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PERSONAL CHEQUING ACCOUNT AT CALL AV. 5-2523 (mommy Mm MANAGER A UTHORIZED (H E \‘ROLET-OLDSMOBILE DEALER KING.0NTARIO(TELEPHONESO MA. 1313 THIS FOR SAVING N~|08C l‘he Langstaff Art Art Club has come along exceedingly well this season and Mrs. Aston reports that there are three classes this year, meeting on Tuesday and Thursday evening and on Wed~ nesday afternoons. There are a few openings for the Wednesday and Thursday classes and any beginners are welcome as well as advanced pupils. Work is prog- ressing very well and an exhib- ition is being planned for April. Anyone interested may contact Mrs. Aston at AV. 5-3250. Personals Mr. and Mrs. J. Patterson. No 7 Highway, celebrated their 34th wedding annivu‘sary last Sunday. and were surprised by a number of friends who planned a party for them on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Anker. No. 7 Highway,. flew to Holland re- cently to be with Mrs. Anker's mother, who is seriously ill. The annual Father and Son banquet of the Langstaff Area Scouts and Cubs was held.in the new Thornhill United Church on Friday evening. February 28th. A lovely dinner was served and enjoyed by all. ' The annual meeting of the Men’s Group Committee of the Boy Scouts will be held on Mon- day, March 10th. in the Charles Hewitt School at 8 pm. The ac- tivities of the group during the past year will be reviewed and plans for the coming year pres- ented to all fathers to attend and show your son that you are in- terested in his scouting activities. School Area No. 1 Oratorical Finals were held at the Charles Howitt School on Monday even- ing of this week in connection with Education Week. The stud- ents all gave very excellent spee- ches and impromptu addresses. One student was chosen from each school- and the Langstaï¬ representative was Miss Carol Hunt. David Wood of Grade 6 was runner-up at Langstaff. Art Class The March meeting of the In- stitute will be held at the home of Mrs. Colleen Jones on Wed-‘ nesday, March 12. The program will be in charge of Agriculture and Canadian Industries conven- or, Mrs. Gladys Smith. Roll call will be, “Name a Canadian Pro- duct or Industry." Young Women's Institute 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED LANGSTAFF Correspondent: Mrs. M. J. Roy AV. 5-2806 INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT Associated With Dependable Service Telephone The tour 'planned by Mrs. W. Turner, Canadian Industries con- venor for Temperanceville W.I., proved most enjoyable. Prior to the tour 14 members of the com- munity enjoyed dinner at the Town and Country Club. They were Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Don Chalk, Mrs. Ray Jennings, Mrs. Fred Boys. Mrs. WJ. On Tour Last year, County council cut the unit's grant to $68,000 and the unit showed an operating deficit of $9.712. Because of in- creased population in the county. 3 larger staff is required and vac- ancies which occured last year have been ï¬lled. Dr. Robert King. medical director of the unit, told County council. “York County Health unit can‘t operate on full staff with the county grant cut to $70,000." Deputy Reeve Charles Reesor of Markham. Village told council. Mr. Reesor is a member of the unit‘s board ‘of directors. "The unit requested $85,000 and the county has approved $70,000." he said. “This will mean a matching reduction in the provincial grant for it equals the municipal one. It will mean additional losses in revenue because when the unit cannot maintain the baseline of employees required by the fed- eral government. no grant will be forthcoming.†explained Mr. Re- esor. Mr. Reesor told council that the federal government does not enter the public health field until the province and municipality have jointly provided a basic number of employees. Then, it pays 100 per cent of the addit- ional expenses. As an example, Mr. Reesor said the base line for public health nurses might be A plea for additional monies for York County Health unit was made to County council when the unit's request for $84,927, as the county’s share of its $229,800 budget. was out to $70,000. An additional $7,500 was approved from county surplus funds on February 27. Deficit York County Health Unit Requests Additional Finances CORRESPONDENT: MRS ED PAXTOS. R. R. 3 KING Phone PR. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 4-3317 Mrs. Andy Annand, Aurora, was hostess to the ladies of Tem- peranceville W.A. and W.M.9. The devotional convenor, Mrs. Stella Plaxton, called on Mrs. W. Jennings for a poem entitled “Walking With God.†Mrs. Frank Bell read the scripture. Mrs. Paxton then spoke on “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope," Prayer was led by Mrs. Paxton. The W.M.S. members accepted an invitation to Stouffville on April 3. At this thankoï¬ering meeting, Mrs. Hugh Taylor, overseas secretary, will speak. It was decided to collect nylons to be sent to Japan for the wid- ows to ravel and reweave into articles. Please contact Mrs. W. Jennings or Mrs. Stella Plaxton if you have old nylons to con- tribute. Wmmm Mrs, Ray Jennings reported on the christian stewardship discus- sion group held at the annual W. M.S. meeting in Aurora. The bales are to be packed in Newmarket on June 10, 11 and 12. Mrs. W. Jennings is in charge for Temperanceville. Mrs. Macklin reported that it was stressed that missions be the centre of W.M.S. meetings. Current events or mis- ionary news could be an answer to roll call. Rev. Mr. Morris spoke on “What does God require of us in the homes, neighbourhood and church?" . The study book on Japan “Cross and Crisis†was introduc- ed by Mrs.'Macklin. While waiting for the tour to begin Mrs. Nelson Thompson and Mrs. Stella Paxton held a tele- phone conversation which was re- corded and played for all to hear. Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Boys had the same experience. During the tour the group was shown how to dial properly, how the mechanism works and other tech- nical details. The very modern employment offices and lounging rooms were a delight to see. How an operator handles a long distance call was also shown and explained. WA. and W.M.S. Meet. Christmas cards for the retard- ed children were gladly received. Further donations will be receiv- ed by Mrs.‘Macklin. At the Bell Telephone offices, this group met 11 others who took part in the guided tour through the building. They were Dr. and Mrs. S. G. Chalk, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings, Mrs. Stewart Paxton, Mrs. Ewart Jen- nings, Mrs. Gordon Baldwin, Mrs. Maurice Beynon, and Mrs. Blackburn. Stella Paxton, Mrs. Nelson Thompson. Mrs. Clayton Beynon and Mrs. Harry Hutchinson. A ’thought-provoking contest was conducted by Mrs. W. Jen- nings and won by Mrs. C. Bey- non. Personals Mr. and Mrs. C. F. W. Burns, Kingï¬eld Farms, spent the week of February 26 in Vancouver. re- turning home on March 1. Pete? and Kenneth Maéhinter argrstaying with their aunt Irene. The annual convention of the York County Temperance Feder- ation will be held in Stouï¬vllle United Church on Friday, March 7. at 2.30 pm. Supper will be served. Temperanceville junior resumed its practices at 10 Saturday morning. “I can't quarrel with the sal- aries," replied County Commis- sioner Rey Pollock. reeve of North Gwillimbury. "I would like todsee the unit maintain its stand- ar ." Mr. Reesor was questioned by many members of County council concerning the proposed increase in the ‘58 budget. He listed rents paid for the Unit's offices and the salaries of employees Mr. Pollock suggested the county split the‘ difference be- tween the request and the grant providing the additional $7,500 from surplus funds as the mill rate had been struck. Reeve Sidney Legge of Whitchurch seconded the resolution. Reeve W. J. Taylor of‘ Rich- mond Hill congratulated Mr. Reesor for his presentation of {he Health Unit’s problems. Fin- ance Chairman William Hodgson, reeve of King township, echoed this praise. Mr. Reesor said 12.000 polio vaccine doses wlll arrive in April. With a reduced staff it Is doubt- ful if the program could be com- pleted before the polio season is here, he warned. “I want instructions from County council," continued Mr. Reesor. “Do you want us to cut our staff by eight nurses and one doctor or do you want to increase the grant so we can operate ef- ficiently and maintain our stan- dard?†16. If the Health unit had that number, the federal government would provide an additional two nurses. If there were only 15 nurses on the staff. no federal grant would be received. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONGE STREET In Yorth Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 am. to 6 p.m. including Sat. Evenings by appointment ELâ€. 8-8949 . Lowrie, OPTOMETRIST Examined :es Fitted :1 Repairs : YONGE choir NEW CAR QUALITY TUrner ‘ 4-1196 ' All 3 magazines must go to the same famin at the same address. Use the handy coupon. and return with your cheque or money order. 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