, RICHMOND HILL LIONS’ HALL MGWM, SEPT. 30 ‘ F W. MORROW, B.A., Principal W\“““WW' "“HA†Considerable discussion was! devoted to the matter of roads] and ditching. It was reported that : the bonding company had. or, Would, be in contact with the subdivider in an endeavor to get the work completed immediately. ' It appears that the contract for putting the finishing top on the pavement in the south subdivision had been let but that town auth- orities felt the ditches should be cleaned and fixed up before - ._. “a.†v. em, was elected president of Pleas- anwille Hatepayers' Association at the regular meeting held last Monday night. Harry Sayers was re-elected vice-president, with Mrs. G. Phillips being named .iecretary and W. F. Kipper be- ng re-elected treasurer. Directors are Don Burnette. W. Wilson, Stanley Parr, J. Osborne, J. Hewton, R. Querengesser, G. PhillipS, J. Winton. C. Cameron, WkLeat‘ and J. Babock. Hnarry qulen Elected President Bï¬gqsva‘ntwlle Ratepayers. Assoc. v:. M Qinrlinkf Funr .. The High School district consists of Vaughan Town- ship, Woodbridge. Richmond Hill. and that part of Markham Township west. of Don Mills Road between the townline on the north and Steele‘s Avenue on the south. REGISTRATION Thursday, October 3, 7.30-9.00 p.m. in the High School Auditorium â€" Any course may be cancelled if registration is not sufficient. Courses 1-9 NOTE DATES FEES Resident of High School District $10.00. Non- Resident $15.00. $5.00 refunded if 80% of classes at- tended. Course 10 Special fees. no refund. All fees payable at the time of registration. Fall Term -â€" 10‘Weeks. Open Tuesday. October close Thursday. December 12. Winter Term â€" weeks. Re-open January 7, close March 13. 10. TIME AT RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL 1957-58 COURSES OFFERED Each Tuesday and Thursday. 7.30 pm. to 9.30 pm. SPONSORED BY The York Central District High School Board 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 =r anlen. of Starlight Cres., ‘e‘lected president of Pleas- English -- New Canadians â€" beginners Tuesday. and Thursday - ! English -â€" New Canadians â€" advanced -â€" Tuesday and Thursday Shorthand â€"- Tuesday and Thursday Typing -â€" Tuesday and Thursday Sewing 8; Dressmaking â€"- beginners â€" Thursday Dressmaking â€" advanced â€"â€" Tuesday Millinery â€" Thursday Woodworking â€" beginners â€" Tuesday Woodworking â€" advanced -â€" Thursday Oil Painting â€" Tuesday. NIGHT CLASSES my vvw.VVVwVWVwWwWWWWVWWWW INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT Associated With Dependable Service Telephone Inadequate culverts were also a matter of discussion and it apl peared that while small culverts may have been approved by the engineer, these were proving un- satisfactorv and snmr‘ w ulu‘ re to be replaced. It appeared dif- ficult to decide if the town or the subdivider should do this jwork. A motion was passed calling on the new executive to com- municate with council immed- iately re the roads and ditches and this communication will be followed up by a delegation to council at the first possible meet- iv'. A sociia' deii=v'a' meeting of the association will be called as soon as additional and definite information is obtained. this paving is done. It appears that in several places the ditches will have in be paved ow-nuw of the heavy flow of water causing erosion. 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 4-3317 â€"â€"10 County of York would be necess- ary as a board of education had to administer both elementary and secondary education. Such a committee would consist of representatives from the Depart- ment of Education, appointees by the township councils, and the public school inspector New School Area The inspector wondered if the thinking of the councils led to the formation of boards of edu- cation. He stated if so a consult- ing committee appointed by the Mr. Hallman answered, “The referee has wide powers In cre- ating a new area as recently done in Markham for example, I had a public hearing and then a meeting with the various Boards of Trustees who came to an ag- reement. And then on the basis of that agreement I sub- mitted a report to the (Minister of Education, I then return to the municipality with the Minis- ter's approval and it then becomes mandatory. I feel in this case the referee would seek advice from the councils and would try to get as much unanimity as pos- sible." Mr. Hallman concluded. ' Mr. Hallman further comment- ed that a marriage of sections is usually happier than a divorce. He stated Markham would have equity in the six schools located in the township of Vaughan (there are two area schools on the Markham side), and that Vaughan township would have to ,issue debentures to satisfy the equity. In mentioning new units of administration that would have to come into effect in the two townships, Mr. Hallman said he would be reluctant to advise the councils to dissolve if the three man type of school board, in existence before the area was set up, would result. Mr. Hall- man said he considered this a substandard form of ed- ucation as a large admmistration unit with enough assessment and children was needed in or- der to provide special classes. He also mentioned that he consid- ered the junior and senior form of school,administration excell- ent and that the implementation of this depended on concentra- tion of population as did kinder- gartens. "My job would be largely the distribution of assets,†said Mr. Hallman. "However, there must be an administrative unit agreed upon in your bylaw.m Reeve W. L. Clark of Mark- ham expressed the opininn Mark- ham was not ready to set up a board of education but its part would continue as a separate area. Councillor Mrs. K. James of Markham commented. “We certainly don’t want any‘three member board of trustees." Reeve John Perry of Vaughan asked, “As a referee would you want to know our immediate plans." “I can’t see Markham or Vau- ghan wanting a board uf educa- tion." stated Mr. Kirk. "And there is no thought of a three man board of trustees. My idea is to take our part of the area and add to it." Mr. Hallman said, “I hope education can be improved by further school areas. They are in my opinion the most efficient units of administration. Fifty pot cent of school administration in Ontario now is done by school areas." Mrs. James. in referring to Mr. Hallman's remarks about a county consulting committee, stated. “I wouldn’t want to go to the county again and say we did not get enough as we had to in the dissolving of the Richmond Hill Union School Section this year by a board of arbitration.†“The mechanics of this are In the by-laws passed by both councils must be included the form of administration they in- tend to have for their part of the dissolved area. Mr. Hallman said the division of assets would be by a referee, probably the public school inspector, and not by a board of arbitration as in the dissolving of a union school section, the mechanics are thus different. “When the referee makes a de- cision does he present if ï¬rst to the school board, the council or the provincial government?†ask- ed lJeputy-reeve R. Kirk of Vau- ghan. Mr. Hallman emphasized the fact the Minister of Education \xould prefer that an amicable agreement had been reached be- tween the two councils before he considered the dissolution. The Inspector also stated the Minis- ter of Education had advised him his concern is that assent or dis- sent “the will of the people be carried out.†The decision of the Minister is ï¬nal and there can be no appeal of this decision. ‘ In a special meeting held Tuesday evening in the Vaughan Township Council Chambers between the Coun- cils of Markham and Vaughan a momentous decision af- fecting 1946 public school children in School Area No. 1 Markham and Vaughan was reached with the unanimous decision on the part of both councils to agree to dissolve the area in 1958. Separate resolutions are to be drawn up by each council and will be exchanged for discussion. These resolutions are then to be presented to the newly elected councils of 1958 with the recommendation that a by-law be passed and given third reading before the ï¬rst of July 1958, assenting to the dissolution. These byâ€"laws will then be forwarded by the Public School Inspector for the area, Maynard Hallman, to the Minister of Edu- cation. - Markham & Vaughan Councils Agree To Dissolution Of School Area No. I AI Joint Meeting .gi‘ox. . a .h JACKPOT'52 The ï¬rst annual Pioneer Fes- tival to be held under the spon- sor ship of the Metropolitan Tor- onto & Region Conservation Au- thority will take place Saturday, October 5, on the grounds of the Dalziel Conservation Area in subrrban North York Township. The conservation area is locat- ed just east of No. 400 Highway. and one mile south of No. 7 Highway. The festival will be officially opened at 2 pm. by the Deputy Minister of Planning and Devel- opment, T. A. C. Tyrrell. A gala program is being arranged by the MTRCA to illustrate the life of the average 10th century farmer and his family in the area. The Pennsylvania German Soc- iety of York County will take part in the festival with mem- bers re-creating the work of pi- oneer farm men and women by demonstrating the use of pro- duce in the ï¬ne art of making sausage, apple butter, sauerkraut and other foods from original re~ cipes. . There will also be demonstra- tions of spinning and weaving. and the making of hooked rugs by several local handicraft organi- zations. archery tournament by members of the Humber Valley Archery Association, a display of The outing of the silk ribbon by Mayor William Neal, at 6.30 p.m., Friday, September 27th, will officially open Barth’s Clean- ers and Shirt Service, located at .198 Yonge Street, North, Rich- mond Hill. “Open Houseâ€. Fri- day evening and all day Satur- day, affords visitors the opport- unity of a personally conducted tour of the plant. The plant pro- per, has over 2,000 square feet of floor space at ground level with a similar area in the base-I ment, which ultimately will be set up for a complete refrigerat- ed garment storage service. The machinery and equipment in- stalled, represents the most mod- ern and efï¬cient available in Canada and the United States, which will be demonstrated to visitors during the “Open House.†Iation of this plant, and its ser- vice to the public. Mr. Barth first started in a dry cleaning plant at 16 years of age. For the .next 10 years he gathered a great deal of experience working for such companies as Toronto Launderers, New Method, and United De Forest. At 26 he was {for six years a sales represent- .ative for Canadian Hoffman ,Laundry Machinery. On leaving Jthis concern, Mr. Barth started up his own company, which later amalgamated with .the Dalex Company distributors of Dry cleaning and Laundry Machinery. With this wealth of knowledge and et'perienoe, Mr. Barth sold this interest in the Dalex Com- ‘pany, setting up his own modern plant in Richmond Hill . At the grand opening of Neil Duncan‘s new B-A Service Sta- tion, Yonge St., Richvale, the following are the winners in the lucky draw: lst prize, 50 gallons of 98 gasoline. Mr. E. Hudson; 2nd, 25 gallons of 98 gasoline. Bob Harrington: 3rd 25 gallons of 98 gasoline. Mr. W. A, Wagner: 5th. set of carvers, Mr. C. S. Kirby: 5th, hurricane lamp, Mr. Gil. Clubine: 6th. Yankee side mirror; Miss Irene Anderson. The industry background of the plant's owner, Mr. Phillip Barth, has a distinct and important bearing on the successful oper- Prize Winners N. Duncan 5 B. A. All the lucky winners are resi- dents of Richmond Hill area. and the official drawing was made b)‘ Police Constable Don Huntly of the Metropolitan Police, assisted by Mr. Gordon Borines of Rich- vale. Plan Ist Annual Pioneer Festival To Be Held Saturday, October 5 “I don‘t think we can make a decision on economic basns alone but on what will happen in the next few years," was Reeve Open House Barth's Cleaners To Be HfldQQ Friday And Saturday After the discussion had start- ed'earlier following the reading of the report of the education committee, published last week in “The Liberal", and accepted by the Markham Counml, Mrs. James remarked. “We do not want the settlement to be a burâ€" den to Vaughan. We want to in- sure an agreement that’ does not leave empty classrooms." Reeve Perry wondered if the referee might decide on a pro- cedure that in the eyes of some people in one township was not good. “We have to consider how it will affect the mill rate in either township,†said Mr. Kirk. different, it is not for a board of arbitration,†Mr. Hallman as- sured Mrs. James. The date for the dissolution, if it were to be passed by both councils and the Minister of Ed- ucation by the ï¬rst of July, 1958, would be Der‘ember 31. 1958. In addition. there will be guided tours of the Pioneer Mus- eum, situated on the conserva- tion area, and described by lead- ing US. and Canadian historical cfficials as being one of the ï¬n- est collections of pioneer equip- ment in North America. Visitors to the festival will be able to feast upon such delights as barbecued pork, pioneer-style apple pie and Canadian cheese plus authentic apple cider. \food carvings and dolls. old- tlme music and square dancing. According to A. H. Richardson, chairman of the Authority, it is expected that the festival will become an annual event. With this wealth of knowledge and et'perien-‘e, Mr. Barth sold his interest in the Dalex Com- pany, setting up his own modern plant in Richmond Hill . During the two days of “Open House" will be quite a few sur- prises, door prizes, and gifts for the children. “Parents in the area are on the verge of hysteria. It will be worse if they think we are go- ing to revert to potbellied stoves and inferior teachers. It was the parents banding together in the first place that started the area,†she added. a, lower standard of education would evolve. “You are going to form an area in your own township, I don’t see how you can feel standards would be IOWered,†she stated. 52 STARTING TIME-8 PM. JACKPOT Numbers Called Mrs. James took issue with hing wanting to know if he felt -r“--. Reeve Perry bro'dght out the point he didn’t think the stand- ard of education should be over- looked when referring to-econ- omics. - Councillor Anstey thought the school board would be the guid- ing factor in deciding on the allocation of classroom space. how long Markham children would attznd Vaughan schools. "Fast growth might fill the class- rooms quickly.†he added. There was a discussion of the use of classrooms in Vaughan by Markham pupils on a non- resident fee basis. Councillor Victor Ryder, of Vaughan. won- dered how long this would con- tinue. Reeve Clark thought many factors entered into the picture ,_~V.._ _and it wasn’t nossirtile t6 torete “If as pointed out we have the larger assets , it seems we will have to continue educating children from Markham," said Councillor E. W. Ansey, of Vau- ghan. referring to Mrs. James mention of empty classrooms re- sulting from" dissolution. “We don't want empty class- rogms." warned [Mr.'Kirk. Clark's opinion “I don't feel standards will BA. 5-7721 5289 Yonge St, Willowdale BA..5-7722 In addition to everything in draperies and a special service of showing drapery samples in your home, we have added a rug and broadloom department. In our selection of carpets and broadloom we have made certain that our prices are very reasonable. We will be pleased to assist you It! Your choice of colour and quality â€" without. obligation. give us a call. You'll be glad you did. * FREE material for cushion covers to all adults entering our store during the week of our official Opening â€" September 30 - October 5. Whether it‘s a complete drapery installation or broadloom you are interested in, drop in 0r THE OPENING OF THEIR BEAUTIFUi. NEW STORE After the meeting. refresh- ments were served in the cafe- teria and informal discussion con- tinued until the building closed. Mr. Leonard May, District Commissioner, spoke briefly, ad- vising the group of the steps that were being taken to organize dis- trict activities, and that the pur- pose of the meeting was to bring out the scouters’ ideas of what district activities are needed. Also, he announced a contest open to all groups to design a new badge for York Summit Dis- trict to replace the present York Central badge. (The contest clos- es October 16 and entries should he sent to the District Secretary, Box 376 Richvale, by hat date). The meeting then broke up in- to small discussion groups of scoutmasters and cubmasters which gave each leader an op- portunity to voice his or her op- inions on the need for leaders’ training courses and further ses- sions to exchange ideas and solve problems that arise in run- ning the troops and packs; on the way cub rallies and scout cam- porees should be run, and on leadership development in cubs and scouts through sixcrs coun- cils and patrol leaders training. Discussion was lively and pro- duced many suggestions, not all L'nanimous, which were present- ed by the discussion group lead- ers. Deï¬nite results were that preliminary training courses for both cub and scout leaders will be held during October and Nov- ember with a large attendance in- dicated. A district leaping wolf recognition ceremony is to be arranged for sometime in April 10 give recognition to cubs who have completed their leaping wolf badge requirements during the preceding years. Other dis- cussion topics â€"â€" sixers councils, district rallies and camporees â€" were to be followed up by the district staff. lbe lowered." quickly answered Mr. Kirk. “I feel with our de- cision the morale will be im- proved. And I think any low morale has an effect on the teach- ing stafl‘. As soon as this is settled we‘ll see an improvement ‘in morale." Scout and Cub leaders of the newly-formed York Summit Dis- trict met at the Richmond Hill High School on Monday. Septe’m- her 16, to discuss the needs and plans for scouting and cubbing in the district. This was the ï¬rst “gettegether†of the district leaders, and was well attended by 26 Cubmasters, 15 Scoutmasters and seven district staff. Reeve Perry summed up the argument, "I'd like to state we have the best of intentions and we’ll do the best we can in work- ing out a solution." He then sug- gested that the two clerks, J. M. McDonald of Vaughan and Harry Crisp of Markham, go into the ï¬nancial aspect of dissolution & report to the. councils on their findings. Both councils agreed to leave the financial reports in the hands of the clerks to pre- pare a comprehensive joint re- port to present to the councils. The two councils also agreed to pass individual resolutions agree- ing to dissolution at any early date. Councillor Anstey commented “With Reeve Perry I feel stand- ards could be lowered and I think this point should be brought out" YORK-SUMMIT DISTRICT could- 4% ill are proud to announce THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday, September 26, 1957 LOOK FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THE SALE OF OIL PAINTINGS DURING THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 14 It’s the long-burning, even-burning coat that gives clean, even heat at tremendous savings. H. JONES BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. Arts, crafts and antiques, oil paintings, picture restoring and framing, artists’ supplies and frames Frames King Sideroad A. J. BARRACLOUGH STONE HOUSE ART CENTRE Classes in Landscape Painting STOW.Z Store Fixtures RICHMOND HILL Phone AV. 5-3941 _‘\ ° RED § TRADEMARKED FAMOUS READING ANTI-IRACI'I'E Kitchen Cabinets OAK RIDGES Real Savings Quality Coal at Sash General Woodworking 55 PR. 3-556! Ask for PR. 3-5562