Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Mar 1958, p. 5

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The classrooms and halls at McConaghy School were as gay as a 'carnival last Friday night when parents and children en- joyed their night out together. Despite the stormy weather and a number of other local meetings last Thursday night, the Men's Club of St. Mary's Ang- lican Church had-a good turn- out of members at their regular monthly meeting in Wrixon Hall. The guest-speaker. Mr. Fred C. Jackson. gave a very enlightening talk on “Brotherhood of Church- men". The Rector, Rev. J.'F. O‘Neil also presented a brief inspirational message. The show- ing of colored films. followed by refreshments and ’he custom- ary half hour of social chat, rounded out the February meet- ing of the Men‘s Club. At Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday last the following children received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism: Da- vid James Mirrlees, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mirrlees, and Wen- da May and Shirley Ann Wells, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wells. all of Richmond Hill. In spite of the unfavourable weather, the attendance was grat- ifying and all thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment provided. The featured entertainer of the evening was, Ted Rust, a ven- tl‘iloquist from Toronto. He enter- tained his audience with a chat- ter of comedy between a dummy and a snake. which added to the merriment of his performance. The door-admission prize of a General Electric frying pan was won by Robert Graham, Church Street S. Mrs. T. Jansen, Rose- view Avenue. held the lucky tic- ket on the doll with the genu'gie mink coat and Terry Ideson, Church Street 5., won the Boy’s Catcher‘s Mitt. There were many other lovely prizes won at var- ious booths. The proceeds total- led approximately $400.00 net, with more specific details to be given at the March 26th general meeting. ~ Three members of the local branch of the Canadian Tire Corporation, Mr. Alec Cruick- shank. Mr. Harry Hill, Mr. Gord- on Stephenson, attended the 3- day convention recently heid in the company's head office, Tor- onto. Discussions centred on all phases of service, new design and distribution of parts to the con- sumer in this expanding auto- motive field. The Glen Elm Women's Ins- titute will hold their next regular meeting in the home of Mrs. R. Phillips, 296 Boisdale Avenue at 8.00 pm. Tuesday March 11th. Ladies de irous of becoming members are assured of a very cordial welcome. The McConaghy Home and School Association extends sin- cere thanks to all those who gave their wonderful support in the “Space Night" project fiifimmw ALL TAXI’AYERS RESIDING IN CROSBY HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION INCLUDING FELIX AND BECKER AVES. ALL RICHMOND ACRES SUBDIVISION ALL ALLANCOURT SUBDIVISION Place Walter Scott School Thursday, March 13, 1958 8 pm. sharp IF YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY HIGHER TAXES YOU CAN AFFORD TO STAY AT HOME Qichmond Hill a . T0 Tozonto Daily Star Subscribers, Star Weekly Readers, Home Delivery Carriers 8. Store Dealers in Richmond Hill, Elgin Mills, Richvale, King, Maple, Thornhill and Oak Ridges. IMPORTANT NOTICE? Efl'ective at once all business and home delivery service of the Toronto Daily 2 Star and Star Weekly will be given prompt attention by phoning - - RICHMOND HILL AGENCY 50 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-4501 The TORONTO STAR “The Liberal" is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1105 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women's and men's societies, lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each Week, it is desir- able to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. ‘.V w“. vu.v v v wwwwwvw31wwwwwwwwwrhw. w, .WVWVJ.\L.V;V.\'I The Well Baby Clinic will be held on Monday, March 10, at 1.30~3.00 in the Public Health Centre. 50 Yonge St. North. Im- munization will be continued and polio vaccine available under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Women’s Institute. Following the service it was decided to have the senior Sunday School at 10 am. and the junior Sunday school and junior con- gregation at 11 am. to enable the parents-to attend the morn- ing service. There will‘be a class for the 5 and 6 year olds at 10 The attendance at the Sunday school and church service in the newly formed Richmond Hill East Anglican Parish Church was doubled for the second service in its history For the first time, a choiij took its place in the church and plans are under way for practice from week to week. It is also planned to start 3 jun- ior choir. a.m. as well. It was felt the supâ€" port was so great that a Vestry meeting must be held as soon as possible. This will be on March 12 in the banquet room of the Bayview Plaza restaurant at 8 pm. This will be a meeting of singular importance, since not only will a full executive be set up, but a name will be chosen for the church. It is planned to have a name distinctive from the oth- er 300 Anglican churches in the Diocese. On March 11, at 8 pm. a meeting of all the ladies is ar- ranged to organize a branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary. The meetâ€" ing will be held in the Rectory, 407 Lynett Crescent, Beverley Acres. Mrs. S. Snively, Diocesan President of the Women’s Auxil~ iary will speak. At an afternoon tea Thursday February 27th, the Grade Moth- ers of the Beverley Acres Home and School Association entertain- ed the principal and teaching staff of the Beverley Acres Pub- lic School. Principal Grant Nighs- wander outlined and discussed with the group, arrangements made for “Open House” during Education Week. Convenor for this social event was Mrs. Marg- aret Smith, assisted by Mrs. Vi Haggart, Mrs. Thelma Cambrey, and Mrs. Muriel Benfield. Prior to the wedding in Parry Sound of Miss Joyce Phillips to Mr. Bruce Pyle, Joyce was the recipient of a lovely gift. which was presented to her on Febru- ary 2'1, by Mr. M. Williamson on behalf of all employees of Ever- bright Ltd., Centre Street east. She then cut a beautiful cake, assisted by Mrs. Ruth Castle, who handed portions around for all to enjoy. After the wedding, the couple will return to Rich- mond Hill to live. Mrs. MacWhirter’s class in the MacKillop school heard the kill- deer‘s cry on Tuesday morning, as the harbinger of Spring flew over the school. The friends of Mr. Elgin (“Tubby”) Barrow of Centre St. West will regret to learn that he is in Newmarket Hospital. from injuries received from an autoâ€" mobile collision on Yonge Street, Aurora, Tuesday evening. Mr. Barrow, who suffered a broken nose. is awaiting the result of X-Rays, and in the meanwhile, the best of wishes go out to Mr. Barrow for a speedy recovery and and return home. The first "Father & Son" ban- quet of the lst Beverley Acres Cub and Scout Troop proved an enjoyable and gratifying success to the organizers and to those present in the banquet hall of the Bayview Plaza Restaurant, last Friday night. Guests at the head table included Mr. T. Har- rington, D.C.M.. Mr. L. May, D. C.. Mr. J. Turner, D.S.M.. Mr. Joe Derrick, Chairman, also Pat~ rol Leaders Robin Derrick, Jeff Burton, Rev J._B\_1rton, and Mr. ,"AAL an “a... -.- . :1}. L. Hudson Bfâ€"the VDépartment of Lands and Forests. ,-,_; u; up“..- ....... _ V, Present also were seven scout and cub leaders, 41 scouts, 21 scout fathers, 58 cubs. and 65 cub fathers. Awards for “Best Scout Patrol for 1957” was pres- ented to the Lynx Patrol (mem- bers Jeoflrey Izzard. Bryan Dav- ies, Tom Arch, Ken Peters. Tom Newmark, Jim Mieske, Bernie The Richmond Hill Branch No, 375 of the Canadian Legion. com- ‘ bined with the Ladies’ Auxiliary to hold a very enjoyable and sue: cessful joint initiation and soc- ial evening on Tuesday night at the Legion Hall, Carrville Road. In opening the meeting, Presi~ dent Wilf Sutcllfie welcomed four new lady members, Mrs. Ann Hough. Mrs. Fay Weir. Mrs. Shirley Carter, Mrs. Irene Hanna, also five new members in the’ men‘s division, Frank Fisher, Bill Berwick, Bernard ‘Corliss. Har- old Hadean, and James Coulter. Chapman. The award for “Best Scout for 1957" was presented to Harton Amas, with Larry Os- tler securing the award for the cub selling the most Christmas cards, and Robin Derrick winning the award for the scout selling the most cards. 2nd class badges were presented to Robin Derrick and David Amos. The cub in- structor’s badge was preSented to Miss N. Smith, and various badges to cubs. The Charter was presented to Chairman‘ Joe Der- rick by Mr. May. Awards were also presented to Scoutmaster Mr. Norman Foster and to Mr. Harry Whitaker, Cubmaster for their unselfish efforts in organ- izing this boys’ group. iévnvkrins, ' Harton Agno‘s, Initiation teams from the Woodbridge Men’s Branch enâ€" gaged in the initiation ceremony, together with Past President, Mr. William Cox, Mr. Stan Knapp. Mr. Charles Rodaway, Mr. R. Hepburn and Mr. Clifi Edwards. Members from the Woodbridge Ladies’ Auxiliary included Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Knapp. A very en~ joyable period of dancing follow~ ed, with refreshments which were in the capable hands of conven- ors Mrs. Phyllis Stockert and Mrs. Margaret Broom. The Auxiliary learned with re- gret of the sudden passing of Mr. Charles Beale in London, Eng- land, father of Mrs. Gloria Sand- ford, Auxiliary president. who, on receipt of a cable at 9 a.m., departed by air at 2 pm. me same day. In the absence of Mrs. Sandford. the second vice-presiâ€" dent, Mrs. Ida Ellis will preside. The “History of St. Mary’s An- glican Church” has just been completed by Mrs. P. C. Hill of Richmond Hill, and has been pub- lished in attractive book form. This should be of great interest to those who are associated with St. Mary's, as well as to former parishioners who are resident elsewhere. Those wishing to ob- tain copies may do so from the People's Warden, Mr. Harry Stanford. Mrs. Helen Pipher of the Main- prize Drug Store, Richmond Hill, has returned from Toronto where she has been attending the Eliza- beth Arden School of Beauty and Fashion, held at the Royal York Hotel under the direction of Miss Stoyle. The three-day session in- cluded care of various types of skin, methods of treatment of problem skins, correct use of perâ€" fume, new ideas in use of make- up as originated in Miss Arden’s New York and Paris salons. Mrs. Pipher has received a diploma at- testing to her successful comple- tion of studies at the Elizabeth Arden School of Beauty and Fa- shion and looks forward to being of even greater assistance to Eli- zabeth Arden clients at Main- prize’s Drug Store. The Woman’s Association of St. Matthew‘s United Church held its regular business meeting on Tuesday, March 4. Mrs. R. P. Robbins led the devotional, also providing the piano accompani- ment. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. A. Leroux. A very interesting account of the Pres- bytery meet held recently at Sut- ton, was given by Mrs. R. P. Robbins. who attended, accom- panied by Mrs. E. L. Wright and Mrs. B. Knight. Guest speaker for the evening, Mrs. W. W. Pat- terson, spoke on the subject “Mo- thers will determine whether Sun- day will be a day of religion, or else?" The speaker thanked the group for the warm welcome ac- corded the Rev. William W. Pat- terson, herself and family on their arrival. The next meeting of the group is scheduled for 8.15 pm. March 18, in the church, on Crosby Avenue east, to which all .ladies are cordially invited. The Young People's Associa- tion of St. Matthew’s United Church held its regular meeting on Sunday, March 2. In addition to the guest speaker, the group engaged in a lively debate. The subject was “Should religion be taught in school," and the af- firmative side won by 5-4. The girls redeemed themselves by winning the sword drill by a score of 7-3. Anniversary service winning the sword drill by a score of 7-3. Anniversary service will feature the next meeting, which will he held on Sunday, March 16. in the church at 7 pm. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Dick Jones. the Chairman of the Canadian Council of Chris- tians and Jews. . collision on Yonge Street, Tuesday evening. Mr. who suffered a broken ‘ awaiting the result of and in the meanwhile, ; of wishes go out to Mr. for a speedy recovery and Dick The annual service of the W0- man's Missionary Societies of the Richmond Hill United Church will be held on Sunday morning, March 9. at 11 o‘clock, with Rev. Ernest E. Long. B.A., D.D., as speaker. Dr. Long, who has re- cently travelled in Korea and in Russia is the Secretary of the General Council of the United Church of Canada. The Annual Ladies' Night of Richmond Ledge A.F. 8; A.M.. No. 23 G.R.C. will be held on Wednesday evening. March 12th, at the Graystones, Aurora. The Richmond Hill branch of the Women’s Institute will hold their Mareh meeting on Thursaay. March 13, at 2 pm. in the Mun- icipal Hall. The convenor for this meeting is Mrs. M. H. Burnie. and the guest speaker will be Mrs. Maynard of Unionville, who was the Women‘s Institute delegate to the A.C.W.W. at Ceylon. MASHINTER -- Harvey and Betty (nee Byne) are happy to announce the arrival of a son, Donald George, on March 1. 1958, at Newmarket Hospital, brother for Peter and Kenneth. c1w36 The engagement is announced of Beth Laurence Louise Smith, only daughter of Mrs. Smith and the late Wm. E. Smith of Rich- mond Hill to Mr. Peter Lionel Morgan Jones, eldest son of Brig- adier Leslie L. and Mrs. Jones of Karachi, Pakistan (formerly of Langstaff, Ontario). The mat- riage will take place June '7, 1958, at 3 o’clock in Richmond Hill United Church. *1w36 In memoriam Mere words are inadequate to express my gratitude to each and everyone who so kindly helped in the home, sent get~well wishes and flowers during my recent illness. WIDEMAN : In loving memory of my dear father, Henry Wide- man who passed away March 7, 1957. The one we loved has gone to rest, His fond, true heart is still, The hand that always helped me Now lies in death’s cold chill. When all is still and silent, And sleep forsakes my eyes; My thoughts are in the silent CARD 0F THANKS grave Where my dear father lies. Swiftly and silently came the cal) Withut goodbyes he left us all. In God’s garden now at rest Peacefully sleeping, lies the best. â€"â€" Sadly miséed’and always re- membered by daughter Lucille and sonâ€"inâ€"law Ernie. *lw36 WIDEMAN â€" In loving memory of my dear husband Henry Wideman, who passed away March ‘7, 1957. We walked together, you and I, In sorrow and in joy; We shared our pains and happi- ness With love, without alloy; And death shall never end our love, For through the mist I see Our glad reunion in the skies For all eternity. WIDEMAN â€"- In loving memory of our dear grandpa, Henry Wideman, who passed away March 7, 1957. We were not there, grandpa dear, to see you die, To hold your hand or kiss goodâ€" bye, , But will remember our whole lives thmugh The last few words we had with you. â€" Ever remembered by grand~ children Marie and Lorne. *1w36 -â€" Dearly 10v_ed and sadly miss- ed by wife Ethel. *lw36 CG] T Doings by Marilyn Burr Following our regular opening we discussed plans for both the family party and the mother and daughter banquet. We went to our groups where plans were made for our craft projects. In- dividual groups worked on eith- er cancer dressings or their skits which are to be presented this week at the party. All girls are reminded that the family party will start promptly this Thurs- day at 7.30. It will begin with a singsong and all mothers are in- vited. (Engagement Mainpréza Drug Store Phone TU. 4-1017 43 Yonge St. N. benein by fifi; speIKalfl'fllnlng and autiorltuflvc beautywcoumol Thank 'you, Edna Weldrick Radiant with happiness, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Donaldson are seen following their wedding which took place on Saturday, February 22, 1958, in Victoria Square United POWELL, Arthur E., A. A. (Ox- on) â€" Beloved husband of Gayle M. Gaynor, in his 73rd year, at Sunnybrook Hospital, Wednesday, March 5, 1958. Loving father of Mazie (Mrs. J. Fitzpatrick) Toronto; Anne (Mrs. Wm. Robertson), Rich- vale and Martin R., Willow- dale; also seven grandchildren. Resting at Brown Bros. Funer- ai Parlor, Eglinton and Dutferâ€" in St., Toronto. Funeral at 3 pm. Friday, March 7. Inter- ment Prospect Cemetery. Church. The bride is the former Betty Snider, daughter of Mrs. Snider and the late Mr. John Snider, Victoria Square and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson, Arnleigh Heights. â€" Photo by Lagerquist MIDGLEY, Henry George â€" At Sunnybrook Hospital, March 4, 1958, Henry George Midgley, beloved husband of Lillian Cooper of Edgar Ave., Rich- vale, in his 64th year; dear father of Ronald Lenard, and brother of William A. and Miss Eileen P. Resting at Wright and Taylor’s Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, for service on Thursday at 2 11m. Cremation at Toronto Crematorium. 'ona [tidal-Snider Wupl c1w36 c1w36 Wishes to announce he has taken over the medical practice of Dr. R. S. Ideson effective March 1, 1958. TU. 4-3121 - If no answer call PR. 3-5327 Dr. D.A.McBurney 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 'u/alia THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm. Ontario, Thursday, Marsh 8, m SUNDAY, MARCH 9. 1958 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Service 2 p.111. â€"â€" YP's Bible Class Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A.. 8.1). Dr. E. E. Long 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Fireside Hour SUNDAY, MARCH 9. 1958 9:45 am. â€" Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 11 am. -â€"- Morning Worship Sermon subject: THE ISOLATIONIST 11‘ am. 'â€" Nursery Department “We can point a way. but you must walk it" ST. MARY‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O‘Neil SUNDAY, MARCH 9. 1958 LEN'I‘ Ill 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 9.30 «.m. â€" Morning Prayer 11 am. -â€" Morning Prayer. (Nursery and Jr. Cong1‘cv”on) 2 pm. â€"â€" Bible 0355 7 inn. â€"â€" Evensong Wednesdays .in Lent 10 am. -â€" Holy Communion (Nursery Supervision provided) .8 pm. â€"- Evensong and Address III “Cults of our time and the Faith of the Church" Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith 407 Lynett Cresc. TU. 4-4236 SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1958 3rd Sunday in Lent 10 am. - Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Holy Communion Junior Sunday School and Nursery Class You are Welcome Beverley Acres Public School Neal Drive Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister RICHMOND HILL ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson, B.A., B.D.. Minister Masonic Hall, 15 Yonge St. N Pastor Robert W. Irvin SUNDAY, MARCH 9. 1958 9.45 am. â€" The Church School 11 am. â€" Public Worship “Support the church or be it?” Nursery School meets at the hour of worship B. Th., B.R.E. SUNDAY, MARCH 9. 1958 9.50 am. â€" Bible School for all 11 am. -- Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1958 2:45 pm. â€"- Sunday School 7 pm. â€"- Evangelistic Rally Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer & Bible Study Hour We welcome you to the fellow- ship of this friendly family church that continues the teach- ing of Original Methodism. TH ORN HILL UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Earl B. Eddy, B.A.. B.D., 'l‘h. D. SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1958 10 am. â€"- Intermediate Church School 11 am. -â€" Church Worship and Church School THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17 Yonge Street 5 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto, Rev. Percy G. Buck, B.A., B.Th., HU. 1â€"3142 SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1958 Worship servicvéVV-hroadcast over CJRH (1300; Nursery for'the babies sermon â€"â€" 11 am. Spontaneous Service The Sacrament of Baptism 7.30 pm. â€" Young Life Club 8.30 pm. â€"- Adults Communi~ ‘cants Class Fri. 7 pm. â€"â€" Children's Happy Hour Sat. 8.30 pm. â€" Couple's Club Square Dance in the Drewry Ave. School Sunday Schdol classes 10 and 11 Thornhiu Rev. W. E. Askew, Rector SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1958 8 am. ~â€" Holy Communion 11 am. -â€" Morning Prayer Sermon â€"- “The Anglican Communion" “Heritage of the Prayer Book" '1 pm. -â€" Evening Prayer Sermon â€"â€" “Persons of Passion" “The Informer" Mar. 12 â€"- Wednesday 10 am. â€"- Holy Communion Evening: anfirmatign at St THE CHURCH OF ST. LUKE LUTHERAN Finch Ave. East Public School Finch Ave. 13., just west of Bayview Rector: Rev Sunday School 10 3.1 Worship Service . . . . . . 11 a.1 The Rev. Karl J. Schweder. B.D., M.A.. Pastor Phone: BAldwin 1-8900 Jam'es Cathedral, Toronto Mar. 13 â€"- Thursday 7 am. -â€" Holy Cpmmunion (Anglican) RICHVALE - LANGSTAFF DISTRICT SUNDAY, MARCH 9. 1958 “Suffer the little children to come unto me" Sunday School 9.30 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer Both services in the Charles How- RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Iomer of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML 9 am. Sunday RICHMOND ‘ HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YOU ARE WELCOME AT ST. MARY’S RICHMOND HILL EAST ANGLICAN CHURCH THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Calvin '3. Chambers, SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1953 A Study in First Century Christianity HOLY TRINITY CHURCH ST. BARNABAS’ MISSION RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH itt School : w. J. W. Newton~Smith Jen/ice; CARRVILLE UNITED mum: Rev. Earl B. Eddy. 3A., 3.1).. Minister 2.30 pm. â€"â€" Worship Service GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. 8. flanking, Minis“! 9.45 am. â€"â€" Church Broaden. CKLB 1350 Oshawa 10 am. â€" Morning Worship 11 am. Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Servlcc MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald. M.C., Minister Hope Divine Worship 10.30 mm. Sunday School 11.30 mm. Maple .unday School 10.15 mm. )wlne Worship ...... 11.80 LII. Edgeley Sunday School ...... 1.30 pm. Divine Worship . . . . . . 2.30 mm. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Homo Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Mossage Tune in CKEY (580) at 8.15 mm. Luke 5: 31.32: And Jesus answer- Ing said unto them â€" They that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. I came nm to call the righteoLIS, but sinners to repentance. RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL BetWeen Stop 22 and 228 Yonzo Oak Avenue SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1958 9.30 am. -â€" Breaking of Bread 11 am. -â€" Sunday School and Family Bible Hour Mr. Colin Anderson 7 pm. â€" Evening Gospel Service Mr. Douglas Price Tues. 8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer and Bible . Study Mr. Colin Anderson Wed. 730 pm. â€" Young Peop- le‘s Meeting BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 1958 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Worship Service 7.30 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Service Wed. 7.30 p.m. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd com. 2 miles north of Concord) 10 am. â€"â€"- Sunday School 11.15 a.m. â€"Worship Servo. Concord (School House) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. 10.30 am. -â€" Sunday Schoo! 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeflm Church St., Laugstafl Mnlster: Rev. B. T. McSpaddol SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1958 10 am. â€" Bible School with Adult Bible Class 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship 6.30 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Tues., 8 pm. â€"-A_Tee{lageu and Youth Fellowship Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer & Bibi. Study Thursday 1 pm. -â€" Women! Missionary Fellowship Thurs, 8 pm. â€"- Evening Mk- sion Circle 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month Fri, 7 pm. â€" Lamplighters Public school age children KING Holy Communion . . . . . . 8 an and First Sunday 11 am. Morning Prayer . . . . . . 11 an Rev. W. B. Jennings, D.D. Phone King 313 ST. STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN MAPLE Family Service . . . . . . 9.30 mm Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sundays Evening Prayer . . . . . . . . 7 p.13. ST. JOHN’S (ANGLICAN) OAK RIDGES (Yonge 8: Jeflerson) Morning Prayer and Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 11.15 mm. Bible Classes (Senior and Inter- mediate) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 am. Holy Communion .. 2nd 8: 4th Sundays Church bus leaves Lake Wilcox at 10.45 am. ST. MARK’S CHURCH ANGLICAN Oak Ridges - Yonge at Elm Grove Morning Prayer . . . . . . 10 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 am. Holy Communion .. lst Sunday SUNDAY, MARCH 9. 1958 March 6, Thursday, 8 pm. -â€" Lenten Service 2.30 pm. -- The Service 1.30 pm. â€"-‘Sun51_§y School and Bible Class March 13 â€"- Thursday 8 pm. â€"- Lenten Service SUNDAY. MARCH 9. 195‘ ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: H. Lindeman ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN Madawaska Ave., Stop LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH

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