Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Mar 1958, p. 12

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flNGET’l‘E, white enamel. used twice, $35. AV. 5-1720. c1w37 é SOWS, springing. Apply Geo. Snidera, AV. 5-4067. c1w37 BED CHESTERFIELD and one chair, good condition, $35.00. call after 6 p.m. TU. 4-2638. Clw37 FORD transmission 46-48. $25 Good condition. AV. #3269. FOR SALE or swap, 38f Gurney KITCHEN range, coal, water- front. TU. 4-1416. *2w36 ONE MICROSCOPE, 100x slides $4.00. TU. 4-2713. *1w37 PLAYPEN, like new, very reas- onable. TU. 4-4966. clw37 VACUUM CLEANER, good conâ€" dition, all attachments. TU. 4- 2328. c}w27 Electric Range, foi‘ 30" Range. TU. 4-1526. *1w37 iJSED washing machine, good working order. TU. 4-3211. c1w37 for apartment '01- cottage. $35. TU. 4-4574. c1w37 MAN‘S Sport Coat. size 36, light green wifh black fleck, like new. TU. 4-2735. C1W37 15 CU; FT. deep freeze, $250. TU. 4-3034 after 5 pm. tfc36 7 FT. McCormick Deering binder “A-l" condition. Phone Maple 51R31. *1w37 TIMOTHY HAY. string tied. A. G. Avery, Vaughan 618, AT. 8- 0370. *1w37 RSTRAL refrigerator. sultgblp MEN'S and women’s clothes, good condition. Call TU. 4-4795 after 6 pm. c3w37 LIGHT baggage trailer, closed, for sale cheap. TU. 4-1416._ GIRL'S spring coat, size 7â€"9. e» cellent condition, worn only six times. Made by exclusive tailor. TU. 4-3990. c1w37 CUSTOM M-E Rototiller, excell‘ ent condition. real money-maker. Owner has to sell, $250.00. TU. 42294. c1w36 MAPLE. dining set with buffet Bradley cultivator, 'sickle-bar mower $125. Phone AV. 5-4376. *1w37 V... size Beach étove with visulite oven; and 17" TV. Owners mov- ing. PR. 3-5465. c1w37 MOFFAT kitchen range, combin- ation coal or wood and electric. GARDEN TRACTOR, David in good condition. A real buy. TU. 4-2704. . *1w37 WEDDING invitations. printed or engraVLd, Finest quality at a reasmable price. The Liberal, phone TU 4-1105. *tf COMBINATION TV 17” Westing- house radio and record player. Brand new picture tube, guaran- gng till May 1959, walnut finish $125. TU. 4-"’466 STRAW AND HAY Baled wheat and oat straw. clov- er and timothy hay. Deliver any- where by bale or ton. M. J. Acreâ€" man, TU. 4-2236. tfc31 TIME TO PAINT UP. See us for Crown Diamond Paint. Painters vices. Butler and Baird Lumber Amlted, Richmond Hill, TU. 4- 1125. Ucél DEMONSTRATION Sunbeam power tools. this Sat- urday, March 15. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Bryant Hardware, Stop 22A, Yonge St, Richvale, AV. 5-3821. 12 BRIGHTEN UP that room now. Install a preâ€"flt window-unit We have a complete stock of stand- ard sizes on hand. Butler and Bah-d Lumber Limited, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1125. “C41 COMBINATIC N doors. windows. and awnings. porch shades and railings, drapery tracks, bamboo drapes and hooks. Zeph-Alre Co. Ltd., Aurora, phone PA. '7-4‘f£;311(j c5 VENETLAN BLINDS, aluminum or steel. custom made. Free esti- mates and installations. Phone TWlnlng 5-6551 (reverse charâ€" ges). Harold Craddock, Newmar- ket. tfc42 METRO “'RECKING & LUMBER Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill Doors $1.00 and up Windows, Sash and Storms at reasonable prices. 2x4 shorts 10c each. 2 x 4 x 6' 20c each. BOATS New marine plywood boats, 8 it. prams. 12 it. car-top. 14 ft. run- ahouts. $65 and up. Best Ma- terials used. no down payment recessary All boats guaranteed not to leak. No. 11 Highway, 1 mile north of Richmond Hill. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats to: rent, TUl 4-2732. CASH RATES. first insertion 3e per word. min. charge . . 500 Second and subsequent insertions ii wording unchanged. 30 per word min. charge . . . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of . . 25o COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 100; min. charge 500 CARD 0!“ THANKS. [N MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion Me 15an NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. lend ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 18, 1958 AV. 5~3942 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c1w37 *2w36 clw37 c1w37 tfc37 VANITY dressing table, walnut. Apply 7200 Yonge St.. Thornhill, Apt. 3. *1w37 FREE ESTIMATES for alumin- um combination windows, doors, and awnings. Call your local “ALSCO” representative at Map- le 315. tfc34 BEATTY electric lroner. excellâ€" ent condition. See â€" make offer at a reasonable price. TU. 4-1609. tfc 36 DRY HARDWOOD 18 inch lengths {or fireplace. Mixed hardwood $12.00; single 6 inch cord, delivered, TU. 4- 2957. c8w32 hardware. A156 hafid pump. AV. 5-3136. c1w37 POWER TOOLS Demonstration of Sunbeam tools this Saturday, March 15, 10 am. to 5 pm. Bryant Hardware. Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale, AV. 5- 3821. , c1w37 OVERHEAD? garage? door egg POULTRY water founts, feeding troughs and nests. Coleman space heater, 2 drums, wheelbarrow, lawn roller and all kinds of gar- dening tools. TU. 4-2538. c1w37 Elm, Birch and Maple, cut in 12" lengths. suitable for stove or fire- place, $10.00 per single cord, de- livered. Same day service. Phone TU. 4-3419. » c4w37 SUNBEAM Demonstration power tools, this Saturday, March 15, 10 am. to 5 pm. Bryant Hardware, Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale, AV. 5- 3821. c1w37 ABSOLUTE bargain. give away, 1 Persian Lamb c'oat, cost $299., 1 year bld, hardly worn, 1 Harris Tweed coat, 1 woollen coat, all for $65.00. This is' a gift. TU. 4- 4834. clw37 METRO WRECKING & LUMBER Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill 60 cycle oil burners and storage tanks. Plumbing supplies and pipes. CHAIN SAWS - CHAIN SAWS N.E.L. PIONEER - COBRA Sales and Service. Toro Lawn and Garden equipment. Carl Walker Service, Don Mills Road. Victor- ia Square. Demonstration phone Gormley 5413. tfc33 EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS 1958 models now in stock; one 35 h.p. new 1957 model left, at a good discount. Butlgr & Baird Lumber Ltd, 191 Yonge St., Rich- mond Hill, phone TU. 4-1125 or AV. 5-3506. c1w37 HAVING trouble heating your house? We can soup up your fur- nace to give the best perfum- ance possible. Phone Banks Oil Heating for prompt, efficient service. We specialize in emerâ€" gency service day or night, BA. 1-2506. tfc23 Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill Insul Brick Siding - $3 a square; Hardwood Flooring - $3.50 100 square feet. METRO “’RECKING & LUMBER TYPEWRITERS & ADDING MACHINES SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Special Students Rental Rates. Purchases as low as $1.00 a week. Authorized dealer for Under- wood, Smith-Corona, Royal, and Remington. Victor 'adding mach- ines. Call TU. 4-1745 day or night. L. H. Sims, 88 Baker Ave.. Richâ€" mond Hill. Rental contest now on. tfc28 FOR. POSITIVE SALE â€" LEAVING FOR ENGLAND Roto-tiller (heavy duty). wheel- barrow. garden roller, garden tools; GE. 21” Television. 3-piece Chesterfield suite, porch couch, child’s bed, two beds. together with a number of useful house- hold items of furniture in ex- cellent condition for quick sale, at reasonable prices. AV. 5-3580. By far the most popular type of dual purpose unit on the market today. Comfortable seating ac- commodation by day, and an exâ€" tra bed for two at night. Com- plete With bedding box under- neath. for the handy storage of bedding and pillows. Covered in a most attractive and long-wear- ing material. Only $39.95. 5-piece Chrome Sets, dual leg, extension table, centre leaf steel frame, well padded chairs in beautiful plastic to match. While they last $39.95. Powell Furniture Ware- house Sales, 33 Yonge Street 5., Richmond Hill, TU. 4â€"2922. c1w37 FEMALE puppy. brindle, white paws, tail and chest. TU. 4-2778. I"1w37 BEST DRY HARDWOOD SlfACE SAVING s6irA-BE FOR SALE (continued) AV. 5-3942 AV. 5-3942 FOUND tfc37 c1w37 tfc37 DRESSMAKING, drapes and slip covers. Phone PR. 3-5540. c4w35 MOVING & CARTAGE, experi- enced, fast, courteous service. .Ennox 2-0040. tfc34 R. H. REID Delivery service. Pickup and delivery, light mov- ing. TU. 4 3391. tfc37 RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE TV 8.: Radio Service, antenna-and U.I-I.F. installations. Car radios. TU. 4-2101, AV. 5-3756. tfc20 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TU. 4â€"3085. “C49 MOVING & CARTAGE Frank’s Moving 8: Cartage, pack- lng and storage. Experienced ser- vice anytime. Pickup and deliv- ery. Good rates. TU. 4-2613.th16 hinging. Decorating, etcâ€"f Plione A. Rolnmon, TU. 4â€"3622. “(:9 V. PECK, Plumbing and Heating. No extra on emergency calls af- ter 5 pm. Estimates free. work guaranteed. TU. 4-3827. tfc30 fiber: MAINTENANCE. All types of floors cleaned. Richmond Hill Cleaners, TU. 4-3714. tfc29 WALLS washed by machine, no mess. Costs less. Richmond Hill Cleaners. TU. 4-3714. t£c31 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs. upholstedng, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. Heal ELECTRICAL wiring and repairs to household appliénces. Phone Ed., AV. 5-1998. *2w36 CARPENTRY. alterations. cup- boards. etc. Bergln, TU. 4-3025. c2w36 ANYTHING 1n Painting, Paper UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham, Lake Road, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5691. tfc27 HOME Maintenance Service. Anything about you there to keep in first class repair. Furnace. windows; floors. basement and laWns, etc. AV. 5-1020. tfc3 GENERAL carpentry - new work, kitchen cupboards, alterations and repairs. Tile floors. Phone evenings PR. 375432, daytime PR. 3-5051. tfc23 FROM THE BASEMENT to the roof â€" house repairs and alter- ations. J. M. Cannon Sr.. Oxford St., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1810. tfcl3 WELL DMLLI‘KG George's Well Drilling and re- pairing. ump installed and re- paired. eorge Adams, 80:: 192 King City, King 287. do“ CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple 54R12. tfc7 MISCELLANEOUS Sunbeam power tools this Sat- urday, March 15, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Bryant Hardware. Stop 2AA Yonge St, Richvale. AV. 5-3821. c1w37 HYDROPLANES, dinghles, run- abouts. sail-boats and small cruis- ers built to order. Plywood or fib- reg‘lass. Bergin, TU. 4-3025. PIANO TUNING & REPAIRING S. Hoflman Formerly 0! Gerard Heintzman‘ Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone Liberal Office, TU. 4-1105; evenings. ORchard 6516. Toronto. ALTERATIONS and repair work. Sidewalks, cement work. septic tanks, soft water cistexns. car- pentry work. For prompt service. call Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5- 2526. tfc45 Fruit trees pruned. trees trim- med and removed. Cabelling, fer- tilizing and custom chain saw- ing. Free estimates. TU. 4-1221. tfc'28 FURS Repaired. Cleaned. Restyled. All Work Guaranteed . KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Stop 21A Yonge SL, AV. 5-4172. tfcll CUSTOM UPBOLSTERING Re-covering, rebuilding, restylâ€" ing. First class workmanship. Free estimate. pick-up and del- ivery. Rudolf Tobien, AV. 5-1922. c13w30 CARPENTRY WORK Additions, garages, porches, re- creation rooms, framing and trim work, kitchen cupboards and tile floors: No job too small. Im- mediate attention. Free estim- ates. Call Tom Price AV. 5â€"3048. c26w29 RICHMOND TREE SERVICE MIDWIN‘I‘ER SPECIAL Have your chesterfield set recov- ered. Our prices are lower than city prices. Formerly with Ea- ton's and Simpson‘s. Latest sam- ples brought to your home. 5 year guarantee on all work. Terms available. A. Smith Upholstering. Phone AV. 5-1682. tfc17 DRUGS Elehnle Reull Planner Free All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispenled AV. 5â€"3772 Richmond Hill Plumbing and Heating TUrner 4-1711 AVenue 5-3697 A. MILLS & SON DEMONSTRATION c2w36 tfc1'7 WELL DIGGING. free estim- ates. Phone PR. 3-5400. *2w36 SHOE and luggage repairs. Pick up and delivery in Richvale area. Call AV. 5-4260. *4w35 REPAIRS on motorcycles, power lawn mower, chain saws and all types of air cooled engines. Maple 51 ring 14. c1w37 THE KITCHENETTE Home baking, cakes, pies, etc. looked meats prepared on the premises. AV. 5-1871. tfc35 CARPENTER WORK. Alteration- and repairs. TU. 4â€"2896. Ruben Lahn. Richmond Hill. dc! PAINTING and decorating. Best quality workmanship. Estimates free. Inside and outside work. Bert Wolfreys, Maple. tfc37 SOOKKEEPING service avail- able fon small firms. Pick up and ielivery. Smith, 228 Alsace Road. phone information. c5w35 POWER TOOLS Demonstration of Sunbeam tools this Saturday, March 15, 10 am.- 5 pm. Bryant Hardware. Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale, AV. 5â€" 3821. c1w37 RUBBER STAMPS, all kinds any size. Quick service. The Liberal Office, Richmond Hil}._ FURNACES Gas. oil. coal, installations fully guaranteed. Reasonable prices. TU. 4-3484. tfc35 TILE CONTRACTOR, ceramic, plastic and linoleum. Robert E. Patchell, PArkview 7-4459. 32 Mill St., Aurora. tfc31 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill.0 E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 44701. FRANK'S WELL DRILLING Pum I instilled and undead Fran Gerri“. R. I. 8 Aurora PA. 7-5272. , New WALK-RITE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS Thornhill. Phone AV.5-1266.' tfc12 SAME DAY TV and Radio Re air Service. Reasonable. Victor’ raper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges, PR. 3-5471: YOUR RAWLEIGH DEALER Henry Belanger, Elm Grove Ave., Oak Ridges PR. 3-5693. *12w26 SUNBEAM Demonstration power tools, this Saturday, March 15, 10 am. - 5 pm. Bryant Hardware. Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale, AV. 5-3821. clw37 KNOCK DOWN repair bills. Han- dyman for painting, cleaning. carpentry, repairing at lowest cost ever offered. Call AV. 5-1537. clw36 COGGINS & LANCASTER. UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairs on all classes of furniture. Including boat‘and auto seats. Free estim- ates. Easy terms. Collection and delivery service. 10 Centre St. E. TU. 4-3203. tfc36 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE & GENERAL CONTRACTORS Call E. W. Payne for septic tanks, concrete floors and all types of concrete work around your home. Also home and foundation re- pairs, allocations and additions. Free estimates. AV. 5-1153. CABINETWORK of all kinds. Re- modelling of kitchens, rooms and recreation rooms in distinctive designs. Custom made furniture. Repair and refinishing, restoring of antique furniture. Spray paint- ing. Free estimates. Rudolph Ho- bien. AV. 5-1922. tfc22 RICHMOND HILL business girl requires accommodation with cooking facilities, Thornhill area, near Yonge St. preferred. AV. 5 2557. c1w37 LARGE two-storied home in cen- tral Richmond Hill, with option of purchasing. Early occupation desired. Box 95 The Liberal. FURNISHED house minimum two bedrooms from May 1 for one or two years lease. Location preferred Maple, Aurora, Oak Ridges or Richmond Hill. Adult family, three, with highest refer- ences. Box 79 The Liberal. c4w35 MARRIED couple. one child, re- quire furnished living accommo- dation, man would like to do part-time work to help pay rent. Experienced in maintenance and gardening. steadily employed. Box No. 98 The Liberal. c2w37 IST. 2nd mortgages bought. sold. arranged. HU. 8-5711. TU. 4-3263. tfc37 ARRANGE your mortgage quick- ly at lowest rates â€" Firsts. sec- onds. consolidations. unlimited funds available. Willowdale Mort- gage Service. MO. 2040 (reverse charges). tfc28 MORTGAGES PURCHASED Clients’ funds to purchase 21 mortgages, also a few firsts. IV McLean, AV. 5-1176. David M Lean Ltd., Realtors. tic MORTGAGES WANTED TO RENT 012w35 nc3w36 tfcl? tfc43 tfc13 2nd . Mr. Mc- tfc31 tfc EXCLUSIVE old world setting cn Yonge St.. upper suite. 5 rooms and bath. oil heated. TW. 5-4668 or Box No. 99 The Liberal. c3w37 ENE furnished room, central lo‘ cation. TU. 4-1052. c1w37 FURNISHED 3-room basement apartment near Thornhill, private entrance. AV. 5-2064. clw37 LECTRIC FLOOR SANDER, Richmond Hill Hardware, TU. 4-2101. ucu FLOOR SANDERS, POLISHERS. ELECTRIC TOOLS To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 Econ SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-1109. tfc28 YOUNG COUPLE or two ladies to share modem six room bunga- low. Everything supplied. TU. 4- 5454. c1w37 APARTMENT 4 rooms and bath, heated, separate entrance, self- contained, in Richmond Hill near bus stop. TU. 4-1651. 02w37 L'LEETRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware, I‘U. 4-2101. tfc18 THREE ROOMS, hot water, con- veniences. Apply 3rd house run- ning off Bathurst St. S. of Jeff- erson sideroad. *3w36 APARTMENT, two bedrooms, in Richmond Hill, close to Yonge St., heated, hot water, decorated to suit tenant. Phone Maple 58R13. tfc 36 RICHMOND HILL self-contained 5-ro0m apartment, $110.00 a month. Mr. Craig AV. 5-1164 or TU. 4-3805. David McLean Ltd. Realtors. c1w37 RICHMOND HILL. Furnished house on Yonge St., April 1 for 3 months (possibly longer), rent $125 per month. Phone TU. 4- 2667. tfc33 FOUR ROOMED all tiled base- ment apartment. Inside toilet. Children welcome. Baker Sand & Gravel, Oak Ridges, PR. 3- 5631. c1w37 ELGIN MILLS near Yonge, 3- room apartment $30 monthly. 7- room apartment $50 monthly. Hydro in. Call LEnnox 3-3219 af- ter 7 pm. tf037 FEW apartments and houses to rent from $75 to $125 monthly. Mrs. Sutherland, David McLean Realtor Ltd., AV. 5-1164 or TU. 4-5310. . c1w37 HEATED apartment to rent, liv- ing room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath, stove and refrigerator, supplied. W. S. Hare & Son, Temperanceville, phone PR. 3- 5841. tchZ APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, living and dining room, kitchen, bath, separate entrance. New duplex in Richmond Hill. Rental $110. monthly. Immediate possession. TU. 4-1483. c1w37 WHY PAY RENT? This cozy one bedroom home in the heart of Richmond Hill car- ries for $85.00 per month. Fea- tures: 1. Modernized three-piece bathroom: 2. Aluminum storms and screens; 3. New forced air oil furnace with air conditioning; 4. Full basement with laundry tubs. 5. Landscaped lot 70’ x 150’ with greenhouse for the gardener. 6. Garage and TV antenna. 7. Full Price $8,800.00. 8. Down pay- ment $1,500.00. 9. Private sale. 10. Phone TU. 4-5410. *1w37 HAIRDRESSER, must be exper- ienced. Phone TU. 4-2113. c2w37 WOMAN for weekly cleaning. TU. 4-4204 before 5 pm. c1w37 EXPERIENCED drug and' cos- metic sales clerk, female. TU. 4- 2866. c1w37 WAITRESS WANTED. Town Inn Restaurant. TU. 4-2141. c1w37 FOR PRIVATE hospital. Thorn- hi11,a woman to clean. 6 day week, 8-4 pm. Live out. WA. 3-3483. c1w37 PROGRESSIVE part time sales- man for evening canvass work. Good commission, Box 96 or phone CHerry 4-7709 evenings. tfc37 WANT ODD JOBS. carpentry, paper-hanging, in fact anything at all around the house. TU. 4- 1052. c1w37 NEED EXTRA CASH? Work spare time. We need men and women to address envelopes or sew Baby Shoes. $50 weekly pos- sible. Send stamped self-address- ed envelope. Write: Box 812 Dauphin. Man. c4w37 AVON PRODUCTS have openings for capable ladies who have four hours a day to spare. Good com- missions. Openings south of High- way No. 7. Write or call E. Outer- bridge, 42 Saranac B1vd., Toron- to. RUssell 2-7567. c3w37 NURSES registered for Sept. 5 or after full or part time. Salary $9.00 daily. Duties three shifts. 8 to 4, 4 to 12. 12 to 8. Rest home Yonge and Elmwood. Stop 29C. A: i; for Mfss White, AV. 5-1766. Call between 6 and 7 p.111. tfc3 RICHMOND HILL-THORNHILL salesmen required. Two immed- iate openings for success-minded men, in busy, established ofiice. Experience not necessary, com- plete manager training. Unlim- ited opportunities for a hard worker. Please call manager Mr. Carlisle. AV. 5-1176 or AV. 5â€" Carlisle. AV. 5-1176 or 'Av. 5- 2742. David McLean Ltd Real- tors. Thornhm. t1c24 HELP WANTED T0 RENT DRESSMAKING and alterations. TU. 4-4250. tfcll GENERAL housework and baby sitting. AV. 5-4553. c1w37 MAN will do cleaning after 6, or all Saturdays. Car available. TU. 4-5295. *1w37 WILL DO IRONING at home, pick-up and deliver. TU. 4-5295. . *1w37 HOMEWORK WANTED. Labell- ing. stuffing, or addressing en- velopes. AV. 5-3670. c1w37 AiCCURATE typing at home â€" lists, manuscripts, invoices, etc. Picked up and delivered. PArk- view 7-4300. c4w35 DAY CARE oflered for children, any age. 521 Lynett Crescent, near Bayview Plaza. *2w3’7 HELP is just around the corner. Call TU. 4-4884 for complete bookkeeping service. tax returns. etc. c2w36 W5MAN wants cleaning after Transportation available. TU. 5295. *1“ EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family In mother’s absence; also baby Ilttlng. TU. 4-3158. fic23 EXPERIENCED truck driver, just laid off from tractor-trailer work. Bob Mitchell TU. 4-1052. c1w37 RESPONSIBLE girl, age 17, would be interested in work by the day caring for pre-school children. Call TUrner 4-1506, Richmond Hill. c1w37 BABY SITTING, woman. day or evenings, any time. Also will do typing at home. TU. 4-1524: HANDYMAN, painting. Water- proofing, floors. brick work and general repairs, etc. BA. 1-7619. c1w37 MOTHERLY day care. baby sit- ting, large garden. Mrs. Hough, 34A Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. *1w36 CARPENTER would like odd jobs, nights and week-ends. Kit- chen cupboards, recreation rooms, etc. Reasonable. TU. 4- 3959. tfcll REQUIRED 2 to 3 days work weekly by responsible person in homes â€"- with young children preferred. References. Oak Rid- ges, Prospect 3-5629. tfc36 $11,500. 3 bedroom home in Rich- mond Hill. Good location. Apply AV. 5-1585. c1w37 7 ROOM modern brick, 4 years, close to transportation and shop- ping. Rental carries mortgage. Recreation room. Lovely garden. $15,900 - $3,500 down. Terms for balance. AV. 5-1286. c1w3'7 $2,560 DOWN. Richmond Hill 6- room bungalow, with open fire- place and many more extras. Car- ried for $79 monthly. See model home. Mr. Sikora, AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. $1,500 DOWN. 6 room brick home, attached garage. beautiful landscaped garden. Occupation May, Lawrence Ave. David Mc- Lean Realtors Ltd., Mrs. Suther- land, AV. 5-114 or TU. 4-5310. ‘ c1w37 6-ROOM house, all hardwood floors, city conveniences, excell- ent condition, 5 years old, close to school, shopping centre and transportation. Box 97 The Lib- eral. c1w37 SIX ACRES NEAR GORMLEY $18,900 Full price, 11 room at- tractive farm house, could be two family home on six acres, all fruit trees and garden. 3 good barns and poultry house. Water throughout. David McLean Real- tors Ltd. Mrs. Sutherland, AV. 5- -1164. TU. 4-5310. c1w37 HANDYMAN’S SPECIAL $600 down, Richmond Hill south on half acre of land. 4 bedroom family home needs some finish- ing, good mortgages and terms. Mrs. Suthel‘land, David McLean Realtors Ltd. Richmond Hill. AV. 5-1164 or TU. 4â€"5310. c1w37 $21,900 FULL PRICE for this 6-room bungalow, attached gar- age, corner lot, landscaped, fin- ished basement apartment, house completely furnished with mod- ern furniture, wall to wall drapes, broadloo wall to wall, beauti- fully de orated. Down payment, $6,800. Call TU. 4-3698, Real Es- tate Agent. c1w37 $2,100.00 BUILDING LOT just north of Richmond Hill, excell- ent location. Mr. Williams. AV. 5-1164 or TU. 4â€"3805. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors. $1,250.00 down, 6 room brick bungalow, Richmond Hill, im- mediate possession. Mr. Stefian, AV. 5-1164 01- TU. 4-3805. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. c1w37 PULLETS â€" Started Pullets and day-old chicks for sale, hatchery stock. Phone Maple 267W. c13w30 CHICKS â€"-â€" standard varieties. wide choice. Special hybrids and broiler chicks. Pullets, some started. Bray Hatchery, Brampton GLendale 1-3506 or Fairbank Feed Co.. R. R. 1 Maple, phone AV. 5-2954. c4w36 EMPLOYMENT WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE c1w37 *1w37 ch37 1951 AUSTIN. good condition. AV. 5-1800. c1w37 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 50 OLDS sedan, mechanically per- fect, must sell. Terms. Call AV. 5-4276. c1w37 {5.3â€"7PONTIAC coach, good comaâ€"1- tion, take over payments or best cash offer. TU. 4-3480. c1w37 WRECKING 51 Mercury, custom radio and rear speaker. TU. 4‘ 3109. *1w37 $200 DOWN, take over payments, 1954 Monarch automatic 2-tone. TU. 4-3698. c1w37 ’52 FORD % ton pickup. new motor, clutch, transfer box, rear end. brakes, $450 or offer. TU. 4-1403 after 6 pm. c1w37 1946 CHEV. SEDAN, new snow tires, any reasonable offer ac- c-pted. TU. 4-3914. clw37 1951 DODGE 3 ton truck, flat platform. Phone AV. 5-3111 days. BA. 1-3870 evenings. tfc 37 57 VOLKSWAGEN, 8,000 miles, $400 and take over payments. TU. 4-3482 after 5 pm. c1w37 955 PLYMOUTH (Savoy) sedan, powerflite, excellent condition. \Iew tubeless whitewall tires. Ra- (‘io. Snap at $1395.00. TUrner 4- 2596. *1w37 TWO PREFECTS - 1950 and 1951. Both sedans, fair condition. Call before 3 pm. or on Satur- day, TU. 4-5595. c2w36 TRANSPORTATION available, leaving Oak. Ridges 6.30 am. to Yonge-EfigrlinitonLIeturning 4:30:§ [‘RANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION available from Richvale to Highways 400- 401. Jane-Weston Road area, or- riving 8.30 a.m., leaving at 5 p. m. Phone AV. 5-3415. l"1w37 1952 FORD half ton pickup, one owner since new. Original mile- age 40,000, 6 ply rear tires. Used only for transportation. Best of- fer. F. H. St. John, 51 Crestwood Road, Thornhill. c2w37 TRANSPORTATION wanted to Leaside from Lynett Cres., leav- ing 6.45 am. and returning 5 p. m. TU. 4-4198. nc36 TRANSPORTATION wanted to Bay and Adelaide or Subway from Beverley Acres, leaving 8 a.m., returning 5.30 pm. TU. 4-5306. *1w37 TRANSPORTATION available leaving Newmarket daily at 6.50 a.m.‘for Adelaide and Yonge St, return same route 5 pm. Phone Newmarket TW. 5-6482. *1w37 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Pleasantville Sub. to Yonge and Eglinton, leaving 7 a.m.. re- turning 5.15 p.111. TU. 4-1989. TRANSPORTATION. available from Markham Road and Bay- view to Leaside, leaving 7.30 a. m., returning 5 pm. Also leaving at 6.30 am. to Lakeshore Road East, TU. 4-3819. c1w37 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Beaverton and Markham Rd. to vicinity of Bay and Ade- laide. Leaving at 7.30 am. and back at 4.45 or 5.00 pm. Call after 6 pm. TU. 4-2428, Mrs. Szulc. HOUSES WANTED I have clients with various down payments interested in buying in the Richvale, Langstafi and Rich- mond Hill areas. Please call Mr. Rayfield BA. 5-7711. L. S. Snel- grove & Co. Ltd., Willowdale. tfc28 HOUSES - WANTED - HOUSES Our excellent locations bring in all sorts of clients. Buyers walk in our offices every hour wanting homes in all price classes. We also have openings for additional sales staff to hand- le this business. DAVID McLEAN LTD. A Thornhill ofiiées AV. 5-1176 Richmond Hill offices TU. 4-3805 Willowdale Offices 'BA. 5-1706 t c2]. Memâ€"11E_r§_3t Toronto Real Estate Board lefgifiéifi HOTEI Choice 0! American or_ European Plan. comm": “cums; FOR GROUPS AND commnous"? . On Wilmingfon . gwiumu.‘ Island near 5 N ,0“. W historic I cacao“ erh'hdal col: REE lllusfrcud Inch-n er m yong’rcvoLAM , . . "lg-hole chanfiaionship' golf coirse at door nightly in the beautiful Riverside Room . . . sc -organixed activities and entertainment. One of the world’s fines? resorts offers every facilin and activjfyfsyimrping, tennis, bqgting and sa_lt water fishing 1' REAL ESTATE WANTED 'E. Clarke, PR. 3-53742 *1w37 7 AIR- ooooooooooo 0/ J1" 32:: General §, GOLF CLUB O COTTAGES for everyane *1w36 *2w36 ROOM & BOARD for two gentle- men, home privileges. TU. 4-1959. c1w37 working man. Home privileges. TU. 4-3814. tfc85 ROOM and BOARD ROOM & “OARD available for COMFORTABLE room. one block from Yonge Street bus stop. Board optional. TU. 4-1108. c1w30 WILL BOARD child 5-7 years. Company for girl 6 years. TU. 4- 4243. c2w36 AVAILABLE for men only. shar- ed accommodation with board on Yonge St. in Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3642. c2w36 BOXER pupplel Stop 22 You“ St. 46 Edgar Ave. AV. 5-3198: strain. Mrs. Carter. TU. 4-2205: t1ch BABY BUDGIES from talking 4 MONTHS OLD border collie, female, free to good home. TU. 4â€" 3904. *1w37 BABY CARRIAGE, good condi- tion. TU. 4â€"3513. . c1w87 BEAGLE PUPPIES. hunting or pets, $30.00 to $40.00. both sexes. Dane Hill Kennels Reg., New- market, TW. 5-2696. c2w36 FISH & CHIP business, North Yonge. Phone AV. 5-4324. c1w37 WE NEED people to raise Chin- chilla. The demand for pelts ex- ceeds the supply. Only require- ments space and limited capital. The industry is on a sound basis. OR. 6806. Stonehouse Chinchilla. 111 Haddlngton Ave., Tox'ont:f 1221. c LATHE, metal turmfig, 9 or 10 inch swing, complete with tool holders and chucks, motor driv- en. AV. 5-3007. c1w36 DOG, part German shepherd fe- male, tan with black, 7 months old. Child's pet. Reward. Pleaso‘ call TU. 4-2400. clw37 SINGER SPECIALS Used Console $65.00 Portable $50.00 CAPONS, and fowl, Mghut pn- ce: paid. Don't sell until contact- ing W. S. Appleton. Olk Ridifl Poultry Grading Station. phono PRospect 3-5301. tic]! $10.00 Down, $1.43 per week LIFETIME GUARANTEE David McLean Many Others to Choose NEW SINGER PORTABLES Limited Quantity BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Singer Sewing Centre 12 Centre St. E., Richmond Hill ' TU. 4-2931 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LIMITED Need More Salesmen WANTED LOST $99.95 w

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