Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Mar 1958, p. 2

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Richmond Hill Lions Hail This May several hundred Cana- dian communities will plan and carry out beautification projects. In many centres this annual Clean-Up Campaign has become a permanent community ac- tivity organized by a Junior Chamber of Commerce, Service Club or similar yearly reminder to the community of local group. These campaigns are 9. its responsibility to itself, for the out- ward appearance of a community often reflects the spirit of its citizens. How much more attractive it is for visitors to see clean, freshâ€"looking homes, stores and public buildings, with flowers, grass and trees in profusion! Richmond Hill and every other town and community in Canada should have a “Clean-up, Paint-up Campaign” this coming spring. The “Cleanup” s10« gan will keynote beautification activi- ties in hundreds and hundreds of com- munities from coast-to coast in a few weeks when winter gives way to spring. The Canadian Beautification Assoc- iation will be pleased to supply you with every assistance and upon request, without obligation or charge, will send you a kit containing an organization manual, publicity manual, which will help you plan and organize a program in your area. Some of the objectives of a Beau- tification Campaign and the benefits to Monday, March 10 Subscription Rate $3.50 per year; THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 6, 1958 Box Social 8: Euchre Admission 50c FRIDAY, MARCH 14th “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, MASONIC HALL 7 An Independent Weeky: Established 1878 ‘Lâ€"/ I Rate $3.50 per year; to United States $4.00; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, Publisher W. S. COOK, Managing Editor Telephone TUrner 4-1105. YONGE ST. N. and CENTRE ST. Sponsored by Richmond Hill L.0.L. and L.O.B.A. LADIES WITH BOX LUNCH FREE Gib: Iihcral Everyone Welcome AT 8 RM. in the ON be reaped are: Slum Prevention â€" an annual campaign brings to mind minor repairs and proper mamtenance, thus prevent- ing maJorioperatlons. ,1 ~__-_ 111° Fire Prevention â€" an annual cam- paign is a yearly reminder that fire pre- vention is the homeowner’s responsibil- ity. “A clean house seldom burns.” Industrial Development â€" an an- nual campaign pays dividends. An at- tractive clean community brings in new industry. Environment â€" an annual cam- paign improves the neighborhood en- vironment, as well as the individual home, and increases property value. Tourist -â€" an annual campaign im- presses visitors with a community’s sense of civic pride. While Beautification Campaigns are similar in many ways, each must be tailored to the needs of the particular community in which it is being organ- ized, for commmunities are as different as people. Yet at least some of the fields in which Beautification can be of benefit are common to every commun- ity. 1 , 1, A..- “Remember good neighborhoods are our country’s strength â€" start a cam- paign now_ â€"_â€". \fvork for tho proje'cts thi'ch seek standards. Valuable Prizes The dress rehearsal of the Richmond Hill Skating Carnival took place last Saturday morning ,and a great treat is in store for all those who see the show. higher community living Feature L. \Stong at Skating Carnival Mr. Cruck Kiel and Miss Gen- eatti Bull, professionals of the club, are responsible for the de- signing of costumes, choreogra- phy and production of the entire carnival. They, along with the “sewing” mothers, have turned out a colourful extravaganza, equal to the best. The carnival presents a wide range of amateur figure skating skills, and groups of skaters ranging from the tiniest tots to the seniors. Also the combined ‘creative, artistic and musical tal- lents of all the club members have merged to make this carnival pos- sible for presentation. This year, the club is delighted to have Mr. Louis Stong, well known Richmond Hill skater and runner up in the Canadian Junior men’s singles, skating a solo number in their show. It well worthwhile for young and old alike to go to the Richmond Hill Arena Friday or Saturday, March 7 and 8, to view the Third Annual Skating Carâ€" nival Ottawa" Recommend$200. P’ay Increase To Local Policemen Reeve W. J. Taylor, Chairman of the Police Commit- tee presented a report to Richmond Hill Town Council on Monday evening rejecting the local police request for a pay increase of fourteen per cent. Reeve Taylor on behalf of the committee recommended an increase of $200. per year for all constables. The scale for first class constables here is,$3800. per annum and the proposed increase would bring the salary up to $4000. The pr0posed increase was subject to a three year agreement and will apply to all members of the local force except the_ Chief Constable. 1 n,” auLv vn‘vvrv -_ Action on the committee recommendation was defer- red until a special meeting of the council in the near fu- ture to deal with other matters pertaining to police adminâ€" istration. Councillor Haggart said he thought the proposed fees are equitable. “I don’t think anyone is being penalized." On motion of Reeve Taylor, council representatives will con- fer with representatives of Mark- ham and Vaughan and the solici- tor will draw up an agreement providlné for the rates agreed upon. Dangerous Practice Councillor Tinker drew atten- tion to the danger hazard of chil- dren playing in the flood areas of Beverley Acres. “Children were there from all over the place," he said “and they were sent home with some difficulty.” Councillor Bradstock suggested parents be asked to keep their children from freqfienting the flood area. “There is very real danger,” he said. ‘ A letter from Metro Conserva- tion Authority advised that plans are under way for a complete sur- vey of the waterworks pond and that recommendations for a plan of development for recreation and conservation will be ready in about a month. A communication from the Board of Transport Commission- ers advised that the type of warning signal to be installed at the Centre Street crossing will be determined after an inspec- tion by officials, after the widen- ing is completed. Councillor Haggart said he would like to see the warning signals installed at once. “There is a very heavy traffic over the crossing and the warning signals are needed now.” he said in mov- ing a resolution asking the Board of Transport Commissioners to act in the matter at once. A letter from H. J. Mills Ltd. replying to council‘s request for land for opening of Sneddon Road from Markham Road to Centre Street stated the firm would make the land available but in return would like to be granted the green belt land. The land is now under option to a real estate firm, and Mayor Tomlin said he had a request that council re-zone the area to permit the construction of apartâ€" ment buildings. “I hope I was speaking for all council,” said th‘e Mayor “when I replied that this council is op- posed to any further're-zoning which will reduce the acreage of industrial land. Councillor Haggartâ€"The green belt may not be much use but it is the only park land available in the area and I don’t think it should be used for any other purpose. Fair Grant Council members concurred in his statement of policy. Former deputy-reeve Floyd R. Perkins and Harold Mackie ap- peared before‘councll asking for a grant to Richmond Hill Fair. Last year the town gave a grant of $100 and the deputation asked that it be increased this year. Council members were favorable to the request and a motion was moved by Reeve Taylor that the grant this year be increased to $150. On the suggestion of Councillor Paterson the request was referred to the finance committee. He said he thought the Fair most worthy of support. It was an excellent advertisement for the town. “I knew of Richmond Hill Fair long before I moved to the town," said Councillor Paterson. In referring the request to the finance committee Councillor Paterson‘s resolution asked that Golden Lion $50 $350.00 STARTING mm m. 15 NumbersCaIIed JACKPOT 58Numbe|fi~ Called The tender of F .R. Perkins for a new International Tractor and six inch pump at a price of $4925 was accepted. The pump powered by the tractor will be used in emergency pumping in Beverley Acres and the tractor will be used other times for general town work. Roads Committee Councillor Tinker announced that he has called a meeting of‘ the Roads Committee for this week. He said his committee and the works department staff will do their best to keep roads pass- able. There were several comâ€" plaints during the evening of the condition of the roads. particuâ€" larly Bayview Avenue. Mayor Tomlin sounded a warn- ing to all motorists to drive care- fully at this time of year. “Indi- cations are,’ her said “that we will have very bad road conditions this spring. I hope everyone will cooperate by driving slowly.” Councillor Patersbn drevw at- tention to the deplorable condi- tion of Essex and Palmer Ave- nue. “They are nearly impass- able," he Said. -0- 1m»-u-nu.n-n-u-u-o-n-( -0-D.0.0-0.0.0-0-U- luv u»... E The Departmennut. of Agficulture Board i Room, Newmarket i Tuesday, March 11, at 130 pm. You-c -<_lI-0.u.< .4 -n-u.0.< . - -n-u- 0-0.0.0.] iSIMPSON’S DRY GOODS To sell new Pontiac, Buick, Vauxhall cars â€"- GMC Trucks and Goodwill Used Cars. Must be resident of Richmond Hill Area and preferably with automobile experience. Demonstrator Plan, Surgical and Hospi- tal Benefits, Best of Compensation. Desire to remain and grow with progressive dealership is essential. Apply to ._ Rich - Hill Motors Ltd. STOP 24 YONGE ST. To discuss the formation of a Beef Cattle Producers’ Association OBJECTS â€" to promote improvement of slaughter cattle in Ontario To increase and improve marketing and do such other things to impr0ve the cattle industry. Meeting open to all farmers in the county ‘ SPECIAL SPEAKERS Sponsored by York County Federation of Agriculture . Harry Ferguson, Pres. Fred Wicks, Secretary SIMPSUN’S DRY GOODS Boys’ fine quality Grey Flannel Trousers, with self belt 8-16 yrs. 3 Men’s Worsted Dress Pants, plain charcoal and plain brown 3 Men’s Black Strides, tun- nel loops, with black and white belt Silk Head Squares, large size, assorted patterns and shades New Assortment Ladies’ Skirts 12 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill ' A meeting of Beef Cattle Producers in York County SALSMAN 9553’ W" $4.95 :ed Dress charcoal and Strides, tun- :h black and luares, large :1 patterns and 79c nent Ladies’ Skirts $6.95, $7.95, $8.95 will be held at Mayor Goes To Health Minister (Continued from page 1) snow, were unusual and that with ditches full of ice and snow and culverts blocked the flooding was worse than anticipated. “ We‘re not here 'to recrimin- ate.” said Mayor Tomlin “we‘re here to get this situation cleared up.’ The discussion of flood condi- tions led to a suggestion that the personnel committee bring in a recommendation regarding the advisability of the town engaging a full time engineer. Councillor Haggart referred to a letter received by last year's council from Beverley Acres Ratepayers Association suggest- ing that the whole plan for the‘ box drain project be submitted for a report from an independent firm of inspecting engineers. Councillor Haggart pointed out that a large amount of money is involved and although the letter was sent to last year’s council he felt this year's council should consider it and give an answer to the association. Mayor Tomlin said he thought the main concern of the people is that council get on with 7‘” work of finding a permanent solution and ' '. satisfactory drainage conditions. “This whole matter has been al- together too long delayed now," said the Mayor “and I do not intend to see this situation go on ad infinitum. It’s got to be clean- ed up, and quick.” His Worship closed his plea for action with the words “let’s have lees talk ,and more action." . John MacDiarmid of Beverley Acres Ratepayers who lives in one of the worst flood areas made several requests to address council. When permission was finally given Mr. MacDiarmid ex- pressed little faith in the engi- neer’s plan. ‘He predicted the road will go under every time it rains. There’s more water com- ing off the Beverley Acres sub- division than the drains can carry away, he said. ' at David McLean Ltd. Letters To Editor on page 6 .MORE Salesmen Needed TU. 4-165] Monday, Tuesday, Wed., March 10, 11, 12 Coming Thurs., Fri., Sat, March 13, 14, 15 By popular request another return engagement of “THE KING AND I” M0960! ""“36A’N””‘”“GEORGE KENNETH ROBtKwUI COLLINS - COLE - MORE - HARE Show Times 7 1nd 9 p.-. Continuous from 6 pm. Saturdays Ind flolldm KNEE BANCRUFT - RICHARD soouc- LEE MARVIN Inland by I 10th CENYUIHOK fiHfllllflG Marjorie MAIN ' Arthur HUNNICUTT STARRING A PANOIAMIC "ODUCIION Please note Mon., Tues., Wed., last complete show 8.30 pm. Friday, Saturday, March 7, Matinee Saturday 2 pm. - also - no 00000 The meet 0" 9 9 e wonderful J A MISS-adventure ‘of your life with 3‘ - : ° dellcloue ' v desert Island : darllnzWfi . A Desert Island Comedy in COLOR a ooooo.oo°.oooooocoooooo 'GEORGE KENNETH ROBERTSON HUN? IY 33.1w TECHNICOLOR presonn

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