At the King Memorial Library Board meeting on June 24 fur- ther plans were made for lands- caping the library grounds. It was decided to have a flagstone walk to the library entrance. A lawn will be planted, and the building painted. Over 225 persons sat down to the delicious strawberry supper at King City United Church on June 26. Mrs. Don Hadwen was the convenor of the WA. supper. Assisting the ladies with the tak- ing of tickets and with the seat- ing were Aubrey Cam'“ ‘I. A. J. Gordon and Ted Wai... . Mr. William Bayliss and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bayliss of Keele St. attended the wedding of Miss Maryann Louise Moore. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Moore. Merton Ave. Toronto, to Mr. John Alfred White of Stouï¬- ville at the Church of Transï¬g- uration. Toronto, on June 26. Af- terwards they attended the re- ception at the Oak Room. Casa Loma. Mrs. John White (the for- mer Miss Maryanne Moore) is the granddaughter of Mr. William Bayliss. Library Closes The King City Memorial Lib- rary will be closed Fridays dur- ing July and August. Roy Robinson '15 now taking a course _in Psychology. Ralph Finch, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Whatley Finch, townline, King, left Friday night for a week's holiday at the Presbvter- ian Glenmohr Camp on Lake Simcoe. Mary Ann Walker. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Walker of Weston is spending this week The entrance graduates from Oak Ridges Public School am seen above following their recent graduation festivities.- This group of 3/0 children will be going on to high school in the fall. Seen in the picture are: Front row, left to right, sit- ting: Loretta Gibson, Janice Carruthers, Gail Simper, Ann Rowe, Ellen Gallacher and LorraineMurdoch. __._.v. n. “UAAWIAIM‘AVLHL uUVllo Second row: Cathy Coon, Lynn Potts, Carol Gibbins, Lydia Garbutt. Sylvia Shuster and Joyce Downing. Third row, standing: Charlie Hill. Paul Schurman, Jerry Redfern, Bill Gould, Ian Mackintosh, John Fuller, Donald Smith and David Gibbons. Last row: Mr. Ronald Hyde, teacher; Klaus Miller, Gary MacLaughlin, George Gould, Alan Duï¬ield, Tom Sherratt, Andy Petersons, and George Armstrong. -â€" Photo by Evelyn Knuckey The Oak Ridges school gradua- tion banquet was held on the evening of June 26. at the Ridge‘ Inn, Yonge St., Oak Ridges. Mr. Wesley Jeans, Principal of the Oak Ridges School made a short speech welcoming the parents. teachers. girls and boys, and hon- ored guests. He expressed his thanks to the Home and School. School Trustees and the Oak Ridges Lions in helping make the banquet a success. Those at the head table were Mrs. Harold Woolnough, Home and School president: Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jeans; Mr. C. Bell. assistant principal; Mr“ Richard Bull, chairman of the school board: Secretary Ross Farqu- harson and Mrs. Farquharson: Mr. J. H. Knowles, principal of Aurora High School. and Mrs. Knowles. Mr. -W. J. McLeod, In- spector of Public ,Schools; and' members. Mr. and Mtrs. Jack Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gallacher. ' Later Mr. Jeans said that the graduating class this year had the ability to make good grades. He expressed his thanks to Mr. C. Bell and Mr. R. Hyde for giv- ing their best efforts in regards to sports in the school. He wish- ed this class the best happiness and good luck in this coming year, and asked them to look back through the past term and try to ï¬nd the answer of mak- ing their high school life more happy. Valedictory The Valedictory addresses were given by Ann Rowe. and Donald Smith. They both ex- pressed their appreciation to Mr. Jeans and the teachers for their help in the past year. Mr. Knowles welcomed the girls and boys to the Aurora High School this coming September. He spoke of Mrs. Knowles’ and his apprec- iation in being invited to the banquet. Presentation THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 4, 1957 King City .Notes King City, Oak Ridges The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of in- . terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges- Lak Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- 1ondent in ing City is Mrs. Donald McCallum, telephone King 132M: and in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox. Mrs. Henry inuckey, l4 Elmgrove Ave.. phone PR. 3-5486. 3wo CA 'Mr. Carson Blce. whose prin- cipalship of S. S. No. 2 King. the King City School, for the coming year was announced officially on June 27 left June 28 for Parry Sound where he will spend the summer vacation months. Miss Eva Dennis who resigned as prin- cipal will continue teaching grades 5 and 6. ' Graduates of York Presbytery conducted the induction of Rev. Duncan White, former minister of Sing- hampton United Church into Newmarket United Church on June 26. Present at the service from King City United Church were lay representative Mr. A11- en Gellatly and Mrs. Gellatly and Mrs. M. R. Jenkinson. Mr. Ray Robson, Keele St. who tea- ches at Richvale is taking the ï¬rst year course at the Univer- sity of Toronto. Grade 8 graduates at the New Scotland school are John Bar- rie, Sandra Carr, Judy Scott. Shirley Sheardown and Sharon Chambers. The graduates will be attending Aurora and District High School in September. Mrs. Whatley Finch will continue as teacher of the school in Septem~ ber. Readers of the Liberal are re- minded to watch next? week's ed- ition for the complete promotion list for King City Public School. with Mr. Finch. and King. Induction Rev. M. R. Jenkinson of King City United Church, as chairman steps of this year's imprints Gig; For Teachers Ellen Gallachézâ€"y presented gifts to Mr. Jeans, and the tea- chers and thanked them for their co-operation and help through the past term. Mi'. Richard Bull, chairman of the school board gave his best regargs. and >expressed this to Mr. Jeans and the teachers for their good work and assistance to the pupils for the past year. This fall there will be an additâ€" ional four oroms added to the school. Mr. T. Achtemichuk. Elm Grove Ave.. Oak Ridges, will re- place Mr. R. Hyde, who is leaving at the end of the term. Dancing Mr. J. D. Smith, South Road. Oak Ridges. did a very good job looking after the sound record: ing dance music, which was en~ joyed by all those present. There were two spot dances. and the winners were Vicky Ryman with Larry Flader and Joyce Down- ing with Paul Schurman. Each girl received a cologne stick and the boys leather \valletS. Everyone enjoyed the food pre- pared by Mr. and Mrs. Grant McCachen, and all had a pleas- ant evening. The boys and girls of grade 7 were invited to the dance and Were just as thrilled as those graduating. Mrs. William Rattray. Reg. N.. Toronto. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ball, Eversley Sideâ€" road, will assume a supervisory position at the Toronto Western Hospital on July 2. Mrs. Rattray spent last week at her parents home in Eversley. Mrs. Stephen How of Formosa who was one of the guest speak- ers at the recent Toronto†and Kingston Synodical meeting of the Presbyterian Church in Can- ada held in Sault Ste. Marie will be the speaker for Missionary Night at St. Andrew’s Presby- terian Church, Eversley W.M.S. meeting on July 17. Marilyn Roots and Bob Moses were the Grade 8 graduates at Eversley school this year. Miss Helen Thompson of Patricia Drive, King City, is the teacher and principal at. the school. the 'Presbx‘tér ada held in S be the spea} am/m 011:5 Eversley Socials and Mrs. Whatley family, townline, The Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox Community Centre is again spon- soring swimming classes this summer at Blue Spruce Park, South Rd., Lake Wilcox, start- ing on Wednesday, July 3, at 10 am. The course will last for six weeks for two hours each morn- ing Monday through Friday. It is hoped that all persons inter- ested in swimming instruction and water safety will take part in the program. The Red Cross instructors will be Jean Fice and Lynn Anderson, both of Aurora, Ontario. Dr. and Mrs. McPhee recent- ly purchased the house on King Street which was owned by John Gould and last year occupied by the Cartier family. The couple have four children. a daughter and three sons and are members of me United Chureh. Mr. and Mrs. William Cosgrove had a celebration for their 45th wedding anniversary on June 26 at their home, Bond Lake. Yonge Street. Oak Ridges. Many rela- tives were present from Toron- to and the Cosgroves received many lovely gifts. They are am- ong the older residents of the district. They have a son and daughter in this vicinity. namely Mr. Mike Cosgrove and Mrs. Charles Burnett. This past week there were many surprise parties held at Oak Ridges Public School. Quite a number of pupils took part in organizing one for their individ- ual teachers and asking advice from one of the other teachers in order to have everything turn out properly. The mothers help- ed out by providing part of the refreshments. Everyone enjoyed the moments of relaxation that come after all the examinations are over, and now, it is summer holiday time! St. Paul’s United Church. Oak- Ridges-Lake Wilcox Choir held a strawberry and ice cream social on June 27 downstairs in the church. The proceeds will go towards purchasing choir gowns. The room was prettily decorated with colorful summer flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oulette of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Neil, Wildwood Ave.. Lake Wilcox for a few days last week. MrS. Gordon Winch, wife of the minister, was hostess. Those serving were Ann Rowe, Donna Ellins. and Ellen Gallacher. Helping in the kitchen were Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ellins. Mrs. Mur- doch. Mrs. W. H. Webb, Mrs. K. Farquharson, Mr. John McLern- on, Mrs. K. Robinson, Mrs. Young, Mrs. S. Williams and Mrs. H. Hall. Mrs. Leon Harnden, who is an accomplished organist and viol- inist, was convenor of the enter- tainment program. The Aurora Bluebells, compos- ed Betty and Beulah Einnarson and Ella May Hannon, sang sev- eral numbers accompanied by Ray Braithwaite on the guitar. They are exceptionally talented young vocalists. The Fuller Fam- ily ensemble: Pat, John, David and Paul played and sang sever- al numbers. Pat accompanies them on the guitar. Their voices blend well together, and they are very talented. Pat and John Full- er sang duets together which also proved their adeptness as vocal- ists. Guitar solos were played by Ray Brathwaite. At the close of the program, a hymn was sung accompanied on the organ by Mrs. L. Harnden. Mr. R. C. Gamble Sr.. Bond Lake, Oak Ridges. was taken to he hespital on June 30, after Luï¬ering a stroke. Miss Edith Geary, Yonge St., Oak Ridges left on Ju'ly 2 for Ottawa to attend Teachers‘ Col- lege for a ï¬ve weeks summer course. This past year, Miss Geaâ€" ry has been teaching at the Oak Ridges Public School and has been well liked by all her pupils. _.,._... The picnic of St. Mark's Chap- el, Yonge St.. Oak judges, will be held on their home grounds from 4 to 9 pm. on Friday, July Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stone- man of Bond Ave., Oak Ridges, left on July 28. for the Calgary Stampede! and points west. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Porter and family of Bond Ave., Oak Ridges, spent the holiday weekâ€"end at Sturgeon Bay. Guests of the family on their trip were Made- line and Maureen Cole, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. S. Cole, Lake Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. Art Manock, Oak Ridges, and family this past week end were visiting with friends at Pittsburg, Penn. The Oak Ridges Lions Home Bingo. was won by Mr. Edward Ross Bulger, 99 Glencrest B1vd.. Toronto. He works at the Par- liament Buildings in Toronto. The young bo'y'srzirrixa Eéenagers of Richvale, Thornhill and Rich- mond Hill, wiIl be pleased to St. Paul's Oa'k‘ ï¬idges - Lfake Wilcox United Church picnic was cancelled because of bad weather and. if at all possible, it will be he1_<l on Saturday, July 6. Dr. James McPhee of Graven- hurst who has gone into medical pxactice as a partner with Dr. Quentin Hardy of King City this week. became established with his family in their home on King Street last week-end. Oak Ridges, Lake New Doctor Ir} Partnership Dr. McPhee who has been practising for the past three years at Gravenhurst graduated from the University of Toronto in 1953. He interned at the Tor- onto Western Hospital. know that they now have resid- ing in Richvale, Mr. Ken Spence of the Spence Wrestling Club. He was formerly an instructor in the Scarboro Police Athletic Club and also in the Royal Can- adian Navy. His main interest is in seeing the young boys train in body building and the art of self defence. He sincerely believes this form of sport keeps the boys occupied and intrigued. which helps to make them healthy and clean living citizens. Mr. Victor Piirto, King Side- road, Oak Ridges, and his three sons went to Whiteï¬sh Falls, Northern Ontario, to open up their cottage and do some ï¬sh- ing. Mrs. Edith Ross, Ridge Inn, Yonge St., Oak Ridges, arrived home June 30, after a trip to Vancouver, BC, to the Grand Lodge of British North America L.O.B.A. She has been a member of the L.O.B.A. in Aurora for more than 39 years. After the Grand Lodge, she took a trip to Regina‘,Sask., to visit her niece. Mrs. Howard Hulme and Mrs. William Craig, Oak Ridges, were guests at a trousseau tea at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wheelock, Aurora, on June 22, in honor of their daughter Syl- via’s marriage which took place on June 29. Lovely wedding gifts were on display. The happy coup- le will reside in Buffalo, NY. The open-air Church Service held Sunday evening at the Lions Park, Oak Ridges, proved quite sucqessful. They had a good service and about 175 peop- le were present, despite the changeable weather. The many friends of Mrs. Hen- ry Zimmerman, Oak Ridges, will be pleased to hear that after un- dergoing serious heart surgery which proved successful, she will be home in the near future. Master Harold Stevens Jr.. nephew of-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knuckey. Oak Ridges, is under- going. an eye operation this week at the Toronto Sick Children’s Hospital. Wilcox Socials 63 Yonge St. S. Ideal For The Whole Family A SMITH CORONA portable typewriter brings new ease to the business of putting thoughts on paper. Faster, neater, more legible writing can be yours for years! WONDERFUL for social corres- pondence, papers, manuscripts, club work and dozens of other personal uses. REPORTS, business records, letters, are all done quicker, better . . . and with a batch of carbon copies if they are needed. BETTER MARKS for students, and more time ents using type writers average 38 per cent bet_- ter marks. left for other activities. Surveys show that stud- less Than $5 a Month It’s so easy to own a Smith-Corona; Prices are among the lowest in the ï¬eld and carrying costs are low. No money down - less than $5. 5 month -â€" pays for your Smith-Corona. Why not start to use one now? Drainage problems affecting Clearview Subdivision; roads in Heritage Park and Kingsview Subdivisions; and the develop- ment and use of lot 7, the farm owned by Dr. John Barrie. were the main topics on the agenda at the monthly meeting of the King City Village trustees held in the Memorial Library on June 25. "An eight to nine foot deep pond in Village Developments property, the former Stewart farm, is thought to be keeping cellars wet in Clearview Subdiv- ision,†said the chairman of the trustees, E. R. Smith. “Water appears to be seeping through tile that had formerly been used to drain the farm.†“Is there any likelihood of an water course or springs under Clearview subd1v1510n †queried trustee Ron Bolton. “We should go and have a look at it before making any deï¬nite decision." This course of action the trus- tres agreed to take. Appears At Meeting Dr. John Barrie appeared be- fore the trustees with a request regarding the development and use of lot 7. Water easement should be†reduced if water rights were adequately safe- guarded, suggested Dl‘. Barrie: The village well is situated on the Barrie property and the easement protects village wa- ter rights. To protect these rights it was the suggestion of the township engineer last year that the village retain the ease- ment to 16 feet above the water land. The property was then un- der option to Kingcross Estates who felt the 16 feet above water level took in high land that should be used for development. Kingcross Estates dropped the option. Mr. Smith had visited some of the complainants’ homes and had found in one case the sump pump going every 15 minutes, in another the water was up to the sump pump motor. He stated the residents are getting up a peti- tion to send to the trustees be- cause of the seriousness of the situation. “The pond should be drained,†continued Mr. Smith, “because of the danger of child- ren drowning in it.†Drainage Main Topic As KingTrusteesMeet Dr. Barrie presented a rough plan showing park land follow- ing the natural contours of the land under easement which would “ The Liberal " Telephone TU. 4-1105 be 25 acres out of the hundred." said Chairman E. R. Smith. “We don't want high land for water." He then asked Dr. Barrie if there was an additional piece set aside for a school. 0n con- ï¬rmation that there was, school trustee A. J. Gordon with the village trustees viewed the land that might be used by the school. Dr. Barrie stated he had one condition to present to the trus- tees and that was that the park land be given to the Humber Valley Conservation Authority in trust for 10 years. The trustees advised him to see Warden Leav- ens of Bolton concerning this matter. Dr. Barrie was advised by the trustees to see the Plan- ning Board of King Twp. who were meeting that night then advise trustees as to the out- come. Roads Representing residents of Her- itage Park, George Cruickshank asked the trustees what could be done about the roads in that subdivision. “The roads are fall- ing apart.†he said. “Besides being graded and gravelled, there must be drain- age,†said Chairman Smith, “and the only holdup is the ease- ments." “Subdivider Leo Vall- entine went ahead and secured 10 foot easements signed. but D.H.O. engineer Philip Breit- haupt requires the 20 foot ease- ment. The Department of High- ways will not grant the subsidy unless the roads come up to standard,†he said. Ask Compliance It was decided by the trustees to send a letter to the township requesting that John Dew be in- formed that he comply within the next 60 days with the recom- mendations of the Department of Highways regarding roads and drainage in Kingsview subdivion or forfeit his bond. This was the last meeting for secretary Harvey B. Malcolm who tendered his resignation last month. Mr. Malcolm has been village secretary and secretary- treasurer of the waterworks for the past 2% years. STOUFFVILLE : Lawn watering has been restricted here due, not to the lack of water, but to the lack of storage and pumping facilities. After minor bills were passed for payment the meeting was ad- journed. Perhaps it’s another machine that you need â€"- a standard typewriter â€" an adding machine â€" a cash register. Consult us. Through our new ar- rangement we can look after ALL your business machine needs. We’ll be happy to serve you. A Further Service For You ’(the world’s largest manufacturer of portable typewriters) to handle their famous products â€"- all the way from their precision-built SKYRITER, weighing only nine pounds in its modern leather carrying case â€" to their SILENT-SUPER with its wide range of decorator colours â€" to that marvel of today, the new electric portable, ï¬rst in its ï¬eld. Some of these machines are now on display in our office. We’ll be glad to have you call and inspect them, without obligation. NOWâ€" You Can Buy The World‘s Fastest Portable Typewriter Right Here In Richmond Hill SMITH - CORONA Walter Geary To Head Local Lions On Friday evening. June 21. the annual Lions Club Ladies' Night party was held at the Bol- ton Golf and Country Club. A congratulatory message was re- ceived from the Lions Club headquarters in Chicago. for the perfect attendance of all 26 members of Oak Ridges Club, at 20 meetings held during the past season. Lion Jim Farquharson, chairman of the attendance com- mittee received the compliment from his son Ken Farquharson. who that evening relinquished his past as president for the sea- son and became immediate past president. International Council- lor Robert D. Little. of Richmond Hill, was present to install the new officers. Walter Geary, Oak Ridges is the new president. Vice presidents are Don Hodgson, lst; Tim Woolley, 2nd; Ron Laing. 3rd. Dick Bull is secretary, Stan Troyer is treasurer. Dave Ground is official Tail Twister and Jack Blyth was installed as Lion Tam- er. A plaque was presented to Mr. Little in appreciation of his ser- vices. Immediately after the ceremony, Mrs. Farquharson. wife of the immediate past pres- ident, and Mrs. Geary were pre- sented with flowers in apprecia- tion of 'their help in the Lions’ Ladies Club. A lovely wall mirror, donated by Stan Rule was won by Mrs. E. Hawman and Mrs. H. K. Styr- mo was the fortunate winner of the door prize. Lake Wilcox Graduation The ‘ Lake Wilcox Public school graduation party was held at the school on the evening of June 27. Mr. C. Butt, chairman of the School Board, was also chairman for the evening. Mr. W. J. McLeod, Inspector of Pub- lic Schools. spoke on the advis- ability of going to High School andA taking the full course. The art work of Grade 8 was displayed by Mrs. Amelia Young. Mrs. Sue Mosely, took movie ï¬lms of the graduation exercises which will be shown to the pu- pils at a later date. The girl grad- uates each received a charm bracelet and the boys 3 leather key ring. Many of the school board were present as well as teachers and parents. Entertain- ment was provided by a Barber Shop Quartet, headed by Jack Keaton, who resides in Willow- dale We have eompleted arrangements with‘ Richmond Hill Ann Rowe and Donald Smith, winners of the coveted Edna Loundes trophy are seen holding the award during the graduation exercises at Oak Ridges Public School last week. Chosen as the outstanding pupils of Grade 8. the two students will receive re- plicas of the award. A mothers’ group to work in co-operation with the school at Kinghorn was organized at the beginning of June at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Davis, 5th line King. Social and telephone committees were appointed. It was. decided to hold deï¬nite meetings in November and May with other meetings to be held when necessary. The newly-form- ed group then made plans for the school picnic which was held on June 25 at Innisï¬l Park. Over 100 persons in the school sec- tion had a wonderful time at the picnic. On the games commit- tee were Mrs. R. Trethewey and Mrs. P. McNaughton. Heading the lunch committee were Mrs. J. Powell and Mrs. H. Hollins- head. Mrs. Shorten Beeker and Mrs. John Agnew supervised the swimming. Peter McNaughton, John Mc- Naughton, Brian Rice and Brian Styles graduated from Grade 8 at the end of the school term. The teacher and pricipal of Kinghorn School is Miss Evelyn Courtney. Photo by Evelyn Knuckey K inghorn Notes Winners