'1 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 27,1953 TOWNE MEAT MARKET Powell Furniture Warehouse Sales Thurs., & Friday ï¬fï¬f‘l‘iflTU. 4-4801 LOCATED ON LEVENDALE AVENUE OPPOSITE LOBLAW’S PARKING LOT, 3 DOORS WEST OF BARTH’S CLEANERS WING T-BONE Steak or Roast BED-DAVENPORT THAT SLEEPS 2 IN COMFORT, MATCHING CHAIR! An outstanding suite for living rooms that must also serve as sleeping quarters. Both davenport and large matching chair spring-ï¬lled, covering in long-wearing fabrics of amazing quality, inâ€" cluding newest metallics. Choice of colours. - BAR B-Q PIPING HOT 33 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL 9-PIECE BEDROOM OUTFIT ~OURWCREDIT IS AT STAKE! . WE MUST SACRIFICE OUR ENTIRE STOCK-REGARDLESS OF COST-TO MEET OUR PAYMENTS HERE ARE SOME OF OUR VALUES AT SACRIFICE PRICES 4-drawer chest and bookcase bed with 2 sliding panels. ï¬r Slat spring. {if Spring-ï¬lled Mattress -â€" gmooth top. at! 1 pair Plump Pillows. . if: 2 Lamps and Shades. Rel ..._-°- i‘r3-piece Bedroom Sui§e, L_arge Qravygr EASY CREDIT TERMS BEFORE YOU BUY-IT WILL PAY YOU TO GIVE US A TRY! Pickled Pork Loms5glg CHICKEN PEAMEALED $94.95 Boneless BOILING . c lb Femâ€" 33 - 5'-PIE'C'E CHROME SETS Dual leg extension table, centre leaf steel frame well paddedrchairs in beautiful plastic to match. RECLINER CHAIR '1‘: The back of the chair tilts back with you real relaxation assured. * No pushing, no pulling . . . just lean ï¬ack and relax . . . the chair takes any position you desire. . {3’ Water resistant “nylon†upholstery fabric. Choice of colors, while they last! REG. $79.00 4 to 5 1b. average STILL $1.395. $39.95 $59.00 d'o'uifle dresser with full-width, bevelled edge mirror, 2 sliding panels. Glass-smooth mocha ï¬nish. MONARC’H SMOOTH TOP (April) Consists of a 220 Prebuilt 13% gauge construc- tion, sisal pad insulation, white layer felt, turn- ing handles, air vents and Indian stripe ticking. Mattresses, all regular sizes. Box Springs to match. Legs are included with continentals. Reg. $249.00 Reg. $49.50 $189.95 FREE DELIVEDY MEAT ORDER MINIMUM $3.00 $24.99 Smoked Sliced _ Side Bé?on Economical Dinner Sliced Cooked TU. 4-2922 Your Choice Of Chicken R011 Mac. and Cheese Delicia Loaf Olive Loaf Dutch Loaf Pork with Dressing HAM 65 '3" Neighbourhood Noges Elsie Hood and Donna Brigger were members of the rink which won the Cheseborough-Pond Tro- phy for annual competition in the 7 Year Fillie Bonspiel recent- ly. Elsie was skip. 1-... Mrs. Douglas Hood left last Friday for a visit with her dau- ghter Marion and son-in-law Jack Stephenson in Take, Saskatchew- an, and incidentally to get ac- quainted with her new grandson, Tommy. Last week-end Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Kennedy, former Agin~ court friends, at their Washago home; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rodick motored to London to see Grace. and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Steph- enson spent Sunday with Mrs. Stephenson’s aunt. Miss Gal- braith, who has been ill. Beverley Burr was a prom- Princess when Thornhill High School held their annual formal recently. The theme of the even- ing was “Around the World in 80 Days.’f Mrs. Charles Hooper and Mrs. Adam Brown were hostesses on Wednesday of last week when a reception was held in the Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Park, for Premier Diefenbaker. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Patterson at- tended the dinner for Solon Low, which was held at Casa Loma on Monday evening. Bale Sale and Tea Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlop en- tertained the Buttonville Home and School executive at their home on Wednesday evening of last week. Plans were laid for a tea and bake sale in the school this Saturday afternoon. All members of the community are cordially invited. Skating Party Last Saturday afternoon the Brown’s Corners Sunday School pupils piled into Norm Reid’s bus and away they went to Unionville skating rink for an afternoon’s 'skating party. Afterwards every- one returned to the church par- lours for refreshments, Among those assisting at the party were Messrs. Wilfred Turner, Ross Hard and Walter Brumwell; Mrs. =Walter Brumwell and Mrs. Nor- man Reid. Rev. A. F. Binnington skated with the party, but was unable to return to the church for the social hour. ‘ W. I. Euchre - On Friday evening of his week, the last euchre game of the pres- ent series will be played at But- tonville Hall, and interest is high. The series winner will take home the grand prize, a turkey. On Friday, March 14, there were 12 tables of players, and winners were: Mrs. Roy Woods, Mrs. Wm. Wray and Mrs. Geo. Kelly, Messrs. Ken Stots, H. Cunningham and Gordon Rise- brough. The lucky draw was won by Mr. James Curtis, and freeze- out winners were Messrs. Ken Stats and Wm. Muirhead against Mrs. George Kelly and Mrs. Cade. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. K. Stots, Mrs. E. Arnott. Mrs. G. Purves and Mrs. E. Wal- ton. Luncheon Mr. & Mrs. E. Hill Married 50 Years Celebrate Mar. 29 On Tuesday of last week, the Brown’s Corners W.M.S. were hostesses for a luncheon and ex- ecutive meeting of York Presby- terial. There were approximately 40 women attending from the .Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hill, 32 Hughson Drive, Buttonville, will hold Open House on March 29th to celebrate their 50th Anniver- sary. On‘ March 29th, 1908, Miss Mae Wiltshire became the bride of Mr. Elmore Hill at the home of Rev. Baker, Toronto. Since that day 50 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Hill have farmed in York and Markham townships, and two years ago sold their John Street farm and moved to their present residence in Arn- leigh Heights. Of their ï¬ve children, three still live in the Toronto area, one is on the BC. Coast and one in northern Ontario: Ernest of New- market, Mrs. George Charity (Alice). of South Porcupine; Les- lie, Scarboro Bluffs, (Hazel), Thornhill. There are also 16 STEEL LIN'I'ELS I BEAMS grandchildren rand "ifnur g‘rea}: grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are valued members of this community, and Mrs. Hill has been active for many years as a member of Brown’s Corners United Church W.M.S. and Harmony Club, as well as the Buttonville W.I. “The Liberal†joined Witâ€"i1 the community in extending congrat- ulations and best wishes for con- tinued happiness to Mr. and Mrs. Hill. FINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL FA BRICATING To Customer Speciï¬- caï¬ons Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service CORRESPONDEN'I : MRS. F. u. LEAF R. R 2 Gnrmley â€" Phone AXminster 3-6188 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 BUTTONVILLE NEWS various points of the presbytery. with Dr. Margaret Arkinstall pro- siding. Mrs. Wm. Rodicb "“ ‘ ’ ‘ A. F. Binnington received the guests and dessert IUULM-.,.. served in the church parlours at tables attractively laid with spring green placemats. yellow tulips and green and white can- dles. At the meeting which was held in the church proper, Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson sang a solo, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. ‘A. W. Miller. Mrs. Lak Entertains WJ. On Thursday evening of last week, W. 1. members were enter- tained by Mrs. Nell Lak at her John Street home. Mrs. Adam Brown presided in the absence of Mrs. Charles Hooper, and Mrs. James Rodick was secretary. Du- ring the brief business meeting a report of the District executive meeting was given by Mrs. F. H. Leaf. The program was provided by Miss Jean Lak, the hostess' daughter, who recently returned from Germany after spending 13 :months teaching in a Girls‘ High School there‘. Miss Lak showed pictures of parts of Austria, the Bavarian Alps and Germany pro- per which are not often visited by tourists as well as beautiful views of the vineyards along the Rhine and the fairy tale castles which dot its banks. Her audience was most interested in the side- li hts she gave of German home 1i e. When the pictures were con? cluded Mrs. La]; and her co-hos- tess, Mrs. Elmore Hill served de- licious refreshments. MA SSE NERGUSON : Q You save up to half an hour a day... can bale an extra load of hay every day 0 Sealed bearings need no greasing all season 0 Simpliï¬ed design lowers your investment cost 0 PTO and Engine-Driven Models Telephone Turner 4-1722 29 Yonge St. S. Richmc DON’T WAIT! See the Massey-Ferguson No. 3 Baler! Get a Trade-in Offer This Week! HAROLD W. MORTSON No. 3 Baler Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements We personally handle all sale bills and advertising. Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley. Ont. ALVIN S. FARMER BA. 1-8000 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED omplete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service FRANK PASSER YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE Licensed Auctioneer for 0 Up to_10-tons-an-hour O 4-Bar Pick-up (48’ wide) 9 Twin Unit Knotter Q 30' and 38" Bale Length V cal-pacity O 2-cylinder, air-covaled engine .. . 14 hp at 2400 rpm Willowdale Richmond Hill MA. 1313