Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Feb 1957, p. 18

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14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 28, 1957 W HELP WANTED o WOMAN to iron. TU. 4-3589. 8a [8 RengterS c1w35 YOUNG MAN for clerical work. RTUNITIES T0 RENT __,_____...â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"- FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5- 1109. tfc22 ___________.___â€"â€"â€"â€"_-â€"â€" 6 ROOM house south of Rich- mond Hill. TU. 4- 2976 c1w35 _,________.’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER Richmond Hill Hardware. TU 4-2101. tfc47 ____________-â€"â€".â€"-â€"â€"â€" FURNISHED room with use of kitchen and bathroom. Available April 1. AV. 5-2072 c1w35 _________ APARTMENT 21’2 rooms, 34B Yonge St. F01 information phone T01onto HUdson 8- 1205. tfc35 ________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- FOR YOUR Spencer Corsetiere C_ARPENTRY work. recreation call BA 1-6175. *4w32 rooms. basement apartments. porâ€" . ches. garages. bevel siding. R. H REID Delivery ”1‘11“ Ioughing in and trim work. No Pickup and delivery. 1181“ 111°V' job too small. Immediate atten- 11'18- 1111-43139] “C37 tion. Time payments. Call Tom ____________._â€"â€"â€"â€" CARPENTER WORK. Alterations Pricev AVenue 5- 2393 024w22 and repairs. TU 42896. Ruben WELL DIGGING, expert service, 141111111 Richmond 1’11” “C3 year round. BA. 1-4898. c411132 ________â€"â€"â€"~â€"___- __________.__’-~ PAINTING & PAPER HANGING ANYTHING in Painting, Paper- R- E D1111“ TU 4"2798f ,' hanging. Decorating, etc. Phone ”1 A. Rollinson, TU. 4-.3622 tfc9 ______â€"_â€"â€"â€".â€".__â€" SIGN PAINTER Buy FENN BILL WEGMAN SELL FENN SAT., MARCH .2 â€" Extensive au t‘ l 1 Bookkeeping experience helpful. 51:42:51“: eon if“.:,11eNStZÂ¥;211fi AV-5'3941 “‘1’35 ing all types of livestock by WAITRESS 8- 5 p. m. Monday to weight or by the dollar. the sell- Friday Phone for appointment er has the choice. We are having TU 4 3183 c1w35 extra large sales and the prices ________.__.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" are Very satisfactory. Be sure to WOMAN required for office clca- visit the special concessions in ning in Richmond Hill. Few hours the hall and the “Farmer‘s Mar- each week. Phone AV. 5- 4412. ket." Come and see the latest in cl\\35 auction sales. Everybody wel- _______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" come. Ladies we now have a dept. PART TIME CARETAKER for of interest to you. This sale is THURS. MAR. 14 â€"â€" Auction sale of Reg Jersey cattle, Surge milk- er (good), cabinet type milk cool- er, quantity of straw baled hay. 12' of second cut hay ensilage, etc, at lot 2, con. 3, King Town- ship, the property of Bert Cadden and Son. Note, farm sold. No re- serve. Terms cash. M. A. Wilson. clerk. Sale 2 pm. sharp. Sellers and Atkinson, sales managers . and auctioneers. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 3c per word min. charge ........... 40o FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 100; min. charge 50c CARD 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, per insertion 7511 BIRTH NOTICE ...... 50o Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone \ MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOU S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES I CASH RATES, first insertion 30 per word, min. charge . . 50¢ sass TU‘ 4' 1105 ”“1 you '1“ "“1" invoice. AV- 54131 “‘1“ . ESTAT Maple United ChUI‘Ch- Apply in interestin and educational. Sale . _______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-- Av ,_15§:AL :A 5_ 2111 3 UNFURNISHED roomS. parking writing stating wages expected to starts 1 gm 5e11e,S_Atk1nson_ TUESu MAR 1,9 â€" Auction sale .__________.__â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". PLUMBING ~ ti'cl'l facilities, day care for baby if 101m Neufeld Box 262 Maple, Pollard auctioneers of farm stock. Implements, baled ARTICLES For Sale (cont’d) Alterations and repairs E-Blighi1 ,_____._________ neded. TU 11-3996. tress 01,1 c1w35 ' 1 ., .. ,, hay and straw, grain, Property TU. 4- 2609. *4W35 ELECTRIC WELDING, of Leonard Hall, east half of Lot ___.____.___._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- . YOUNG MAN neat in appearâ€" TUES, MAR. 5 â€" Auction sale 0 H ' ‘ ance, reliable chauffeur' 5 license f olstein springers, fFESh cows, calves by side, bred sows, chunk 25:12“ Apply Box 24 Thecllxgé’; pigs ,baied hay, seed grain, (cleaned and treated) grown from registered seed last year, will sell at the farm, 172 mile east of Locust Hill on No. 7 Highway. the property of T. L. Wilson & Sons. Terms cash. R. E. Faulk- ner. clerk. Sale 1.30 pm. Sellers & Atkinson, sales managers and auctioneers. 1k 1k 1k a WED, MARCH 6, 1957 â€"â€" Auc- tion sale of herd of Registered, fully accredited. listed R.O.P. Holstein cattle, hay, grain, milk~ ing machine, milk cooler, etc. at Lot 17 Concession 6, Vaughan Twp. at Vellore. Sale at 2 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Property of Archie Cameron. See catalogues and posters. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. ill it 41 1'! THURS, MARCH 7 -â€" Extensive auction sale of 55 head of Regis- tered Holsteins. fully accredited vaccinated. R.O.P. tested, and classified; also W6 tractor (late FOR SALE ____________â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€" BOY' S BIKE, good condition $20. TU. 4-3585. c1w35 HEINTZMAN PIANO, good con- dition. Maple 61R. c1w35 ______..___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- ONE LARGE electric brooder. AV. 5- 3906. c1w35 ______________._â€"â€"- ORIENTAL RUG 9’ x 12’, good. TU. 4-3019. clw35 -____.____..__â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" 20 BALES of straw for $9. De- livery may be arranged TU. 4- 2143. c1w35 ____________.___â€"â€"â€"- ROUND Dining Set, table and {our chairs. PR. 3-5632. c1w35 _______._.____._â€"â€"1â€"â€"â€"â€"- 1 CUSTOM BUILT, push button radio for 1954 Chev. Phone AV. 5- 1504. *Iw35 ________._____.__â€"â€"â€" PIANO 54" high with bench. Easy washer with post ironer. phone AVenue 5- 1624. c1w35 _________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- BALED STRAW and hay, in good condition. W. J. Valliere, Gorm- ley 5633. *11.3F ____,___________._â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"‘"‘ COMFORTABLE 100m handy to QUANTITY °t g°°d “3’" baled' RICHMOND NURSERY SCHOOL 111E111?“ quality W°rk done by is provided it re- Lab. Animal Farm. TU. 4'3376. expert Texaco Statlon Richvale bus stop. 11198 mm 34 Elizabeth St. 5., Richmond Motor 5819, S1011 22A Yonge St.Cl1~11red TU- 4--1108 clw35 , Hill. Phone mornings TU- 4'1443 AV 5_ 4111' Ucla ._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€",â€" 9 c3w33 9 ROOM HOUSE, oil heating, LISBON heavy duty chain block 01‘ PR 3- 58 5 ROOF REPAIRS modern conveniences Near Rich- _______________â€"â€"â€" One ton capacity. Phone AV. 5- 3313. c1w35 ficgfiggg 51315111 33,131,513 Egg Roof, Eavestrough Chimney brick m’ond Hill. LE 2 0782 clw35 ' ““11“ ”mung general “13.3” ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher tor ________________â€"â€" ORDER your budgie early for U.H..F installations Car radi0s. work of all kinds. prompt service. rent Richmond Hill Hardware Easter. Also some female hen TU 4-2101 AV 53756- ”C20 phone pp 35312 tfc 22 breeders. Mrs. George Carter â€"â€"--â€"-â€"â€"â€"_‘â€"â€"T"T- TU. 4-2101 tlc18 CARPENTRY work, stairs, kit- â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"“ phone TU' ”205' “C35 SAME DAY FLOOR SANDERS. POLISHERS. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-1â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€"--â€"-â€"â€""‘ chen cupboards, arborite tops, TV and Radio Repair Service. WELL TILE. 30" and 36". 1m' recreation rooms' trim' TU' 4' Reasonable Victor Draper Agen- to rent. Charlton Hardware. TU ings in Richmond Hill, Richvale 4 1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 and vicinity Good commissions, mediate delivery. Lorne Baker 2505 after 5-921’1’34 (1165’ Oak Ridges PR. 3__5471 write or call Miss Marian Towers, Concrete Products. Newmarket, MAV L~â€"â€"ru_sheâ€"d tic13 Phone 112- 11920 E313? 12,131,”..fi131111EE: éharlty_ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€" $15 WEEKLY, 2 unfurnished Apt 306 161 Wilson Ave Tor- ____.____.__â€"-â€"iâ€"â€"â€"â€" ALTERATIONS and repair work. 1 onto 12, Ont. HU. 8- 1494. c2w35 RUBBER STAMPS, all kind: Richmmd 11111 TU "17‘” Sidewalks. cement work septic ggggigngiiygfg, Efiggrlfé’é“ 5383.1- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"- any size. Quick service ' The ““2 tanks, soft water cisterns, car- 2426 tfc31 CLERK-TYPIST, work Liberal 03109. Richmond 11111 BLOCK LAYING and concrete pentry WOI'K. For prompt service, in Thornhill. Transportation av- “C43 11 Walker and Mitchell. AV 5- ailable. Good typist. Some ac- work. rootin s. basement floors. 03 FURNISHED apartment 2 rooms WELL TILE 30" and 36” im 916- Fred Flood Richmond Hill 2525 11645 and bath. stove. refrigerator, counting experience helpful, but , - - not necessary. Phone AV. 5- 1191. mediate delivery. ,Lorne Baker TUrner 4'2311- . 11"“ READY MIXED CONCRETE Eli‘fgnh‘u “ear “mes Agilwéfis Mr Cowan C111,35 Concrete Products, Newmarket, UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Ifor footings floors. patios, etc. phone TU 4-6781 tfo20 App1y p Graham, Lake Road GORMLEY READY- MIXED ________________â€" Oak Rid es. Phone PR. 3- 5691. CONCRETE LTD. 5§E§E§Epg§ngrgfiggcflifagii: g 11m Gormlcy 5601, Stouffville 32121cz ._____________.__.__â€"â€".__â€" quist Studio 93 Yonge St. S. LE TRACTOR, ceramic, TU- 4‘2791 ' ~ “033 Elastic Egg linoleum Robert E. LANG BROTHERS 25. C011. 3, King Township, 1 mile north of Snowball. Sale at 1 p.m. Fred Smith. auctioneer. *3w35 it!!! SAT., MARCH 16 â€" Extensive auction sale of farm machinery, implements, equipment, saw mill complete, hay, grain etc., at lot 13, concession 5. Pickering Twp. Property of W. H. Godfrey, at Greenwood Park across, from the Paddock, on South side of No. 7 Highway. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice. auctioneers. . it C t Auction Sales dates taken for March 2, 5. 7, 9. 12, 14, 16, 23. 26, 28, 30. Watch bills for detail. Sellers 8; Atkinson auctioneers. 41 11 11 a TUES.. MAR. 19 â€" 75 acre farm Holstein cattle, Ford Ferguson Tractor, lights and starter and full line of farm implements, Hinman 2-unit milking machine, Pontiac Sedan, 1947, running, quantity of mixed grain at Lot 6, Rear Con. 7 Whitchurch. The SMART, aggressive salesman for established bread route. Guaran- teed salary and commission, plus hospitalization. Phone Unionville 349 â€"â€" after 6 30, AV. 5- 2766. \ c1w35 _________._'_____._â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- ________.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" _____________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~ KITCHENETTE 11v111g room and FULLY experienced service sta- bedroom, in Richmond Acres. tion attendant. Able to assume TU 4_ 3471 after 5 pm everyday charge of station in owners ab- *1w35 sence. Salary commensurate with ___________..__â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- ability ard experienced. Contact SELF CONTAINED4-room apart- E. Baker. White Rose Service â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""â€"‘ h PA I: 1 w 7.4459, 32 Plumbing and diains Alterations 1 11 room, kitchen, bed- Station, Richmond Hill c1w35 m°delhyd131111C12 0113““ (“931' property of Mrs. A. Ham No re- 2 ALL STEEL oil furnaces. 8009 YOUR HEADQUARTERS for 11,311 El: Aurgrav e “.331 and repairs. 24- hour ser'vice. Win- 32%? 3:11 gathroom Heavy W111- _____,___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 1Y 119W)» Surge 1111111913 2 “1111‘ 000' serve, giving up farmmg Terms condition, will install. AV. 5- 1557 new and “Std electrical applian- ______'__.._._â€"~â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" ter rates. Free estimates. ing AV 5 3242 c1w35 IF YOU’RE earning $50 or less 1915 power (11111 (new). tractor cash. Sale at 1 pm. Lloyd Turner tfc35 ces and “”1165 is Blackburn's FRANK’S WELL DRILLING av. 5 3470 _________________â€" and would like to increase your spreader (new) threshing ma- 01911.1 AM“ 5. Farmer auctiom â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€""â€"â€"‘â€"" Suburban Television and Elec- Pumps insti‘led and serVIced. tfc 31 ONE & TWO bedroom apart- income, do not wait. . . join a 9111119 (300111 forage 1131119519? and eer phone Gormley 53:11 At 3 SUMP PUMPS for sale 515 up “1°: Thornhlll AV 5'1333- thB Frank Gerrits, R. R. 2 Aurora â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€" ments to rent with living room, progressive Company and be- blower 17319 919V3101‘ 40' 111811711 p111. same time and place 11,1111“, A150 repaired Herridge Electric. PA 7--5272 “950 DRUGS kitchen bathroom. refrigerator come a progressive man. Well P...TO Baler, (new) Hammer Mill offered for sale b' t t TU 4 3211 “C32 11111111231: gggakgGgmlgg 31182132112 W Richvale Rexall Pharmacy and stove heated. W. S. Hare and tell you how if you write to Fam- ensilage _.cut,(ter Cobeyd Wagon serve bid if not szlldlggfor: 51111: â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"---â€"-T ‘ ' d R ' 1 ABOUT 5000 1111511915 Of 19 ‘1 cord delivered Straight W111“ SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS PFr‘egzriliilioggyABcEIll‘higy ____'___.__'__.__'_â€"â€"â€"S°" Phone PR” 3 5841 “c 35 “ex Dept 45' StationG Mm‘ctffilg 22:11 52:31 migggesgrggl, (531% (1316' ;5 me if?“ ““5 “mm“ oats, by the ton or the truck load birch, $12. 00. Phone TU.4â€"2957.Th01-11hm Phone AV, 5-1266. Dispensed ' APARTMENTS heated, five room â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". hay. straw etc., lot 4 con 2 ng 2d ec'layafgfi‘ slid 1135a1£ilirgi1ife$ 31393150114 18%;. Hicks. Till-w; *7w29 tfc12 AV. 5- 3772 and three room available April 1 REAL ESTATE SALESMENf Twlp, at Loctf'sthaven Farm in x 50 with m pen combined in 5' ' â€"-â€"â€"'â€"‘â€"â€""_’_â€" â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"---* 1, de1-,n adults. Post 01- We ave immediate openings or mie south 0 Temperanceville, ’ - ’ _,__________â€"â€"_â€"â€"_â€" VENETIAN BLINDS CARPENTER , General Repairs E Centra "10 _ first class condition, 2-storey 8- REFRIGERATOR Viking, still “All FlexaIUm" â€"â€" Custom and and alterations. Recreation rOOms FIEEEHfiIgeEDprEEedE t§§£V%S$_ fice, Box 464 Richmond H11; 35 80625633001112”;qu Tfiilnfiilieit- 111131 $31951 lweg gifioraiillgidegaist 1:"; room frame house, two flowing using. Come see it. say $50. TU. stock sizes. For flee estimate call kitchens, verandahs, etc. (;_ med and removed Cabelling, fer- C W 222$ Our salesmin are amongst King City. The property of W G wells, one at house and barn 1 _4-1266. 11514 Lennox Ave.. gig); Elkar Sales 8: se%i§§' Richmond Carson, AV. 5-1931. tfcl7 tilizing and custom chain sawâ€" BLACK & DECKER the highest income in the busi- Jennings. NOTE. This is one of 1111111151 tstéhgfibh‘gitfifgogl‘ I1311:: h; ___________________ . M_____â€"wâ€"â€" {1118’ 3:31.?3 4 or ‘évfrclzi ELECTRIC 111% Free estimates TU 4 12291- Saws, sander etc 53135 and Ram ness, experience not necessary the good herds in York County, Village of Stoui‘fville, 1:11 3,111; APPLES $150 a bushel and up _;__'__.__________.â€"â€"â€" Day and night service on 61": _______________t_f°_Ҥ igal' Brysiigt gam‘vfirekgtog 32:21}. A complete training program ils all on R.O.P.: also an extra good off h1ghway_ Terms on proper.” Ws% .11.... ”is ...... 111111111111 . r as .1. wins.“ % .. .. Jac son, tee es ve. was 0 3 yard oa 6 eivere ,p e ance rVice Phone Blackburn's im 5- a a ,- .. - _ sale. Half cash within 30 da s. Dufferin, AV. 5-.1946 *2w34 it in your garden now, in the se kinds remOdEI 01d and new, â€"â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"‘ Carlisle AV. 5- 1176. Evenings pedigrees, Orr and Jennings, y 51113111‘11311- AV- 51333 “C11 drapes, curtains, wedding trous- ______â€".-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"~â€"â€" Balance left on first mortgage at f i ht ACTIVE lady pensioner or 1g AV 5 2742- 6% interest. Don‘t miss looking -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘-â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"-â€"" spring you will have rich rotted clerks. Refreshments on the “c A E" a and rn . re - - seaus veils. work on husband’s household duties and baby sit- . 1513931? (11311311111111 settu-iggbrangd guimus far limegfdentfngl‘Uéwg gigs,Elgagtegitiiglildllfrg?wolrlc°1°thmg (19511911- Home work 011- ting three days weekly in 18mm Iggdylgflf‘ilgtelsEérll‘logiT-lgll ggfdlgdsp. Iiéllgjrtiétrtxsnig ithisczgtl: at thls property. a 11 new, $150. Phone after ,5 pm 333?? ' ' n ppe tfc28 310°C! Cnging- ESilmateS given lit" H7AYlogg§éI§gw Avenue, Llan3g5- for two unfurnished rolon'ésé Members Toronto Real Estate Sellers & Atkinson, Sales Mana- WED., MARCH 20 _ Auction AV. 541350. C1W35 BA v w M 55 B N G VanDyke. 96 Hunt five” S a C W Phone TU. 4â€"3143. C W Board gers and auationeers.sa1e Of farm stock and imple- â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€":â€"â€"j;'_ Y IE EAT 5 ayview Richmond Hill. cll ALL KINDS CARPENTRY TYPEWRJTERS a; 11035 1‘ * * ments, Universal milking mach- ginf‘MgfiD gfgngglfifig p313 (map. 3122230131335 85801133261013 Ma. MILLS & SON ~WORK ADDING MACHINES â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"“â€""" SATu MARCH 9 â€"- Auction sale ine, 2 unit, milk cooler, 11 can, Alterations and repairs N0 3017 All makes for rent, special stud- OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY Of 4113010151 0111’“ 701 2 Mass”- , Salesmen for expanding General Harris tractors 1 IHC model C too small 01" t00 Expert ents rates, Underwood typewrit- Motors dealership New modern All‘ Chi 1 b' . workmanship. Reasonable rates. ers for sale, also ribbons 8; car- 15 a mers com me, New - 1119511565- NEW car demonstrator. Holland baler. farm machiner Phone Gerry Van Beers AV. 5 bon paper, call TU 4-1745.tfc11 Excellent working conditions and equipment hay, grain, etc? poultry, egg cleaner and washer, G.L.F., new. At Lot 4, Con. 4, East Gwillimbury Township. The property of Ivan Eves. No re- M15 Gerald Tudhope, Log Cabâ€" prices. Hinds of beef 42c per 1b: 1115' Oak Ridges ”W35 fronts of beef 32c per lb. Cut and ___,________â€"_.._â€"â€"â€"-â€" 1 A U ARIUM ew,12 wrapped at no extra charge. Free :‘tasilriilessq steel $161 Alsoyfibglaily Delivery. PRospeet 3- 5223. c4w35 Richmond Hill Plumbing and Heating TUrner 4-1711. ‘ AVenue 5-3697 tfc17 _______-_______ 4131. Richvale. ' tfc33 _.â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"--â€"â€" d d 1 ho tliza- serve. farm sold Terms cash. t T - 2 0_ St . APARTMENTS'â€"- fully furnish- GI'OUP an me 103 spi 3 at lot 22, concession 8 Vaughan Sale At 1..m Alvin S Farmer, "11’ and mat fess" U ‘3c‘1'.,;35 1,1131%: efiéigfgfgggnggrs 13:19:. PIANO TUNING ed With heat, light and parking tion close management co- oper~ Twp, 1/2 mile south of Kleinburg phone Gorfme'y 5311 ,uctionee, and 3“ repairs. Guaranteed work- provided Available now; large 911011 01113131111105 opportunity Sale at 12. 30 noon. 'Terms cash. manshlp Tuner 101' Music Camp 31/ rooms at 575 month Also self- for experienced salesmen No reserve Property of Estate of of the hRoygl ,ilunservatory of contained bachelor at $55 month. Box 23 Liberal Elie 1Lati’rraser D. Rtfid. Ken & Music, c urc es. schools, etc. (ideal for business couple) Week- â€"â€"â€"“‘j“_-_â€""â€""â€"-’ 211‘ e ren ice. auc oneers. Free estimates. Phone Ambrose 1y rent, if desired Auior'a PA. REAL Eiaiqigsfg‘gggwéEN AND ‘ " " ‘ ' Engli, Thornhill, AV. 5-3365. 7y 5597 tfc34 . . . . TUES., MARCH 12 â€"- Auction m4 ________..__.â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" We 191111119 Immedlately add" sale of 22 head of Reg. and ___.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- AURORA MANOR APTS. 1101131 53195 Staff 1" 0111‘ busy Grade Holstein Cattle, fresh BRYANT HARDWARE Yonge St N.. Aurora. Will be Richmond Hill offices We cows, springers and heifers, 25 New Store Hours read for occu anc A 111 1 to actually have more business than h _ _ hay, grass silage, etc. NOTE. cat- Monday and Thursday 8 p. m 15, 13:13:11 1 andp2_ 139381101311 suites our- present staff can handle. This ”355.2 (31101;: Bvolygogillgincganmgciiik tle are outsitanding gigh milk pro- Tuesday, Friday and Satuiday, soundproof fileproof TV outlets. is a real opportunity for a go- cooler quantity of baled hay, :1 ducers an good 1% cgws.b0n 6 pm Venetian blinds, electric stoves getter. Experience not necessary, mow bf loose straw. at Lot 7'1? 33, Concession f’A car or: Wednesday, noon. and refrigerat01s’ $90 to $125 learn as you earn. Call Mr. Con. 3Whitchurch. The property w&), 1 1mg} “211215thL gincourt, Richvale. AV. 5-.3821 monthly Shown by appointment Shields, TU. 4â€"1173, Evenings of Alvin Stephenson. No reserve. (a; Illirgnlivgayoron oWagrllgriingAirue‘ I ’9 tained in first class condition. Phone PR. 3-5431 days, PR. 3- 5578 evenings. tfclz MOVING & CARTAGE Frank’s Moving 6r Cartag e pack- ing and storage. Experienced ser- vice anytime. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. ttc2 GENERAL carpentry New work, kitchen cupboards, alterations and repairs. Tile floors. Phone evenings PR. 3- 5432, daytime Pr 3- 5051. tic23 c3w35 2 CAR TRAILERS, one with 600 USED CARS ‘AND x 6 tires pipe frame: other single TRUCKS truck wheels. $25 each. AV. 5- 45741 c1w35 1954 PONTIAC. saddle brown. m good condition. AV. 5-33‘71. c1w35 motor, water cooled, bronze gear 53 FORD Hardtop, 2-tone. Fully pump Excellent condition. $25 equipped, good condition. $1050. AV. 5- 4574. c1w35 Stan Leno. TU. 4-2708. , c1w35 __________,____â€"1â€"â€" POTATOES P- E- I 75 “3 SfiC'KS. 1952 AUSTIN sedan, perfect con-‘ dition. 12,000 original miles. Must $2. 25 each, any amount. Vern's sell. TU. shall. c1w35 Drive-In, Yonge St.. Langstaif. FORD 1.6: TON truck motor, reâ€" It‘ll! THURS. MARCH 21 â€" Important auction sale of 40 head high grade Holstein dairy cattle, 4- unit Surge milker and Internat- ional cabinet cooler (good), large quantity of baled hay, straw, cut *1w35 _â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . _ c4w32 TU. 4-1230. 1 Northern Electric mantel radio. conditioned‘less than 1,000 miles TELEvIsION _____-____â€" Tw 5 2202 Newmarket Clwafi DAVID McLEAN LTD. 39113515,? 15%: 51‘2““; d‘A‘lvitg corner Finches. Property of Geo. 1 AxminsterlRug size 72" x 46 Fits any truck up to 1947. AV. Day and night service. Aerials DOMINION RENT-ALLS _____ 76 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill S Farmer hone Gorgnle 5311 Symons, Sale at 1-30 Pm. T911115 inches. 4 pairs of drapes, gold 5- 1014 c2w35 installed from $22.50. Phone We have obtained services of exâ€" , 1 Members Toronto Real Estate 3 t'o ’ p y 2w35 cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken color. TU. 4-1705. c1w35 . Blackburn's Suburban, AV. 5- pert mechanics, all types of me- MOR'I GAGLS Board tfc35 uc 1 neer. ,, t , t .c and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. .. 11 ONE 1950 FORD Dump truck, 3 1333, tfc8 chanical work on garden equip- ' . 1 ‘ 9 313115: 1313113101111 1133’: RA; “1,2; one 1950 Gill/lg stake truck. FROM THE BASEMENT t m merit, motors. outboards, chain ARRANGE you, first or second TEUES. MARf 12 -â€" Auction sale -â€"-â€"â€""â€"â€""â€"â€"‘â€"‘ 1111 y 1393' urooney, 2 ton with pa orm. TU. 4- o e saws. etc. All arts car (1 in _ o 5 acre arm witl new pig- 2 Gormley. 11‘; mile north of But- 2741, mm) root â€" house repairs and alter- stock. p fie mortgage qUiCkly tgirough V133 EMPLOYMENT gery. also M-H self-propelled ALTONA- Mervin Bunker “d" 11 tonville. ~ *2w35 owdale Mortgage erv1ce, ations. J. M. Cannon Sr., Oxford St., Richmond Hill. TU. 41810. ttc13 dentally kicked the family pet collie dog in the new home he is building on the day before New Years day. The dog return- ed home with a cut nose and the ‘ family soon found out why The pet had chewed and clawed at . every window and drdr and wall _____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" ONE PAIR ladies' white skates, size 9, used one season; 20 vol- umes of the 1956 edition of Col- liers Encyclopedia. TU. 4-4061. c11v35 ._â€"_â€"._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" PLYWOOD â€" Silvacord, Drift- FARMERS SPECIAL, 1951. a ton Ford Truck with combination dump and racks. 11 x 7 body. 5350. 00. Taylors Sawmill, R. R. 2, Aurora. AV. 5- 4231. c1w35 1957 SUNBEAM Rapier, over- drive, backâ€"up lights and many Phone AX. 3-6871 Combine, fertilizer drill, power c1w35 2040 (reverse charges) “(:17 “fa-ANTED mower, (new) double disc, cultiv- L CAL all businessman wish~ ator Dodge 1950 truck, 1949 65010 1,011.31, $5 000 to finance ex~ CHILDREN kept by day or week. Pontiac sedan, stabnchions. head “ZANTED pansion. Will pay 7%, good 53- Phone TU. 4-4048. c2w34 tail partitions, Cpl: Electric eurity. Write Box 22 The Libel a1 brooders, turkey feeders, shelt- DAY WORK and baby sitting. 5 ers, steam boiler, feed cooker vats, WANTED a doghouse. Phone TU. _____________;1wâ€"3- TU- 4'2920- *2W34 etc. farm trailer, at Lot 21, Con. PLASTERING By old country plasterer, new, old work, cornice and stucco ceilings a speciafi. TU. 4-2157. tfc50 _ 1 -â€"â€"â€"â€" nd had finall um- wood, Tropicama, Pin Stripe. extras. Mileage 5,500. Shelton- , 4 1394' ___*2“34 IST MORTGAGES DAY CARE for 2‘3 children. 8 Markhamh 1% miles north 0f ilclhihti'giisgliaa plate glaszjwinâ€" Amerply, Beachcomber. See these Mansell Motors, AV. 5-1337. WELL DRILLIIu DEAD farm animals TU. 443375. 2ND MORTGAGES Responsible person. Very rea- Markham, t 9 951819 0f the late dow. The damage will cost about at Butler 8: Baird Lumber Ltd €111.35 George's Well Drilling and re- c2w35 some private funds available to sonable. AV. 5-4228. c1w34 Thee. Blizzard. Terms on chat- $1000 to repair The Bunkers AV. 5- 3506 TU'. 4-1125 13111135 pairing. pump installed and re- make mortgage loans or to buy tels cash. A. M. Wood, clerk. Sale also have another pet â€"- a small- er collie. HIGHEST PRICES PAID All models used cars and trucks paired. George Adams, Box 192 HOME for nice dog and pup. TU. existing mortgages. DAY CARE for Oil'2 01‘ 1W0 Child- at 2 pm. 89119” ‘3‘ Atkinson, King City, King 287. tfc46 BUGS 4-3120. c1w35 W. W. CONROY ren. Good care, reasonable. AV. auctioneers Why pay more? 534 00 for a 9x12 wanted for wrecking; also used _â€"_â€"â€"~â€".â€"â€"â€" [1931 Estate Willowdale BA 1 51â€"2577. c1w34 deep piled thickly tufted broad- parts. tires etc.. for sale. B 8.1 CHIMNEYS SHUTTERSv One Dali. 81301115 fi- 7434.tf_c11 . ' ioom.‘ Just a few left phone Red- A. Au: 9 Parts. .0 4- 2236 18,;, Chimney} 1311111 and repaired. long. TU. 11â€"3513 evenings. clw35 DAY CARE for cinldren, ages 2- fern 3939 tfc 32 miles north o'f No 7 Highway on Free estimates. Expert workman- â€"-â€"Tâ€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€" 5 by two responsible persons. TU_ 3rd line. Markham Twp. tfcll ship. Phone Walker and Mit- COW MAINURE wanted. must be 4-2814. c1w33 KITCHEN table and four chairs, red, chrome, arborite top. Table 30x40, plus extension end. Like new, $35.00. Phone after 6 pm. Chell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 RADIO REPAIRS Car radios removed and install- ed, also home radios pickup and well rotted. Phone TU. 4~1764. ‘RANSPORTATION clw35 MAN will do paperhanging or . painting very reasonably, years V1." 1) . - - PASSENGERS wanted leavmg I _ gcgyrcggdmon, 23191} Ziii'g‘fe m Richmond Hill 7.30 am. arrlv- 0f experience TL' 4290‘2' ticlO PM REAL ESTATE SIMPSON SORY GOODS TU. 4‘1464 days TU. 4-2931. _ mg Jal‘VlS . Fleet 330 7:11“ E 'PERIENCED “0 ‘. . d, ' F I. . - . is - - -1 a . m 1 ll er y yar ] *1w35 0R SA E (113113?” J FOX & Son. TUIc;7 *1“3D phone TU. 44231 Cl\\'35 to look after fa “y 1:11 ‘O‘Shg'j‘gs Suiting Mat ialb the $ .‘98 VENETIAN BLINDS CAPONS, and fowl, highest pi‘i- absence; also baby sitting. TU. BUYING CALL FENN SELLING CALL FENN AV. 5-1595 7 1 ’ CALL US for your sand, gravel. ces paid. Don‘t sell until contact- TR KNSPORTATIOR “anmd 4-3158. “C23 58’ \Vlde, grey and brOWn YARD 1111, top soil and black loam. ing \V. S. Appleton. Oak Ridges 193““3 51 C13” and Yonge a} Prompt delivery. Reasonable Poultry Grading Station, phone 41-54 13111-10 R1°hm°11d H111-TL- WlLL CARE for one or two rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple PRospeet 3-5301. tfc27 ”“1556 911135 children while parents work. Can Aluminum or steel. Made for all styles of windows. Free estimates and installations. Phone TWining 5â€" 6551 (reverse charges) or ap- t1c1 Just arrived Cotton Prints, 49 ,. 2 1ch W, . . . . oive references. TU. 4-2242. ply Harold Craddock, 353 Ont- 4 00 H SE for sale 112 MR1 ANYONE Wishing to 30m a car ° ario St. Newmarket. «23 55110155 0.101331111111111 Rd. Rich- OIL spAcr HEATER LIVESTOCK " pool Richmond Hill (Pleasant- C1W35 florals, polka dots and blouse YARD ”â€"â€"_â€"-â€"â€"_Trprwmmsm & mond Hill, corner lot. close to AND FLOOR FURNACE , Lille) to Bloor and Yongo loais BOOKKEEPER, female, avail- rints 69c value ADDING MACHINES Ionge. Double garage. All con- SERVICE [40R SALE 1 am, retuln 5 pm. TU. 438.37 _ able part “me, italic care of p , New Underwood Portables and Veniences. Landscaped. Earl\ 00- PHONE TU. 411221 ““33 small sets of bees, financial tfc23 PUREBRED HOLSTEIN heifer _â€"_â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-‘ call. 1 week old. Alex Bishop. RICHMOND HILL Commercial Ma 19 R. It. 1_ ,1 ,3â€" a. Cleaners banks. offices, sto1es. p ‘ “ 0 LObT YOL‘NG MOTHER has accommo- halls etc. cleaned and polished NICE Male Dog. part collie and _ , _, dation to room and board one (11 and kept in filst class condition German Pointe.. 8 months old COL]? 8.- “HITE Signet 11111:. 111.0 children of any age, weekly b} expellenced cleaneis Phone Reasonable. 322 Blountlale Cles “1m“ ”It“ 5101163195" Has 1.11”” or monthly. vicinity of Don Mills TU. 11-3714. tit-34 Beverley Amos 1113:» 111 R - L051 "101m 13' 01 Rich- Road and No, 7 Highway. phone cupancy. TU. 4-2084. tfc33 REAL ESTATE WANTED 3:225:34! Statements income taxes, etc factory reouilt typewriters, Vic- AV. 5-3233. c1w35 tor adding machines. also typeâ€" writer ribbons and carbon paper. Rentals available. (‘all TU 4-1745. tfcll _â€"_____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" HARDWARE PROBLEMS Drapery Lining, sand shade, 59c 44” Wide SPECIAL YARD Lingerie Crepe, good quality 690 HOUSE \VANTED le Bryant Hardware - to locate _ ______â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- â€"â€"_â€"fi’-â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 11101111 11111 01 Rich\‘ale.‘Re\\'§rd. L'nionville 256J13. c2w34 ” 1 nd ink RI) spectal products or information 6 room lilisclocogr Ilsgnsl‘eoolgouse for . LYNN REFRIGERATION .. E“? shortliorn hater" 13136 Phone A“ 5 4283 or AV' 5'3‘11' Eggâ€"â€" 46 Wide, Wh te a p YA electrical and paint our speCIalâ€" young temple with $6000 cash. Appliance Repairs SIX snorthorn feeder cattle, steers c2\\'34 POUI TRY t) On the SPOt 311813315 by 0111‘ Fireplace preferred AL 5. 30.15 Refrigerators and heifers. lleavy niixe_d 2mm. 4 Kitchen Pattern in coston representative if required 21 AV 5_ 4221. Freezers galls, balalmnagd 1319351850 a £38 ____â€"â€"_ FOR SALE C Richv.ale AV. 5-38 B RICG I‘I R 1 BS! 1 \\ ashers elVCi‘C 10‘ 1‘ “lea Straw ‘2 '7 tt‘c32 ' roa y ca 031:.35 Dliers and Electric “01015 a ton delivered. Robert Ridde11. ROOM 8" BOARD 100 BARRED ROCK pllllels 8 prlnt for kItChen drapeS, etc' YARD 3.1., R. R. 2 Aurora, phone P\. 7- - . - TL 4““9 Rid‘mond 11,112.11 5751. Cl\\35 \l 11m ROOM hoard. laundry. months old. 13.111151 AV. 5-4204 leasonllile. TL. 4-1423. cl\\34 "11135 __â€"_________._â€"_â€"â€"â€"- BOATS New marine plywuod boats. 8 it. prams, 12 ft. car-tOp, 14 it run- abouts .565 and up. Best ma. ['SE PROFESSIONALS ____’â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"’ The largest the cities. the DROP \OUI‘ detlor's expenses f 1 \ Y ACRES 1 t :upt R & 31 CHICK RANCH. Aurora, strongest 511131111)“ me 1“er Of the no“ ”0de Securit\ Protection LI‘ ESTOCK Sigh-e IOffâ€"31ers room ans: (lizard fcjr formerly Chatburn’s. Our 1957 SIMPSON’ S DRY GOODS terials used, no down a cot Toronto Real E: .ate Boaid. . ,nada Health and Accidents . , ' necessary 1111 1.0315 “Erma“ DAVID Mcl. EAN ITD. pa\S not 0111\ for liospitil expell- WANTED older 1390910 "“151 1‘9 menial“ écgfifhmd'. ”amid 513511013 12 Yonge St. Sout til not to leak No 11 Highway 1 Thornhill Offices 25 but also 5our doclois bill. and Dll\Sl('all\ uell. $25 00 ueek- (hie-Csmnowygn:Ilczidmlaibm: 21an- TU 4 1051 mile N. of Richmond Hill. Free AV. 5-1176 For infomintl’on IolilI llassclink ALL BREED puppies wanted 1.1 1\D131}'\1ar1011 11511“ \1mi' 1:5th chicks andilirbrld corn Box Richmond Hill delivery within 50 miles Also Richmond Hill Offices Insurance Agenc~11_TL'. 4-2255. JBest prices paid. AV 5 35,5 or tagc phone TWililn 5 4385.3 33 1131. Aurora . ONES” boats for rent. T11. 41-2732. tics ' TU. 4-1173 \ t£c31 LEnnox 2 -8550. tfc9 1* ~ - -

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