The salesmen thought I was eccentric the other dayâ€"I ran around our used car lot opening and closing doors. I just wanted to make sure. So, although I don't agree exactly that people should “drive scared," it appears like a good idea to keep your car doors locked from the inside at all times. Speaking oi doors, they're a point you should give pariicular anenï¬on io when looking over a used car. See if ihe door hangs straight 5nd wheiher. when the window is open slighily, it closes firmly. A twisted body can be doctored up pretty easily with paint bu: it’s hard to fool those doors. But turning over (the possibility that the roof will cave in or that you'll be flung out through the door) is a fear that is hard t6 dissipate. Of all the fears that beset the car driver, I think the worst is the fear of turning over. The automobile companies. which are constantly con- ducï¬ng safety research. found an answer recenfly :0 the door flying open problem. The feu- of the blowout. which used to be a terrible anxiety, has largely been removed for those drivers who enough to buy ihe several kinds of safety tires. TU. 4-2241 Km MART KENNEY on at: No City Driving 1:? $0 Minutes from Avenue Rd. and Hwy. 401 ï¬r Free Parking ï¬- Enquire for Special Student and Part! Rates 7:: Table Reservations For All' DlRECTIONS ' North of! No. 7 Highway at Shell Station ’ 1% miles West of Highway No. 400 ' 0r 2% Miles East of Highway No. 27 $2 PER PERSON RESERVATIONS: Mart Kenney’s Ranch INSTALLATIONS ENGINEERED FOR MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY RECEPTION GUARANTEED 10 % DOWN Will Install Your Plumbing and Heating â€" also cov’er Renovations Water Services -- Drilled or Trenched Low Interest Rates Available Television & Electric Co. AERIALS It’s Fun To Dance At B. B A l L E Y PLUMBING & HEATING AV. 5-4511 SUBURBAN EVERY SATURDAY RESERVATIONS: AT. 8-1282 AND HIS ORCHESTRA AV. 5-1333 The NEW ’57 SHAPES come in Plllboxes, Proï¬les, Wide Brims. Cloches, etc. ‘and the Straws are Souffle braid, Milan, Panamalac, Swiss braid, Visca bodie and many others‘ The hats range in a wonderful variety of gay colors. whites and the basic darks. You will want several of these im- ported chapeaux to go with your Spring outï¬ts. ACCESSORIES - - - Handbags, Gloves and Costume Jewellery can be seen in an extra wide dis- play of colors and styles. HATS. Hats and more hats ar- riving now from New York and Montreal with the latest in Fashions for you. NOW is the'time to choose your Spring hats at Madeleine's There is a hat for everyone for evegy occasion in our large se- lectlon. Formerly of Gerrard Helnhman Work guaranteed. Free estlmnes Birthday wishes are also ex- tended to Barbara Turner, of Clarke Avenue, who celebrated her ninth birthday with a party on Monday, March 25. Birthday greetings are in or- der for Pauline Mitchell, 45 Clarke Ave.. who was seven years old on Monday, March 25, and celeprgtgd with; a party. Dr. R. Steele who has been vacationing for _the past month is California, will be back to receive calls on_ April 1. Welcome to the neighborhood to Mr. John MacClinton and Mr. Mel. White. The business will be listed as ’Mac White Motors.‘ Tuesday, April 2 is the next regular meeting of the Doncas- ter ladies club at the home of Mrs. Carle, 89 Morgan Ave. It was announced that the club will hold a draw for a quilt as ï¬rst prize at their annual June {em the exact date to be selected ater. Birthday greetings go to Stella Perrault. Clarke 815., who cele- brated her 10th birthday on Wednesday, March 27, with a party at her home. Birthday wishes are extended to Susan Gain. 22 Henderson Ava. who celebrated her 8th birthday with a party on Friday, March 22. Birthday greetings are in or- der for Susan Shepherd of Proc- tor Ave., who was 79 years old on Wed., March 20 but celebrat- ed with a party on Saturday, March 23. * The March meeting of the W.A. was held in the Sunday School room on Wednesday evening of last week with Mrs. P. Willows in charge of the service. The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. F. Walker. Mrs. P. Bennett gave the Lesson Thoughts and Prayen. Mrs. H. McCague and Mrs. N. Baynton sang a duet, Miss Mabel Sanderson gave a very in- spiring topic on, “Faith", which was very much enjoyed by all. Mrs. H. Collard, the president, took charge of the business. Re- freshments Were served at the close by the group. Mlssion Band Since the beginning of the Can- cer Society in 1938, it has spent more than $3,600,000 on Cancer Research. The Canadian Cancer Society will spent $720,867 on on research and related projects during 1957. April is the Cancer Society Campaign month. 3319 YONGE ST. (at Fairlawn) BU. 8-5406 2 bus stops below city limits Over 1,000 NEW SPRING HATS Phone Liberal once TUrner 4-1105 Evgs. ORchard 6516. Toronto PIANO TUNING and Repairing S. Hoï¬â€™man ' The Mlssion Band was post- Millinery & Accessories MADELEINE Wadedzine .1 f CORRESPONDENT : MRS. W. SANDLE Telephone Gormley 5421 Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AVenue 5-2288 DONCASTER 9 mm. to 6.30 p.111. Friday “11 9 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. John Empring- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Clubine. Mr. and MrS. Percy Bennett at- tended a party at the home 01' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clubine, Bay- view. on 'Saturday evening of last week, the occasion being Mr. and Mrs. E. Clubine's‘wedding aniversary. / Mrs. Hillier and son and fam- ily. of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Sigim Robb, of Toronto had Sunday dm- ner with Mr. L. Stoutenburgh. Mrs. F. Walker and Freddie. .Mrs. P. W. Willows had Sunday dmner with Miss Mabel Sander- son. Birthday greetings to: Wayne Mortson, who will be thirteenl years old on March 16; to Leslie Hart for March 28; to Anita Orr who will be five years old on March 31, to Heber McCague for April 2; to John Buchanan for April 2. Friends are pleased to hear that Mr. Lawson Mumberson is progressing favourably following his recent Operation and exDeCtS to be home in a few days. Mrs. Olive William's, Mr. Wil- liam Wilson and Miss Mabel San- derson had Saturday evening din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bolender. Mr. Fraser Currah, of Wood- stock, who is studying at the O.A.C.. Guelph. and David Boy- nton also of the O.A.C., spent the week end here with David's parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and family. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Herb Smith and his daughter, Mrs. Merrill Johnston, in the passing of a loving wife and mo- ther, Mrs. Herb Smith. Mrs. Smith will be greatly missed among her friends here at Victâ€" oria Square; as she was a very active W.M.S. member of the Society, at Victoria Square. Congratulations to Mr. 8; Mrs. Herman Mortson who on March 23 celebrated their thirty-sixth wedding anniversary; to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton who on March 30 will'be celebrating their thirty-sixth Wedding anniversary. 'Poned on Saturday, March 23. lhowever, it will be held in the ‘Sunday School room on March ,‘30, at 2.30 pm. All the children {in the community are invited to attend. iMen’s Dinner Ii There were seventeen charges of the York Presbytery represent- ed at the Aurora United Church, on Friday evening. of last week, ‘when the Laymen’s Council was formed. There were over fifty men in attendance. The executâ€" ive of the council is: President. Mr. Percy Bennett, of Victoria square United Church; 1st vice- president. Dr. Arkinstall, of the Queensville United Church; 2nd viceâ€"president. Mr. Harry West. of the Wesley United Church; Secretary, Mr. Douglas Parsons. Victoria Square United Church. Zone Chairman, Mr. Delbert Booth, Kettleby United Church. The guest speaker at this meet- ing was Dr. Ralph Wilson. who is Associate Secretary of the Board of Men of the United Church and is from Toronto. The men served refreshments at the close. Neighbourhood Notes Misses Norma King and Mar- garet Canning. Messrs Donald Canning and. Neil Mortson spent a Sunday recently at Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Friends are pleased to hear thatiDouglas Parsons is able to be out again following his recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett had dinner on Monday evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry West, at Newmarket. Mrs. A, Huston has been elect- ed Leadership Education Secret- ary, and Mrs Stanley DeFoe has been elected Treasurer of the WA. of the new Presbytery of York Congratulations to these two ladies. All Baby Band members and their mOthers are cordially in vited to attend. There will be 11 Graduation service for: Marylin Snider, Sheila Gee, Margaret Sandle and Lloyd VanDerKooy to the Mission Band. All members of the Mission Band are invited too. The secretary for Baby Baï¬ds, Mrs. A. Agar. of Keswick, and for Mission Bands, Mrs. Wilfred Turner, of Brown’s Corners, in the York Presbyterial will be pre- sent. Refreshments will be pro- vided by the W.M.S. .members. Laymen’s Council All women of the congregation are invited to help make the W.M.S. Easter Thank-Offering meeting on this 60th anniver- sary year, an outstanding one. It will be held on Saturday, April 13, at 2.30 p.m., in the Sunday School room. S. L. Fear; Stouffville United Church, on April 11, at 230 pm. The guest speaker will be Mrs. McKillop, President of the Dom- inion Board; Unionville United Church, on April 23, at 8.30 pm. The guest speaker will be Dr. Margaret Atkinstall. President of the York Presbyteria. Please keep these dates open. Easter Thank-Offering The April meting of the Sr. Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday evening, April, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John Mc- Cague. Please note the change of date. Roll call is to be answer- ed by a written question, “Some- thing I would like to know." Mrs. Micheal Miller, of Richmond Hill will give a demonstration on_ The Victoria Square W.M.S. has been invited to attend the fol- lowing Easter Thank-Offering meetings; Richmond Hill United Church, on April 4, at 2.30 pm. The guest spcakker w_l_ll b5 Mrs: "Cake Icing." The election of Ofï¬cers will also take place. All the ladies inithe community are invited to atend. Youngf 13.13.. of the O.A.C., Guelph Sr. Women’s Institute W The Community's Men's Din~ ner will be held in the Sunday School room on Wednesday eVâ€" ening, April 3. at 7 pm. The guest speaker will be Rev. W. A. SANDLE, Victoria Square We were'thrilled in Sunday School to hear that one of our girls, Sharon Rumble. had been the sucessful winner 0f the Dr. Wilson Cup, at the Temperance 1 ally held in Newmarket recently. This cup, awarded annually was won last year by the president of the EXplorers, and the feat has been repeated. Sharon Rum- ble is president this year; and she delighted us by giving her speech in Sunday School. It is getting to be time when the annual Oratorical is held in the School. This has always been sponsored by the Home and School Association, but owing to seeming lack of interest. this or- ganization. has gone out of exis- tence, temporarily. it is most sin- cerely hoped. However, a few of the former members are desâ€" irous of keeping this competit- ion going; and finding themselves a little short of funds, have hit upon the idea of a travelling For want of a nail a shoe was lost: For want of a shoe For want of a horse a rider was lost. A11 for the want of a ‘ horseshoe nail. For want of a rider a battle was lost. For one of its projects last year. the C.G.I.T. and Explorers of Victoria Square, donated a sum of money to Headford Sunday Séhool for the purpose of purchasing Bibles to be used in the Sunday School. The Bibles have been purchased, and )n Sunday will be presented by Susan Terry, representing C,G.I.T and Sharon Rumble, president of the Explorers, to Mr. Freeman Barker, Supt. of the Sunday School, who will accept them on behalf of the Sunday School. Then they will be dedicated by Mr. Huston. ' Birthday greeflngs to Mrs. Stewart Rumble for next Wednes- day, March 2‘7. Everyone missed the Brodie family from church and Sunday School on Sunday, and we hope all of them are completely re- covered by now. Mr. and Mn. John Ireland and family were guests rqcently of Lorraine and Murray Acreman. Mrs. Deverell and Mrs. Acre- man joined several ladies from Victoria Square around a quilt last recently. After lunch a short session further at the quilt pre- ceded the regular W.M.S. meet- ing. which was in charge of Mrs. Jque. Devotions consisted 3f prayers by the leader, questions asked, and answered by select- ions from Ephesians read by Mrs. Stanley Boynton. and a brief talk by the Temperance convenor. Lunch followed. with ice cream donated by Mrs. Perkins. Cards for those absent through sick- ness were signed by all present. For the small cost of an insurance policy A farm may be lost. Better check on a Ordina v motor oils must be wax-me up to flow freely. Until they do, your engine wastes power just pushing the‘pil around. And you get another big advantage. X- 100 prevents acid actionâ€"major cause of engine wear. - For more power ;; . more engine life: . . insist on HERE’S HOW you can regain lost power . . . set free § to 10 horsepower trapped m 10L}: engine! sï¬eu x.1oo Motor 011 Premium flows freelyâ€"even when cold . . . gives you 5 to 10 bogus horsepower! Shell X- 1 00 Motor Oil SHELL SERVICE STATION Highway 11, 1% miles north of Richmond Hill Sluggish engine got you “hoppingâ€? KEN RUSTON ‘remium. CO-OPERATORS’ INSURANCE ASSOCIATION FARM FAMILY‘ LIABILITY POLICY from John Sytema, Newmarket, R.R. 3 TWining 5-2235 Jim Sbencer, Naylor St., Maple Phone Maple 247W TUrner 4-1911 CORRESPONDENT : MRS. B. ACREMAN R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Phone TUr a horse was lost. HEADFORD NEWS basket. So if you are called up- on by someone with this basket, please feel quite free to send it on without contributing if you like but.please put your name on the list in order to avoid being called on twice. It is plan- ned to have the Oratorical Com- petition on April 17 the Wed- nesday before Good Friday. This whole community was sad- dened last week to learn of the passing of Mrs. Herb Smith one of its most revered personalities. The funeral service. conducted by Rev. A, C. Huston. was held at the parlors of Wright and Taylor, with burial in the United Church cemetry, at Victoria Square. The deepest sympathy of the com- munity goes out to Mr. Smith and Gwen. Next Sunday will be Mission- ary Sunday. in the Sunday School with a film strip. and a special collection. We are happy to have Mrs. Marshall at Church with us while she is staying with her daughter Mrs. Melvin Wellman. STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS STEEL FABRICATING To Customer Speciï¬- cations FINDER BROS. LTD. Mrs Elsie Mumford visited her mother, Mrs. William Leuschner, at the end of last week, taking her mother back to Toronto for a few days Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wellmgn and family. Mrs. Marshall 3 d Mrs. Wm. Wellman, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wellman, on Sunday afternoon. Recent guests at the Acre- man's have been Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gay and Betty; and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scholes. Paul and Gail-Ann. Sharon Bell celebrated her eighth birthday on Thursday last week with a small party of her time was had by all. ' Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Save time and trouble 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 BANK BY MAIL! Phone TUmer 4-2238 m LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 28,1957 MflST PREBIflUS - METAL When you bank by mail, our nearest branch is as close to you as your nearest post- -box. No parking problems! Ask for special deposit forms at our nearest branchâ€"we have more than 750 branches to serve you. .LIMITEB MONTREAL BANANOOUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA 750 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY 1'0 SERVE vou Richmond Hill Branch: H. C. Powell Stelco as the largest Canadian steel-maker is proud of the part its producfls have played in the develop- ment of Canada. STEEL is the foundation of the material well-being of every nation. Without steel there could not have been much progress. For steel is in almost every- thing. There is steel in the modern church, school, hospital, and college, and in the making and pre- paring of all building materials. There is steel, too, in the weapons of defence, without which the peoples who desire to maintain peace soon would lose their freedom. The York County Health Unit will give polio vaccination to all pre-school children over six months of age who are brought by a parent or guardian to one of the Collowing clinics. In order to avoid waiting, you are requested to bring the children at the time suggested according to the ï¬rst letter of your last name (e.g. â€"â€" Allan. Black, Clark. etc.) There will be no pre-registration of these children. MAPLE AND AREA COMMUNITY HALL MONDAY, APRIL 1 â€" A to E - 9.00 3.111.; F to K ~ 10.30 mm: L to P -1.30 p.m.; Q to z - 3.00 p.m. KLEINBURG AND AREA WOMEN’S INSTITUTE HALL TUESDAY, APRIL 2 -â€" A to K - 9.00 a.m.; L to Z - 10.30 am WOODBRIDGE AND AREA RICHMOND HILL AND AREA â€" THORNHILL AND AREA WOODBRIDGE ARENA MONDAY. APRIL 8 â€"â€" A to E - 9.00 a.m.: ,F to K . 10.80 mm L to P - 1.30 p.m.;‘ Q to z 3.00 pan OAK RIDGES AND AREA BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH THURSDAY. APR. 25 - A to E - 9.00 a.m.: F to K . 10.30 a.m. L to P - 1.30 p.m.; Q to Z - 3.00 pan. East side and nearby Rural Area LIONS HALL TUESDAY, APRIL 9‘â€"-â€" A to E - 9.00 a.m.: F to K . 10.30 an. L to P -1.30 p.m.;‘ Q to "Z - 3.00 p.111. West side and nearby Rural Area WEDNESDAY, APR. 10 - A to E . 9.00 a.m.; F to K - 10.30 a.m. L to P - 1.30 p.m.; Q to Z - 3.00 pm MARKHAM AND AREA YORK FARMERS’ MARKET -- Yonge 8: Elgln Strepts THURSDAY, APRIL 25 â€"- A to 13- 9a. m.; F to K- 10. 30 mm. LtoP~l.30pm.: QtoZ- 3..00pm. THE SECOND DOSE WILL BE GIVEN AT THE SAME PLACE. AT THE SAME TlME, EXACTLY FOUR WEEKS LATER. VETERANS' HALL MONDAY, APRIL 15 â€"- A to E - 9.00 3.111.; TUESDAY. APRIL 16 -â€" L to P - 9.00 a.m.; RICHVALE AND AREA UNIONVILLE AND AREA ‘ VETERAN’S HALL TUESDAY. APRIL 23 â€"- A to E - 9.00 n.m.; F to K - 10.30 am. L to P . 1.30 p.m.; Q to Z - 3.00 pm. RICHVALE CHAPEL. OAK AVENUE THURSDAY, APR. 18 â€" A to E - 9.00 a.m.; F to K . 10.30 am. L to P - 1.30 p.m.; Q to Z - 3.00 pm. YORK COUNTY PRE-SCHOOL POLIO VACCINATION THE F to K - 1.30 pm. Q to z - 1.30 pm. N-IT)