Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Feb 1958, p. 8

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Church News Maple United W.M.S. met at the church parlours on February 19, with Mrs. A. G. Donald in charge. The devotional was given by Mrs. E. Hemphill and Mrs. H. Jennings on the theme “The Lord is my Shepherd". and Mrs. Don- ald and Mrs. D. Jarrett reported on a conference held recently in Aurora. Guest speaker was Mrs. C. H. Bowman, who addressed the members on the subject of the picture by Holman Hunt “Be- hold I stand at the door and knock”; Refreshments and a so- cial half hour closed the meeting. Maple United Church was the scene of the annual observance of the Women’s World Day of Prayer on Friday afternoon. Fes- ruary 21, In which Maple United, Anglican. Presbyterian and Sher- wood Lutheran Churches all took part. Mrs. J. Kenley of the An- glican Church was in charge, in the absence of Mrs. B. Hayes, and prayers were read by represent- atives from each church. Mrs. E. Magee was in charge for the Presbyterians, Mrs. A G. Don- aid for the United and Mrs. R. Percival for the Lutherans. Guest speaker was Mrs. Gilbert Robin- son from St. Andrew's United Church in Toronto, and she spoke on the theme of the meeting “The Bread of Life". Music throughout was by Mrs. L. Wells, who took the place of the regular organist. Mrs. R. Clegg, who was absent through sickness. on Tuesday night, February 18. The roll call was answered by in- cluding the word “light” in a quotation, and the devotional was taken by Mrs. J. Morris. Mrs. H. Constable read the scriptures, and the topic "Light in the Dark- ness" was taken by Mrs. J. Kings- burgh. assisted by Mrs Morris and Mrs. Constable. Mrs. J. Klngsburgh also rendered a very lovely vocal solo. which was en- joyed by all. During the busi- ness session, planswere made for talmg part in the World Day of Prayer, which was to be held at the United Church on Friday, February 21. Refreshments ser- ved by the committee rounded ofl the meeting. meen's world Day of Prayer St. Andrew’s Mission Band met at the manse on Saturday after.- noon for a work meeting during which they finished piecing blocks for the quilt the children are making. Joan Watt read the scripture, and the roll call was answered by naming a person in the bible. "'s'tT'Aâ€"niiééws w.M.s. held its February meeting 3: _the man‘sne Maple, Concord _&__ Edgeley Districts There was a regular meeting of the Community Centre Board on February 19, at which com- mittees were appointed as fol- lows: Chairman Mr. J. Neufeld; in charge of bowling. A. Moore and J. Yorke; in charge of the hall. J. Neufeld and W. Drink- water. The receipt of a $350 gift to the centre by the Maple Lions Club was gratefully acknowledg- ed. and before spendingrthis money it was decided to have a thorough stocktaking of all av- ailable furnishings and equip- ment. so that the money would be spent in the wisest way poss- ibie. Honour Bride /» Prior to nu‘ marriage to Will- Iam Mactaggart on February 14, Marion Bishop of Vellore was given five showers and a' trous- seau tea. One shower was given by her schoolmatq. Miss Valerie 1‘“, A. . _._..,.. . u.~- A Craddock. at her home in Rich~ mond Hill. another by an aunt, Mrs. W. Barker at Richvale. an- other by her aunt, Mrs. Harvey STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS FINDER IROSJTD. Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FA BRICATING To Customer Specifi. cafions Victor Draper Oak Ridges Ontario 7 PR. 3-5471 EM. 8.9559 SAME DAY SERVICE RELIANCE SERVICE STATION ‘ Open 7 am. - 12 Midnight DAILY THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 27 on TELEVISION Radio -â€" Washer Repair Service 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 Conversion To 80 Cycle Agencies Maple Notes The Liberal in duty: willing to publish interesting items regarding people md event: contributed by m reader: in Mule. Concord a: Edzeley districts. Our representative u. Maple :- Mn. ll. Thump-on, Mapla 12H; 13 Concord, Mrs. l. J. Orr. AV. 5-4295; u Edgeley. Mn. June: All, AV. H002: Usher at Humber Summit, a fourth by the captain of the Vel- lore team of the K.V.W. Baseball League, Joan Hefiron of Wood- bridge, and a community shown- at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church The trousseau tea. given by her mother, Mrs. A. Bishop. was held on February 8. Pouring tea during the afternoon were Mrs. W. Hodgson of Kettleby, aunt of the bride. and Mrs. H. Hilliard of Kleinburg. aunt of the, groom. In the evening, Mrs. H. Usher of Humber Summit, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. W. Ham of Laskay, great-aunt of‘the groom, poured. The couple are no wresiding at Strange, R. R. 2 King. A Triple Trio from the George Bailey School took part in the Toronto Kiwanis Festival on Tuesday, February 18, and re- ceived 78 points. While they did not place, they were only-4 pts. behind the winners. The Maple Community and School Club will hold its annual meeting on March 5, at which re- ports by various committees will be heard. A new slate of officers will also be presented by the no- minating committee and will take over from the old executive at that time. Thursday, March 6. is Baby Clinic Day at the Community Centre. Hours are from 1.30 to 3 p.m., and the clinic, which is run by the York County Health Unit, is sponsored by the Wom- en’s Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wolfreys. former residents of Richmond Hill and now living in Maple have just returned from a very enjoyable two months visit to England. With relatives in Dev- onshire, Middiesex and the city of London, they attended one very interesting family re-union, at which Mr. Wolfrey met one of his brothers for the first time in his life. Mr. Wolfrey has been away from England for the past 55 years. Mrs. Wolfrey's mother, Mrs. John Shepherd. a resident of Toronto prior to 1925, was vis- ited also a brother and two sis- ters in Devon and relatives in Exeter and Torquay. The Wol- freys had Just returned home to Canada by air, when their son, Flying Officer Howard Wolfreys came home to Maple on furlough from the RCAF base at Winnipeg, also another son“ Mr. Leonard Wolf and his wife arrived from Kingston. All of Mr. and Mrs. seven sons were on hand to greet their parents on returning from their overseas trip. The second Teen Town dance held in the Concord School on Friday of last week was a huge success. being attended by 33 Teens in their finest form. Good going “Teen-agers". Guide & Brownie WA. 33 "Teens" At Dance Election of officers will be the main topic of the evening at the Brownie and Guide Mothers‘ Aux- iliary meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Orr on Thursday, Febr‘uary 27. Come .on» mothers, support your brownies and guides by coming out. Education Week Parents' Night at the Concord School will be in conjunction with the March Home & School meet- ing to be held a week earlier tthan usual to coincide with Ed- ucation Week. The teachers have been busy making movie films and tape recordings of actual sit- uations in their classes for the last few weeks. These will be shown and heard on the prog- ram for the evening. Teachers will be present in their class- rooms. We Ask You: What happened to the bowling this week? THIS MON TH DIRECTIONS Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements $2.00 PER PERSON Phone Gormley 5311 Mart Kenney's Ranch We personally handle all sale bills and advertising. ALVIN S. FARMER ‘ North ofl No. 7 lehWay at Shell Station (7th Concession _Vaughan) ‘ 115 miles West of Highway No. 400 Concord Socials . No City Driving Free Parking Enquire for Speclal Student and Party Rate: Table Reservations For All Licensed Auctioneer for YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE Hi Neighbour It’s Fun to Dance at MART KENNEY EVERY SATURDAY On Friday evening, February 14, 1958, at 7.30, Marian Eileen Bishop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bishop of Maple, and William Robert Mactaggart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Templeton Mactaggart of Nobleton were un- ited in marriage. The double ring ceremony was pe;_‘ormed by Rev. C. H. Bowman in St. Paul’s Pres- byterian Church, Vaughan. The church which was beauti- fully decorated with pink and white snapdragons was filled to overflowing as the wedding march played by Mrs. Earl Law com- menced. During the ceremony, two lovely solos, “0 Perfect Love" and "The Lord's Prayer" were rendered by Miss Ethel Bur- bidge. The happy couple shown above were married in St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Vaughan, February 14, 1958. The bride, the former Marian BishOp, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bishop, Maple, and the groom, William Mactaggart, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Mactaggart, Nobleton, Ontario. ‘ â€" Photo by Lagerquist Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride chose a ballerina length gown of white lace over white taffeta with a finger tip veil held by a rhinestone and pearl studded headpiece. She carried a cascade of red roses, white carnations and white hya- cinths. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Isabel Bishop as maid of honour and the sister of the groom, Miss Nancy Mactaggart as junior bridesmaid. They were beautiful ballerina length gowns of crystal charm in shades of rose with matching accessories and carried nosejays of pink and white carnations. AURORA - Robert Coulter, dir- ector of the Extension Depart- ment of.University of Toronto, has been appointed Headmaster of St. Andrew’s College. succeed- ing Dr. K. G. B. Ketchum who resigned from. office after 23 years. A first cousin ofâ€"the groom, Mr. William Hawman of Kleinburg; RESERVATIONS AT. 8-1282 Gormley. Ont. ‘, 1958 AND HIS ORCHESTRA ’aclaggart - fliéA was best man. The ushers were a brother of the. bride, Mr. George Bishop and a friend of both the bride and groom, Mr. Lorne Bur- bidge. ‘ Th‘ candle-light reception was held in the Sunday school room where approximately fifty guests were received by the mother of the bride, looking lovely in her toast tailored dress with matching accessories and a :orsage of go]- den roses and mauve carnations and the mother of the groom, tastefully dressed in a pale blue dress and accessories and a cor- sage of pink baby roses. The happy couple left for a brief trip to the States. Mr. and Mrs. Mactaggart will be taking up residence at R. R. 2 King af- ter their return. . Bowling Tearn standings: Concord Jets 79. Concord Wildcats 62, Edgeley Aces 63, Edgeley Pinheads 62. The competition for second place will really be exciting as the Pinheads have moved up to tie for third, only one point behind second place. Orval Kefâ€" fer subbed for Bea Boake and came up with 602; Willard Young subbing for Belva Howden got 576; Marion Waters subbing for Eleanor Atkin got 645. Oher scores were: Kathleen Kefier 665, Bernice Young 691, and high triple with handicap of 770 by Elizabeth Hawkesworth, highest for the season. Socials Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Burns had dinner Sunday evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack (‘alvert of Mimico. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roy West- brook of Brantford, formerly of New Zealand. Mrs. Westbrook, a cousin of Mrs. Burns lived in New Zealand for 19 years. They showed many snapshots of their home and scenery of New Zeal- and. Mr. and Mrs. James Ash attend- ed the marriage of Miss Kathar- ine Price of Holly to Mr. Alvin Murphy of Alliston on Saturday, February 22, in the First Baptist Church, Barrie. Miss Price is a cousin of Mrs. Ash. Due to the bad weather, the wedding was held up for a half hour while the bride with some difficulty made her way to the church. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg were Mr. and Mrs. W. Symons and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Bagg and family. Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Bagg Monday afternoon were Mr. Jim Anning of Toronto, Mr. Jack Arming. Saskatchewan, and Mr. F. Worley, Toronto. Wills Maclachlan FOR INFORMATION Cancer Society Maple Branch Edgeley News Nates Maple 76W Canadian CALL The February meeting of the Maple B_ran_cr} of the Canadian L ,1: 13-1.-.. Nurse Mary Kenly Explains Mobile “Little Red Door" “I.-- Cancer Society was held Febru- ary 20, at the home of Mrs. Geo. Miller. The executive was forâ€" tunate in having Mis Mary Ken~ 1y, a resident of Maple, and a registered nurse with the Cana- dian Cancer Sociey, speak to them on the purpose of the Lit- tle Red Door. Mis Kenly is the nurse in charge of the Mobile Little Red Door for Ontario, and very clearly and interestingly explained her work with that unit. The Mobile Little Red Door visits all large industries in Ontario, showing films and giving information on cancer to the employees. Equally important, the nurse holds priv- ate interviews, answering ques- tions‘ and dispelling fears and doubt in the minds of those who come to her. Under the direction of the President, Mr. Wills Maclachlan, and the campaign chairman, Mr. James MacDonald, plans are be- ing laid for the annual fund rais- ing campaign to take place in Ap- ril. A large percentage of these funds is used in research, .the remainder for hostels and clinics, giving aid and comfort to those requiring it. This year the cam- paign will be in the form of'a door to door canvass. As in pre- vious years the campaign will be accompanied by a tea to which the public will be invited. Education Week MeansOpenHouse At Local *Schools Watch this paper for further announcements of these events and support the fight against cancer. Education Week starts March 3 and will be observed by the George Bailey School with an open house for parents on Tues- day night, March 4, from 7 to 9 pm. The children's work will be on display in each room and all teachers will be in attendance to meet the parents. The Hope School will hold op- en house on Friday, March 7, from 8 pm. Pupils‘ work will be dlsplayed and both teachers will be in attendance. The Hope Com- munity and School Club will be serving refreshments. AURORA : Mayor James Murray recommended a county~wide bon- spiel be held at the York Curling club late in February stating each municipality should enter a team lwith the senior town fathers par- ticipating. F. L. Lowrie, R.0. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONGE STREET GROWER â€" FLORIST Shoo me The finest in floral designs and bedding plants. In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 am. to 6 pm. including Sat. Evenings by appointment HU. 8-8949 Phone Maple 2 Keele Street, Maple, Ont. The George Bailey School won first prize with 84 pts.. in class 274. rural school chorus (which takes in schools of four to six rooms) at the Kiwanis Musical Fes- tival last Tuesday. The chor- us_ was conducted by the school music supervisor, W. G. ngler. Inside and Outside Work G. Bailey Choir Wins Ist Prize Bert Wolfreys PHONE 145 MAPLE Piano Tuning NEW SCIENTIFIC METHOD CHECKED ELECTRONICALLY COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE . CALL Decorating BEST QUALITY WORKMANSHIP ESTIMATES FREE Al Pyle TU rner 4-3614 Painting RICHMOND BOWL MEN'S LEAGUE February 21. 1958 High averages: Geo. Jordan 237, Roy Russell 226. Geo. Gour- lay 222, Bill Cleiphane 222. High triples: Geo. Jordan 815, Harold Hewlett 760, Bill Cleph- ane 736, Lionel Gilbert 711, Geo. Gourlay 710, Pat. Patterson 708. Geo. Lusignan 703. Ray Russell 701. Eddy Elliott 718, A1 Laroc- que 691, Norm. Bowen .R. Hill) 681, Doug Clubine 677, Mel La- rocque 675._ High singles: Gord. Fleury 232, Wilf. Cox 242, L. Dickinson 236, Mel Larocque 229, 268, A1 La- rocque 228, 253. Gord. Tonner 245, Geo. Jordan 252, 364, Bill Clephane 220, 233, 283, Roy Rus- sell 86, Pat. Maurice 25, Tom Easton 257, Harold Howlett 228, 320, Geo. Gourlay 245. 247, Norm Bowen (R. Hill) 230, 251, Doug. Clubine 222, 271. George Lusignan 312, Tony Flejberk 238, Murray Acreman 251, Jerry Wood 278, Ed. Pallister 226, Tom Derry 242, Pat. Patterson 231, 236. 241. Lionel Gilbert 242, 255, J. Marchiori 291, 5ddy Elliott 233, 239, 246, Pete Darling 250, Joe Fleming 235. Team standings (fourth series): Bill Clephane 7, Bayview Plaza 5. J. Marchiori Carpenter 5, Gun- nar’s Tailors 5, Pallister‘s Shell Station 2, Pete Darling 2, Elgin Hastings 2, Dynes Diamonds 0. A.B.C. MEN’S HOUSE LEAGUE February 17, 1958 Richmond Bowl 47, A.B.C. No. 1 37, Italy 36, A.B.C. No. 2 29, Bev- erley Acres 24, Wilcox-Oaks 22, United Tire 1'7, Kangaroos 13. City Slickers 13, Bloopers 9. High average: Arné Skrette- berg 249. ' Season To Date High 3 flat: Henry Knuckey 913. High single flat: Gord Ton- ner 443. High 3'handicap: Les. Martin 936. High single handi- cap: Gord Tonner 445. Weekly , High 3 flat: Tim Saul 841. High single flat: Tim Saul 337. High 3 handicap: L. Rizzi 748. High sin- gle handicap: L. Rizzi 317. COMMUNITY BOWLING LEAGUE February 17 High singles for week: Ladies Vi Lawrie 244; Men, Gene May- nard 315. other good games of 200 or over: Bob Correa 208, 204, 222; Vi Lawrie 215; Joe RobeI'ts. 215; Bob Jones 218, Jack Burke 243, 240, Joyce Bennett 213, Bud Mc- Kee 270, Andy Johnston 239, 234. Frank Shorter 213, 200, Jim Beach 204, Don Lawrie 251, Dick Cooper 222, Chuck Jesson 216, 207, 223, Hugh Kerr 200, 256, John Stewart 244, Roy Thompson 219, 222, Jack Holtze 221, 270, Eddie Cooper 259, 236, Gerve Huestis 278, Gene Maynard 229, Mary Beach 232. RICHMOND BOWL RICHMOND ' ROLLERS February 20 _ M. Littleford 227. B. Erwood 209, 200, 271, F. O'Callohan 202, A, Lund 214, T. Evans 215, 213, B. Rumble 231, M. Bowen 208, E. Dale 228, 254, V. Lawrie 236, S. Jamieson 211. M. Paton 203, M.’ Gibson 212, M. Blackburn 213. R. Hambly 216. High three flat: B. Erwood 680. FRIDAY NIGHT CARDS February 21, 1958 ‘ High triple: George Lusignan 800. Barb Lambert 618. “200” scores: George Lusig- nan 257, 292, 251, Bill Hurson 243, Herb Relf 211, Russ Brillin- ger 226, Don Fettes 200, 217, Bill Smith 249, 247, 227, Bob Boss 224, 210, Jack Waters 237, 218, 267, Ken Flynn 271, Bill Kipper 202, Don Lawrie 214, 206, Jack Kirk 203, 265, Ken Tomlin 205, Bob Littieford 228. 263, Bob Smith 237, 203, Art Eden 216, Zella Teetzel 235, Barb Lambert 207, 204, 207, Dot Kipper 220, Rene Bamford 201, Kay Kirk 200, Reba Brillinger 201, V1 Lawrie 203.’ High single; GebrrgéwLusignan 292.7 Zella Tee’tzel 235. NORTH 'END LEAGUE February 21, 1958 Pat,Linstead bowled the high single with handicap for the lad- ies to date, turning in a nice 338. Marie Musselman, one shy of 600 and 259 single: Jessie Hill 585 - 216; Mabel Haviland 577 - 221; Irene Everatt 572 - 245; Irâ€" ene Leech 565 - 215; Addie Lund 212, Maisie Gibson 204, Made- leine Leech 200. Norm Cook 231, Fred Darlington 225, Roy Lund 220, Wilt Young 213. Randy Mus- selman 203. Austin Everatt 604 ~ 231, Fred Leech 652 - 288, 188. 176, Art Gibson 655 - 189, 262, 204, and Bob Karsh 750 triple with 194, 304, 242. Team standings. Spitfires 13. Pilots 13. Rockets 14, Guided Missiles 14, Gofors 15‘ Pawnhrnlr- _ ..- uu n unnu Ales 42 points, Ups 5: Downs 39, Four Pins 31. High triples: Ladies. M. Bren- nan 615; men. E. Freeland 791. Ladies: C. Walker 212, N. Sim 250, B. McCabe 204, N. Sutclifle 202, R. Swarbn'ck 214. M. Burtt 230, H. Peace 202, B. Nadeau 202, J. Mrachiori 207, I. Bonner 214, M. Brennan 304. P. Reynolds 204. Men: H. Adams 234. N. Alex- ander 228, 208, G. Turnbull 208, 226. E. Martin 266. S. Ross 205, B. West 221, 213, B. Hazelwood 212, J. Mackay 250. H. Middleton 252. 218. C. Turnbull 208. 236, 217. C. Hudson 94:: 91:2 nn n ers 15 LADIES’ A.B.C. BOWLING Leading are the Nutcrackers with 11 points, followed by Jay- rollers with 9, the happy gang 7, Echo Bats. Alley Cats, Wildcats and Sunshine Gals with 4 points each and Bert’s Babes with 2 pts. High 3: Marie Lawson 720. High singles: Marie Lawson 314 and Katie Weber 244. CANADIAN LEGIQN BOWLING AI..- ‘11 W ' Hudson 223. 228, 231, E. Free- land 264, 242, 285, Hillaby 264, J‘ Martin 355, 217, B. Compton 231, H .Hudson 222, J. Chiesta 212, R Pearce 276, F. Reid 279, 238. 216‘ L. Yotefi‘ 223, L. Fryer 204, R Meade 207, 209, R. Candy 210 G. Cooledge 230. C. Burton 208 B. Johnson 214. 297. , Gofors 15,â€"1’awBB}BEK: Bowling Scores LADIES’ A.B.C. BOWLING Leading are the Nutcrackers and Jayrollers with 7 points each. followed by the Sunshine Gals and the Happy Gang with 4 pts. each. the Bo-Boâ€"Bats 3. the Alley Cats 2, Bert's Babes and Wildcats, 1 point each. High three: Marie Lawson 693, Eve Creor 675, Katie Weber 840. High singles:_ Orma Craig 268, Katie Weber 255. When the A.B.C. men’s bowl- ing team challenged lhe ladles’ team. they did not realize the ladies would win all three games played. Of course the ladies had a handicap, but turned in excell- ent games in the match on Satur- (ay afternoon. A.B.C. MEN’S HOUSE LEAGUE February 10, 1958 Richmond Bowl 40. Italy 34. A.B.C. No. 1 30, ABC. No. 2 24, Beverley Acres 22, United Tire 17, City Slickers 13, Wilcox- Oaks 13, Bloopers 9, Kangaroos In the lead are the Kingpins and Wildcats with 7 pints each; followed by the Dipsy Doodlers and the Blackbottams 6, Holy Rollers 3, Happy Gang 2, and Combines 1, BIoWflies 0. High 3 flat: Mike Weber 730. Ernie Creor 701, A1 Opresnik 670, Jerry Lahey 656, Len Dion 644, Frank Munroe 638, George Cragg 629. Men's high singles flat: Mike Weber 271. 270, Ernie Creor 213, 301, A1 Opresnik 224, 273, Jerry Lahey 229, 244, Len Dion 230, 244, Frank Munroe 222. 228, Geo. Cragg 249. 214, Campbell Rath- well 250. Bill Denier 238, Don Copplestone 224, Ray Hunter 220, 219, Jack Craig 228, 206. Jerry Post 217. Jim Peters 200. 221, Dennis Needham 216, Bill Hope 205. High average: Arne Skrette- berg 250. ' Thid Week High 3 flat: Frank Price Sr, 807. High single flat: Frank Price Sr. 318. High 3 handicap: Geo. Clyde 791. High single handicap: Geo. Clyde 312 Season High 3 flat: Henry Knuckey 913. High single flat: Gard Ton- ner 443. High 3 handicap: Les. Martin 936. High single handi- cap: Geo. Tanner 445. Ladies’ high singles flat: Glor- ia Searle 240, Marion Hunter 212, Lil Atchesan 211. Charlotte Brockton 208 and Audrey Mid- dleton 204. ‘ Star Clinic , Mrs. Marge Bentley conducted a Star Clinic at the Richmond Hill Bowl-and 51 Bowlers turned out for the open bowling. Grace Lusignan who bowled with the Toronto City Major League at one time has formed a ladies Major League in Richmond Hill and this league held up their games in order to take advantage of the Star Clinic. Grace Lusigâ€" nan has the high average of 227 and Ethel Carlisle has a 221 aver- age. The high singles in this league are Edna Maybuy with a 305 and Blanche Fleury, 303. We would like to give special thanks to Marge Bentley for all her helpful hints on Bowling and Mr. Ned Hill for the use of his alleys. FRIENDSHIP BOWLING February 25, 1958 G. Defoe 295. 219, B. Rice 284. R. Charity 2'76, 219, M. Murphy 275, M. Fenwick 264, R. White 263, J. Stewart 245, E. Lecuyer 244. 242, 1. Butler 240. E. Car- lisle 238, 216. 207,_M. Benjamin 232, B. Hule 231, A. Reid 229. M. Williams 224, J. Wainwright 223. L. Acreman 208, L. Dickie 207, E. Ferguson 207, L. Waters 209, B. Campbell 205. R. Cwan 201, K, Cunningham 200. The Pegâ€"tops and Satellites are tied with 19 points. GLENBRAE BOWLING LEAGUE As the last night of the third series, the Glenbraers won the series with 42 points. followed by Hustlers 26. Corner Pins 25, Handicappers 25, Rock'n Rollers 25, Clowns 17. Try Hards 17, Busy Bees 12. Bill Jackson had a fine 757. followed by Len Moss 724, Bob Stevens,694, Bob McKee 677. Hardie Nelson 673, Stan Leschak 643. Audrey Harris led the ladies with 746. followed by Louise Nelson 652. Marie Brenzell 642, Agnes Frisque 640, Doris Bed- ford 607 and Fran Leschak 606. Men's high triple: Doug Club- ine 729. Ladies over 200: Irene Mash- inter 228, 210, 223, Marilyn Tay- lor 224, Edna Christensen 229, Grace Lusignan 222. 217, Doreen Horner 211. 213. Madeline Johns- ton 224. Ethel Carlisle 226, Beu- lah Baskerville 238, Shirley Bowles 224, 256, Emily Bunker nA4 Men over 200: George Patter- son 281, Harold Reid 226, Cec. Turnbull 296, Herb Joslin 285. 207, 208, Cam Cowan 222.‘Bob Kennedy 222, 221. 234, Doug. Clubine 303, 50. Mark Stewart 239. 265, Jack Fawns 246, Alex Oliver 211, 279, Frank Pratt 208, Norm Bowen 242, 216, Jim Baker 201, 261, Alex Peters 319, 211, Charlie Hawkes 215, 307, Reg. Spires 241, Dave Millen 205, Ross Casement 308, Sam Carlisle 227. John Nixey 209, Bill Pollard 253, 213, George Smith 222. Ladies' high trigilé:"iké}i€'Mash- inter 661. 201 Ladies’ high three: Marg Smith 651, Verna Fuller 620, Marie Lawson 582. - Spoilers 7 pts., Red Hots 7, Sorrowful Six 6. Gigglers 6. Dreamers 5. Lucky 13 5. Hot Shots 4, Humbugs 4, Misfits 4, Crackers 3. Jaywalkers 2. Satan’s Babies 2, Chipmunks 1, Red Caps Men's high three: Ernie Creor 723, Bill Douglas 716, V18 Pflrto 684. Ladies’ high single: Marg Smith 291. Verna Fuller 278. Laurie Sayers 253. Men's high single. Ernie Creor 292. Sam Dacks 286, Eatl Free- land 285. LAKE WILCOX BOWLING OAK RIDGES BOWLING MONDAY COMBINES Thursday Nighten _ V1 Laurie 266, 209; Minna Ground 203, 202; Maude Murphy 328; Ruth Charity 292; Shirley Broderick 234; Beth Rile 232; Lorraine Waters 214; Rena White 211. Don Laurie 283, 248, 244; Ross Kerwin 246, 217, 201: Bud Jone: 295, 205; Cam Cowan 291, 256- Ray Berry 270. 236; Warren Hall 243. 229; Ben Thompson 238. 230; Eric Charity 226, 224; Harold Ground 266; Rich Yule 236; Dick Mills 231: Harold Reid 229; Floyd Pratt 226; Jack Hall 209; Will Beresford 201. Team Standings: Strike Out: 32. Spitfires 28. Tigers 25. Hand~ icappers 23. King Pins 18, Born. bet-5,16, Indians 15. Red Sox 11. February 20. 1958 Joyce Ha‘i 300. 210; Marg Hall 272, 236; Audrey Yule 262. 206: Maude Murphy 251, 235; Vi Laurie 244; Gloria Allen 222: Rena White 202; Lorna Kerwin 201. Don Laurie 317. 261. 234; Vic Broderick 268. 215. 208; Ben Thompson 246. 222, 204; Eric Charity 256, 237. Harold Ground 231. 214; Rich Yule 218. 209: Morley Hall 303; Will Beresford 272; Ray Berry 259: Ross Kerwin 249; Alec Clark 220; Harold Reid 220. Team Standing end of Third Series: Strike Outs 37, Spitfires 33, Tigers 28, Handicappers 27, King Pins 23. Bombers 18, Ind- ians 17, Red Sox 13. ARMY. NAVY 8: AIR FORCE February 18. 1958 High three: Bill Stone 685. Jim Brown 675, Jack Stanway 6’73, A1 gpersnik 618, Fran Stanway 858, 03. High single: A1 Opersnik 280, Fran Stanway 269. Nora Thomas 258, Jack Stanway Mr. 211, 209. 253, Bill Stone 244, 253, Clare Tomlinson 249. Jim Brown 218. 211, 246, Jack Webster 242, Glen Snider 242. Barbara Allan 240. Kay Opersnik 240, Bill Allan 237, 203. Vic Groves 225. Denise Stapley 224. Stan Thompson 216. RICHMOND MAJOR WOMEN’S LEAGUE Team standings: Tit--for-Tats 30. Satellites 25, Blowers 24, Un- derdogs 23, Go-getter 21. Flunk- ers 19, Corner Pins 17. The Slob: THORNHILL LADIES Bowler of the week: Jean Smith 690 flat. games 191, 225. 274, Dot Anstey 27B. Jean Simp- son 247, Jane Ball 216, Lilly Burhett 201, Lib Stratton 218. Muriel Robertson 215. M. Broth- erhood 206, Ruth Brain 247, Vera Moore 228, Joy Pickthall 240. H. Unsworth 259, Lois Curtin 223. Anna Wilkie 221, Eliz. Campbell 235, Eileen Law 229, Hilda Ed- wards 228, Kay Reid 220. Mar; Henderson 235, Kay Van Wler- Inger 240. Games 200 and over: Ethel Carlisle 261, 207, Irene Edwards 249, 200, Grace Luslgnan 229, 211, Vera Shropshire 236, 231, Bernice Darling 260, Isobel Bon- ner 202, Blanche Fleury 236, Dor- othy Glass 226, Lorraine Acre- man 213. Marg Fleming 204, V1 Woods 203, Esther Bell 221. Marj Robson 201, Eldora Taylor 200. Ladies' high triple: M. Flem- ing 650. Men's high triple: T. Flejberk 777. February 17, 1958 High triple: H. Quinton 223, 235, 196. total 654: B. Rose 235. 180, 192, total 607; C, Johnson 209. 215, 178, total 602. High single: E. Gudat 237. Other highs: M. Allen 216. 227, 1. Gray 216, B. Peck 215, P. Davis 215, M. Brown 211. C. Ba- ker 210, A. Watson 202, D. Coop- er 200. NATIONAL LEAGUE February 25, 1958 Bowler of the week: Elvira Sparrow 645 flat, games 181, 209. 255. Vi Woods 202, 205. 225. Isobel Bonnor 229, 237, Marj Black 236. Edna Maybury 230, May Archer 200, Jessie Patterson 205, Flor- ence Meikle 215, Esther Bell 216. Bernice Darling 229, Jo Craig 209, Ann Totten 241, Addie Lund 233, 215, Madge Nicholson 213. Bai Derrick 203. Barb Wingert 203, Mary Robson 219, Anna Wilkie 209. y R. Umbach 213, B. Clephane 264, B. Osborn 205. R. Meade 221. R. Casement 295, 234, 221, J. Hope 227, 223. R. Bruels 239. K. Groom 277, 212, 201, T. Flej- berk 254. 247, 276, M. Madden 230, B. Cooke 218. L. Acreman 201, M. Brookes 205, 'J. Fleming 207. K. Jean-Marie 217, M. Acre- man 235, M. Fleming 210,. 252, Bea Mitchell 200, D. Brookes 230. February 21, 1958 Star of the week: Addie Lund 676 flat, games 2720.? 2_69,_A1_87._A High triples: Ethel Carlisle 665, Vera Shropshire 657, Grace Lus- igqan 623,_Irr_ene Edwards 602; TOWN AND COUNTRY February 19 Ladies’ high single: MuFlem- ing 252. Men’s high single: R. Casement 295. Septic Tanks Pumped & Cleaned 24 HOUR SERVICE RICHVALE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE S. BAKER . 138 Can-ville Road Wed AV. 5-4563 MAPLE LADIES’ BOWLING Coal AV. 5-3941 JONES CALL FOR

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