CHROME kitchen table, $5. TU. 4-3764. ONE DESK vanity 36" long and chair. AV. 5-1498. c1w20 AMERI‘CANieradgail full length SPACE HEATER, 80,000 B.T.U. $20,000. Phone PR. 3-5269. *1w20 BOTTLE gas stove, good oven ahd grill. TU. 4-1473. c1w20 coat. size 38-40. Brown. TU._4- 1794. . *1W20 OIL TANK, 200 gallons. 4 pipe legs and connecting valves, $25. Apply TU. 4-2766. *1w20 ROTTEN cow manure. $5.00 a load. AX. 3-5862. tf019 2 TIRES 760x15, tubeless, $4.00 each. TU. 4-1802. c1w20 and door. Apply after 5 pm. TU. 4-3796. *1w20 cultivator and snowplow. _Call AV. 5-1487 after 6 pm. tfc20 TWO Suburbanite snow tires. 670 x 15. TU. 4-3639, after 5 pm. CONTINENTAL tire to ï¬t 52/3/4 Ford. TU. 4-2420. clw30 3 BOYS' winter coats, size 10, 12. 16.- Excellent condition. Rea- sonable. TU. 4-3864. c1w20 iriRE SCREENS made to order. Gormley 5445. c3w18 LLOYD baby carriage, blue. TU. 4-2766. c1w20 COMBINATION _storm screens GéRDEN TRACTOR rwith plow MAPLE refrectory table, excell- ent condition, $25. TU. 4-1139. c1w20 2 PAIRS bOYS green, good condition. TU 3239. c] DAISY B.B. phmp gun in new condition. used only one month. Peasonable. TU. 4-2528 *4w16 Now available at Bryant Hard- ware. Richvale. AV. 5-3821. tfc9 size 13. Good 1332. GIRL'S winter coat FUR COAT. Persian paw, size 16. good condition. Réasohable. TU. 4-1450. c1w20 oats $2.40 p91" hundred or $45 a ton. TU. 4-2143. c2w19 GARDEN TRACTOR, large rub~ ber tires, reasonable. AV. 5-1582. clw20 LADIES’ HUdson Seal fur coat, just like new. size 14 short, $150 cash. TU. 4-1609. cl\\‘20 1 PAIR girl's 3. 1 pair boy like new. TU. STRAW. 50c per bale. R'odney HAND KNITTED heavy sweat- ers. many patterns. AV. 5-3357. clw20 ing base, excellent crondition. AV. 5-3756. . c1w20 XMAS LAYAWAY Now available at Bryant Hard- ware, Richvale. AV. 5-3821. t.fc9 enable. In gooa cohditioh. TU. 4-3854. Cl\\'20 HUDSON Seal coat. good condi- tion, reasonable. AV. 5-1440. MEQIUM size piano, very reas- 17" EXQUISITE turquoise net formal inset with lace. strapless with matching stole. TU. 4-2528. 21" PHILCO television. as new, china and kitchen cabinets. ches- terï¬eld and chair. maroon. all reasonable. AV. 5-3009 after 6 FOR THE BEST in aluminum doors and windows. For free es- timates phone TUrner 4-3920 or 85 J Maple *3w18 TIME TO PAINT UP. See us for Crown Diamond’Paint. Painters prices. Butler and Baird Lumber Limited, Richmond Hill, TU. 4- 1125. tfcél NATIONAL CASH register. rings up to $900. Suitable for mu“ business such as garage. service station or small star-e, etc. Bar- gain. HO. 6-9297. *2w20 BRIGHTEN UP that room now. Install a pre-ï¬t window-unit. We have a complete stock of stand- ard sizes on hand. Butler and Baird Lumber Limited, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1125. “(:41 FREE ESTIMATES for alumin- um combination windows, doors. and awnings. Call your “ALSCO†representative at Maple 315. USED building and plumbing materials. Metro Wrecking. Ceâ€" dar Avenue, Richmond Hill. AV. 5-3942. 2x4x6' 20c; 2x4x7’ 25c. 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 14, 1957 CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 31: per word. min. charge .. "a Second and subsequent insertions it wording unchanged, 3c per word min. charge . . . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . 15° COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 10c; min. charge 500 CARD 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 750 BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. TV table model. with match- ARTICLES FOR SALE XMAS LAYAWAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ï¬gure skates, size s skates, size 12, 4-2358. c1w20 skates. size 2 and condition. TU. 4- size 12 25x56. c1w20 c1w20 c1w20 clw20 *1w20 c1w20 c1w20 c4wl§ tfc51 TYPEWRITER, new Smith Cor- ona, makes an idFal Christmas gift. The Liberal Office. Phone TU. 4-1105. *3w20 ATTENTION BUILDERS Baled straw. suitable for frost coverage, deliver anywhere. TU. 4-2236. tfc20 GROLIER Publications, Book of Knowledge, Encyclopedia of Canada, Popular Science, Lands and People and bookcase. TU. 4- 3764. c1w20 KITCHEN STOVE (gas), good condition, size 18 x 30 x 34. 3- burners, oven, $30.00. 189 Tay- lor Mills Drive. *1w20 ORDERS taken for home made light fruit cakes. Delivery De- cember lst, 21/2 or 4% 1b. sizes. 89¢ per lb. Call Mrs. Peirce. AV. 5-3819. cleZO HORNBY Dublo electric train with extras, as new, $25. Model steam engine $4. Large Hockey game $3.50. 72 Rumble Ave. TU. 4-2760. c1w20 1/4 INCH Fir Plywood 615. 14¢ per sq. ft. Butler 8; Baird Lum- ber Ltq.. Richmond Hill. TU. 4- 1125. tfc48 ONE PAIR of Goodyear Super cushion suburbanite tires size 710-15. Used one year. TU. 4â€" 1806. c1w20 SNOW TIRES 6.70x15, used ï¬ve months, fair, $20.00. Tricycle $8. Child’s chifforobe $15.00. High chair $5.00. AV. 5-1765. *1w20 CONTINENTAL BED. 3;; size; electric refrigerator; metal ad- justable ironing board; dish wash~ er; duplicator; trombone; guitar. TU. 4-2902. c1w20 EVAN'S space heater, .output 50‘600 BTU. Two 45 gallon oil drums with couplings, 10 lengths stovepipe, 2 elbows, $75.00 or nearest offer. AV. 5-4316. *1w20 REFERENCE BQQKS; parents pipes. Suitable for ï¬ve rooms. 216 gal. tank $75.00. Phone RE. 3812 after 8 pm. RU. 1-9095, be- FOUR STEEL TANKS, height 68", depth 42", width 16â€. open top, 1/16" thickness. 320 gallons capacity, suitable for soft water. 26 Edgar Avenue, Richvale. AV. 5-3067 after 6 pm. c2w19 DUO-THERM space heater and provide your child with the best†Ideal for, Christmas gifts. For full information call Mrs. Cot- trill TU. 4-1818 after 6 pm. fore 8 p.m LADY’S’ mouton fur coat, size 16; one lady‘s black cloth coat. per- sian lamb trim, size 14; one lady‘s suit, size 14; 3 boys’ overcoats, size 10-14 yrs.; pair boy’s breech- es and jacket, size 10; plaid parka size 14. All very resonable. TU. 4-2628. clw20 PHONOGRAPH. 3 speed _Sea Breeze; Spartan Cabinet 3-band Radio; pair of Skiis; pair Ski Boots, size 12; skates and boots size 12; power shaper with kniv- es; snow shoes. Phone AV. 5-2237 or 72 Centre St. W.. Richmond Hill Saturday only. c1w20 VENETIAN BLINDS, aluminum or steel, custom made. Free esti- mates and installations. Phone TWining 5-6551 (reverse char- ges). Harold Craddock, Newmar- ket. tfc42 BOATS New marine plywood boats, 8 ft. pt‘ams, 12 ft. car-top. 14 ft. run- ahouts, $65 and up. Best Maâ€" terials used, no down payment necessary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. No. 11 Highway. 1 mile north of Richmond Hill. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2732. tfc5 COMBINATICN doors. windows, and awnings, porch shades and railings. drapery tracks, bamboo drapes and hooks. Zeph-Aire Co. Ltd., Aurora, phone PA. 7-4811. t£c50 HARDWARE PROBLEMS Try Bryant Hardware - to locate special products or information, electrical and paint our special- ty. On the spot analysis by our representative if required. Richvale. AV. 5-3821. tfc32 ATTENTION FREEZER OWNERS! We specialize in deep freeze or- ders. Special! Commercial hinds of beef. 39c a pound. Blue brand hinds, 45c a pound. One free tur- key with each blue brand order. Cut and wrapped at no extra charge. Free delivery. Bayview Meats, 555 Bayvjew. HU. 8-1323. Phone collect. ‘ c3w19 Sales Service - R9ntals Special Students Rental Rates, Purghases as low as $1.00 a week. Authorized uealer for Under- woodâ€"Smith-Corona-Royal and Victor-McCaakey. Call TU. 4- 1745, L. H. Sims, 88 Baker Ave., Richmond dill. tfcls For Sale (cont’d) TYPEWRITERS & ADDIING MACHINES c3w20 *1w20 $15,200 MODERN bright three- bedroomed bungalow. Tastefully decorated, large garden, owner transferred. TU. 4-1561. *1w20 4 ROOMED cottage and sun porch, lot size 73x325 at Lang- stafl‘. Very reasonable for cash. AV. 5-3159. c2w20 HOUSE FOR SALE. all conven- iences. In Oak Ridges. Owner leaving country. Open for offers. PR. 3-5314. c1w20 WE HAVE clients for houses, farms and small acreages in sur- rounding area. Call us if you have property to sell. Jim Spen- cer, Maple 247W, evenings. Herb Sills Realtor, Woodbridge AT 8- 1143. c6w20 OAK RIDGES $1500 down, full price $10,900. Balance on reason- able terms. 6 room modern bunâ€" galow with garage attached, 4- piece bath. oil heating, heavy wiring, located on a 90 ft. treed 'lot, 300 ft. off Yonge St. Jack Blyth Realtors, PRospect 3-5241, Oak Ridges, Member of York County and District Real Estate Board. c1w20 DRY HARDWOOD 16 inch lengths for ï¬replace. Mixed hardwood $12.00. white birch $14.00 single cord. TU. 4~ 2957. I"19w13 MAPLE Beautiful split level home in sub- division, has large living room with open ï¬replace, modern kit- chen, 3 large bedrooms with clothes closets, coloured ï¬xtures in bathroom, spacious recreation room roughed in. This home has many extras and we advise an early inspection of this outstand- ing buy. Jim Spencer. evenings Maple 247W. Herb Sills Realtor, AT. 8-1143. c1w20 Buys 6 room brick, 2 storey old- er type house in Weston district. Immediate possession. Call Mr. Hampton. TU 4-1157 or EM. 8- 1197. 5 room frame house close to transportation and schools. This is an excellent price for this home. Call now and don't be dis- appointed. Call Mr. G. Hampton, TU. 4-1157 or EM. 8-1197. BUILDER’S BUNGALOW $16,900. 6 room house with at- tached garage. Extra large lot with plenty of fruit trees This home has been reduced in price. Owner must sell. Call Mr. G. Hampton TU. 4-1157 or EM. 8- 1197. You name the price on this 2 storey, oil heated solid brick home, 3 large size bedrooms, com- fortable living room, separate dining room and modernized kit- chen. Owner's business tI‘InSp ferred. Must sell immediately. Phone now. Mrs. Carter. TU 4- 1157 or FM. 8-1197. , L. R. Vanderburz Real Estate Broker 10 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill BEAGLE PUPPIES. reg. $35. Ben Cruachan Kennels, Highway 11. south C.N.R. bridge, Aurora. PArkview 7-4467. c1w20 Full priceifor this ï¬ne well kept PUPS, cross setter and cocker, small. Apply TU. 4-3796. *1w20 RABBITS, white. TU. 4-2188 2 PUREBRED Holstein heifer calves, two weeks old. Apply to Alex Bishop, Maple 189 ring 21. clw20 PONY FOR SALE. Black and white and gelding 2 yrs. saddle, bridle and martingale, Western. AV. 5-3453. c1w20 BLACK Labrador pups. fully registered 5 months old ready for training. Fully registered from Champion Stock. PRospect 3-5241. clw20 A GENUINE APPEAL FOR. YOUR HOME We need your home today re- gardless of size or price. Due to the tremendous sales volume of our Thornhill and Richmond Hill offices, we need your home now for one of our many waiting buyers. Why not take advantage of our years of experience. It costs no more. Thornhill offices AV. 5-1176 Richmond Hill oflices TU. 4-3805 c1w20 NICE full grown cat with good disposition. colour blond. He needs a home. TU. 4-2952. *1w20 DAVID McLEAN LTD. Members of Toronto Real Estate Board BOXER puppies Stop 22 Yonge St. 46 Edgar Ave. AV. 5-3198. Safe REAL ESTATE WANTED CENTRE STREET WEST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE (continued) : Conï¬dent Buying or Selling $750. DOWN $10,900. c1w20 c1w20 tic“ FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-1109. tfc28 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware, I‘U. 4-2101.. tfc18 TWO comfortable basement ooms. child welcome with day care. AV. 5-3508. c2w19 Ec'hinond Hill Hardware, TU. 4-2101. um LECTRIC FLOORV SANDER COMFORTABLE, convenient room, no meals. TU. 4-1284. NICE 6-mom bungalow to share. Child welcome. 389 Palmer Ave‘. Richmond Hill. tfc20 THORNH-ILL‘ AREA, near Yonge St., self contained, 31/2 room ap- artment suitable for adults. AV. 5-4459. * ‘ ' ' - *1w20 4 ROOM winterized cottage, in- side conveniences, $45 monthly or sell $3.700, $500 down. PRos- pect 3-5504. *1w20 STORAGE SPACE, dry and clean in Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-2613. tfc19 upper duplex, 6 rodms and' bath, heated, front and rear entrance, garage. TU. 4-1504. c1w20 FURNISHED ROOMS to let, two minutes to Yonge St. Phone TU. 4-2157 between 8 and 9 am. c1w20 2 ROOMS and store room partly furnished, heated, adults pre- ferred, parking space available. or Green Lane, Thornnfll, AV. 5â€"3301. tfc13 RICHMOND HILL, Yonge St ‘LOOR SANDERS, POMSHERS, ELECTRIC TOOLS To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. t'1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 Saws, sander, etc. Sales and Ben- tal. Bryant Hardware, Stop 22A, Yonge St., Richvale. AV. 5-3821. tfc28 rooms, bath and kitchenette, $75. nonthly including heat, water and electricity. Apply 36 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. Apply HU. 8-1205. tic14 APARTMENT, furnished and equipped, three rooms and bath on main floor, with own veranda and entrance. Heat, electricity and parking supplied (young ba- by welcome). $85 or weekly. Aurora PA. 1â€"5597. c1w20 BABY SITTING, afternoons or evenings. TU. 4-1052. c2w20 FOR RENT. offices Yonge Street, Thornhill. Excellent ground floor location, 400 sq. ft. AV. 5-1595. Evenings AV. 5-2533. c2w19 RELIABLE woman wants house- work by the day. TU. 4-2896. LOST: American honey-coloured cocker spaniel approximately 11 months old. Lost from Richvale area two weeks ago not wearing his tag. AV. 5-3709. clw20 NEW apartment in new subdiv- ision, suit business couple or tea- chers, close to schools and shop- ping centre. Furnished. Also heat, light and water supplied. Phone TUrner 4â€"1728. c1w19 AVAILABLF Nov. 2 â€"- go‘mfgr’g: able furnisl'led 2~room flat. Suit business couple or expectant or baby, reasonable. Apply 237 Ashlar Rd., Beverley Acres (west off Taylor Mills Dr. N.) c2w19 MIDDLE AGED man wants part time light work Monday through Thursday. AV. 5-1286. c1w20 'OUTBOARD MOTOR and cartop boat rentals. Custom ï¬breglass- ing. AV. 5-2193. tfc51 BACHELOR apartment, $15 weekly. Two men or business couple. Fully furnished and equipped ,self contained. Warm and bright. Large grounds. Aur- ora PA. 7-5597. tfle )RESSMAKING and alterations. Mrs. Angus MacDonald. 104 Elm- wood Ave., Richmond Hill. tfcll GENTLEMAN requires part time work in the garden. Raking, weoding. digging, etc. TU. 4- 1724. *1w20 CARPENTER, fully experienced. old or new work, alterations. Ev- enings and week-ends. TU. 4- 2401. c1w20 BABY SITTER. reliable. Even- ings only. Has own transporta- tion. TU. 4-3114. tfc20 CARPENTER would like odd jobs, nights and week-ends. Kit- chen cupboards, recreation rooms. etc. Reasonable. TU. 4- 3710. tfcll LADY companiop to elderly peo- IiANDYMAN experienced' in brick, block. concrete, painting and floors, etc. Phone BA. 1- 7619. ‘ ‘ tfc13 ple. day or’hourly rates Gdrrï¬ley 5502. *2W19 LOVING day care for one or two children, any age. Apply 237 Ashlar Road, Beverley Acres, (west off Taylor Mills Dr. NJ ‘.PARTMENT T0 RENT, two EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother's absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. tIc23 EMPLOYMENT WANTED BLACK 85 DECKER TO RENT LOST c1w20 c2w19 1w20 CUSTOM Rotovating! lawns qty} gardens. Tém Masï¬inter. 114 Roseview Ave., TU. 4-1170. tfc39 DRE MAKING and alterations. ladies and children‘s wear. TU. 4-3980. tfc13 RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE TV 8; Radio Service, antenna and U.H.F. installations. Car radios. TU. 4-2101, AV. 5-3756. tfc20 SODDING ‘ Garden maintenance. For free estimates phone TU. 42420. J. Hampton. tfc6 WELL TILE and Septic Tanks. immediate delivery. Lorne Baker and Son, Concrete Products. Newmarket. Phone TW. 5-6281. t c38 ROTOVATING Complete service ready for seed- ing plowing, discing. Reasonable prices, free estimates. J. Hamp- tonhTU. 4-242Q. tfc41 STNB AND GRAYEE, gushgd BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings. basement floors. etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3085. tfc49 SPECIAL FOR FALL SEASON Have your Chesterï¬eld 5-! recov- ered. OuI prices are lower than city prices. Formerly with Ea- ton’s and Simpsons. Latest sam- ples brought to your home. 5 Year guarantee on an work. Terms available. A Smith Up- holster‘mg. Phone AV. 5468?. 7 ROTBVATING, lawns and gait- dens. Prices to suit home owners. Phon: TU. 4-1973. *4w45 tfc49 ANYTHING in Painting, Paper- hanging, Decorating. etc. Phone A. Rollinson. TU. 4â€"3622. tch E63; 1611i? slid an. 21 Charity, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. tfc42 pairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tlcn WELL DRILLING. George's Well Drilling and re- pairing, pump installed and re- paired. George Adams, Box 192 King City. King 287. tfc46 'MOVING 8; CARTAGE Frank’s Moving & Cartage. pack- ing and storage. Experienced ser- vice anytime. Pickup and delivâ€" ery. Good rates. TU, 4-2613. afc46 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- GENERAL carpentry New work, kitchen cupboards, alterations and repairs. Tile floors. Phone evenings PR. 8-5432. daytime Pr. 3-5051. tfc23 CHIMNle Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham, Lake Road, Oak Ridges. On holidays until August 31. PR. 3-5691. tfc27 SPENCER SUPPORTS can make your ï¬gure beautiful with the new Dacron and other materials For your Coraetler, call BA. 1- 6175. tfc45 FROM THE BASEMENT to the root â€" house repairs and alterâ€" ations. J. M. Cannon Sn, Oxford St, Richmond mu. TU. 4-1810. £1013 CALL US for your sand, gravel. 1111. top 3011 and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerraI-i, Maple 54R12. tfc7 CARPENTRY, kitchen cupboards, stairs, arborite tops, acoustica: tile ceilings and recreation rooms. J. Anderson ,TU. 4-2505. ‘ c2w19 RICHMOND HILL Commercial Cleaners ~ churehes. banks, halls, ofl’ices, stores and homes. Floor. walls and windows, cleaned, wa- shed, waxed and polished By day. week, month or contracts. Exâ€" perienced cleaners. All cleaning material supplied. Estimates free. Phone TU 4-3714. tfc13 V. A. PECK plumbing and heatâ€" ing, expert work on all plumb- ing repairs and alterations. Oil burners installed and Work guar- anteed. Tel ’IU. 4-3827. tfc18 Repaired. Cleaned. Restyled. All Work Guaranteed . KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Stop 21A Yonge St., AV. 5-4f172. t (:11 Call E. W. Payne for complete septic tank installation. Concrete floors, driveways, sidewalks. steps and porches. All types of concrete construction in and ar- ound the home. Phone AV. 5- 1153. c8w16 LANGSTAFF SHARPENING SERVICE Saws. lawn mowers and power mowers. cutter blades balanced. Pick-up and delivery. 88 Garden Avenue. AV 5-2815. tfc5 recreation rooms, porches gar- ages, roughing in and trim work. Kitchen cupboards. No job too small. Call Tom Price, AV. 5- 3048. c24w4 EVERGREEN LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN C0., LANGSTAFF Orders taken for fall clean up. MANURE delivered in small and large quantities. "AV. 5-3233. CARPENTRY WORK.‘ additions MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE CONTRACTOR A. MILLS & SON Richmond Ell! Plumbing and Heating TUrner 4â€"1711. AVenue 5-3691 tfcl'l SIGN PAINTER BILL WEGMAN AV. 5-4131 FURS tic“: ticl tfc18 RADIO and TV repairs. Reason- ble rates. AV. 5-1082. *2w19 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4â€"2896. Ruben Lahn. Richmond Hill. “08 R. H. REID, Delivery service. Pickup and delivery. ï¬ght mov- ing. TU. 4-339]. “C37 BOB’S ‘DELIVERY SERVICE For your pick up and delivered to Concord Station or anywhere. Phone evenings TU. 4-2375. SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges PR. 35471. PAINTING 8c PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. plastic and linoleum. Robert I. Patchell. PArkview 7-4459,_ FRANK'S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and «wind. Frank Gen-its, R. R. 1 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. . “can SANTA CLAUS and Snowmen made to order for Christmas dec- orations. Any size. TU. 4-1250. tfc20 REPAIRS on motorcycles, pow- er lawn mower, chain saws and all types of air cooled engines. Maple 51 ring 14. c1w20 HAVE you a friend overseas? Why not send them a record of your voice for Christmas. For particulars, phone Maple 61R. c1w20 CATENARO CONSTRUCTION Co.. Concrete work, drains. 126 Elmwood Ave.. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2612. tfc37 RUBBER STAMPS, all kinds; any size. Quick. service. The Liberal Office, Richmond Hil‘l.‘ a1] makés. Space Heaters‘ bought and sold. Phone Harold VanDyke, TU. 4-1221. tfc12 WANTED one or“two bedroom apartment. preferably heating. stove and frig supplied, in Rich- mond Hill or Maple. Nice young couple with baby. Reasonable rent around $70. Phone MElrose 3â€"1673. c1w20 , . WALK-RITE SHOE STORE AND REPLIES Thornhill, Phone AV. 5â€"1266. tfclz NORTH YORK SODDING Co. Ltd, rapid delivery of quality loam. Sod delivered and/or lald. Phone BA. 1-9877. c28w43 Cleaning, service and repairs to {or footings floors, patios. etc GORMLEY READY-MIXED CONCRETE LTD. MISCELLANEOUS TILE CONTRACTOR. cor-mic, GARDEN PLOW] also back ï¬lling, and front end 10 Willis, TU. 4-2096 STAN’S BEAUTY SHOP 108 Carrvillo Road W., Richvale. “Perms a specialty.†S. Ficht, prop. Phone AV. 5-3846 c8w18 PLASTERING By old country plasterers. No job too small. Cornice and Stucco ceilings, our speciality. Lennon Brothers. TU. 4-2157. tfc 18 ALTERATIONS and repair work. Sidewalks, cement work, septic tanks, soft wafPr cistems, car- pentry Work. For promp: service. call Walker and Mitchelz, AV. 5- 2526. tfc45 Mill St.. Aurora Gormley 5601, Stouflvllle 320 SMALL HOUSE in Richmond: Hill by a couple. TU.-4-1033. A HOUSE or self contained ap- artment for young couple with small family. Richmond Hill area. AV. 5-3828. c2w20 WANTED â€" Piano accordian lessons. TU. 4â€"3880. *1w20 CAPONS, and fowl, highest pri- ces paid. Don't sell until contact- ing W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. phone PRospect 3-5301. tfc27 PIANO TUNING 8: REPAIRING HOME Mainténance Service. Anything about you there to keep in ï¬rst class repair. Furnace, windows. floors, basement and lawns, etc. AV. 5-1020. tfc3 S. Hoffman Formerly of Gerard Heintzman Work guaranteed. Free estimates Phone Liberal Office. TU. 4-1105; evenings, ORchard 6516. Toronto RICHMOND TREE SERVICE Fruit trees pruned, trees trim- med and removed. Cabelling. fer- tilizing and custom chain saw- ing. Free estimates. TU. 4-1221. tfc28 ACCOMMODATION for gentlemen, ,near Yonge St OIL SPACE HEATER & FLOOR FURNACE SERVICE ROOM & BOARD READY MIXED CONCRETE Richvale Rexall Pharmacy Free All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed AV. 5-3772 WANTED TO RENT WANTED PLOWING, disclng. ï¬lling, light grading, end loading. La}:ch DRUGS c1w20 *2w19 flctl ï¬cl' tfc13 tfc17 tfc43 “040 tic! two AV. CAPABLE WOMAN as mothers’ help, 3 days weekly. AV. 5-3165. c1w20 PART TIME cashier. experienc- ed Thursday and Friday nights from 6 to 9 pm. Apply Thorn- hill I.G.A. c1w20 MAN or woman for part time re- porting on weekly newspaper. Apply Editor, The Liberal. Yonge St., Richmond Hill. *1w20 FEMALE CLERK for local bank in Richmond Hill. Teller‘s exper- ience preferred. not essentiaL Box 41 The Liberal. 03w20 and windows. Apply Gordon Ma- dill, TU. 4-3920 after 5 pm. '(flients’ funds to purchase mar-«gages, also a few ï¬rsts JICL’ean, AV. 5-1176. David .ean Ltd., Realtors. SALESMAN for aluminum doors newspaper route in Richmond Hill. Apply by letter only to Box 42 stating age. address and phone number. *1w20 MAKE money at home assemb- ling our items. No tools, sewing or experience necessary. Crown Ind., 8507â€"W 3rd, Los Angeles 48, Cal. *2w19 $4,000 00 2ND MORTGAGE for sale. Good Richmond Hill house. 7% and discount. Mr. McLean. AV. 5-1156. c1w20 BOYS for morning paper routes i1 Richmond Hill and Richvale, boys 11 to 15 with bicycles pre- ferred. Call Mr. Taylor, TU. 4- 1320. - tfc13 RICHMOND HILL-THORNHILL salesmen. Two immediate open- ings for success-minded men in prosperous expanding office. Ex- perience not necessary, complete manager training. Opportunities here that a small ï¬rm cannot of- fer. Please call manager Mr. Car- lisle AV. 5-1176 or AV. 5-2742. tfc20 SOLICI'I‘OR has clients wishing to purchasé lst or 2nd mortgages. Martin and Ralph. AV. 5-4951. ' c8w18 Typing, stencils, clerical. Man- uscripts, etc. typed directly from your dictation. Phone after 4 pm. TU. 4-2208. tic19 CARRIER BOYS EXPERIENCED clerk - stenog- rapher for typing and record keeping, shorthand required. Vicinity Richmond Hill. 5 day week, good wages, transportation supplied. Apply Box 45 Liberal. *1w20 WANTED 2 quiet sheep and one nanny goat. AV. 5-2379. clw20 SOLVE your mortgage problems quickly through Willowdale Mortgage Service. M0. 2040. Re- verse the charges. tfc9 ALL BREED puppies wanted. Best prices paid. AV 5-3575 or LEnnox 2-8550. tlcO NURSES registered for Sept. 5 or after full or part time. Salary $9.00 daily. Duties three shifts, 8 to 4. 4 to 12. 12 to 8. Rest home Yonge and Elmwood, Stop 24C. Ask for Miss White. AV. 5-1766. Call between 6 and 7’p.m. tfca HELP WANTED MORTGAGES PURCHASED STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE Ladies’ White Stretchy Gloves, wool lined, ï¬ts all sizes Men’s White Silk Scarves for formal wear Men’s Wool Fleece Subur- ban Coats, the new winter white shade Ladies’ Black Rubber over- shoes, fur trim, ï¬ts all heels Boys’ 3-pc. Snow Suit, quilted lined, a viscose and nylon bruck fabric and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES A. Lavme TU. 4-3131 12 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill '. SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS SIMPSDN’S DRY GOODS MORTGAGES LIVESTOCK WANTED Elgin Mills P.0. Painting for weekly c1w20 tfc14 2nd Mr. 1948 CHRYSLER sedan. 6 cle ï¬nders. good shape $75. Phone TU. 4-2294 after 5 pm. clwzo FORD. 1956 Customline, new con: dition, one owner. purchased August ’56. TU. 4-1343. clw20 TRANSPORTATION wanted to vicinity of Bloor W. and St. George Sts. by 8.30 am. Return- ing 5 pm. Phone TU. 4-1855. USED CARS AND TRUCKS truck. K87; new 6x10 cabin ti‘é‘i‘lr- er, make offer. TU. 4-1079. c2w19 1943 INTERNA'EI‘O‘NAy dunTp 1950 MORRIS Convertible, m perfect condition. $60 or nearest offer. TU. 4-3714. c,1w20 new battery. Good tires. $100.66: AV. 5-12.96. c1w20 49 PLYMOUTH coach. Excellent condition. Mr. McLean AV. 5- 1156. c1w20 TRUCK (1953) 2 ton Chevrolet stake truck. 26,000 actual 'miles. Excellent condition. Phone 5691 Gormley after 6. *lw20 TRANSPORTATION available from 296 North Taylor Mills Dr., to Commissioner St. via Don Mills Rd., leaving 7 am. TU. 4- 1025. c1w20 TRANSPORTATION ‘ urgently wanted, arriving at Yonge and Bloor 8.30 a.m., returning 4.45 pm. Apply 283 Boisdale Ave. *1w20 1948 FORD coach. heater. radio 1950 MORRIS Minor convertible, new top this year. Good condi- tion. Ideal for housewife or high school student, $195. AV. 5-3275. c1w20 THURS, NOV. 21 -â€" Auction sale of farm stock, 30 head of registered grade Holsteins, hogs. tractor, manure spreader, 2-unlt milker. The property of Roy Zeller at lot 24, con. 10 Mark- ham Township. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. A. S. Farmer. auction- eer, Gormley, phone 5311. ‘ 49 DODGE, 1/2 ton panel truck. Jnly 23,000 miles on. Motor in excellent condition. Winterized. $450 or best offer. AV. 5-3224. c2w19 1954 CHEVROLET 4 door sed- an, heater, radio, turn signals, washers. a very clean car for only $995. Phone TU. 4-1678. 1955 METEOR, 4 door sedan. metallic maroon, push button radio and clock, immaculate con- dition. Best cash offer. TU. 4- 2148. *1w20 51 “CHEVROLET DeLuxe 4-door, radio, heater, winterized, excell- ent throughout, $275.00. After 5 pm. Epworth, Hillsview Drive. 3rd house from Yonge. clw20 SPACE for two persons in car pool available. Arriving Toronto Bloor-Bay 8.30 a.m.; leaving for Ri-hmond Hill 5 pm. TU. 4-2660 after 6 pm. *1w19 51 FORD, TU. 4-3428. aim Sanitary Contractor SALE REGISTERS ‘RANSPORTATION C. STUNDEN RICHMOND HILL TU Drains Cleaned & Repaired LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS Septic Tanks Pumped TU. 4-1651 $19.95 $1.98 $1.19 $6.95 $8.95 TU. 4-1245 c1w20 *1w20 c1w20