Captain Neil Munro of the Canadian Dental Corps. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Munro of Grandview Avenue, has left for the Middle East. where he will serve with UNEF for the next year. Sitting quietly at home on the evening of November 2. Mr. and Mrs. E. Barnes of Woodward Ave. were pleasantly surprised by friends and relatives arriving to help them celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. The party was planned by Mrs. Rex‘. and Mrs. Ivany. Mr. Freeman Barker and Mrs. Acreman attended the Monday evening session of the Teacher Training Course. currently be- ing held in Unionville. under the auspices of the Religious Educa- tion Council of Markham Town- ship. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Mrs. Wm. Wellman entertain- ed her son Allan and his family to dinner last Sunday. Headford W.A. will hold its iovember meeting on Tuesday . xt in the church. Program is in charge of Mrs. Stan Clarkson and will feature a travelogue by Mrs. Berklnshaw. Bring your ballots ï¬lled out in order that the nom- lnatlng commlttee may go to work. These ballots will be av~ aila_ble_at church on Sunday. Plans may be obtained on deposit of $50.00 from the Architect Gordon S. Ad- amson and Associates, 52 St. Clair Av- enue East, Toronto, Ontario. Tenders for Woodbridge High School Sealedytenders will be received by the Architects until 4 p.m., Wednesday, November 27th, 1957, at their office. Bid Depository Tenders for Mechan- ical and Electrical Trades due 4 p.m., Tuesday, November 26th, 1957. Rev. Mr. Burton asked' the con- gregation to invite all ex-service- men to the Remembrance Day service next Sunday. That same evening the spooks showed up again in the Sunday school room of the church, with several more added. After the usual parade, prizes were award- ed for the most original, the best comic, the best pair. the youngâ€" est person in costume and also the oldest. Games, in charge of Cora Brodie. provided lots of fun, which wound up with cookies 3ch! juice. YORK CENTRAL DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Markham Township, residents are hereby notiï¬ed that Armistice Day, Monday, November 11, 1957, has been proclaimed as a legal holiday in Markham Township Residents are requested to gov- ern themselves accordingly. HARRY CRISP W. L. CLARK Mrs. H. Acreman Correspondent: B. I. 2 Gomley, Ont. Phone TUrner 4-2236 8.5. No. 3 held a very hilari- ous and successful Hallowe'en party on Friday afternoon last. Many weird characters were on hand, and also some beautiful ones. but all costumes were in- genious. NOVEMBERI ‘ Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be added after NOVEMBER 20 R. LYNETT, Clerk Town of Richmond Hill The third instalment of the current year’s taxes is due Highland Park HEADFORD NEWS PROCLAMATION Clerk TAXES '. TAMBLYN. Chairman 1. C. Gal-side, Bell Telephone manager for this section of Great- er Toronto, said this week that telephone users should ensure that their “Blue Book of Teleâ€" phone Numbers'i, or other per- sonal lists ,are brought up to date by comparing them With listings in the new directory. The old adage "You c‘an't judge aback by its coverâ€, holds especially true in the case of hhe latest edition of the telephone directory, now ï¬nding its way in- to homes and businesses in Rich- mond Hill. The directory looks the same as last year's, but in- side are hundreds of new and changed listings. Over 600 More Telephone Subscribers ln Richmond Hill The Toronto Metropolitan Headquarters Boy Scouts’ Silver Band will be featured at Richmond Hill’s annual service of Remembrance to be held this Sunday afternoon. The band is now in its third year and is composed of Scouts from all over the Metro area. Reeve Mr. and Mrs. Allan Doner will be farewelling at the Gormley United Missionary Church at 7.30 pm. Sunday, November 10. Wet Weather Pheasant Hunters Vi ce‘ ._._‘..., . n» Jhcllilc‘l‘ Geigar, General Supt. of U. M. churches, from Elkhart, Indiana, was the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLeary of Stouifvilie provided the music at the morn- ing service and the Ladies' Trio from Bradford Memorial Church, Toronto, sang at the evening ser- __-_ -~...v~uu. OLAVALC of Mz‘s. Chas. Hunking at Dun- dalk on Saturday. Mrs.Hunking has been in failing health for a number of years. The funeral was held at the MacMiIlan Funer. 31 Home at Dundalk, with interâ€" ment at Shelburne cemetery. All the members of the family were present except Rev. Willis Hun- king of Share, Nigeria, West Afâ€" rica. Sympathy is extended to Willis and Rev. C. E. Hunking in their loss. Anniversary services were con- ducted at the United Missionary rC‘hurch on Sunday. Rev. Kenneth A number from our commun- ity attended thg funeral service _t i.\ A. Master Ronafd'MéMullen Had his appendix removed at York County Hospital on Friday of last week. O‘k Ridges and Musselman’s Lake. These callers were of an age too small to walk to New Gormley. But they are learning the ‘racket’ at an early age. Nev- ertheless we enjoy the kiddies. One of our New Gormley read- ers wrote a report on her Hall- owe’en callers â€"â€" “We' had quite an influx of Hallowe’en callers ‘motoredâ€â€™ in from Wilcox Lake, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawkins who were mar- ried recently in the United Mis- sionary Church, Gormley. is now convalesping at the hdmé of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don McWhirter. Correspondent: l Mrs. Chas. Milsted Phone Gormley 5201 Mr A. C. Bowden, CNR station agent at Cardinal. Ont, and Mrs. B. La Barre of Brockville. Ont, were visitors this week with Mr. Wm. H. Banford and Mrs. B. Read. ' Mr. ‘ Barry M'cWhirtéi‘ had his appendix removed in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Toronto, last week and On Friday and Saturday with the sun again shining. the hunters took to the ï¬elds. and in Markham Township where birds had previously been reported plentiful. present reports by our ï¬eld oï¬icer inï¬icates only a fair shoot. Very few hunters used dogs, thus losing the chance, in many instances, of re- trieving crippled birds. The overall picture at the mom- ent seems to indicate this year's shoot will show fewer hunters in the ï¬eld, with few- er pheasants harvested than Besides telephone users in Richmond Hill, the new directory lists those in Newmarket, Mark- ham, Oak Ridges, Aurora, Brad- ford, Sutton, Uxbridge. Mount Albert and surrounding territory†in the previous year The Pheasant Season in the Lake Simcoe District op- ened in a downpour of rain which continued through the opening day, Wednesday, October 23. and well into Thursday, October 24. Al- though a few stout hearted sportsmen ventured out dur- ing the rain, very few report- ed any hunting success, re- ports ‘the Department of Lands 8: Forests. A total of almost 20,000 copies Were needed for distribution throughout communities covered by the telephone book this year. This represcnts an infrease of about 4,000 copies over last year's total and indicates a steady resi- dential and commercial growth. In Richmond Hill alone, 3,415 copies are being initially distrib- uted, as compared with 2,800 last year. ' “The new telephone book is for immediate use," said Mr. Garside. “To avoid confusion and loss of time subscribers are ad~ vised to discard their old issues without delay." GORMLEY NEWS p/ay jOI†Kememé NOW ON DISPLAY. . . AT YOUR AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER’ With Newâ€"Mam: Ride each wheel is cushioned in air, keeping car on a level plane, regardless of load or road! Introducing New-Matic Ride‘ (a true air suspension) and a host of exclusive new features for your comfort. safety and convenience FOR I958...OLDSMOBILE CREATES A NEW CLASS OF CARS! Wich New-Maï¬a ride, you‘re really riding on air! Four rugged rubber-nylon air cushions repluca steel springsl You always ride on Ihe level, 000 . . . udiusimenl to ram! and load is automatic! THE;NEW ROCKETS ARE. HERE:BRINGING YOU em embercmce Jeri/ice AV. 5-4391 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill TU. 4-1276 The impressive service to the Dead of two World Wars ‘11 place in front of the War Memorial located in front of the M<123vcln1atake . hy SChOOL.MaJor the Hon. Kelso Roberts .c., M.L.A. ' g speaker this year. Q , W111 be the guest In lhe 1958 Oldsmobile you’ll'ï¬nd most everything you’ve ever wanted in a motorcarâ€"outstanding styL ing: smart, tasteful design; delightful new features; alert new R0cket_ Engine performance; supreme comfort; daring new colors and fabrics. And most important of all, you'll ï¬nd real down-to-earth opero ating economy! As never before, Oldsmobile for ’58 gives you true big-car size, comfort and handling, big- car smartness~combined with budget-ear thrift. Once you Rocket-Test the ’58 Olds, you’ll know for sure, that from its sophisticated Four-Beam Headlamps to its sparkling Twin-Blade rear-fender stylingâ€"it’s the biggest value in Oldsmobile-s 60 history-making Years .' ‘Opï¬onal a! exira cost. MOTOR S LTD. New Safeiy Stamina" set at any desired speed, lets you'know with ligh’ and buzzer when you've reached that speed limit. I! minds your speed while you mind the roudl New, more eflicienf Rocker Engine gives you ouisfanding performance. Remarkable im- provements in carbureï¬on oï¬er you a marked advance in fuel economy, mo! Try it todayl THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nweuï¬a â€"- BA. 1-8000 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and cum“ Telephone TU. 4-1650 'omplete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service Dual-Range Power Healer’ de- livers the exact amount of heat 0r ventilation exactly where and when you want if. Olds- pioneered push-bunch controls are a miracle of convenience! New Sunny-Veg Steering Wheel -oFfers new, deep-recessed, twin-spoke design. Horn buttons are handily Iocated on wheel spokes. Standard on Ninety- Eight, Super-88 series. 33153532 NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS FRANK PASSER ROGER PROULX Free Estimates Gladly Given PLUMBING & HEATING . 1 Willowdale Oldsmobile for ’58 intro; duces a panorama ofsubtle pastel ï¬nishes, stunning new fabrics and interior trims . . .new and ex uisite a pointments to elight t e «we. New Trans-Panama Rudio‘ serves as your regular car radio, but can also be unlocked and used as u lightwaighl. I60- hovr battery‘powwed, transistor portable. DYNAMIC as, SUPER as NINETY-EIGHT 16 Model: Choose From! 62 Crosby AVG. WCHMOND HILL MA. 1313