Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1957, p. 10

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A New Branch Store to Serve You Thornhill - Richmond Hill - Aurora Districts Richvale Plaza 1760 Avenue Road AV. 5-4172 Toronto - RU. 1-9176 Five Point Fur Service Costs No More 3'} F91]! insureq guaranteefl Cold Fur Storage â€" , n-" Modern vaults on premises â€" No delay in Fall 75: Repairing and ire-styling by qualified experienced furriers {if Cleaning and rejuvenating using the Hollander- izing method ‘ $5? Free estimates â€"â€" quotations reasonable â€"â€" all work guaranteed / {if Speedy pick-up and delivery service Hours : 9 - 6 9 RM. Fridays N 0 Parking Problems Licensed Mach-ale Repairs To All Makes 0! Cars Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups {5; Texaco Products 5'3: Towing Service ELGIN MILLS TL4-1773 1954 STUDEBAKER DELUXE SEDAN 1954 DODGE two tone, slip covers, spotless 1956 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN ‘STATION WAGON Baker’s Sales & Service Ltd. 1953 NASH RAMBLER 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 4,1957 USED CAR CLEARANCE SALE ALL OINADA INSURANCE FEDERATION KEN STIFF FURS . LIMITED - two-tone, Slipcovers, spotless The first aid kit and insurance both have important roles to play in the cvcnt of accidents. Each year, the companies writing accident and sickness insurance in (Zambia pay out more. than nine!) million dollars (not including auto- mobile accident costs) to policy- holdersâ€"a mighty bulwark against unusual financial strain. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM radio, one owner car STOP 22, YONGE STREET, RICHVALE PHONE AV. 5-1189 60R GARAGE your fingertips $1295.00 $1275.00 $2395.00 3N! $975.00 ALI. CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION on behalf of more than 200 competinfl companies writing Fin. Automobile and Cuualty (mm-Inca. It is (at better, though, to prevent accidents and mishaps, rather than to deal with the treatment of their ser- iousâ€"and often tragicâ€"aftet-effects. That is why insurance companies are constantly seeking ways to stem Canada's mounting accident toll. Safety pays dividends . . . saves lives, helps to lower your insurance costs. Be Careful. The regular monthly meeting of the Couples Club was held on Tuesday evening of last week, in the Community Hall. Following the business period, a social time including games was enjoyed by all The Couples Club is sponsoring tw0 one act plays to be given in the Community Hall, on Friday evening, April 26, at 8 pm. Fur- ther particulars at a latter date, but please keep this date open. Euchre There were ten tables of play- ers at the Euchre held in the Community Hall, on Wednesday evening of last week. Prize win- ners were: Ladies; lst Mrs. Cal- vert Sr., 2nd Elmo Snider. Con- solution Mrs. Britnell. Gents: lst pm. Everyone welcome. Sr. Women's Institute The regular monthly meeting of the Sr. Women‘s Institute will be held on Tuesday even- ing, April 9, at 8 p.m.. at the home of Mrs. John McCagus, Roll call is to be answered by a written question, ”Something I would like to know”. Mrs. Mich- eal Miller ,of Richmond Hill, will give a demonstration on “cake icing.” The Election of Officers will also take place. All the ladies are invited to attend. Cancer , The Canadian Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute of Canada are the two voluntary organizations fighting cancer. The Society is made up of lay- men. It supports research, car- rie; out an educational prog~ ramme and a welfare programme Iwfifi-s’sélrl 2nd Marcus Jarvis Consolation!Jim Curtis. Freeze- out lst Ma’rtrsrgygmg and Bill _‘l-|, ‘u- -V- ' ’1d1eton. 2qu B.Nlchols & B. San- dlel. The next Euchrewill be held in the Community Hall on Wedâ€" nesday evening April 10, at 8 This man can give you dependable delivery of Housewives, businessmen, teachers, and students all over the world read and enjoy this International newspaper, pub- lished daily in Boston.“ World. famous for constructive new; stories and penetrating editorials. Special features for the whole family. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" Yhe Christian Science Monitor One Norway 5... Boston 15, Mass. Send your newzpaper for the tim. checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. \ ygcr 3‘6 D 6 menu-‘3 $8 D 3 months 54 D CORRESPONDENT : MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoria Square Telephone Gormley 5421 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Adams Name THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE “MONITOR Zone Star. International daily mpaw to assist cancer patients. It also raises money. The Institute is made up of doctors and scient- ists. It supports worthwhile can- cer research by giving grants in aid, fellowship and séholarships. About two-thirds of its money comes from the Society. 70171 the average almost 55 Can- adians die of cancer each day. More than 2 each hour. Leaders in Councilr York County Leaders Council met at Victoria Square United Church. on Friday evening of last week, at 7 pm. The meet- irg took the form of a Round Robin Program, with Miss Marion Banks. B.A., Provincial Girls Work Secretary, and Mrs. Per- nell, Girls Work Board, leading the discu55ion. 34 Leaders re- presenting 11 churches were in attendance. The Council Wel- comed two new groups, Pleasant View Baptist Church, Don Mills Rd., and Ellesmiere, Woodbine and Sheppard. Affiliation Service The C.G.I.T. and Explorers ar. holding their Affiliation Ser- vice on Monday evening, April 15, at Brown‘s Corners United Church. The W.M.S.. W.A.. and the Mothers are especially in- vited to attend. Sunday School Meeiing On Friday evening. April 5. at 8 pm. there will be a meet- ing in the Sunday School room for the teachers and adult port- ion of the Sunday School. Any- one interested in the work of the Sunday School is invited to at- .tend. W.M.S, The‘W.M.S. has been invited to attend the Easter Thank-of- fering meeting of the Richmond Hill United Church W.M.S., on Thursday, April 4, at 230 pm. The guest speaker will be Mrs. SuL. Fear. Neighbourhood Notes On Tuesday, March 26, Mrs. Gordon Purvis, Mrs. Heber Mcâ€" Cague and Mrs. A. Huston. at- tened the annual meeting of the Victor Home Consultative Board, at St. Andrew's United Church, Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chadwick, who on April 4, will be celebrating their twelfth wedding anniversary: to Mr. and Mrs. Fred McRoberts who on April 8, will be celebrating their forty-fourth wedding_annlyersary; to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boynton, who on April 11 will be celebrat- ing their fourth wedding an- niversary. Birthday greetings to: Mrs. V. Westbrook for“ April 5; to Nelson Buchanan for April 6; to John McCague for April '1; to Mrs. P. Bennett for April 8; to Betty San- 1e who will be one year old on April 8; to Betty Snider for Ap- ril 9. A.. .,. Mr. Harry Forster returned home on Wednesday evening of last week, after spending the past two weeks in Florida, where he spent a very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Boynton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning, attended the fur- eral of their cousin, the late Mr. Bill Robinson, in Toronto on Thursday of last wgek. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong of Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mertson, Mr.‘ and Mrs. Floyd Perkins of Richmond Hill, Miss Grace Rayner of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boynton, Mrs. Ella Ratclifie of Stoufiville, had din- ner on Tuesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton. The'farm house of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mumberson has been sold to Dr. John Glenroy. who is on the staff of the North York Medical Health Dept. They expect to {move in early in April. ~.-,-..- w A speedy recovery is wished for Mr. Wm. Orr who underwent an operation at the Shouldice Surgery last week. We are pleas- ed to report that Mr. Orr is able to be home again, M. and Mrs. Gordon Harmon returned home on Thursday of last week from Florida where they have been visiti‘n‘g‘friends. ----- and bavid of Toronto had Sun- day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey collard _and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and girls had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. L. Knapp and 1§en_e. I,‘u,L Friends will be pleased that Mr. Lawson Mumberson was able to return home from hospital last week following his ;ecent opera- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houck of Cashel had dinner on Thursday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boyntqn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Faithful of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Poole and girls of Toronto spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Empriqgham. Mr. and Mrs. L. Knapp and Ir- ene. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empring- ham and girls attended the Gal- den Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. James Basinger Sr. of Steeles Ave. Messrs. Herb Boynton and Ber- nard Draper called on friends in the community on Saturday of last week. Miss Lillian Nichols, R.N., staff nurse at the Ottawa Civic Hosyi- tal. is spending this week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kefl'er. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mrs. Geo. Jackkson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McQuiIlan and Jane had Sunday evening supper with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr and family. It was the fifth birthday of MiSS Anita Orr. On Wednesday. March 27, 1957, the residence of Rev. H. J. Mac- Kay, Toronto, former minister of Victoria Square United Church. was the scene of a quiet marriage ceremony of Mrs. Blanche Sanderson of Victoria Square and Mr. Albert Totton of Burlington. Mr. B. Lowthian of Bria: Hill Ave., Toronto, uncle of Mrs,. Sanderson, and Mrs. Mar~ jorie Ferris of Toronto, were in attendance. The couple are mob oring to Oyster Bay, Florida, and points south. The April 10 meeting of the W.I. will be held at the Temper- anceville church. It will be the annual meeting to which conven- ors are asked to bring their reâ€" ports. Roll call is “Written sug- gestions to improve the Women s institute and Fees please." There will be a hobby show by mem- bers. Hostesses are Mrs. Ray Jennings and Mrs. H. E. Rout- ledge, Ele'ven tables of euchre were in play on March 25. Prizewin- ners were Mrs. Charles Fagan, Mrs. Pete Beckett, Mrs. Ross Breuls. W. E. Barker, Ross Breuls, Fred flare. by W.I. on March 28. The local W.I, presented a skit of 3 WI. meeting of 50 years ago. The la- dies were dressed according to the day with Mrs. Don Chalk acting as hostess. Church News Témberanceville W.I. mem- bers were guests_ of “1,9 thtle: Temperanceville W.M.S. is in- vited to attend a meeting in the King United Church on April 4. Dr. E. E. Long, secretary of the General Council of the United Church of Canada will be the speaker, telling of his trip to Russia and showing slides. Holstein Breeders Those who attended the H01- stein Breeders banquet on March 28 were Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Oag, from Puccini Farms; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macklin. Brian Bailey is convalescing nicely at home after his tonsil- ectomy. Personals Attending the Carnival at No- bIeton rink were Wilbert Jen- nigs, Donna and Joan Hare, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Paxton, Elaine, STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS To Customer Specifi- cations FINDER BROSJTD. Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED PAXTON R. R. 3 KING ~_ Phone PR. 3-5239 THRILL-WEB Plymouth’57 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 BOND LAKE GARAGE Yonge Street, OAK RIDGES, Smartest looking new boauly tho! ever dressed up a driveway or caused a flurry of excite- men! in your neighbourhood! Folks seem to agree that Plymouth’s really a honey this yearâ€"-â€"for looks, performance, riding comfort, roominess, safety! And who are we to deny it? After all, Plymouth does have the highwt standard horsepower of You're always a step ahead in cars of The Forward Look Ann and Jimmy, Sharon Palmer. Mrs. Stella Paxton, Judith and Wayne. Dougie, Jimmy and Phi]- lip Ward, David Pike and Mr. Fred Boys. Audrey Herrema spent Sun‘ day afternoon as Sharon Palm- er‘s guest_ It was Sharon’s birth- day. On April 1 Sharon celebrat- ed with ten guests at a party. Mrs. Wilbert Jennings was the winner of the lucky draw at the Carnival and received $100. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Robin- son and Murray of Boggartown were guests of Mrs. Stella Pax- ton on Sunday. â€"(Al No. 7 Highway at Dufierin Street the low-price field. It does happen to be the lowest priced car with modern proved-in-use push- button driving . . . revolutionary Torsion-Aire Ride . . . and new Super-Safe Totalâ€"Contact brakes. Don’t accept less for your money than this fresh, frisky new ThriZl-Power Plymouth has to 0381'. Come see us soon . . . and learn how easily you can own one! Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited the modern engineered miracle in wood! HUME fifiififiéfient Plans and Materials available NOW Wiih SYLVAPLY g)mRmmmullumuuummununmmuuuummnummnmuu\Imummmnmmmmlu11m1ulmm11mnunmmmmmmnmmmnmné mm\\u\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\mu“mm“mu\mm\\\\\\\\\mm1\\\\m“m\\\\u1n\x\\\n\1n\ummumum“\\\111mm\1nu\mnummunnmnfi J, F 0 X & S 0 N STOP 24 YONGE 31"., RICHVALE '1“ Phone AVenue 5-1161 Here‘s the headquarters for the home carpenter - so handsomely designed, you'll want irt to be a recreation room feature! It has cupboards and drawers. space for your tools â€" even a bin tbr scrap and shavings. Why not start with this unit first? You'll see how easy Sylvaply is to work with-see how easily any of these home‘ improve- ment ideas can be accomplished. Get this plan now. A good work bench is a must for any home. CAR RADIOS .A., Victor, Motorola, Electrohome From $‘i9.9€) FADE FREI Custom In Dash Installations WORK BENCH WITH CABINET plan No. 127 $49.95 FADE. FREE See us about getting 39' new Thrill-Power Plymouth today! o Flighi-Sweep '57 styling o V-8 or 6 Thrill-Power GO 0 Total-Canine? brakes . Torsion-Aire Ride 0 Advanced Chrysler qualify engineering I mend push-button Torque-Fl cuiomutic transmission It’s the lowest priced car in Canada with: Concord, OM. Ontario TU. 4-1610 -Flito

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