A OAK RIDGES. ONTARIO PR. 3-5201 If no answer. call TU. 4-3488 . H erridge Electric Carrier Service For Weekly Delivery of The Liberal Now available in Beverley Acres, Richmond Acres, Al- lancourt, Glenbrae and Pleas- antvilie Subdivisions ' Clubine 8: Alexander For ser‘vice telephone your Carrier Boy or Wiring, Repairs, Sales and Deciantis - Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repairs 8: Alterations Drain & ConcrethVot-k Plumbing -_ Heating King 294 P L A S T E R l N G CONTRACTORS and Sheet MOM? Work Dealer for Esso UH humers Furnaces, Sales & Service Gas Furnaces FOR THE BEST. BETTER I‘HAN THE REST 63 Roseview Ava. TU. 4-1428 Richmo James J. Philip Swan CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AV. 5-3741 THE LIBERAL TUrner 4-1105 W. J. Smith & Son Paper Hanging Spray Painting Painting G. Chassie BUILDER Speculative or Custom Homes or General Reptirl TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill Rates for insertion In this section are available It The Liberal office. phone TU. 4-1105 Paperhanging SIGN PAINTER DECORATOR PAINTER BUILDING IRADES BICHVALE. ONTARIO Interior and Exterior Phone AV. 54531 213 Oak Ave.. Richvalo Suite 2. 31 Yonge St. 1' Richmond ï¬ll] 24 King St. W.. Toronto BILL WEGMAN AV. 54m :94 or AV. 5-2736 man ESTIMATES TU. 4-1483 Co. Ltd. ACCOUNTANTS TU. 4-2311 All Hours Service Phone Residence Phone or Richmond Hill PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Willowdale Plumbing QUALITY & SERVICE New Work - Repairs Alterations Call us for prompt attention to all your piumbing prob- lems AV. 5- 2090 23 Grandview Ave. BU. 8-5511 Books? We hne them on hand in on: “Inc: (-1701 Richmond um Office TU. 4-3571 RiCHMON D HILL TUrner 4-1311 How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check WRIGHT AND TAYLOR .Funeral Directors Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONG! ST. SOUTH T'Umer #1511 Richmond mu Dr. P. R. Macfarlane FUNERAL DIRECTORS A-I Drain Service SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill cur. Windhurst Gaze & Bayvlew (1 block south Bayview Plaza) Toronto Office RE. 6509 Res. Phone TU. 4-1075 Mon. 8: Thurs. 3 pm. - 8 pan. Sat. 10 am. - 12 pm. H. D. M elsness, GENERAL BUSINESS x-RA Y Anstey Block. Thornhlll OFFICE HOURS Mom, Wed. 8: Fri. : 10-12 I: b. Tuea., Thurs., SM. : 10.12 Evenings by appointment AV. 5-3451 CADWELL - MATTHEWS .. Reverse Chargesr Radio Dispatched Truck! Dr. J. Perdicaris E. CHARITY CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES ‘, PHONE MEDICAL-DENTAL Licensed Dralnmen Work Guaranteed Latest Equipment for Cleaning Drains Without Digging Outer Electric Snake with 100 1:. cable Dr. J. M. Dryer Arthur G. Broad, The Liberal TU. 4-1105 J. R. Kane, JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT CHOKED BRAINS OR SEWERS 24 Hour Service DENTIST Gills Extractions 50 Yonge St. North TU. 4-1171 fl Bodlord Park Au. Richmond am T'Umet (-2082 By Appointment DENTIST Gas Extractions 78 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL Tune: (-1462 CHIROPRACTIC Richmond mu DENTAL LE. 5-4264 Rea. TU. 4-1932 C. STUNDEN RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1245 Toronto up to date or advanced. Cabinetwork of all kinds. Remodeling of kitchens, rooms and recreation rooms in destinctive designs. Cus- tom made furniture. Repair and reï¬nishing, restoring of antique furniture. Spray painting. witary Contractor Drains Cleaned 8: Repaired Remodeling your Home to SALES - SERVICE Richmond am I'm-net 4-1124 J. M. CANNON Sr. Oxford St, Richmond Hill FROM -â€" THE BASEMENT TO THE ROOF House Repairs & Alterations SCHOOLV DAYS: Leave Maple 7.15 am. Leave Richmond Hm 9.15 n Leave Maple 3.30 13.111. Leave Richmond Hill 6 pm. Lawn a. Glrden Equipmenc For All Occasions Phone orders delivered smile" in North Yonge St. District £518 Yonze St. ! at St. Clements) Telephone MAynlr 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynen. ï¬r House Moving * House raising ï¬r Foundations * Alteration Work Telephone Day CH. 44021 Evenings Cflem 1-1220 GERMAN~CANADIAN WOODSHOP OF ART Charles Matthews Septic Tanks Pumped Complete Insurance Service 24 Adelaide St. W. Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND BILL TU. 4-2132 STEAMFITTING WELDING Rudolf Tobien WILLOWDALE Plume ME. 3-7706 GENERAL BUSINESS nto EM. 3-0311 25 Grandview Au. SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Couches For All Occasion Telephone King 55 Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Roy V. Bick o Thornhm AVenae 5-1379 Free Estimates Buildings Moved A Yard or a Mile INSURANCE OSTVIK ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FIJOWERS AV. 5-1770 LAN GSTAFF TU. 4-1810 (continued: Innings by Appointment Richmond Theatre Block 65 Yonge St. 8., Richmond am TUrner +2084 Barristers, Solicitors. etc. John I". Walsh Fergus P. Walsh 85 Richmond Street West EM. 6-8929 Thursday met-noon. Maple TELEPHONE MAPLE 269 Banister, Solicitor. Notary Public Ome- Hours: Dub 9 mm m J. Rubinowibch, B.A. Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public Banister. Solicitor. Notary Public 98 Yonge Street Richmond mu Every Thursday afternoon TUl-uer 4-1551 Richmom. Hill Toronto Ofllce - 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 85 Centre W. THORNHILL 1A Colborne W. Avenue 5-1477 James H. T Immins THORNBILL AVenue 5~3165 By appointment and evenings MacNefl Block '1 Phones AV. 6-2273. BA‘ sinister. Solicitor. and Notary Public Aurora, Ontario Telephone: Aurora 051cc PA. 7-5052 Residence, Aurora, PA 7-5046 Toronto Oflice EM. 4-3652 Floyd E. Corner, 0-C- ‘ GENERAL INSURANCE Life. Fire. Automobile, Liability, Hail. Accident and Sickness. ' Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 Walsh and Walsh Stiver, lee Peppiatt. Errington Batista-s. Solicitors. Notary Public Oflice Hours 9 mm. to 5 pm. Open evenings & Saturday morning Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE Fire. Automobile, Pluto Glln. Automobile Financing, etc. Office 65A Yongo Si. South Residence '13 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill “I. #1219 Ill-imam! mu BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS NOTARIES K. M. R. Stlver. Q.C. Joseph Vale. Q.C. J. M. Peppiatt. B.A. William Errlngton, B. Com. 195A MAIN ST. 1.: TW. 5-4571. Newmarket, Ont. Stuart P. Parker Tchphone 11 Maple, Ont. NOTARY PUBLIC CON VEYAN CER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. TUrner 4-1551 Ernie ,Brock & Son General insurance Jack Walkington BARRISTER. SOLICITOI. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Banister. Solicitor, em. RICHMOND HILL TBOBNHILL Richmond Hill 061cc Wine! #2071 Thornhill Oï¬ico Martin & Ralph '. Roy Herrington BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Residence AV. 5-2801 '. C. Newman BA. 1-6981 INSURANCE lEGAl (continued) TUrner 4-1543 Thomhill A. 1-3724 Thomhm BROCHURE ON REQUEST Director of Nursing. LG. Mackle. Rex. N.. 8.11.. B. Sc. (N). M. Sc. Balhurst St. North. M2 mile south of Can-ville Road Phone AV 5-3691 t A beautiful estate near Thorn- hill converted into a modern Nur§ing Home and Lodge. * Complete nursing care for con- valescent and cluoncially ill per- sons. * A gracious and digniï¬ed home for persons who require only partial nursing care. NURSING HOME AND LODGE 22 Centre CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond am a District that For information all Rlchmond Hill TU. +1494 Thomhm AV. 5-1365 Maple AV. 5-2908 Uniouvule 239 TU. 4-8286 _REAL ESTATE BROKER 50 YONGB STREET NOETD, RICHMOND HILL AVeuue 5-1472 Toronto â€"- A D McKay RO. 7-1459 Bolton ~ H. C. Bradley 169 or 179J King â€" D. 5‘ Simpson 264 Uxbridge ~ J. P. MCDanald 652.1 Marguerite Boyle Dr. Jas. R. Langstatf Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith " Dr.‘ 'J.‘ P. Wilson BY APPOINTMENT 31 Yonge St. N., Richmond mu Northern Bldg. Office: Turner 4-3121 2 Morgan Ave.. Stop HA OFFXCE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday 1 pm. - 3 pm. tunings: Monday to Thursday. 8 pm. - 8 pm. by appointment Thornbill AV. 5-1311 Elocuflon, Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art "HOMEWOOD HALL" I! Appointment 22 Cube 8:. E. Mahmoud am on» I'Urï¬er 4-1271 lealdenoo TUrner +1808 Dr. Cameron Cowan 8.7 Appointment 363 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 1-1008 a Block West of Bayvlew) The Villa Dr. E. A. Crawford Obstetflciln & Gynecolom Dr. R. J. Steele III. II. I 0 770001," Centre St. 3. Richmond Hill By appointment Maw: #2422 I Dr. Victor Zuck i By Appointment 363 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL 'I'W‘l A 1an Dr. D. B. Robson Bun-Met, Solleflot a Kohl! Public 55 Yonze St. South Richmond: Hill, Ontario Office TUrner 4-1780 Residence TUmct {-1363 Ofï¬ce Hours: 9.30â€"5 Ind by unpolmmen‘ Dr. R. S. Meson Norman A. Todd, 'Jack Seaton Frank L. Walsh REAL ESTATE Barrister a: Sollcltor Notary Public Evenings by nopolntmenv TU. 4-3445 1'! Elizabeth St. North Toronto: Empire 6-2507 350 Bay Street THORNHlLL FRANCIS BLOCK BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3634 By appointment 50 Yonge St. N. RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1154 By appointment TUmer 4-2422 MUSICAL (Legal Continued) MEDICAL lEGAI. AVenue 5-1667 VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 147 Yonge St. N. TUrner 4-1432 Richmond H.111 Dr. W. Allan Ripley Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted A. W. Kirchen. 12.0. For further information. con- tact our insurance representa- tives. In a recent interview with Har- ry on his thoughts about farm family liability insurance, he stated that few people would be without ï¬re insurance on their car or their buildings, yet by ï¬re their loss would only be the object that was burned. Manv farmers never stop to think that through liability they coulu lose their whole farm and all their possessions. Harry said, “Just think if one of your cows should run out on the road and cause an accident, in which lives were lost or serious injury sustained how would you pay the claim, or should be the cause of such an accident with your tractor, could you raise $50,000 on short notice. Harry’s other thoughts were that the farmers’ wives should be more interested in seeing that their husbands get liability coverage. It is as important as life insurance. Everyone should get behind the Federation of Agâ€" riculture self-help programme. HARRY FERGUSON East Gwllllmbury Township far- mer and Vice-President of York County Federation of Agriculture Masfer Kenny ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬géi‘w of Toronto spent the week-end with his grandparents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Ro_y_ Bgillinger. Mr. Seth 'Wideman left Tues- day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woods and 'children of Agincourt These weddings are just a be- ginning. Wedding bells are ring- ing quite loudly for several oth- er couples in our cpmmunity. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Vanderbent (nee Mina Stickley) who were married on Saturday afternoon at Heise Hill Church. The reception was held at the Summit Mr. and Mrs Vanderbent will be living at the apartment at Mr. Frank Bennett’s recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. vaiGrootel and Jimmy. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Tribbling who were mar- ried very recently to our com- munity. They have moved into the apartment at Mr. Brucé Steck- ley's, recenty vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson. Miss Annie Steckley left on Thursday of this week with Mr. and Mrs, John Steckley of Fort Erie for a yisit in Kansas, U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs.- Lia‘x-vrencewBoyn- ton and Patsy moved on Satur- day to Mr. R. H. McMullen's borne in New Gorrpley. Mrs. Ida Cook and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Spence were entertain- ed at a family dinner party at the Summit View restaurant on Wed- nesday in honour of both birth- days. Mrs. Lewis Heise entertained her friends at a demonstration on _Thur§da_3{ eyening. Mrs. S. N. Doner and Mrs. Fred Doust attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. John Walk- er at Woodbridge on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kuravuterflattended her father‘s funeral at Webbwood on Wednesday. is still abié to ï¬ve alone, d6 lie};- own housework, work in her flow- er_gardeq and enjoy life. ME. and MFs. John Farquhar- son of Indianapolis are spending some time at their home here. Congratulations and best wish-’ es to Miss Nancy Cober who will be celebrating her 85th birthday on Sunday, May 12. Miss Cober LANGSTAFF BUILDING 50 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUmer 4-3962 .Monday â€" 9.30 - 5.30 Wednesday â€"- 9.30 ~ 12.00 Friday â€" 9.30 - 8.30 Home Oflice LE. 3-1739 A number from our commun- ity attended the graduation ex- ercises at Emmanuel College at Kitchener on Friday evening. Misses Marie Baker and Mae Summerfeldt were members of the graduating class. We wish to express sympathy to Mrs. J. T. Johnson and family in theypassing of a loving hus- band and father on Sunday mor- ning at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto. JOHN SYTEMA, Newmarket R. R. No. 3, TWinlng 5-2235 Naylon‘ SL. Maple Phone 247W OPTOMETRY VETERINARY JIM SPENCER CORRESPONDENT: MRS. (HAS. msm Telephone Gormle! 5201 THE HIBERAI; Richmond 3111,70an handâ€. May GORMLEY NEWS WOODBRIDGE : Woodbridge’s oldest resident. who had been born in the village, Mr. Alfred Augustus ‘Gus’ Maynard passed away recently at the age of 83. .......... a.†.uu; LU. at. S. S. 7 Markham. In the junior room. An interesting adult pro- gramme ls planned. The mothers of Grade eight will serve re- 'n‘eshments. Mrs. John Cober, convenor. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steck- ley spent the weekend with rel- atives at Northbrook, Snow Road and also at Smith's Falls. The Gormley Home and $111501 Association will hold its annual meeting on Monday, May 13. at Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Moses and girls visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moses of lime on Sunday. Their son Robert was seriously injured on Friday evening at his home when he was run over by some farm machinery. He is in the General Hospital, Toronto. At the time of writing the extent of his injuries is not known but latest reports are encouraging. Sheppard 816i" Lumber Coltd. 71 CENTRE ST. E. 4x4 3.4†Poplar . . . Gyï¬roc 4x8 . . . . to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Countway and family of Chester Basin, Nova Scoï¬a. EAL 1-8000 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPL'D and‘ CHAIM) 1/4†4x8 J/é†4x8 V2†4x8 Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service ‘75 We need homes of every size, shape and price from Steeles Avenue to Aurora. We have good mort- gage contacts to help arrange your sale. Also small or large farms desparately wanted. Won’t you give us a trial? We won’t ask for any signed listings, all we want is your permission to let us show your home to a prospective customer. You pay only when we bring a sale. Call AV. 5-2770 or AV. 54472. Telephone TU. 4'1 650‘ LOOK mum pawns REAL ESTH‘E" VMMNIEPWLQ sh§m§n¥£ 4x8 . 4x8 . FRANK PASSER NEW WORK ~ ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS ROGER PROULX Fir Plywobd GIS SZS PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given R. R. 1 Willowdale BERNARD! MATHEWS lTD. CALL ANY mu; 31i/zc 9c $1.70 TU. 4-1361 27c 5'2†Mahogany 4x8 $6.08 Masonite 93†4x8 . $2.88 Peg Board 4x8 . . . $5.12 Temp. Masonite 4x_8 3,84 V†Perfect Underlay 4x8 ........... $4.16 yones a mum mcuwue Phone AV. 5-1189 Enjoy a used car that will serve you longer! We’ve a wide selection priced .to ï¬t. your taste and budget. RICHMOND HILL 221 Lawrence An. Richmond Hill {shape and price MA‘. 1313