Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Oct 1957, p. 13

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L Sanitary Con tractor SAT., OCT 26 â€" Auction sale of household furniture, Chesterfield, frigldalre. electric stove dishes, pots. hoes, rakes .etc.. the propâ€" terty of Armrn W. Tripp. 429 Pa]- ifier Crescent North. Richmond Hill. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. Gordon Phillips, aucuoreer. WED.. OCT 23 â€" Complete dis- persal of the Registered Holstein dairy herd (vaccinated and ac- credited), 2 tractors manure spreader, side rake, cutting box. lsced drlll, mllker, grain, baled hay and straw at Willowdale Farm. located at Lot 5. Con. 10, Markham Township (1%. miles south of Hy. No. 7 â€"â€" 1 mile east). i The property of Gordon C. Dm- ma. NOTE: This is one of the oldest; established holstr-in herds in York County. Farm sold. no reserve. Faulkner & Woods. clerks. Sale 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. W. D Atkinson. bale mgr. md auctioneer. c2w15 "FRI., OCT. 25 â€"- Auction sale of household iurnture, washing maâ€" chine. Gilson 'i-burner essotane gas range good condition. antique bed, dishes cooking utensils. gar- Men equipment. In the Village of Gormley at Lot 1. Con. 3 Whit- church Estate of the Late Walter Newns. No reserve. Terms cash, .Sale at 1.30 D.S.T. A. S‘ Farmer, auctioneer .phone Gormiey 5311. SAT., OCT. ?6 â€"_ Important auc-‘ tion sale of )8 head of registered and grade Holstein cattle, in-l c ding fresh cows, spriLgers and mi kers, 3 hull calves, 2 Surge‘ Mllker units. At west half Lot1 15, Con. 2 Vaughan Township. at1 Glen Helen Farm. 1%. miles south of Richmond HIL. west of ionge St.. between Bathurst and Dufferln. The above cattle are all bred to Maple Sires, also un- der the Dairyiflerd Improve- "nlent Association and vdrcinated. The above are a nlce herd. No reserve. Giving up milk business due to conversion. Sale at 2 p. m. D.S.T. Terms cash. Lloyd rturner, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer, Gormley, auctioneer, phone Gormley 5311. of horses, milking machine and cooler. also mixed gram. On lot 22 Broken Front. Pickering Twp. or Liverpool Road South. 2 miles west of Pickering Vll‘age, 1 mile south of Kingslon Road. (Frenchman’s Bay. Property of R. W. Beldson. Sale ul 2 pm. D.S.T. sharp. Terms cash. No re- serve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. FRI., OCT. 25 â€" Complete dis~ persal of the Registered Hol- stein herd (vaccinated and ac- credited 1938). Herd classified on selective registration, including fresh cows. springers. hred heif~ ers. also Surge milker pump, pipe line (cpt.) at Cashe Acres Farm, located at lot 7 Con. 6, ,Vaughan Township tits mile west of Hy. 400 and 1/. mile north of Hy. No. 7. 2 miles east of Woodbritige). The property of the estate of the. late Robert Wat- son. NOTE: This herd is on 'R.0. D. testing. Write to owner for catalogues. Carl Boynton on ped- igrees, terms cash. sale 2 pm. W. D. Atkinson, sale mgr. and auctioneer. c3w15 SAT. OCT. 26 -â€" Important auc- tion sale of 38 head of register- e‘d, accredited herd of Jarsey cat- tl_e._Dlon threshing machine, span WED. OCT. 30 â€" Auction sale oi Holstein dairy herd consist- ing of fresh cows calves by side, springer-s (vaccinated and TB. tested), new Surge milker, 15-can milk cooler the property of Al- bert Brown. at lot 27. Con. 10, Markham Twp. (1% mixes south or Stouf’fville.) NOTE? Bulk stor- age is reason for selling. Sale at C. STUNDEN RICHMOND BILL TU Drains Cleaned & Repaired and Decorizting FREE ESTIMATES A. Lavoie. TU. 4-3131 1957 Mayfair 4-dr. Sedan, fully equipped, demonstrator 1957'Dodge 116 Express Truck, new 1954 Plymouth Suburban . : :D 133” 1953 Dodge Regent 4-dr‘ Sedan $1025 1953 Plymouth 4-dr. Sedan 1953 Ford 2-dr. Coach . . . . . A . 1.953 Austin A 70 Sedan . DODGE & DeSOTO DEAUER - DODGE TRUCKS OAK RIDGES PHONE PR. 36481 Sales Dept. open Mon., Wed.. Fri. until 9 p.m. Septic Tanks Pumped Connor 8. McQuarrie Motors DEPENDABLE Used Cars Elgin Mills P.0. Sale Registers Painting TU. 4-1245 with overdrive *2w16 SAT.. NOV. 9 â€" Auction sale of valuable real estate, apartment dwellings with store front. all cnnvenlences oil heatinc. at Mill- lken, Ontario. on Kennedy Rd., also household furniture, new el- ectric refrigerator, near new tel- evision set. good china. dishes odd dishes, glassware. garage tools and equipment, puts, pans, etc. Real estate sold subject to a reserve bid. Househo‘d goods and other articles terms cash. No reserve. Property belonging to the Estate of the Late Mrs. Will- iam A. Timbers. Sale at 2 pm. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice, auction- eers. SAT., NOV. 2. - "ition sale of desirable house and 10‘ house- hold furniture. new electric vac- uum cleaner, washing machine. antique articles, dishes glass- ware, utensils, quilts, rugs, car- penter and garden tools lumber, etc.. at 11 Machell Street, in Au- rora. Property of Herbert Armi- tage. Terms cash, no reserve. on household articles. Property will be sold subject to reserve bid. See sale bills for termw Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WED. NOV 6 â€"â€" Auction sale of household furniture. piano, sew- ing machine, one heavy duty bi- cycle, and another man‘s bicycle, electric paint sprayer, 2 English- made heavy duty air rifles. elec- tric stove, odd tools, dishes. etc, at Prentice“ Auction Rooms, Franklin House. Markhvm. Ont. Property belonging to the es- tate of the late Harvey Wideman, estate of R. MacPheison, and property of John Sewellu Sale it 1.30’p.m. Terms cash No re- serve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. THURS, OCT. 31 â€"- Auction sale of Holstein dairy herd. 2 trac- tors. 1955 $4 ton pick-up with racks (like new, used only for farm). Gehi hammermzil (new), power mower, tractor spreader, Case bale elevator (newi rubber tired wagon (new). autmsteering Case 17T, hy duty cultivator (like new), Case 15M fertilizer drill (new). front-end loader (new 3 months), double disc, 18" blades (like new),'3F tractor plow on rubber (new). bulldozer blade (new), circular saw. Surge milk- er. 2000 bales hay. 1000 bales siraw, fat pigs, sows with litters. cofl corn. etc., the property of "Farb Farm". located at lot 2, concession 4, Whitchurch Twp., or Don Mills Rd., 1/4 mile north of Gormley Note: These imple- ments are all like new. bought in the last two years. Farm renting. 1V0 reserve. Terms: cash. Sale at 1 pm. Faulkner & Woods. clerks. W D. Atkinson, sale mgr. and auctioneer. 03w15 2 pm. Terms: cash. Faulkner 5; Woods clerks. W. D. Atkinson, sale mgr. undiagct-lopeez c3w15 I, William Claude Fraz- er. Leitchroft Farms, Thornhill P.0., Ontario, will not be responsible for any debts contract- ed in my name from this date, without my writ- ten consent. NOTICE NEW SCIENTIFIC ' METHOD CHECKED ELECTRONIC ALLY, COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE CALL TUrner 4-3614 Piano Tuning $1550 $995 $995 $595 Leonard R. 03 llouvlew Ave. TU. c-uzs Richmond Hill Building T rad e s RICHMOND HILL Ambulance Service (R. J. CUNDY) 24 HOUR SERVICE Clubine 8: Alexander BICHVALE. ONTARIO King 294 P L A S T E R l N G CONTRACTURS Deciantis - Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repairs_ & Alterations Drain & Concrete Work CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AV. 5-8741 3. COM. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TELEPHONE AURORA PArkvlew 7-4512 "Red Sea! Wiring” stove 8; Refrigerator Repairs Oil Burner Servir'e RON SCOTT W. J. Smith & Son Paper Hanging Spray Painting Painting Speculative or Custom Home: or General Repair: TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill Suite 2, 81 Yonge St. N Richmond Hill 26 King st. W.. Toronto AMBULANCE TU. 4 - 3591 Interior and Exterior Phone AV. 5-453! 818 Oak Ave” Richvale RES. TU. 4-2244 368 KERRYBROOK Interior and Exterior For satisfactionâ€"wall a craftsman. Accountants PAIN TIN G - PAPERHAN GIN G Philip Swan 594 or AV. 5-2736 FREE ESTIMATES HERRIDGE G. Chassie BUILDER ELECTRIC AV. 5-4411 TU. 4-3211 TU. 4-1483 CONSULT THE HOME PAPER FOR YOUR EVERY NEED Residence Phone Rosenberg PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECIORY BUILDINB TRADES (continued) Doris I. Pollock TEACHER 0F BALLET Limited ciasses assure your child individual attention. AV. 5-1318 19~Grandview Avenue, Willowdale Highland Park Subdivision Building Trade 5 H; D. Melsness, D.C. X-RAY cor. Windhurst Gate 8; Bafiew (1 block south Bayvlew Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 Ballet- Tap - Baton MRS. SI LVIA GARSON directress 428 South Fernleigh Circle, Richmond Hill TL. 4-3802 Dr. W. .1. Mason DENTIST 55A YONG] ST. SOUTH TUmer 4-1511 Richmond Hill Dr. P. R. Macfarlane DENTIST Office TU. 4-3571 RICHMOND HILL Funeral Directors For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge St. District 4518 Yonge St. ( at St. Clements! Telephone MAyiair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett. John R. Kane, 0.0. 9 CLARKE AVE. THORNHILL BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3451 WRIGHT AND TAYLOR . Funeral Directors General Business FOR THE BEST. BETTER THAN THE REST Arthur G. Broad, Dr. J. Perdicaris Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST . Gas Extractions 78 YONGE ST S.. RICHMOND HILL CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE Paperhanging SIGN PAINTER DECORATOR PAINTER MEDICAL-DENTAL 21 Bedlord Park Ave. Richmond Ell] TUrnar 4-2062' By Appointment TUrner 4-1311 Chiropractic ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS BILL WEGMAN A’v. 5-4131 Gas Extractions 50 Yonge St. North TU. 4-1177 DANCING By Appointment DENTAL Richmond Hill ‘l‘Urner 4â€"1462 Phone Res. TU. 4-1932 (evenings) TUFner 4-1701 Blehmonll um Willowdale Plumbing QUALITY 8: SERVICE New Work - Repairs Alterations Call us for prompt attention to all your plumbing prob lems - AV. 5- 2090 23 Grandview Ava. SCHOOL DAYS: Leave Maple 7.15 am. Leave Richmond Hill 9.15 an. Leavé Maple 3.30 pm. Leave Richmond Hill 6 pm. General Business FROM â€"- THE BASEMENT TO THE ROOF House Repairs & Alterations J. M. CANNON Sr. Oxford St, Richmond Hill TU. 4-1810 SALES - SERVICE Richmond um Wine: 4412; Carrier Service For Weekly Delivery of The Liberal Now available in Beverley Acres, Richmond Acres, Al- lancourt, Glenbrae and Pleas- antville Subdivisions SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill For service telephbne your Carrier Boy or THE LIBERAL Charles Matthews * House raising * Foundations * Alteration Work Telephone Day CH. 4-7021 * House Moving J l d Evenings CHerry 1-1220l Langdon’s Coat-h Lines Ltd. Lawn 8: Garden Equipment Colchel For All Ooqulou Telephone King 56 E. CHARITY . SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop '13 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2132 STEAMFITTING WELDING Buildings Moved A Yard or a Mile OSTVIK PROFESSIONAL . SERVICE RADIO TELEVIS!ON HIGH-FIDEUTY AV. 5-1770 LAN GSTAFE TUrner 4-1105 (continued) Toronto Ernie Brock & Son General Insurance J. Roy Herrington Telephone 11 Map|e, Ont. Corner Agency lelted Insurance - Mortgages - Fire Auto - Liability The Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg. AURORA Telephone : PA. 7-5052 PA. 7-5046 EM. 4-3652 LE. 2-1226 GENERAL INSURANCE Life. Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hall, Accident and Sickness, Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 Fire. Automobile, Plate Glass. Automobile Financing. eta. Office 5545 Yonge St. South Bésidence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill TU. #1219 Richmond Hill Barrister. Solicitor. Ind Hour! Public Aurora, untarlo Telephone: Aurora Office PA. 7-5052 Residence. Aurora. PA. 7-5046 Toronto Office EM. 4-3652 Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC - CON VEYAN CER GENERAL INSURANCE Floyd E. Corner, Q-C- Buflster. Solicitor. Notary Public 93 Yonge Street Richmond [-111] hex-y Thursday afternoon TUrner 4-1551 Richmom. 811] Toronto Oflice â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 85 Centre W Evenings 7.00 to 9.00 Saturdays 10 am. to 5 pm. TU. 443676 Bayview Plaza Shopping Centre, Richmond Hill. Miller and Brodey THORNHILL 1A Colborne W. AVenu" 5-1477 Stiver, Vale Peppiatt, Errington Jack Walkington BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Plaxton & Deane BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS N OTARIES K. M. R. Stiver. Q.C. Joseph Vale, Q.C. J. M. Peppiatt B.A. William Errington, B. Com. (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. TUrner 4-1551 Stuart P. Parker BARBISTEB. SOLICITOK HOTM! PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Barristers, Solicitors, and Notaries Toronto. 67 Yonge Street, EM. 4-0479 Complete Insurance Service 24 Adelaide St. W. Barrister, Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL THOBNHILL Richmond Hill Oflico TUrner 4-2071 Thomhill Ofiice AV. 5-1195? T. C. Newman 195A MAIN ST. TW. 5-4571. Nematket. Ont. 25 Grandview AV.- Thornhill Roy V. Bick AV enue 5-1379 Insurance Legal THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 24, 1957 EM. 3-0311 TUrner 4-1543 J. Rabinowitch, BA. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public Barristers, Solicitors. etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Wlllh 85 Richmond Street West EM. 6-8929 Thursday afternoon. Maple TELEPHONE MAPLE 269 James H. Timmins Dr. Cameron Cowan I, appointment 22 Cenm St. E. Richmond Ell] 01m. TUrner 4-1271 Residence TUrner (-1303 2 Morgan Ave., Stop 14A OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday 1 pm. - 3 mm Evenings: Monday to Thursday. 6 pm. - 8 pm. by appointment Thornhlll AV. 6-1311 (By Appointment) Medical Centre. Bayview Plaza Richmond Hill, Ont. Office 8: Residence TU. 4-4040 THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 By appointment and evenings BY APPOINTMENT 31 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Northern Bldg. ' Office: TUrner 4-3121 22 Centre St. 8. Richmond am By appolfitment TUrner +1422 Dr. Jas. R. Langstaff Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith Stop 20A AV. 5-3634 By Appointment Richmond Hill & District Unit For information call Richmond Hill TU. 4-1494 Thornnill AV. 5-1603 Maple AV. 5-2908 Unionville 239 TU. 4-3266 Barrister, Solicitor a: No“ Public 55 Yonge St. South menmonc Hill. Ontario Oflice TUrnet 4-1780 Residence TUrnet 4-1883 Office Hours; 9.30-5 Ind by appointment Walsh and Walsh Dr. E. A. Crawford Norman A. Todd, Dr. G. N. Norheim Richvale-Langstafl? V Obstetrician a Gynecologist By Appointment 363 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1008 (1 Block west of Bayview) Frank L. Walsh Evenings by appointment TU. 4-3445 Dr. J. P. Wilson 65 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2084 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 Dr. Leon Bloom CANADIAN CAN CER SOCIETY Dr. R. S. Ideson Toronto: Empire 6-2507 17 Elizabeth St. North Dr. D. B. Robson Dr. Victor Zuck Dr. R. J. Steele Barrister & Solicitor (Legal Continued) By Appointment Phone AV. 5-2621 RICHMOND HILL By apnomlmen‘ 50 Yonge St. N. 350 Bay Street Medical Notary Public TUrner 4-1154 Legal THORNHILL Yonge St. Honour Vellore League Banquet The successful five team or- ganization of South Vaughan Men’s League this year were re- warded with a big tuzkey ban- quet held at Maple Community Hall on Saturday. October 12. One hundred ball players ac- companied by their wives, and 17 league executives were present. Softball fans from Vellore. Pine Grove Hope, Clahville, and Concord attended. The banquet was a huge suc- cess and paid tribute to the won- derful community spin: of all the teams entered in the league3 The pleasant surroundings of Maple Hall provided a fine set- ting for an excellent turkey din- ner. The Woman's Missionary Society of Teston did a fine Job of catering. The Reverend Mr. Bowman asked the blessing and Mrs. Tom Taylor, wife of the league presi- ident was presented with a bou- quet of flowers. Guest Speaker The guest speaker was Mr. William Babcock, Ath-etic Dir- ector of Richmond Hill High School and the topic was sports- manship. The South Vaughan League Trophy was presented to Mr. All Roberts. coach of the winnln yellore team. which allminate Pine Grove In the finalsimfiééfi player on the Vellore team was presented with championship crests. The lucky draw which was held in support of the teams. provided such major prizes as a record player, movie camera and. 50 gallons of gasoline. Bowling Bob Ross led the men bowlers on Friday night with a total score of 801 High lady, Barbara Lambert had a 583. Ladies’ high scores: Helen Wa- ters 208. Kay Kirk 206. 200, Barb Lambert 217 High men.- Al Blackburn 238. 247, 210, Don Lawrie 206, Floyd Perkins 205. 273, 213, Ross Case- ment 207. 220. Bud Hambly 215. 251. Jack Kirk 208, 221. 8111 Turner 216. 297. Bob Littleford 202i 284. Bo_b Smjth 7299, Herb helf 253, Russ Brilllnger 280. 268. Don Fettes 303, 209, Bill Smith 285, 300. Bob Ross 211. 289, 301, Jack Waters 205, Ken Flynn 203, 233, 201,. Earl Lam- bert 215, 210, Brock Cook 229, nnn Team standing: Tens 33, Ace: 31, Jacks 26, Sevens 22, Joker- 16, Kings 16, Queens 13. Deuces 11. 202 428 S. Fernlelgh Circle Richmond Hill TU. 4-8808 Eyes Examined - Glass” Fitted LANGSTAFF BUILDING 54) YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUmer 4-3962 .Monday â€"â€" 9.30 - 5.30 Wednesday â€" 9.30 - 12.00 Friday - 9.30 - 8.30 Home Office LE. 3-1739 A. W. Kirchén. R.0. Telephone 147 Yonge St. N. TUmer 4â€"1432 Richmond Hill REAL ESTATE BROKER 50 YONGE STREET NORTH. RICHMOND HILL AVenue 5-1472 8: TUrner (-2851 Richmond Hill - R. H. Kane, TU. 4-1671 Bolton â€" H. C. Bradley 189 or 179.] King â€" D. S. Simpson 264 Uxbrldge â€" J. P. McDonald Uxbridge 526 Dr. W. Allan Ripley Ontario Land Surveyors 130 Willowdale Ave.. Willowdlle. Ont" BA. 5-3031 .Res. George T. Yates. O.L.S... 53 Bedford Park Avenue, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2941 Marguerite Boyle PIANO, VOICE & THEORY Preparatory for conservatory examinations leulA 97¢ Elocuuon. Public Spam. Platlorm Department Dramatic Art "BOMEWOOD HALL" Thornhlll Yates & M cEwen FRIDAY NIGHT CARDS VETERINARY SURGEON Optometry Real Estate Jack Seaton Surveyofs Veterinary Musical A.D.C.M. 'ardon

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