Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jul 1957, p. 13

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' Club-inc & Alexander Plumbing - heating King 294 Wiring, Repairs, Sales and Now available in Beverley Acres, Richmond Acres, Al- lancourt, Glenbrae and Pleas- P L A S T E R l N G CONTRACT‘ IRS Building Repairs 82. Alterations Drain & Concrete Work For service telephone your Carrier Boy or THE LIBERAL TUrner 4-1105 63 Rosevlcw Ave. TU. 4-1428 Blohmo OAK RIDGES. ONTARIO PR. 3-5201 lf no answer. cal! TU. 4-3488 and Bheef “0*“ Work ‘ Deal" for ‘Isso Ull burners Furnaces, Sales & Serv1ce Gas Furnaces CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AV. 5-37“ James J. We" Co. Ltd. H erridge Electric TU. 4-3211 All Hours FOR 'I‘HE BEST. BETTER THAN THE REST W. J. Smith & Son Paper Hanging Spray Painting Painting Interior and Exterloz Phone AV. 6-4581 213 Oak Ave.. Richvalo Deciantis - Rice ‘ GENERAL CONTRACTORS Rates for insertion in this section are available at The Liberal ofl'ice. phone TU. 4-1105 Carrier Service For Weekly Delivery of The Liberal G. Chassie BUILDER Speculative or Custom Home: or General Repairs TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill BUILDING IRAJES Suite 2, 81 Yongo St. 1‘ Richmond fill! 24 King St. Wu Toronto antville Subdivisions BICHV ALE. ONTARIO Paperhanging SIGN PAINTER DECORATOR PAINTER £94 or AV. 5-2736 FREE ESTIMATES ACCOUNTANTS Phone BILL WEGMAN AV. 54131 Philip Swan TU. 4~1483 Service Residence Phone Richmond Hlll PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Office TU. 4-3571 TUrnel' 4-1511 Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILI “IF-er 4-1701 Richmond mu Call us for prompt attention to all your plumbing prob- lems AV. 5- 2090 23 Grandview Ave. RICHMOND HILL Ambulance Service (R. J. CUNDY) Dr. P. R. M acfarlane DENTIST Gas Extraction- 50 Yonge St. North AV. 5-3171 Richmond Hill Sanitary Contractor C. STUNDEN RICHMOND HILL TU. 4â€"1245 cor. Windhutst Gate 8: Bayview (1 block south Bayview Plan) Toronto Office RE. 6509 Res. Phone TU. 4-1075 H. D. Melsness, D.C. WRIGHT AN D TAYLOR . Funeral Directors Drains Cleaned & Repaired J. R. Kane, D.C. x-RA Y Anstey Block, Thanh!!! OFFICE HOURS Mom, Wed. & Fri. : 10-12 a 1-5 Tues" Thur... Sat. : 10-12 Innings by appointment AV. 54145! FUNERAL DIRECTORS SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill GENERAL BUSINESS Dr. W. J. Mason Willowdale Plumbing QUALITY & SERVICE DENTIST 55A YONG: ST. SOUTH Dr. J. Perdicaris Arthur G. Broad, New Work - Repairs Alterations CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE Septic Tanks Pumped 24 HOUR SERVICE TU. 4-3591 RES. TU. 4-2244 MEDICAL-DENTAL Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Gas Extractions E. CHARITY TUrner 4-1311 368 KERRYBROOK I! Bedlord Park An. Richmond mu TUrnnr (-2063 By Appointment CHIROPRACTIC 78 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL 'I‘Umer 1-1462 By Appointment DENTAL Res. TU. 4-1932 Cabinetwork of all kinds. Remodeling of kitchens, rooms and recreation rooms in destinctive designs. Cus- tom made furniture. Repair and refinishing, restoring of antique furniture. Spray painting. SALES - SERVICE Richmond Hill .TUrner 4-1124 J. M. CANNON Sr. Oxford St., Richmond Hill Remodeling your Home to up to date or advanced. SCHOOL DAYS: Leave Maple 7.15 am. Leave Richmond Hill 9.15 mm Leave Maple 3.30 p.111. Leave Richmond Hill 6 pm. FROM â€" THE BASEMENT TO THE ROOF House Repairs & Alterations Toronto For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere In North Yonge St District 1518 Yonge St. I at St. Clement.) Telephone MAyiair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett. Charles Matthews * House Mo'vlng fir House raising * Foundations * Alteration Work Telephone Day CH. 4-7021 Evenings Cflem 1-1320 mw_n a: Garden Equipment GENERAL BUSINESS GERMAN-CANADIAN WOODSHOP OF ART Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Coaches For All Occasion Telephone King 50 SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS . Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2132 STEAMFITTING WELDING Rudolf Tobien WILLOWDALE Phone ME. 3-7706 Complete Insurance Service 24 Adelaide St. W. 25 Grandview Av. Thomhifl ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS A Yard or a Mile Roy V. Bick Buildings Moved PROFESSIONAL SERVICE RADIO TELEVISION HIGH-FIDELITY OSTVIK Free Estimates AV enue 5-1375 TU. 4-1810 AV. 5-1770 LAN GSTAFF INSURANCE (continued) EM. 3-0311 Banister. Solicitor. Notary Public 98 Yonge Street Richmond Hill GENERAL INSURANCE Life. Fire. Autqmobile. Liability. flnil. Accident and Sickness‘ Farm insurance a Specialty King City Telephone 28 Bun-[stein Solicitor. Ind Notary Public Aurora. Ontario Telephone: Aurora Office PA. 1-5052 Residence, Aurora, PA. 7-5046 Toronto Ofilce EM. 4-3652 K. M. R. Stiver, QC. Joseph Vale. Q.C. J. M. Peppiatt, B.A. William Errington, B. Com. 195A MAIN ST. Ph.: TW. 5-4571, Newmarket, Ont. Every Thursday afternoon TUmer 4-1551 Richmom. fill] Toronto Oflice -â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 Floyd E. Corner, Q-C. Automobile Financing. eto. Oilico 65A Yonu St. Sontil Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill TU. #1219 Richmond Hill Inning: by Appointment Richmond Than-e Block 65 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill TUrner £4084 85 Centre W Banister. Solicitor. Notary Public 0110. Hours: Daily 9 mm. to J. Rabinowitch, J. Roy H errington THORNHILL 1A Colborne W. AVenut‘ 5-1477 Savage Insurance Services GENERAL lNSURANOl Fire, Automobile. Plato Gill. Corner Agency- Limited Insurance - Mortgages - Fire Auto - Liability 1 WELLINGTON ST. E, AURORA Telephone : Telephone 11 Maple, Ont. PA. 7-5052 K PA. 7-5046 EM. 4-3652 LE. 2-1226 Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public Ernie Brock & Son Stiver, Vale Peppiatt, Errington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. TUrner 4-1551 James H. Timmins Jack Walkington TBORNH ILL AVenue 5-3165 By appointment and eveninls Plaxtou & Deane BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS s’ NOTARIES . Barrister, Solicitor & Natal! Public 55 Yonze st. South hmmonc Hill. Ontario Office “Inc: 4-1730 Residence TUrner 4-1888 Ollice flours: 9.30-5 and by appohunent Stuart P. Parker BARBISTER, SOLICITOI. HOTAAY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Norman A. Todd, BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Barrlster. Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL THOBNHILL Richmond H11) Oflleo TUmer 4-2071 Thornhill Office General Insurance T. C. Newman INSURANCE BA. 1-6981 (continued) lEGAL TUmer 4-1543 Br. D. B. Robson 22 Centre St. E. Richmond all] By appointment TUrner 4-1422 OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday 1 p.111. - 3 pm. Evenings: Monday to Thursday, 6 p.111. - 8 p.111. by appointment _ Thornhill AV. 5-13l1 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond am a: 01mm um VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 147 Yonge St. N. TUrner #1432 Richmond 8111 Dr. R. S. Ideson B! APPOINTMENT 31 Yonge St. N., Richmond mu Northern Bldg. Office: TUruer 4-3121 Dr. J as. R. Langstafl' Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith For lnlonnatlon call Richmond Hill TU. 4-1494 Thornhll] AV. 5-1365 Maple AV. 5-2908 Unlonville 239 TU. 4-3266 Cancer Society speakers and films available for men's or wo- men’s groups. Call Mrs. Thom- son, TUrner 4-1364. * A beautiful estate near Thorn- hiil converted into a modern Nursing Home and Lodge. * Complete nursing care for con- valescent and chlonciaily ill per- sons. ‘ A gracious and dignified home for persons_ who require only partial nursing care. Director of Nursing, L.G. Muckie, Reg. N., B.A., B. Sc. (N), M. So. Bathurst St. North, 1/5 mile south of Camille Road Phone AV 5-3691 NURSING HOME AND LODGE “HOMEWOOD HALL” Thomhill AVenue 5-1667 Dr. W. Allan Ripley Barristers. Solicitors. etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh 85 Richmond Street West EM. 6-8929‘ Thursday afternoon. Maple :l‘ELEPHONE MAPLE 269 Dr. Cameron Cowan I, unpointment 22 Centre St. 3. Richmond Hill Ofllco TUrner 4-1271 Residence TUruer 4-1308 Medical Centre. Bayview Plaza Richmond Hill, Ont. Office a; Residence TU. 4-4040 Marguerite Boyle Dr. E. A. Crawford By Appointment 363 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL \TU. 4-1008 (1 Block west of Bayview) BROCHURE ON REQUEST Walsh and Walsh Obstetricinn & Gneoolom Dr. R. J. Steele Elocution. Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic An Dr. J. P. Wilson Dr. Victor Zuck I Morgan Ave., stop “A Dr. Leon Bloom The Villa Frank L. Walsh Evenings by appointment TU. 4-3445 17 Elizabeth St. Nortk Toronto: Empire 6-2507 350 Bay Street Barrister &. Solicitor Notary Public BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3634 By appointment 50 House St. N. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL FRANCIS BLOCK (Legal Continued) VETERINARY TUrner 4-1154 MUSICAL MEDICAL LEGAL Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted LANGSTAFF BUILDING 50 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUmer 4-3962 .Monday â€" 9.30 - 5.30 Wednesday â€" 9.30 - 12.00 Friday â€" 9.30 - 8.30 Home Uflice LE. 3-1719 SATURDAY, JULY 13 1 RCA Victor 21" cabinet style television, in exceptionally good condition, near new Chesterfield Chesterfield chairs, green and brown Wine color studio couch upholstered modern wine col- ored chairs Walnut end tables Walnut coffee table 1 Walnut tea wagon 4 Small metal folding tables 2 Electric floor lamps 4 Electric table lamps 1 Stewart-Warner electric radio 1 Radio loud speaker I Smoker’s stand and magazine table 2 Mantle radios Several wall mirrors Several ornaments 1 Radio lamp 1 Walnut hall table 1 Telephone table Several scatter rugs 1 Walnut bed, spring and mat- tress, full size 1 Walnut dresser 1 Walnut dressing table 1 Walnut chest of drawers 1 Walnut mirror Above suite is perfect 1 Cedar chest 1 Walnut bed, spring and mat- tress 1 Walnut dresser 1 Rocking chair, occasional 1 Occasional chair 1 small table Number of drapes and curtains 1 Card table and chairs 1 Easy electric washing machine. near new 1 McClary modern gas kitchen range 1 General Electric refrigerator, 9V2 cu. it, near new Electric kitchen Clock Maple breakfast set, table and 4 chairs, real good Electrolux vacuum cleaner English china dinner set, com- plete Electric kettle Hand painted glass goblets Blue glass tea set, complete with goblets, cups and saucers, ’ plates and ash trays Large number of odd dishes. cups and saucers, pots, pans, cooking utensils, etc. 1 Studio couch 1 Folding deck chair 1 New Lanson 2% hp. power lawn mower, new 1 rubber tired, good lawn mower 1 Craftsman power table saw, complete with rabbet outfit 1 Electric Skillsaw (Homeshop) practically new, complete with case. blades, etc. Small bandsaw Small power emery New Coleman oil space heater, small size 1 Medicine cabinet Number of books 1 Iron fireplace basket 100’ Extension rubber electric A} NH NH ,HQH pay-I HH Hiâ€"‘H No. 10, 12 34 tenon, 'etc. ° Number of wrenches 1 Complete set carpenter tools, tool boxes, etc. Large number of articles not mentioned Mostly all near new furniture, is in exceptionally good condi- tion. There is no junk what- soever. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1.30 pm. Property sold and proprietor moving to Scotland .135. Smith, clerk KEN & CLARE PRENTICE. cord 50’ Heavy floodlight cord 2 Stepladders No. of garden tools Number of hand saws, re_al good A. W. Kirchen. R.0. REAL ESTATE BROKER 50 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL AVenue 5-1472 .3; TUrner 4-2851 Richmond Hill - R. H. Kane TU. 4-1671 Bolton â€" H. C. Bradley 189 or 179.) King â€" D. S. Simpson 264 Uxbridge -â€" J. P. McDonald Uxbridge 526 0F HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Television, Carpenter Tools, etc. The property of WM. L. MILNE 75 May Avenue, Stop 24A South of Richmond Hill between Bathurst and ange St. On the occasion of his 215t birthday, June 22, Donald Cole of Oxford St. entertained forty guests. Square dancing was en- joyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. William Rich- ards and family of Elgin Mills spent the holiday week-end at their cottage on Sand Lake. Mr. J. H. Passmore recently returned from a ten-day visit to Who can better this record? Ed Cottel of Bathurst St. has a field of wheat which has reached a height of 5 feet 6 inches. Birthday greetings to Judy Kerwin who celebrated her 12th birthday on June 23. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Patton, of Elgin Mills were Mrs. Downey, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Bracewell all of California, formerly the Misses Hudgins. who were members of St. John's Parish. AUCTION SA LE ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Jack Seaton Auctioneers Markham, Ont., phone 346 REAL ESTATE OPTOMETRY Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1534 IMPORTANT THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. July 4. 1957 The Jefferson school picnic was held on Thursday. June 27, at Musselman’s Lake. Despite the fact the Weatherman let us down there was an excellent turnout of parents and children. It was too wet to run .off the races but the children enjoyed swimming in the rain. Lunch was served in the pavilion. Frlends of Mr, George Mc- Nair will be pleased to hear that he is progressing favourably af- ter suffering a recent heart at- tack. We were sorry to learn that Mrs. D. D. Eppes, mother of Mrs. H. G. Robertson, was taken to hospital last week, after a cor- onary attack. ’ Miss Mabel-Louise Rob'ertson spent the holiday week-end with her friend, Miss Annette Bostock near Ottawa. the Manitime Provinces where he visited the Red Cross head- quarters of the eastern provinces and attended an Education Con- vention in Halifax. Mr. Ross Kerwin suffered an unfortunate accident to his left hand recently when he lost the ends of two fingers. Sheppard & Gill Lumber Coltd. PLYWOOD, TEN-TEST, GYPROC, MASONITE, ARBORITE, DOORS, TRIM, BERRY GARAGE DOORS, SHINGLES, LUMBER, ETC. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED Telephone TU. 4-1650 BA’. 1-8000 71 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE TU. 4-1361 Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service Serving Richmond Hill and District For 27 Years NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS FRANK PASSER THE SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY requires representatives age 23 to 40 in the Richmond Hill and Thornhill Areas. The men selected will receive adequate income, exten- sive training, group insurance and pension benefits with excellent chance for advance- ment. Write stating age, education, business experience to A. J. MEEHAN Lumber & Builders’ Supplies ROGER PROULX 145 MAIN ST., NEWMARKET, ONT‘ CAREER-MEN WANTED PLUMBING & HEATING ‘ree Estimates Glndly Given R. R. 1 Willowdale CALL ANY TIME Summer is here and now is the time to buy one of our dependable used cars, at a. bargain price. wrongs; 5. 99K; RICHVALE l’hmle A \ . 54189 221 Lawrence Au. Richmond Hill MA. 1313

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