T‘SMIE UP TO 50% Phone TU. 4-1313 Feed Headquarters for builders’ supplies - - Lime, Cement and Plasters and Tile TO FARMERS & GARDENERS Rodney and Garry Oats and Brant and Montcalm Barley l. D. RAMER 8. SON Every needed part I: included, flees! q uelHy. cavefully 1.45 to machined and gun 3 enleed Io (it. ' Man Dan-uh.- r... A good supply of Field and Garden Seeds and Seed Grain unrua Io nr. Mo" pout; Cg" IRITISH and FOREIGN CARSâ€"Gullah, PM†Moro-Menu "Rldc-o-Maflc" Shock Abtarbcn adlufl aute- ma'lcally to you: and loud :ondiflonl. Thly'r uontrollcd by 4 than morn Huld than hmuly used on dlnct satin Ration original hon!- ond palltlon. Simply Mun on. mm In "ch Iprlng. No we- clul iouls nudad. Pch . . . A . . an Pan . . . . . . KING BOLT SETS louludu cvurthm III-dud for 6001 whuln. cg": 1931-34. 5.9 badge 5 Plym. ‘931- I6. 502 .uâ€"uurn rm I. Mu... mr- "-CARBURE' u. m 438 . GAHBURETOB REPAIR KITS W. luPplY the 'Know-Hov" FREE do a 'professlnnol" rupelr lob. T] “I. opuuHon and rlpalr of vow «Mu charge for flu Tool Loon ‘I‘J'o-lt-Ygurrsoljr. . FREE Know- 3.85 “1.63 COIL SPRING LIFTEHS Fertilizers for ï¬eld and garden CHEVROLET 1940-52 _\vllh pen and oil pump "Mam! "RIdc-o-Maflc" r Abtarbcn adlufl aute- :ally to you: and loud Mom. Thly'r controlled ‘ "mu mom Huld than Ivly used on dlnct “Dina uhoch. Improve lldlng com- (on, main nearing collar and kup your car tofu on curvn. Guarantud to: on. your or 15,000 mil". Save on FRONT END PARTS 156.80 1§'«ii"s’o 208.60 EXCHANGI KCHANGI EXCHANGE EXCHANGI Slmllw saving: on «that can and truck: NOTEâ€"Above pricu 9.0.5. Monhul factory Shipping chargu extra (unually about $10) [cannmnn TIRE) flu‘ ToclV Icon Servic- PLYMOUTH, FORD DODGE 1942-43 1746-55 (0 cyl.) â€"vmn Mud: and NIH! hood, pan and all pump oll gumg A Pair 1230 fr 12.60 San up u 50% on Moto~Manor Front Who-l Suwonslon Pam, includan Pivot KIM, Inn-l Shah Km Stabllixer RI- pclt Km and Sprlpg Spacers. Chevrolet, 1941-56. Pair? 3.45 Dodge and Plymouth, 1939-56, R or L hand (mow). Pair ., Ford and Meteor, 1937-56. Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLUTCH ASSEMBLY EXCHANG: wum sums: RE-MANusgcwnsb TRANS- MISSIONS " ' ‘â€" UNIVERSAL JOINTS REAR SPRINGS Ind PARTS IGNITION SUPPLIES RE-MANUFACTURED CARBURETORS Chev. 1939-54, pair .. 9‘ Dodgc, Ford, Meteor and flxmouth (men to 1956). " FREE and loan yo-u Nu foal: Mr ‘nhih you to lo . Tho FREE stubby-Hep lnltrudlon «mm an I" vuur ear or. easy to «allow. Only I umoll a.-- (....)-- Coal 25 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1196 GOIL SPRINGS TIE ROD ENDS Hgny . . Special Tool Loan Sanka Richmond Hill mm, 0!! Fun", 11. Rod EM, FIIIOI Pumps- Noopunc diaphragm. In- gmgned_ for 50,000-milo performanCp-Euy to insult Chat. 2 1937-5‘ ',' n 2.65 9.90 Fuel Oil D'CIATI Mold l Ann 1934-!‘ 33.112. 2-65 Chum!" .. "41-5! (6 cyl.) 1950-51 Chrylkv and bolero (6 cyl.) 1949-54 DI:ng and Plym'th (6 cyl.) IMO-57 Ford . . . . . . 1942-48 Save up to 50%â€"Blowâ€"oul-Pmof Hecvlcr gauge cum the". spulally coated acidâ€"resist- lng Innev "nu; Double lock- ld, ulmpni leakpvoof stoma, reinforced and cups: Equip- ped with who reducer tube: {hat dbpom hot you: oven- 1. steel cln :. Ford. 19 9-5! 1955~56 Chan, 1949-56 . . . . . . Chrysler-progych, 6-:yl. mu. unv- Chev. 1940-52. 3.60 eauipmufl q'Ziiuy'.‘ ‘953-56. 3.25 Ford V8 1946-4 Dodo. & Plym. 1939-50 (6). 3.40 Ford and 1951-56 (6). 3.10 Meteor 1949-54 Ford and Mateo: Chm/vols! OVERHAUL GASKET SETS Easier to installâ€"No rivetingâ€"Same type as used on original equipment r Safe Brakes May Save Your LIFE. Heady-lined BONDED Bandy-lined BONDED BRAKE SHï¬E EXCHANGE STOP OIL PUMPING % 0N MOTH-MASTER ORIGINAL SPENT WALITY PARTS x). W Our Machlno Shop combine! tho hues! {ethniqurlelr with modern power machinery to In you Nu finest automotive repair! possible on both American and uropuan cars. Car manufactuvan' Ipuilkcl‘ionl an cloulv ‘-IlA-‘-J -.. -1: _-_L foilévavor; all walk. for _Y_ou_r_ Gogvenionc‘a» . . {EXPERT MAcHlHE SHOP SERVIOE Bulk. Linings, Connxflng Rod Imam and lxhoun lqulpmen'. Your correspondent and her husband will be at home on Sat- urday on the occasion of their 25th anniversary. If any readers of this column would care to call we would be very happy to see them. Mrs. John Ash of Concord is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton for a few days this week. Mr. Green and pupils are back following a week’s holidays. Nan- cy Middleton and Peter Stivens started school on Monday. Mr. Miller and Mr. Froom of Toronto Teachers‘ College are at Carrville school this week. The Carr-ville United Church Young Peoples met last Wednes- day night with Mrs. J. Baker in charge. There were 12 members present. Three chapters of scrip- ture were read and discussed at length. School News Pontiac 1949-52 (5) Young Peoples Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130R3 CARRVILLE Factory "hum and 0m run to guumnho "an pufnrmann" ï¬andurd. Pï¬fh lhovlng veal mu- :Mned or "placed. [um-mg. p'l" c.T.c. Test-Run Generator Exchange , m __-.__.- "um-u lul sum“ and vulva lob. Perfect-fitting, original equipmiM‘ qualify. Ford V8_ 1946-48. 3.30 °".°:"‘:'!.r',°.°ési for when â€" OPEN â€" FRIDAY NIGHTS T0 9 O'CLOCK Many happy returns of the day to Judith Dodson on April 18, to Geraldine Sargeant on April 19, to Carolyn Wyman on April 20. to Hilary Packard. Susan Dinner and Dougie Browne on April 21, to Corinda Burns on April 22. and to Helen Anderson on April 23. Friday night, the William N. Boyne Lodge of 35 members en- tertained the children at the L. T. B. & Orange Home. They brought a magician with them and everyone had lots of fun. Birthday Greeting A short vesper service will be held at 7 o'clock on Sunday. Ap- ril 20, in St. John's Church. Rev. E. L. Simmonds, Principal of the Toronto Bible College will give an informal talk in the par- ish hall at the close of the ser- vice. Lodge Entertain: Children ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman’: Auxiliary of St. John's Anglican Cnnrch TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1534 1 0.50 6-Yon 3.90 David McLean Ltd. For Dog Licenses 0:' $i2-$50 Fine Due to official complaints still being received, all dogs running loose will be picked up by the dog-catcher. Ravages by dogs run- ning at large are still being re- ported to the police. $12.00 to $50.00 is the amount of the ï¬ne levied on those owners who fail to obtain a license for then-“dogs in Richmond Hill. Police Chief R. P. Robbins states that May 1 is positively the deadline for 1958 dog registra~ tion, and summonses will immed- iately be served on those owners who neglect to register. One hundred and thirty-one owners were prosecuted for failure to obtain a licence. May Ist Deadline Calling all boys 11 to 15, in- terested in becoming Scouts. A Scout Troop is being organized in the Jefferson area under the leadership of Scoutmaster E. En- sor, well known to all for his club work with the lst Jeffer- son Cub pack. The ï¬rst meeting will be held this -Thursday, April 17. at the old school at 7.30 pm. On Saturday the Whalens went Yo“ Rochester with a group from Buttonville to a folk dance fes~ tival. Baptism Mr. and Mrs. F. Powell’s daughâ€" ter was baptized Susan Adeline, last Sunday, in the Attetcliffe United Church. a source of great satisfaction to Carson to have them chosen to appear on this TV programme. No one in the district has spent more time and effort on this pop- ular pastime than Carson and Margaret Whalen, and their many friends will derive a great deal of pleasure from the fact their efforts have. been rewarded by the invitation to square dance on Country Hoedown. Aurora held its annual Easter egg collection of money and eggs which amounted to the equiva- lent of 320 dozen eggs. to be given to the Orange Home. In~ cluded in this total was $80 in cash. More than 160 dozen eggs were collected by the children who attend Aurora’s public schools. Merchants and residents too, were most generous in their contributions. Square Dancing Of interest to the many square dancers in the district was the appearance on Country Hoedown last Friday of Carson Whalen's Mount Albert “Mountaineers.†Their very creditable perform- ance reflects the long hours of tedious practice that Carson has spent with them and it must be Mrs. R. Taggart returned to 'Elgin Mills last week after spen- ggng about two months in Flor- 1 3. Orange Home News Some of the school children were away last week. Marine and Deidre Troyer visited their grandmother, Mrs. Manley. at York Mills. Chuckie Morris was in Willowdale for a few days. Judy Kerwin visited friends in Islington and Toronto during the holidays and then joined her brother Stephen at Agincourt where they spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Rod Kerwin. Peter, Michael and Mary Jane Terry all spent a short time with their grandmother, Mrs. H. W. Terry in Toronto. Mabel and John Robertson spent part of their Easter holi- days with their grandparents, Mr. an? Mrs. J. E. Robertson, To'r- on o. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jackson and Miss Rosemary Jackson were in Montreal for a few days last week. They stayed at the new Queen Elizabeth Hotel, which is Canada's most modern hotel. Members of the lst Jefl'erson Scout and Cub pack attending this ceremony in Richmond Hill, were Scoutmaster E. Ensor. Ak- ela M. Ensor and flag bearers Wayne Haviland and Tommy Hobson. Cubs who will be start- ing their Scout training with Scoutmaster E. Ensor on April 17, include Tommy Hobson, Wayne Haviland, Freddy Walters, Paul Dodson. John McFee and David Potts. The latter four were on hand also to see this impressive ceremony. Travellers Leaping Wolf Ceremony Oak Ridges RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Open 7 am. - 12 Midnight DAILY Victor Draper Need 4 More Salesmen Needed Conversion To 60 Cycle SAME DAY SERVICE TELEVISION Radio â€" Washer Repair Service Agencies PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 Ontario RICHMOND HILL HYDRO-EIECTRIC COMMISSION 56 Yonge Street North TU. 4-35" Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coflin who celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bennett and Craig had dinner on Satur- day, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jones and family of Dickson’s Hill. Mr. and Mrs. "Dave Empring- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Em- pringham and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Harr Empringham and family we e guests at a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Empringham, Unionville. in honor of their 10th wedding anniversary on April 10. Miss Carolyn Ryckman and Master David Ryckman of Downs- view spent Easter holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brands. Miss Sheila Wilcox entertain- ed her school friends at a class party at her home on Friday night. School re-opened on Monday for the ï¬nal term of this school year. Two more student teachers from Toronto Teachers' College are spending this week with Mr. A. J. Moorby “at S. S. No. 7, Markham. Miss Dorothy Prat of Vancouv- er, B.C., spent the week-end with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard‘ Wilcox; Miss Karen Sanderson of Pine Orchard visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thom- pson last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Farquharson and family spent a few days 'last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Speedie of Brace- bridge. Misses Carolyn and Connie Crowder of Port Perry spent their Easter holidays with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Eade. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner re- ceived a cable of congratulations in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary from ~their son Allan from Ilorin. Nigeria. Africa. _ V Mrkand Mrs. Geo. Whtson of Buffalo, and Mrs. L. Rye of Tor- onto, visited Mrs. Beulah Jones on Monday, Miss Linda Watts of Scarboro spent Easter week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley. Mrs. Bruce and Genevieve had dinner on Saturday with Mrs. D. C. Henry of Toronto. We wish 5 speedy recovery for Mr. Andrew Jones, who has been ill in bed for the past week. Mr. Harry Kruse spent the week end in Niagara Falls. New York, and attended the wedding of his niece on Saturday. The Men’s Missionary Fellow- ship of the United Missionary Church held a dinner meeting at the Youth Centre on Monday night. Plan to attend the annual Mis- sionary Convention at the United Missionary Church from April 1-5 to 20. There will be good speak- ers at each meeting. Mr. George Brands had a re- cent letter from her daughter, Miss June Chandler, who is en- joying a tour around the world. She visited this past week-end in Holland and will also be touring various European countries. She says that she realizes now that people who are living in Canada are living in the lap of luxury. 0 Operate a floor polisher for 3 hours. 0 Qperate_a vacuum Correspondent: Mrs. Chas. Milsted Phone Gonnley 5201 GORMLEY cléaner for 1% hours THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 'April 17. 1958 LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY the safe, clean; modern way WJM FOR YOUR GARDENING NEEDS! VISIT THE GARDEN CENTRE Yonge St. at Thornhill o 0 rate a drill for 5 outs. We personally handle all sale bills and advertising. Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley. Ont. Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements GEO. KEETH & SONS LIMITED 124 King Street East, Toronto, EM. 6-5871 Yonge Street at Thornhill AV. 5-3041 ‘CHANGE MOTOR OIL T0 PROPER GRADE REPACK FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS CHECK CONDITION OF BRAKE LININGS REPACK REAR SPRINGS FLUSH & REFILL TRANSMISSION T0 PROPER GRADE FLUSH & REFILL DIFFERENTIAL TO PROPER GRADE THOROUGHLY LUBRICATE CHASSIS CLEAN & REFILL AIR. CLEANER CLEAN & TIGHTEN BATTERY TERMINALS TEST CONDITION OF BATTERY & REPORT Yonge St. INCLUDES ALL LUBRXCANTS ‘Except Hy Drive & Torque Converter ALVEN S. FARMER Compiete Spring Lubrication Specialists in Fine Seeds for 92 Years 0 Fertilizers O Fertilizer Spreaders, 0 Peat Moss 0 Flower & Vegetable 0 Grass Seeds 0 Ornamental Evergre O Shrubs Do two wash loads in an automatic washer. Duncan BA. Service Station (We are a separate business organizetlon and have no connection with an automotive dealer) . for YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE Licensed Auctioneer SPECIAL $8.00 TU. 4-2368 O Fertilizer Spreaders, Tools 0 Flower & Vegetable Seeds 0 Ornamental Evergreens Opposite Dunlap Observatory