CUB UNIFORM, size 8. $5.00; pair girl's tap shoes, size 31,12. $3- TU. 4-2359. c1w38 ANTIQUE walnut buffet Phone AV. 5-3891. DOG KENNELS, new, reasonable. Phone TU. 4â€"2977. c1w38 MUSHROOM compost. AV. 5â€" 4562. *2w38 MANURE, delivered by load or yard. Unlonville 258 or Markham 573J. I'6w38 FARMERS' LIME for sale, 65 cents per bag. AV. 5-1100. c2w38 DOUBLE Door wardrobe. cheap. TU. 4-4043. c1w38 ROTTEN cow manure $5 BA. 1-9510. CONNOR washer, $25.00 TU. 4-2191. BALED STRAW, 10 bales or more. 40 cents a bale. TU. 4-2143. c1w38 ELECTRIC STOVE, $15.00. Ches- terï¬eld, wine. as new. Phone TU. 4-3263. c1w38 RUG, Axmlnster 9x12, green,‘ floral, $35.00. 224 Lennox Ave. c1w38 QUEBEC HEATER. good tion, $10.00. AV. 5â€"3333. FREEZER, 15 cubic feet, 2 years old, $250.00. TU. 4-3265. c1w38 LARGE chrome kitchen table. Very good condition. BA. 5-4036. c1w38 36 INCH gas range, like new, very reasonable. TU. 4-1238. RANGETTE, good condition, reasonable. Also baby carriage. TU. 44453. c1w38 GIRLS' size 7 coat; woman‘s size 16 to 18 ï¬tted spring coat. TU. 4- 3613 c1w38 CEDAR anchor posts for sale Garmley 5216. c6w3f§ BICYCLE, glrls’ junior bicycle, in excellent condition for girl aged 5 to 9 years. $20.00. Phone AV. 5-3845. c1w38 V4. INCH Poplar underlay. Finest grade 9 cents per square foot. Butler & Baird Lumber Ltd., TU. 4â€"1125. AV. 5-3506. c1w38 CLEAN, dry ï¬rewood, all kinds Free Delivery. Taylor's Sawmill R. R. 2 Aurora. AV. 5â€"4231. BOYS’ 2~pant suit, blue rayon gabardine; size 12. good coï¬di- tion,‘$8.00. TU. 4-3287 after 6 p.m. TWO Rouen drakes and 200 used cement blocks. Garden Gate. Yonge St, Thornhill. AV. 5-3485. , c1w38 WALNUT dining suite, large tabâ€" le, six chairs and china cabinet, good condition. TU. 4-1875. QUANTITY of baled hay, also a big pile of rotten manure. Lab. Animal Farm, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-3376 BEATTY deep well pressure pump, with 90 feet of rod. Used one year. PRospect 3-5301. Gor- mley 5452. c1w38 FIREPLACE LOGS. 16" lengths; mixed hardwood. $10.00 a single cord, delivered. Straight white birch, $12.00. Phone TU. 4-2957. SEE US for Crown Diamond paints, low, low prices. Butler & Baird Lumber Ltd.. TU. 4-1125. AV. 0-3506. clw38 COTTAGE FURNITURE: beds. tables, chairs, commercial elec- tric ï¬xtures. electric sewing tab- le. compressor and motor. Call TU. 4-2678. _ *1w38 ONE PRESSURE Pump. complete with motor and pipes; 2 electric water heaters; 1 Coleman space heater, medium size. BA. 1-8522. evenings AV. 54384. *1w38 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 21, 1957 GARRY and Rodney Seed oats, gmwn from registered 'seed. Cleaned and treated. Apply Har- old Heise, Victoria Square. Gorâ€" mley 5461. c2w38 So are we. Let us reduce your hydro bill by changing your electric water heater to flat rate. If it is on flat rate let us reduce it to a EGO-watt Size heater. We unconditionally guarantee: if you are not satisï¬ed with its operation over the following year we will replace the original set-up free. All of our jobs no matter big or small are H.E.P.C. inspected where needed. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC. TU. 4-3211. All hours. clw38 REGISTERED and No. 1 Comâ€" mercial Ga:ry Oats, Germination test. 95% $1.95 and $1.70 per bushel, cleaned and treated. Floyd R. Perkins, TU. 4â€"1229. CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word. min. charge . . 50c Second and subsequent insertions if wording a unchanged. 3c per word min. charge ........... 40c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 10c; min. charge 50c CARD 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75c BIRTH NOTICE . . . . .' ............................... 50c Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE LOW ON DOUGH? CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES a load. c1w38 $20.00. c1w38 Phone *lw38 condi- c1w38 c1w38 c8w38 clw37 c1w38 c1w38 *3w37 c4w38 PICTURE FRAMING, ï¬lms de- veloped, prompt service. Lager- quist Studio, 93 Yonge St. S,, TU. +2791. tfc33 DINING SUITE, dark walnut, f piece, good condition, very rea~ sonable, must sell. Aurora PA. 7-5864. c2w37 2 ALL STEEL oil furnaces, good condition. will install. AV. 5-1557. tfc35 SUMP PUMPS for sale, $15 up. Also repaired. Herridge Electric. TU. 4-3211. tf032 ORDER your budgie early for Easter. Also some female hen breeders. Mrs. George Cartel phone TU. 4-2205. tfc35 YOUR HEADQUARTERS for new and used electrical appllan- ces and supplies is Blackburn's S‘uburban Television and Elec- tric, Thornhlll. AV. 5-1333. th8 FOR SALE 20 tons of top qual- ity mixed hay and 4 tons of oat straw. Will deliver. Murray Acre- man. Lot 18, Con. 3 Markham Township, phone TU. 4-2236. FROSTMASTER home freezer, 14 cu. ft size, nearly new, real sonalfle price BA 1- 2372. c2w37 ELECTRIC stove, f‘Gurney†4â€" burner, fair condition. 84 Law- rence Ave., Richmond Hill. *1w38 WHITE gas stove, about 10 yrs‘ old, excellent condition $30. Jets :V‘e drilled for natural gas. King 35 ring 33. clw38 RUGS Why pay more? $34.00 for a 9x12 deep piled thickly tufted broad- loom. Just a few left. Phone Rea» fern 3939. tfc 32 4x8 QUARTER inch ï¬r plywood G.I.S. Spring special 13 cents per square foot. Sale runs until March 30. Butler and Baird Lum- ber Ltd. TU. 4-1125. AV. 5-3506. BAYVIEW MEAT, 555 Bayview Ave, Toronto. We specialize in deep freeze orders at low. low prices Hinds of beef 39c per 1b.; fronts of beef 29c per 1b. Cut and wrapped at no extra charge. Free delivery. PRospect 3-5223 or HUdson 8-1323. c4w35 TYPEWRITERS & ADDING MACHINES New Underwood and Smith Corâ€" ona Portables and factory rebuilt standard models. New adding ma- (hines also typewriter ribbons and carbon paper. Rentals available. Call TU. 4-1745. tfc37 Aluminum or steel. Made fqr all styles of windows. Free estimates and installations. Phone TWining 5-6551 (reverse charges) V01“ ap- ply Harold Craddock. 353 Ont- ario St“ Newmarket. tf23 DINETTE SUITE, brown maple, dutch cupboard. extension table, and four cherry red leather chairs; also Chesterï¬eld with nearly, new Slipcover, all over floral pattern (roses, light blue morning glory on black ground colour). Phone TU. 4-2757. c1w38 HARDWARE PROBLEMS Try Bryant Hardware - to locate special products or information, electrical and paint our special- ty On the spot analysis by our representative if required. ' Richvale. , AV. 5- 3821. tfc32 TOP QUALITY BARGAINS For example. ï¬nest Sheffeld 'tainless steel, 9 piece carving & steak knife sets, list $49.95 for only $12.00; automatic electric deep fryers and Skillets, list $39.95, for only $19.75. Many other bargains on cookware, sil- verware, cutlery, razors, appli- énces ,etc. Telephone AV. 5-1568. c1w38 New marine plywoodvboats. 8 ft. prams. 12 ft. car-top. 14 ft. run- abouts ..$65 and up. Best ma- terials used. no down payment necessary. All hoats guaranteed not to leak. No. 11 Highway 1 mile N. of Richmond Hill Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TT-J. 4-2732. Itch SPRING CLEARANCE SALE OF TV AT YEREX ELECTRIC Never before have you seen such bargains. Here are a few: 21" E)- ectrohome on swivel base .in beautiful autumn leaf mahogany. $29.95 down, $14.00 a month. 21†Motorola in either walnut or light oak. These sets have three speakers for hi-ï¬ sound repro- duction. $26.95 down, $13.00 month. 21" RCA Victor, 21 tubes. console, $29.95 down, $14.00 month. 21" RCA Victor. table model, 19 tubes, $19.95 down, $11.00 a month; 24" CGE Console on casters. regularly $419.00, on sale $299.95. Phillips tape record- er .reg. price $229.95. sale price $199.95. 3 months free service with all TV sets and usual manu- facturer’s warranty. We are now selling Hi-Fi component parts, come in and browse around. TU. 44552, Yerex Electric, opp. Rich- mond Theatre. clwas For Sale (cont’d) VENETIAN BLINDS BOATS *2w37 c1w38 WELL TILE and Septic Tanks, immediate delivery. Lorne Baker and Son, Concrete Products. Newmarket. Phone TW.. 5-6781. tfc38 RUBBER STAMPS, all any size. Quick service. Liberal Office; Richmond ELECTRIC Day and night service on elec- trical repairs and electric appli- ance service Phone Blackburn's Suburban. AV. 5-1333. tch Alterations and repairs. E. Blight, TU. 4-2609. *4w35 RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE TV & Radio Service, antenna and U.H.F. installations. Car radios. TU. 4~2101, AV. 5-3756. tfc20 BLOCK LAYING and: concrete work, footings, basement floors. etc. Fred Flood, Richmond.Hill. TUrner 4-2311. t1c49 UPHOLSTERING and repairing Apply F. Graham, Lake Road Oak Ridges. Phone PR. 3-5691. plastic and linoleuml Robert E. Patchell, PArkview 74459, 32 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke. 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfcll FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gerrits, R. R‘ 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. ttc50 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone. loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond HiZL, TU. 4-1701. MOVING a: CARTAGE Frank’s Moving dz Cartage pack- ing and storage. Experienced ser- vice anytime. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. tfc2 TILE CONTRACTOR, ceramic, IDEAL Maintenance Co. Stores, offices, etc. cleaned. Floors main- tainedâ€"in ï¬rst class condition. Phone PR. 3-5431 days. PR. 3- 5578 evenings. tich CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU 4-2896 Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill‘ ‘ tfc3 PAINTING a; PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. Tu 4-2798. GENERAL carpentry New work, kitchen cupboards, alterations and repairs. ‘ Tile floors. Phone evenings PR. 3-5432, daytime Pr. 3-505 1. {th23 TELEVISION Day and night service. Aerials installed from $22 50 Phone Blackburn's Suburban, AV 5- 1333. tics ‘I‘hornhill, Phone AV FROM THE BASEMENT to the rent â€" house repairs and alterâ€" ations. J. M. Cannon Sn, Oxford St., Richmond Hill. l‘U. 4-1810. 11013 R. .H. REID. Delivery service. Pickup and delivery, light mov- ing. TU. 4-3391. tfc37 PLASTERING By old country plasterer. new, old work, cornice and stucco ceilings a speciaw. TU‘ 4-2157. [£050 WELL DRILLIFG George's Well Drilling and re- pairing. pump installed and re- paired. George Adams, Box 192 King City, King 7.87. tfc46 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tfcl!) Mill St., Aurora RADIO REPAIRS Car radios removed and mstall- ed, also home radios pickup and delivery. .1. Fox 8: Son. TU. 4- 1810. “C27 MISCELLANEOUS CALL US for vour sand. gravel'. ï¬ll. top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple 54R12. tfc? RICHMOND HILL Commercial Cleaners, banks, offices, stores halls, etc cleaned and polished and kept in ï¬rst clasg condition by experienced cleaners Phone TU. 4-3714 tfc3f- \ WALK-RlTE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS TREES PRUNED, spraying and clean up. planting trees, and shrubs, digging your garden, seed- ing or sodding your lawn. Dutch Landscaping. Norman Friend & Sons, phone PR. 3-5084. c1w38 Canada Health and Accidents pays not only for hospital expen- ses, but also your doctor's bill. For information. John Masseliuk, Insurance Agency, TU. 4-2255. DROP your doctor's expenses now_modern Security Protection. Freezers Washers Driers and Electric Motors TU 4- 2229, Richmond Hill tfc30 OIL SPACF HEATER AND FLOOR. FURNACE SERVICE PHONE TU. 4-1221 LYNN REFRIGERATION . Appliance Repairs Refrigerators Richmond Hill Plumbing and Heating TUrner 4-1711. AVenue 5-3697 tfcl7 A. MILLS & SON SIGN PAINTER BILL WEGMAN AV. 5-4131 PLUMBING 5-i266. tfc12 Hill tfc43 kinds. The tchl {£042 tfc27 mu tfcl'V tf028 tfc31 HARDWOOD floors re-sanded and ï¬nished like new. Hardwood and Tile floork installed. Special winter pr'ces. Suburban Floor Service. P one TU. 44054.. clw37 CATENARO CONSTRUCTION Co., Concrete work, drains. 126 E1mw00d Ave.. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2612. _ tf037 RECREATION ROOMS, kitchen cupboards. Reasonable Prices. By experienced cabinet maker. Mat- teo Piazzza. TU. 4-1585. 02w37 EXPERIENCED carpenter de- sires spare time work. Recreation rooms a specialty. Morning or evening work. TU. 4-2430. c3w38 CARPENTRY work, stairs, kitâ€" chen cupboards, arborite tops, recreation rooms, trim. TU. 4- 2505 after 5. c2w38 ELECTRIC WELDING Highest quality work done by expert. Texac‘o Station Richvale Motor Sales Stop 22A Yonge St. AV. 5-4111. ttcls Gormley 5601, Stouï¬â€™ville 320‘ ROOF REPAIRS Roqf, Eavestrough, Chimney brick work, painting, general repair Work of all kinds. prompt service. Phone PR. 3-5312. tfc 22 ALTERATIONS and repair work. Sidewalks. cement work, septic tanks, soft water cisterns. car- pex‘ltry work. For prompt service, call Walker and Mitchell AV 5- 2526. etc-45 for footings ï¬odrs, patios, etc GORMLEY READY-MIXED CONCRETE LTD‘ SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5471: ALL KINDS CARPENTRY WORK Alterations and repairs. No job too small or too large. Expert workmanship. Reasonable rates. Phone Gerry Van Beers AV. 5- 4131. Richvale‘.‘ tfc33 CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, basement apartments, por- ches. garages, bevel siding, roughing in and trim Work. No job too small. Immediate atten- tion. Time paym’ents. Call Tom Price. AVenue 5-2393. 024w22 hanging, Decorating, etcâ€"f Pï¬one A. Rollinson. TU. 443622. th9 AV. 54595 ANYTHING in Painting, Paper- LANG BROTHERS Plumbing and drains. Alterations and repairs. 24- hour service. Win- ter rates. Free estimates. AV. 5- 3470 RICHMOND TREE SERVICE Fruit trees pruned, trees trim- med and removed. Cabelling, fer- tilizing and custom chain saw- ing. Free estimates. TU. 4â€"1221. tfc28 PIANO TUNING and all repairs. Guaranteed work- manship. Tuner tor Music Camp of the Royal Conservatory of Music, churches. schools. etc. Free estimates. Phone 'Ambrose Engli, Thornhill. AVa 5-3365. A _ SPRING is just around the corn- er. Have you Chesterï¬eld set re- covered. Our, prices are lower than city prices. Formerly with Eaton's and Simpson‘s Free es- timates with the latest samples brought to your home. Five year guarantee on work. Terms avail- able. A. Smith Upholstering, phone AV; 5-1682. c4w37 ATTENTION Richmond Hill resi- dents of BEVERLEY ACRES. TEKO, CROSBY HEIGHTS, RICHMOND ACRES, ALLEN- COURT, EAST ELMWOOD. GLENBRAE HEIGHTS. Now available: ANNUAL HEATING MAINTENANCE CONTRACT. in- cluding new air and oil ï¬lters, soot removal. tune up and unlimâ€" ited free service calls. This con- tract is limited to residents of the above area. HERRIDGE ELECâ€" TRIC, TU. 4-3211 all hours. tfc37 MISCELLANEOUS HEALTHY PUPS, part Callie. al- so purebred Labradors. W. Lowe Richmond Hill, TU. 4-3376. c1w38 NICE MALE DOG, medium size. with dog house. Good with child- ren. 322 Browndale Cres.. Bever- ley Acres. ‘1w38 DACHSHUND puppieS. registerâ€" edA Imported sire. House born and raised. Wonderful pets. will hold for Easter. AV. 1-3929. clw38 NUMBER of $10.00 bills, Reward. Finder please bring to Liberal office. *1w36 CHILD’S red rubber boot, lost or carried off by a dog, on the night of Thursday, March 14_ Lawrence Ave., vicinity of Markham Road and Elmwood Ave.. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1840. c1w38 TAMWORTH Hog purebred. one year old and Registered Tam- worth Sow, due April 7. Dobson AT. 8-0991. *1'w35 READY MIXED CONCRETE DRUGS Richvale Rexall Pharmacy Free All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed AV. 5-3772 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE LOST BA 5-2411 “(:11 tfc 31 tfcla tlcz “c4 UNFURNISHED flat. modern and bath. AV. 5-1702. c1w37 TV privileges. Gentleman pre- ferred. AV. 5-1593. c1w38 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-1109. uczz BASEMENT apartment, 3 rooms. bathroom. AV. 5-3242. c1w38 FLAT, '3 unfurnished r‘ooms, parâ€" king, child welcome, $55. 179 Taylor Mills Drive N. *1w38 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. tfc47 APARTMENT, 2% rooms, 348 Yonge St. For information phone Toronto HUdsvn 8-1205. tfc’d5 APARTMENT, fully furnished and equipped, weekly rent, park- ing, two or three working adults. AURORA PA. 7-5597. tfc38 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, hea- vy duty wiring, main floor. suit business couple. Oak Ridges. PRospect 3-5544. c1w38 2 BRIGHT heated rooms, 'close to Yonge St. suitable for busi~ ness couple. Phone TU. 4-1341. c1w38 FURNISHED room, gentleman preferred. Board optional Apply 283 Boisdale Ave. evenings or week ends. *1w38 NICELY furnished room, close to bus stop. TU. 4-1547. c1w37 ONE ROOM, unfurnished from April lst in Richmond Hill Box 30p The Liberal. *1w38 ONE COSY bedroom, kitchen and BOOK NOW for your ideal fam- ily holiday in 4â€"bunk trailer, ice box, stove, etc. $25 a week. $45 for two weeks. K. Seager PR. 3- 5279. c1w38 ONE 8: TWO bedroom apart- ments to rent, with living room, kitchen‘ bathroom, refrigerator and stove, heated. W. S. Hare and Son. Phone PR. 3-584]... tfc 35 EECTRIC FLOOR Polisher (or rent. Richmond H111 Hardware. TU. #2101. tfc18 ELECTRIC TOOLS to rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 FLOOR SANDERS. POLISHERS. BLACK 8; DECKER SaWS, sander, etr Sales and Ren- tal. Bryant Hardware, Stop 22A, Yonge St, Richvale. AV. 5-3921. . t c28 TYPEWRITERS & ADDING MACHINES All makes for rent, special stud- ents’ rates. Underwood & Smith- Corona typewriters for sale. Also ribbons and carbon paper. TU. 4-1745. tf038 FARM HAND. single, mixed far- ming. Box 35 The Liberal. c1w38 PRACTICAL nurse for exclusive rest home. Must live Ln. Aurora PArkview 7-4602. ‘ c1w38 MOTHER’S daily help, ï¬ve days weekly. light housework, one child. PRospect 3-5804. *1w38 STENOGRAPHER. Experience preferred. Permanent position. Mr. Bawden, Bank of Nova Sco- tia. TU. 4-1262. c1w37 HOME TYPING done by compe- tent steno. Can pick up and de‘ liver. Apply 284 Browndale Cres., Beverley Acres. clw38 SALESLADY _ Manageress _for retail candy shop at Bayview Plaza. Apply in writing to Le Feuvi‘e Candies, 683 Mt. Pleas- ant Road, stating experience and wage expected. tfc38 STENOGRAPHER‘- Shorthand ~ typing for Insurance Agency in Richmond Hill. Congenial office. Usual Company beneï¬ts. Phone Mr. Yeats, TU. 4-2120 or AV. 5- 4201. c1w38 INVOICE CLERK, typing necess- ary. Knowledge. of bookkeeping machine operation an asset. Per-‘ manent position in Richmond Hill district. Reply in own hand- writing to Box 33 The Liberal. c1w38 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN AND SALES LADIES We require immediately addi- tional sales staï¬ in our busy Richmond Hill offices. We actually have more business than our present staff can handle. This is a real opportunity for a go- getter. Experience not necessary, learn as you earn. Call Mr. Shields, TU. 4-1173, Evenings TU. 4-1230. DAVID McLEAN LTD. 76 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill Members Toronto Real Estate Board tfc35 TRUCK dispatcher. Knowledge of builders’ supplies and radio dis- patching an asset. Must be alert. able to make own decision and to handle truckers efficiently. Permanent position in Richmond Hill district. Reply in own hand writing to Box 34 The Liberal. c1w38 We have immediate openings for energetic men of neat appear- ance in our busy Thomhill of- ï¬ces. Our salesmen are amongst the highest income in the busi- ness. experience not necessary. A complete training program is provided with assistance at a‘l times. Call sales manager, Mr. Carh‘sle AV. 5-1176. Evenings AV. 5-2742. UAVID McLEAN LTD. Head Offices, Thornhill Members Toronto Real Estate Board HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMEN T0 RENT ings RELIABLE WOMAN wil give day care to children from 2 years old, large fenced in yard, gym set. Company for own 3 year old girl. ate Two minutes walk to bus stop. 37 weekly. Will also do baby sit- tfc35ing evenings. AV. 5-3270. c1w38 RESPONSIBLE lady required to look after two children and do light housework from 2 to 5 p. m. in Richmond Hill. Phone AV. 5-3695. c1w38 LICENSED mechanics required for local General Motors Dealer- ship. Good wages and working conditions. Apply in person to Bill Benï¬eld, Birrell Motors Ltd.. Richmond Hill. c1w38 STORE in Willowdale, 4 year lease, [snack service business. Two refreshment trucks, licensed for North York. BA. 1-8522, ev- EIGHT ROOM brick veneer house baseboard hot watenheating, full cellar, chimney suitable for ï¬re- place, garage, approximately 1% acre of land, fruit trees, immed- iate passesJion. Phone Gormley 5317. . *1w37 FOR SALE OR RENT, $10,500.00. Frame bungalow, 4 rooms, 4â€" piece bath, garage, half an acre. Oil heated. All modern conven- iences. Vacant April 1. A. Davis, 185 Spruce Ave. Stop 32 Yonge enings AV. 5-4384 $14500 HOUSE for sale, 1% storeys on Markham Rd.. Rich- mond Hill, corner lot, close to Yonge. Double garage. A11 conâ€" veniences. Landscaped. Early oc- cupancy. TU. 4-2084. tfc33 St., Richvale‘ Richmond Hill and District $6,000 - 3 rooms vacant $1,500 down. $7,000 Comfortable 4 room house $1,500 down. $9,000 - 5 rooms, full basement 30 days possession. $11,900 ‘new bungalow oil heat \ $1,500 down $12,500 solid brick 3 bedrooms, new $2,000 down. $13,900 - 5 rooms, oil heat, Rich- mond Hill} $-4,500 - 6 rooms beautiful large » lot W. of Yonge. $15,500 - 4 bedrooms brick, 2 bathrooms. Other wonderful buys from $15,500 and up. Thomas OAKLEY Real Estate Richmond Hill AV. 5-4161 BA.1-1049 TU. 4-1951 ESTATE SALE !!YOU NAME THE PRICE!!! 6 room solid brick bungalow on services, in Richmond Hill. Pres- ent mortgage of approximately $9,300.00. Payments of $59.00 monthly including principal and interest. Interior decorated, ï¬x- tures ,included. Don’t buy with- out seeing this! To be sold as \100 FT. LOTS $1400.00 full price. Don Mills Road and Wellington Streets, east of Aurora. High building lots with scenic view, on paved road. Terms. shown RICHMOND HILL $14,500.00 rambling ranch six room bungalow. Lovely panelled living ;room with open hearth. Thor Automagic kitchen unit. Large airy bedrooms and den. Lot 70 x 329 with garage and many extras. Owner leaving for Western Canada. Must be sold. For appointment call. Mrs. D. Carter, representing: Ernest Ri- dout Real Estate Broker, TU. 4- 1157, 10 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill. clw38 FORMER stenographer desires position typing and general office work. Phone TU. 4-2587. *1w38 CHILDREN kept‘ daily or week- 1y. TU; 4â€"4048. c2w3" RTILIABLE WOMAN will baby sit. TU. 4â€"1547. clw37 WOMAN desires housework Mon- day to Friday, 9 am. to 4 pm, $7.00 per day. TU. 4-2546. c1w38 TYPIST with general office ex- perience desires position mornâ€" ings. TU. 4-3627. _ Clw38 EXPERIENCED typist, dicta- phone operator, stenographer. would like homework. TU. 4- 3401. c1w37 Secretary requires office posi- tion. full or part time. Write Box 29 The Liberal. *1w38 LADY requires housework by the day and baby sitting. AV. 5â€"4373. c1'w33 CARPENTER work, repairs and alterations, cement sidewalks and steps. painting, septic tanks. Jack Curtis, Green Lane, phone AV. 5-2494. c4w36 EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother’s absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4â€"3158; tfc23 HELP WANTED LADY experienced in all phases restaurant, seeks position as man- ager of snack bar restaurant or cafeteria. Write Box 32 The Lib- eral. c1w38 A YOUNG married man wishe; part time work any evening and/ or week-ends. Have chauffeur's license. Box 31 The Liberal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT WANTED BUYING CALL FENN SELLING CALL FENN AV. 5-1595 (continued) *1w38 c1w38 c1w38 tfcl USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1951 DODGE pick-up truck in good condition, very reasonable. TU. 4-3120. olw38 WRECKING ’48 Cadillac. All parts for sale. Phone TU. 4-1860. c1w38 1953 RANCH wagon, radio, snow tires and slip covers, will make trade and ï¬nance the balance. AV. 5-3455. clw38 40 MERCURY, motor, transmiss ion, and rear end A1 Fair body. Make offer. 61 Morgan Ave., Thornhill. c1w38 ONE 1950 FORD Dump truck. 3 ton; one 1950 GMC stake truck, 2% ton with platform. TU: 4- HIGHEST PRICES PAID All models used cars and trucks wanted for wrecking: also used parts. tires etc., for sale‘ 8. 8.: A. Auto Parts, 'I‘U 4-2236 1% miles north of No 7 Highway on 3rd line. Markham Twp. tfcll RABBITS wanted. Hugh Higgs. AV. 5-4194. *1w38 R & M RANCH (Formerly Chat- burn’s). Start to replace your flock now with well known Leg- horn chicks. We also deal in‘ De- Kalb chicks and hybrid corn, Prices on request. Box 1151 Aur- ora, or phone PArkview 7-4311. c1w38 ALL BREED puppies wanted. Best prices paid; AV 5-3575 or LEnnox 243550. ’ tfc9 PRIVATE party wants to buy 3- room brick or clapboard home. central, substantial cash. Phone MO. 3659 or write Box 27 Th? Liberal FEBRUARY has gone - March is perhaps the most important chick buying month. For poultrykeep- ers with their eye on proï¬table egg and broiler markets. Con- centrate on chic’k ‘buying new for breeds bred for high produc- tion. Wide choice. Bray Hatchery. John Enns, Brampton, phone 723W. c1w38 ROOM and board and laundry. TU, 4-1433, tfc38 ITObM AND BOARD available, near Yonge. AV. 5-4286. *1w38 LADY TEACHER requires room and board in a modern home commencing, March 31. Please reply to TUrner 4â€"1525 for fur- ther particulars. clw38 ROOM & BOARD available with Dutch family. Dutch boy prefer- red. ‘ 322 Browndale Crescent, Beverley Acres. *1w38 TRANSPORTATION available from Yonge and Markham Rd. right to down town Toronto, lea- ving 1110 p. m. TU. 4- 3060. c1w38 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Bayview and Palmer to Richmond Hill daily at 8:45 am. TU. 4-3641. c1w38 TRANSPORTATION WANTED From Oak Ridges to Dundas and Keele Sts. area, arriving at 8 a. m.. leaving 5 pm. PR. 3-5614. TRANSPORTATION available, leaving Oak Ridges 5.30, going to West Toronto via Eglinton Ave, neturning at'4.30 pm. C. Swan. PRospect 3-5417. c1w38 ‘RAN SPORTATION ARRANGE your ï¬rst or second mortgage quickly through Will- owdale Mortgage Service. MO. 2040 (reverse charges). tfc17 Some private funds available to make mortgage loans, or to buy existing mortgage}. 'W. W: CONROY Real Estate Willowdale, BA. 1- 7434. _ tfcll ROOM & BOARD Repairs To All Makes 0! Cars Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups ~11? Texaco Products wk Towing Service ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-1773 Male and female, all departments, RED AND WHITE 'FOODMASTER, at the Bayview Plaza, 300 Bayview Avenue. Apply at Store, Saturday, March 23rd, or Monday, March 25th, 9 am. - 5 pm. MORTGAGES LIVESTOCK WANTED HELP WANTED SALE REGISTERS 0N PAGE 3 THIS WEEK POULTRY FOR SALE lST MORTGAGES 2ND MORTGAGES OUR GARAGE Licensed Mechanic *1w38 *1w38 MAN with 1,52 ton pickup and 3 ton stake truck wants any kind of trucking Phone AV. 5-2327. HOUSE or 2 bedroom apartment, unfurnished. AV. 5-3748. after 6 pm. _ *1w38 5 OR 6 ROOM house with con“ veniences. close to s‘chool if pos- sible. Children welcome. Immeds iate posschion wanted. Call AV. 5-3470. c1w38 i TYPEWRITERS & ADDING MACHINES All makes for rem special stud‘ ents rates. Underwood 8; Smith Corona typewriters for sale, also ribbons and carbor paper, call TU. 4-1745. tfc3'7 SMALL size garden roller, iron. AV. 5-3328. c1w38' CARS and trucks for scrapping; also scrap iron. TU‘ 4-3093. c2w3& 4 OLD STYLE kitchen chairs: also small desk. TU. 4-1673. *1w38 GOOD home for a three months old puppy. housebrokcn. TU. 4- 8241. c1w38 In a very complete report, they made a list of recommendations to be used in creating the basis of a parks system for the town. A Parks Commission comprising: a commisioner, deputy-commas. sioner and three additional meme bers was suggested as well a: the setting up of an annual bud-w get for developing and maintenâ€"z ance/ Also they suggested that assistance be sought through the province and that certain parcels of land be set aside for park purposes. Richmond Hill Council has voted in favour of forming 3 Parks Commission, similar to tha_ Hydro Comission to set up a7 series of parks in the fast- -grow- ing municipality. It was decided last Monday evening that the pre- liminary investigation should be made to ï¬nd out how such 1i commissiOn would operate and the1p10cedure in setting it up. Meeting with council were Parks Committee representatives Mrs. H H. MacKay, Jack Rice and Al Smith: Town May Form. Parks Commission‘ CAPONS, and fowl, highest pri-4 ces paid. Don‘t sell untll contact- ing W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridge! Poultry Grading Station. phone PRospect 3-5301. tfc27, Herridge Electric TU. 4-3211 all hours We are in immediate need of houses, building lots and acreage in both Thomhill and Richmond Hill areas. Call Thornhill Office AV. 5-1176 Rithmond Hill TU. 4-1173 No“; is the time to list for early spring selling. Toronto’s Largest Subul'barI HOUSES wwun' avid McLean Ltd. E3) MOTORS WANTED TO RENT WANTED Realtors 08w37