Massey - Ferguson 1 Massey-Harris No. 44 Standard Tractor 1 Ford Tractor 2 New Holland Balers Come in and see our new No. 35 Ferguson Diesel Tractor, the new No. 50 Tractor, also the new No. 65 Standard Tractor with the 9 ft. 6 inch l3-tooth Cultivator We also have on display the Massey-Harris No. 3 Baler â€"- the most practical and proï¬table for small and medium size farms We have on hand one 1957 Model No. 77 New Holl- and Baler. If you are interested in buying a larger size Baler it will pay you to give this your early attention. USED FARM EQUIPMENT MILK - 2 qts. 35c ICE CREAM - all flavors - 35c per brick GRADE “A†LARGE HOMOGENIZED GRADE A BAYVIEW PLAZA DIRECTIONS ‘ North of! No. 7 Highway at Shell Station (7th Concession Vnuxhnn) ‘ 1% miles West of Highway No. 400 $2.00 PER PERSON _ RESERVATIONS A1 THIS MONTH BUTTER - 59: lb. Mart Kenney's Ranch Have your copy . . . BAYVIEW BAR-B-Q & DELICATESSEN EGGS - 47c doz. For DE PRE PHOTO FINISHERS HAROLD W. MORTSON No Other Purchase Necessary Free Delivery of “The Liberal†home delivered. Home delivery is available in every area of Richmond Hill, costs only a little more a week. Call TU. 4-1105. ' 29 Yonge Street South RICHMOND HILL Telephoné - TUrner 4-1722 No cm nhvin: Free. Parking Enquire for Speck! Student nnd Party Bite! Table Reservations For All Friday 5 pm. to 9 pm. only S P E C I A L AVAILABLE IN THE RICHMOND HILL AREA THROUGH the unmatched service (black and white and colour) of BAYVIEW VARIETY 8. GIFT SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA and SEE the difference Daily Pickup and Delivery Service The Finest In Film Developing and Printing Try Hi Neighbour It’s Fun to Dance at 2V2 doz. in a layer Two Layers to a Customer Sales and Service MART -KENNEY 4 quarts to a customer Your Local Dealer 2 lbs. to a customer EVERY SATURDAY RESERVATIONS AT. 8-1232 TU. 4-3726 AND HIS ORCHESTRA Handbags. Gloves and Costume Jewelry designed for the ‘new look’ that compliment your en- sembles. are now prominently featured. Bretons of all types. perky pill- boxes, turbans and the all im~ portant chemise-cloches. You will be delighted and amazed to see so many lovely shapes and sizes in all the newest colors. Accessories â€"- Spring chapeaux a la mode â€"â€" Flowers are everywhere and the prettiest are on the chapeaux at Madeleine's. In announcing the eight enâ€" trants chosen from across Canada for the Dominion Drama Festival to be held in Halifax next month. Mr. Richard West, adjudicator, has given Honourable Mention to the Curtain Club‘s entry, “The Marriage" which had such a (at Falrlawn) HU. 8-5406 2 bus stops below city limits 9 am. to 6 pm. Friday till 9 pan. Total Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $792,055 $684,249.62 (8) No. of schools operated by the Board â€"â€" 2 (b) Number of teachers employed ~â€" 57 (c) Gross cost including debentures $684,249.62 (d) Average daily attendance 1058.08 (e) Actual aggregate attendance 1913,8135 (f) Net cost (maintenance levy) $281,216.00 (1‘) Net cost (maintenance levy) $281,216.00. (g) ($055; cost per pupil per day. item (c) divided by item (e) (h) 5cost per pupil per day, item (f) divided by item (e3 (1) Number of pupils enrolled in September 1291. Maintenance Revenue Surplus as at January 1, 1958 . . . . . . . . ....$ 63,711 $ 6,258.05 Provincial Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333,000 221,980.54 Revenue from any other sources (excludin 8 taxes) N.S. $3,500; rentals $500; R. H. debenture $24,198, cty. debenture $79,515 107,713 176,651.04 Total Revenue from sources other than tax- ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504,424 404,889.63 Tax Levy (shall be the same as Part VI, line K, col. 5) 287.631 279359.99 Honourable Mention Dominion Festival ment $8.765) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (See section 92 (2) (c of the Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act. 1954) Extranveous Payments â€" health ser. $250; bank interest $3,250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Debentures $24,198 and $79,515 . . . . . . . . . . Contingency 3% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Ex'ture (shall be same as total revenue) Surplus 1956 . . . . . Instruction (Prin. and teachers’ gross sal.) ..$358,000 Night School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instructional Supplies (Lib.. texts, gym. etc.) Administration (Sec-treas.’ sal. and supplies. Plant Operation (Caretakers $35,000; fuel $16,000; water $800: electricity $9,700; rent â€"â€" other $425; sundries $8,300) . Plant Maintenance (Rep. $16,150: grounds $3.500; ins. $1800; sundries $250) . . . . . Auxiliary Services (prizes. conventions, school cafeteria, trustees' mileage, etc.) . . . . . . Fees to Other Boards Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capital Outlay‘sflfrom current funds (Equip- . . . . . . . . . . ~ . u . - loo-OI 7.000 27,870 34,400 70.525 21.700 4.582 70.000 60.000 (Continued from page 1) don't think we need this work done." The only member sup- porting him was Trustee Middle- ton and the motion again met with defeat. However an item for $625.00 for girls“ sports jack- ets was taken off the budget, by almost unanimous consent after Trustee Rumble said. “Why should we buy these jackets? My son has to buy his own sweaters. Soon they'll be asking us to buy their sport shoes." Revenue Last year the province paid deben‘ 45 per cent In grants. This year of $24 A breakdown of the budget follows: Maintenance Expenditures High School Budget For I958 Millinery 82 Accessories 3319 YONGE ST. MA DELEIN E Wacleflintg OVER 1,000 NEW HATS The membership secretary cordially invites any residents of Richmond Hill and surrounding areas, who are interested in dramatic production, to come and, without obligation, sit in on our next two meetings, held twice a month at 8:15 pm. in the base- ment of St. Mary's Anglican Church. The whole community has beneï¬ted by the interest aroused in Dramatic Art as e:'- empliï¬ed by the Curtain Club and for a small annual fee, you -__ L,_, s , _ ............ u... nu, ,uu can become a part of this amstic movement. For details re mem- bership, call John Anderson, TU. 4-2115. Want All Markham Fires Reported To Police The program for the remaind- er of the season was outlined by the program convenor Cicely Thomson. The April 22 meeting will feature a one act play, an excerpt from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice which is entitled Elizabeth Refuses. This delight- ful period piece is directed by Mrs. Thomson and earns the young actresses. all members of the St. Mary’s Girls’ Auxiliary, their badge for dramatic achieve- ment. The following meeting on May 6 will include an address by the well known Toronto produc- er, Leonard Crainford. Mr. Crainford has for the past two seasons, adjudicated the Shakes- pearian Festival, at which Curtain Club members acquitted them- selves so well. At the meeting of the Curtain Club last week, President Gor- don Lewis congratulated Mr. Rex Sevenoaks on winning the Best Supporting Actor Award and also on the splendid direction he gave to “The Marriage†which brought such .credit to the club. wonderful reception at Hart House in the Central Ontario Drama Festival. “Ams uua ayluls is shown In the number of calls answered by the Unionâ€" ville Brigade. Last year Un- ionville had only 21 calls during the whole year. In the month of March of this year alone they have an- swered 28 grass ï¬res. Concerned with the high cost of ï¬ghting grass ï¬res Markham Township Council Monday issued instructions that all future ï¬re calls are to be referred to police de- partment for investigation. The discussion was brought on by the tabling of a bill from the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade for $1,050.00, cover- ing 21 ï¬re calls over a ï¬ve day period. “I've never seen anything like it." remarked Clerk H. Crisp in presenting the ac- count. "All these ï¬res should be investigated." stated Reeve W. L. Clark. "I think there is a good deal of carelessness in starting these ï¬res.†he added. Council plans to send out a printed card to all taxpag- ers informing them that the police should be notiï¬ed of all ï¬res. The tremendous increase in ï¬re calls gurjpg this spring Levy for 1958 debenture pay- ment is made up with a county debenture of 533599.86 and a debenture from Richmond Hill of $24,198. A summary of levies, by mun- icipalities is as follows: Vaughan Township . . $132,157.26 Markham Township . $73,451.13 Town of Richmond Hill $82,903.76 Village of Woodbridge $24,239.85 Total the province has droppe< share to 42%. leaving 58% ' raised by district taxpayers $792,055 $684,249.62 287,631 3,500 103,713 22,000 792,055 Budget Ex'tures {58.000 $249,458.59 7.000 6,430.00 27,870 20,494‘54 34,400 23,508.06 8,765 has dropped its leaving 58% to be 1958 279,359.99 $312,752.00 2,789.30 104,157‘65 3,283.71 63,711.60 4,150.15 63,613.68 54,028.80 30,395.67 50,259.17 7,968.70 1957 (e) Plans and speciï¬cations are, avail- able from the Architects, Hanks, Irwin and Pearson, 2848 Bloor Street, West, Toronto, on payment of $25.00 deposit, returnable on receipt of a bona ï¬de ten- der and return of plans and speciï¬ca- tions. Closing time for Bid Depository, 3 p. m., Wednesday, April 30th, 1958. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 5.5. No. 6 Vaughan Township Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned until 3 pm. Thursday, May lst, 1958, for the construction of a four classroom addition to Maple School, S. S. No. 6, Vaughan Township Arborite top â€" seat & backs in beau- tiful plastic. ONLY Wrought Irdh Telephone Tables Powell Furniture Warehougem§nales 33 YONGE ST. 8.. RICHMOND mm. m SPECIAL! LOWEST (signed) Hanks, Irwin & Pearson Gendlqpméytqmatic Carriage 93 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2791 Two-Piece Chesterfield Suite in Frieze CQNTINENTAL BEBE Dual leg extension table, centre leaf, steel frame, well padded chairs in beautiful plastic to match. While they last. 5-Piece Chrome Set; YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL and that special glow of loveliness is captured for keeps in a wedding portrait by our studio. To share your happiest day with others, order extra prints for those most dear. _‘.’ou‘ll ï¬nd our prices most reasonable! EASY CREDIT TERMS BEFORE YOU BUY- IT WILL PAY, YOU TO GIVE US 'A‘ TRY! LAGERQUIST STUDIO Wrtralts Call, mite, or stop in soon to make your appointment ' and discuss details of your wedding pictures. Smartly styled . . . a little different in design. Handsome frieze cover . . . resilient spring construction throughout . . . rigid hardwood frame. Choice of Chesterï¬eld or Davenport in wide selection of colors. There is no more comfortable or relaxing sleeping accommo- dation than you will find on a continental bed. These beds are no exception to this well established ï¬nding. Row upon row of highly tempered coil springs embedded in layers and layers of soft downy felt. Mattress is reversible and sits on a spring-ï¬lled box spring base. Supported by 6 modern hardwood legs. 30 inch. ONLY USE AS CAR BED â€" 0R STROLLER! FOLDS QUICKLY TO GO IN CAR TRUNK! Plush comfort for baby in the latest Gendron masterpiece! r All Brides are beautiful. . your day of days THE LIBERAL} Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. lid! 17, 1988 “T é\\\l\\l\l\l\\ll“\u\\\ll\l\l\\\\\l\lllllllllllllllll\\\\\\\l\\\lll\llll\1l“Mil!“mum\llllllllllull||mm“1m““llll‘llllululmllll“WWIlll|\lllllIllil|llll|£1' itmImummumnmumummmmmmuummummm\ummummuunummIumnu1nmm“nnunll1mI11\nmum\m\m\mnmmlmmï¬ ONLY FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. See the All-New Caseomatic Tractor REFRESHMENTS MOVIES Wrought iron, in beautiful plastic colors. 3 chairs .. YOUR J. I. CASE DEALER Gormley Garage â€"- Corner Don Mills & Gormley Sideroad TREE N0. 1-10 10-40 40-80 80- George Brands RICHMOND TREE SERVICE OPEN HOUSE Now is The Time to Spray THOSE FRUIT TREES LET US KILL THOSE INSECTS AND DISEASES FOR YOU SE NO. LARGE MEDIUM SMA] [-10 $1.00 ea. 5 .75.ea. s .50 3-40 .80 .60 .40 )-80 .70 .55 .30 )- .65 .50 .20 MINIMUM 'CHARGE 55.00 Phone Now Before It’s Too Late T-V Stack Chairs $29 .95 TU. 4-1221 . . . . . . . . . ONLY TU. 4-2922 SMALL 3 .50 ea. .40 .30 .20 7/7