Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Nov 1957, p. 12

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f 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 14, 1957 Just a reminder that the an- nual white gift service will be held on Sunday December 8. Further particulars later. Neighbourhood Notes Mrs. Gordon Sanderson had dinner on Monday of last week with Mrs. Charles Stansbury. Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Hardle left on the Saxorfia for England on Friday of last week, after. spend- ing five months with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hardie. The regular W.M.S. and W.A. will be a joint meeting on Nov- ember 20 at the home of Mrs. Stanley DeFoe at 8 pm. Guest speaker will be Mrs. E. K. Fock- ler who will speak on Victor Home work. There will be a shower for the Victor Home of canned goods, jams. jellies, etc. Ladies are asked to remember the flower collection. White Gilt Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Cecil Stow and familv in the passing of Mrs. Story’s father, Mr. C. Found. who was in his 93rd year. Mr. Donald Gohn, teacher of S. S. No. 6, has been ill this past week, therefore the pupils have been having a holiday. A speedy recovery is wished for him. The regular monthly meeting of hte Mission Band will be held Saturday at 2.30 pm. in the Sun- day school room. W.M.S. and WA. The annual bazaar of the W. A. was held in the Sundav F"'Mnl room Saturday afternoon. There were booths of home baking. ap- rons and miscellaneous articles. The CGIT had a candy booth. Total receipts were $160. Mission Band The November meeting of the Sr. Women's Institute was held in the community hall on Tues- day evening of last week. Four members of the Unionville Insti- tute were also present. The theme was Citizenship and Education. Mrs. Alan Orr and Mrs. Jim Haw ker sang a duet, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. H. D. McCague. The guest speaker was Miss Jo- anne Jansen. who spoke on Wills and other legal matters. Roll call was answered by "Something I Want to Know". Several mn- tests followed the meeting. Re- freshments were served. Bazaar Sr. Women’s Institute Mrs. Haber McCague has been Township of Vaughan Notice of a Vote on the Question CORRESPONDEL'T : MRS. W. SANDLE. Victoria Square Telephone Gormley 5421 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS The Council of the Township of Vaughan did by by-law number 2155 authorize the submission of the above question to the mun- icipal electors entitled to vote at the annual election. 1, JAMES M. MCDONALD, Clerk of the Township of Vaughan, do hereby declare that the above is a correct statement of the question to be submitted to obtain the opin- ion of the electors concerned. The vote shall be taken on the second day of December, 1957, between the hours set for the taking of the vote at the annual municipal election and at the same places, set for taking of the vote at the annual mun- icipal election . The head of the Council or a member of it appointed for that purpose by resolution, shall attend at the Township Municipal 0f- fices in Maple at the hour of 10.00 o'clock in the forenoon, on the 29th day of November, 1957 and, if requested so to do, shall appoint, by writing signed by him, two persons to at- tend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons inter- ested in and desirous of voting in the affir- mative on the question and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desir- ous of voting in the negative on the question. I shall on the 3rd day of December, 1957, at the Township Municipal Offices in the Village of Maple sum up the affirmative and negative votes on the question. DATED at Maple, this 11th day of Oc- tober, 1957. “Are you in favour of the members of future Councils of the Towuship of Vaughan being elected for a term of two years commencing on the first day of January, 1959?” Clerk. Township of Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Roland Keffer of Maple, Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore and baby of King had Sun- day evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr and family. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bu- chanan, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Gee and John, Miss Vera mm- ols, Mr. Wilfred Anderson, Mrs. Ella Ratcliffe, and Mr. Mat. Tay- lor had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee and family, the occasion being Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee's twenty‘third wedding anniver- sary. 7 Mrs. Dalton Rumney has re- turned after spending the past month with relatives in Vancouv- er. and other Western points. Mr. and Mrs. V. Westbrook are spending a few days this \\'m\( with their daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. William Large and family in Toronto. Several of the young ladies in this community took ad- vantage of the holiday week-end and were away. Misses Vera and Lillian Nichols in Ottawa; Miss Joy Mortson in New York; Miss June Collard visited with Miss Vera Rosensky at Sudbury. A speedy recovery is wished for Mr. Barry McWhirter who underwent an appendix opera- tion in St. Joseph's Hospital, Tor- onto. Birthday greetings to Brian and Shirley Empringham who will be one year old on Novem- ber 15; to Miss Minnie Pickering for November 18; to Neil Pick- ering for November 18; to Mrs. Frank Brumwell for November 20. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johngton and daughter of Nashville had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. William Orr. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Margaret Haig who will be cei- ebrating her Blst birthday on November 20. Mrs. R. Healey of Thornhill has returned to her home after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rumney and family. (in Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boynton, Mrs J. M. MCDONALD. spending a few days with her sister and filmily. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Slsler and family at Port Credit. ~“06;:igfira_t_uilations to Mr. iand Mrs. Philip Rumney on the birth of a son. A brother for Jean and Keith. Mrs. Garnet Francy attended the first National Convention of the Women’s Institutes held at Ottawa last week; while there she also attended one session of Par- liament. Ella Ratclifie and Miss Mabel Sanderson called on Mr. Homer Wilson at Fairview Lodge, Whit- “an.” m-.. -_ ., Mr. and Mrs. John Empring- ham attended the O'Boyle-Mc- Mullen wedding at Stoufiville on Saturday, with the reception be- ing at the Summit. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr atâ€" tended the Thomas-Neal wedding in the United Church at Wood- bridge, with the reception being held in the church parlours. Mrs. Percy Bennett visited the Gospel Centre Sunday School, at Unionville on Sunday. She was there in the interests of the Markham Township Sunday School Association. “fig flerrs in the church on Sunday were from the funeral of the late Mrs. Ida McIlln'gqrray. â€".v Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nlcnols, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee. Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton. Mrs. R. Perkins and Miss Mabel Sander- son had dinner on Thursday of last week with Mrs. Ella Ratcliffe at Stouffville. "Aw....:ou We welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Osborne and baby daughter who are now living with Miss Mabel Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen and son had Sunday evening dinner with Miss Mabel Sanderson. Several men of the community have gone northward in search of deer. A speedy recovery is wished for DIM. V. Westbrooer who has been i l. !Rfifihmcm! Hill: 0'“- 31g â€"Everything about this glamourous new Dodge says here’s the BIG new car in the low-price field for ’58! Outside, from dashing front to flash- ing fins, you’ll thrill to its big-car beauty! Inside, you’ll find new luxury and “living” room to spare, with rich, new fabrics and new colour harmony. Big â€" Bold â€" â€"You’ll find Dodge Torsion-AIRE Ride the most revolutionary of all suSpension systems. New 1958 Dodge engines include the most powerful V-8’s yet, as well as a great fuel- thrifty Six. Ultramodem push-button Torque-Flite drive proves a perfect getaway partner, too! Louis Nichols You're always a step ahead In can of The Forward Look Telephone TU. 4-1650 Shown above (left to right) Jim Spencer, Past President of ‘Vaughan Township Federation of Agriculture, Maple: Jim Darlington, Director of Vaughan Federation of Agriculture, Maple; and committee members. Mrs. Eleanor Chapman, Woodbridge; Mrs. NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS ROGER PROULX Free Estimates Gladly Given PLUMBING & HEATING WILLIAM NEAL Beautiful â€"'r -â€"This year Dodge brings you a bright new fashion show on wheelsâ€"fresh-full of styling advances that are a dream away for ordinary cars! New "safety-mate” dual headlamps on every model! New glamour grille with a “go-ahead" look! New dashing colour sweep! ".3110. Low-pnceu, LUU: Come in! Get your first look at the most stunning quality-engineered car that ever stirred up excite- ment on a showroom floor! Then take a second look at that low price tag! You’ll be quick to agreeâ€"Dodge ofi‘ers you the best value in its field! 62 Crosby Ave. RICHMOND HILL and Igw-priged,_too! _c Gordon Tredgett, Woodbridge and Mrs. Jim Darlington, Maple, who are busy plotting numbered boards for farm numbering service on the township map at a meeting held last night in Vellore Hall. This new service is designed to as- sist in police and fire emergencies. Septic Tanks Pumped & Cleaned 24 HOUR SERVICE RICHVALE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE S. BAKER 138 Can-ville Road Wm AV. 5-4563 new on displayâ€"see it, drive it today! CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED Stunning new two-tone sweep accents the new brand of beauty you find in Dodge for 1958! New twin-pyramid tail- lights lend another touch of distinction. Push-button Torque Flite puts new driving fun and ease at your finger tip! Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley. Ont. NOVEMBER 1 Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be added after Phone: 'I'Urner 4-2091 ALVIN S. FARMER We personally handle all sale bills and advertising. The third instalment of the current year’s taxes is due YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE Licensed Auctioneer TAXES NOVEMBER 20 R. LYNETT, Clerk Town of Richmond Hill for

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