been alerted.~but at the time of writing no report of their progress can be made. Former Resident on, TV‘ Sanitary Contractor Smasmng their way through th: heavy glass of the front door, the. thieves ransacked the till and jimmied open a small safe at the rear of the store. Accordinguto C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-124! Drains Cleaned & Repaired v--. _.___ _-____, __-__ V Late last Sunday night. Feb- ruary 17, thieves broke into the Klimitz Pharmacy. 6431 Yonge Street. and made off with an un~ determined amount of cash. Local Pharmacy Robbed V '1 flfffiflfi'llflfiFWN§§N§$§$W§W§W§L®V§WM They know that a new car dealer has earned the respect of the manufacturer he represents; he’s earned his franchise which can be snapped back at any time if he turns to shady practices. He can’t be a fly-by-nighter who sets up a sign on the nearest vacant lot. So, when you're looking around for a used car, drop into the 102.; A salesman will show you around. but he won't high preuure you. If you don't buy Roda“ we'll still be in business tomorrow. In this very broad survey among people who were lookâ€" ing for a car, the most common reply said they rated cars by economy first, comfort second and style third. Which only goes to prove, I suppose, how little we really know about ourselves and why automobile engineers go gray. ‘ It you were going out today to buy a car, new or used, what would be the three most important things you'd look for? Septic Tanks Pumped They know that the new car dealer has the service “duties to look after the can he sells. His warranty means something. It’s still largely a myalety why people buy the can they do. but it's no mystery WHERE they prefer :0 buy Shem. Every survey and report I've ever seen shows that people buying used cars go mainly to NEW car dealers. The same people, after they had bought a car, were asked why they had selected it. And the answers were exactly the tavern. It was style first. comfort second and economy third. Ask yourself this question. and then I’ll tell you who: happened when thousands c! prospective car buyers were asked this same question in a recent survey. 24 Hour Service OPEN EVERY SATURDAY .- 130 mm. to 5.30 p.111. Stop 15, Yonge St, at Thornhill YORK PARMERS’ - MARKET o CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. A. SMITH 22 Highland Park Blvd.. phone AVenue 5-2795 HIGHLAND PARK NEWS Famous For Fresh Produce Over the past week-end. your correspondent was asked several times whether preâ€"school child- ren were to receive the Salk vac- cin for polio at the clinic held Monday afternoon, February 18, at Henderson Avenue School. The York County Health Unit was queried; and they state quite def- initely that this report which had gained considerable currency in he district. was not correct. Chil- dren attending school are receiv- ing injections of the Salk vaccine regularly, but pre~school children will NOT be able to get their free polio shots until the months of April, May and June. according to the present schedule. Eric W. Axelson. of Highland Park Blvd., was guest speaker to- day at the luncheon meeting of the Canadian Progress Club. Mr. Axelson who, as editor of Cana- da's foremost marine trade paper, is one of opr more knowledge- able citizens in these matters. described the St. Lawrence Sea- way and its probable influence on trade and shipping. Mr. Malcolm Black is also of the theatre and the discerning eye might just be able to make him out on TV as well, when the latest vession of the “Last of the Mohicans" makes its appear- ance.Mr. Black has given the following clues to aid in his iden- tification. He will appear brieflv as an Indian warrior. and he will probably be trembling violently â€" not from simulated fright but from genuine cold. as he forgot to prepare for the temperature to be encountered outdoors on a wintry day in Canada. Whether it was the result of this experi- 'ence. we do not know; but Mr. Black has forsaken acting and is now associated with the Crest Theatre in a production capacity. Polio Shots for Pre-Schoolers Axelson, of Highland Park Blvd. The Blacks resided for a short time with the Axelsons, follow- ing their arrival in Canada last year from England, where Miss Forhan danced with the Sadler‘s Wells company. The annual meeting of Lang- staff Baptist Church was held at the ’end of January. and reports were ,given of the work carried out throughout the year. The toâ€" tal receipts were $17,000. and the sum of $2,553 was given to Missions. During the year there were 26 baptisms and 23 added to the church roll. A new addi- tion was put on the church, housing two washrooms. and the church basement was redecorated. Members of the board for 1957 include \ Deacons: E McLean, Chairman L. Weavels. 0. Knights, H. Caines E. Martin C. Pullen, and W. Blair. Tleas- urer is F. Spencely, and Clerk G. Eagleson. There was a very large audi- ence last Saturday evening for the showing of the Billy Gra- ham picture “Fire on the Hea- ther.“ WJ. Marks 60th Anniversary Refreshments were served in the junior room with Mrs. Russell Heise as convenor and Grade 4 mothers serving. In the senior room. Mrs. Maurice Farquhar- son acted as convenor. assisted by Grade 5 mothers. A birthday Langstaff Baptist Church A short business session was followed by a program by the students and teachers. Tuesday. February 19, was the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Women’s Institute move- ment at Stoney Creek, Ont. Wo- men's Institutes throughout Can- ada and char countries of this world-wide organization have ben planning programs to be held throughout 1957 to celebrate this special year. Radio programs and television broadcasts have been arranged for this week on the Farm Broadcasts and Country Calendar. Mark-Vaun Women’s Institute held a very successful Travelling Bake Sale lést Saturday morning and wish to thank all those who helped. School News Teachers. parents and students of S. S. No. 7 Markham joined together in celebrating their an- nual Open House and the third birthday of the Gormley Home and School Association. Com- mencing at 7.30 p.m. with Open House. parents were welcomed in the Junior and senior rooms by the teachers. The pupils' work books were, neatly arranged on their desks with Art, sport and handicraft displays placed at stra- tegic points. Here in our own district a new institute has been formed. the Glenelm Women's Institute. of Richmond Hill. and every success is Wished them by the Mark- Vaun Women' 5 Institute and the Langstafl Senim Women's Insti- tute of Langstaf‘f Open House will be held on Tuesday, March 5, in connection with Education Week. We wish to extend sincere sym- pathy to Mr. Earl Cober and fam- ily of Fordwich and to Bishop and Mrs. A. L. Winger in the passing of Mis. Earl Cober, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Winger. Many friends and rela- tives from here attended the fun- erallon Sunday 8*. Fordwich. Over $10. was raised at the White Elephant Sale held last Wednesday to £10 toward organâ€" izing a Chess Club. Grades 6, 7. and 8 had an in- teresting lesson last week when a speaker from the Maple Divis- ion of Lands and Forests spoke on the Don Valley Conservation work in our district. Personals M. and Mré. Ernest Eade had dinner on Friday evening with Mrs. Wilmot Brown of Ringwood. Home & School Mrs. Marj. Cole of Toronto spent several days with Mrs. Beulah Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Doner and Dale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Winger and boys of Queensville. Mr. and Mrs. H. LeMasurier. No. 7 Highway, have as their guest this week, Dr. S. E. Ferret- la from Jamaica. Mr. J. Noel. Sussex Ave.. en- tered Toronto General Hospital last week for treatment. We wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Dawna Barrett spent the week end with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Millen of Tor- onto. Mr. Alex Wilson of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ern Eade. Congratulations to Miss Vera D'oust, who received 99 marks in her Grade 2 Theory exam at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J. ROY AV. 5-2496 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILS'I'ED Telephone Gormley 5201 GORMLEY NEWS to Elfrope Hostesses are Mrs. Wallace Scott and Mrs. Leslie Smith. ‘ m In the absence of Rev. E. B. Eddy, who was taking part in the sod-turning ceremony for the new United Church at Thornhill, we had Mr. Wm. Killam of Rich- ‘mond Hill to conduct the service at Carrxfille. He spoke on The United Church as a missionary church. The choir sang .“Hark, Hank My Soul.” School News Despite the heavy snowfall over the weekâ€"end several mothers and pre-school children attended the valentine party at the school on Friday afternoon. Mr. Green was chairman for a short program. Jane Manning recited. A. Nes- bitt sang a solo. Pauline Gray. A1- ice Rowding and Susanne Ross sang’ a, trio and Ruthe Meyers asked several riddles and played some records and Mr. Green read Mr. and Mrs. Allan Doner spoke on Sunday morning to the Sunday school at Stouffville U. M. Church. They had dinner with Mrs. I. Brubacher. Friends are pleased that Miss Marjorie Barber was able to come home from St. Michael's Hos- pital last week. She is convales- cing at her home now. vnlu-vv v- ,V, Paisley conducted the devotional service and Miss Vera Doust played a piano solo. Mrs. Allan Doner then Spoke and showed pictures on her missionary work in Nigeria. This was very much enjoyed. Mrs. Doner was then presented with many beautiful gifts. as her birthday was on February 10. A birthday coke was the highlight of the dainty refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cowel and son of Toronto had‘supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Law- rénce Boynton. Misses Sheila Wilcox and Lois Moorby entertained classmates of Grades XI and XIII of Rich- mond Hill High School at a par- ty on Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wilcox. Mr.- and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson oi Elmvale spent a few days with his parepts. 7 _ Gormley Women's Institute will meet February 27 at 2 pm. at the home of Mrs. Roy Smith. Roll call, a custom of another country. Theme, International Day. Church News a poem. Lu'nch was served to compleje a pleasant afternoon. The senior and junior W.M.S of the United Missionary Church met Monday night at the home of Mrs. C. Miisted. Miss Edith Raymer, vice-president, was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. W‘. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Cober of Morrison. 111.. visited his father, Rev. .105. Cober and other rela- tives here last week. Mrs. D. Downey will speak and show pictures on her recent trip There was a decorated post box from which valentines were dis~ tributed to the children. Socials Mrs. Jack Barton and Mrs. Day- id Barton attended a shower in Toronto on Friday evening for Miss Violet Sheppard who is be» ing married in March. Mrs. Dean Wilson was hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Dean daughter Myra Jane visited on Sunday at home. Young People Don't forget the oyster supner the young people are planning to take place on March 20. There will be more particulars later. ’Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ash and Bill of Edgeley and Mrs. John Ash of Concord had supper Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs.‘ David Barton with Mrs. John Ash remaining for a few days. Miss Mary George of Rich- mond Hill. who celebrated her 18th birthday on February 14, was entertained at a birthday supper by Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and family at their home on Thursday. also Miss Dorothy Baker was present. cake. complete with three candles was on hand in each room. Mas- ter Christopher Johnstone acted as ‘Extinguisher” for the juniors and Master Danny Farquharson for the seniors. It was indeed a gala affair! W.M.S. Miss Mildred Brilllnger from Little Long Lac Hospital. Ger- aldton, spent a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brill- inger. Mildred had to bring a baby down to the Sick Children‘s Hospital. for an operation. The pupils and teachers of S. S. 7 Markham enjoyed a skating party at Unionville rink Thurs- day afternoon ang a valentine party on Friday afternoon. A large number from Heise Hill church attended the first Bi- ble Confelence at the Oak Rid- ges church Aon Sunday. Mr. J. T. Johnson was remov- ed to St. Michael's Hospital, Tor- onto. on Monday. His many friends wiSh him a complete re- covery. ers. .165. Wideman éntertained at a quilting on, Tuesday. Formerly of Gerrard Helm-1mm Work guaranteed. Free estimates Miss H‘. Colbeck had dinneg- on Sunday with Mrs. Geo:_Lear_y. Phone Liberal Office TUrner 4-1105 Evgs. 0Rchard 6516, Toronto PIANO TUNING and Repairing S. Hofi’man Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 13033 (ARRVILLE Wilson énd of Toronto the Barton The February meting of the W.M.S. was held Wednesday afâ€" ternoon at the home of Mrs. V. Westbrook with 22 ladies and four little girls present. Mrs. F. McRoberts was in charge of the worship period. Mrs. C. Story read the scripture. Mrs. R. Per- kins led in prayer. The study book was given by Mrs. F. Mc- Roberts. Mrs. W. Orr and Mrs. W. Sandle. Mrs. H. McCague and Mrs. G Joyce gave reports of the W.M.S. annual Presbyterial If Toronto Centre Presbytery held recently at Willowdale United Church. MrS. Joyce also gave a report of the farming of the new W.M.S. Presbyterlal of the York Presbytery held at Richmond Hill recently. Sr. Women’s institute Party A very enjoyable evening was spent on February 11 at the Com- x'unity Hall, the occasion being the annual party of the Sr. Wom- en‘s Institute. The program op- ened with community singing, led by Miss Eleanor Syrcuse of Toronto. Several musical num- bers Were played by Peer Norâ€" gard and Verner Mikkelsen on the violin and accordian. accom- panied by Mrs. Olive Williams on the piano. A recitation was given by Harry I‘arber Sr. The guests formed groups according to the birthdates and various games were played. After these folk-dancing took place in which most people joined. A play "Sil- ence Please" was presented by Miss Betty Snider. Donald Boyn- ton. Mrs. Nellie Snider and Miss Mabel Sanderson. The actors were under the direction of Mrs. P. Willows. Refreshments were served. There were 12 tables of play- ers at euchre in the Community Hall last Wednesday eening. Prize winners were: Mrs. Dewsbury, Mrs. Calvert. Mrs. Fox, Martin Styrmo, Lyle Hess, Herman Mor- ton. Freezemut. Arnold Mortson and Llyd Beatty. Wesley Clarke and Jim Curtis. The next euchre will be held in the Community Hall on Wednesday evening. February 27 at 8:15 pm. Couples Club The Supply committee of the W.M.S. is holding a quilting bee in the Sunday School room on February_ 27. As there are four or five quilts to be quilted, it is requested that all the ladies in the community come out and help get them done. Come in the mor- ning and bring your lunch. Neighbourhqod News Birthday ‘greetings to Donna Beatty who will be three years old on February 26. The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. was held in the Sun- day School room on Wednesday evening of last week with 29 ladies present. Mrs. A. Frisby’s group was in charge of the pro- gram. The scripture was head by Mrs. D. Parsons. Mrs. Marcus Jar- vis gave the lesson thoughts and a prayer. Mrs. G. Joyce and Miss Mabel Sanderson gave reports of the W.A. annual meeting held in Eglinton United Church recent- ly. Mrs. Garnet Francy showed some beautiful slides on Alaska which were very much enjoyed by all. Following the meting re- fleshments were served by the group ,in charge. Euchrui The February meeting of the Couples Club will be held Tues- day evening, February 26, at 8 pm. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McCague All married coup- les in the community are invited to attend. Mission Band A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Treanor Canning who has been ill in bed for the past month. Friends will be pleased to learn that Mrs. Donald Pickering was able to come home from the hos- pital last week. Mrs. R. Bovair and Master Bob~ by Ratke, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton. Grace and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boynton and Patricia. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boyn- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sandle. Margaret and Betty had dinner on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning. in honor of Mrs. S. Boynton, who celebrated her birthday on February 11. They have to see for you to sell ! your no longer needed articles are worth cash to hundreds of district families. Your spare room is just what someone else needs. But, until they know about it, you’ll never meet these buyers! l Mr. And Mrs. Robert Duncan and Elizabeth of Oak Ridges had THE LIBERAL For Quick Results CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sundle. Victoria Square Telephone Gomuey 5421 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PHONE TU. 4-1105 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Master Terry Hart entertain- ed a number of his school chums on Wednesday of last week on his seventh birthday. Masters Lloyd and Donald Rennie and Miss Valerie Rennie of Scarboro spent Thursday of Ias’. week with their cousins Misses Judy and Wendy Hart and Master TerryHart. To those in Richmond Hill who made the acquaintance of Mrs. Mary Daly during her recent visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay, it will be of interest to know that Mm. Daly is now back at her farm home at Fredonia, Ontario. This lady, remarkably active, both physically and mentally, has as her philosophy “life is just what you make of it". especially when one is “over 90". Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton had dinner on Thursday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ted nga at Cashel. Mrs. Olive Williams and Miss Mabel Sanderson had dinner on Thursday of last week with Mrs. R. Perkins. Mr. Eddie Donhelly of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and family on Sunday. Interesting Pioneer “Over .90” Visits Here Mr. and Mrs. John Empringham ,hm‘ Saturday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson an: family in Toronto. To stay with her niece, Mrs. Lindsay. Mrs. Daly travelled from, and returned to, North Bay by train, unaccompanied. Saturday evening dinner‘ with Mr. and Mrs. Ear] Empringham, B_a_rbara_apd Margaret. After the passing of her hus- band nine years ago, Mrs. Daly has lived alone on her farm. with no electric service. cuts her own wood, and carries her water from the spring several hundred yards from the house. In Richmond Hill when visit- ing, Mrs. Daly preferred to walk, including the 1% miles to St. Mary’s Anglican Church when she was a guest at the afternoon WA. meeting Mrs. Daly is a great reader and still a student, she keeps up-to- date on world affairs, sets a high mark in working out the Reader's Digest ‘Word Power”, cross word puzzles. and of course is an ex~ ponent of the Bible. ' A Sunday School teacher for a lifetime, and sti'l active in church affairs, as during her 56 years as a member of the Fre- donin United ChU"Ch, there have been only 24 services when Mrs. Dnly Was not in nttendame. In 1901, Mr. and Mrs. Daly took up farm land at Eredonia. 71/; miles from North Bay. the log house was built and keyed with wooden wedges. Today it is weathertight with the original moss that was forced into the cracks. Mrs. Daly’s family includes a son, daughter, six grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. n TRADE - 1N THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 21, 1957 1! ON YOUR PRESENT TELEVISION, RADIO, RANGE, REFRIGERATOR, WASHER OR DRYER ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: AV. 5-1333 YOUR TRADE-IN ACCEPTED AS A DOWN PAYMENT. UP TO 24 SUBURBAN MONTHS TO PAY. OFFER GOOD UNTIL FEB. 28th TELEVISION & ELECTRIC CO. Centre & Yonge Sts. Thornhill TELEVISION RADIOS ' HI - FI’S RANGES REFRIGERATORS DRYERS and WASHERS WINTER SPECIALS FOR THIS COMING WEEK 1955 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION Used Building Materials, lumber, Doors, Windows, Sash and Plumbing Baker’s Sales 8: Service Ltd. 1953 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 1952 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 1951 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN $650.00 METRO WRECKING 8c LUMBER CO. b ONSTRUCTION CO. CONCRETE WORK â€" DRAINS 126 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2612 Starlight Coupe, overdrive, radio MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM CEDAR AVE., RICHMOND HILL V) mile east of Yonge of! Mnlkham Road Open daily to 6 mm. overdrive, radio, 2-tone STOP 22, YONGE STREET, RICHVALE PHONE AV. 5-1189 Custom Coach $1695.00 $1095.00 $850.00 TU. 4-2241

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