Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Feb 1957, p. 14

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10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 28, 1957 RICHMOND HILL BRANCH D. C. BEACOCK, Manager Starting March 17th Are your youngsters learning - Financial Navigation? THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA There's a lot of fun for you and for them in this game. And we have a booklet con- tahung rnany usehfl ideas on the subject vvhich you can pass on to your boy or girL II’ '3 called ”Financial Training for your Son and Daughter”, and it shows how you can help your youngsters to help them- selves. Ask for a copy next time you’re in the branch. CURRENT ACCOUNTS - SAVINGS ACCOUNTS TRAVELLERS' CH‘EQUES - MONEY ORDERS SAFEKEEPJNG SERVICES THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ‘5 LARGEST BANK 0F 4 TRACTORS. COMBINE. BALI-ER. Near New Farm Machinery, Hay. Grain em. The undersigned have received instructions from the Executors of the Estate of the LATE FRASER D. REID. to sell by public auction at ‘ Lot 22, Concession 8. Vaughan ‘ Township, 1,2 mile south of Kleinburg. the following articles on SATURDAY. MARCH 9th, 1957‘ 1 Oliver 77 Tractor, complete with PTO. pulley, lights. start- er etc,. This tractor is almost new 1 McCormick-Deering model (‘ Tractor. complete on rubber. with lights. starter. PTO, etc., near new 1 Massey-Harris 102 Junior trac- tor 1: rubber, good 1 M- 102 Senior twin power tractor on rubber, complete with pulley. starter lights, hy- draulic pump. and manure loader complete with bucket. also snow plow blade, etc. 1 New Holland automatic pick- up hay and straw baler. real l good, complete with Wisconsin ‘ air cooled gas engine ‘1 Allis Chalmers combine com- plete with scour clean, pick at- tachment. This is a good com- bine, and power take-01f 1 New Holland PTO side delivery rake. rubber tired ,real good 1 New Holland field pick-up bale loader on rubber, good as new l McCormick-Deering 3-furrow ace bottom tractor plow, good L M-H 3-furrow narrow bottom tractor plow, good l 10 ft. spring tooth power lift tractor hitch cultivator, Mc-D, near new near new Cultipacker Set tandem M-H disc harrows Mc-D mounted scuftler or cul- tivator for Farm-All tractor, complete 1 Field Weed power sprayer. complete outfit, near new 1 Circular saw, complete with frame 30 inch saw, mandrel, etc. 1 Gehl forage ,or grain blower, complete with pipes and power take-off unloader near new Papex blower cutting box, complete with pipes set Silo distributing filler pipes old manure spreader M-H 1-way disc. good Tractor grain grinder Drive Belt ) Set 3 section spring tooth har- rows sets drag harrows '2-wheel .farm trailer Case forage harvester, com- plete with pick-up attachment, also attachment for cutting hay. This machine is a PTO and real good bale elevator 1 bay tedder M-H grain and fertilizer disc drill, power lift, tractor hitch 10’ Dump Rake, good rubber tired wagons unloading grain racks forage wagon boxes complete with a Gehl unloading attach- ment for blower PTO steel land roller' wagon gear , turnip drill with fertilizer at~ attachment 1 Electric fencer Number of electric fence steel posts 1 good rubber tired wagon and rack 2 cattle stock crates Quantity of 1 inch, galvanized pâ€"npâ€"râ€" Iâ€"‘Iâ€"‘N HHDâ€"‘iâ€"Ir-‘H H wNNH HH HIâ€"‘H piping " Number of steel fence posts 1 Extension Ladder ‘ 1 Cow breeding rack or crate 1 Cattle crate or rack stall, com- plete for trimming hoofs 1 barrel molasses 1 Blacksmith forge with blower 1 rubber tired steel wheel bar- row Number of sacks 2 Scufilers Lagge quanlity pf new lumber, different lengths and sizes 1 Fanning M111 Number of steel pig troughs 1 stock loading chute 1 Set Platform scales 1 pile old iron Forks. shovels. and a lot of other useful articles too numerous to mention Hay & Grain Quantity of grain Quantity of baled hay Sale at 12.30 noon. Terms cash. No. reserve. Toronto General Trust Corp. Trustees of the Estate KEN &. CLARKE PRENTICE, McCormick-Deérfng tractor trailer manure spreader on rubber WMcCormick-Deerinz power take-of! mower. 7 1t. gut Auctioneers Markham. Out. phone 346 Milliken, phone AXminster 3-5987 Supplies Ltd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1851 AV. 5-3941 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of Jpseplg Dowden All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of Joseph Dow- den. late of Township of Mark- ham. in the County of York. Re- tired. deceased. who died on or about the 11th day of October. 1955. are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 10th day of April, 1957, full pargiculgrs of_ their claims.‘ Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill, this 20th day of Februau 1957. Margaret Blackburn. Executrix by her solicitor, JOSEPH RABINOWITCH. B.A.. Box 176. Richmond Hi1}. Ontario Auction Sale H. Jones Building Salt Aqua-Nuggets WATER SOFT“!!! Parents“ Night at the Jefferson School will be held Thursday, March 7. from 8 to 10 pm. School principal Miss Audrey Leary ex- tends a warm invitation to all par- ents to visit their children's class- rooms to inspect the pupils’ work and to chat with the teachers. School News This is your opportunity to find out how your son 1' daughter 15 prgressing and if they have any problems that you as their par- ents should know about. Community Euchre The Jefferson Community Club held a euchre party at the Jeff- erson School on February 20. These suburban euchre parties are quite a new experience to newcomers from the city and to use a hackneyed phrase. "Seldom has so much fun been had by so many for so little”. Nearly 50 people, most of them members of our community, but including a few visitors from Richmond Hill, met and talked and played euchre and generally had a good time. Your partner in euchre is not in- terested in your social standing but rather whether you have a couple of bowers or not. Being a god sport and playing the game seemed to be the aim of everyone present and judging by the laughter and the occas- ional shouts of joy (when some lucky player made a lone hand you might say that they all ach- ieved their goal. The lucky prize winners as an- nounced by club president Ron Brown were: High score: Mrs. Dorothy Cracknell and Ross Ker- win; second, Miss Audrey Leary and Bill Bell; consolation. Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. 1. Peterson; door prizes: Ernie Hall, Mrs. A1. Morrison, Charles Morris. Mrs. A. McFee-and Mrs. O. W. Wrig- glesworth. The prizes were donated by Mrs. Ernie Hall. Mrs. Stan Leno. Mrs. Darrel Gouldlng. Mrs. 1. Peterson, Mrsl Ross Kerwin, Mrs. E. A. Terry, The Robt. Simpson Co., A 8: P Food Stores and the Ralph Paris Hardware. Mrr Har- ry Pridham also donated suffic- ient tea bags to keep the com- munity tea pot going for several months. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the community club including Mrs. Terry, Mrs. E. Hall. Mrs. J. Hall, Mrs. Leno, Mrs. A1 Moses, Mrs. Goulding and Mrs. Kerwin. Brownies at the Zoo Ernie Enson and Mrs. A. Sar- geant last Sunday took the Brow- nies on their long-awaited outing to the Riverdale Zoo. The lucky girls with Bybwn Owl and Grey Owl were: Elsie Anderson. Les- ley Betts, Sharon Gamble, Davo- lene Gray, Christine LeMont, Donna Wyman, Christine Ratch- ford, Carolyn Wyman and Ger- aldine Sargeant. Also in the group were the Ensor children, Julie. Michael, Jennifer and Ca- therine and DianneflSargeant.‘ . “n“...v ....._ in, The girls were all supposed to take notes and it might be inter- esting for the parents to see how many of the more than 30 main spgcjes they ‘can name. L .A._.- -1 ..:.. _, \n.... r - -..-,. 7,, After nearly two hours of visâ€" iting, it was decided to head for home and all arrived safely after having made a short stop to re- fuel with ice cream cones. Birthday Party On Friday, February 22, Mrs. Thomas Dick of iYon‘ge St_. giave a party for :51- daughter Sandra, who was rte on that date. The following friends and classmates were on hand to celebrate with Sandra: Adele Costoff. Carolyn Wyman, Jo-Anne Taylor, Bever- ley Locke, Lesley Betts, Linda Flood, Elsie Anderson, Geraldine my Hobson. Bruce Miiler, Victor Foylliott, Billy Powell Dwight Powell, Bobby Reid. Hank Gib- son. Eldon Mayoe. Mrs. Zimmer- marf, Mrs. J. E. Flood and Colin an? Wayne Dick were also pres- en . After an hour of tobogganing, the children returned to Sandra’s home for indoor games and to watch the opening of many love- lyr pmsents. _ 'This'was Sandra’s first large party and she said it was "just Sanitary Contractor Drains Cleaned 82 Repaired ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-124! SAME DAY SERVICE Septic Tanks Pumped RELXANCE SERVICE STATION Open 7 an. - 12 Midnight DAILY Victor Draper Agencies Oak Ridge: Ontario PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 24 Hour Service TELEVISION Rndio â€" Wash! Repair Serviu Conversion To 60 Cycle CORRESPONDENT: MRS. I. PETERSEN Telephone TUrner 4-2444 like Christmas”. Oh yes. we nearly forgot the sandwiches. ice cream. cookies, hot chocolate and of course the birthday cake, all of which is one of the best at- tractions at any children's partp. Social News Twelve enthusiastic euchre players met at the home of Mrs. Tim Saul. Nazhton Drive, Mon- day night of this week. The lad- ies were pleased to have Mrs. Ron Browne. Bathurst St. and Mrs. Archie McFee, Gamble Side- road joining them. After serving lunch. the hostess presented priz- es to the lucky winners who were Mrs. William Bell. Mrs. McFee and Mrs. Jack Hall. The St. John's WA. afternoon branch held their regular meet- ing at the home of Mrs. William Bell, Yonge St.. on Wednesday, February 20. Fourteen ladies and the Rev. DHCH. Mlchell were present; Mrs. Baldwin and her son Stanley from Ceylon, Ont, were week-end guests at the horn? of Mrs. D. Cracknell, Naughton Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gamble. Yonge St., have had their grand- children visiting with them for the past week. Birthday Greetings WBVirthEiay greetings to Johnny Hosie of Oxford St. who will be five on February 28. STOP 24 YONGE ST., SOUTHOF RICHMOND HILL Business has been booming, ever since car buyers learned the good news about Buick’s easy-to~reach prices. The reason? Buick put plenty of money where you get more for yoursâ€"inside. Take roomlness. This brand- new chassis “nests” the body to give passengers plenty of room. Take ride. There’s a wonderful new roadability, a new case of handling, with Buick‘s new low WHBJ BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Birthday greetings are extend- ed to Cindy Shepherd who celeb- rated her third birthay with a de- lightful party at her home at Proctor Ave. on Folday. February 22. The Women's World Day of Prayer of Thornhlll and Lang- stafi will be held this year at the Thornhill United Church. Friday. March 8. 2:30 pm. The guest speaker will be Mrs. W. F. Price. immediate past president of Tor- onto west Presbyterian W.M.S. The Doncaster women are urged to attend. Euchre Marathon The Doncaster Ladies' Club re- ports that the highest total score turned in after the four weeks of play is accredited to Mrs. Heaton and Mrs‘ Cade with 316. The finals will be held Friday, March 1. in the auditorium of Hender- son Ave. public school. There will be progressive euchre for non-marathon players. A cheque for $75 was given to the Thornhill 85 District Hockey Club by the Doncaster- Highland Park recreation committee on Friday, February 22 >Thé'2nd Thornhill Cubs and Scouts are holding their annual parents‘ night Thursday, Febru- ary 28. in Henderson Ave. school auditorium. DONCASTER Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AVenue 5-2288 center of gravity chassis. Take performance. There’s the most powerful V8 engine in all SPECIAL annals and an advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow". So come drive the big car that’s causing would-be small-car buyers to sit up and take notice. See vmu' Buick dealerâ€"today. {Yew Admncea' Vmiabll Purl! Dynaflow 1': MI Mi; Q;Mflow Buirk build; today. I! i: “ended on Ronda- max!!! Super an! Cmturjâ€" optional a! modal mm can on III: Spm'aI. SPECIAL . CENTURY A GENERAL MOTORS VALUI TU. 4-1851 CHEAP COAL IS FOR THE BIRDS . Nothing’s worse than trying to get heat out of cheap coal. We sell and stand behind Red Trademarhd rmous READING ANTHRACITE A we” There's one sure guide to quality ‘ ' ' in coalzjust look for the Red Spots. REAmNEfl They are the trademark of Famous {W Reading Anthraciteâ€"one of the K I S finest Pennsylvania Imrd coals. "ITS mm Phone us for prompt service. ' H. Jones Building Sufiplies 93 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill After your wedding day, only the wedding dress. the gifts, and the photographs are left to tell your wonderful, oncec in-a-lifetime story. Keep all the gay, heart-stopping moments of getting ready. the solemnity of the service, and the last goodbyes in a pro- fessionally made series of candid photographs . . . made by a skilled photographer who will never get in the way. LAGERQUIST STUDIO RICHMOND HILL s UPER O ROADMAS TER LIMITED ', 'quug .VOI’ TEL. AV. 5-4351 AV. 5-3941 TU. 4-2791 NH 3573

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