Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Oct 1957, p. 4

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is up to the parehtsnto EEK {6 their childrgn and provide them Miss Helen Armstrorg. Chil- dren's Librarian at the George H; Locke Memorial Library, was the guest speaker. Miss Arm- strong stated that children have their own tastes ,though not as varied as an adults. when it comes to a choice of hooks. It gs 9p §o_the parents to read to On Octobzr 26th, the Art Su- pervisor. will be decorating six of_t_l]e slgrgs in >the village. '-"'On October 17th. the Thornhill 'Home and School Arsociation held their second meeting of the ye'ar. nu. narrmgton welcomed the members and guestc It was announced that the Scnool Area. Board would be holding an open meeting on October 24th, to which me home and school ex~ enutivr‘ members in the aria are Invited. Mrs; Jean Smith, the ’l'norhhill representative on the V’ork-Simcoe Council announced that the council would be con- ducting'a study group in No- vember. to help its members learn to speak more easily in public. DATED at the Township of Mark- ham this 23rd day of Octobr, 1957. All persons interested are request- ed to take note and be goverend accord- ingly. ‘ Notice is hereby given that the the Court of Revision of the Township of Markham will convene at the Coun- cil chambers, Buttonville, Ontario. on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 5 and 6, 1.957, at 10:00 o’clock in the fore- noon, to hear and adjudicate upon ap- peals against the Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Township of Markham for the year 1958. Township of Markham AV. 5-1337 Children Have Their Own Tastes In Books States Librarian .SHELTON-MANSELL MOTORS Test Drive the Your North York English Car Dealer Thornhil! and istrict News 1 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, October 94, 1957 Hullman AT 6418 YONGE ST. AT STEELES AVENUE WHO SPENDS ? I958 Austin M.G. Morris Court 9! Revision H. C. T. Crisp, Clerk, Township of Markham LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOOUE HAMILTON BRANTFORO TORONTO STEEL COMPANY OF cANAfiA Canadians can help themselves. and the men and women they have elected to office. only if they re- member that governments have no funds except the taxes they take from each of us. Very often such expenditures are enthusiastically approved, because each of us seems to think it is some other person‘s tax money which is being spent, so lavisth. WHEN new federal buildings, or new highway‘s with elaborate clover-leafs, or new city halls are constructed, they must be built with the taxpayers' money. Quality Used Cars TELEPHONE AV. 5-3555 Thornhill Public School won the trophy tor the higntst score on Field Day. and Gloria Hur- worth won the Senior Girls' Championship. Mrs. Ateheson’s Grade Two won the a-tendance prize. Mrs. Neal is to ne guest speaker on November let at the back of the room and after the meeting the parents were able to see for themselves just what a wealth of literature is available for the children. Miss Armstrong read exerpts from a few children's nooks â€" a book tor each age group had bsen chosen - the chizd is left to read the whole book after a brief introduction to it. An ex- tensive bookrdisplay was set up child’s intellect as we would his own and puts a book in the way for the child's own pelusal. The writing of child’s booxs is as much an art as for adults. dren on ther own will do the rest. Sixty percent of tne books circulated from the Bo-.kmobiles are children’s A grown up is not far wrong when he treats a with suitable books -â€" the chil- THE AV. 5~1393 The Liberal ls always pleased to publish Items of Interest contributed by its readers In the Thornhlll area . . . .4 our representatlve 1n Thornth in Mrs. Donald Smellie. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-3555. From three o’clock ii the af- ternoon last Thursday when Councillor Mrs. Kathleen James of Markham Township opened the bazaar explaining wi‘h a few well-chosen words about Thorn- haven School for Retarded ("1“- r'lren which it was to benefit, un- til Jack Dennet, wellâ€"known raâ€" dio personality, drew the last Large Crowd At The Thornhaven Bazaar Mr. Percy Bone was in good form when he demonstrated a number of flower arrangements to the members of the I‘hornhill Horticultural Society a: the OC- itober Meeting, making excellent use of many garden flowers from his own garden supplemented with a few hot house for certain arrangements. Mr. Bone makes it appear quite simple as he works and talks on the very necessary accessories required for floral pieces for use in the home, time and again rounds of applause were given after the completion of the centre pieces.‘ Mr. Bone is one of the outstand- ing members of the Society. Flower Arrangements Feature 0f Horticultural October Show ,v--.. Rev. Calvin Chambers was the guest speaker at the Fall Con- ference of the Inter-School Christian Fellowship held at the Madsen Folk'School in Markham The October meeting of the WA. was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Kent, Thornbank Rd. The president, Mrs. H. E11- am was in charge of the meeting. The devotional was taken by Mrs. ‘W. Smook. Following a short business meeting, Mrs. Kent showed coloured slides on her recent trip to Florida and Nas- sau, after which refreshments were served by the hostess. The vaember meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Raeburn and will be the annual electonsof of-‘ ficers. Presbyterian Church News [ Holy Trinity girls will be hos- tesses for all the groups in the Archdeacom‘y of Scarborough on November 3. The evensong ser- vice will be partly conducted by GA. members and the WA. will provide refxeshments after the service. Baptist Church News Plans and preparation? for the coming Penny Fair in December were discussed. also the invita- tion to a Hallowe’en Party at St. Mary's Anglican Church in Rich- mond Hill‘on October 28. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Wally Crouter have returned from a trip to Nassau in the Bahamas. Holy Trinity Church At the regular weekly meeting 10f the Girls Auxiliary the .fol- lawlng members were elected as ufiicers for the coming year: president Jane Redman, vice president, Beverly Byford, record- ing secretary Elaine Jones. trea- surer Eleanor Taylor, corres- ponding secretary Louise Lang-‘ man and refreshment oonvenor Audrey Simcoe. Mrs. C. P. Johns, Yongg St.. has returned from a three weeks trip down the Mississippz to New Orleans. Socials Thornhill Non; bride doll. J‘udy' land Park. The movirg spirit behind this second annual. bazar by the 'l‘hornhill and District Associa- tion for Retarded Chitdren was 'Mrs. L. T. Redman, who as con- venor carried the responsibility for its outstanding success. Quietly, graciously and efficient- ly she co-ordinated the efforts of her hard-\votking corps of help- ers during months of preparation and tirelessly filled the inevitable gaps in her competent and good- l‘umored “'95. The association also considered itself very for- tunate in being allowed the use of the Farmers’ Market at no charge. in itself a considerable contribution to the day‘s success.i And it is very appreciative of the‘ splendid response of the gamer-l ai public to its endeavour to raise‘ funds for Thornhaven School. Winners of the draw announ- ced by A R. Michell Associa- UOl‘l President, were as follows: electric drier, Edith Troyer, of Thorold; steam iron. W Brown. T-Iaple, electric frying pan, Vic Parisi, Richmond Hill; electric kettle, Mrs. S. Beamish, Aurora: Lohlaw's food basket. Mrs.'M. .I,i\1.._rle ,_, nu. wuu their fathers. Everybody wanted his portrait done for 50¢: by Mrs. W. E. McDonald who kindly don- ated her Work. Everyone sat down to a cup of tea. And those present at 8 o’clock thoroughly enjoyed a lively performance by the Cross Txails Square Dancers of Toronto who seemed very glad to help the bazaar along though it meant missing one of their meetings to appear. Everything that ever appear- ed at a bazaar could doubtless be found. The :lemand emptied some stalls early, such as home bakâ€" ing and preserves, and people kept buying used clothing, pockâ€" et books, aprons, white elephants: candies, children’s wear, hand~ knit goods, linens. greetisg cards, toys and dolls' clothes, plants, popcorn and Thornhaven child- ren’s crafts. to say nothing of mysterious parcels from the par- cel post run by Thornhaven school children themselves â€" the children exhausted the fish pond and played penny pitch with Punk. r..n_ A”, out Farmers Market, Thomhill, en- joying the sights and buying up wares at a great rate. It seemed every one had braved the ’flu and rain to help put the bazaar across and have fun, not least of whom were local schonl child- ren who made a bee-line for the Market the moment school let mxf ticket at nine o’clock, happy and excited crowds thronged York Farmers Market, Thornhill, en- joying the sights and buying up wares at a great rate. It seemed every one had braved the 'flu and rain to help put the bazaar across and have fim, not least of uylnnw. ------ .. “u. uv n» ‘successful with fall flowers and ‘winter put-aways for house use. Mr. Kohler also is another of the Society’s good advisers on all garden matters. ~ The Flower show was a suc'- cess in spite of the damave caused by the early frosts. Seventy-four entries being received. Mr. T. Pherril] presided and Mr. J. Hanna with his show committee set Up the flownr nvhihfi- M are _V.v.., u rangements he created during the evening. Mr. Kohler rounded off the evening with his usual entertain- iLg way, that is all his own, on many “don’ts”_ if_y9u wish to be Draw prizes were donated by Mr. Bone from the_lqvely ar- e.a-.\....-._L, I, The Rev. Ernest Pugs.ey, a for- mer minister of Thornhill Unit- ed Church in the 30's was guest speaker Sunday in ce‘ebration of the church's 154th anniVer- sary. Special music was also ren- dered by the choir under the dir- ection of Mr. Rowland Pack. Patton. The group celeorated its 13th birthdpy. The president, Mrs. C. Anderson was m charge of the meeting. The guest speak- er, Miss Giola Kelly, secretary of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, gave the de- votional, and spoke on the mean- ing of an affiliated group. Miss hazel Welsh of Thornhill. the first president of the Fortnighters gave a very interesting talk of ‘the history of the group and its original purpose. This was follow- ed by a film “The Garden of Europe” which showed the flower industry of Aalsmeer, Holland. Refreshments of sandwiches and tea and a large birthday cake with candles were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. H. Stod- dart, Mrs. J. Arnott, Mrs. J. Boyd. Mrs. O. Wilson. Mrs. G. Patterson and Mrs. R. Pem‘ose. United Church News The Fortnighters of the Pres- byterian Church met Monday ev- Snipg aLthe home of Mrs. Earl The W.M.S held its fall Thank- ofi‘ering meeting Thursday of last week in the church hall. The president Mrs. P. Williamson led the meeting A very interesting film “Christian Work in Japan" was shown. There were 11 ladâ€" ‘ies present. The Young Adults met Sunday at 3.30 pm. in the church hall. The group has entered a program of a new series on the great world religions A film strip on "Hindu- ism was shown. followed by dis- cussion. Refreshments were ser- ted by the social convenor, Miss Nancy Cooper. Fortnighters Club over the week-end. The theme of the conference was "Who is Jesus.-" There were abo'ut 40 present. up the flotvierhégtfiibxs [. LerJBI Id’s bicycle Willowdalg: Thomhill Pharmacy C; E. Stoneburg Chemist & Druggist AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. Same Day BOB’S ESSO SERVTCE STATION CHASSIS LUBRICATION G: MINUR REPAIRS Yonge and Arnold AV. 5-0015 Thornh There will be a wee night camp this week patrol will be in char plying their own tra1 toMaple and their pr Last week'c hike was for three weeks, ho“ weekends jaunt will planned. till next week. It was announced that the troop has reached its desired number of buglers, however, there is still three drums left to be taken. The advance members are prog- ressing favourably and should be an inspiration to the beginners who started last Wednesday and practice is each Wednesday ev- nnnnn n.nn . A a» caning 8:30 to 9:30‘ till __ -v... .muuu. ' At approximately 5:30 a.m., » Saturday, October 19, in 35 - degree temperature Scouter Alf. Wille and Scout Hans Jandrasch, both of Concord arrived at the ‘ site of the troops apple day headâ€" ‘ quarters. By shortly after 6 a. m. ‘ enough of 2nd Thornhill’s hard- iest arrived and erection of,the big make shift tent wes begun. It was completed at about 7:30, at which time the boys warmed themselves with hot coma. After filling their gayly decorated basket with the reddest apples that this Scoutcr has seen on any apple day previous and were assigned to the Farmers' Market. The cubs commenced canvassing the streets at 9 a.m.. but be- cause' of the cold and the ’flu danger a good number of the cubs and scouts were absent and some of the routes on the list were cancelled. It was feared during the campaign, that the response would not exceed $150. This was not so, as the boys that were out made all their time count and all but made up for he shortage of manpower. as they collected $220. The most aggres- ive scout was a new scout, Terry Yuzwak. who was stationed at the Farmers' Market. Hot chocolate ‘was given to the boys while they were on assignment, to keep their spirits up and hands from freez- ing. An est.mated 50 boys all together took part, 30 less than was expected. Scouts Keith Jordon and Don Calvert, who missed selling apples but didn’t miss he cold weather, as they attem ted and com- pleted their first class journey. As usual the results of their ef- arts, that is whether they passed or failed, will not be known un~ AV. TV Repairs '5 - 41 3 8 Expert Drug Service Max Factor Cosmetics The standing in by Scouter Dave Barbour A.S.M. l On Friday night T. H. S . Sen- lor basketball team met Earl Haig’s senior basketball team and won by an easy margin 37-20. After the basketball game we had a well attended Red Feather Dance and the proceeds went to aid the retarded ch-ldren in Thornhill and area. During the evening Miss Red Feather was crowned. It was lovely Joan Hef- fron and her attendants were Mary Lou Fugler and Joan 1n--|__s Wee’kes‘ Prescription Service The JimiorV‘K“?footbaliyi’éam played Aurora and won with fly- i'lg colors - 37 - -0. Most of the students are back to school again after the ’flu, and we are getging‘halgk‘intp step. mL- JOHN'S TV SERVICE Thorn/till High School News On Mondzy night the Thorn- hilI District Lions Club enterâ€" tained the Thornhill Pee Wee Baseball Club at their regular meeting. Fifteen boys, their coach and manager sat down to dinner. Latex Bert Bram, man~ ager and . on Bagg, coach. intro» duced the team to the meeting. "he team played in the North York Baseball Association and later in the Ontario Baseball As~ socation playoffs. Along with Aurora they are the North York Champions in the Pee-Wee divis- ion. Guest speaker of the evening was Boh‘Prentice of the Toronto View-Master Reels 2r“! jéornAi// 5: will be a weekend over- Thomhill Vitamins K'c hike was postponed weeks, bpwever, this his weekend. Each in charge of sup~ own transportation ‘their provisions. the points Thornhifl go on as TO OUR THORNHILI. CUSTOMERS next week o~links regain the lead U for so long. They also gal greatest number of pain in: them the new honoul The patrol who finishes this week will win the contest, and a new one u competition is: Rattlesnakes 1,919 Bob-o-link 2,248; Nighthawk 1.365; xAntelope 1,937; Eagl'e 1.831; Otter 1,248; Beaver 1.552; Chipmunk 1618. Thus the Rahâ€" On Thursday at an assembly after school. the prize winners received their gifts. They were useful, including three camera sets, wrist watches, alarm clocks, two hockey tickets, a $5.00 cheque a rhinestone necklace. However, the campaign isr't over yet, and you still have time to order new subsciptions and renew your old magazines through this worth while campaign. On Saturday night, the grade twelve students held a weiner roast and dance at Dalzeil Pion- eer Park south of Edgely. The whole student body was invited and the proceeds were to aid the grade 12 United Nations trip to New York. Farm on Bayview No. 7 Highway. Winner of the draw was secretar Maple‘Leaf Baseball Club. He spoke to the boys. explaining some points in batting. catching and fielding. Besides giving some useful. hints, he answered many of their questions on base- ball. Zone Chairman Jim Clarke and a group of Rouge Hill Lions were also present. Plans were announced for the annual turkey shoot to be held on December 5. It will be held again this year at tho Ridnn' THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA couf grog/a CANADA. SAVINGS BONDS It's time to Buy vere announced for the u‘key shoot to be held 1ber 5. It will be held 5 year at the Ridout gayview Ave., north of I43 safe as ever, and with a higher rate of interest. of the Suit A Month secretary Fred Harry. Pl ; wno nnlshes on top rill win the current a new one will start For ififormation and application form see: J. ROY HERRINGTON TU.4-1551- also gained the of points mak- fihsmour patrol. â€"<3-‘- : Beavér 1.552; Thus the Bob- 1_ead they held * EXTRA usrmcs, a lime cosf, make u easier for people to find you: Please be sure lo check your dire changes and additions in the white YELLOW PAGESâ€"call our Business AT HOME!...Other members of the family and relatives, roomers or boarders would benefit from having their names listed in the telephone directory. Please be sure to check your direclory right away. For IN BUSINESS!. . . Use extra listings to show other firm names for your businessâ€"to associate your name and residence telephone number with your firm nama â€"or to show after~hour numbers for you and your key employees. Jackpot $375 THORNI'IIIJ. N E X T B l N G O WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER 30 ALL $10 GAMES EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 8 EM. FARMERS MARKET Sponsored by Thornhill lions Club Telephone TU. 4-1656 LAST WEEK 55 NUMBERS CALLED NEW WORK -â€" ALTERATIONS â€"-â€" REPAIRS Ross, Knowles & Co. Ltd. PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given no white page sectionâ€"or the Business Office without delay; 25 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Investment Dealers EM. 8-1701 ‘ 62 Crosby 'Ave. Richmond Hill

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