Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Feb 1957, p. 13

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INTO-MASTER VJ. 100+ MOTOR OlL is ”0% PURE PENNSYLVANIA â€" Nature's best . . . made even better by superior refining â€" and fortified lay carefully selected High Detergency additives to keep your engine cleaner than new car clean. Mote-Master V. i. lOO+ Motor Oil is safest in all types of car operationâ€"it is the world's finest lubricating oil and is formulated to reduce engine wear. resist oxidation and prevent sludge and varnish deposits. It Is classified with the highest lubricating rating and is recommended for all cars and trucks In any service. including light diesels and cars with hydraulic valve lifters. Get quicker starts in zero weather . . . and add years to the life ,of your engine with MOW-MASTER V.l. 100+ PENNSYLVANiA MOTOR OIL fizmwm *% Wm MM (on liven" Ill.) ChIldnn 2“ M "Mill-a Idmluln AMI 7M) Mon-un- Nlcg Dolly (Clem NIH-fl 2.15 pan “5 p.n Ivonlnul A Sal. Alignmentâ€"All um m In. Sul- 3l35â€"lol 50d. $IJI n9. him-m... Angqunâ€"uuuu I'ol OUR FIN!$'I' SHOW EVIR ‘I'O CELEBRATE OURâ€" Flow: lreely at all Mm Irotuves. Equal lulu ricating valu. On many ervic. Station grade: ulllng at twice this low price. A real non-y- mver for can "using" oil. IN YOUR CONTAINER . . “REGULAR” GRADE OIL The Cristianis Addi Quinn Dieter Tusso _ Hamilton’s Maiorettes Shurkey the Seal Zippy the Chimp Gee Gee's Huskies Dotson‘s Divers Army Aerial Gymnast: The Great -‘ Veno THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE-r thn Hamlet’s ”BIRDS 0F PRH’” THE MOTOR EXPERTS’ OIL -GLEM|S AS IT LUBRIGATES AT THE CANADIAN NATIONAl QUART pl“ 100 ROlllNG, (ll-OPPINGi “NO! TIlTINO. Get your seats NOW} .37 GALLON for the GALLON .74 1 .39 We welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Cummins and young son Larry. who have taken up residence in the former home of Mr. S. Robertson, Yongehurst Road. M1. Vic Davenport and 5011 Steven of Walmer Road, have re- cuperated from their recent ill- ness but David Davenport is in bed with a virus infection Virginia Chevis of Mill Rd. in- vited her school chums to a party on Friday evening and those en- joying dzlncing, games and re- freshments were: Sandra Ma), Marie and Patsy Hayes, Jackie Wargan. Betty Arnold, Hilda Howes. Beverly Morris, Virginia and Diane Chevis, Gary Leach, Bob King. Jimmy Tinkler, Gor- don Bounds. Ronald Tiffany, Ken Green, Allan Blackburn, Doug. Cuttler. Billy Hill and Russel Chevis. Sugar 6: Spice Club met at the home of Mrs. M Styan on Thurs- day evening Winners at cards were Mrs. G. Fenwick. Mrs. J. Clement. Mi§s M. Murphy. Hos- tesses of the evening were Mrs. E. Lambert and Mrs. W. Schur- man. Dr. W. Lockheart of Winnipeg, and Principal of the United C011- ege. visited with his sister, Mrs. J. Kirk, Spruce Ave.. on Friday last. Dr. Lockheart is helping cel- ebrate the ZOth anniversary of the Kingsway - Lambton United Church and the burnng of their mortgage. The pupils aid teachers are all working very hard for their con- cert which they hope to present at the school. March 15. qude jug! Brownie N ews Mrs. J. Gottschalk of Edgar Ave., returned home from the Hospital on Wednesday and is progresSing favourably. following her recent spinal operation. Correspondent: Mrs. Ben Middleton Telephone Mule 13033 Rev. Mr. Morton was in charge of the service at Camille on Sunday in the absence of Rev. Mr. Eddy who is having a much needed holiday. Mr. Morton will be in charge of the service next Sunday. March 3. Edward Addison. Allan Black- burn, Johnny Todd, David Osâ€" mond, and Wayne Unsworth were invested into lst Richmond Hill Scouts on Tuesday evening, Feb- ruary P. Rich" c School lst Richvale Brownie Mothers met at the home or Mrs. J. Mc- Carthy, Spruce Ave., on Thursday evening to discuss the camping sitUation for the girls this sum- mer. Reflzeshmems were served. Mrs. F. ‘Lockheart from Dun- dalk, Ontario is spending a three week holiday with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk, of Spruce Ave. ‘ Scout News 3rd Richvale Gfiide_§rvmd~§r'o'\;; nie Mothers held a tea and bake sale at the Ros; Doan School on The March meeting of the Carr- ville United Church Woman‘s As- sociation will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Barton Bathurst St., on Wednesday afternoon, March 6, at 2 pm. The devotionals are to be taken by Miss E. Shepherd, and Mrs. J. Oliver. Lunch will be provided by those whose initials are M to Z. Wedidng Anniversary Very best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Jack McEwen who celebrat- ed their 20th wedding anniverâ€" sary on February 22. Afternoon Tea Mrs. Geo. Pitts of Can-ville Rd. West, Entertained several ladies at afternoon tea on February 20. Mrs. Oliver Pitts, her sister-in- ‘law poured tea. Those present were Mrs. E. Perring, Mrs. S. Wood the Misses Carr. Mrs. Ley, Mrs. C. Nunn, Mrs. J. Clement, Mrs. R. Kirk. Mrs. J. A. Baker, Mrs. Ness, Mrs. J. McEwen, Mrs. E. Rowden, Mrs. Grace Dunlevy and Mrs. R. Middleton. School News Mr. Green and the school chil- dren at /Carrville public school were sorry to have to say good- bye to Josephine Delbrocco on Friday at the close of school. but her family is leaving this neigh- borhood. They presented her with a pen with her name inscribed ley Morris. Group 3: Robert Mid- dleton, Jim Bushell. Ray Baker. Beverley Bushell. Pianists Jim Bushell and Geo. Williams. This past Wednesday they held a meet- ing in the church hall with Mrs. J. McEwen present. Miss Mary George presided. There were 22 present. Geo. Williams read the scripture and Dorothy Baker took the prayer. Plans were made for the oyster supper to be held on March 20 at the church hall. Sympatlu' ‘ on it. Ruthe Meyer will leave school March 1 ,to go to her new home near Steeles Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Vinzengo Del- Brocco and family and Mr. and Mrs. Luigi DelBrocco and‘baby daughter have moved to their new home in Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Meyers and Ruthe will leave our community to take up residence near Steeles Ave. We are sorry to see all these people leave our community. Young People The Can-ville Young People held their annual meeting recent- ly and appointed Mrs. J. Mc- Ewen as leader and the following officers: President, Mary George; vice-president, Gordon Read: sec- retary. Dorothy Baker; treasurer. Kenneth Wood. Three groups were selected: Group 1: Bob McEwen. Kenneth Baker. Bob Hudson, Geo. Will- iams. Group 2: Jim Green. Lynn Morris, Kenneth Green, Bever- Sincere sympathy is expressed to Mrs. S. Wood and all the rela- tives of the late Mrs. Albert Ev- ringham who passed away Fri- day evening very suddenly fol- lowing a heart attack. She was laid to rest in Carrville cemetery on Monday afternoon CARRVILLE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. BLACKBURN Yongehurst Road Phone TU. 4-2617 RICHVALE NEWS Saturay afternoon and it proved to be very successful. A vote of thanks is extended to the mothers who worked so hard for this event. Local Wolf Cub Honored Richard Chaikin, son of Peggy and Al. Chalkin of Westwood Lane was honored recently for his quick thinking last fall, when he saved the life of three year old Ricky Smith of Long Branch. Last Labor day while the Chal- kins were visiting friends at Wa- saga Beach. Richard while sitting on the dock at Nottawasaga River. noticed Ricky trying to pull a fishing rod out of the water when the child lost his balance and plunged into the water, which was 25 feet deep at this particu- lar spot. Richard yelled and ran for help. Hearing the cries Mr. Smith ran to the scene and see- ing a small foot, plunged in and pulled his son onto the dock. Ar- tificial respiration was applied and the child soon recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Smith later visited with the Chaikins and gave Rich- ard with a gold watch for saving the life of their s'on. DOORS FRAMES? JUST LGWQ AT THEE “GLIDE MASTER” fiPECiAL WTUREfil DOOR GROOVING IS ELIMINATED WITH GLIDE-MASTER ADJUSTABLE DOOR GUIDES MADE OF LIFETIME NYLON Charles Hewitt School The Home & School held its regular meeting Monday night with the program devoted to the Home 8: School and its foundaâ€" tions. Mrs. E. Hankin. Provincial vice-president of the Ontario Fed- eration Home 8; School Associa- tion. spoke on “The Challenge". Refreshments were served and a social half hour followed. To observe Education Week. Charles Howitt will hold Open House and a Concert on Monday evening, March 4. During inter- miSSion the children will take their parents into their class- rooms and show them their work. The time will be seven oclock until 9:30, in order that the pu- pils will not be late getting home. Ross Doan School Monday, March 4, at 8 pm Home 8: School Meeting and Op- en House. The parents will have the 19er- ilege of visiting the class rooms next week at the following times: Tuesday 9:30 to 11:30; Thursday Ross Doan Senior Boys won the Area Championship on Monday when they played Thorn- lea at the Arena and were victor~ ions with a score of 4-2‘ Many thanks are extended to K. Kim zinger who spent a lot 'of time coaching the boys and Mr. R. canhing the' boys and Mr. R Brown who transported the team} 1.30 to 2:30 Hockey GLIDE-MASTER WHEELS FACTORY LUBRICATED FOR SMOOTH FRICTIONLESS OPERATION Mrs. Freeman Barker and Mrs. Acreman were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Caseby. on the occasion of their Golden Wedding on Wednesday, Iast. Mrs. Cummer Lee is entertain- ing her mother, Mrs. McDougal, and Mrs. Jevins. for a few days. They stayed over to help Gloria and Gordie celebrated their 3rd., birthday. Some folk will be concerned to hear Mrs. Bill Acreman, of Om- emee, fell on the ice recently, and has been going around with crutches. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Those of us who attended World Day of Prayer Service, at Heed- ford ‘last year will be interest; 1 to know that our speaker of last year. Mrs. Roger Self, will be speaker when the service is on the radio on the day before Lhe World Wide Service. This year the local service is at Browns Corners, at. 2. 30, on Fliday, Mai- ch 8. Birthday greeting for March 5 to Barbara McDonald ,and to Murray Acreman. HEADFORD. NEWS Mrs. K. Acreman Correspondent: B. R. 2 Gormleyv Ont Phone TUrner 4-2236 PHONE AVENUE 5' 1 1 8 1 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm. Ontario, Thursday. February 28, 1957 home-building problem â€"â€" call us Licensed Mach-Me Repairs Po All Makes Of Cars Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups 3‘3 Texaco Products 31‘; Towing Service ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-1773 Mart Kenney’s Ranch THIS MONTH 7:; No City Driving 7?; 20 Minutes from Avenue Rd. and Hwy. 401 {1- Free Parking if Enquire for Special Student and Party Rates {if Table Reservations For All DIRECTIONS ‘ North off No. 7 Highway at Shell Station ‘ 11/: miles West of Highway No. 400 ‘ 0r Zl‘z'Miles East of Highway No. 27 52 PER PERSON For passageway door Installations in standard 4” stud walls Here's good news lor Home hobby enihuslasls! The Glide-Masfer Door Uni? ls designed ‘Por rapid installation and superior sliding door performance. No wrenches heeded! Simple finger-tip ad- iustment of special hanger nu' when door is hung, assures precise, permanent align- ment. Minimum headroom required for track. “or one And Inch passageway (omes completely assembled ready lor ’easy inslallallon It’s Fun To Dance At MART KBNNBY md three-eighth: to one 1m! three-quark! eway doors â€" complete with 31] Instructions) OUR GARAGE EVERY SATURDAY PORTABLE SUM? PUMPS SKILL SAWS HAND SANDERS â€" WE SELL ~â€" A COMPLETE LINE O!‘ BUILDING MATERIALS NO DOWN PAYMENT â€" UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY WE FINANCE -â€" -â€"â€"- we’ll be glad to help. WE RENT ~â€" RESERVATIONS: AT. 8-1282 AN D HIS ORCHESTRA

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