It’s the long-burning, even-burning coal that gives clean, even heat at tremendous savings. H. JONES BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. SALE - 25% OFF POSTAL QLERKS $2850 - $3900 R. R. 1 MAPLE to the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario. Details and application forms at Post Offices, National Employment Offices and the Civil Service Commission. Apply before ‘ NOVEMBER 2nd, 1957 Post Oï¬ice Department RICHMOND HILL, ONT. FAIRWAY GARDENS RICHMOND HILL Phone AV. 5-3941 4% Ask for Q / RED $ TRADEMARKED FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE ALL NURSERY STOCK ETC. DEALERS CHANCE LIMITED “YOUR ONE STOP GARDEN SHOP†Real Savings Quality Coal at tresses Glass top for cupboard Square top stand table Wooden tub; Leather cased travelling bags Large rocking chair Cellar‘cabinet Baking cabinet table Kitchen chairs Drop leaf kitchen table Daybed couch Electric toaster 8 day mantle clock Clothes horse Cabinet or chest Toilet sets Large hand school bell Odd prints and painted pictures Brass pots and stands Odd China dishes, lronware, glassware, jars. sealers. crooks, kitchen and cooking utensils, etc. Several quilts, blankets, rugs and bedding, also numerous house- hold eï¬ects, etc. Painted globe table lamp 3 odd old table lamps Quantity of stove hard coal 2 Cans of anti-freeze Crosscut saw Storage boxes Extension ladder Quantity of lumber and planks Several sets oi single and driv- les too numerous to mention Real Estate The real estate consists of a lot 66x132 feet, more or less, nicely situated on No. 11 Machell St. in the Town of Aurora, 1% blocks from town‘s business section. On it is a very good 9-room 2~storey brick dwelling. with bathroom. all conveniences, with a newly in stalled oil fuxnace; a good metal- clad building approximately 50 x 50 feet in rear of lot. The prop- erty is nicelv skirted alorg street line with hard maple trees, also other trees and shrubs on lot. The buildings’are in good state of repair. This property will be sold subject to‘a reserve bid. 'ierms 10% cash day of sale, terms for balance made known on day of sale. For further par- ticulars apply to the auctioneers of James H. Joyce. 306 Rose- park Drive, Toronto, phone MO- hawk 0814. Sale at 1.30 pm. sharp. No re- serve, except on house and lot to be announced. Property offered at 3'p.m. Nothing removed until paid for. ing harness (somE érEVgood)" Horse blankets Wheelbarrows, odd gaxden and carpenter tools, step ladder, lawn roller Pile of scrap iron Al‘ong‘with several other artic~ 15 Old style kitchen chairs Old style washstand Cellar tables Antique spool bed Mirrors 3‘ Bedsfead and spring mattress 1 President electric vacuum clea- ner, with attachments, new (used only once) 1 Happy Thought electrlc range 1 small annex kitchen coal or wood stove Simplex washing machine roll top oak office desk Columbia graphonola with rec- ords 1 Extension dining table 6 Matching dining room chairs Drop leaf walnut table Cane seated rocking chair Glass top cupboard Mothex cardboard closets Several window drapes Large rocking chairs 1 Sideboard buffet l Aggique Vchesrt of drawers iâ€"nrâ€"u-n Large chest Qf drivers Bench Vgry old bees and feather mat- Household Furniture, Antiques, Dishes, Glassware. Kitchen Ut- ensils, Garden Tools, Odd Effects, etc. The cast includes some of the most promising young talent in Toronto. Barbara Strntndee and Donald Bartle, in the leading singing roles. are studying at the Royal Conservatory and its Opera School and are experienced soloâ€" ists. Both have won many prizes and Mr. Bartle is a scholarship student. Barry Page Knibbs, win- ner of a 1957 Kiwanis scholar- OF DESIRABLE HOUSE & LOT is directed by Rex Sevenoaks, is the dream theme of many a young Ontario holiday planner. It con- cerns the arrival of a dashing European count at a run-down Muskoka hotel where l‘ls pres- ence creates a dramatic flutter among the feminine guests. and incidentally proves a life-saver fogthe proprietor. KEN 8: CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers, Markham, Ont., phone 346 Mllllken, Ont, ph. AX. 3-5987 “Muskoka Holiday". 3 new musical comedy by Canadian pl- anist-composer Court Stone. will be presented at the Lions Hall. Richmond Hill. November 6. 8 and 9, by the Canadian Light Op- era Company. In three acts, with book by Louise Stone, it is the third Operetta on which this gift- ed Toronto mother and son have successfully collaborated. The stofy of this tuneful and ught-heartga grodugtion. which Local Rotary Club S p o n s 0 rs Musical Comedy "Muskoka Holiday" The property of HERBERT ARMITAGE At 11 Machell Street. Aurora SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 AUCTION SALE AV. 54291 Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Bryson Brown, Proctor Ave. W., who mourns the passing of her father, W. H. th~ chie of Toronto, who died on Sat- urday, October 19. PICKERING : A park and game preserve encompassing about 400 acres, just north of Pickering Village should become a reality next summer. The property was left to the county in the will of Mr. Arthur Percy. . Friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jones, 22 Glen Cameron; and family. will bid farewell to them on October 31, when they move to Richmond Hill. Their son Russell. who is a member of the 2nd Thornhill scout troop and band will re- main a member. On Tuesday, October 15, a group of Doncaster boys lost a football game at the Thornhill high School The score was 39 to 29 for a team of Langstaff and ’I‘hornlea boys. Harold Leï¬ler and Mike Gain each scored two touchdowns for Doncaster. Birthday greetings to Donna Lee Walker. Glen Cameron Ave., who celebrated her second birthday with a party on October 20. ThereAwPre 15 little guests. Birthday wishes are in crder for Jim Wren, Glen Cameron Ave., who celebrated his‘ 12th birthday with a party on October 18. The Doncaster CommunityLa- aies Club‘s euchre marathon staried this week with 48 play- ers. Final play-off will be Friday. November 22, at the Thornhill Public School. The Doncaster Teenage Club met at Henderson Ave. school on Monday, October 21. After a short me tmg they played games in t e gym. The next reg- ular meeting of the club will be in the form of a Hallowe’en par- ty. on Monday, October 28. Friends of 'Kathy Clow, 47 Clarke Ave., will be sorry to hear she is ill. THE MANUFACTURERS msuuuce conunv Birthday g'r'eetings 7 goï¬rout to Gloria Morrison, Clarke Ave», who on October 22 was 13 years old. Mr .and Mrs. John Peï¬cock 8: Son, of Procwr Ave, have retur- n_egl _f_r_qm a pip to England. The Rotary Club of Richmond Bill will bring “Muskoka Holl- day" to the people of York Coun- t). The location, the Llons Hall, on Centre Street East. in Rich- mond Hill makes it easdy acceso slble to all. Don't miss this op- portunity of seeing this really ï¬ne musical comedy whlch play- ed to a “sold out" audience at Hart House in June. Others in the cast include Anne Gilbert, Daryl Green, Josephine Harvie. Doreen Dent Kennedy, Irene King, Agnes Loader. Rose- mary Leeder, Brian Malone. Zoltan Momostory, Syd Pattison. Robert Peace, and Mme. Irene Tovizy, late of the Hungarian State Opera The dialogue is bright .and am- using. Mr. Stone's songs have that catchy rhythm and pleasing melody which charcterize his work and set his audmnces to kumtmng the refrains. ship. has acted with the Peter- borough Summer Theatre and Oakville’s Carousel Theatre. He wifllA appear as the Count. . . . ABOUT 10¢ a day‘ now will guarantee your child an insurance estate of $5000 at age 21? _The Manufacturers Life 21 Plan will enable you to build a sound foundation for your child’s future Life Insurance. Available from birth to age 11, each unit pro~ vides $1000 coverage to age 21, when coverage is automatical- ly increased ‘ to $5,000 per unit with NO PR E M I U M ‘ INCREASE. ’ara ALWAYS . . . A Good Place To Eat RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL RICHMOND HILL Mr. G. O’Connell. The Manufacturers Life. 180 Romac Court, Richmond Hill, Ont. Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AVenue 5-2288 DONCASTER Representing TH E 'at ago i For further details call: In his September report to Markham Township Council Pol- ice Chief C. Wideman ttated his department handled 510 calls during the month of September. As has been the pattern for some time now dog complairts again led in the number of complaints received by township law en- forcement officers. Chief Wide- man said a total of 18 dog com- plaints were received in Septem- ber. Following close behind dog complaints were 13 cases of theft. Since about the only green leaves left on bushes or shrubs at this time are lilac, wild apple and Buckthorn, Mr. k'ockburn suggests that anyone ï¬nding sus- picious bushes send two or three‘ leaves to his office at Newmar- ket for identiï¬cation, giving the location where they were found. Uually these bushes are about the size of wild plums, though they sometimes grow much larger. Markham Police Handle 510 Calls Further breakdown of the main statistics is as follows: Burglary 3, liquor seizures 3. malicious damage 3, stolen cars recovered 2, drunk .n public place 2, armed holdup 1, indecent assaultJ, and domestic com-‘ plaints 1. Mr. Cockburn stresses the point that they should not be cut off unless the stumps are sprayed with a brush killing ma- terial. Cutting only produces a vigorous growth. Basal bark spraylnk has given excellent re- sults but it must be done very thoroughly and be on the watch the following year for_ seedlings At this time of the year, the Buckthorn bushes which serve as intermediate host for the multi- plication of leaf rust on oats, is very easy to identify-or locate. according to W. M. Cockbum. Ag. Rep. for York County. Since Buckthorn leaves do not turn in colour in the fall. but retain their dark green leaves till the ï¬rst week of November, Mr. Cockburn suggests that we might declare cpen season for Buckthorn for the next two weeks. or any that were missed. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture and the York County Coun- cil-ate coâ€"operating with the York County Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association in the cam- paign to control this menace to our oat crops. There are both male and fe- male trees and in the fall, the female 'trees normally have large numbers of black berries about tlre'slze of choke cherries. If you taste a berrv and it has a bitter taste, you can be reasonably sure it is Buckthorn. If so. the Depart- ment of Agriculture would ap- preciate hearing from vou. V These green bushes can at this time, be spotted as far away as a quarter of a mile on a sunny day but it requires the co-opera- tion of everyone to locate them so they can be disposed of in the proper manner. Members of the W.A. wish to tnank all the ladies in the com- munity who so willingly donated food and time toward meking the turkey supper a success; Over 300 persons were served and by all reports enjoyed the delicious meal. Films were shown by Mr. Dertt which entertained those waiting. Appreciation is also ex- tended to the men who assisted wth the work. Thanks also to Wlbert and Ewart Jennngs and the Senior classes teacher Mr. Gillham for moving the school Bark Spraying Kills Buckthorn CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H Preschool children are- growing, going concerns. They’re busy exploring their small world from all-too- early morning till reluctant bedtime- As well. they’re busy gaining around ï¬ve pounds and shooting up three inches each year. These triggerâ€"geared young- sters need lots of protein ev- eryday to build their sturdy little bodies and supply their endless energy. Indeed. in order to keep up with their daily requirements, vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohy- drates are all also essential during this period of rapid growth and development. These elements are provided when the daily diet contains some of each of the follow- ing foods: milk, cereal (this includes bread and other grain products), meat (eggs ï¬sh and cheese are counted in this group), vegetables. fresh fruits and Vitamin D. To Mothers of Preschoolers DEPT. OF‘ HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED PAXTON. R. R. 3 KING Phone PR. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Mr. David McClure spent this past week-end at Woodbridge visiting at the home of his sis- ter. Mrs. Jack Shannon. Congratulations to Bobby Mac- klin on his grain entry at the Woodbridge Fair. Please keep October 30 free to assist in packing good used elo- fhing for the Unitarian Relef. at the home at Mrs. Wloert Jen- ings. Anyone in the community wishing to contribute good used clothing is asked to call a mem- ber of the Women's Institute. Personals * Mr. and Mrs. Charles lienshaw and Mrs. Art Kerr attended the wedding on October 19 of Miss Beverley Palin and Roland Full- er of Burlington. Beverley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- md Palin, former residents of Temperanceville and sister of Charles Henshaw. Captain Prendergast of Mon- treal who had been attending a conference in Chicago and stop- ped off in Toronto was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bey- non on the week-end. Those who attended the an- nversary evening service at Mt. Pisgah were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings. Mrs. E. Paxton and Mr. Milton Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner spent a couple of days travelling tn see the St. Lawrence Seaway project. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rumble travelled to Kingston on October 19 to, attend the wedding of a niece, Miss Dorothy Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings ac- companied them. The 4-H Homemaking Club will meet Wednesday evening to organize for the season. Any girls 12 or over nterested in the work are cordially invited. Mrs. Jack Macklin is the leader, Miss Irene Mashinter, the assistant. Church will be held as usual at the Temperanceville United Church on October 27 at 7.30. We are sorry to hear Mrs. James Gillham has been ill with the flu and wish her a speedy re- covery. Sunday School will be held at 10.30 am, desks TORONTO-DOMINION Look ahead. . buy 726% THE GAUTH BONUS HEATER fits any size smOke stack can be simply installed by most homeowners. as it will easily fit into as small as 12 inches of smoke stack, with a heat loss of as low as 450 degrees. Weight only 11 lbs. Guaranteed satisfaction or money refunded. Normally lost up the chimney of your oil and coal furnace, oil space heater, Quebec heater, etc. FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION. Can be installed on Hot Air or Hot Water Enhance. _ Yonge St. RECLAIM 50% OF mm TEE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 24, 1957 BONDS SAVINGS CANADA Heat basement or any hard~ to-heat room free of fuel cost with a GAUTH BONUS HEAT RECLAIMER. GAUTH BONUS HEAT BE- CLAIMEF push elem feet away any cold duct pipe. In: BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD ARNE KETGLA H. R. LUDLOW, Manager RICHMOND HILL BRANCH AV. 5-1538, Call Anytime NOVEMBER 1 Pay promptly and avoid the penaltx which must be added after NOVEMBER 20 R. LYNETT, Clerk Town of Richmond Hill SALES & SERVICE The third instalment of the current year’s taxes is due EASY TERMS CLAIMER is designed :4 push clean hot air up to 31 feet away from furnace u any cold area, through a 5‘ TAXES G-Mll Thornhill