THURS, MARCH 27 -â€" Extensive clearing farm auction sale of 45 held of Holstein. Hereford cat- tle and Hereford feeder cattle. 20 sheep, 60 pigs, 4 tract‘ors (W6â€" M~H-C), MC H76 combine (new). PTO Baler No. 45. thresher. Co- beylspreader. 2-3F tractor plows, McD cultivator on rubber. McD fertilizer seed drill (new), Me No. 32 power mower. Mc4 bar side rake on rubber, bale eleva- tor 32’. double disc. potato plan- ternoat roller. PTO weed spray- er. power potato cutter. hammer mill, baled hay and straw, 160 laying hens, etc, at lot 5, con 3 King Township (1 mile east of King City on the King City side- road). the property of M. A. W11- son. NOTE: These are a good lot of implements. Farm lease ex- pired. Terms cash. Gordon Orr and Jack \Valklngton .clerks. A. M. Wood, ringman. Refreshments on the grounds. Sale starts at 12 o'clock noon. W. D. Atkinson. Sale Manager and auctioneer. c3w36 FRL MARCH 28 -â€" Important auction sale of 100 head of Reg. and Grade Holsein Cattle, 35 head are ï¬rst calf heifers, bal- ance fresh cows and springers and young heifers; calves; 1 reg. Bull. 1 year old; 5 brood sows; 1 Landrace hog; . team of horses, TUES.. MARCH 25,-â€" Auction sale of {arm stock and implem- ents, 25 head of Holstein cattle, fresh cows. springers and calves. 1.H.C. Tractor W4. Super M-H Combine. 6 ft. cut. PTO. Mc- Deerlng hay baler PTO No. 45, full: line of implements. 1953 2- ton stake body Chevrolet truck, small mileage, poultry, baled hay and straw and grain. at Lot 12, Con. 5 Whitchurch Township. I‘he property of Russel Hunt. No reserve, farm ‘rentcd. Terms cash, sale at 1 pm. sharp. Lloyd I‘urner, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer, uctloneer Gormlgy. phone 5311. THURS, MARCH 20 -â€" Clearing auction sale of Holstein and Jer- sey dairy herd. Hereford feeder cattle, brood sows, tractor (good), Pony tractor. all attached imple- ments. combine, new M-H PTO baler, Ford 1 ton pickup with stock rack (1956), fertilizer seed drill (nearly new). tractor. cui- tivator. double disc, Gehl PTO Hummer mill (new), milker, 2 rubber tired wagons (auto steer- ing), corn shelier. one way disc. corn planter, tractor spreader, baled hay. cuitipacker, electric separator. Note: These are near- iy new implements. At Lot 33. Joncession 6 Markham Township 11$ mile south of Markham - Whitchurch townlinel or 5 miles north of Unionville. The property of Maurice Eby. Farm sold. No reserve. Faulkner and Woods, clerks. Terms cash. Sale 12.30. W. D. Atkinson, sales manager and auctioneer. TUES., MARCH 18 â€" Auction sale of farm stock and imple- menta.hay and grain, the prop- erty of Harold Botham, lot 14, Concession 2. Whitchurch Town- ship, 1% miles east and 1% miles south of Aurora. Thirty head of Holstelns and purebred Ayrshire cattle. 23 milk cows, number of fresh and springers, several due time of sale. Allis Chalmers self-propel‘ed com- bine SPIOO 2 ars., Allis Chalmers baler, Allis Chalmers WC tractor, Superior tractor, manure spread- e-, Case tractor cultivator, Case‘ '1 1t. power-mOWer. 2 self-unload-w ing wagon boxes. Full line of machinery. Approx. 1000 bus. Rodney oats, 75 tons of baled hay. quantity of baled st 'aw, etc. No reserve as owner is giving up farming. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Reg. Johnson, auctioneer. Blackwater. SAT., MARCH 15. 1958 â€" Exten- sive auction sale of household lurnlture 25 beds, springs and mattresses; bedding. sheets, quilts. blankets. dishes, glassware. cooking utensils, etc., on Main St.. Markham Village. Estate of Curtis Eagleson. Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. House sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, luctloneers. It’s the long-burning, even-burning coal thaflt gives clean, even heqt at tremendous savings. H. JONES BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. RICHMOND HILL Phone AV. 5-3941 SALE REGISTERS [VI/2 Ask For Q/ RED 5“ TRADEMARKED . FAMï¬US READING ANTHRACI'I'E AV. 5-4081 SUTTON : The village police commission Monday night accep- ted with regret the resignation of Chief Brian Stephens who is leaving the Sutton police force to accept a post as constable with the force in Thorold, near St. Catharines. THURS. APRIL 10, 1958 â€"- Auc- tlon sale of well matched G. P. team, 20 head of Holstein dairy cattle. fresh cows. springers, calves, Red Pole stockers. York- shire brood sows, chunks. feed- ers, W6-IHC and Ford tractors. hydraulic front end loader, 1950 Chevrolet 2 ton stake body truck, New Holland automatic pickup baler, new Surge milker, includ- ing full line of near new and all in good condition farm machin- ery, baled straw. harness, odd household furniture and effects etc.. at lot 9. Concession 4 Reach Township, 5 miles noréh of Green- bank, then 1 mile west off No. 12 Highway at Saintï¬eld Corners. Property of Charlie Forsvthe. No reserve. Terms cash. Farm leased, proprietor quitting. w. at 1 pm. See bills for full sale list. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice, auc~ tioneers, Markham, phone 346. WED., APRIL 5 â€" Important Auction Sale of high class farm implements, 21 head of Grade Holstein Cattle, fresh cows and 'sprlngers 8: calves; Hogs: Allis- Chalmers Forage Harvester, com- plete; Allis-Chalmers W trac- tor, in good condition; Al is Chal- mers WC tractor row-crop, com- plete; 2 forage harvester wagons on rubber, like new; 1 New Hol- land Hay baler, No. 68. used one year; and full line of nearly new ‘iznplements; baled hay and cut straw; grain. At Lot 33, Con. 3 Scarboro Township, ‘3; mile north of Sheppard Ave. on Warden Ave. tn Wednesday, April 9. The esâ€" tate of the late Geo. Symons. No reserve as farm sold. Terms of Elle cash. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Jim Smith, Bill Cameron, clerks. Alvin 5. Farmer, auctioneer, phone Gormley 5311. Watch‘ for list _in paper. WED. APRIL 2 -â€" Clearing auc- tion sale of 2 tractors. combine, Hay baler, M-H fertilizer drill Knew). M-H 20T cultivator (new. lused only twice). 4 bar side rake. ‘rubber tired wagon and rack (good), scales, 2000 bales hay. at Lot 10. Can. 2 Whitchurch Town- ship (2% miles south of Aurora, 1% miles east of Hwy. 11. or 2% miles north of Gormley and 1 mile west) the property of Frank Van Bakel. NOTE: This is a small sale. but the implements are like new. used very little. bought new. Lease expired, owner giving up farming. No reserve. Terms cash. Faulkner. Woods clerks Sale at 2 o'clock. W. D. Atkinson. Sale Manager and Auctioneer. c4w36 ‘about 1600 lbs.; 2 Surge milkers and 4 units with outlets; 1 Cralft rbulk milk cooler, 80 can cap.. used 3 months. with guarantee; baled hay, straw and grain. At Lot 76. Con. 1 King Twp.. 1/4 mile south of Aurora on Yonge it. Property of Harold T. Hoar. No reserve as farm being sub- iivided immediately. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30 sharp. Lloyd Tur‘ Ler, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer, auc- tioneer, Gormley 5311. Note from A. S. Farmer: This is a tremendâ€" ous sale ‘of cattle. The above are large and young for export trade. All the Dairy Equipment. (Horses and grain will be sold ï¬rst.) Scandinavian Painter Painting and Decorating. Top Quamy FREE ESTIMATES Quality Coal at ‘Flemming Christensen AV. 5-3698 Real Savings New and old, all types concrete work. septic tanks. waterprooï¬ng. latest equipment to clear drains. Metropolitan and York County Licence. X~RAY cor. Windh-u-s! Gate 8; Bayview (1 block south Bayview Plan) Phone l'U. 4-1015 H. D. Melsness, 0.0. P L A S T E R l N G CON‘I‘RACTHRS Deciantis - Rice GENERAL LUN'I‘RAU'I‘ORS Building Repairs & Altervtions Drain & Concrete Work Clubine & Alexander King 294 Building T r a d es Leonard R. 63 Rouevlew Ave. PU. 4-1428 Richmo John R. Kane. D.C. X-Ray 9 CLARKE AVE. THORNHILL BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3451 W. J. Smith & Son Paper Hanging Spray Painting Painting CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AV. 5-374] Ray Pederson GAS & OIL HEATING CONTRACTOR 24 Hour Oil Burner Service Rosenberg 8. COM. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TELEPHONE ' AURORA PArkview 74511 WM. HOLLINGWORTH Arthur G. Broad. Rates for Insertion in this section are available at The Liberal offiue. phone TU. 4-1105 G. Chassie BUILDER Speculative or Custom Homes or General Repair- TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill interior and Exterior Phono AV. H53! 21:! Oak Ave.. mam]. Suite 2. 81 Yugo St. I Richmond Hill 2! King at. W.. Toronto BICHV ALI, ONTARIO 81 Bedlam! Put An. Richmond Hill mun 4-2062 3! Appointment Chiropractic :94 or AV. 5-2736 mu ESTIMATIS Accountants BRAINS 27 Abitibi Ave. NEWTONBROOK BA. 5-2461 Philip Swan TU. 4-1483 B! Appoinnnent Richmond Hill ‘ TU. 4-3488 1! no answer TU. 4-2936 Residence Phono Mchmond an: PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIREUORY FROM â€" THE BASEMENT TO THE ROOF House Repairs & Alterations "Hue! (-1701 Richmond um For All Occasion- Phone orders delivered anywhere In North Yonge St. District 1518 Yonge St. I at St Glenn-um Telephone MAyfalr 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynetl. J. F. Lynett Oxford St., Richmond Hill SCHOOL DAYS: Leave Maple 7.15 am. Leave Richmond Hill 9.15 In Leave Maple 3.30 pm. Leave Richmond Hill 6 pm. WRIGHT AND TAYLOR .Funeral Directors RICHMOND HILL Funeral Directors Office TU. 4-3571 General Business How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check Dr. P. R. M acf arlane ~ DENTIST Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONG! 8T4 SOUTH I‘Utuer 4-1511 Richmond 8111 SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Charles Matthews . M. CANNON Sr. * House Moving at House raising * Foundat‘nns * Alterat'nn Work Telephone Du CH. 4-7021 Evenings CIR": [-1220 Langdon’s Cpach Lines Ltd. Coaches For All Occulou Telephone Kin; 56 Dr. J. Perdicaris CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA' BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE MEDICAL-DENTAL TUrner 4-1311 Dr. J. M. Dryer ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Buildings Moved A Yard or a Mile OSTVIK The Liberal TU. 4-1105 CHARITY Gus Extractions to huge St. North TU. 4-1177 78 VUNGE 8'1 5. RIFHMONI) HILL FUrner 1' 1462 TU. 4-1810 AV. 5-1770 LAN GSTAFF DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions Richmond Hill DENTAL Books Res. TU. 4-1932 Oflice 55A Yonge St South Residence 73 Leisure Lno Richmond Hill TU. 6-1219 Ill-lumen! mu J. Roy H errington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER Richmond Hill. Out. 17 Yonge St. N. TUrner 4-1551 Ernie Brock & Son Tc'ephone 11 Maple, Ont. ALLSTATI INSURANCE COMP‘N' Savage Insurance Services GENERAL [NSUIANC' Fire, Automobile, Plate (3an. Automobile ï¬nancing. eta. FOR YOUR, ODD DELIVERY JOBS EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS TU. 4-2375 Toronto EXCAVATING. BULLDOZING. DRAGLlNE Farm Ponds and swimming pools a specialty Box 3378’ King City. Ontario Richmond Hill TUruer (-1124 General Business Insurance 'Agency A. BURNETT General Insurance 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1551 381 N. Taylor Mills Drive Harold Millard Construction Co Lawn & Garden Equipment BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE N. REYNOLDS General Insurance Bob’s Delivery Service SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop Complete Insurance Service 24 Adelaide St. W. 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 STEAMFITTING WELDING SALES - SERVICE 25 Grandview An. Thomhill AVeuue 5-1375 Roy V. Bick PROFESSIONAL SERVICE RADIO TELEVISION HIGHâ€"FIDELITY PHONE 'KING‘ 213 H errington TU. 4-5053 QALLSTATE Insurance (Continued) You‘re in good hands with Auto Insurance see or phone EM. 3-0311 Barristers. Solicitors, and Notaries ,Eveuings 7.00 to 9.00 Saturdays 10 am. to 5 p.m‘ TU. 4-3676 Bayview Plaza Shopping Centre. Richmond Hill. Barrister. Soucitor. Notary Public Miller and Brodey Myer. Souéitor. Notary Public 9! Yonge Street Richmond Ell] Every Thursday afternoon 'I‘Urnet 4-1551 Richmom. um Toronto Oflice -â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5871 BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL 7 Duflerln St. AVenue 5-1477 ~ TUrner 4-!543 .l. Rabinowitch, BA. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC James H. Timmini THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 By appointment Ind Gunilla GENERAL INSURANCE Lite. Fire. Automobile, Llanlllu. Ball. Accident and Sickness, rum Insurance a Special†King City Telephono 2! Sinister, Soï¬eflor. and mm Floyd E. Corner, QC. Telephone: Aurora Office PA. I#5052 Residence. Aurora. PA. $50“ Totonto 081cc EM. 4â€"3553 Insurance - Mortgages - Fire Auto - Liability The Bank of Non Scone Bldg. AURORA Telephone : PA. 7-5052 EM. 4-3652 Stiver, ' Vale Peppiatt, E'rrington llrflskr, Sollclur t No“ Public 55 You" St. SOIII acumen: Bill. Ouurlo Ofllce TUmer (-1780 Residence I'm-net lâ€"Xfl! omen noun: 9.304 and by appolntnent Plaxtou & Deane Jack Walkington Norman A. Todd, BARRIS’I‘ERS, SOLICITORS NOTARIES K. M. R. solver, Q.C. Joseph Vale. QC. '1. M. Peppia‘n BA. William Enlnnon. 3. Com. Stuart P. Parker Frank L. Walsh Toronto, 67 Yongc Strces EM. 4-0470 Evenings by appointment TU. 4-3445 17 Elizabeth St. North Toronto: Empire 6-2507 350 Bay Sue“ Barrister. Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL TBOBN HILL Richmond Hill 011m TUrner 4-2071 Thornhill Oï¬ico A V . 5-1197 65 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2084 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 195A MAIN ST. TW. 54571. Nemuket. Ont. Corner Agency Limited Banister & Solicitor '. C. Newman Insurance Aurora, Ontario Notary Public (Continued) legal THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, March 18‘ PA. 7-5046 LE. 2-1226 Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 141 Yonze St. N. “Jam (â€"14.31 31:11qu am Eye: Examined - Glasses Fitted LANGSTAFF BUILDING 50 YONGE ST. NORTH Ontario Land Surveyor: [30 Willowdale Ave.. Willowdnle. Ont, BA. 5-303} Res. George 'I' Yates 0.L.S... 53 Bedfurd Park A‘enue. Richmond [1111. Tu +2941 A. W. Kirchen. R.0. I Morn: Ave.. S“, In OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Mondny to Friday 1 p.111. - 3 p.31. ~ Evenings: Monday to Thundly. 6 pm. - 8 pm. by appointment ' Thornhfl) AV. 54811 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY , Richmond Hill a; District Unit For information call Richmond Hill TU. 4-1229 TU. 4-3463 Thornhlll AV. 5-1603 AV. 5-1743 Maple AV. 5-2908 AV. 5-2421 Dr. D. B. Robson THORNHILL AV. 5-3631 By Appointment BY APPOINTMENT 31 Yonze N., Richmond Hill Northern Building Office: TUrner 4 1121 If no answer call PRospect 3-5327 Dr. Cameron Cowan Dr. Jas. R. Langstafl' Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith Richvale-Langstafl Stop 20A Yong Dr. D. A. McBurney (By Appointmenn Medical Centre. nayvlew le Richmond Hill. on. Oflice & Residence TU. 4-4040 George T. Yates Marguerite Boyle Dr. G. N. Norheim Dr. Peter G. Morse llocuflon. Public Speaking Platform Deportmeln Dramatic An “HOMEWOOD HALL†By Appointment 363 Markhnm Rd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1008 (1 Block west 0! Blyview) By Appointment 4 Church St. S. n Centre Richmond Hill Office â€"- TU. 44271 Residence â€" TU. 4-1303 Phone TUmer 4-3962 .Monday - 9.30 - 5.30 Wednesday â€" 9.30 - 12.00 Friday â€" 9.30 - 8.30 Home Office LE. 3-1739 Dr. J. P. Wilson 4 Church St. 5. Richmond Hill By Appointment Office â€" TU. 4-1422 Residence -â€" TU. 4-1314 Dr. Victor Zuck Dr. Leon 'Bloom Dr. R. J. Steele Optometry By Appointment Phone AV. 5-2621 Veterinary Surveyors By appointment 50 Yonte 8;. N. RICHMOND BILL TUI-uer 4-1154 By Appointment AV. 54403 Unlonvllle 239 Musical Medical THORNHILL 4 Centre St. Thornhlll Yonge St. He who is prejudiced is usually down on something he's not up on. Several new cases of mumps have been reported recently, the latest cases being Glenda Moses. Barbara Emprlngham and Terry Hart. Misses Joan Barrett and Weir of Toronto Teachers’ College are spending this week at S. S. No. 7 glarkham with Mr. A. J. Moor~ y. Mr. Ted Jones suffered a very unfortunate accident on Friday afternoon while cutting wood in the bush. Ted cut his foot badly. as well as breaking the bone in his foot in two places. He was rushed to Scarboro General Hos- pital where he underwent sur- gery. He will be wearing a cast for several Weeks. A baby shower was held Mon- day night for little Douglas El- liott at the home of Mrs. S. N. Doner. Douglas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott. Rev. C. 'E. Hunking left on Monday night for Goshen, In- diana, where he will be conduct- ing spepial services for_ ten days. Mr. and Mr's. Dave Elliott of Belhaven had supper on Sunday Wlth Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott. A word of caution is being passed around concerning the wig-wag signals at Gormley cross- ing. Due to weather conditions, the signal does not always work. So always stop, look and listen before crossing. 7 Mrs. _Robt. Beck 7 entériéiï¬EH her friends at a party on Thurs- day night. Mi'. arid Mrs. Gorcionfll-ilraimon and David have returned after spgnding two months in Florida. Mr. Ted Jones was guest of honour at a farewell party for him on Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Daner. Ted plans on attending Bible School at Minneapolis. Minn. During the evening Ted was presented with a beautiful gladstone bag. two blankets. and l rug. MiSs Ella Mae Hunking enter- tained her friends at her birth- day_party on Satlg'day afternoon. Mr. Russell Sptoxton has been home from work for ten days wig} blgoq goisoning in- his leg: Mr .Maurice Farquharson held a successful farm auction sale on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Farquharson and family have moved into their home at Victoria Square, which they pur- chased trom Mr. and Mrs. G. Harmon. Mrs. Harvey of‘Thornhill had lunch on Thursday with Mrs. C. R. Wilcox. Visitors over the weekâ€"end with Mr. Wm. H. Banford and Mrs. B. Read were Mr. John Mont~ gomery and son Ricky and Mrs. L. J. Council, all a! Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Smith and baby son of Lake Wilcox havt moved in with Stuart's mother, Mrs. Pearl Smith. In a recent letter from Mrs. Allen Doner of Lagos, Nigeria. she says they are having their hottest season now â€"â€" 90 degree: in their house in the evening. They would appreciate some of our below zero temperatures of twg__wee}§s ago. Mr. and’Mrs'. Goï¬ion Cullen and Ruth of Richmond Hill had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. Mr."fréï¬'1€'L'1£&-e‘1‘fyï¬"$f cltllérth Bay spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Bobt. Millen of Downsview spent Sunday with Mr. Wang Mgs._(§eorgg Barrett. Mrs. S. N. Doner entertained 1 number of ladies at 8 Stanley pag’t'ypn Thursday afternoon. Mrsi‘ W. Henderéén who has been in bed for several weeks. is copgideralgly Improved. Miss VeraVHilts left on Thurs- day night by train for Les An- geles, California, where she will visit her cousin for an indeï¬nite period. Mr. George Cober arrived home from Florida on Wednesday ev: ening. He spent several days vla~ ring In Pennsylvania on his way ome. Mrs‘ Ernest Wide and “Mrs. Pearl Smith had a stark shower for Mrs. Frank Llewellyn at the home of Mrs. Eade. Mr. Fred Lebieck of Stayner. well-known in this district, had his appendix removed in Callingâ€" wood hospital recently. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett and family of Unionville and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wideman were entertained at a turkey dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Empring- ham on Friday night. The dinner was in honour 9f Mrs. Bennett's and Mrs. Empringham's birth- days. Rev. C. E. Hunking suffered a broken left wrist when he tried to save himself from falling when he tripped on the stairs. We extend sympathy to the Ash family in the passing of their father, Mr. John Ash. on Friday night. Mr. Ash had been bedfast for a number of weeks. The fun- eral was held from the Anglican Church on Monday afternoon with lntevrment at Queensville cemetery. Mr. Ralph Baker of Gowans- town spent a couple of days last week with relatives here. Little Susan Johnson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Johnson .had a tonsilectomy at Newmarket Hqsplta! recently, Mr. Ernest Hunt had a cable last Wednesday announcing the arrival of Willis J11, son of Rev. and Mrs. Willis Hunking at Tun- gan Magajya Hospital, in Nigeria, Africa, on_ February 25. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Flooryp and daughter have returned after a visit of several months with rela- tives in Holland. Little Wayne Thompson had the misfortune to {all off a chair and break his left arm. Wayne is wearing a cast from his shoulder to his wrist now. Correspondent: Mrs. Chu. Mllsted _ Phone Gormle! 5201 Mrs. John Bond spent the week end with her son-in-law and dau- ghter, Rev. and Mrs. C‘ Brown and family of Vineland. GORMLEY ‘. 1958