Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Mar 1957, p. 12

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12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday: March 14, 1957 Frames King Slderoad A. J. BARRACLOUGH To-day it’s furniture -â€" to-morrow, a new car or a holi- day trip. Whatever your goals, you’ll get there faster by saving for them. Start a Savings Account to-day at our nearest branch. Richmond Hill Branch: H. C. Powell There are so many things to save for VflllfllSfl SERVE BYEIVING! THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Store Fixtures 760 branches across Canada ready to serve you. N~776 Inasmuch as you have contributed, :9 also do you serve with the Red Cross throughout the year. And always, somewhere in Canada, human suffering will be eased, hope will be restored, lives will be saved and hearts and homes made happier because ‘you had compassion. REMEMBER THE m unuss All Red Cross convassers are volun- teer workers. Besides making their own donations they give also of their free time, solely and unselfishly to help others. 460 JARVIS ST., TORONTO Donoflon: may also be sent to: Kitchen Cabinets OAK RIDGES Sash General Woodworking as PR. 3- 556: PR. 3-5562 Mrs. Valliene (nee Gladys Leh- man) is the last of the famous (Lehman Mills) family to leave our community. The name Lehâ€" man has always stood for friend- ship, honesty, and a good neigh- bour. Gladys has always shown us her ability to live up to the family name. ‘ This family will certainly be missed. There was never a neigh- bour in need of help but what help was coming from the Val]. iere family, The number of child- ren at the gathering spoke for itself of the many friends Patsy and Jimmy have amongst the younger generation. Sr. Women’s Institute The regular monthly meeting of the Sr. Women's Institute was held on Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Mar- cus Jarvis. with a large number in attendance. The convenor of the meeting was Mrs. F. McRob- ert. The roll call was answered by an Irish joke. The motto ‘When looking for faults, use a mirror" was given by Mrs. E. Hatton. A very interesting talk on “Interior Decorating” was given by Mrs. Jack Rumney which was very much enjoyed by all. Mrs. J. Val- liere was presented with two lov- ely vases on behalf of the Insti- tute before her departure to her new home at Orton. Refreshments were served at the close by the hostesses. Mrs. F. McRoberts, airs. M. Jarvis and Mrs. A. Fris- y. Y.P.U. The Young People's Union held a social evening in the Commun. ity Hall on Wednesday evening of last week, when an enjoyable time was had by all. Farewell On Saturday evening about 45 friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Valliere, 8th line. The occasion being to bid farewell to them and their two children, Patsy and Jimmy Jr., and to wish them ma- ny happy years in their new home in the vicinity of Orton. Jim has grown up on this farm, receiving his public school education in S. S. No. 12 Markham. v After an hour of chatting with friends and neighbours, the ga- thering was called to order. and an address was read by Miss Ma- bel Sanderson, while Messrs. Nel- son and Art Buchanan made the presentation of a coffee table, and Mrs. John Snider of a lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Valliere both thanked everyone for the lovely gifts and invited all to visit them in their new home. Mr. Frank Brumwell then took several snapshots of the gather- ing. The pleasant evening was brought to a close with refresh- ments being served by the ladies. Church News The guest speaker at the church service on Sunlay afternoon 'was H. Jones Building Supplies LIMITED RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1851 AV. 5-3941 FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE? H0usewlves: businessmen, teachers, and students all over the world read and enjoy this lntemotional newspaper, pub- lished daily in Boston. World- famous for constructive news stories and penetrating editorial; Special features for the whole family. Buy it . . .save fuel dollar: .. . gel comfortable heaI. This man can give you ~- dependable 35 delivery of Send your newspaper for 9h. time checked. Enclosed find my check 0: money order. The Chtistion Sciencc Monitor One Norway St, Boston IS, Mass. RED TRADEMARKED CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandie. vmom Sum Telephone Gonnley 5421 __ I ygar $l6 D 6 months 55 D 3 months $4 D VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS HAVE YOU .TRIED Addresx Name THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE §MONITOR Zane International can, Wipe Store A special niche for the Mem_ orial Book has been built at the back of the church. The regular monthly meeting of the WA. will be held in the Sunday School, room March 20 at 8 pm. The topic will be given by Miss Mabel Sanderson. Cancer Meeting Rev. A. E. Baker of Toronto who was here in the interests of the Albert College, Belleville. A visitor at the church service on Sunday afternoon was Rev. W. S. Irwin of Toronto. Rev. Ir- win was a minister here 52 years ago. He was very pleased to be present on Sunday to greet old friends. The Victoria Square Unit of the Cancer group met in the Sun- day School room on Thursday af- ternoon. The ladies made 167 dressings. The next meeting will be on April 4. Neighbourhood Notes Mrs. A. C. Huston attended the Conference Branch of the W.A. last week in College St. United Church, Toronto. - Mr. find Mrs. Lloyd Canning had dinner one evening recently with Mr. and Mrs. A1 Rope in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bell en- tertained a number of their neighbours and friends to a soc- ial evening on Monday of last week. Friends will be pleased to hear that Mrs. Treanor Canning is able to be up following her month's illness. Miss Anita Orr spent last week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston at Nash- ville. V iMixi‘Vs. F. Walker entertained sev- eral of her neighbours to after- noon tea on Tuesday of last week. Rifleman Neil Donnelly of the Queen’s Own Rifles has returned to his station at Vancouver Is- land after spendin ghis month’s leave with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton, Mr. Nelson Boynton called on Miss Nellie Bonl at Unionville on Tuesday evening of last week. the occasion being Miss Bond’s birthday. Mrs. Stanley DeFoe has re- turned home after spending the past four weeks at Fort Lauder- dale, Florida.‘ The C.G.I.T. attended the sup- per meeting and prayer service at Brown’s Corners United Church on Friday evening of last week. Belated birthday greetings to Mrs. F. Walker and Mrs. Herb Nelson. Birthday greetings to: Ray Wilson for Mach 11, to Rich- ard Frisby for March 16: to Law- son Mumberson for March 18; to Miss Shirley Gee for March 18; to Lois Gee who will be four years old _on March 20. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson and Mary Ellen. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson have returned home after spending the past week at Indianapolis, Indiana. Mrs. Olive quliams of Mark- ham spent the week-end with Miss Mabel Sanderson. Miss Gracé Rayner of Detroit, Michigan is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and fam- ily. Friends were pleased to see that Mrs. Allan Orr is able to be out following her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. L. Knapp and Ir- ene, Mr. and Mrs. John Empriny- ham had Sundaf evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empriny- ham and pirls, the occasion he” 7 in honour of Mr. and Mrs. '3. Knapp’s 43rd wedding anniver- sary. Rev. WVS. Irwin, Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Baker of Toronto had Sun- day evening dinner with Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Huston and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnstdn of Nashyille spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr. Masters Wayne and Bruce Mortson had Sunday efening din- ner with Masters Donald and Allan Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong of Weston had Sunday efening din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and Muriel. A number of ladies from here took part in the World Day of Prayer service in Brown’s Cor- ners United Church on Friday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning had dinner Wednesday evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson and Shirley, the oc- casion being Mrs. Nelson’s and Shirley‘s birthday. Mr. Roy Boynton of 'Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton on Friday of last week. Friends and neighbours of Mr. George Weatherall are saddened to learn of his sudden passing on Tuesday March 5 at his home on 54 Morgan Avenue. Mr. Weather- all had completed his day’s work as a taxi driver and had returned home where he suffered a fatal heart attack. He was laid to rest on Friday March 8. On Wednesday March 6‘ Janis Cowley of Henderson Ave. cele- brated her 4th birthday. Birthday greetings are in or~ der for Lynn Turner of 80 Clarke Ave. who was 13 years old on Monday March 11 but cele- brated with a party on Friday'. The second Thornhill scout mo- thers’ auxiliary held a bridge and euchre party on Monday at the Henderson Ave. school and the top prize winners are Mrs. M. Dale and Mrs. Mawhinney in eu- cnre. In the bridge the winners were Mrs. D. Buckingham and Mrs. J. Belyea. On Mondéy March 18 the well baby clinic will be held at the Henderson Ave. school from 1.30 to 4 p.m. and on March 20 th9 Home and School Association will meet there at 8 p.111. Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AVenue 5-2288 DONCASTER Churchfieyvl The W.A. meeting to be held at 2.30 p.m.. Thursday, March 21st. will be at the home of Mrs_ Stella Paxton. The devotional period will be taken by Mrs Fred Boys. The roll call is to be an- swered by ‘Name a Missionary", Mrs. T. J. Thomasson. who was born in India, the daughter of a Missionary. will be our guest speaker. Mrs. Andy Annand and Mrs. Fred Hare are the lunch convenors. Bring a friend to hear Mrs. Thomasson’s Message. '1' A 1‘.) LL- Lula. an â€"â€"-â€"- Temperanceille W.A. had the pleasure of being guest of St. Paul‘s Church on The World Day of Prayer, March 8th. Those who were able to attend were Mrs. Jack Macklin. who took part in the reading. Mrs. Lorne Cun- ingham and Mrs. Paxton acting in the capacity of prayer. Mrs. W. S. Hare, Mrs. J. Umehara, Mrs. Fred Hare and Mrs. F. Wilkins, who addressed the group on this World Day of Prayer. “In the beginning God â€"â€" The Bible be- gins with these words. As a teenage girl they were implanted in the speakers mind.- As Christ- ians and W.A. members our lives are governed by the Love of God. _Be neighbourly in word and deed. Meet others at least half way. Make the newcomers of our Country and Community wel- come. Help them make necess- ary adjustments to Canadian liv- ing by extending the hand of friendship. Take time to take part in activities which draw you closer to God and always be on the alert to help others, what- ever their need. These were but OF FRESH HOLSTEINS and Springers, Farm Stocky Implements, Furni- ture .etc., on LOT 7, CON. 6, MARKHAM TE. on Kennedy ngy. north of Hagen-man’s Corners, on SATURDAY, MARCH 23. 1957 Property of ' WILLIAM BEECH Cattle 1 Holstein cow, due time of sale 2 Black & white cow, fresh, calf side Farm Implements & Machinery 1 Cockshutt 70 tractor on rubber, starter, P.T.O. etc., good condi- tion 1 McCormick Deering 10x20 trac- tor, working order 1 Ford V8 1947 half ton pick-up truck, in good condition, used very little, new motor 1 M-H 2-furrow narrow bottom tractor plow, near new ' 1 set Cockshutt tandem disc har- rows, good 1 M-H grain binder, 6 ft. 1 Mâ€"H corn binder 1 McCormick Deering mower, 6‘, new 1 Mâ€"H 6% inch grain grinder buzz saw, complete ‘ IHC 13â€"disc grain drill Noxen grain drill Stiff tooth cultivator, tractor hitch Spring tooth cultivator, tractor hitch Farm wagon gear with r‘ack M-H manure spreader Peter Hamilton small cutting box set 5-section Drag Harrows Mâ€"H steel land roller Corn Cultivator 12’ Dump rake Miscellaneous Articles 1 Hinman milking machine, com- plete with one single unit, pip- ing and outlets for 12 cows 1 Lé h.p. Electric motor 3 Good clean 8 gal. milk cans 2 Milk strainers and plunger 1 Electric stock clipper, complete 1 hay fork-and rope 1 Fanning Mill 1 Set weigh scales ISeveral 8 gal. milk cans for gas- HHH HHHH HH ' March 23 Black cow, supposed to caLf March 24 Holstein cow. fresh Holstein cow, fresh, calf at side Holstein cow. full flow Holstein cow, full flow Black 'and white cow. due White‘cow, due time of sale Holstein cow, fresh, calf at at foot 3 Red cow, due time of sale 4 Holstein cow, supposed to calf oline Quantity of planking, different sizes 4 Flour barrels or molasses barâ€" Auctioneers Markham, Om., phone 346 LfiUiken, ph. AXminster 3-5987 rels . 1 2-furrow gang plow 1 Pump jack 1 Set team harness Number of horse collars l Colony house 2 Horse blankets 1 Wheelbarrow 1 12 Ton jack 1 1 Car heater 1 Car horn‘ Pile of scrap iron 1- 32 ft. extension ladder Number of other articles such as forks, shovels, small tools, and other useful farm articles Furniture ‘1 Divanette 1 Dining room table 6 Dining room chairs 2 Kitchen tables 1 Small table Number of Chairs 1 Double bed 1 Single bed 1 Dressing table 1 Wash stand 2 Cupboards 1 Kitchen cabinet 1 Thor electric washing machine 1 Dining room table 1 radio 2 Cream separators 1 Churn 1 Set bed springs Quantity of pictures 2 Coal oil stoves with ovens 1 Coal Oil heater 2 Lamps 1 Cookstove 1 Pair long rubber boots. size 8 Quantity of dishes. knives. forks, crocks. sealers, and other use- ful articles Sale at 1 p.;n. Terms cash. No reserve. James Smith, clerk AUCTION SALE KEN & CLARKE 'PRENTICE, CORRESPONDENT: MRSI. ED PAXTON R. R. 3 KING Phone PR. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS some of the thoughts which Mrs Wilkins impressed her listeners with. Sale The W.A. members of Temp- eranceville Church had a very busy day on Thursday. March '7 when the ladies were out in full force to help with the sale of Hot Dogs, sandwiches. donuts. pie. peanuts, and coffee, at the auction sale of Mr. Wilbert Jen- nings. A report will be given later on the receipts, but approx- imately $100.00 profit was real- ized by the W.A. on the days sale. Personals Our deepest sympathy is ext- ended to Mr. Fred Boys and the family in the loss of their mother, Mrs. Boys. of Laskay. Those who attended the Talent Night. of Aurora High School were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hare, and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings and Donna, Mrs. Lorne Cunningham and Sheila. Mrs. W. Herrema and Clara, Mrs. Jack Macklin and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. Mrs. Lou Gillham, mother of Mr. James Gillham passed away Friday evening, March 8. Friends and neighbours extend their deepest sympathy to the family. We are sorry to report the nec- essity of Howard Clark returning to the General Hospital, on Tues- day, March 5th, for further treat- ment. Members of the WI. of Temp- eranceville who had the pleasure of being guests of the Vellore W.I. on Tuesday, March 5th, were Mrs. Nelson Thompson, Mrs. Ed. Paxton, Mrs. Jack Macklin and Cathie, Mrs. Harry Hutchinson, Mrs Stewart Paxton, Miss Irene Mashinter, Mrs. Clayton Beynon Mrs Maurice Beynon and Mrs Andy Annand. . Board of Trustees of the R0- man Catholic Separate Schools for the Town of Richmond Hill by by-law passed on the 4th day of March. 1957, resolved to bor- row _the sum of Eighty Thou- sand Dollars ($80.000.00) for the purpose of building and equipping a new school. The‘ Board of Trustees shall bor- row on the credit of the‘ Board and issue debentures which shall be a charge on the schoolhouse property and premises or any other real or personal property vested ‘lin the Board or upon the Separate School rates here- inafter imposed by the said ‘Board. The debentures shall be payable in annual instal- ments during the period of twenty (20) yEars together with interest at the rate of 534% in the first five years, 6% in the second five years, 6% in the third five years, and 6%% in the fourth five years. Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Town of Richmond Hill TAKE NOTICE that the MISS M. I. MURPHY, Secretary-Treasurer ROBERT JACKSON, RICHMOND HILL FIRE FIGHTERS CLUB YAdmission 50c Chairman Wednesday, March 20, 1957 LIONS OOMMUNITY HALL LUCKY DRAW 3%. MORE MEAT PER FEEb DOLLAR RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL mcnmonn mu. Centre Street East Feed MASTER P I G STARTE R This farm-proved feed has ingredi- ents that build the foundation for healthier, faster growth. Feed it for higher profits! A GOOD PLACE TO EAT “I YOU! [0“! MASTER DIALIR YO-DAV W. R. DEAN to be held in Thornhill Space éontn’buted in the Service of tho communitx bx John gage.“ Limited AV. 5-1344 Time 8.00 pm.

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