Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Sep 1957, p. 14

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FOR SALE OR TRADE: Cement mixer, Whetlauffer M-4 or will trade for small English car or small pick-up truck, or what have you. TU. 4-3163. *2w13 DiNING ROOM SUITE. dark mahogany, 9 pieces, reasonable. AV. 5-3265. c1w13 OIL BURNER, like new. com- plete with controls, wi!‘ install. Call evenings AV. 5-3395. c2w13 SEVEN well tile, 3 feet in diam- P’" ’81") PM", Dhone PRosnevt 3-5845 after 5 pm. c1w13 EVINRUDE outboard motors - Sales 8; Service. Butler .3: Baird Lumber Ltd., 191 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-1125 and AV. 5-3506. tfc47 DOUBLE BED. $5. AV. 5â€"323; ALUMINUM extension ladder, 40', like new. Reasonable price. Phone AV. 5.1649. c1w13 BROWNIE UNIFORM and Beret DAISY BB Pump Gun, used only 3 months. TU. 4-2528. *1w12 up to size 10. Phone TU. 4â€"1597. c1w13 OUTBOARD MOTORS - all the new 1957 Evinrude models in stock. Butler & Baird Lumber Ltd., 191 Yonge St. North, TU. 4-1125 and AV. 5-3506. tfc47 $1 A WEEK buys the famous Remington Rand Portable Type- writer with FREE service for 12 months. Central Office Supplies, 1 Wellington Street East, Aur- ora. (Over Ardm‘s) PA. 7-5706. I clw13 30" FULLY automatic electric stove. 2 years 'old. Harlev-David- Ion Motorcycde, raesonable. Ph. TU. 4-1930. 37 Tormore Drive. Richmond Hill. *2w13 {i’LIGHT SUFFOLK pullets Ax Barred Rocks. Laying. $2.25 each. Call AV. 5-4008. c1w13 N0. 1 White Honey - all size containers. wholesale or retail. Phone B. Kays. Gormley 5293, evenings or weekends. *8w10 FREE ESTIMATES for alumin- um combination windows, doors and awnings. Call your local "Alsco" representative at Maple 3L5. *4w11 i‘ERJYCLE and trailer. excellent condition. Man's bicycle. reason~ able. TU. 4-1479. *1w13 XMAS LAYAWAY NOW available at Bryant Hard- ware, Richvale. AV. 5-3821. tch XMAS LAYAWAY Now available at Bryant Hard- ware. Richvale. AV. 5-3821. tfc9 EVINRUDE outboard motors â€" Sales '6: Service. Butler & Baird Lumber Ltd., 191 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-1125 and AV. 5-3506. tfc47 EOY‘S bicycle, in good working order, $12.00. AV. 5-2738. *lw13 FINDLAY coal stove and I good china cabinet. AV. 5-4398. c1w13 BRIGHTEN UP that room now. Install a pre-flt window-unit. We have a complete stock of sund- ard slzes on hand. Butler and Bnlrd Lumber Limited, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1125. tfc41 4 USED tires. size 710x15, $15. Phone AV. 5-1855. clw13 OFFICE SAFE, dining room tab- le, 6 chairs, and one arm chair. 1 solid oak rocker, electric stove. TU. 4-1235. *1w13 SOD. Fresh cut, weedless. Laid or delivered. Estimates free. Wilson's 501 Supply, TU. 4-1572. tfc9 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite good. $60.00. 3 speed record play- er, good, $50.00. TU. 4-2196. COMBINATION walnut china cabinet, desk and drawers. A No. 30 hot water tank with 750 watt beater thermostat and fibre glass insulation, heater, thermostat and insulation installed on tank and tank ready to connect to water supply. Also one extra unused No. 30 tank. AV. 5-3929. clwla MODERN gas stove, glass door. clock controlled oven, 36", like new, $60. TU. 4-2450. clw13 OUTBOARD MOTORS â€" all the new 1957 Evlnrude models in stock. Butler 8: Baird Lumber Ltd.. 191 Yonge St North, TU. 4-1125 and AV. 5-3505. tfc47 for _sale one new mini; jacket and one used moleskin jacket in ex- cellent condition. Gym. 62 Leis- ure Lane, Richmond Hill. *1w13 ONE COAL and wood stove, pol- ished steel top, good baking ov- en. TU. 4-2569. clwl3 Sales - Service - Rentals Authorized dealer for Under- wood, Smith-Corona. Royal, and Victor-McCaskey. See our beauti- ful portables and standard mod- els. May be purchased on easy credit terms. We specialize in rentals. Special . student rates. Ask about our lucky rental draw. New portables to be given away. .Call TU. 4-1745. L. H. Sims. 88 Baker Ava, Richmond Hill. tfclO VIOLIN, beautiful tone with case, also one bench saw. with- out motbr. Best offer. Phone TU. 4-1102. clw13 MOVING TO FLORIDA, have 14 TYPEWRITERS & ADDING MACHINES CASH RATES, first insertion 3c per word. min. charge . . 50c Second and subsequent insertions If wording unchanxed, 3c per word min. charge . . . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 100; min. charge 50c CARD OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 7150 BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c lassified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive Invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday. September 26, 1957 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c1w14 c1w13 PRACTOR. Massey-Harris Pony, with all implements. Perfect condition, like new. Mariday Farm, Yonge St., north of Elgin Mills, West Side. clwll Er, busifel. Ear-1 Jackson, Steeles Ave. AV. 5-1946. c3w11 FOR FALL PLANTING Spruce trees, choice quality, 4 to 6 ft. Bargain prices. TU. 4-2645. c2w12 HARDWARE PROBLEMS Try Bryant Hardware - to locate special products or information, electrical and paint our special- VENETIAN BLINDS, aluminum or steel, custom made. Free esti- mates and installations. Phone TWining 5-6551 (reverse charâ€" ges). Harold Craddock. Newman'- ket. tfc42 TIME TO PAINT UP. See us for Crown Diamond Paint. Painters prices. Butler and Baird Lumber Limited, Richmond Hill, TU._€4- new marine plyvood boats, 8 It prams, 12 ft. car-top, 14 it. run- about: ..$66 and up. But nu- tethll used, no down payment nuemry. All but: mar-meet! not to leak. No. 11 Highway 1 mile N. of Richmond Hill. Free delivery within 50 mile; Also bouts for rent. TU. 4-2732. Ucb A NUMBER of Chinchilla cages for "sale. Suitable for rabbits or other small animals. Also animal tattooing kit. Apply 164 Lucas St, Richmond Hill. c1wl3 1125 ty. On the spot analysis by our representative if required. Richvale. AV. 5-3821. tfc32 any size. Quick sérvlce. '1 Liberal Office. Richmond fill} COMBINATICN doors, windows. and awnings, porch shades and railings, drapery tracks, bamboo drapes and hooks. Zeph-Aire Co. Ltd.. Aurora, phone PA. 7-4811. tfc50 V4. INCH Fir Plywood GlS, 14¢ per sq. ft. Butler-8: Baird Lum- ber Ltd., Richmond Hill. TU. 4- 1125. tfc43 THREE oil drums, two 45 gal- lons and one 25 gallons. Com- plete with taps, $4.00 each. TU. 4 2638 after 6 pm. *1w13 FIRST GRADE oak flooring, slightly used. 300 sq. ft., very reason-able. AV. 5â€"3059. c1w13 22 CALIBRE Cooey repeater rifle. also man’s bicycle‘ reason- able. AV. 5â€"4400. *1wl3 RUBBER STAMPS. all my, USED building and plumbing materials. Metro Wrecking. Ce- dar Avenue, Richmond Hill. AV. 5-3942. 2x4x6' 20c; 2x4x7' 25c. SUMP PUMPS Sales, repairs, rentals. Herridge Electric, TU. 4-3211. tfc12 KENNEL for the puppy. new, Imed and painted. Reasonable. ’IU. $2977; c1w13 APPLES, 50c peg basket,__$2150 COMBINATION radio. automa- tic 3-speed phonograph console, walnut, cost $229, bargain $75. TU. 4-1107. c1w13 QUANTITY of insul-bl‘ick sid- ing. and also girls’ bicycle, like new. Maple 61R. ,c1w13 STRAW. 50c per bale. Rodney oats. real good $2.40 per cwt. $4.50 per ton. No calls after 8 pm. TU. 4-2143. c2w13 BEDROOM SUITE -â€" wheat oak, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Dress- er. bookcase back bed. with slid- ing panels: also Admiral 3-way TV, 21", radio and record play- er. Apply 131 Wright St., Rich- BROWNIE outfit. good condition, size 10. AV. 5-3508. clw13 BEATTY WASHER, recondition- ed, $29. TU. 4-3949. clw13 mondTâ€"Iiil after 6 pjm. *1w13 DRY HARDWOOD. 16 inch lengths for fireplace. Mixed hard- wood $12.00 white birch $14.00. single cord. TU. 4â€"2957 tfc13 ONE PEASE furnace in good condition. Change due to putting in gas. Reasonable. TU. 4-1656. c1wl3 LATHAM RED RASPBERRY CANES, clean stock. season’s growth. $3 per hundred by the hundred. Also evergree; TREES 2-1" high, cedar and spxuce. Will make hedge and \vindbreak. Phone L. Espey, Box 232 Wood- bridge, phone AT. 8-0220. *2wl3 HIGH CHAIR chrome. grey plas- tic upholstery $6.00; also two girls’ 3-piece winter coat sets, size 2 to 3 and 4 to 5, $8 00 each. Also electric stove. automatic timer, with warming oven and deep cooker. Sacrifice. no reas- onable ofier refused. Pl'one TU. 4-1994. c1w13 GE SEALED UNIT 9 cu. it. re- frigerator (used) very clean, guaranteed, $100.00. 1 GE sealed unit 9.8 cu. it. re- frigerator. This is a beauty. $140. 1 GE Sealed Unit 7 cu. ft. refrig- erator. perfect for the cottage, $85.00. 1 Gas Water Heater, new, this is a steal, $25 00. 1 Gas conversion burner. $5.00. 1 GE range (deluxe) apt. size, warmer oven. automatic timer, etc. $220.00 (new). one left. 2 A-l Washers re-conditioned. i Rangette, automatic. almost new, make an offer. Yerex Elec- tric. 76 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1552. c1w13 For Sale (cont’d) BOAT! “c4! t1 C41 tfc51 $14,900, $5.000 cash, lovely 1% storey brick. oil heating, drive, landscaped, decorated, near Yonge. TU. 4-3930. tfcll EXTRA WASHROUM Solid brick. NHA resale. No sal- ary requirements. Extra wash- room and loads of extras. Decor- ated in oils, built-in valance bOXes. Natural stain woodwork. Full price only $16,900. ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE BROKER 10 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill clw13 2 LOTS in Sharon, Ont. $50 down LONG RUN MONEY SAVER E-Z Kleen washable lifetime furnace air filter. Onlv one to buy for continued clean air and money saving high efficiency. Call now Herridge Electric, TU. 4-3211. tfc13 BOATS New marine plywood boats. 8 ft. prams, 12 ft. car-top. 14 ft. run- abouts, $65 and up. Best Ma- terials used, no down payment necessary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. No. 11 Highway, 1 mile north of Richmond Hill. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2732. each lot. Balance $800 at $15 per month. AV. 5-1562. *3w13 DOUBLE DUPLEX Four five room apartments all rented on leases. New building. Ample parking. Corner lot. Hot water heating. Facilities for of- fices to be finished in basement. Call Mr. Keogh, TU. 4â€"1157 or EM. 8-1197. PIANO, Mason 8: Risch. excell- ent condition, walnut dining suite. 9 pieces. dresser, console gramophone and records. kitchen range, coal or wood. 92 Sheppard Ave. East, Willowdale, BA. 5- 4043. *1w13 GAS STOVE, 4-burner table top. white porcelain, full size oven and broiler, sacrifice. Prospect 36482. c1w13 DUPLIEKTOR (Gestetner‘. good condition. $85. Large ofl‘ice desk $30. MElrose 3-7604. c1w13 Large 6 room bungalow. N.H.A. 5% mortgage, $2500 down. Call Frank Steffan. AV. 54164. Dav- id McLean Ltd. Realtors. c1w13 ERNEST RIDOL‘T REAL ESTATE BROKER 10 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill c1w13 1 OIL SPACE HEATER, Cole- man. Phone Maple 54R11. c1w13 RICHMOND HILL 6 rooms. home and garage, love- 13 location close to Yonge St. $510,900 full price. Phone AV. 5- 1164. Frank Stefian, David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors. c1w13 $1,000 DOWN 6 room solid brick older home. Weston area. Carries for less than rent. Close to shopping and schools. Call Mr. Hampton, TU. 4-1157 or EM. 8-1197. ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE BROKER 10 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill c1w13 TREED SETTING $1700 down, 2-storey older type home, open fireplace, oil heat on beautiful one acre lot in Rich- mond Hill. A real buy at $14,700. Mrs. Sutherland. AV. 5-1164. David McLean Ltd. Realtors. $1,200 DOWN 6 room, semi- detached brick Bungalow, one year old. 5% NBA. mortgage, carries for $54 a month. Immed- iate possession. Private sale on- ly, come direct to 334 North Taylor Mills Drive, Beverley Ac- res, Richmond Hill. *1w13 WHITE PICKET FENCE Located on one of the finest res- idential avenues in Richmond Hill. Less than two blocks to Yonge St. This six room bunga- low will steal your heart away. Open fireplace, family sized din- ing room, large kitchen. double garage, landscaped lot. Decor- ated in oils and as clean as a pin. To inspect this property call Mr. Hampton 'I‘U. 4~1157 or EM. 8- 1197. 6 ROOM HOUSE, furnished or unfurnished, conveniences, fur- nace, hardwood floors, close to highway or commuting to Tor: unto. Large lot, low taxes. Cash and terms. Apply to Box 47 The Liberal, Richmond Hill. *3w13 BUNGALOW AND 1 ACRE $10,900.00 full price buys this lovely Pemberton Road home with a bathroom. full basement and furnace, only $3.000. down, easy carrying. Call Mr. McLean, AV. 5â€"1176. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. c1w13 SMALL circulating heater, oil drum. eight lengths of pipe. two elbows. one draft control, $30. Two propane gas radiant heaters, $15 each. MEh‘ose 3-7604. clw13 ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE BROKER 10 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill BUNGALOW Owner off to England and in a hurry to sell his solid brick bun- galow with loads of extras. Al- uminum storms and screens throughout. as little as $1.900 uown will handle. NHA mortgage at 5lé9’n. Don’t wait. call Mr. B. Eppes, TU. 4.1157 or EM. 8-1197 ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE BROKER 10 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill clwl3 I'ULL size double bed, complete with spring and mattress. Excell- ent condition, $25 or 0591‘. PRos~ pect 3-5329. c1w13 LARGE bath tub on legs. and modern basin, pipes and drains. $25.00. MElrose 3-7604. c1w13 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUYING CALL PENN SELLING CALL PENN AV. 5-1595 FOR SALE (continued) ALLENCOURT rent. TU. 4-2732. tfc5 c1w13 c1w13 tch NORTH OF STEELES 3 Blocks East of Yonge $3.000 down, full price $11,900. Attractive 4-room bungalow with bathroom and attached garage on fully fenced, well-treerl double corner lot 50’x264‘. Close to all schools. AV. 5-1753. *1w13 $2.000 DOWN Solid brick bungalow - NHA reâ€" sale. This house has everything. Garage, Three bedrooms, tiled bathroom, oil heating, extra cup- boards in the kitchen, aluminum storms and screens, and decorâ€" ated in oils. House is kept in beautiful condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. At this down payment it will sell this week-end. Can’t wait. Call Mr. Hampton or Mr. Keogh TU. 4- 1157 or EM. 8-1197. ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE BROKER 10 Yonge St. S., Richmond‘Hill c1w13 $7,500 IT'S VACANT and only one block from Yonge St. Water, gas and sewers on street. Just $2,000 cash. $11,900 Hot Water heated bunga- low, with private motorway and garage, close to Yonge St, high school and public schcols. Im- mediate possession. Substantial cash required. $3.000 One Acre lot. Richmond Hill North. Half cash required. Thomas “OAKLEY” Real Estate AV. 5~4161 - TU. 4-1951 clw13 RICHMOND HILL . 1% storey clapboard house, garage. 1A» acre cultivated garden. only $10,500. $2,300 down. One 6% mortgage. Davey 110 Wood Lane. clw12 $1.500 DOWN Close to Newmarket. 5 room bungalow, 2 large chicken hous- es, one outbuilding on 5 acres of land. Phone AV. 5-1164. Frank Steffan. David McLean Ltd.. Re- altor. c1w13 WEEKLY CARE for children in good home. TU. 4-1372. c4w13 WOMAN Wants cleaning work. TU. 4-3143. c1w13 RICHMOND HILL 517.200 â€"â€" Large centre hall bun- galow with attached garages. col- ored tile bathrooms: public, separate and high schools: large shopping plaza; moderate cash, NHA mortage. Salesman on premises. TU. 4-3856 V. COUGHLIN REAL ESTATE DAY CARE for children, any age. References. BAldwin 1-1023 evenings. c1w13 WANTED full time position as clerk-typist and all rfiund office work. Call AV. 5-2942. *1 13 store cleaning. 7.00 to 12 pm. TU. 4-2367. *1w13 EXPERIENCED general stenog- rapher wishes full or part time employment. TU. 4-2970. clw13 1660 Avenue Rd EMA-6573 / MAN AND WIFE want office or ENVELOPE addressing or any YOUNG married woman will look after children by the day. Phone TU. 4-3758. CIWIZ other home typing. Faét service. Call AV. 5â€"2577. 01W13 PART TIME clerical work,. 9 a. m. to 12 am. 5 days a week, AV. 5-1814. c1w13 WOMAN requires hcusework. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Phone TU. 4-3764. c1w13 DRESSMAKING and alterations. Mrs. Angus MacDonald, 104 Elmâ€" wood Ave., Richmond Hill,tfc11 WEEK-END employment wanted by senior high school student in- terested in horses. Call AV. 5- 4307. c1w13 TYPIST, experienced in dicta- phone, ditto, Gestetner and sec- retarial work. TU. 4-1732 éfter 6 pm. c1w13 HANDYMAN experienced in brick, block. concrete, painting and floors, etc. Phone BA. 1- 7619. 3 tfcl3 WILL GIVE motherly care to young child, Monday to Friday. Garden Ave, Langstafl', AV. 5- 3088. c1w13 EXPERIENCED person requires full or part time employment as saleslady or telephone solicitor. TU. 4-3585. c1w13 CAPABLE PERSON will look after children while mother works. Near Yonge and Steeles. AV. 5-3541. c2w12 STEADY reliable man, 59 years, wishes position as watchman, as- sistant in stock room or any other light duties. AV. 5-1286. c1w12 CARPENTER would like odd jobs, nights and week-ends. Kit- chen cupboards, recreation rooms, etc. Reasonable. TU. 4- 3710. tfcll SOLVE your mortgage problems quickly through Willowdale Mortgage Service, M0. 2040, Re- verse the charges. tic9 EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother’s absence: also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. tfc23 SWITCHBOARD operator - Bell trained, knowledge of typing, filmg and receptionist duties seeks employment. Box 37 The Liberal. c2w13 WEEKLY CARE available for one or two children, 3 years or over, in country home located four miles from Richmond Hill. Phone Maple 54 ring 4. clw13 MAN 55 would like job as care- taker, nightwatchman â€" also has tractor and equipment -â€" any- thing to offer? Phone BAldwin 1-9510. c3w13 Real Estate FOR SALE cont. EMPLOYMENT WANTED RICHMOND HEIGHTS opposite thg by§_]0pp MORTGAGES RE. 1978 c1w10 (‘USTOM Rototilling. Call Art, AV. 5-2255. C5W9 vuuav-.- _--_‘ gardens. Tom VMésEinter, 114 Roseview Ave., TU. 4â€"1170. tfc39 WASHER REPAIRS including all automatics and dryers. TU. 4- 3949. c4w10 OIL 36an SERVICE Oil burners and furnaces clea'ned and repaired. Merle Graham. TU. 4-3269. tfcll ’PAINTING - DECORATING estimates free. work guaranteed. Phone TU. 4-1873. Frank Casey. *3w12 D.K.W. See and drive this amazing car at Wilson 8; Hargrave Ltd.; North Yonge City Limits. MA. 9156-7-8. Authorized DKW Dealer. c4w11 OIL BURNER SERVICE Lifetime E-Z KLEEN or throw- away FIBREGLAS air filters. Herridge Electric, TU. 4-3211. CUSTOM iRdtmhafinE Â¥awns and “‘ RICHMOND HILL TV SERVlCE TV 8: Radio Service, antenna and U.H.F. installations. Car radios‘ TU. 4-2101, AV. 5-3756. tfc20 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work. footings. basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3085. , tfc49 ANYTHING In Painting, Paper- hanging. Decorating, etc. Phone A. Rollimon. TU. 4-3622. tfc9 Our price; 3}}; riéfit. TU. 4-1586. tfc 48 LADIES!!! for your Avon Beauty Supplies. phone Maple 20R2. "Fall Specials" .now available. ,un UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham, Lake Road. Oak Ridges. On holidays until August 31. PR. 3-5691. tfc27 SODDING Garden maintenance. For free estimates phone. TU. 4- 1016. J. Hampton. tfc6 MASONRY All types of brick and stonework built, also chimneys built and re- paired. TU. 4-2222 or TU. 4- 1981. tfc9 MOVING 8a CARTAGE Frank’s Moving & Cartage. pack- ing and storage. Experienced ser- vice anytime. Pickup and deliv- ery. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. afc46 WELL TILE and Septic Tanks, Immediate delivery. Lorne Baker and Son. Concrete Products. Newmarket. Phone TW. 5-6781. tfc38 ROTOVATING, lawns and garâ€" dens. Prices to suit home owners. Phon: TU. 4-1973. *4w45 tfc49 ROTOVATING Complete service, ready for seed- ing. plowing, discing. Reasonable prices, free estimates. J, Hampâ€" ton. TU. 4-1016. tfc41 ELECTRIC Day and night service on elec- trical repairs and electric appli- ance service Phone Blackburn’s Suburban. AV. 5-1333. ttcB ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDylgg-r, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill‘ GENERAL carpentry New work, kitchen cupboards, alterations and repairs. Tile floors. Phone evenings PR. 3-5432, daytime Pr. 3-5051. tic23 SPENCER SUPPORTS can make Day and night service. Aerials installed from $22.50 Phone Blackburn's Suburban, AV. 5~ 1333. flee MISCELLANEOUS your figure beautiful with the new Dacron and other materials. For your Corsetler, call BA. 1- 6175. tfc45 FROM THE BASEMENT to the roof â€"- house repairs And alter- ations. J. M. Cannon Sn, Oxford St, Richmond H111. TU. 4-3103. cl George's Well Drilling and re- pairing, pump installed and re- paired. George‘ Adams, Box 192 King City, King 287. “C46 CHIMNle Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert wo kman- ship. Phone Walker an Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tlc15 RADIO REPAIRS Car radios removed and mun- ed, also home radios pickup and delivery. J. Fox 8: Son. TU. 4- 1810. tlcfl CALL US for your and. gravel1 1111, top sell and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. I. B. Deferran Maple 541112. tic? ELECTRIC STOVE 8; REFRIGERATOR Service and Repairs Herridge Electric. TU 4-3211 th7 AV. 5-1595 SEEDING and top dressing lawns with well rotted compost. Also concrete repairs of all kinds. Work fully guarantqed. Bell Brothers, phone Gormley 5477. *4w12 ALTERATIONS 1nd repair work. Sidewalks. cement work; septic tanks. soft water cisterns. carâ€" pentry work. For prompt service, call Walker Ind Mitchell AV, 5- CARPENTRY. boat building, building alterations, painting and decorating, custom work. Phone Bergin and Davenport. TU. 4- 3025. tfc50 LANGSTAFF SHARPENING SERVICE Saws. lawn mowers and power mowers, cutter blades balanced. Pick-up and delivery. 88 Garden Avenue. AV 5-2815. tfc5 A. MILLS t 80! Richmond Hill Plumbing and Heating TUrner 41-1711. AVenue 5-3697 ticl'l WELL unmLm PEAT LOAM SELL FINN REAL ESTATE TELEVISION 3A 5-241! “011 *3w12 tfcll 1:ch DRESSMAKING and alterations. ladies and children‘s wear. TU. 4-3980. ' tfc13 R. H. REIDA Delivery service. Pickup and delivery. light mov- ing. TU. 4-339]. tfc37 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896‘ Ruben Lahn. Richmond Hill‘ tfc3 Fences of all types. Jim 0'- Reilly, AV. 5â€"1207. *3w11 PAINTING ls PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798, CATENARO CONSTRUCTION 00.. Concrete work. drains. 126 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2612. tfc37 stone, loam and £11. I: Chnrlty, Richmond Hill, TU. $1701. mum's WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gerri“. R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tfcw NORTH YORK SODDING CO. Ltd., rapid delivery of quality loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA. 1-9877. 028w43 CARPENTER WORK, kitchen cupboards, stairS, arborite tops and repair. TU. 4-2505. J. An- derson. c2w12 STOP egg breakage, have your pullets de-beaked, reasonable rate. Phone Tom Appleton PR. 3- 5301. *4w12 SAND AND GRAVEL, gushed plastic and linoleum. 'llobart I. Patchell, PArkvlew 74459.7 32 WALK-Rm SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS Thornhfll. Phonn AV. 5-1266. tlclz GARDEN PLOWING. disclng, also back filling, light grading. and front end loading. Lance Willis, TU. 4-2096. t£c40 SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridgu. PR. 34mg ' e1 KINDERGARTEN Still not too late to enroll in Highland Park Senior Day Nur- sery. Call AV. 5-1787 or AV. 5- 2741. c2w12 MISCELLANEOUS TILE CONTRACTOR, ceramic. all makés. Space Heateré bought and sold. Phone Harold VanDyke. TU. 4-1221. tfc12 CUSTOM BUILT homes, addit- ions and recreation rooms. Buil- der fully experienced, will give free estimates. Help with finan- cing. expert workmanship. Call HIckory 7-7054. c3w13 Cleaning, service and repairs _to Mill St.. Aaron Cleaned and repaired. Reason- able rates. 38 Clarke Ave., Don- caster, after 5 pm. Cash and carry. AV. 5-4449. tfc52 HOME Maintenance Service. Anything about you there to keep in first class repair. Furnace. windows. floors, basement and lawns, etc. AV. 5-1020. tfc3 LAWN 'MOWERS and grass shears sharpened and repaired. Also extension ladders to rent. Richmond Hill 'Hardware, 24 Yonge St. 5., phone TU. 4-2101. tfcfl for footings floors. patios, etc GORMLEY READY-MIXED CONCRETE LTD. Gormley 5601, Stouflville 320 RICHMOND TREE SERVICE Fruit trees pruned. trees trim- med and removed. Cabelling, fer- tilizing and custom chain saw- ing. Free estimates. TU. 4-1221. tfc28 PIANO TUNING 8: REPAIRING S. Hoffman Formerly of Gerard Helntzman. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone Liberal Office, TU. 4-1105; evenings, ORchard 6516. Toronto. IOR OIL TANK TRUCKS 0R .Used Construction Machinery. Contact GIFFEN TRUCK EQUIPMENT LIMITED 5461 Yonge St, Willowdale. Ont. c1w13 KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Stop 21A Yonge St., AV. 5-4172. tfcll CARPENTRY WORK, additions, recreation rooms, porches gar- ages, roughing in and trim work. Kitchen cupboards. No job too small. Call Tom Price. AV. 5- 3048. I 024w4 EVERGEEN LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN CO., LANGSTAFF Landscaping. gardening, garden maintenance. lawn cutting and stone work. Peat loam and man- ure delivered in small and large quantities. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. AV. 5-3233. RICHMOND HILL Commercial Cleaners - churches. banks, halls, offices, stores and homes. Floor, walls and windows. cleaned. wa- shed, waxed and polished By day, week. month or contracts. Ex- perienced cleaners. All cleaning material supplied. Estimates free. Phone TU. 4-3714. tfc13 A SPECIAL for the summer months: Foam rubber cushions free with every set‘reâ€"covered during the summer months. Our prices are lower than city prices. Formerly with Eaton's and Simp- son's. Free estimates with the latest ,samples brought to your home. Five year guarantee on work. Terms available. A. Smith Upholsterln'. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc46 OIL SPACE HEATER & FLOOR FURNACE SERVICE VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE Repaired. Cleaned. Restyled All Work Guaranteed . READY MIXED CONCRETE Richvale Rexall Pharmacy Free All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed AV. 5-3772 SIGN PAINTER BILL WEGMAN AV. 5-4131 FENCING DRUGS FURS tfctl tlcl" Ho“ m4: tfc47 tic! PEAT LOAM - TOP SOIL Sand. fill. etc. TU. 4-1586. tfc13 ROOFING & SIDING Done by experienced workmen 8: guaranteed 15 years. For free es- timates call Dominion Roofing aid Insulating Co. Ltd.. RE. 2710. 523 Gilbert Ave., Toronto 10. U Miscellaneous con. PIANO TUNING and repairing. Pianos completely reconditioned. Several excellent reconditioned and refinished pianos for sale. Arthur S. White, 39 Sheppard Ave. W.. Willowdale, BA. 5-5411. *6w8 ACE high carpentry. Recreation Rooms â€"â€" Kitchen Cupboards â€" Arborite or Formica â€"- Interior Trim. Tile ceilings and Floors a specialty. For free estimates and reasonable rates call Bob â€"- BA. 5-1487 c4w11 ACCURATE GLASS 8.: MIRROR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Call E. W. Payne for complete eptic tank installation. Concrete floors, driveways, sidewalks, steps and porches. All types of concrete construction in and ar- ound the home. Phone AV. 5- 1153. c7w11 Co., 3244 Yonge St., Toronto. specialists in mirrors and glass for home, building trade and business. We are very glad to exâ€" tend our efficient service to» all residents of Richmond Hill and district, Call MA. 3139. c4w11 WAITRESSES wanted, days, full MAN WITH CAR for delivery of héwleigh Products. Part film-e work. B. W. Kydd, HU. 8-8031. '2w12 ASSISTANT required {or book- keeping department, good at fig- ures, some typing required, com- pany benefits. Phone Mrs. Best. TU. 4-2120 or AV. 54201. c1w13 BOYS for morning paper routes i1 Richmond Hill and Richvale, boys 11 to 15 with bicycles pre- ferred. Call Mr. Taylor, TU. 4. 1320. tfc13 and part time. Apply' Riéhinond Theatre Grill. TU. 4-0026. c1w13 YOUTH for fish and chip store. Apply Ron’s Fish and Chips. 19 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill. c1w13 MAN WANTED for service sta- tion. Experience preferred. pr ply to D. W. Young at White & Young‘s BA Service Station, Richmond Hill. *1w13 WOMAN for general housework, z or 3 days weekly; Bayview Ave. betWeen No. 7 and Camille Slderoad. Phone AV. 5-3308. .. LYNN REFRIGERATION . Appliance Repairs Refrigerators Freezers Washers Driers and Electric Motors TU. 4-2229, Richmond Hill PRINTER, all round man for weekly newspaper office. One able to operate Linotype part time preferred. Apply to Box 11 The Liberal, Richmond Hill. TELEVISION Serviceman for full or part time to repair TV Sets and radios, to help sell TV’s, Hi-Fi Sets, Records. etc. in store, to help deliver and setup TV and Hi-Fi Sets. Send quali- fications in detail and two refer- ences. Box 12 The Liberal. c1w13 AVON PRODUCTS require cap- able lady to cover established territory sauth of No. '7 Highway, east. Good commission, car an advantage. Write or call Miss Marian Towers, 161 Wilson Ave., l'oronto 12. Apt. 306, HUdson 8- 494. c3w11 NURSES registered for Sept. 5 or after full or part time. Salary $9.00 daily. Dutiese three shifts, 8 to 4, 4 to 12, 12 to 8. Rest home Yonge and Elmwood. Stop 24C. Ask for Miss White. AV. 5-1766. Call between 6 and 7 pm. th3 NEED EXTRA MONEY? Full or part time opportunity. We have an opening in our sales dept. for a mature woman age 28 to 48 with car who has 20 hours or more per week available for bus- iness. No. experience required, position permanent. -For details call Mr. Cameron, HU. 1-5961 or IIU. 1-7351. c8w11 6er Writing desk for a bed Chesterfield. TU. 4-2569. c1w13 RICHMOND HILL salesmen or salesladies required. Two immgd: WANTED Organist and Choirmaster. Pres- byterian Church, Richmond Hill. ’Iwo manual Casavant; senior and junior choirs; one SULday ser- vice. Apply to Dr. H. H. MacKay, 30 Arnold St., Richmond Hill, Ont.. stating experience, qualific- cations, and salary expected. EXCEPTIONAL SALES OPPORTUNITY Busy Thornhill real estate office requires two additional active hard-working salesmen interest- ed in making a better than aver- age income. Experienre is not necessary, good help and the best suburban office location. can manager now, Mr. Carlisle. AV, 5-1176. evenings AV. 5-2742. Da- vid McLean Ltd., Realtors. c1wi3 iete openings for success~minded people in prosperous expanding office. Experience not necessary, complete manager training. 0p- portunities here that a small firm cannot offer. Please call manager Mr. Shields TU. 4-3805 or TU. 4- 1230. David McLean Ltd. Real- tors. clwll GREEN WALLET on Thursday, September 12. corner of Eliza- beth and Arnold St. Reward. HELP WANTED aple 184 SWAP OR EXCHANGE LOST *4w11 clw13 *1w13 c1w13 c1w13 tfc30 FLOOR SANDER to not. hm AVenuc 5-1109. um FURNISHED room to rent. all FLAT, priivater entrance and bath Richmohd Hm vicinity. BAldMi 1.4217. *1w13 modern conveniences, closré fit’o Yonge St.’, AV. 5-4409. C1W13 NEW modern basement apart- ment, bright and dry. $15 per week. AV. 5-2510. tfc10 UNFURNISHED 3-1‘00m bath flat. central location. Available Nov. lst. Box 10. The Liberal. *lw12 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER: Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. den 3 UNFURNISHED rooms. vacant October 1. 213A Oak Avenue, Richvale. , c1w12 STORAGE or light manufacturing building 42x32. will rent all or part, in Unionville. Phone Union- vilIe 151. c2w13 2 BRIGHT unfurnished basement rooms In a new bungalow, suit a business couple. Garage optional. AV. 5-3508. clwls boat rentals. Custom fibreglass;- ing. AV. 5-2193. tfc51 _OU'_I‘BOA_Rp NLOTQR agd cartbp ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. dell A THREE-bedroom house for rent on No. 11 Highway at Elgin Mills. Apply at 134 Lucas St.. Richmond Hill. c1w13 ONE OR TWO rooms. furnished, use of kitchen. parking space, suit lady or middle-aged couple. Near bus stop. TU. 4-1858. *1w13 FLOOR SAND-l8. POLIBI‘III. same 1001‘ LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, $90 a month. 52 Yonge St. South. Richmond Hill. Apply Supe'rln- tendent Apt. No. 5 or Apt. No. 3. c3w11 z ROOMS and store room partly furnished, heated, adults pre- ferred, parking space available, on Green Lane, Thornhlll, AV. UNFURNISHED recreation room and one or.two bedrooms, priv- ate washroom, ample parking space, $65.00 monthly. 174 Rom- ac Court, Richmond Hill. *1w13 3 ROOMS, kitchen and bath, $95 monthly. including heat, water and electricity. Apply 36 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. HU. 8-1205. 450 SQ. FT. of partitioned ofllcc space in Thornhlll Shopping Centre. Suit any business or pro- fession. Air conditiined. W111 alter to suit reliable tenant. AV. 5-3451. ticll APARTMENT T0 RENT, two rooms. bath and kitchenette. $75. monthly including heat, water and electricity. Apply 36 Yong. St.. Richmond Hill. Apply HU. 8-1205. clwlx to rent. Chulton filrdwm. 1'11. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. “a! 5-3301 2 BEDROOM, fully furnished, self contained apartment. Gar- age and all utilities supplied. Preferably adults. Outskirts of Richmond Hill, .125 monthly. TU. 4-2474. c1w18 TELEVISION RENTALS Rent a TV. option to buy, $4.00 weekly. Mack Radio Co.. 2021 Yonge St. HU. 9-9977. c8w9 Phone Vixgflfor pick-up. ’TU. (< 1586. ~ tfc13 Sun. under. etc Sales 1nd Bon- m. Bryant Hardware, Stop 22A. Yongo St, Richvnle. AV. 5-392}, WRECK YOUR CAR or: truck. Then sell it to us. TU. 4-1586. Lowest prices paid. tfcls GREY OWL needs a home. 2 month old male kitten, naturally part persian and trained. Phone TU. 4-2115. c1w13 'J'RANSPORTATION desired from Richmond Acres to Northtown Plaza. Yonge & Finch. arriving 8.30 to 9 am. TU. 4-2824. c1w13 of; 'séfiof wooden storm windows for Richmond Hill bun- galow. Apply Box 15 The Liberal. *2w13 '1 RANSPORTATION wanted from Yonge and Steeles area to Dundas and Annette, arriving at 7.30 am. returning 4.30 p. AV. 5-1341 after 6 p.m. tic CARS WANTED FOR WRECKING Highest prices paid. Phone 4-1586. PRICE WANTED_on t1_1e manu- OBOE, String bass. trombone, baritone horn, alto horn. York Central District High School Board, telephone AV. 5-4281. A<._1l) SCRAP WANTED any kind, anywhere. Pump tow- ers dismantled. "Let us Clean up Your Place". TU. 4-1586. tic“ CAPONS, and fowl. highest pri- ces paid. Don't sell until contact- ing W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridge: Poultry Grading Station. phone PRospect 3-5301. tfc27 WANTED ride from Langstafi No. 7 on Yonge St. to Islington Ave. and Bloor West, arriving 8:30 a.m.. leave at 5 pm. Phone AV. 5-2192. c1w13 2 PASSENGERS wanted leaving Richmond Hill 7.30 am. for Tor- onto, arriving back at 6 pm. Doug Levell, 93 Baker Dr., Rich- mond Hill, TU. 4-3290. clwls TRANSPORTATION from Crestwood Road to and Steeles, arriving 9 a turning 11.30 am. AV. 5 ’RANSPORTATION ROOMED unfurnished liaise; bathrooms. TU. 4-2384. c1w13 BLACK 8 DECKER SCRAP WANTED WANTED XV. 5-3040. c1w13 wanted Lillian c1w13 c1w13 tfcla tfc40

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