Bowling The bowling scores are Con- cord Jets 96, Concord Wildcats 91. Edgeley Pinheads 90, Edgeley Aces 73. r M _ On Friday night Flo Strachan subbed for Tom Bryce and came up with a triple of 726. Wilf Mc- Kay subbed for Ella Whitmore and got 693 for a triple. other scores were: Belva Howden 706, Jack Irvine 665, Bernice Young 640, Kathleen Keï¬e‘ 631. Bea Boake 617. Will members who have not al ready done so, please pay the treasurer for the banquet this week, so that arrangements can be completed. No subs will be allowed playoff night. so please sup ort your team by being there. Soc als Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Burns and Ross visited Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Orr and family of Mansï¬eld last Sunday. The 4-H Club met Tuesday af- ternoon of last week at the home of Misses Karen and Judy Bod- kcr. The ï¬nal meeting of the sea- son will be held this week. A program committee consist- ing of the executive and conven- ors of the Edgeley Women's In- stitute met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Darling- ton to make up the programme for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. James Darlington attended the bowling “windup†banquet of the “Three Hundred Club" at the Summit View Best- aurant last Friday evening. Misses Joyce McNabb of Se- bright and Delores Wires of Dal- rymple spent Wednesday after- noon with‘Miss Mafgaret Hendry. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash and family had dinner Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. David Barton and Bonnie of Beverley Acres, Richmond Hill. 3-1;. . w. Miller Phone Maple 2 Keele Street, Maple, Ont. Since 1880 The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. ayyluyxlauu‘y u“ latâ€.- -v. . The anniversary celebration was held 1n connection with the Lions Ladies’ Night. District Governor Jack Bentham of Richmond Hill, Deputy District Governor Edgar Piercey of Schomberg, and Zone Chairman Sen- eca Cook of Newmarket were all present for the mem- Shown above are the charter members of the Maple Lions Club at their 10th anniversary celebration held approï¬priately‘ on April l0. .- ,r _.,__ 1mm :...‘ nnnnn nun“ GROWER â€" FLORIST THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, Ontario, Thursday, Edgeley Socials __________â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"i The Liberal is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord & Edgeley districts. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. R. Thompson, Maple 1261; in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Keï¬er, AV. 5-2375; and in Edgeley. Mrs. James Ash. AV.5-4002. Lions Anniversary The Maple Lions Club cele- brated their 10th anniversary last Thursday with 8 Ladies’ Night, at which District Governor Jack Bentham of Thornhill and Deputy District Governor Edgar Piercey of Schomberg were present. Lion Ross Knight gave the toast to the ladies. which was answered by Mrs. Kirby Brocx. Highlight of the evening was the presentation of certiï¬cates by Mr. Bentham to the Charter members present. which were: Donald Allen, Hil- liard Brian, Eric Brice, Dr. Ray Bigford, Howard Knight, Ross Knight. Cal Miller, John Neu- feld, Dr. Clem Reeds, Andy Snider, Art Wells, Lorne Wells, and Dr. Archer Wallace (not present). A minute’s silence was observed in memory of those charter members who had since died. Following the dinner there was a dance and entertainment by the band. St. Paul’s W.M.S. St. Paul’s Vaughan W.M.S. met at the church basement on April 10th. A few ladies ,came in the morning to complete some quilts. while the meeting took place in the afternoon, presided over by Mrs. T. Taylor. Mrs. G. Burbidge led in prayer and read the scrip- ture, and Mrs. M. Duff took the study book. During the business session the ladies agreed to buy pins for the Mission Band. The Young People of St. Paul's met at the home of Bob Kerr Sunday night under the topic “Missions.†The program was “Why force our faith on others?†and this was taken by Isabel Bis- hop, Diane Stiï¬ and David Ruth- erford. The prayer was taken by Rev. C. H. Bowman and the scripture read by Bob Kerr. The next meeting, which will be the last of the season. will be held at the home of Ethel Burbidge. Helen Calder. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Calder. is just en- joying a busman‘s holiday from her ï¬rst year‘s training as nurse in St. Michael's Hospital. She left last Sunday for the home of her aunt in Nova Scotia, who has just given birth to a baby girl. Helen plans to spend nearly a month there. Dinner 8; Euchre The choir of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church enjoyed their annual dinner and euchre, along with husbands or wives. 8"" Richvale Ornamental Iron Works 24 HOUR SERVICE RICHVALE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE S. BAKER. For Stair & Porch Rails, Grilles & Gratings, Fire Escapes. Portable Welding 8: Repairs Phone AV. 5-4421 Evenings AV. 5-3678 Septic Tanks Pumped &- Cleaned 138 Carrville Road Wrst AV. 5-4563 Maple Notes Aprn 17, 19015 last Thursday at the Ridge Inn at Oak Ridges. Following a de- licious chicken dinner, tables were set up for Euchre, Bridge and Crokinole. Euchre prizes went to the following: First men’s. E. Magee. second men’s, Mr. J. Sheppard. Consolation men, Jack Sheppard; First ladies’, Mrs. W. Hodge; Second ladies’, Mrs. Armi- tage; Consolation ladies’, Mrs. R. McNaughton. -- , In“. On April lst the Hope Com- munity & School Club held their regular meeting and decided to hold their annual tea and bake sale at the SChOL] on May 315t. It was also decided to work to- ward 'the purchase of a movie projector for the school during the next year. The Maple Unit's Cancer Daï¬odil Tea came up for discussion, and Mrs. W. Mar- wood. Mrs. G. Ingram and Mrs. Nurse Beckwith from the York County Health Unit was then in- troduced by Mrs. G. Ingram as guest speaker. Mrs. Beckwith spoke on common children's diseases, how to treat them and how to help the children to be comfortable during their stay in bed. She also showed a very in- teresting movie on children‘s be- haviours in the various age groups. This was very much en- joyed by the members. Mrs. S. Kerr thanked Mrs. Beckwith for her Efforts. function The next meeting on May 6th will feature a roll call of one favourite recipe, so that a book may be compiled of these and may be sold at the Bake Sale. There will be no speaker at the May meeting. as the election of officers will take place. The attendance prize of $1.00 went 10 the Junior Room. and the evening closed off with re- freshments served by Mrs. G. Ingram, Mrs. W. Doorduin and Mrs. S. Kerr. Baptism Service The Sacrament of Infant Bap- tism was observed in Maple United Church on Sunday morn- ing when six children were pre- sented, and received into the membershp of the church by Rev. A. G. Donald. They were as follows: Stephan John Burford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J.‘ Burford; Kenneth David Maiden. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Maiden; Bryan Kenneth Bruce Murchison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Murchison; Rhonda Leslie Ford. daughter of Doctor and Mrs. Douglas Ford; Albert Ed- ward Kippax, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kippax; Kathleen Ann Jack- man. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Jackman. Mr. Donalds’ ser- mon subject was “Christianity in Action.†Kenneth Jarrett, uncle of the Murchison baby was the soloist for the service, singing The Lord's Prayer by Malotte and the church choir under the direc- tion of Mrs. Roy Clegg sang the Easter anthem. Christ Is Risen by Turner. Minister’s Aunt Dies orable evening. The charter members are front row (left to right) Donald Allen, -Cal Miller, Arthur Wells, Dr. R. A. Big- ford, Howard Knight and Barney Bryan. Back row (left to right) Clem Reeds, John Neu- feld, Lorne Wells, Ross Knight, Andrew Snider, and Eric Brice. Absent when the picture was taken, Dr. Archer Wallace. â€"â€" Photo by Lagerquist SUTTON : Mrs. Rosa Comer member of the Cameron family one of the original settling fam ilies in the Jacxson Point dis‘ trict, celebrated her 84th birth day on Easter Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Donald were in attendance at the funeral of Mr. Donald's aunt, Miss Christina Paton in Toronto, on Monday. Miss Paton who was in her 92nd year had been a life long resident of Toronto and in’ former days was prominent in the church life of that city. She was predeceased just ten days ago by her only surviving brother, George Alex- ander Paton. 89, also a native of Toronto. Both were children of Alexander Paton for many years Chief Customs Officer at the Port of Toronto. 'u, A'Lla- v- Ana--.“ _~_‘ Jackson will assist at thth W. I. Eiects Officers Appoints 3 Delegates At their meeting on April 9th, the Maple Women‘s Institute elected a new slate of officers for the coming year. President is Mrs. L. Clarke; lst vice-president, Mrs. H. Jackson; 2nd vice-presi- dent, Mrs. D. Jarrett, secretary- treasurer. Mrs. G. Watson. As- sistant, Mrs. E. Harris; district director. Mrs. H. Jackson, alter- nate, Mrs. D. Jarrett. Board of directors: Mrs. M. Palmer, Mrs. E. Kyle, Mrs. A. Snider and Mrs. N. Payne. Social committee: Mrs. V. Orr, Mrs. E. Wade, Mrs. A. Jones and Mrs. H. Jennings. Flower and sick committee: Mrs. I. McQuarrie, Mrs. L. Kers- will. Mrs. A. Wells, Mrs. A. Jones and Mrs. E Harris. Nominating committee: Mrs. W. Crook. Mrs. E. Kyle and Mrs. H. Jennings. The standing committees are: Agriculture and Industries, Mrs. J. Leece; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. H. Stephenson: Citi- zenship and Education, Mrs. T. Jackson, Historical Research, Mrs. E. Harris and Mrs. E. Kyle; Com- munity Activities and Public Re- Home & SChool Many parents and children at- tended the showing of the ï¬lm, “Human Growth," shown at the school April 7. The ï¬lm and dis- cussion were most interesting and informative to those present. Socials Carole Keffer celebrated her twelfth birthday on April 8, but due to a cold did not entertain until Saturday. April 12. She took Judith Hallawell and Balz- bara Orr to the Park Theatre where they saw Walt Disney's “Perriâ€. The girls returned home with Carole for a birthday sup- per. Mrs. Douglas Keffer has retur- ned home from the hospital with new daughter, Patricia, Bowling Report for April 11 Marion McKay. bowling 710 triple with a flat single of 256.‘ did a ï¬ne job in helping the Wildcats beat the Pinheads two games to one. Jim Atkin bowled 637 flat, with team mates Lil Bryce, Carol Reid and Roy Es- pey bowling 600 plus triple scores. The Jets just managed a win over the Aces, Warren Bailie and Eva Rummey making over 600. while Jack Fitzgerald, sub- stituting for Elizabeth Bailie and bowling flat, turned in a 701 triple with a 326 single. The Government Deï¬ciency Payment applies only on proper- ly graded wools. Secure the utmost by patronizing your omx organization. Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from CANADIAN COOPERATIVE WOOL GROW‘ERS LIMITED ‘17 Bay Street. Toronto. Canada W. G. BOWES R. R. No. 2, Maple WOOL SHIP COLLECT T0 Concord Socials by writing to The regular meeting of Vellore Senior Women’s Institute was held at Vellore Memorial Hall on April 1. The response to the roll call was to give a sugges- tion for next year's programme. Many useful suggestions were brought forth. The business in- cluded arrangements for helping with a Cancer Society tea. District Annual At Maple May 22 Sr. Women's Institute Meets Mrs. R. G. Burbidge brought a report from a district directors' meeting. The district annual will be held at Maple in the United Church on May 22. The York County rally will be held at Stouffville on July 3. Achieve- ment Day for 4-H Club Mem- bers is to be held at Newmarket on April 26. The local leaders. Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. J. Bryson, expect to have 23 girls complete the project, “Clothes Closets up to Date." It is Vellore‘s turn to give a report at the Conference held at Guelph at the District Annual. The motto for the meeting was “Use Opportunity, it is the gate- way to Success." Mrs. Censtable read a poem for Miss Gooder- ham entitled “A Package of Seeds,†and an article showing the many uses of flowers. Mrs. Carson read a poem, “Blessed are they" by Edna Jac- ques. Mrs. J. Snider, for Mrs. W. Snider. gave an interesting ar- ticle regarding the proï¬les of British Monarchs on coins. also an article about various ideas of nice sleep. The Pfesident. Mrs. A. Bishop. declared all offices vacant. The following were elected for 1958- Forty-two children, all mem- bers of the‘ Maple Junior Bowl- ing League. were spruced up and ready to enjoy a lovely luncheon at the Graystones in Aurora last Saturday. The occasion was the ï¬rst annual banquet and presen- tation of trophies, and a wonder- Hold First Annual Banquet Awards Made To Junior Bowiers lations, Mrs. N. Payne; Resolu- tions. Mrs. L .Kerswill; Pianists, Mrs. E. Wade and Mrs. W. Noble; Auditors, Mrs. W. Crook and Miss M. Carson; Well Baby Clinic, Mrs. G. Calder, Mrs. L. Kerswill, Mrs. H. Jennings, Mrs. G. Wat- son; Cancer Representative, Mrs. M. McQuarnie. Mrs. H. Jackson conducted the foregoing introduction and also reported on a District Directors' Meeting held recently. The fol- lowing dates were noted: York County Rally, July 3rd; West York District Annual at Maple United Church on May 22 at 9.45 a.m.; York County Histori- cal Picnic at Sharon on June 21st at 2.00 pm. A cordial invitation is extended to all to celebrate the 60h Anniversary of the Women’s Institute with the Maple ladies at an Open House to be held on Apil 30th, 8 p.m., at the Maple United Church Religious Educa- tion Building. Delegates to the District An- nual will be Mrs. H. Jackson. Mrs. L. Clarke and Mrs. D. Allen. A vote of thanks was extended by the members to Mrs. M. Wilson; who opened her home for this meeting. The next meeting in May will be held at the home of Mrs. M. Palmer. :V‘VwVVVVVVV.‘JVVVVV.\4V.\I\4V. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS‘ PHONE TU. 4-1105 A 'I' 'I' E N 'I' I O N Residents of Vaughan Towns-hip By-Law number 2099, Township of Vaughan requires everyone who wishes to burn grass and rubbish to have a Permit. Any person found burning grass or rubbish without a permit will be prosecuted. Permits can be obtained at the Municipal Offices in Maple. JAMES W. DAVIDSON. Vaughan Township, Fire Chief David McLean Ltd. Need 4 More Salesmen 1959 President. Mrs. A. Bishop; lst vice-president, Mrs. H. M. Duff; 2nd vice-president. Mrs. Geo. Bridger; secretary-treasurer. Mrs. F. Constable: assistant secretary- treasurer, Mrs. A. Cameron Jr.; district director. Mrs. G. Bur- bidge; alternate district director, Mrs. N. Kerr. branch director, Mrs. Ila Farr, Mrs. Geo. Old, Mrs. Thos. Seed; pianists, Mrs. W. Bryson. Mrs. J. Bryson; flow- er committee. Mrs J. Bryson. Mrs. H. M. Duff. Mrs. A. Cam- eron Jr.. Mrs. R. Phillips lconv.). Mrs T. ’l'aylor, Mrs. Dikes. Miss Gooderham; programme commit- tee, Mrs. J. Kyle (conv.). Mrs. F. Diceman, Mrs. G. Burbidge, Mrs. J. Bryson, Mrs. J. Williams, Mrs. Harrison; social committee, Mrs. H. Jackson (con), Mrs. J. Julian, Mrs. H. Stephenson, Mrs. R. Jul- ‘ian, Mrs. N. Kerr. Miss D. Dav- idson; auditors,.Mrs. Stephenson and Mrs. R. Julian. Convenors of Standing Com- mittees were elected as follows. Agriculture & Canadian indus- tries. Mrs. G. Burbidge; home economics and health, Mrs. R. Phillips; citizenship and educa- tion, Mrs. W. Bryson; historical research, Mrs. H. Stephenson; resolutions, Mrs. L. Weldrick; representative to Cancer unit at Maple, Mrs. J. Kyle; delegates to district Annual, President Mrs. A. Bishop, District Director Mrs. G. Burbidge, Mrs. G. Dooks, Mrs. J. Bryson with Mrs. N. Kerr as alternate; delegate to area con- vention, Mrs. H. M. Duff. with Mrs. J. Bryson as alternate. ful time was had by all. The an- nual trophies, which will change hands each year, were donated and won by the following: The Maple Electric trophy for winning team was won by the “Sharpsnooters,†Capt. Lester Downing, with members Marty Gilmore, Gary White, Jo-Anne Mains, Grant Meikle, Shaaron Wismer, John Rumble, Evelyn Palmer, Greg Shore and Mike Weir. The Orenda Trophy for Boy’s High Average score went to Clarence Palmer with 166; The Pete's Garage trophy for High Two Games Flat went to Gary Mathewson with 378 and the Lloyd Palmer trophy for High Single Game Flat to Lester Downing with 274: The Superior Propane Trophy for Girls High Average score was won by Diane Nicholson with score of 136; the J. A. Spencer C.I.A. Insurance trophy for High Two Games with handicap went to Lynne Jackson with 406 and the Annie Lawrie trophy for High Single Game with handicap went to David Old with 242. This was the ï¬rst year for the Junior Bowling League, and all children are looking forward to next year‘s bowling with keen anticipation. Credit for this ven- ture goes to Jim Hodgson. who organized the league. and to fel- low Lions Bob Jackson and Ron Wismer, who took an active part in its operation, We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts “Flowers For All Occasions" PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS RICE’S FLOWERS RICHMOND HILL lefgfliéiï¬ HOTEI 7 Choice of American or Eulopean Fla-n. " \g Ea“! L ‘COMPLEYI "CIUTIES FOR GROUPS MD CONVENTIONSA On Wilmington tom'uumu.‘ Island near SAV N A Q'nunlMcnal‘ M‘mi‘ . , csonom‘ Vrlh jodcy for FREE lllulrckd Brocbnro or no your Travel Agog ,7 i§~hole chanibionshiï¬ golf coï¬rse at door . . . danciné nightly in the beautiful Riverside Room ‘ . . sogial director wrganixed activities and entertainment. One of the world's finest resom offers every facility and 'activity-syimrping,>tenpï¬s, bqgting and sa_|l water fishing Landscape Contractors Lawns Rolled ' Foundation Planting , by Sod Delivered Power Machine or Laid 81 Yonge St. S. .. .. Phone TU. 4-2741 RICHMOND SOD at the New Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5-1313 MI 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED FRANK PASSER DRIVE SAFELY INSURANCE Free Estimates Géi‘i’é"?él GOLF CLUB o COTTAGES Your church, in oo-operation with local safety ofï¬cials, will urge each motorist to observe the rules of safe driving. It will be pointed out that every driver is morally responsible for the safety of everyone with whom he shares our streets and highways. Rememberâ€"this week and every week ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT HERBERT R. BUTT THIS WEEK-END it is the duty of everyone to for everyone Associated With Dependable Service Telephone 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto ME. 5-1000 Toronto EMpire 4-3317 .005