10 .THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July Notice to Proprietors of Children’s Boarding Homes The Children’s Boarding Homes the last Session of the Ontario L force on July lst, 1957. .VAuv y- V.___, , This Act requires that any premises in which ï¬ve or more children are lodged, boarded or cared for shall be registered. The requirement does not ap ly to institu- tions registered, licensed or supervise under other provincial Statutes or Departments. If you are the proprietor of a boarding home for children, you should have your premises registered. Application forms and information are available from the Registrar of Children’s Boarding Homes, Department of Public Welfare, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Your co-operation will enable the Department to complete the initial registration with a minimum of delay. Just 7 lbs. required from Chick to Maturity! 1‘0 c/zeriJ/z alwaw. . .‘ {/qu once- 4 in-a-[Lfez‘ime =9 porz‘raiz‘ by phone or come in’ make your appointment now 3S 93 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2791 loul; P. (odlo, 0L, Mlnlslnr. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE LAGERQUIST STUDIO as Act, 1957 passed at Legislature, came into James land, Deputy Minlstor. Farewell Party On Monday evening of last week, about 25 ladies met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beatty, for a farewell gathering for Mrs. Elaine Trussell and her daughter Randollin before they left for.Vancouver. After several piano selections by Miss Shirley Boynton and a hilarious Quiz called ‘Stitch Game". and a ra- dio and TV quiz, Mrs. H. Mc- Cague read an address to the honored guests. Each was pres- ented with a rose corsage. a purse of money to Elaine and a diary and pencil to Randollin. We regret their departure to live in Vancouver, but wish them every happiness. Picnics Picnics appeared to be the or- der of the day. On Tuesday even- ing the Couples Club held its an- nual picnic at Woodland Park; on Wednesday afternoon and even- ing the annual Sunday school and community picnic was held at Mussellman's Lake. when over 100 were in attendance. On Sat- urday, the members of the Young People's Union motored to A1- gonquin Park where they held their picnic. An enjoyable time was had by all. W.M.S. The July meeting of the WM. S was held Tuesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. um. 11 u; u..." u .0..- H. Acreman at Headford, with 11 ladies and two little girls pres- ent. The worship service was in charge of Mrs. Acreman. Mrs. N. Brodie read the Scripture Lesson, Mrs. H. Deverell read a story. The guest speaker was Mrs. Gardhouse from Unionville, who is Literature secretary of the "uv A.) ~.~.--.....-- _ W.M.S. of the York Presbyterial. She gave a very challenging mes- sage. Mrs. H. McCague conduct- ed the business. She read several letters from former members of the W.M.S. who were unable to attend the W.M.S. 60th anniver- sary in June. Following the meet- ing refreshments were served by Mrs. Acreman and Mrs. Deverell. Bake Sale The W.A. is sponsoring another bake sale to be held on the church lawn or: Friday afternoon. July 19. Please have the baking at the church by two o‘clock. This bake sale will be in charge of the April. May and June groups of the W.A. Will the ladies please remember that the proceeds from these Bake Sales are for the pay- ment of the land which they pur- chased recently, so let’s all do vn a»..- - -__-___, our part to help out with this gpood cause. All donations will be greatly appreciated. Church News v“..- vâ€" . . There has been a change in the Sunday services. On Sunday, July 21, at 11 am. Rev. J. Mcâ€" Lachlan of Locust Hill will be in charge. On Sunday, June 28, at 11 am. Rev. George R. Cook of Morden. Man“ is expected to have charge when the congrega- tions of Brown's Corners_ Head- ford and Victoria Square, will unite at Victoria Square for a combined service. At the close of the service a vote will be taken to decide whether the Rev. Mr. Cook will be called to ‘ahe charge. vvvn .. -_.. .. - Please remember that Sunday School is at 9:45 am. Special Meeting re Centennial There is to be a special meet- ing in the Sunday School room on Friday evening, July 19 at 8:15 pm. to plan for the centenâ€" nial of Victoria Square which will be celebrated this year. Will ev- eryone interested please make an effort to be present. Open-Air Service vr.... -__ _-w , , The York County Federation of Agriculture invites you to atâ€" tend a Rural Sunday Service at the Sharon Temple grounds on Sunday. July 21, 1957, at 3 pm. The guest speaker will be Rev. Albert E. Larke of Peterborough. The collection will go to the York County Hospital. Newmark- et. Bring your lunch and enjoy v». ~- ".5 v an open air worship service. Hot water and tea will be available on the grounds. Everyone wel- come. Neighbourhood Notes . Birthday greetings to Mr. V. Westbrook for July 21; to Mr. Fred McRoberts for July 21; to Sandra King who will be ï¬ve years old on July 21; to Carol Mortson who will be 15 years old on July 22. -. 7",: vu uu-_, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boynton who on July 16 will be celebrating their second wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. V. Westbrook spent Friday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Westbrook and boys at Lake Simcoe. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Roy Nelson and family in the passing of a loving husband and father Mr. Roy Nel- son. Mr. Nelson has been ill in bed for a long time. -7- -v- ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Scotch- mer of Galveston, Texas, called on Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynâ€" ton and family one day recently. WMiss Olive VGlover of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mumberson. Edna Jacques of Toronto spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols and family. School Prizes fliï¬i The following pupils of S. S. No. 4 of which; Mrs. Lee is the teacher won the Britnell Prizes this past school term. Faye Johnson received the award for the greatest improvement in spelling; Shirley Boynton for the greatest improvement in reading; and Ruth Cullins for good conâ€" duct and general co-operation. Vacation School The Vacation School for the Victoria aquare charge will be held at the Headford United Church for one week, commenc- ing Monday, July 15, at 9 am. All children from 4 to 14 years are invited to attend. Will the pre-school age children please bring their names and age on a tag pinned to their clothing. For transportation. please contact Mrs. P. Bennett or Mrs. D. Par- sons. as some of the drivers of last year are not available this CORRESPONDENT : year. The committee would ap- preciate any volunteers to help trnsoport the children. School is dismissed at 11:45 each day. The 18, 1957 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Telephone Gormley 5421 : MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoria Square mothers of the children from Vic- toria Suare are asked to send cookies on Monday and Thurs- day. The regular meeting of the W. A will be held July 17 at 8 pm, at the home of Mrs. H. D. Mcâ€" Cague, Richmond Hill. Mission Band The Mission Band will meet in the Sunday School room on Sat- urday, at 2. 30 p m. Special Meeting“ The community of Victoria Square will be 100 years old this year. In this connection there will be a meeting in the Sunday school room on July 19 rt 8 p_m, to which past and p esent mem- bers of the commu ity are in- vited. The purpse is to discuss ways and means of celebrating this important event. Neighbourhood Notes Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Richard 'J‘ribbling (nee Jean Brumwell who were married on Tuesday evening of last week in Victoria Square _Unite‘d Church. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scott of 114 Plessey Rd.. Blyth, Northumberâ€" land, England, and Mrs. Julia Hardie of 200 Church Lane. Bocking, Braintree, Essex, Eng- land, are spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Har- die. They came across on the S. S. Corinthia Cunard Line. The members of the Calf Club of York County went on a bus trip to Guelph on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs Leslie Hart and family spent Sunday with friends at Bala. “Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brumwell attended the funeral of Mr Brumwell‘s aunt, Mrs. Charlie Annis at Dunbarton on Friday of last week. Bake Sale file, Bake Sale held on the church lawn on Friday afternoon netted the W.A. $41.00. There will be another bake sale this Friday, by members of Brown's Corners United Church. July 19 the Victoria Square ladies will be having another one. Birthday greetings to Earl Em-‘ pringham for July 10; to Donald Boynton for July 11; to Wilbur Brumwell for July 12; to Miss Ruby Avison jor July 14; to Mrs. Lloyd Tennyson for July 15; to Mrs. Wm. Orr for July 15; to Mrs. M. Jarvis for July 15; and to John Empringham for July 17. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. V. Westbrook who on July 12 will be celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary. returned to Toronto after visit- ing with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Britnell and family. Rev. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin of Locust Hill had Sunday dlnner with Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Ni- chols. _ I CHUIS. Miss Vera Nichols, Mrs. Fe‘u- nell and Mrs. Pope left Tuesday of last week to spend the sum- mer in Grerat‘Britain. Congratulations to the follow- ing pupils of S. S. No. 7 of which Mr. Bert Moorby is the teacher, who were successful in passing from public to high school: Joan Gladding, Jean Gladding. Richard Wilcox. Bob Cober, David Matsunaga and Charles Stansbury Jr.; also Car- olyn Pickering of S. S. No. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and girls had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and boys in Toronto. Mr. .and Mrs. Jack Rumney spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stephenson and family at Port Sydney. Church News Please remember that Sunday school for the summer will be held at 9:45 a.m. Public worship at 11 am. The guest speaker is Rev. J. McLaughlin of Locust Hill. Craft Class v'i‘rhrere were 12 girls present at the ï¬rst craft class which is be- SHELL SERVICE STATION Bayview and Markham Road Richmond Hill T ing held every Wednesday after- noon during the summer months at the home of Mrs. Phil. Rum- ney. There is still room for more girls Mr. and Mrs. Rae Easton and son of Rexdale Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johnston of Nashville. had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pickering and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Mortson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker, Mrs. R. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. E. Caseley. Mr. A‘vin Casely and John, Miss Ma- bel Sanderson and Mrs. Olive Williams, had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins and family at their cottage at Lake Simcoe. the occasion being Mr. and Mrs. Perkins’ 20th wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boynâ€" ton and Patricia had Sunday ev- ening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton. STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK MOWERS? TRQYER'S! Sales AND Service 2 MILES NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1124 ‘At the Big Snowman’ Phone TUmet 4-2881 Electrician POWER TU. 4-3502 i} INSURANCE :GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED Richmond Hill TUrner 4-181! 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill . BUY YOUR LETTER SLOT TODAY. WE ARE NOW DISPLAYING A WIDE SELECTION OF DIFFERENT TYPES SUITABLE FOR LOCAL INSTALLATION RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 24 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Get Ready For The House To House Mail Delivery In RICHMOND. HILL Priced from 98: to $1.69 NICKLE, CHROME AND BRASS PLATED HERBERT R. BUTT PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE “Our Name Is Your Guarantee" Dependable Assodated With Service Telephone 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto EMpire 4-3817 Ph. TU. 4-2101