I! I THE 15131712133, mama Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 28, 1957 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. first insertion 3c per word. min. charge . . 50c l Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. (to per word min. charge .......... . FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 40c 250 COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 10c; min. charge 500 CARD 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. Der Insertion 75c BIRTH NOTICE .................................... 50¢ Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. 1 For Sale (cont’d) ARTICLES FOR SALE CEDAR anchor posts for sale. Gormley 5216. c6w36 FARMERS LIME for sale, 65 Cents per bag. AV. 5-1100. c2w38 MUSHROOM compost. AV. 5- 4562. *2w38 HAY for sale. King 11 ring 3. ' c2w39 â€"_â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"-&â€"-â€"â€"â€" LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE, like new. AV. 5-3922. c1w39 RECESS bath tub, new $35 CHerry 4-6346. c1w39 BABY CARRIAGE, grey, cheap for quick sale. AV. 5-3270. c1w39 1200 COOKSVILLE Red Rug ' brick, new, $50. AV. 5-2690. c1w39 BABY CARRIAGE, grey, in good condition. AV. 5-3266. c1w39 ROTTEN cow manure $5 a load. BA. 1-9510. tfc39 3 ANTIQUE cupboards, perfect condition. AV. 5-3891. c1w39 250 GALLON gas tank. Apply TU. 4-2556. c1w39 BALED STRAW, 10 bales or more, 40 cents a bale. TU. 4-2143. clw38 MANURE, delivered by load or yard. Unionville 258 or Markham 573J. *6w38 STAMPS, 10c up per package. free sample. Write Box 40 The Liberal. I 1e. A1 condition, $20.00. AVenue 5-2595. 2 SINGLE BEDS, three pieces. Excellent condition. TU. 4-2175. c1w39 SUMP PUMPS for sale, $15 up. Also repaired. Herridge Electric. TU. 4-3211. All hours. tic 32 Antique wine damask chesterâ€" ï¬eld, as new, $70. TU. 4-3263. *1w39 GOLF CLUBS, left-handed, 6 irons, 2 woods, bag. $20.00. TU. 11-1208. l *lw39 ANNEX Stove, white porcelain, Small oven. semi-rotary lift pump. TU. 4-1850. c1w39 FRIGIDAIRE and McClary Gas Stove. Good condition. Phone TU. 4-1503. c1w39 ELECTRIC RANGE, apartment size and ice box both in good condition. TU. 4-3678. c1w39 GET YOUR GOOD HEALTH. RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. from Kenneth Woods. TU. 4-1498. l l c1w39 c8w38 16 FOOT cabin cruiser with out- board and two bunks. Apply 48 Bridgeport Street or phone TU. 4-1034. c1w39 DEEP WELL Meyers pump sys- tem,‘complete, nearly new. Half price $300.00 or offer. AV. 1492. l l SOLID OAK DESK, 60"x28" shallow centre drawer with four single and one double drawer on Sides $40.00. Phone TU. 4-1272. AV. 5-3136. 8-PIECE walnut dining room suite, kitchen cabinet, rangette and ovenette. Don Mills Rd, near N0. 7 Highway, the name Bell on post box. c1w39 0 $1.95 and $1.70 per bushel, cleaned and treated. Floyd R. Perkins, TU. 4-1229. . ,. Order a set of solid aluminum garden tools. Trowel, fork. bulb. trowel. makes good gift. $2.00 set delivered. Maple 193W, Millar, Avenue Rd.. Richvale P.O. c1w39 4-PIECE BEDROOM Suite, bed. vanity, large dresser and chest of drawers in walnut veneer. Good condition. Camera, Kodak Duaflex 11 with Kodar [.8 lens. adjustable, with flash atachmcnt. $15. Apply to Mrs. George Chap- man. 26 King St., King City 0 phone King 131W. c1w3 *1w39 C.C.M. FULL SIZE man’s bicycâ€" c1w39 M KITCHEN SINK, white enamel. "ml 5-2733. PICTURE FRAMING, .iilms de- veloped, prompt service. Lager- quist Studio, 93 Yonge St. S.. TU. 4-2791. tfc33 ORDER your budgie early for Easter. Also some female hen breeders. Mrs. George Cartel, phone TU. 4-2205. tfc35 RUGS Why pay more? $34.00 for a 9x12 deep piled thickly tufted broad- loom. Just a few left. Phone Red- fern 3939. tfc 32 ONE SIDEBOARD, dining room table, full size bed and spring, suitable for summer cottage, reasonable for quick sale. 249 Oak Ave., Richvale. *lw39 Y UR HEADQUARTERS for new and used electrical applian- ces and supplies is Blackburn's Suburban Television and Elec- tric, Thornhill. AV. 5-1333. tfc8 GARRY and Rodney Seed oats, grown from registered seed. Cleaned and treated. Apply Har- old Heise, Victoria Square, Gor- mley 5461. c2w38 VENETIAN BLINDS Aluminum or steel. Made for all styles of windows. Free estimates and installations. Phone TWining 5-6551 (reverse charges) or ap- ply Harold Craddock, 353 Out- ario St., Newmarket. tf23 TYPEWRITERS & ADDING MACHINES New Underwood and Smith Cor- ona Portables and factory rebuilt standard models. New adding ma- -hines also typewriter ribbons and carbon paper. Rentals available. Call TU. 4-1745. tfc37 HARDWARE PROBLEMS Try Bryant Hardware - to locate special products or information, electrical and paint our special- ty. On the spot analysis by our representative if required. Richvale. AV. 5-3821. ' tfc32 l BOATS New marine plywood boats. 8 it. prams, 12 it. car-top, 14 it. run- abouts ..$65 and up: Best ma- terials used, no down payment necessary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. No. 11 Highway 1 mile N. of Richmond Hill. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. ’1‘â€. 4-2732. tfco LOW 0N DOUGH? So are we. Let us reduce your hydro bill by changing your electric water heater. to flat rate. If it is on flat rate let us reduce it to a 500-watt size heater. We unconditionally guarantee: if you are not satisï¬ed with its operation over the following year we will replace the original set-up free“ All of our jobs no matter big or small are H.E.P.C. inspected where needed. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC. TU. 4-3211. All hours. tfc38 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1955 FORD 12 ton pickup truck. condition. TU.‘ 4-1483. c1w39 ‘48 STUDEBAKER Champion good second car. TU. 4-3919 after c1w39 1955 STUDEBAKER Custom, good condition. can be seen 94 Wright St., TU. 4-3192. *1W39 1949 HILLMAN, new rings, valve and clutch job, good tires. AV. c1w39 1953 RANCH wagon, radio, snow tires and slip covers, will make trade and ï¬nance the balance. AV. 5-3455. clw38 ONE 1950 FORD Dump truck, 3 ton; one 1950 GMC stake truck, 212 ton with platform. TU. 4- 2741. tfc29 1950 CHRYSLER 6 sedan, met- allic green. semi-automatic sig- nals. family car. low mileage. good condition, $650 cash. HL'. 8-6906. c1w39 HIGHEST PRICES PAID All models used cars and trucks wanted for wrecking: also used parts. tires etc., for sale. 8. & A. Auto Parts, I'U 4-2‘4‘36 1324 miles north of No 7 Highway on 3rd line. Markham Twp. tfcll 1947 FORD tractor with front end Dearborn loader. 1946 GMC cab and chassis. motor transmisâ€" sion and rear end. good. 1951 Studebaker pick-up. Cab . for a six foot box. PRospect 3- 5400. c1w39 .a’ LIVESTOCK _ FOR SALE DACHSHL‘ND puppies, register- ed. Imported sire. House born and raised. Wonderful pets. will hold for Easter. AV. 5-3929.c1w39 TEAM of matched Belgian mares. 8 and 9 years old. White manes and tails. Sound and well broken. Weight 3.000 lbs. 335000 or best Oder. Phone Maple 60rll. c1w39 1 MISCELLANEOUS R. H. REID, Delivery service. Pickup and delivery, light mov- ing. TU. 4-339]. tfc37 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill. tfc3 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. tfcl" SIGN PAINTER BILL WEGMAN AV. 5-4131 tic“ RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE TV & Radio Service, antenna and UHF. installations. Car radios. TU. 4-2101, AV. 5-3756. tfc20 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701. tic-12 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement doors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2311. tfc49 UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham, Lake Road, Oak Ridges. Phone PR. 3-5691. tfc27 TILE CONTRACTOR, ceramic, plastic and linoleum. Robert E. Patchell, PArkview 7-4459, 32 Mill St., Aurora. tfc31 FRANK'S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serVIced. Frank Gerrits, R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tic50 WALK-RITE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS Thornhill, Phone AV. 5-1t266. t (212 all kinds, The RUBBER STAMPS, any size. Quick service. Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. ' tfc43 Concrete ~ Products. Phone TW. 5-6781. tic38 and Son, Newmarket. ELECTRIC Day and night service an elec- trical repairs and electric appli- ance service Phone Blackburn's Suburban. AV. 5-1333. tfc8 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, Richmond Hill. A. MILLS at SON Richmond Hill Plumbing and Heating TUrner 4-1'711. , AVenue 5-3697 tic17 IDEAL Maintenance Co. Stores, offices, etc. cleaned. Floors main- .in ï¬rst class condition. MOVING 8: CARTAGE Frank’s Moving A: Cartage, pack- ing and storage. Experienced ser- vice anytime. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. tfc2 GENERAL carpentry New work, kitchen cupboards, alterations and repairs. Tile floors. Phone evenings PR. 3-5432, 1333. FROM THE BASEMENT to the roof -â€" house repairs and alter- ations. J. M. Cannon Sr., Oxford St., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1810. tfc13 PLASTERING By old country plasterer, new, old work, cornice and stucco ceilings a specialfl. TU. 4-2157. tfc50 WELL DRILLING George’s Well Drilling and re- pairing. pump installed and re- paired. George Adams, Box 192 King City, King 287. tfc46 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 RADIO REPAIRS Car radios removed and install- ed, also home radios pickup and delivery. J. Fox a Son. TU. 4- 1610. tic2'l CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. .1. B. DeFerrari, Maple 54R12. tic? RICHMOND HILL Commercial Cleaners, banks. offices, stores. halls, etc. cleaned and polished and kept in ï¬rst class condition by experienced cleaners. Phone TU. 4-3714. tit-34 LYNN REFRIGERATION Appliance Repairs Refrigerators Freezers Washers Driers and Electric Motors TU. 4-2229, Richmond Hill tchiO DROP your doctor’s expenses now modern Security Protection. Canada Health and ‘ pays not only for hospital expen- ses, but also your doctor‘s bill. For information. John )Iasselink, Insurance Agency, TL‘. 4-2255. tfc31 ATTENTION Richmond Hill residents of BEVERLEY ACRES. TEKO. CROSBY HEIGHTS, RICHMOND ACRES, ALLENCOL‘RT. EAST ELMWOOD, GLENBRAE HEIGHTS. Now available ANNUAL OIL BURNER CONTRACTS, including new air and oil ï¬lters, soot removal, tune up and unlimited free service calls. This contract is limited to residents of the above area. HFRRIDGF ELECTRIC. TU. 4-3211 all hours. tics? MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTRY work. recreation rooms, basement apartments, por- ches, garages, bevel siding, roughing in and trim work. No job too small. Immediate atten- tion. Time payments. Call Tom Price, AVenue 5-2393. c24w22 ANYTHING in Painting. Paper- hanging, Decorating, etc. Phone A. Rollinson, TU. 4-3622. tfc9 BOB‘S Delivery Service, Thorn- hill and District. Light deliverâ€" ies. TU. 4-2375 evenings. c1w39 CUSTOM Rotovating. lawns and gardens. Tom Mashinter. 114 Roseview Ave, TU. 4-1170. tic-39 PLUMBING Alterations and E. Blight. repairs. TU. 4-2609 *4w39 E.B. CARPENTRY, home altera- tions. kitchen cabinets. hardwood and tile floors. Free estimates. Ernie Bagg. TU. 4â€"3191. c8w39 BUY PENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE _ AV. 5-1595 BA 5-2411 tfc17 CATENARO CONSTRUCTION Co., Concrete work, drains. 126 Elmwood Ave, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2612. tfc37 EXPERIENCED carpenter de- sires spare time work. Recreation rooms a specialty. Morning or evening work. TU. 4-2430. c3w38 CARPENTRY work, stairs, kit- chen cupboards, arborite tops, recreation rooms, trim. TU. 4- 2505 after 5. c2w38 «ELECTRIC WELDING Highest quality work done by expert. Texaco Station Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22A Yonge St. AV. 5-4111. tfcls ROOF REPAIRS Roof, Eavestrough, Chimney brick work, painting, general repair work of all kinds, prompt service. Phone PR. 3-5312. tfc 22 SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5471. t1c13 MOVING, PICK-UP and deliv- ery service. Anywhere, day and night. Reasonable rates. TU. 4- 2458. 125 Elmwood Avenue. tf039 FLOOR Maintenance, office cleaning, general home repairs, painting, basements and yards cleaned etc. TU. 4-2458. 125 Elmwood Ave. tfc39 ALTERATIONS and repair work. Sidewalks. cement work, septic tanks, soft water cisterns, car- pentry work. For prompt service. call Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5- 2526. tfc45 READY MIXED CONCRETE tor footings floors, patios, etc. GORMLEY READY-MIXED CONCRETE LTD. Gormley 5601, Stouflville 320i t c2 LANG BROTHERS Plumbing and drains. Alterations and repairs. 24-hour service. Winâ€" ter rates. Free estimates. AV. 5-3470 tfc 31 DRUGS Richvale Rexail Pharmacy Free :All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed AV. 5-3772 â€"_â€"__.____ DO YOU WANT to take the drudgery out of cutting your lawn this year. Then have ex- perts roll your lawn with our Power Roller. Richmond Sod. TU. 4-2741. c3w39 RICHMOND TREE SERVICE Fruit trees pruned, trees trimâ€" med and removed. Cabelling, ferâ€" tilizing and custom chain saw- ing. Free estimates. TU. 4-1221. tfc28 ___,___.___._._________ CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Call E. W. Payne for estimates on .complete septic tank systems. cellar floors, sidewalks. porches and all typcs of concrete con- istruciion around your home. AV. 5-1153. c4w39 ALL KINDS CARPENTRY WORK Alterations and repairs. No job too small or too large. Expert workmanship. Reasonable rates. Phone Gerry Van Beers AV. 5- 4131. Richvale. tfc33 w PIANO TUNING and all repairs. Guaranteed workâ€" manship. Tuner for Music Camp of the Royal Conservatory of Music, churches. schools, etc. Free estimates. Phone Ambrose Engli, Thornhill. AV. 5â€"3365. t1c4 SPRING is just around the corn- er. Have your Chesterfield set re- covered. Our prices are lower than city prices. Formerly with Ramos and Simpson's. Free 05- timates with the latest samples brought to your home. Five year guarantee on work. Terms avail- able. A, Smith L‘pholsterinc. phone AV. 5-1682. c4w37 m POULTRY FOR SALE WHITE LEGHORX layers. Phone Gormley 5460 after '7 pm. cl“‘39 l24 RHODE ISLAND RED hens. llaying $1.50 each. It. 4-3394. (‘l\\39 l ~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€" FOUND BOSTON TERRIER. Owner ,prove properly and pa" for 2d- lvertisement. AI. 5-3178. c1w39 TO RENT FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-1109. tic22 UNFURNISHED flat, modern and bath. AV. 5-1702. c1w37 FURNISHED ROOM ..nd garage near bus stop. AV. 5â€"2072. tfc39 BRIGHT APARTMENT close ‘to Yonge St. in Richmond Hill. phone AV. 5-1794. c1w39 _____.,__._______._._.__.â€"__ BRIGHT two room bath flat, lots of cupboards. Child welcome. TU. 4-2384. c1w39 ROOM with privileges, in widow‘s bungalow. Gentleman preferred. TU. 4-3819 after 6. c1w39 BED sitting room, grill, buses, shopping. one block. Suit busi- ness lady. TU. 4-1102. c1w39 RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" 3 room basement apartment, $65 month- ly. Box 39 The Liberal. *1w39 4 ROOM duplex. phone days AV. 5-2781 and evenings TU. 4-3332. c1w39 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER. Richmond Hill Hardware, TU. 4-2101. tfc47 APARTMENT, 2% rooms, 34B Yonge St. For information phone Toronto HUdson 8-1205. tic35 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. tlc18 FLOOR SANDERS. POLISHERS. ELECTRIC TOOLS to rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. tic32 APARTMENT, fully furnished and equipped, weekly rent, park- ing. two or three working adults. AURORA PA. 7â€"5597. tfc38 SELF-CONTAINED three-room apartment, adults only, 3 pc. bath, complete kitchen. Privileges. TU. 4â€"2524. c1w39 SMALL bungalow, all conven- iences, automatic oil heat. 1 block to transportation. Write Box 177, Richmond Hill, or phone TU. 4- 2860. *1w39 APARTMENT May 1, near Yonge St., Richmond Hill. Use of gar- den, $60.00. No dogs. Modern con- veniences, oil heater in living room, Box 36 Liberal. *1w39 BLACK 8: DECKER Saws, sander, etc Sales and Ren- tal. Bryant Hardware, Stop 22A, Yonge St., Richvale. AV. 5-3821. tfc28 AURORA â€"- front three room apartment, comfortably furnish- ed, separate entrance, large grounds. Couple. Monthly or weekly rent. PArkview 7-5597. c1w39 ’I‘YPEWRITERS & ADDING MACHINES All makes for rent, special stud- ents’ rates. Underwood & Smith- Corona typewriters for sale. Also ribbons and carbon paper. . TU. 4-1745. tfc38 HELP WANTED QUALIFIED salesman. experi- enced in telephone soliciting. AV. 5-2437. c1w39 JUNIOR DRAFTSMAN Required by Cardinal Homes. Ltd, Maple, AV. 5-1129. c1w39 YOUNG woman or girl wanted as dentist assistant, experience not necessary. Dr. Dryer, TU. 4- 1462. c1w39 BUTCHER WANTED one capable of taking charge of counter in Unionville. Phone AX. 3-4029 for appointment. *1w39 WANTED single man for dairy farm and general farm work. Reg- ular hours, good pay for right man. Phone PA. 7-4395. Mrs. E. deBac. R. R. l Gormley. c1w39 STENOGRAPHER. Experience preferred. Permanent position. Mr. Bawden, Bank of Nova Sco- tia. TU. 4-1262. c1w37 SALESLADY - Manageress for retail candy shop at Bayview Plaza. Apply in writing to Le Feuvré Candies, 683 Mt. Pleas- ant Road, stating experience and wage expected. tfc38 LICENSED mechanics required for local General Motors Dealel- ship. Good wages and working conditions. Apply in person to Bill Bcnï¬eld. Birrell Motors Ltd, Richmond Hill. c2w39 SUMMER SCHOOL TEACHER Teacher for community summer school. suburban Toronto. All July. School-age children. Give qualiï¬cations and salary require- ment to Box 37 The Liberal. c1w39 ._._.___â€"_________ AVON PRODUCTS, have openâ€" ings in Richmond Hill. Richvale and Oak Ridges. for capable 1a- dies. who have four hours a day to spare. Good commissions. \Vrite Miss M. Towers, Apt. 306. 161 Wilson Ave, Toronto 12. *3w39 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN AND SALES LADIES WANTED The time to join us is now At the big spring selling season Make more money with the lead- or. Earn as you learn: two big prestige lorations. no overcrowdâ€" ing. professional guidance and the best listings in the area. Photo co-op privileges and Toronto Real [Estate Board membership. Call ‘the manager now. Thornhill offices AV. 5-1176 Richmond Hill office AV. 5-1164 DAVID MCLEAN LTD. , Toronto's Largest Suburban Realtors ; tfc39‘ HELP WANTED (continued) EXCELLENT Opportunity for sales representative to handle complete line of home improve- ments. Write giving age. educa- tion and expcricncc and antici- pated earnings. Permanent pos1- tion with group insurance and hospitalization plan, Box 38 “The Liberal". cw39 BOOKKEEPER. Must have a good working knowledge of gen- eral and subsidiary ledger post- ing and balancing. reconciliation of bank accounts, preparation of books of original entry and re- lated clerical duties. Phone or write to G. Syme. K. J. Beamish Construction Co., Limited, Thorn- hill. AV. 5-1191. c1w39 IF NOW EMPLOYED you can proï¬tably operate in spare time and build a permanent full-time business with our line of daily necessities. Every home in.your territory is a prospect. No Com- pany pays higher commission. Brand new items are eye-catch- ing to customers. You have the backing of a top company with the ï¬nest merchandise. Write for free details and catalogue to 1600 Delorimier, Dept. 53, Station C, Montreal. c3w39 m WANTED TO RENT ONE ROOM, unfurnished. from April lst in Richmond Hill. Box 30 The Liberal. *1w39 5 OR 6 ROOM house, unfurnished for 4 or 5 months. MAyfair 5760. Mr. Burton. *1w39 SMALL family requires house, reliable tenants. BA. 5-1792. *1w39 MAN'with 1/2 ton pickup and 3 ton stake truck wants any kind of trucking. Phone AV. 5-2327. c8w37 4 OR 5 ROOM house or apart- ment in Richmond Hill or vicin- ity. Gerald J. Churcher. 48 Cam- bridge Ave., Toronto. Phone HO. 5-2622. c3w39 FAMILY OF 5 requires 2 or 3 bedroom house or duplex for rent vicinity Richmond Hill. School age children. $65 to $75. TUrner 4-4045. *1w39 SMALL HOUSE or rooms re- quired by young couple with family. Urgent. In Richmond Hill - Thornhill area. Leave message at AV. 5-1155. c1w39 EMPLOYMENT WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN will baby sit. TU. 4-1547. c1w37 OFFICE CLEANING. day or ev- ening. AV. 5-4536. c1w39 WOMAN desires housework Mon- day to Friday. 9 3m. to 4 p.m. $6.00 per day. TU. 4-2546. c1w39 DAY CARE for one or two child- ren. good care, reasonable. AV. 5- 2577. clw39 HIGH SCHOOL student with chauffeur's license requires summer work, phone TU. 4-3091 after 5 pm. *lw39 DAY WORK, office cleaning and baby sitting, by reliable lady, TU. 4-2920, if no answer TU. 4- 3230. *lw39 EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother’s absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. tfc23 CARPENTER work. repairs and alterations, cement sidewalks and steps. painting, septic tanks. Jack Curtis, Green Lane. phone AV. 5-2494. c4w36 WANTED CARS and trucks for scrapping; also scrap iron. TU. 4-3093. c2w38 CHILD‘S CRIB. Must be reason- able.» TU. 4-3348. Clw39 A GOOD HOME for a Persia cat. TU. 4-3879. c1w30 SEWING MACHINE. Must be Good condition. TU. 4-1383. TU. 4-1105. *1w39 PRESSURE SYSTEM, one each for shallow and deep well. AV. 5-4207. c1w39 BABY CARRIAGE in good con- dition, reasonable. TU. 4-2840. c1w39 CAPONS. and fowl, highest pri- ces paid. Don’t sell until contact- ing W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station, phone PRospect 3â€"5301. tfc27 l REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUYING CALL FENN SELLING CALL PENN AV. 5-1595 tfcl LOT FOR SALE 65’ X 166' Very close to Yonge St. Store and bus stop at corner. Culvert and drive installed. Evergreen trees around lot. TL". 4-1610. clw39 LOST BLUE MALE Budgie. lost on E1- gin Mills sideroad west. Phone TL‘. 4-1673. *1w39 FAMILY PET, white Persian, ab- out 6 months old, Lost on Mon- (lav in Richmond Acres If found please phone TU. 4-4006. c1w39 l REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED FARM WANTED 40 to 50 acre farm, good buildings. genuine buyer. Mrs. Sutherland, David McLean. 76 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. c1w39 USE PROFESSIONALS The largest, the oldest, the strongest suburban member of the Toronto Real Estate Board. DAVID McLEAN LTD. Thornhill Offices AV. 5-1176 Richmond Hill Offices TU. 4-1173 c1w39 MORTGAGES ARRANGE your ï¬rst or second mortgage quickly through Will- owdale Mortgage Service, MO. 2040 (reverse charges). ttc17 IS’I‘ MORTGAGES 2ND MORTGAGES Some private funds a7aiiable to make mortgage loans, or to buy existing mortgages. W. W. CONROY Real Estate Willowdale, BA. 1- 7484. tfcll SALE REGISTERS ON PAGE 8 THIS WEEK FEM 11-1221. ROOM & BOARD ROOM and board and laundry. TU. 4-1433. tfc38 ROOM and board available.l close to bus stop. Good meals. $16 weekly. AV. 5-3270. c1w39 ROOM and board, ladies pre- ferred. 91 Centre St. West. TU. c1w39 ‘RAN SPORTATION TRANSPORTATION available. leaving O‘ak Ridges 6.30. going to West Toronto via Eglinton Ave, returning at 4.30 pm. C. Swan. PRospect 3-5417. c1w38 m LIVESTOCK WANTED ALL BREED puppies wanted. Best prices paid. AV 5-3575 or LEnnox 2-8550. ttcï¬ % MOTORS Herridge Electric TU. 4-3211 all hours ALE HELP WANTED MODERN PLANT - SHIRT PRESSING COUNTER AND SHIPPING DEPTS. APPLY SAT., MARCH 30 9 A.M. - 5 RM. Barth’s CLEANERS snmr SERVICE 198 YONGE ST. NORTH - Opposite Bus Loop RICHMOND HILL ALWAYS ‘ A GOOD PLACE TO EAT *‘k‘k RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL RICHMOND mu. YOUR LA WN THEN POWER Take EW Ll) HAVE EXPERTS YOUR LAWN WITH OUR DO YOU WANT TO TAKE THE DRUDGERY OUT OF CUTTING YEAR? ROLL THIS ROLLER. RICHMOND SOD TU. 4-2741 ! If the merchandise in your store is not moving copies every issue. sales. , ing Home Paper of the , 63 Yonge Street South ' TU. 4.1105 out as rapidly as you think it should. why not take a new look at advertising possibilities? . get out the news that you have this merchandise for sale, and you need to quote prices. The best medium to reach the people of Rich- mond Hill and district is The Liberal, your local news- paper. Our circulation in the district runs over 5200 You need to This large circulation makes a tremendous im- pact on the public, and it produces results that are felt in your cash register as it rings up additional If you are not now using the Liberal’s advertis- columns. we invite you to take a new look down our way, and let us help you. The liberal District Since 1878 Richmond Hill TU. 4-1106