IN THE ESTATE OF FRANK FOX. LATE OF THE OWNâ€" SHIP 0F VAUGHAN, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, GENTLE- MAN. DECEASED. Creditors of the above-named deceased, who died at the Town- ship of Vaughan, in the County of York, on or about the 18th da; of February, 1958, are hereby netlï¬ed pursuant to The Trus- tee Act to sen to the undersign- ed proof of their claim ur. or be- fore the 15th day of April, 195‘), after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice. 14 Notice to Creditors DATED at Newmarket this 3rd (15,; of March, AD. 1958. S'fIVER, VALE, PEPPIATT & ERRINGTON 195A Main Street, ‘ Newmarket, Ontario Solicitors for Hamid Bull, Executor Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 24 Elizabeth_St. N. Richmond Hill GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service R. R. 1 Willowdale BA. 1-8000 1 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, FRANK PASSER INSURANCE I Milk th. cartons 43c W Tulip Margarine, buy one GEt One WHILE TB HERBERT R. BUTT Locuiecl on LEVENDALE BOLOGNA by the PIECE Associated With Dependable TOWNE MEAT MARKET LIMITED Service Telephone Personalized Service On Sunday at Carrville United Church, Dr. Eddy gave a very interesting and challenging talk. prior to the departure of the Sun- day school classes for their ses- sion. The choir sang “What A Friend‘We Have in Jesus." " .11. The March meeting of the Carrville United Church Wo- man’s Association was held Wed- nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.,Jack Barton. There were 16 present. President Mrs. Jack Mc- Ewen was in charge of the meet- ing the theme of which was “Prayer, God Talking." Miss E. Sheppard read the scripture and explanation. Mrs. McEwen led in prayer. Mrs. J. Oliver of Rich- mond Hill..gave a very interest- ing and thought-provoking read- ing on “Seek God and not just His Gifts." Mrs. McEwen, who also leads the young people, told what is planned in regards to the oyster supper and what help Round, Sirloin, Wing, T Bone, Porterhouse STEAK or ROAST 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto CORRESPONDENT: Toronto EMpire 4-3317 CARRVILLE NEWS GRAND OPENING SPECIALS MA. 1313 WHILE THEY LAST LOIN of PORK 2V2 to3 lb. av. NDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone Maple 130R3 29c March 13, 1958 they would like from the W.A. It was decided to purchase a coffee urn. Mrs. Barton, convenor of the Ways and Means work, asked for a committee to help her and Mrs. A. Read, Mrs. E. Bone, Miss E. Sheppard and Mrs. J. Williams were asked to work on this sommittee. It was with deep regret that it was learned that Mrs. S. Wood had to go back to Western Hos- pital. The W. A.'s very best wish- L d. 11-“-..4...‘ no“; ylwn. - n... . es go out to her. Following the closing of the meeting. Mrs. J. Barton, assisted by several mem- bers. served a delicious lunch, with a St. Patrick’s theme. Miss E. Bone poured tea.‘ Mrs. John Ash of Concord was also present. Ross Doan Open House Your correspondent and fam- ily had the pleasure of attending the open house at the Ross Doan School on Tuesday evening. We were very much interested in this new school, as so many former Carrville pupils attend it. Education Week Carrville School. Mr. George Green, principal, held open house for the parents, in observance of education week The grade 1 and 2 pupils had made lovely daffodils of crepe paper and presented each visitor with a corsage as they arrived. Th epupils of this school are: Grade 1, Claus Hanson, Mary Ann Manning and Brenda DM- stead; grade 2, Donald and Alice Rowding; grade 4, Brian Walker, Mary Nielsen, Archie Nesbitt, Marnie Nesbitt, Sally Manning and Teddy Bowstead; grade 5, Jane Manning, Gretta Middle- ton, Hans Nielsen and Paul Win- ger; and grade 8, Jim Manning ,and Ray Baker. They all had a nice disply of writing, arithmetic, art, maps and spelling. Mr. Green had the grade 4 and 5 pupils write their life history which was very interesting to read. An- other display that was very worthwhile was the health dis- play. ' Congratulations --__.,___ It was with great interest that we read in last week’s edition of “The Liberal" that Dave Weir, a former pupil of Carrville School had won himself honours in basketball, scoring 26 points. Congratulations, Dave. '~_-°___, Mrs. Brown and Miss Nusslaun from Toronto Teachers’ College are at Carrville public school this week. Mrs. H. Ness who has been in Richmond Hill for some time was home for Sunday with her dau- ghter and family. ‘ WILLOWDALE : Mr. Percy C. Hanks. of 95 Grandview Ave.. Willowdale reports a robin has been visiting his garden all year 'round. Mr. Hanks says, “We maintain several feeding stations and we do enjoy the friendship of the lovely birds who visit our FREE DELIVERY \MINJMUM $3.00 MEAT ORDER I TU. 4-4801 garden.†AVE, opposite lohlaws Parking Lot, 3 doors was! of Barth's Cleaners 1 ‘ ' The Truth About Air Ride‘ STOP 24 YONGE STREET SOUTH of RICHMOND HILL ‘ TEL. AV. 5-4351 ..‘ Repairs To All Makes 0f Cars Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups if; Texaco Products i} Towing Service ELGIN MILLS I‘U. 4-1773 WE7 ARE HAPPY TO PRESENT TO YOU SAMPLES 0F PRESSWOOD’S WEINERS AND LIVER & BACON ‘SAUSAGE RICH - HILL DEMONSTRATION THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY See the Patrice Munsel Show, alternate Frlday nights, CBC-TV THE AIR BORN OUR GARAGE Moat cars have always used horizontal leaf spring- For 2 decades. Buick has used nothing but And to get the most out of these buoyant springs Buick developed a. new kind of chassis massive X-braood frame Developed and perfected by 20 years of be oxperienée that gives you in Buick the smoothest. most adiranced, Licensed Mechanics "natural" for replacing upright coil springs WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM VV and the true-tracking steadiness of Bulck'e Rotoflow Torque-Tube Drive experience with upright upLiglLt David McLean ‘to bring additional solidity, balahoo and stability to the rideâ€" PEAMEAL BACK B A C O N By The Piece Need More Salesmen SMOKED PICNIC HAM coil springs WE CARRY FROZEN FOOD AND FISH with upright air springs LIMITED This exclusive Buick chassis has the rugged readability of a with $3.00 Meat Purchase No. I. Creamery “’B'ii“?T E R 63 .J. ll. (‘2 nn Alan} Dllrfl‘2(b Some use horizontal torsion burl springs, Buick’s Miracle Chassis today turns out to most gperienced air ride in the world. at all 4 wheels for better. softer cushioning. Fresh Poultry Farm One lb. Pure Lard, buy one 691: One WHILE THE PRUNING OF FRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS & VINES NOW OPEN Lansing Landscape Service It’s this exclusive chassis engiheoring' CALL AV. 5-2523 EGGS 55c WHILE THEY LAST A GENERAL MOTORS VALUI 21c