Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Mar 1958, p. 7

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ftg( NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS ROGER PROULX PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given 62 Crosby Ave. R‘CHMONI) HILL Telephone I‘U. 4-1650 ‘foro‘he Spectacular. ‘ STAGE AND worn ~roevur at the Canadian National SHOW The Coliseum, Toronto March 14th- 22nd 12 Sensational Headline Acts and other, features Performances Twice Daily (Except Sunday) 2: l 5 p.m. and 8:15 pan. Prideâ€"Evenings and Saturday Afternoonsâ€"all seats reserved Reserved Seatsâ€"$l.25â€"Box Seals $l.75 0 Plus Admission to buildings Adults 50¢ (on advance sales only), Children 25¢ Admission ticket includes America‘s Finest Springtime Exhibitionâ€"Seven great shows in oneâ€" Buildings open from ll am. to ll p.m.â€"-(Daily Except Sunday) Admission to Exhibition Onlyâ€"Adults 75¢, Children 25¢ Write (Enclosing cheques)! money order} to ~ THE CANAIDIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW I -' The Coliseum Toronto, Canada 55'” l l TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Richmond Hill intends to construct as a. local improvement the construction of a Sanitary Sewer on: Yonge Street. from‘Markham Road to the south- erly boundary of Richmond Hill Church Street from Markham southerly boundary of Richmond Hill Road to the Baker Avenue from Markham Road to Palmer Avenue Ruggles Avenue from Markham Road to the southerly boundary of Richmond Hill \Lawrence Avenue from Markham Road to Pal- mer Avenue Lennox Avenue from Markham Road to the southerly boundary of Richmond Hill Elmwood Avenue from Church Street to a point measured two hundred and ten feet (210 ft.) east of Lennox Avenue Elmwood Avenue from Cedar Avenue to a point measured one hundred .and fifty feet (150 ft.) west of Essex Avenue Palmer Avenue from Church Street to Lennox Avenue ' Palmer Avenue «from Cedar Avenue to Essex Avenue Harding Blvd. from Yonge Street to the Sewage Pumphouse Cedar Avenue from Markham Road to the son- therly boundary of Richmond Hill ’ Markham Road fromfiedar Avenue to the Can- adian National Railways right-of-way. Easement from Cedar Avenue to the Sewage Pumpltotise and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 2. The estimated cost of the work is $159,341.70 . of which $57,955.80 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot frontage is $3.85. The special assessment is to be paid in twenty equal an- nual instalments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is 33.57 cents. 3. Application will be made bythe Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its apprOval of the 1 undertaking of the said work and any owner may within 21 days after the first publication of this not- ice tile with the Board his objection to the said work being undertaken. .1. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken. but before doing so it may appoint a time and place. when any objections to the said work will be conSJdered. DATED at the Town of Richmond Hill this 25th day of February, 1958. R. LYNETT. Clerk rowu or RICHMONb HILL: The Rotary Club of Brampton and The Telegram’invite you to enjoy the huge show of Easter flowers to be held at the Dale Estate, Brampton. on Sunday, March 16. The greenhouses will be open from 8 am. to 4 pm. for this preview of spring flowers. Here Barbara Callaghan holds a few of the snapdragons and daffo- dils which will be on display, along with many thousands of tulips, roses, mum's, carnations, iris and lilies. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT MRS l WA. The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. was held on Wednes- day evening of las‘ week at the home of Mrs. Reid Brumwell. The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. Herman Morison. Mrs. Percy Bennett gave the Lesson Thoughts and Prayer. The guest 'speaker was Mrs. Wilkins. of But- tonville who gave a very inspir- :ing talk. Mrs. Marcus Jarvis gave 'a report on the WA. annual held at Sutton recently. Mrs. L. Mum- berson, the president, took charge ’of the businessiFollowing the meeting refreshments. were served. Couples Club The regular monthly meeting of the Couples Club was held on Tuesday evening of last week at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hardie, with twenty-six members lin attendance. The meeting was in charge of the new executive. Quilting The W.M.S. members quilted two quilts in the Sunday School room on Thursday of last week. These quilts are for the W.M.S. Bale. Bible Society The annual meeting of the Victoria Square Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held in the Victoria Square Sunâ€" day School room on Friday even- ing of last week with a good at- tendance. Rev. Rudd. of the Bible Society was the guest speaker. who gave a very inspiring mesâ€" sage on the work of the Bible Society. He had two films with him, but unfortunately the pro- jector would not work, therefore he was unable to sho wthem. However Rev. Rudd will return at a later date and will show them at that time. The offering re- ceived from this meeting was very encouraging. Cancer Meeting The Victoria Square Branch of the Cancer Society. will hold an- other work meeting in the Sun- day School room on Thursday 'afternoon, March 6. commencing at 1.30 pm. All the ladies in the community are invited to come out and help make more Cancer dressings. » Sr. Women’s Institute The March meeting of the Sr. Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday evening, March 11 at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Art Buchanan. Roll Cali is to be answered by, "Suggestions for Postponing Old Age." Panel Dis- cussion. Panel of Local School Teachers. A hearty invitation is extended to all the ladies in the trons! f .I {I . _ \..-".‘ I. K” 4 . ' p .. '5‘_."V‘ _ ': v rs‘ ‘- WHAY YOU (ALL NO CHANCES MAY er voua oucv 04AM If you are planningr to move. don‘t delay. it doesn‘t pay. Take advantage of our many years of moving ex- perience. our modern equrp- ment and "know-how" as- sures you the best â€"- FRANK‘S Movers 8. Cartage Phone Tl'. 4-2613 For fast, courteous service w. SANDLE Victoria Square Telephone Gormley 5421 community to attend this educat- ional meeting. The March meeting of the W.M.S. will be held on Wednes- day. March 12, at 2:15 pm. at the home of Mrs. V. Westbrook. All the ladies in the community are invited to attend. Explorers The Explorers will meet in the Victoria Square Sunday School room every Monday from now until further notice. These meetings begin at 7 pm. Lenten Classes Please remember Lenten Bible Study group-that Rev. A. Bin- nington is conducting in the ,Brown’s Corners United Church every Wednesday evening at 8 pm. Everyone is invited to at- tend. The theme is, “God and You”. There is a class for the child- ren who are contemplating joining the church. Thlese classes are being held in the Victoria Square United Church and are for the children from thirteen years of age upwards, the classes are at 3:45 pm. every Sunday and are for the children on the Victoria 'Square charge. Mission Band The regular" monthly meeting of the Mission Band will be held in the Sunday School room on Saturday. March 8 at 2:30 pm. All the children in the community are invited to attend. Church News Rev. A. F. Binnington gave a very inspiring message on the text. “Jesus and the Children,” at the church service on Sunday afternoon. On Sunday. March 9, his text will be “Jesus, and the Lost." Plan now to attend the church service at 2:30 pm. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday Greetings to: Linda Hampton who will be six years old on March 4: to Shirley Nelson who will be six years old on March 6; to Mrs. Herb Nelson fo.‘ March 6: to Mrs. F. Walker for March 6. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Huggins and family of Taunton, spent Saturday with Mrs. A. Frisby and Richard. Mrs. R. Perkins and Miss Mabel Sanderson called on Mr. Homer Wilson at Fairview Lodge Whitby on Wednesday of last week Mr. Wilson was celebrating his nine- ty-first birthday on February 26. Congratulations. Mrs. R. Perkins and Miss Mabel Sanderson had dinner on Wed- nesday evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Toronto. Congratulations are the order of the day for Master Bruce Mortson on winning the inter- mediate prize in the Temperance Oratorical contest held in Wesley United Church on Friday evening of last week. The Temperance Convention is being held in the Stouffville United Church on Fri- day, March 7. beginning in the afternoon. with the Oratorical contest winners speaking in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephen- son had Sunday evening dinner wiht Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Collâ€" ard and family. A speedy recovery is wished for Miss Susan Tennyson who has been ill with bronchial pneuâ€" monia: also to Mr. Charlie Stan- sbury Sr.. whc is ill with pleural pneumonia. .\lr. and .\lrs. .lim Bovnion and Debbie had Sunday eveningr dinâ€" ner with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley iBoynion and Donald. l Dr. L. Winifred Bryce reports ‘that she will not be able to be Wm. Wilson in lthe W.MS cucst speaker as in previous years. as she will be doing some work in Eniand. The help of the CGIT and Explorer: and Vacation School was greatly appreciated in helpâ€" ing '0 finance the educmion of Peter and Shanta in lnciore. In» dia l Dr Bryce is no“ asSistin: the‘ daughter of Rev. (‘ .l, Rachunâ€" aih., Indore, Asha is in he? sec- ond )Piit‘ :11 ('ri'bw‘i Dr was heard on the CBC. on Sun- lday evening. Bryce Honour Former W. A. President ,Mrs. M. Beynon N Mrs. M. Beynon Honoured Mrs. Maurice Beynon, until re- cently president of the Afternoon I ranch of the Woman’s Auxiliary .of St. John’s Anglican Church. rivas honoured at the February meeting at the home of Mix, Wednesday at the ' ~ ’ Wm. Bell, when she was pres- ented with a : LlrlClIluo-Jthy certificate and pin. After the opening preliminar- iies and the treasurer’s report. I‘irs. Schuyler Snively. diocesan president of the W.A. and a member of St. John‘s Afternoon Branch, said the prayers used when a life membership is given. Mrs. Wm. Bell presented Mrs. Beynon with a life membership pin and Rev; D. C. H. Michell handed Mrs. Beynon the certi- ficate, which read in part. “Dor- othy Luella Beynon constituted is Life Member by the Afternoon ow Lile Member 'Branch of the WA. of St. John’s Church for faithful and untiring service as our President over se« veral years.‘ t In making the presentation, Mr. Michell spoke very highly of Mrs. Beynon’s never ceasing ef- forts on behalf of the W.A. and .1e parish and her ready will» ingness to assist in any way pos- sible on every occasion. Mrs. Neil Dibb presented Mrs. Beynon with a beautiful bouquet of snapdragons. Mrs. Bell served lunch at the conclusion of the meeting which was very well attended. With the exception of two ladies, all mem- bers of the Afternoon Branch were present on‘this memorable occasion. Mrs. Beynon's mother. Mrs. Gowan of Aurora, and her daughters, Mrs. Howard Patrick and Miss Betty Beynon, were on hand also. l ElGlN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John's Anglican Cnurch l TU. 4-2708 Mothers’ Auxiliary A meeting of interest to all Brownie and Cub mothers was held Tuesday evening. February 25, at the home of Mrs. E. Roy Jackson. Following the comple- tion of general business a period of open discussion was enjoyed by all. The local association dis- cussed plans for a possible moâ€" ther and daughter banquet which would be held sometime in the near future. The serving of‘tea brought to a close a very enjoy- able evening. Sleighing Fun! The weather of last week-end aided Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc- Fee in entertaining 14 guests from Scarborough at a sleigh- ing party on Saturday, February 22. After all were tired of sleigh riding, everyone repaired to the McFee home to enjoy some good home cooking. Women’s Auxiliary The evening branch of the Woman‘s Auxiliary of St. John‘s Church is holding the March meeting at the home of Mrs. C. Gould on Thursday, March 13th at 815 Community Club A very gay time was had by all the ladies who attended the com- munity club get-together on Wed- nesday evening at the home of Mrs. lvan Petersen on February 26. Beside enjoying an evening of fun and chatter. the hostess served a very tasty tea. Birthday Party Miss Valerie Chubb was hostâ€" ess to eight little guests when she entertained them all at her birthday tea. Valerie was three years old on Sunday. so cele- brated on the day previous. The table was very nicely decorated and each wee guest found a fav- our and name basket at his or her place. The cake was the cenâ€" trepiece, and all the candles were blown out at once: May Valerie PHJON many more very happy birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and their three sons. all of Hillsburg, e".l0.\'ed a Sunday visit mm in. and Mrs. A. Bic-Fee and family on February 23. Mrs. E. Ray Jackson left on Wednesday by plane for a visit ilO New York. Philadelphia and :Xevark. Delaware. Square Dance On Friday night. February 28. 30m? two dozen people enjoyed themselves at the square dance held ill the Jelierson School. Ourâ€" Iin; the temporary absence of .3131'2 and Carson \K'halcn. Ron IBroune (llsl'Ol'el'E‘d a new ability. He acquitted himself nobly at trial fine art of "calling off". Fin- a.l\ Mary and Carson bucked the last drift and Joined 11] the fun. At me close of the dance. Car- son announced that there would be Uni." two more dances this season. So all \ou "equares" here is ‘ our fillal t'lltlil' e to bring fiends in a good dance and en- i lJOY yourselves. Watch the com-l ‘our‘ TU. 4-1534 ing events column for dates. time and place. Birthdays Many happy returns of the day to Peter Terry who celebrated his birthday on March 7; to Peter Gould on March 8; and to Peter Ratchi‘ord on March 12. Belated birthday greetings to Sandra Dick who celebrated on Febru- ary 22. School Board Meeting The Jefferson School Board met at the home of Mr. Norman Burnett, secretary of the board, last Tuesday evening. The staff of the Jefferson Public School was present also and routine school matters were discussed. Travellers Return Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones and family returned last week from their winter home at New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Snell and family are back again at El- gin Mills after spending two months in Florida. CARRVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130R3 School News On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. J. Nesbitt. Mrs. R. Manning and ..irs. Bert Middleton accompanieo Mr. Green and the pupils of the Carrville public school to Eaton Auditorium where the children sang in the Kiwanis Music Fes- tival. They received 79 marks. The children were then treat- ed to ice cream and a soft drink. The group travelled via one of Mr. Gordon Mortson's busses. Mary Nielsen celebrated her birthday that day, February 25. Personals We were very sorry to hear that Mrs. Stanley Wood is back in Western Hospital, We hope she will soon be feeling better than ever. Young Peoples The Carrville United Church Young Peoples met on Wednesâ€" day evening with nine present. Meeting was spent on comple- ting plans for the oyster supper on March 12. Oysters or hotroast lpork will be served from 5.30 to 8 30 p m. Birthday Greetings Happy birthday Margaret Williams and Drew Wood. who celebrate their llth birilitlrus on March 12 and 13 respectively. Stork Shower Mrs Fred Broom .lr. entertainâ€" ed in honour of her sister Mrs. Frank Purvis of Newtonbrook at a stark shower. There rere about 12 present and she received many ‘usoful articles. Sam‘s to hear that Gary Broom ‘lcrll and brok. his foot. He has a walking cast on ‘ is u ished to LIFE ASSURANCE CAREER OPPORTUNITY FOR 3 AMBITIOUS GENTLEMEN The Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada has an opening for three ambitious gentlemen. age 25-40, who are interested in an insurance career in Aurora. Richmond Hill, Thornhill area. Financial stability. willingness to work hard and previous suc- cess habits reqiiired. Permanent career, financing plan. health and pension plan ofi'ered. Reply to Box 89 ‘The Liberal.‘ 7' THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. March 6; 1958 NW N Thought For To-Day DUNN & BRADSTREET PROVIDES THE FOLLOWING STARTLING STATISTIC: “95% of all failures in business are from the ranks of non-advertisers” For best value for your Iadvertising dollar use the col- iumns of ‘your home weekly. “THE' LIBERAL" Home Paper of Richmond Hill and District Since 1878 Richmond Hill Phone TU. 4-1105 Theirs is a mission of mercy PLEASE HELP March is Red Cross month in Canada. Sometime during this period volunteer canvassers of the Canadian Red Cross will come to your door. They come to ask for your financial supportâ€"support for the work of mercy that never ends. So much depends on your re- sponse~for only through your generosity can this great work go on. You who are confident, strong, secure, please help in this mission of mercy . . . please give generously. support the If you are not at home whenthe canvassers call, please send your contribution direct to: l

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