Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Oct 1957, p. 11

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Bug wada 3W Bondy Now bg MAW...M {om cam at am bmmdo of Uw'Rogafl' Get ‘blue coal’. . . and be sure! ‘I. D. RAMER & SON RICHMOND HILL m, 4, ' €33. ‘ n C ‘ . - 415.; ASPHALT PAVING 7 Thornridge Dr. 1 WM new in RICHMOND Hill. With ‘blue coal’ you‘re sure of top-quality hard coal. Tinted blue as a trade-mark, ‘biue coal’ burns clean and hot. And there's far less waste than with ordinary coalâ€" less need to tend your furnace, when you THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA We are happy to announce our appointment as agents {or the ACORN FIREPLACE. This colourful new woodbuming fireplace ofi'crsâ€" 0 open fire theeriness 0 all sfeol tonstruttlon O 6 non-fade decorator colors 0 low priceâ€"only $97.50 mmplele with fitted firescreen SAND -‘ GRAVEL - LIMESTONE ' LOAM - FILL STAN I TROYER'S YONGE ST., 2 MILES NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL This year, a better buy fhan ever. L. W. REID “At the Big Snowman” AV. 5-2211 SEE IT NOW afâ€" So don't be color-blind when you buy coal! Get ‘blue coal’ today! You can see the difference when you buy itâ€"you can feel the difference when you burn it. heat the ‘blue coal’ way Thornhil] On October 29‘the ladies of Buttonville and district will meet at Buttonville Hall for the fall luncheon at which Mrs. Eleanor Brown, Colour Consultant, will be the speaker, The community will greatly miss the Easton family when they move to Pennsylvania in the near future. Mr. Joseph Easton has managed the stock farm of Mr. Neighbourhood Notes Calling all ladies of the com- munity who are interested in ma- king lampshades. Mrs. George Kelly and Mrs. E. Walton, W. I. members have completed a course at Newmarket and will conduct a local class in‘this homemaklng art. If you are interested please call Mrs. Kelly at AX. 3-6171. W. J. Russell for approximately 15 years. and his work is well known throughout the continent. We wish them well in this new venture. Church services at Brown’s will be cancelled in favor of an- niversary services in Victoria §quare church on Sunday, Oct. Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Alick Gardner returned from a month’s vacation in the British Isles where they visited friends and relatives they had not seen for many years. Their trip took them to Edinburgh, Windermere, London and othEr'pointswofiiiril terest. and their sea voyage over was perfect. 2'. At the 11 am. service guest speaker will be Rev. V. Wood of Royal York United Church, and i' the evening Dr. Harold .Young of the United Church offices will the guest. There will be spec- ial music at the evening service. Sunday School at Brown's Cor- ners will commence at 10 am. sharp. It‘was perfect plowing match weather last week and among the local men who took advantage of it to see the event at Simcoe were Mr. H. A. Roberts. Mr. Mil- ton Sherma‘n, Mr. Jack Rodick, Mr. Wm Rodick and John Rodick. The flu has continued to play a major part in the life of the com- munity' this past week, although Now at 3242 Yonge Street In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 am. to 6 pm. including Sat. EVE. by appointment ‘ HU. 8-8949 F. L. Lowrie, A OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs “THE BRAKES ON MY CAR AREN’T WORKING â€"- AND I CAN’T DRIVE IT. â€" WILL YOU FIX ’EM?" At least he’s keeping out of tro'uble! Before your brakes reach the danger point, better drive in for a check-up and necessary re-lining or adjustment. Hunt & Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3151 TU. 4-1313 CORESPONDENT : MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Phone AXminster 3-6188 BUTTUNVILLE NEWS 775 things seem to be getting back to normal now. Mr. Dick Jones who was holidaying with his son Bruce and his family at Wallaceburg last week, became ill on Wednes- day and was unable to return home. Miss Adele Carruthers flew to New York for a few days early this week. Both Adele and Bertie atended the reunion when Wes- ton C.I. celebrated its Centennial last week. Euchre Series ‘ Two community members who were recently in Scarboro Gen- eral Hospital are now convales~ cing at home. Mrs. Baldwin. whose hand was severely injured in a clothes wringer is feeling much better. but it will be some Line before she has the use of her hand. Mr. Baker. of Arn- leigh Heights, in whose eye a nail head was lodged during a Mrs. Secrett had the thrill of seeing the Queen. and Prince Ihillip in Ottawa when she was in that city for Thanksgiving vis- iting relatives. Also on the week end agenda was the fotball game and the christening of a grand- neice. Miss Dorothy Hood entertain- ed with movies of a trip through Canada and the United States as well as local points of interest. Tea was served in the church parlors and a presentation of a floor lamp, hostess chair and step tahle and lamp was made to the Spears. Mr. C. J. Russell read the address, and Mr. L A Hood presented the gifts. Friday evening saw 13 tables of players present at the first game of the autumn series spon- sored by Butonville W.I. Prizes were won by Mrs. Rene Calvert, Mrs. Russell Boyington and Mrs. E. Smith, Wm. Middleton, Wm. Sandle and Mr. Muirhead. The draw for a chicken was won by Bob Clarke. Hostesses were Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson, Mrs. Geo. Hooper. Mrs Wm McGimpsey and Mrs F. Leaf. George Hooper man- aged the games. Community Shower Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sherman were guests of their neice and her husband in Niagara Falls last week-end. The one bright spot in this farewell is that although their church membership is 'now at Markham, both Mrs. Spears and Nancy are remaining members of Brown's Corners W.M.S. and Nancy is still a CGIT leader. Wednesday evening commun- ity friends gathered at the re- creation room at Leitchcroft Farms to honour Margaret Hood. whose marriage to J. Brumwell takes place October 26 in Brown’s Corners church. The bride was showered with miscellaneous gifts. Hostesses were Misses Do- rothy Hood and Mary Gough, as- sisted by Mrs. James Hood and Mrs. Bob Hood. Trousseau Tea More than '70 friends and neigh- bours attended the trousseau tea for Miss Margaret Hood when her sister-in-law Mrs. Bill Hood entertained in her honour on Sat- urday afternoon of last week. Re- ceiving with Margaret and Mrs. Bill Hood was Mrs. James Hood, another sister-in-iaw. Asistants in the trousseau and gift rooms were Mrs. Bob Wood and Mrs. Keith Hood. Presiding over the attractive tea table were Mrs. H. ‘do-it-yourself" project at his home, is progressing well but at last report still did not know the extent of the damage done to his sight. Our best wishes for full recovery to these neighbors. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spears and Nancy were pleasantly surprised on Sunday evening of this week when they were guests of honor at a party which marked their membership withdrawal from Brown's Corners United Church. Mr. Spears served on the church board for many years and they have lived in this community for 38 years. Our best wishes go with them to their new home and church home in Markham. R. Paterson and Mrs. Harry Boadway. aunts of the bride, and Mrs. John Donaldson, aunt of the groom. John Brumwell. Also as- sisting in the tea room were Mrs. Doreen Wilson and Mrs. Beth Burrows WJ. Meets Buttonville W. I. members met Thursday evening with Girls’ Club members supplying the pro- ”.ram. Roll call we: - ‘Rrina a Club members supplying the pro- firam. Roll call was - ‘Bring a friend” and many.memhers res- ponded. Girls' Club members pre- sent were Elisabeth Barker, Mar- aaret “Brodie Joarn Curtis and Cora Brodie. Elisabeth and Mar- garet demonstrated the packing of a week-end bag. Joan and Mar- garet sang a duet with Cora Bro- die accompanying and Cora Bro- die gave an interesting resume of the girls' work and aims. and ex- plained the various phases of their program. Tea was served by the hostesses. Mrs. Adam Brown and Mrs. Charles Hooper who substituted for Mrs. Ward who was ill. STEEL LINTELS l BEAMS STEEL FABRICATING To Customer Specifi- cations FINDER BROS.LTD. Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 Brotherhood Meeting The newly formed Brotherhood ox Anglican Churchmen held its regular meeting Monday evening, at the home of Mr. Stan Leno. The chief purpose of the meet- ing was the election of officers. The slate of officers for this year is as follows- President. Mr. Miles Vokes; vice-president, Mr. Stone: Secretary-Treasurer. :vlr. Lyle Boyle. The next meeting will be in the form of a church dinner in be held on November 11. A guest speaker will be present. L‘asa Loma a very enjovable afternoon Congratulations On Friday afternoon. October 18, the Optimist Club of Toronto neld a euchxo. party at Casa Lo- ma. Local ladies enjoying an at- ternoon of cards were; Mrs. E. Ball, Mrs. J. Hall, Mrs. Darrell Goulding, Mrs. R. Williams, Mrs. E. Gamble. Mrs. Ross Kerwin, Mrs. Ivan Peterson. Mrs. A. Mc Fee. Mrs. E. R. Jackson. Mrs. R. Williams won a fur storage voucher for 1958 All the ladies were presented wiLh varied plastic gift bags as mementos of To a former resident Mrs. Carrie Threlfall. who completed l‘er nursing course. and is now a Icertified nurses' assistant. Here’s wishing the. very best to a wonderful person. Baptism ‘ ( Shirley Burnett, inféht dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. i‘Norman Burnett. 'wa~ given the sacra- ment of Baptism on Sunday, Oc- tober 20, in Richmond Hill Un- ited Church. Mothers’ Auxiliary Last Tuesday evening, October 15th, the first Jefferson Brownies Auxiliary held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Ivan Petersen. Many things were under discus- sion. At the close of the meeting our hostess served tea. ' lnniVersaries The Community Club is some- thing deserves everyone’s support. ll is through this club that many wonderful things have been bought to benefit our school chil- dren. The chief goalfor this year is a set of Compton’s Encyclope- dia for Children. Every child at- tending school now and in the future will benefit by these books. Another means of support for ths Club is our annual apron and bake sale. Tea will be served. In conjunction with the sale will be the school bazaar. All lhiS to be at Jefferson School. We ask ev- eryone to come and help our youngsters help themselves to a better educatlon and uncerstand- ing. Please see notice in Coming Evnts. Square Dance Heartiest congratulatons to the following couples on the occas- ion of their wedding anniver- saries: Mr. and Mrs. E. Hall on October 24; Mr. and. Mrs. H. Hal- lgren on October 22; Mr. and Mrs. C. Ratchford, 12 years, on October 24. Community Club Come October 30. a super time is expected when the Commun- ity Club holds its regular mon- thly meeting The hostess will be Mrs. A. McFee, Gamble ’Side- road west. This occasion is to be a masquerade and great fun is anticipated. Everyone welcome. Evryone bring your aprons. The square dance held at Jef- ferson School on Frday evening pvas enjoyed by all attending. Ehere were three squares and a few extra couples. With Carson Whalen calling it is plain that laughter was king. Recoyeries “Ofd Man Flu" lost another three battles this past week but gained new adversaries. The win- ners were Billy and Jackie Hall and David Robertson. A3 of Monday there were 56 absentees from the school. ‘ Monday Nighters Club The home of Mrs. Darrell Goulding sang with laughter and chit-chat last evening when she was hostess to the Monuay nigh- tnrs euchre club. Prize-winners were Mrs. Ivan Petersen, Mrs. A. McFee and Mrs. Jack Hall. Neighbourhood Notes Saturday “as a wonderful day for the crew at Turmoil Manor. The proprietors of same, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ratchford, had visitors from Holland for sup- per and a surprise weiner roast later in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Nisser of Amsterdam, Holland were the guest: of hon- Or. Added guests for the weiner roast were: Bob and Bill Barrow, Brian and Rhonda Ford. Gail Hallgren and Miss Neta Bridge, of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson visited' Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hughes in Port Colborne. While David continued on to Chicago where he will have further stud- ies. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and their daughter-inâ€"law went on to the Alleghany State Fur. Re- ports of the autumn scenery are all in the superlative class. Mr and Mrs. Ernie Ball spent the weekend at their cottage at Crystal Lake. Storage and. clos- ing up were the order of work. Regrets young men. langing in age from 17 to 40, are interested. a Pro- vost Corps ’Reserve) \vi'l be re- cruted in Aurora. This unit will be trained in criminal investigaâ€" tion, traffic control, and driving of all types of armoured vehc- les. Married men will aleo be ac- cepted and the only requirement is that those applying to join is ’that those applying 7 to joir must pass a physical examination Friends and neighbors will re- gret to hear that Mrs. E. Gam- ble is down wth the flu. Hurry up and get better, 'Vi. we miss you. ~ The October eetrg of St. John's Women’s Axaxiliary after- noon branch, was heio at the home of Mrs. Oliver Boyle, Thorn hill. The members brought in their thankoflering boxes. It “as the pleasure of the meeting to have a report from Mrs. S. C. Snively on the annual meeting of the Dominion Board in Cadgary, AURORA ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Correspondent: The Evening Branch 0! the Woman's Auxiliary of St. John's Anglican Church TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1534 roviding more from Pro- e re- whch took place a month ago. Mrs. Snively referred to the ser- vice of Holy Communion in the beautful Church of the Redeem- er and to the marvellous hospi- tality evidenced in Calgary. The address was by the Rev. R. H. Waterman, his text “God's giving and Ours", in which Bishop Wat- erman indicated that in each of us God has set up a trust comâ€" pany in wh'ch he invested and to which he has entrusted cerâ€" tain abilities and for which he as owner holds us responsible to 1m. There's not a safer anti-freeze in the whole wide world than PERMA-FILL. Made exclusively for Canadian Tire by the largest manufacturer of Ethylene Glycol, PERMA-FlLL stands HEAT as well as COLD-â€" gives complete all-weatherisecurity. PERMA-FM. gives more protection than you‘ll ever needâ€"100% Approved Ethylene-Glycol with special cooling sys- tem conditioners to prevent rust, corrosion, clogging and foaming. Harmless to gaskets and car finishes; actually lengthens radiator hase life and lubricates the water pump. Safe all the way down to 62° below zero. Use with any thermostatâ€"never needs testingâ€"stays at full strength. Fill up now with PERMA-FILL 100% Approved Ethylene Glycolâ€" WITH COOLING SYSTEM CONDITIONER ANTI-FREEZE TESTER THERMOSTMSâ€" mm RADIATOR H03Eâ€" Hm â€" Pu! Into gas tank- RAD. â€" Removes ms! 0 RAD. â€" Seals leaks p4 -â€" Save up to 50%. WATER PUMP LUBRICANT WATER PUMP HEAVY DUTY EXCHANGE HEATER HOSE Io nplan original oqulpmanl â€"- a] Nice: lhal save up no 40%. A: low as 4.15 SAFEST FOR YOUR CAR PERMA-FILL GALLON l2.79 THE LIBERAL}, Richmona Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 24, 1957 â€" Pu! Into gas tank â€" Provenn gas-"no freeze-ups â€" Save up to 50%. Original equlpmen' qualily. Mon. .. â€"- Removes rust and scale safely ham clogged rad -â€" Seals leaks permanently, prevenls arm-freeze In" ... n ...: %' diam. Par H. . - - IL... morn. H. ... inm‘ Spray this tough plastic coating on your ignition system. Seal out rain and condensation; protect against stalling and hard starting. 6-02. bomb. ;; I â€" Heavy duly, cu! lo longfh or moulded. A: low Original equipment quality; most popular can. From. .4 nun-"I7 IBIIITIOII SPRAY QUART â€" Stops .....l6 .74 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service BA. 1-8000 25 Yonge St. N. RICHMOND mu. TUrner 4-1 196 FRANK PASSER Accurulely lost: all lypps of anvl-froau squeckz. Add to anIl-lrooxo 6-voh ,wvanlblo ro- plazemonl typo. long- lift. 7.10 3.19 HEATER MOTOR Full-strength Regular-Grade Ethylene Glycolr-d a bargain price. Special inhibitors guard again! rust and carrasion. Permanent anti-freeze protection keeps your car safe all winter long. Equal to many of the best known brands selling at much higher prices. Sold only in sealed containers. R. R. 1 Willowdale All-WINTER PROTECTIBN POLAR BRAND GALLON 9.49 Mole-Master “SUPER” Full Strength Regular Grade Ethylene Glycolâ€" PRICED FOR BIG SAVINGS 25-". heavy wcdhot- prool cable. RD- lledor guard, hum- In switch. EXTENSION STEERING LAMP SET WHEEL GOVEI 15 Jl QUART .54 Concentrated Methyl-Hyd- raie baseâ€"blended with special corrosion and rust inhibitors; evaporaflon ro- torded. Allows efficienl car hemer operaiion. Put in anvi-freeze now. ........ u .55 1.10 Yak“ rho dul ‘ lb. nuns: wind. 1 (GA QUART MA. 1313 .67 I GALLON n. .44 .36

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