Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1957, p. 11

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THERE ARE SOME CHILLY DAYS IN SPRING, THAT'S WHEN OUR OIL ’IG JUST THE QzL'n-IINGJ/l ASK FOR FREE ESTIMATES TODAY -â€" 0N MATERIAL AND ERECTION ' Lawn - Chain Link - Farm Fencing 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Munici- pal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the s‘aid work and any owner may within 21 days after the first publication of this notice file with the Board his objection to the said work being undertaken. 4. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken but before d0mg_ so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the said work Will be considered. DATED at the Township of Markham this 25th day of ,March, 1957. (3) An estimated amount of $24,050.00 to be the rateable property in the said Water Area. T] to be paid in twenty 'equal annual instalments of i ated annual rate is 4.4 mills. (2) An estimated amount of $18,700.00 representing the cost of the water se_1:vic‘e _con_necti_ons from the mains to the street lines to be assessed (1) An estimated amount of $87,000.00 is to be assessed against the lots fronting or abutting on the work. The estimated cost per foot front- age of this part of the total cost is $2.95. The special assessment is to be paid in 20 equal annual instalments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is 26c. against the lots fronting or abuttirngoii’thre’ work. Tlieiesvtâ€"iniatetl cost per lot is $85.00. The special assessment is to be paid in twenty equal annual instalments, and the estimated annual rate per lot is $7.40. on both sides of the said streets, and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work and upon the follow- ing land which is immediately benefltted by the work. namely, all rateable property in Water AreaNumber 1 of the Township of Markham establish- ed by By-law Number 1515. 2. The estimated cost of the work is $129,750.00. of which no part is to be paid by the Corporation and is to be borne as follows: Clark Ave. Yonge Street Sprucewood Drive Clark Ave. Henderson Avenue Henderson Avenue Morgan Avenue Yonge Street Henderson Avenue Glen Cameron Rd. Yonge Street Glen Cameron Road Lillian Avenue Clark Ave. Glen Cameron Road Henderson Avenue Clark Ave. 600’ North Clark Ave. Henderson Avenue Clark Ave. 600’ South Glen Cameron Henderson Avenue Glen Cameron Rd. Proctor Avenue Sprucewood Drive Clark Ave. 530’ North Clark Ave. Sprucewood Drive Clark Ave. 400’ South Proctor Ave. Sprucewood Drive Proctor Ave. Bayview Avenue Proctor Avenue Sprucewood Drive 980’ West of Sprucewood Drive Sprucewood Drivel‘New High School Dudley Avenue Meadowview Ave. Henderson Avenue and of‘ private drain connections from the watermains to the street line TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE STREET Clark Ave. Clark Ave. Morgan Avenue Glen Cameron Rd. Lillian Avenue Henderson Avenue Henderson Avenue Henderson Avenue Sprucewood Drive Sprucewood Drive Sprucewood Drive Proctor Avenue TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Markham intends to construct as a local improvement the construction of watermains on G. HUTT, Streetsville TA. 6-4461 Phone or write, FROM fortable home? Then Do you like a com- Water Area. The special assessment is instalments of $2,100.00 and the estim- CHAS. HOOVER, assessed and levied‘ on Clerk Handbags, Gloves and Costume Jewellery in the latest designs and colors are also featured in an extra wide display. To name a few Spring ’57 styles, there are high Pillboxes, soft profiles. deep Cloches. nar- row and wide Brims, made up in the new Souffle braids. Milan, Panamalac and many other ex- citing new straws. Trimmed With fresh-looking flowers, soft drap- ing and tailored ribbons. They range in a wonderful variety of gay colors, white and the basic darks. You will want several of these imported chapeaux to go with your Spring outfits. EASTER ’is almost here and a preview of the Parade is at MADELEINE’S â€" “Seeing ;s be- lieving” â€"~Don’t wait another day. Choose your new hats now from our wide and wonderful assortment that has just arrived from NEW YORK, MONTREAL and PARIS. Doug. Cutler, Ron Tiffany and Ken Green will represent the school in the Tree Bee contest, The pupils in Grades 5, 6‘, 7 & 8 have saved a total of $134.00 in their school savings bank. This money will be used for their trip in June. A total of $38.38 was collected for the Junior Red Cross by the pupils of the school. Each room planned a special activity to raise this amount. Ro'ss Doan School Millinery a: Accessories 3319 YONGE ST. (at Fairlawn) EU. 8-5406 2 bus stops below city limits Over 1,000 NEW SPRING HATS MA DELEINE' Walla/Hut ; .7 9 am. to 8.30 p.m. Friday till 9 p.111. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. BLACKBURN Yongehurst Road _____Phone TU. 4-2617 7 RICHVALE NEWS Connie McDermott of Spruce Ave_ celebrated her 7th birthday with a party on Wednesday, March 27. Guests enjoying games and refreshments were: Heather Keating. Brenda McCarthy..;’at Baker, Donna and Kevin Doyle and Patricia Jarman. Mrs. Lockhart returned to her home in Dundalk. Ont.. March 24, after spending a month s hol- iday with her daughter Mrs. J. Kirk and family of Spruce Ave. Mr, and Mrs. Gustav Berg of Yonge St. S., Richvale, will cele- brate their Diamond Wedding an- niversary on April 10 and will be home to their friends and neighbors from 2 to 5. Mr. and Mrs. Berg have three daughters, ten grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren. They have been residents of Richvale for many years and celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary in their same home. Social Notes Neighbors find friends will be saddened to know Mrs. Phllpott, an old resident of Yongehurst Road, was taken to the hospital on Tuesday evening. Diamond Wedding Commissioner K. Kirk enrolled two Brownies. Cherylanne and Susan Walters, into 2nd Richvale group -on_ Wednesday evening. The girls have been busy rounding up cookie orders. and will make deliveries on May 4. Owing to the condition of the roads North Richvale was not canvassed, but the girls will have lots ‘of cookies on hand. Taken To H0§pital lst Richvale Brownie Mothers held their regular monthly meet- ing on March ',21 at the home of Mrs Betty McCarthy. Richvale. Ross Doan and Lang- stafl' School were very sorry last week to lose their religious in- structor, the Rev. W. Hiltz. who has taken up residence in North Bay, Ontario. Guide and Brownie News Tuesday was devoted to rais- ing money for the Junior Red Cross. Mr_ Towéley and Mr. Parker from Teachers’ College are en- joying their first experience of teaching at Richvale School this week. Starts with power... u The pupils have been busy the past few months raising money for the Junior Red Cross, and last week raised the total to over $70.00, by selling school ribbons and presenting two plays, charg- ing 5c admission to the students. Richvale School Two house league softball leag- ue will soon be under way. Ross Doan League will consist of the Seniors, grades 5-8, and grade 4 boys. and the Little Big Three league for grades 1-3 boys. The senior pupils will administer the senior league and three senior boys will coach the Junior lea- gue. The schedule will run until June after which the playoffs will take place, all games played from 12:45 to 1:30. Charles Howltt School which is sponsored by the Men of the Trees organization. Softball House League SOMETHING TO SELL LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS .. BRING QUICK RESULTS So for the complete answer to all your trucking needs, see your GMC dealer. This year get a real truck. Get 3 GMC Money-Maker! ‘Optional at extra cost. STOP 24 YONGE ST. , SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL Rich-Hill Motors Ltd. We were sorry to learn of Mrs. Stradford’s death this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. K. McPhee, in Toronto. Mrs. Stradford endeared herself to her neighbours and friends of the Carrville W.A. When she lived with her daughter on Car- rville Rd. We would like to ex- press sympathy to Mrs. McPhee. Last Thursday was a holiday for the children at Carrville School. This week Mr. Green and pupils are enjoying the com- .pany of two more student teach- ers from Toronto Teachers Col- lege. They are Mrs. Savage and Miss Malanazak. There were also four new girls start at Carrville this week and Louise Audrey, Beverley and Debbie Rynold. We lcome girls. Sympathy We.were very pleased to have the baby daughter of one of Carrville’s former sons baptized at Carrville United Church on Sunday. Janet Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bone, of Richmond Hill. The Bone fam- ily a few years ago presented Carrville United Church with the baptismal font, so it was very fitting that the daughter be Bap- tized here at Carrville. School New Rev. E. B. Eddy, continued with his Lenten sermons on Sunday titled, “As His Master" this was the favourite of a most interesting series of Lenten talks. Twenty nurses working out of 13 district offices across the province have a case load of more than 11,500 crippled children. This Service is provided through the sale of Easter Seals. The Annual Easter Seal Campaign which is sponsored by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children runs ’til ‘April 2_1st and has an objective of firm nnn 3-11-.. 700,000 dollars for tie? fiquiihlé CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone Maple 130!!! CARRVILLE NEWS money makers for Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hobday and Miss Dorothy Hobday and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wark and son David attended the wedding of Miss Ethel Sparrow, Toronto, to Jerry Marshall, Orangeville, earâ€" ly in March at St. Barnabus, Chester, Anglican Church, in Tor- onto. Miss Sparrow is a great neice of Mrs. Hobday. Dr and Mrs. R. W. Bruels of Sharon had dinner on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Pitts Carrville Road, on their return home after six months vacation at Ormond Beach, Florida. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mid- }dleton, Gretta, Nancy and Rob-- ert Middleton and Miss Doreen Jordon and Mr. and Mrs. David Barton and Baby Bonnie attended the crlstening of Donna Lyn Ash daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ash, of Edgeley, at Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday and had supper with the Ash family, at Edgeley others present were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash and Bill, also Mrs. John Ash, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash, Godâ€"parents for Don- na-Lyn and also John Ash of Concord. Personals . Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Perring and Marilyn moved to their new home on Saturday, at Long Branch. We are sorry to see them leave Car- rville, but we hope they enjoy their new home. Atfgnd Christening THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, April '4, 195? THORNHILL AND AREA YQRK FARMERS’ MARKET â€" Yonze & Elzin Streets THURSDAY, APRIL 25 â€" A to E - 9a.m.; F to K - 10.30 mm. L hi I - 1.30 p.m.: Q to Z - 3.00 pan. THE SECOND DOSE WILL BE GIVEN AT THE SAME PLACE. AT THE SAME TIME, EXACTLY FOUR WEEKS LATER. OAK RIDGES AND AREA BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH THURSDAY, APR. 25 â€" A to E - 9.00 8.111.; F to K . 10.30 mm. L to P - 1.30 mm; Q to Z ~ 3.00 p.111. UNIONVILLE AND AREA VETERAN’S HALL TUESDAY. APRIL 23 â€" A to E - 9.00 a.m.; F to K - 10.30 mm. L to P . 1.30 pm; Q to Z - 3.00 pan. VETERANS’ HALL MONDAY. APRIL 15 â€" A to E . 9.00 mm. TUESDAY, APRIL 16 â€"‘L to P - 9.00 3.121 RICHVALE AND AREA RICHVALE CHAPEL. OAK AVENUE THURSDAY, \APR. 18 â€" A to E - 9.00 3.111.; F to K . 10.30 m L to P - 1.30 p.m.; Q to z - 3.00 pan. MARKHAM AND AREA RICHMOND HILL AND AREA â€" East side and nearby Rural Area LIONS HALL TUESDAY, APRIL 9 â€"â€" A to E - 9.00 a.m.; F to K . 10.30 mm. L to P -1.30 p.m.; Q to z - 3.00 p.111. West side and nearby Rural Area WEDNESDAY, APR. 10 - A to E . 9.00 3.111.; F to K - 10.30 mm. L to P - 1.30 p.m.; Q to Z - 3.00 13.111. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE HALL TUESDAY. APRIL 2 â€" A to K - 9.00 8.111.; L to WOODBRIDGE AND AREA KLEINBURG AND AREA WOODBRIDGE ARENA MONDAY, APRIL 8 â€" A to E In order to avoid waiting, you are requested to bring the children'at the time suggested according to the first letter of your last name (e.g. â€" Allan, Black, Clark, etc.) There will be no lyre-registration of these children. MAPLE AND AREA COMMUNITY HALL MONDAY, APRIL 1 â€" A to The York County Health Unit will give polio ucclnation to all pre-school children over six months of age who no brought by a parent or guardian to one of the following cllnlm. YORK COUNTY PRE-SCHOOL POLIO VACCINATION TEL. 'AV. 5-4351 Ato E- 9 00 a.m.: F to K . 10.30 mm. Lto P- 1.30 p.m.; Q to Z 3.00 pm. to E - 9.00 3.9m; F to K - 10.30 3.111.: to P -l.30 pm; Q to Z - 3.00 11.111. F to x - 1.30 pan, Q to Z - 1.30' pm. Z - 10.30 mm.

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