Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Apr 1958, p. 7

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Thursday, 24th April, 1958 AtoK... . . . . . . . LtoZ. . . . . . UNIONVILLE AND AREA VETERANS’ HALL Tuesday, 29th April, 1958 WOODBRIDGE AND AREA WOODBRIDGE ARENA AtoK . . . . . . . . L toZ MARKHAM AND AREA VETERAN'S HALL AtoK . . . . . . . . LtoZ . . . . . . .. MAPLE AND AREA COMMUNITY HALL Friday, 25th April, 1958 AtoK... . . . . . . . . L toZ KING CITY AND AREA MASONIC HALL Wednesday, 30th April, 1958 In order to avoid waiting, you are requested to bring the children back at the time suggested accord- ing to the first letter of your last name (e.g. â€"â€" Allan, Black, Clark, etc.) There will be no pre~registration of these preschool children. Monday, 2lst April, 1958 A to K . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 am. to 11.30 am. L to Z 1.30 pm. to 3 RICHMOND HILL AND AREA EAST SIDE AND NEARBY RURAL AREA LIONS HALL Tuesday, 22nd April, 1958 A to K . . . . . . . .. 9.00 am. to 11.5 L to Z 1.30 pm. to 3.0 WEST SIDE AND NEARBY RURAL AREA LIONS HALL A to K . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 am. to 11.30 am. L to Z . . . . . .. . . . . , 1.30 pm. to 3.00 pm. THORNHILL AND AREA FARMERS’ ,MARKET Tuesday, 6th May, 1958 A to K . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 am. to 11.30 am. L to Z . . . . . . . . . . , , 1.30 pm. to 3.00 pm. Wednesday, 30(h April, 1958 AtoZ . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 KLEINBURG AND AREA WOMEN’S INSTITUTE HALL Monday, 5th May, 1958 AtoZ . . . . . . . . LAKE WILCOX AND AREA CHURCH, WILDWOOD AVE. Monday, 5th May, 1958 A to Z . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.30 pm. to 3.00 pm. OAK RIDGES AND AREA BRETHREN CHURCH Tuesday, 6th May, 1958 The York County Health Unit will give third doses of polio vaccine to all preschool children over six months of age who received two doses in the Spring of 1957. Thursday, 8th May, 1958 A to K . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 am. to 11.30 am. L to Z . . . . . . . . . . , 1.30 pm. to 3.00 pm. NOBLETON AND AREA WOMEN’S INSTITUTE HALL‘ Thursday, 8th May, 1958 A to Z . . . .~ . . . . . . . . 1.30 pm .to 3.00 pm. RICHVALE AND AREA RICHVALE CHAPEL. OAK AVENUE HOLLAND MARSH AND AREA CHRISTIAN CHURCH Friday, 9th May, 1958 AtoZ .......... SCHOMBERG AND AREA COMMUNITY HALL Friday, 9th May, 1958 manned Mechanic- Repalrs To All Makes Of Car: Specializing In English Automobiles [ling-3m jg rTexaco Products 'A' Towing Sgrirjgg ELGIN MILLS w /2 Na Hgflfifi THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE YORK COUNTY PRESCHOOL POLIO VACINATION AtoZ 9.00am. to 11.30am. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH - H. C. HOWELL. Manager Our Personal Loan service offers loans for personal aegis: Repayment by monthly installments. For details, inquire at our nearest branch â€"- we have more than 775 to serve you. OUR GARAGE . . . . 9.00 am. to 11.30 am. . . , , 1.30 pm. to 3.00 pm. . . . 9.00 am. to 11.30 am. . , _ 1.30 pm. to 3.00 pm. . . . 9.00 am. to 11.30 am. .. . 1.30 pm. to 3.00 pm. . . 1.30 pm. to 3.00 pm. . 9.00 am. to 11.30 am. . 9.00 am. to 11.30 am. . 9.00 am. to 11.30 am. , 1.30 pm. to 3.00 pm. . 9.00 am. to 11.30 am. 1.30 pm. to 3.00 pm. . 900 am. to 10.00 am. Tfi. 4-1773 Do you need a Mr. and Mrs. Chester Brum- well of Roblin, Man., Mr. and Mrs. Everettt Brown of Richmond Hill called on Mrs. R. Perkins on Mgrgdgy_ evening of last week. V“ v... v- AAJD‘JUD. in thé W.M‘._Sâ€".,' the church and the community. ' Nglghboprhood Notes Mrs. H. Attwbcid‘Bf Uxbridge, spent Tuesday of last week with M{._ and Mrs. P. W. Willows. Birthday greetings to Ann Bu- chanan for April 18, to Cecil Ni- chols for i'pril 20, to Freddie Walker for April 22, to Mr. Tre- anor Canning for April 22, to Mrs. L. McEachern, formerly of Victoria Square, now of Lansing, who on April 23, will be 97 years old. Miss Muriel Mortson spfierifflz; few days with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. J. Barker at Rich- mond Hill. The annual party of the Senior Women’s Institute was held in the community hall last Wednes- day evening. Miss Eleanor Syra- cuse of the Community Programs Branch. Department of Educa- tion, Toronto. was in charge of the evening's entertainment. Misses Marjorie Barber and Ros- alee Sutton sang duets. accom- panied on the guitar by Mr. Law- rence Wideman. Everyone present reported a lovely evening. Mission Band Masters Wayne and Bruce Mor- tson spent Lheir Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong at Weston and with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson at Richmond Hill to Toronto Wellesley Hospital Monday of last week. Mrs. West~ brook passed away on Wednes~ day evening. She was a devoted W.M.S. worker and a wonderful friend and neighbour. The fun- eral was held on Saturday, April 12, from the Wright and Taylor Funeral Parlours. Richmond Hill. with Rev. A .F. Binnington of~ ficiating. Interment was in Vic~ toria Square cemetery. Sympathy is extended to her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Norman Marlow (Madge) of Van~ couver, Mrs. Wm. Large (Phyllis) of Toronto. one son, ack also of Toronto, and eight grandchild~ ren. She will be greatly missed among her wide circle of friends. The flowers in the church Sun- day were from the funeral of the latAei Mrs. Vincent Westbrook. The refreshments were in Jap- anese style, the girls kneeling on cushions at the table. Donna Den- by, on behalf of the Explorers and Gail Stefflet of the C.G.I.T. extended thanks to the W.M.S. Sr. Women’s Institute Party The Mission Band will meet ln the Sunday school room on Sat- urday, April 19, at 2.30 pm. All the children in the community are invited to attend. Church News ‘ Rev. A. F. Blnnington’s text on Sunday will be: “The Gospel According to George." Sympathy The many friends, of Mrs. Vin- cent Westbrook were sorry to lean: that she had been rushed A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Jack Leitch who is ill inked with the, mumps. STEEL LINTELS l BEAMS The W.M.S. entertained the Mission Band. C.G.I.T. and Ex- plorers at their Easter Thank- offering meeting on Wednesday. April 9, at 2.30 pm, in the Sun- day-School room. Mrs. McCagut. president, welcomed the guests and gave some announcements. The offering was received and dedicated. The Chief Explorer, Judy Hart, led the Explorers in their purpose and hymn. The C. G.I.T., with Judy Bard in charge, gave the C.G.I.T. purpose and hymn. Mrs. Frank Brumweli showed coloured slides of “Jap- an Today,” with Miss Nancy Trenka reading the script. The Explorers closed with their tradi- tional ceremony. Mrs. A. F. Bin- gington pronounced the benedic- on. PINle “03.1.”. STEEL FA BRICATING To Customer Specifi- cations W.M.S. Easter Thankoffering Mrs. Walter Cobk 53d Florence Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service CORRESPONDENT : MRS. W. SANDLE. Victoria Square Telephone Gonnley 5421 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 The official board of the Vic- toria Square charge will meet on Monday evening, April 21 at 8 p. m. in Headford United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson of Richmond Hill had Sunday ev- ening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boynton and Debbie of Todmorden had Sun- day evenlng dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning. Official Board 1 mirror 1 kitchen table Number of kitchen chairs small buffet small stand chest of drawers clothes hamper chest of drawers mandolin double bed, spring 8; mattress small electric lamp small stand easy chair guitar Kelvinator electric refrigerator metal top kitchen table McClary modern kitchen elec- tric range rangette hall seat Simplicity electric washing machine bathroom scale boy's bicycle. new Number of fruit jars 1 punch bowl 1 child’s table and chairs Number of carpenter tools, such as saws. brace and bits, ‘vise, etc. Number of garden tools 2 garbage pails 1 electric heater 1 rubber tired lawn mower, new 1 wicker rocking‘chair 4 folding chairs Quantity of garden hose 1 electric vacuum cleaner with attachments 1 new electric 2-brush floor pol- isher Number of dishes, glassware, or- naments, pictures, etc. HH HHPâ€"i Hiâ€"‘Hlâ€"‘HDâ€"‘HHHHHHIâ€"‘H Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Toronto had Sunday evening din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DeFoe. ments 1 ash tray and stand 2 real antique electric table lamps 2 maple twig: beds, new, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr and family at King. springs and mattresses y h_ighboy chest of drawers Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reid of Buttonville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson attended the school bus association at Peterborough one day last week, later going on to Deseronto. A _ OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Garden T0013, etc. on No. 7 ngy. at Unionville, lst house west of lumber yard, Property of MAURICE HUTCHINSON SATURDAY. APRIL 26. 1958 1 studio couch. real good 1 small table 5'; 1 library or hall table, oak 1 oak bookcase 1 hassock seat 1 bamboo stand or whatnot 1 small bamboo stand 7 Number of house plants Number of window drapes 1 Platform rocking chair, upholâ€" stered new 1 bed-Chesterfield 1 coffee table, new 1 Congoleum rug 2 scatter rugs 1 occasional chair 1 super Crosley 17” television se Number of books Number of books 1 end table Number of pictures and orna- Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Proprietor moving to , U.S.A. James Smith, clerk KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers Markham, Ont, phone 346 Millikan, Ont, Axminster 3-5987 Master Johnny Wilson of Tor- onto spent some of his Easter vaâ€" cation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Empringham._ and Miss Camilla Harold, Lan- sing spent Thursday of last week with Mrs. Percy Bennett. You get full value out of every drop, when you heat your home With our fuel oil. Phone Ramer’s and arrange for us to deliver at spaced in- tervals. OIL HEAT FOR WATER HOT FOR SHOWERS, WHEN SUMMER BRINGS THOSE TOQRID HOURS AUCTION SALE E. J. Sand. Representatives of most of the home and school as- sociations were present. Further ProgreSS was reported on the Proposal to install a traffic light on Yonge Street at Meadowview a school crossing whiih long has been of serious concern to the committee. According to official figures, the traffic flow along this stretch of Yonge is approxim- ately 600 cars an hour. The comâ€" mittee also endorsed the sugges. tion of the delegate from the Henderson Ave. association that something be done about the ap- proaches to Henderson Avenue School from Highland Park. It was felt that a path might be laid along the north side of the small woods, running from the foot of Meadowview to the school property. This would keep the children off the muddy and dan- gerous road from the foot of Grandview to the school. Mr. Sand and Mr. Allan Parker, rep- resenting the school trustees, ag- reed to approach the board ab- out this. On Monday evening. April 14, the Henderson Avenue Home and School Association held a dis- cussion meeting at Henderson Avenue School. Members of the association were urged to offer freely any suggestions they might have for improvements in the meetings, as a guide to the ex- ecutive in planning future Home On Tuesday evening. April 8. the Child Safety Committee fos the school area met at the office 0_f the Supervising Princip_al, Mr: i no. 1 HIGHWAY & non MILLS nomi I P.E.|. POTATOES low-Be: 29c WEINERS mama 1 I... may; FARM FRESH EGGS L335: PE Raspberries 5pk999c 3 9 Aka FRESH SHOULDER PORK “"39c PORK SPARE RIBS lean meatv “L9c PORK LIVER - - . lb. 25c FRESH SAUSAGE farmstvle Ib-29c CHCKENS P'e'dgzzzifng°zi"a:::; *°' lb. 41c TU farm fresh young tender lb. 59c Select first quality 2 year old Canadian grown ROSES. government inspected. Packed in cardboard boxes with full directions for planting. Reg. $1.29. Arnold C Farm Price only Save Black Diamond Bonus Stamps, Hundreds of Beautiful Gifts FREE CURB PARKING, OPEN THURS. 8. FRI. NIGHTS TO 9 PM. A large assortment of garden seeds, shrubs, gardening equipment, peat moss, and all types of fertilizers at Arnold Farms low prices. Large Baie Peat Moss LIBBY'S FROZEN Let us quote you on your home freezer needs. needs. HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. A. SMITH 23 Highland Park Blvd" phone AVenue 5-2795 “THE GREATEST NAME IN FOOD" .75 FARM FRESH EGGS ilfiifi It was generally agreed that that grade mother organization should be strengthened, with a grade mother convenor as a member of the executive commit- tee. This would enable lnforma~ tion about home and school ev- ents to be spread more widely among the parents. It was felt that the association should concbntrate more on ed~ ucatlonal matters, with more aud~ ience participation. Members did not primarily attend expecting to be entertained, these social as- pects could be had elsewhere. Considerable discussion revol- ved around the question of how parents and teachers could get to know each other. This. it was the feeling of the meeting. was an important and basic aspect of Home and School which had not been exploited as well as it might be. The next children’s polio clinic will be held at the Thornhill Far- mers’ Market on Tuesday. May 6; the hours will be from 9 to 11:30 in the morning, and from 1:30 to 3 in the afternoon. and School activities. The meeting voted to send a delegate to Camp Couchiching this summer, and also to the York-Simcoe Council banquet. Polio Clhfic Friends of Mrs. Aileen Baill- argeon, of Highland Park boule- vard, held a surprise baby show- er f0 rher at the home of Mrs. William Stuart, of Bayview Mea- dows, on Monday evening. April 14th. Friday Night Special POLLY LAUNDRY HAMPERSZ49 Appleford Food Saver WAX PAPER 1005 33c MOM'S MARGARINE 2 lbs. 39c NIBLETS FANCY KERNEL CORN 2 tins 33¢ LYNN VALLEY PEAS 15 oz. 2 tins 33c Geld Ribbon DOG FOOD 15 0.2.5 3 tins 29: THE LIBERAIJ, Rich'mond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 'Aprfl 17. ms T 6 till 9 o'clock Telephone TU. 4-1650 Hedging - Red Barberry, per 100 $25.00 Privet, per 100 . . ._.... $15.00 Evergreens from . $1.75 Flowering Shrubs in bundles 5 for $1.50 SHADE AND FRUIT TREES, WHITE BIRCH IN CLUMPS R. R 2. Maple (2 miles north of the Richmond Hill-Maple Sideroad on Bathurst Street) SURPLUS CLEARANCE SALE NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS - REPAIRI ROGER PROULX ALPINE NURSERIES 24” across Only Free Estimates Gladlx Given PLUMBING & HEATING Phone TU. 4-3361 FRESH GREEN SUNKIST NAVEL éEANs lb. 23c ORANGESM69 Make ARNOLD FARMS Your One Stop Shopping Place For Your Food Budget Prob- lems Are Solved When You Shop At ARNOLD FARMS FRASERDALE FROZEN Raspberries Better Values 62 Crosby 'Avo. RICHMOND HILL size 113

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