STOP 24 YONGE STREET Thirtyall-new models in seven series distinguish the 1958 Pontiac, introduced today by General Motors of Canada, Limited. Lower, longer, wider than ever before, the 1958 Pontiacs feature many new advancements in styling and engineering. Coil springs replace the conventional leaf springs in rear suspension, while air ride suspension on all four wheels is optional. Shown above is the Strata-Chief 4-door Sedan for 1958. RICH - HILL MOTORS LTD. This one you really must seeâ€"here is 1 car unlike any you have ever known! The Golden Jubilee Pontiac is an all-new breed of carsâ€"in eight brilliant series and 30 sleek models covering every possible price bracket. In all of them you’ll ï¬nd engineering ad- vances so darineg different yet so basically sound that they will trigger the next big change. You’ll ï¬nd a few of these ideas here, but there’s much, much more: new jeweled-action power; a new transmission; new handling; new comfort; new styling. Be amOng the ï¬rst to discover the newest. Make it a point to see your Pontiac dealer soon and prove to yourself that no car in history ever left yesterday so far behind. A NEW KIND OF CAR IS BORN! Pontiac’s completely new boay construction surrounds you with girder steel protectionâ€" above, below, fore and aft. < Now you can drive with wonderful new peace of mind! < Only the wheels know where the bumps are! Pontiac’s new suspension geometry ends dive, away and bounce to bring you the smoothest ride easiest handling you’ve ever known! \ -- x w.._ _ Circles-of- Steel SAFETY Acre-Frame This lo the Golden Jubilee Cerâ€" e. revolution on wheelsâ€"boldly planned from the very beginning as a Golden Anniversary showpiece for Pontiac and General Motors. Quadra-polse ROADABILITY A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE BUY T.B. - CHRISTMAS SEALS Here is the biggest basic construction change since the early days of motoring. Pontiac’s revolutionary new frame design is lighter, stronger, more stable than the conventional box type used on other cars. SOUTH of RICHMOND HILL TEL. AV. 5-435] STABILITY Ever-Level Air Ride' The most perfect suspension system ever designed-â€" and Pontiac’s revolutionary Aero-Frame is speciï¬cally designed for it! Air cushions on all four wheels literally float you over the bumps . . . keep the car perfectly level regardless - of load or road! ‘An aim-cost option. We were sorry to learn of the passing of Mr. James Wark Sr. on Sunday. Although Mr. Wark did not enjoy the best of health in recent years, his death was rather sudden. The Wark family had lived in Carrville for many years except for the past 16 which were spent at Malton and Willowdale. It was just last May that Mr. and Mrs. Wark celebrat- ed their 50th wedding anniver- sary. We would like to express sin- cere sympathy to Mrs. Wark and sons, Stuart of Oakville, James of Willowdale, Bruce of Carr- ville, Kenneth of British Colum- bia. and daughters Kay (Mrs. B. Cable) of Richmond Hill and Jes- sie (Mrs. McGuire) of Clare- mont. Mr. Wark was laid to rest in Carrville cemetery on Wed- nesday afternoon. S. S. Convention Carrville United Church ser- vice was withdrawn on Sunday due to smoke fumes still in the church building, following the fire in the hall on Thursday morning. It is expected there will be a service next Sunday. Young People Carrville Young People will meet on Wednesday. November 20 at the church to elect officers. All young people will be made welcome. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bone, who are cele- brating their 30th wedding an- niversary on November 12. James Wark Sr. Dies Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton and Misses Dorothy Baker and Mary George attended the Vau- ghan Township 75th Sunday New Direction STYLING Try Pontiac’s new jeweled-action response! Scores of exclusive engineering innovations make Pontiac’s hefty power plants miracles of smoothness . . . and the ï¬nest of them all is the new Astra-Flame V8. Astra -I-'lame PERFORMANCE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone Maple 130R3 Here’s a fresh new look in automobile stylingâ€"and only Pontiac has it! From classic grille to bold rear end, Pontiac makes a decisive break with the fads and frills! And deSpite its silhouette that’s inches lower, there’s more room inside "' - than ever! CARRVILLE NEWS school convention at Maple as representatives of Can-ville Un- ited Church Sunday school. School News The Carrville United Church Woman's Association had a very successful turkey supper on Nov- ember 6 making a proï¬t of over $170. The ladies of the associa- tton and members of the com- munity had worked very hard to make the supper a succes. Fire at U.C. Hall On Thursday morning of last week as ten women were clean- ing up after the turkey supper, a ï¬re started in the kitchen. For- tunately everyone was able to escape. Considerable damage was done to the church hall. Due to the prompt action of the Vaugh- an Township ï¬re department and the police. the church itself suf- fered only smoke damage. Fire insurance should cover the loss. Birthday greetings to Mrs.â€R; Kirk on November 17 and Miss Eviah Sheppard on November 18. Carrville public school child- ren are to be congratulated for the amount of poppies sold by them, collecting over $18, with Gretta Middleton selling the most $6.42. There were only eight pupils selling as there are only 18 in the school. Mr. Green has a very ambitious group al- thuogh few in number. Brian Walker is a new pupil at Carrville school. The pupils welâ€" come him. ~ Turkey Supper Mrs. Airï¬a Claughton who has been visiting with her niece Mrs. J. Bushell End family returned to her home at West Hill on Wed- nesday. HI.- I.- nu- u P-ISGC 600/16 650/16 670/15 710/15 750/14 760/15 820/15 800/14 850/14 900/14 With a pair of Snow-Travel Tires on your rear wheels. you're salary-nor all Winter long. CLIMB AWAY from ice-rufled curbs quickly and easily. CLIMB HILLS wirhour slipping or sliding. NO BOCCING DOWN, even in deep snow. slush or mud. Hundreds of flexing lugs grip and bile rheir way through. Srurdy 4-ply Super- Flex Rayon Cord with longer-lasting [of Cold Rubber Treads. Super-Lame SNOW TRAVEL is priced away below the market. Now! The safest. quietest Winter driving over possible. Smooth. quiet-running NATURAL RUBBER TREADS. Hiway- Byway Tire is specifically designed for year-'round Summer-Winter driving-â€" any timeâ€"on any road. All-purpose for snow-loaded out-of-town travel or icy city streets. Top choice for suburbanitea who drive into town frequently and must travel whether the roads are heavy laden or bare. Grip-action tread pattern designed to eliminate annoying whine and noisel WITH CLASS “A†TRADE-IN . _ _ _ . _ min†'II-H Without Trade-in --.. 14.95 WITH <CLASS "A" TRADE-IN _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ Without Trade-in __- 18.95 (Irufallah'an - add 50!) Tubeless type tires $3.00 euro 750/ I 4 600/16 WITH CLASS "A" V TRADE-IN __________ I J .y Withou! Trade-in --_ 15.95 "Intonation - add 50c) WITH CL'Ass "A" ¢ TRADE-IN __________ 1 7 u . Without Trade-in ..-- 19.95 WITH CLASS "A" ‘ TRADE-IN _________ - 19-. Without Trad-4n --_ 21.95 Famous "Tenasco" cordâ€"by C ourtaulds WINTER EXPRESS 670/15 WITH CLASS "A" ‘ TRADE-IN __________ 15-. Withoue Trade-in --- 17-95 760/ I 5 loo-LEVELâ€"Witll "Tenasco" Cord by Courtaulds a! will be used on the new 1958 auromobilea. at an honest-Io- geodness savings of $13.10 (with trade- in) on the 670/15 size. The deeper shoulder buflreues dig in to take a bigger biteâ€"get you away fast and easy in heavy snow or mud. Give sure GO and safe STOP on greasy roads or slick ice. Run smoothly and quietly on dry and bare roads. Priced at Canadian Tire for extra savings. 710/ 15 710/15 670/ I 5 Bargain in Winter Driving Safety She SNOW TRAVEL HIWAY-BYWAY Compare These Prices! Tubeless type tires $3.00 extra Natural Rubber Tread Without Trade-in ___ 13.95 (In-(diction - add 50c) Price Beg. LM without Prch Trude-in THE LIBERAIJ, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 14, 1957 $26.50 $18.50 $16.50 33.75 19.95 17.95 29.05 19.95 17.95 32.80 21.95 19.95 32.45 20.95 18.95 35.90 24.95 22.95 38.45 36.90 40.45 44.75 ' 12.95 ' 13.95 27.95 22.95 25.90 27.95 11.95 16:95 19.95 15.95 17.95 Reg. List $17.95 Reg. List $19.65 Reg. List $25.10 Reg. List $32.45 Reg. List $3 5.90 Reg. Lin $32.80 Reg. List $29.05 Price with Class "A" Trude-In 25.95 20.95 23.90 25.95 ye St. I. RICHMOND m TUrner 4-1 1 96