films, 760x15. tubeless. TU. 4- 1802. c1w19 ETTEN cow manure. $5.00 a load. AX. 3-5862. tfc19 FIRE €6RE'L‘NS made to order. Gormley 5445. c3w18 §Now FENCE, 9 r012. cheap. Maple 122. *1w18 MCCLARY rangette. Phone TU. 4-2635 after 5 o'clock. '1w19 CAR TRAILER. Large uox. new tires. $35.00. TU. 4-3597. *1w18 BOY’S OVercoat, size 8-10, good condition. TU. 4-3948. c1w19 hUNTING RIFLE for saie, $20. TUrner 4-1921. *1w19 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmorfd Hill BOYS’ skates and boots, size 12, Worn only once. Phone‘ after 4. TU. 4-2208. (:2le XMAS LAYAWA! Now available at Bryant Hard- ware, Richvele. AV. 5â€"3821‘ tch CHILD'S Scooter. 'in good con- dition. 106 Evahill C(gscent, Riv- iera Gardens. *1w19 FUR COAT. size 14, worn ï¬ve times. Brown coney. 399 Crosby Ave. or TU. 4-3419. clw19 EUR COAT, muskrat. size 16.‘ Freshly cleaned $55. Phone AV. 5-1009 evenings. clw19 GOWN, ice blue, strapless, ball- erina .‘ength, worn once, $25. size 16. PRospect 3-5269. c1v.'19 21" CONSOLE TV. new picture tube. Like new. AV. 5-3756 after 6 pm. c1w19 DAISY B.B pump gun in new condition, used only one month. Reasonabie. TU. 4-2528 *4w16 TYPEWRITER, Remington Stan- t’nrd No. 10. Good conthion, $25. TU. 4-1208. c1le STOVES, electric, apartment size, $60. Rangette $10. TU. 4-1143. c1w19 CUB UNIFORM. size 12 .as new. $8.50. Also wanted to buy one hall tree. TU. 4-3877. c1w19 XMAb LAYAWAY Now available at Bryant Hard- ware. Richvale. AV. 5-3821. tfc9 STRAW, 50c per bale. Rodney oats $2.40 per hundred or $45 a ton. TU. 4-21-13. c2w19 2 SPACE HEATERS and 200 gal. tank. “A1†condibiou. Phone Maple 163R. *1w19 2. excellen't condltlon. Phone TU. 44344. c1w19 WHITE figure skates, sizes 12 8: FUR COAT. Persian paw, size 13 good bondition. Reas‘onable. TU. 4-1450. c1w19 EVENING DRESS. coral shade nylon, size 14, matching head‘ dress, worn only once. A_\'. 5: dress, $083. PHILLIPS console walnut radio. 3 speed automatic player. Evehâ€" ings. 289 Paliser Cres. South. ONE PAIR lined drapes and track for six foot windows. Also bed- spread to match. Blocked ling!) EOR THE BEST in aluminum doors and w.ndows. For free 05- timates phone TUrner 4 3920 or 85 J Maple ‘ *3w18 $15. AV. 5-1493 GIRL’S 3-piece winter coat» set. size 6. white boots and skates, size 2, boy's navy blazer, size 8. TU. 44-3441. clw19 STUDIO COUCH, chrome arms, good $30. Mrs. Robson, 108 Heri- tage Cres., King City after 6.30. *1w19 TIME TO PAINT UP. See us for Crown Diamond Paint. Painters prices. Butler and Baird Lumber Limited. Richmond Hill. TU 4- )125. tfc-ll CASH BATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word. mln. charge . . 500 Second and subsequent insertions ll wording unchanged, 3c per word mln. charge . . . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion ot . . 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per lype line 100; min. charge 50c CARD OF THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. per insertion 750 BIRTH NOTICE . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50¢ Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will recelve Invoice. FREE ESTIMATES for alumin- um combination \\'indows. dcors. USED buildlng and plumbing materlals. Metro Wrecking. Ce- dar Avenue. Richmond Hill, AV. 5-3942. 2x4x6‘ 20c; 2x-lx7' 25c {and awnings. Call your “ALSCO†representative at Maple 31E». SUMP PUMP. U'athroom basin, win's b?~-cle. gas Ruud water heater, 50 gal; venetian blinds L.) , 2:)â€, 31" wide. New Goblin; vatuum cleaner. H. Knight Maple BRIGHTEN UP-that room now‘ Install a pre-ï¬t win-iowâ€"unit. We have a complete stock of shna- Pi'd six: on 1am! Butler and Baird Lumbcr Limited. Richmwfl. KIR 4-2400 ARTICLES FOR SALE {BY combination floor polish- hnd vacixum cleaner with at- unents. Excellent condition, 1 .l Lumb TU +- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES agfwér‘féér. ï¬ahusfc'ripis. etc: ti’ped directly S’\I.~\I if desired. TU. from you: dictation. Phone afterlï¬ill bl é1w19 c 1 “(1 9 clw19 c4w19 c1w19 '4 pm. TU (fem BABY’S PRAM, Gendron. Very good condition. Also high chair with pad $5. Playpen $2.50. AV. 5-1474. c1w19 ELECTRIC pressure pump. J. F. Low's, with a Wagner electric motor and a 30 gal. tank. AV. 5- 2784. c1w19 1/4 INCH h- Plywood G13, 14¢ per sq..ft. Butler 8.: Baird Lum- ber Ltd.. Richmond Hill. TU. 4- 1125. “C43 FREE ESTIMATES for alumin- um combination windows, doors and awnings.- Call your local "Alsco" representative at Maple 315. c4w15 POTATOES." '75 lb. bag $1.50; onions, 50 lb. bag $1.10. Small q'-antities available. We deliver. Phone Oak Ridges PRospect '3- 5091. *1w19 HIGH POWERED. rifle. 256 Newâ€" ton bolt action repeater, with 31/2 boxes of shells and case. Like new. $30.00. TUrner 4â€"1400. USED and reconditioned trans- missions for most model cars. 13. 8: A. Auto Wreckers. 1% miles north of No. 7 Highway on 3rd Con. Markham. TU. 4-2236. c1w19 DRY HARDWOOD 16 inch lengths for ï¬replace. Mixed hardwood $12.00. _white birch $14.00 single cord. TU. 4- 2957. *19w13 FOUR STEEL TANKS, height 68", depth 42", width 16", open top, 1/16" thickness. 320 gallons capacity, suitable for soft water. 26 Edgar Avenue, Richvale. AV. 5-3067 after 6 pm. c2w19 COMBINATIC N doors. windows, and awnings, porch shades and railings, drapery tracks. bamboo drapes and hooks. Zeph-Aire Co. Ltd., Aurora, phone PA. 7-4§311: ‘ OPENING _ ‘ Junior Prim Shop, Yo'nge Street just north of Finch. Let us sell your good used clbthing, all types, shoes, skates, etc.. infants’ children’s and adults. BA. 5â€"7261. c1w19 VENETIAN BLINDS, aluminum or steel, custom made. Free estiâ€" mates and installations. Phone TWining 5-6551 (reverse char- ges). Harold Craddock. Newmarâ€" ket. tfc42 HARDWARE PROBLEMS Try Bryant Hardware - to locate special products or information, electrical and paint our specim- ty. On the spot analysis by our representative if required. Richvale. AV. 5-3821. tfc3? BOATS New marlne plywood boats, 8 ft. rams, 12 ft._car-top, 14 ft. run- ahouts, $65 and up. Best Ma- terials used, go down payment necessary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. No. 11 nghway, 1 mile north of Richmond Hill. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2732. . tfc5 For Sale (cont’d) TYPEWRITERS 8: ADDIRG MACHINES Sales 3 Service - Rentals Special Students Renta! 'Rates, Purchases as low as $1.00 a week. ‘xuthorized oealer for Under- wood~Smith~C aroma-Roy?) ar)d \hctor-Mchskey. ‘ Call TU. 4- &745. L. H. ï¬lms, 88 Baker A\'e.. Richmond rlill. H » tfclb‘ r ATTENTION FREEZER ' ' OWNERS! We specialize in deep freeze orâ€" ders. Special! Commercial hind: of beef. 399 a pound. Blue brand hinds, 45¢ a pound. One free turd key with each blue brand order. Cut and wrapped at nohextra charge. Free delivery. Bayview Meats, 555 Bayview. HU. 8-1323. Phone collect. c3w19 WINDOW SASH, like new. 30 x 35, 6 lights of glass bargain each $2.: other sizes with glass $1.; Cement blocks, used 8" and 10â€. bafgain 12% cents each: sand and lime used brick, 2 cents each; yellow Duco paint. 5 gal. cans, bargain each $8.50. Lot of used rough boards and galvan- ‘ixed sheets, for the whole lot $10. 66 Gal. aluminum tank. bargain {$3. J. Parisi, TU. 4-1853. c1w19 OFFICE deské. used, from $25; steel ï¬le cabinets and transfer cases from $7.50. Oak tilter chair and table $20. New and used add- ing machines, cash registers, typewriters. etc. Central Oï¬ice Supplies. 1 Wellington St. East' (over Ardfll's), Aurora, PAH:- view 7-5706. agents for Reming- ton‘Rand Products. Call L. H. Sims. TU. 4-1745, our represent- Sims, TU. 4-1745, our 1 ative in Richmond Hill STE SECRETARIAL SERVICE ENOGRAPHIC SERVICE 4-2208 *1w19 “(:50 c1u‘19 tfc19 MAN with own car for evening and week-end delivery. Richvale Pharmacy. AV. 5-3772. c1w19 LADY who wants good home in return for care of ï¬ve year old girl and light duties. AV. 5-4425. c1w19 MAKE money at home assemb- ling our items. No tools, sewing or experience necessary. Crown 1nd,, 8507-W 3rd, Los Angeles 48. Cal. *2w19 YOUNG WOMAN for ï¬sh and chip store, 11 am. to '7 pm. No Monday work. Apply to Ron's Fish & Chips, 19 Yonge St. N†ESYS for morï¬ing paper routes 11 Richmond Hill and Richvale. boys 11 to 15 with bicycles pre- ferred. Call Mr. Taylor, TU. 4- 1320. tfc13 Riéhmond Hill EXPERIENCED stenographer, must have shorthand, required for modern office in Richmond Hill. Excellent working condi- tions. Duties to commence Jan- uary lst. R. D. Little & Son Ltd., AV. 5-1105. c1w19 NURSES registered for Sept. 5 or after full or part time. Salary $9.00 daily. Duties three shifts, 8 to 4, 4 to 12. 12 to 8. Rest home Yonge and Elmwood. Stop 240. Ask for Miss White, AV. 5-1766. can between 6 and 7 pm. tfc3 WOMEN â€" start now for big Christmas earnings as an Avon rappesentggiye '- yplqnfli Gardens .ar- v..-" ._. V - Elgin Milis district. oersonal interview. Write Distrirt Man- ager, Mrs. Florence Walker. 38 Thomson St. Barrie. *2w18 RICHMOND HILL salesmen or salesladies required. Two immed- ste openings for sur'cess-minded people in prosperous expanding ofl’ice. Experience not necessary. enmplete manager training. Op- portunities here that a small ï¬rm cannot offer. Please call manager MI. Shields TU. 4-3805 or TU. 4- 1230. David McLean Ltd. Real- tors. tfc14 BEST season’s here for clothing sales. Reptesent Britisn Knit â€" make money full or part time selling clothing for woman, child- ren, men. Free Sales Kit starts you. High cash commissxons. Re- peat sales. Party plan available. Everyone a prospect. British Knit, Simcoe. Ontario. c2w17 ' NEED EXTRA MONEY? Full or part time opportunity We have an opening in our sales dept. (r a mature woman age 28 to 48 with car who has 20 hours or rrnre per week available for bus- lieSS. No experience required, position permanent. For details r:zâ€"ll Mr. Cameron, HU. 1-5961 or 1U. 1â€"7351. c8wll REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED We actually have more business than our present staff can handle. This is a real opportunity for a go-getter. Experience not neces- sary. Earn as you learn complete manager instruction. P'ease call Mr. Carlisle AV. 5â€"1176 or AV. 5-2742 evenings. DAVID McLEAN LTD. HELP WANTED NEWMARKET. $14,501). ï¬ve 100m brick bungalow, built one year, 4 piece bath, oil h-:ated, at- tached garage. aluminum storms and screens choice locatinn, west sxde of town. All rooms newly painted. 48 Don Mot Drive, ph. 'J‘Wining 5-6430, PO. Box 122. Â¥2w18 Six rooms, 2 storey. older type brick home. Weston district. Car- ries for less than $100 month. Call Mr. Hampton, TU. 4-1157 or 8-1197. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BILLIARDS Here is a real chance to live in- dependently. Small down pay- ment buys fully equipped billiard room and snack bar in Richmond Hill.-A real opportunity‘ Room for expansion. Call Mrs. Carter, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1157 or EM. 8-1197. Members of the Toronto Real Estate Board 82,000 Dawn ' 5~room home on ‘72 acre of land. in old residential area, near Yonge St., south of Richmond Hill. Top price reasonable.~Call Mr. Ritchie, Richmond Hill TU. 4-1157 or EM. 84197. Richmond Hill Stone from. prestige bungalow with many ï¬ne appointments. Ultra modern kitchen“ Breakfast nook. combination living 8: din- ing room, 3 cheerful bedrooms. A sunny home tastefully decor- ated, built-in valances. attached double garage, landscaped lawns. Phone Mr. Gardiner now for an appointment. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1157 or EM. 8-1197. L. R. VANDERBIIRG Real Estate Broker 10 Yonge 5.. Richmond Hill.3nt YOUNG COUPLE, no children wish to rent home on \notion 'to buy. TU. 4-2906. c2wl’7 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Safe Conï¬dent Buying and Selling ‘v’ A N’I‘ED TO RENT . HOUS a couple $1,000 Down c1w19 103 t£c17 *2w19 FIVE A FURNISHED bedroom to rent. board optional. TU. 4-1052. c1w19 FURNISHED TWO comfortable basement rooms, child welcome with day care. AV. 5-3508. c2w19 ences. Sun Maple 189R4 STORAGEisPACE, dry and clean in Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-2613. tfc19 LECTiRIC‘ FLOOR SANDER. Richmond Hill Hardware, TU. 4-2101. um THREE room flat, unfurnished, reasonable, suit couple. TU. 4- 1406. c1w19 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware, I‘U. 4-2101. tfc18 noon SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 6-1109. tfc28 COMFORTABLE room. Will give board if required. i-ne block from Yonge St. TU. 4-1108. c1w18 bua‘ 'LOOR SANDERS, POLISHERS. ELECTRIC TOOLS To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. v1.33]. Richmond Hill. tfc32 LARGE bedroom Yonge street at Summit bus stop, parking, suit gentleman, abstainer. TU 4-2406. c1w18 4 NICE rooms with bath in the village of Maple. Central, hot and cold water and heategl‘. Phone Maple 93 FOR RENT, offices Yonge Street, Thornhill. Excellent ground floor location, 400 sq. ft. AV. 5-1595. Evenings AV. 5-2533. 02w19 2 ROOMS nd store room partly furnished, eated, adults pre- ferred, parking space available, or. Green Lane, Thornnill, AV. 5-3301. tfc13 Saws. sander, etc. Sales and Ren- tal. Bryant Hardware, Qtop 22A, Yonge St., Richvale, AV 5-3821. tfc28 UNFURNISHED apartment for rent. Living room, bedroom, kitâ€" chen and bath. Heat. light and water, near 400 Hwy. Reasonable. King 9R2. c1w19 tPARTMENT TO RENT. tWo rooms. bath and kitchenette, $75. monthly including heat“ water and electricity. Apply :6 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. Aoply HU. 8â€"1205. tfc14 BACHELOR weekly. Two men or business couple. Fully furnished and equipped ,self contained. Warm and bright. Large grounds. Aur- ora PA. 7-5597. tfc19 NEW apartment in new subdiv- ision, suit business couple or tea- chers, close to schools and shop- ping centre. Furnished. Also heat, light and water supplied._ Phone TUrner 4-1728. . c1w19 AVAILABLE Nov. 2 -â€" Comfort- able furnished 2-room flat. Suit business couple or expectant or baby, reasonable. Apply 237 Ashlar Rd., Beverley Acres (west oï¬ Taylor Mills Dr. N.) 02w19 NEWSPAPERS WANTED. 1 cent per 1b.‘Agg}_3f J. Mina _Ltd._, Richmond'mn, AV. 5-3701. c1w19 CAPONS. and fowl, highest pri- ces paid. Don‘t sell until contact- ing W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. phone Pliospect 3-5301. ‘ tfc27 SPACE for two persons in car pool available. Arriving Toronto Bloor-Bay 8.30 a.m.; leaving for Bi :hmond Hill 5 pm. TU. 4-2660 after 6 pm. *1w19 TRANSPORTATION aiailable f'om Richmo_1d Hill to Lansing, arrive 8 o'chck. leave 5 pm. Phone TU. 4-2811 between 10 o'clock and 10.30 pm. only. ‘RANSPORTATION RADIO and TV repairs. Reasonâ€" able rates. AV. 5-1082. *2w19 DHESSMAKING and alterations. ladies and children‘s wear. TU. 4-3980. tfc13 Cnst. TU. 4-1041 FRBOM apartment in Map- Phone Maple 330. *1w19 MISCELLANEOUS PLUMBING & HEATING New work alterations, moderate CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU 4-2896 Ruben Lahn. Ricnmond dill. tfc3 R. H. REID Delivery service. Pickup and delivery. Ugm mov- ing. TU. 4-3391 ‘ tfc37 ALTERATIONS and repi-ir work Sidewalks, cement work. septiz BOB'S DELIVERY SERVICE For you pic}. up and delivered in Concord Station or anywhere. Pnonc TU. 4-?3'75. PLASTERING B] old country plasterers. No job too small. Cornice and Stucco ceilings, our speciality. Lennon Brothers. TU. 4-2157. tfc 18 ah Walker and Mitchela, AV. 5- 526. t£c45 BLACK & DECKER SHED flat. All conveni Suit couple with paby WANTED RENT apartment, $15 men or business c1w19 c1w19 clwr9 fc14 tfcl? CUSTOM Rotovating. lawns and gardens. Tom Mashinter, 114 Roseview Ave., TU. 4-1170. (£1239 ROTOVATING Manure and Loam [or sale. TU. 4-3052. tfc14 RfOfUVATlNG. lawns and gar- acns. Prices to suit home owners. Phone TU. 4-1973. *4w45 tfc49 SAND AND GRAVEL. crushed stone, loam and 611'. E. Charity, FJchmond Hm. TU. 4-1701.__ . REQTHING m Painting, 1:23pm hanging. Dbcorating, etcâ€"I Pflone A. Rollinson. TU. 4-3622. tfc9 RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICV TV 8: Radio Service, antenna and UHF. installations. Car radios. TU. 4-2101. AV. 5-3756. tfc20 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors. etc. Fred Flood. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3085. tfc49 SODDING Garden maintenance. For free estimates phone TU. 42420. J. Hampton. tfc6 UPHOLSTERING and rep ’ ing. Apply F. Graham, Lake oad, Oak Ridges. On holidays until August 31. PR.~ 3-5691. tfc2'7 MISCELLANEOUS MOVING a; CARTAGE Frank’s Moving & Cartage, pack‘ ing and storage. Experienced ser- vice anytime. Pickup and deliv- ery. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. afc46 WEEL’TILE and Septic Tanks, immediate delivery. Lorne Baker and Son, Concrete Products. Newmarket. Phone TW. 5-6781. tfc38 ROTOVATING Complete service ready for seed- ing plowing, discing. Reasonable prices, free estimates. J.’ Hamp- ton, TU. 4-2420. tfc41 ALL KINDS'FURNITURE re- pairs. upholstering, cabinet work, Wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke. 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. ttcnl GENERAL carpentry New work. kitchen cupboards, alterations and repairs. Tile floors. Phone evenings PR. 3-5432. daytime Pr. 3-5051. tfc23 SPENCER SUPPORTS can make your ï¬gure beautiful with the new Dacron and other materials For your Corsetier. call BA. 1- 6175. tfc45 FROM THE BASEMENT to the roof â€" house repairs and alter- ations. J. M. Cannon 51:, Oxford St.. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1;!110. t c 3 WELL DBXLLI‘EG George's W‘ell Drilling and re- pairing. pump installed and re- ‘paired. George Adams. Box 192 King City, King 287. tfc46 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5.2526. ttclb CALL US for vour sand, gravel. ï¬ll, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrarl. Maple 54R12. tfc7 CARPENTRY, kitchen cupboards, stairs, arborite tops, acousciea. tile ceilings and recreation rooms. J. Anderson ,TU. 4â€"2505. cZle V. A. PECK plumbing and heat- ing, expert work on all plumb- ing repairs and alterations. Oil burners installed and wI-rk guar- anteed. 1‘91 'IU. 4-3827. tfc18 LANGSTAFF SHARPENING SERVICE Saws, lawn mowers and pOWer mowers, cutter blades balanced. Pick-up and delivery. 88 Garden Avenue AV 52815. tfc5 EVERGREEV LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN 00., LANGSTAFF Urdn‘s taken for fall clean up. “ANDRE deiivered in small and urge quantities, AV. 5â€"3233. , FURS Repaired Cleaned. Restiyled. All Work Guaranteed . KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Stop 21A Yonge St., AV. 5â€"4172. - ~ tfcll CARPENTRY WORK. additions. recreation rooms. porches gar. ago“. roughing in and frim work. Kitchen cupboards. No job too small. Cali Tom Price, AV. 5- 3048 CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Call E. W. Payne for complete 5(ptic tank installation. Concrete floors, driveways, sidewalks, steps and porches. All types of concrete construction in and ar- ound the home. Phone AV. 5- 1153. c8w16 SPECiAI. FOR FALL ~SEASON have your chesterï¬eld (J recov- ered. Oul prices are lower than city prices. Formerly with Ea- ton's and Simpsons. Latest sam- gies brougn‘ t) your name. 5 \par guarantee on an work. olsfe A. MILLS & SON Richmond Bill Plumbing and Heating TUrner 4-1711. AVenue 5-3697 tfcl? SIGN PAINTER BILL WEGMAN AV. 5-413] 31 nLeI 4b] AV. 5- 1682 “034 t1c42 024w4 tfclS tfcl7 PAINTING & PAPER HANGINL- R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798‘ TILE CONTRACTOR. ceramic, plastic and linoleum. Robert E. Patchéll, PArkvlew 7-4459, 32 Miscellaneous con. FRANK'S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and seryiced. Frank Gerrits. R. R, 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. lfc50 Ebifaéh-élléte wak. drains. 126 Elmwood Ave.. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2612. tfc3‘7 NORTH YORK SODDING C0. I_td.. rapid delivery of quality lr-am. Sod delivered and/or laiu. Phone BA. 1-9877. c28w+3 CATENARO’ CONSTRUCTION RUBBER STAMPS. all kinds my size. Quick service. The Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. tfc43 Mill St., Aurora GARDEN PLOWING, discing, also back ï¬lling, light grading, and front end loading. Lance Willis, TU. 4-2096. tfc40 WALK-RITE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS Thofnhlll. Phone AV. 5~i266. tfc12 STAN’S BEAUTY SHOP 108 Carrvillo Road W., Richvale. "Perms a speciak‘y.†'o. Ficht, prop. Phone AV. 5-3846 c8w18 > SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Beasonable. Victor Draper Agen- c1es, Oak Ridges PR. 3-5471; Cleaning, sgrvice and ’repairs to a".] makEISfSpace Heaters' bought and sold. Phone Harold VanDyke, TU. 4-1221. tfc12 ERIE Maintenance Service. Anything ghout you_there to keep ihfluï¬fsivclass répair. Furnace, windOWS. floors, basement and lawns, etc. AV. 5-1020. tch for footings floors, patios, etc GORMLEY READY-MIXED CONCRETE LTD. Gormley 5601. Stouï¬ville 3202 I PIANO TUNING a: REPAIRING S. Hoflman Formerly of Gerard Helntzman. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone Liberal Office, TU. 4-1105; evenings, ORchard 6516, Toronto. RICHMOND TREE SERVICE Fruit trees pruned, trees trim med and removed. Cabelling, fer- tilizing and custom chain saw- ing. Free estimates. TU. 4-1221. tfc28 10h: SPACE HEATER & FLOOR FURNACE SERVICE LADY wishes housework by the day. AV. 5-4373. c1w19 WILL DO your ironing in 'my home. AV. 5-2880. c1w19 BABY SITTING, day or evening. Maple 31R15. c1w19 iIOMEWORK wanted uy exper- ienced office worker. TU 4-4012. c2w18 DAY and weekly" care given to children in a licenced home._ AV. 5-3096 SENIOR" TYPIST desisgs' work companion to eldegly pgo- un..-v-- at-home. “BL! 71798, Richmond Hill P.O. c1w19 rï¬â€˜r's‘jviï¬Ã©h'éih’cbbnald. 104 Elm- vxood Ava. Richmond Hill. tfcl] ple. 5502 HOUSEWORK wanted Tuesdays and Wednesdays. TU. 4-3764. WILL GIVE day care to small children while mother works 'V‘Jso evening baby sitting. AV. 53489. c4w15 EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother's absence; also baby sitting. TUV 4-3158. tfc23 )RESSMAKING andA pltgflrgtigns‘ MAN will do painting or paper hanging. Very reasonable. Years of experience. Fast service. TU. 4â€"2902. tfc14 WOMAN desires part ployment Experience =-.nical drawmgs and READY MIXED concur-:11: .‘1ANDYMAN experienced in bricg. block. concrete, painting and floors, etc. Phone BA. 1- 7619. thI3 CARPENTER would liké odd jobs, nights and week-ends. Kit- cLen cupboards. recreation rooms. etc. Reasonable. TU. 4- 3710. tfcll LOVING day care for one or two children. any age. Apply 237 Ashlar Road, Beverley Acres, (west off Taylor Mills Dr. N.) DAY 02' Weekly care for you†inâ€" fant or child. Crosby Heights Subdivision, Richmond Hill. brood food. Home safely situated in dead end street. playroom. etc. Write Liberal Box No. 40. c1w9 3419 YOUNG LADY, 27 yrs., wishes position as receptionist, switch- board operatorf cgshiei- qusimil- U. 42249 DRUGS Richvale Rexall Pharmacy Free All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed AV. 5-3772 EMPLOYMENT WANTED -V-..r__,, , , 'd‘ay or hourly rates Gérrhley *2w19 399 Crosb m mech- av‘t dept. or TU ucl†tlcal tfcl3 clw19 c1w19 c3wtb tfcz c2w19 c1w19 USED CARS AND TRUCKS '31 FORD, TU. '4-3423. c1w19 1951 AUSTIN sedan A-40. Good (audition. TU. 4-2712. *1w19 49PONTIAC, good condition. new tires, radio and heater. Best of- fer. AV. 5-4352. c1w19 isï¬ ' INTERNATIONAL dump truck, KB7; new 6x10 cabin trail- er. make offer. TU. 4-1079. c2w19 1951 METEOR. customline. fully equipped. 288 South Taylor Mills Drive, Beverley Acres. chle 1954 PLYMOUTH coach. $995.00. Low down payment or trade. Call TU. 4-3698. clwls 1949 HUDSON coupe 6. Richmond St., Richmond Hill 1949 WILLYS Station Wagon (Jeep) & a 1952 Prefect will sell for parts. Reasonable. Private. PRospect 3-5614 anytime. c5w19 1948 CHRYSLER sedan, 6 cylin; ders, good shape. Best offer. Phone TU. 4-2294 after '5 pm: CHEV. COACH, blue in ï¬ne con- dition.’ small mileage. See car after 6 pm. ancl make offer. A19§§ model. TU. 4-1609 '49 DODGE. 1/2 ton panel truck. Only 23,000 miles ’on. Motor‘in excellent condition. Winterized. $450 or best offer. AV. 5-3224. c2w19 1955 CHEV. COACH, blue, in :erfect running order No rea- sonable offer refused. For inter- view call TU. 4-1609 after 6 pm. c3w17 1956 FORD 1/? ton pick-up truck, new condition. 1949 Vanguard. B & A‘ Auto Wreckers, 1% miles north of No. 7 Highway on 3rd Con., Markham, TU. 4-2236. PRIVATE: 1951 Studebaker Star- light Coupe. Original Bermuda green, chrome discs, whitewalls almost nevg, custom radio, over- drive, automatic back-up lights, turn indicators, climatizer. Ex- ceptional in appearance and me- chanically. AV. 5-4233. clw19 ALL BREED pï¬ppies wanted. Best prices paid. AV 5-3575 or LEnnox 2-8550. 11d As Richmond Hill and District , I l ‘ i I Sales Representative ! 'i We hope that this additional per- T sonal service by Jackman who has 1 ‘ ' ‘ d many years experience in the automo- MILLS 8. HADWIN Ltd. 3147 Yonge St, North Toronto tive ï¬eld will be appreciated by our many friwds in the North Yonge com- munity. AUTO SALES & SERVICE Chrysler & Plymouth â€"- Dealer â€" LIVESTOCK WANTED Annpunce the, apgoin‘tment of TELEPHONE HUdson 1-6471 *1w19 *1w19 c1w19 c1w19 BOXER puppies Stop 22 Yonge St. 46 Edgar Ave. AV. 5-31982 V_ TUGANBERG buck goat at stud. Also guinea pigs for sale. TU. 4-2965. clw19 ()NE GOOD grade Hereford bull. two years old. Approximately 1,300 lbs. Quiet and sure. Phone .\Xminster 3-4030. clwl9 bOLVE vour mortgage problems quickly through Willowdale Mortgage Service, MO. 2040. Re- verse the Tharges. tfc9 MORTGAGES J’URCIIASED (Iients‘ funds to purchase 21 moicgages. also a few rlrsts. 1V AcLean. AV. 5-1176. David M .ean Ltd., Realtors. tic SOLICITOR has clients wishing to purchase lst or 2nd mortgages. Martin and Ralph. AV. 5-4951. . c8w18 FOR gentleman, home privileges, Elgin Mills. TU. 4-2279. cZw19 ACCOMMODATION for two gentlemen near Yonge St.. AV. 5-4286. c1w19 ROOM & BOARD‘ in modern. comfortable home near Union- vi!le.Reasonable. Older perSon welcome. Replies answered. Box 39 The Liberal. c1w19 SAT,, NOV. 9 - Auction sale of valuable real estate, apartment dwellings with store front, all conveniences, oil heatinz. at Mill- (ken, Ontario, on Kennedy Rd., also household furniture, new el- ectric refrigerator, near new tel- evision set. good china. dishes and dishes. glassware. garage tools and equipment, pots. pans. etc. Real estate sold subject to a reserve bid. Househo‘d goods ‘and other articles terms cash. No reserve. Property belonging to the Estate of the Late Mrs. Will- iam A. Timbers. Sale at 2 pm. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auction- SALE REGISTERS eers ROOM & BOARD MORTGAGES LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SOMETHING TO SELL LITTLE WANT ADS GET BIG RESULTS tic“ 2nd . Mr. t£c14