Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1958, p. 9

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FINDER BROS.LTD. Pretty as a picture are the chic new chapeaux at Madeleine's. ~ STEEL FABRICATING To Customer Specifi- cations All the top colors. straws and shapes are included. Some blooming with flowers, some brightened with ribbons and bands. You'll want one of' the Breton sailors that turn up everywhere this yead - - - see them in sev- eral saucy versions in the high and pastel shades. Madeleine's chapeaux are de- signed to delight the eye and heart of Madame et Madem- oiselle. Remember Mother â€" Choose her gift from‘ our love- ly line of summer handbags, gloves and costume jewellery. Satisfied customers will tell you what it’s like to burn quality fuel oil in their homes. Next time you need oil just phone Ramer’s. (at Falrlawn) HU. 8-5406 2 bus stops below city limits Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service Milllncry 3. Accessories ‘Maalc/ilnc; ? THE. WEATHER? You} CAN Nave-:2 TELL, , TO 02053 on. o< FROM us us weu. MADELEIN E 1,000 HATS 9 mm. to 6 pm. Friday till 9 pm. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 3319 YONGE ST. Ian Vorres. writing in the Hamilton Spectator on his de- parture from Hamilton said. “Mr. Smith has a unique capacity for capturing in his powerful water- colors the spirit of old homes and landmarks in and around Hamil- ton; he possesses not only the insight. but the sentimental at- tachment as well, of one who knows and loves his native city. He can therefore reveal with subtlety and delicacy the mood and character of any locality he depicts.” Recently “The Liberal" visited Mr. and Mrs. Smith in their new home on Lucas Street and saw many handsome examples of his work which has already won him a place in the National Gallery at Ottawa; a spot in an embassy overseas. selected for one of his watercolors by the Department of External Affairs: and he has won the award for the best water color by a Canadian artist, in the All Canadian Show held in London, Ontario. I Henry W. Smith was born in Hamilton and says he has been painting pictures ever since he was old enough to hold a paint brush. A student with Hortense Gordon during the early years of his career, Mr. Smith is employ- ed as an industrial designer -â€" and paints commissioned and free-lance pictures of great character and beauty in his spare time. Employed by a Hamilton firm as a de- signer for 17 years, Mr. Smith moved to Richmond Hill after receiving the offer of a better position with Amal- gamated Electric, Toronto. Many of Henry Smith's por- traits hang in the Art Gallery at Hamilton. the Hamilton Public Library and McMaster Univer- sity, but they are also found in numerous homes across Canada. It was at McMaster, when two Chinese students were in attend- ance, that the delicate touch Mr. Smith employs in even his most vital paintings was compared by these students to Chinese paintings. owing to their old- world charm and almost oriental delicacy of composition. Mr. Smith says he is an "out- door" painter. In fact, temper- ature is never considered by this artist who thinks nothing of don- ning a fur-lined parka, heavy snow boots and finely knit thin, woollen gloves â€" and sitting out in weather 10 degrees below zero. in order to capture “a thing of beauty" on his canvas. Last summer he and his wife Marie vacttloned in the Bad Lands of South Dakota, where he painted two pictures a day, completing a series of watercol- ors that bring the haunts of Zane Grey starkly and majesti- cally to life for the viewer. HENRY W. Smith . by: Mona Robertson Richmond Hill extends a welcome to a prominent Canadian artist and his wife who recently came ‘to this town to live. They are Henry and Marie Smith, both ar. fists in their own line. ' f Christian Family Week Christian Family Week Services will be held in Temperanceville United Church with the Sunday school and church services being taken together at 9:45 am. by Rev. Ivan Kennedy. It is hoped that all families will worship to- gether on Mother‘s Day in this service. Any parents wishing to have their children christened at the service are asked to contact Mr. Kennedy during this week. Previously Mr. Smith had caught the picturesque quality The M. and M. fund of the Sunday school realized $2.34 when Mrs. D. Chalk told the first por- tion of a mission story in China. She will continue the story the first Sunday in June‘ Rev. Mr. Kennedy‘s sermon on Sunday, May 4. was based on Temperance. A special collection was taken to assist the Temper- ;ance Federation with their work. Many thanks to those who have so kindly placed flowers in the church each Sunday morning. The WA. and W.M.S. meeting will 'be held at the home of Mrs. W. Jennings on May 15 at 2.30 pm. The devotional will be given by Mrs. Jack Macklin. The roll call is a verse pertaining to mo- ther, The program convenor. will be Mrs. Ray Jennings and the lunch committee. Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Hutchinson. The W.I. meeting will be held at 8 pm. May 14 at the home of Mrs. Nelson Thompson. The pro- gram convenor is Mrs. Gordon Baldwin. Topic - United Nations. Roll Call - Name a World Probâ€" lem. Report 01 sick committee. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS. R. R. 3 KING Phone PR. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS of Provincial Quebec, on can- vasses that radiate the romance of early Canadian history. Penn- sylvania, with its primly beauti- ful countryside; Parry Sound and Muskoka scenes; and the; cool stateliness of the Laurentians have all been captured by this artist who is no less proficient fl} his painting of teeming city e. Recently Mayor L. D. Jackson of Hamilton, commissioned Mr. Smith to. paint a view of the City Hall, and also a scene from the Central Market as viewed from the mayor‘s window high above the street. We had the pleasure of view- ing the City Hall picture “in the making” ,and Mr. Smith told us this was the second time he had used this subject. The first paint- ing was bo’ught‘ear‘lier this year, along with about two dozen others by art connoisseurs. Another commissioned painting we view- ed showed the demolition of the old City Hall; a previous study of this work was used by the Smiths for their Christmas cards last year. Marie Smith shares her hus- band’s enthusiasm and interests. being an artist in oil-painting herself. Marie paints only com- missioned portraits and is already hard at work on a portrait of 'a young local girl. However, she says she has Just enough art work to keep her busy, along with managing their beautiful split-level home and seeing that her husband Henry has a re- laxed atmosphere in which to pursue his painting career. We hope Henry Smith will find many scenes of beauty and interest to paint in this new 10- calehe and his wife have chosen to adopt â€"â€" and if, some winter’s morn, one spies an artist busy over an easel with the tempera- ture soaring down, down the scale, don‘t worry, Henry Smith is used to such things, and you can bank on it the watercolors will respond to his masterful touch perfectly â€" since he tells us he uses a 50-50 mix of water and methyl-hydrate â€"â€" just for this purpose. Current events by Mrs. H. Hut- chinson. Hostesses, Mrs. Wilbert Jennings, Mrs. Norman Bumble and Mrs. Don Chalk. Collect Magazines Realizing the interest taken by members of this community in the children of our schools we are requesting that any who may have National Geographic or Life magazines to dispose of. please contact Mrs. Blackburn at PR. 3-5713 after five o'clock or take them to her classroom -â€"_ the schoolhouse. Teacher and Seniors ‘Go Fishing‘_ Ten boys Ifrom Temperance- ville Senior classroom had a mar- vellous week-end when Mr. Gill- ham, their teacher, and Mr. Ted Little took them to Beaver Val- ley on a camping trip. Fully equipped‘ withcamping equip- ment and fishing tackle and bait they set out on this venture and had a wonderful time. Those who went were: Nickie Henshaw. Jimmy Chalk. Bobby Macklin, Wayne and Sandy Boys, Johnny Little. George Riddel. Nickie McLennan. Ronny Barber and Jimmy Reed. Needed At David McLean Ltd. 4 More Salesman Last Friday was Arbor Day. and what memories it brings back! Feverish anxiety to get the school yard cleaned up, and then to go fishing! This past week in passing the school we noted great business with teacher and pupils; but a day or two later heard many regrets that the “swinging branches” on one of the trees had become a casualty ofrtheAday. Congratulations on his four- teenth birthday are in order for Albert Johnston. Due possibly to anniversary services at Brown's Corners last Sunday, attendance in Headford Sunday school was rather low; but we are looking for much bet- ter things for next Sunday, which is Family Day. There will be a joint service, with the children taking a prominent part in the service. Parents who do not us- ually attend are asked to make a special effort to be present. so this can be a real Family Day. Children are asked to be in Sun- day school by a quarter to ten, in order to get organized for their positions in the choir. .The Cancer Campaign for this area is over now, and your can- vasser extends to all who con- tributed a very sincere thank you. Arbor Day There was an enthusiastic if not large meeting of folk inter- ested, in the Vacation School in ~Headf0rd Church on Monday ev- ening. The project this year is to finance the sending of “Pictures of Jesus" throughout the world. Many plans were made and some details settled. The period of the school is from July 14 to 18. It was decided to hold the next ex- ecutive meeting on Monday. June 2, at eight o‘clock in Headford Church. Lorraine Acreman, with other members of her bowling team, was guest on Tuesday at The Granite Club. Headford W.A. will hold its Annual church service on Sun- day eve, May 11I at 7.30 p.m., when the guest speaker will be Dr. Margaret Arkinstall, presi- dent of York Presbytery W.A. Special music will be by members of the choir of Victoria Park United Church, whose minister is Rev. Don Tansley. Cancer MAY 8. 9 Thurs., Fri. INDIAN FIGHTER (Cinemnscope) (Technicolor) Kirk Douglas Elsa Martinelli MAY 10. 12 Sat” Mon. ACROSS THE WIDE MISSOURI MAY 13. 14 Tues., Wed. Correspondent: Mrs. H. Acreman R. R. 2 Gormley. Ont. Phone TUrner 4-2236 HEADFORD GOODBYE MY LADY HOUSE OF BAMBOO SHARKFIGHTERS ADVENTURES OF HAJJI BABA Elaine Stewart (Technicolor) (Cinemascope) Cartoon Walter Brennan Cartoon (Technicolor) Victor Mature (Technicolor) (Cinemascope) (Adult) Robert Ryan Robert Stack (Technicolor) Clark Gable John Hotlink Cartoon anniversary Corners last in Headford rather low; his foui- order for Happy birthday to Phillip Red- dy, Glen Cameron Ave., who cel- ebrated his eighth birthday on May 2; to Donna Hudema, Clarke Ave., who will celebrate her e1- eventh birthday with a weiner roast at her home on May 10; to Steven Cowley who celebrated his seventh birthday with a party at his home on Henderson Ave.. on May 6. Friehds and neighbours‘of Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Morgan mm, vun be glad to hear that the baby is The Doncaster Rate ayers are holding a meeting at enderson Ave., school, on Tuesday, May 13, at 8 o'clock. Come out and siupport your ratepayers associa- ton. Socials Doncaster Community Ladles' club is holding a euchre at the Thornhill Public School. Monday, May 12, at 8 o’clock. A donation will be made to the school for retarded children from the pro- ceeds. This will be the playoff for the marathon. also tables of progressive euchre. Highest score turned in for the third week of the marathon was won by Mr. H. Mizen and partner Mrs. Meyers. Their score was 112. Euchre AV. 5-4991 DONCASTER One of these two is best {gr you! Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-2288 No other new car has ever brought you so much for so little! Values like Safety-Girder construction . . . foot-operated parking brake . . . matchless luxury and much more besides . . . standard equipment you just can’t buy on others in Chevy’s field. That’s why Chevrolet is Canada‘s first choice by far. And that’s why your dealer can offer you spectacular volume savings during his Spring Sales Spectacular. Trade today, while value’s at its peak! OLDSmobility is the new way to go, and Canadians everywhere are going OLDS in a big way! Yes Olds- mobile’s stupendous sales success is so great that your dealer is holding a Spring Sales Spectacular to celebrate. It‘s Open House on value. Come in and sec. Thrill to all that OLDS offers you . . . Rocket engine performance . . . choice of two superb rides . . . peerless glamour and prestige. Then find out how low Oldsmobile is priced . . . lower than many models in the so-called lowopriced field. Step up to Oldsmobile now. It‘s easy during the Spring Sales Spectacular . . . the trades are terrific! OVERWHEIMINO SALES SUOOESS FOR OIOSMOBIIE BRINGS AN OUTSTANDING BUYING OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU! CHEUY’S SPECTACULAR VOLUME MEANS SPECTACULAR VALUE EUR YOU! ACT NOW AND SAVE! ‘ MOTORS LTD. YONGE ST. NORTH, RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-119: UXBRIDGE: A communication item the Department of Lands and Forests revealed that Ux- bridge Twp. did not qualify in its number of hunters. for a regu- lated game area. The census as taken by the department showed that in driving 425 miles through- out the township and spending 121 hours, only 56 hunters were observed. This fl ure works out to a percentage 0 .5%. A census in Peel county showed a percen- home after a long illness in the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Canvin and child- ren. Henderson Ave.. spent a pleasant week end with friends at the Lake, near Peterborough. Cancer Doncaster and Highland'l’ark Teenage Club met at Henderson Ave. School on Monday. May 5, and enjoyed an evening of .games and dancing. The next meeting will be on Monday, May 26. Mrs. Purves. campaign chair- man of the Canadian Cancer So- ciety, Richmond Hill Unit, ad- vises the Doncaster area of the Thornhill Branch. that the soc- iety is fully organized for cam- paign under Mrs. C. McCauley and Mrs. M. Legault. who will be calling for your contribution in this great humanitarian work. tage o! 7.7% THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, May 8. 1958 -0- .m-o-n»-I -- a, 5‘ m: .I-.“ . RICHMOND HILL COMMERCIAL i CLEANERS DOMESTIC â€" COMMERCIAL Floors - Walls - Windows 406 FERNLEIGH CIRCLE N. TU RICHMOND HILL Maintained in First Class Condition By week, month or contract Residents of the Township of Markham take notice that the Headford Dump will be open for your convenience on the following dates: May 2nd & 3rd, 9th 8; 10th, l61h & 17th. No decayed vegetable, dead animals, birds or inflammable material perrnitted. No old wire, please. Headford A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE w..o.o.o.o.n.u H. C. T. CRISP, Clerk TU. 4-3714

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