71 Centre Street East MILK - 2 qts. 35c LUMBER - LATHS - TRIM - SRINGLES - GYPROC ROOFING MATERIALS GRADE A BAYVIEW PLAZA HOMOGENIZED GRADE “A†LARGE ICE CREAM - all flavors - 35¢ per brick BAYVIEW BAR-B-Q 8: DELICATESSEN BUTTER - 59: lb. Sheppard and Gill Lumber Co., Ltd. Especially thanking George Sim of John Labatt Ltd., Mr. Beer of Loblaw’s Shopping Centre, Mr. Wilt Young of Young’s B-A Service tation, Mrs. W. Johnson, Mill St., Mr. Alan Rumble of Cruickshank Transport. THE MEMBERS OF THE FIRST RICH- MOND HILL BOY SCOUT GROUP COMMIT- TEE WISH TO THANK EVERYONE WHO HELPED MAKE THE KEG SALE A SUCCESS. EGGS - 47c doz. Charge to: Town: . .. Address: Times to run: ODDS and ENDS No Other Purchase Necessary Duties will include, repairing service installations, maintenance of water main hydrants and other ï¬xtures, assist in the supervision of the pumphouse, and generally maintain an adequate supply of water for the consumers. Applications should be made on forms supplied by the Township on or before the 16th day of May, 1958, to the undersigned. J. M. McDonald Applications will be received until Friday, May 16, for the employment of a. helper to the Waterworks Superintendent. If you can’t use them . . sell them through a classiï¬ed ad in “The Liberalâ€. Toys, clothes sports equipment, appliances and furniture are some of the odds and ends that can be turned into cash. To.order your ad call TU. 4-1105. 0r ï¬ll in the ad blank below and mail to “The Liberalâ€. Classiï¬ed Dept, P.0. Box 205, Richmond Hill. Township of Vaughan Friday 5 pm. to 9 pm. only THANKS 2V; doz. in a layer Two Layers to a Customer WATERWORKS Builders’ Supplies 4 quarts to a customer 2 lbs. to a customer SPECIAL Write ad below: Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Vaughan, Maple, Ont. . Tel.: TU. 4-136] TU. 4-3726 0 Last week the Concord boys team won the opening game when they defeated Jeï¬â€˜erson boys at Jefferson. The Maple girls’ team lost‘to the Jefferson girls. last year’s champions,‘ at Jefferson. Junior Fishing Day The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority is sponsoring a junior ï¬shing day on May 10, at the Albion Hills Conservation area and Jeï¬erson Public School has been invited to participate. On the basis of enrollment, the quota for the .school is two grade 8 students, the numbers being restricted so as many schools as possible could participate. The winner of the conservation quiz, supplied by the Authority as a basis of selec- tion were Peter Terry and Helen Anderson. Parents of children who plan to enroll in Grade 1 at Jefferson School in September, please see lhe notice in this edition regarda ing registration which will take place on Thursday. May 15. lst Jamal-son Brownies Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Saul were Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregory and family of New Toronto. Mabel Robert'son week-ended with her aunt. Mrs. M. Alexan- der. Jefferson P.S. Baseball The school is submitting to the Authority a book prepared by the senior room on conservation which is very well done and shows the tremendous interest the students have in this subject. Best of luck-on one of the prizes, Jefferson;- Registration On Monday evening, these la- dies met at the home of Mrs. E. Gamble {or their regular card night. Winners were Vi‘ Gam~ ble. Margaret McFee an?! Je‘ssie Hall. Socials We hope that little Carol Hall- gren. who underwent an opera- tlon on Tuesday is progressing favorably. A very successful Mother and Daughter Banquet was held on Tuesday night, April 29, at the home of Mrs. I. Petersen, when the Brownies of the lst Jefferson pack and their mothers were the guests of the Local Association. They enjoyed a delicious meal of cold meats. salads, ice cream and cake. There were two large cakes which caught everyone's eye as they came in, beautifully decorat- ed, with the name of the Brownie pack written across each one. The tables were very attractive with bouquets of flowers and at each place dainty cork animals the Brownies had made as place cards. ‘ ’Guesi Preacher Rev. E. W. Morley, Richmond Hill, who for many ye9rs was rec- tor of St, Paul‘s Runnymede, and who is at present assisting at St. Mary's Anglican Church. Richmond Hill. will be preaching on Sunday next at St. John’s An~ gllcan Church, Jefferson. Monday Niters iRecently Mrs. D. Cracknell and Walter spent a day In Coiling- wood. / The evening branch of the Wo~ man’s Auxiliary of St. Johns An- glican Church, will meet this ev- ening at the home of Mrs. Stan Leno. ‘ ’Guesi Preacher The regular women's meeting of the Jefferson School Commun- ity Club was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Kerwin on Wednesday evening. April 30. Woman's Auxiliary Mrs. Ray Jackson, chairman of the Local AsSociation introduced the head table guests, the Brown Owl, Mrs. D. Gray, Mrs. H. A. Morrison ,Mrs. E. Ensor, Mrs. J. Smith, District Commissioner; Rev. D. C. H. Michell; Mrs. H. Currie, Divisional Commissioner; Mrs. F. Waters, Miss Rosemary Jackson and Miss A. Leary. ' Community Club After a toast to Her Majesty, Christine Ratchford proposed a toast to the Mothers which was replied to by Mrs. J. H. Pass- more, who expressed the apprec- iation of all the mothas for the wonderful job being done by the Brown Owl. Mrs. F. Waters. president of the Mothers' Auxiliary. presented a small gift from the auxiliary to Mrs. H. A. Morrison and Mrs. E. Ensor for their great interest in the Brownie pack. Christine Gray gave Miss Leary a nature study book for the school from the Brownies. Mary Jane Terry presented Rev. D. C. H. Michell with a gift from the pack. The Brownies presented their mothers with a brc‘och and earrings they had made themselves. Geraldine Sargent thanked the Local As- sociation and the Mothers' Aux- iliary for the wonderful time en- joyed by all. The 72nd annual meeting of the Toronto Diocesan Board of the WA. was held in Toronto May 5 to 7. The meeting started with Holy Communion service at St. James’ Cathedral with all subseâ€" quent gatherings at the Masonic Hall. Dayenport and Yonge. Mrs. an“ In a short but impressive cere- mony, Commissioner Smith pre- sented the Golden Bar to Sharon Gamble, Donna Wyman. Gerald- ine Sargent. Davalene Gray and Christine Lamont. After the grand howl and clos- ing hymn Jeanne Richards said a short prayer. S. C. Snively of St. John’s Church president of the Toronto Dioces~ an Board. presided at all the sesâ€" sions and others from the con- gregation present for some of the meetings were Mrs. G. Kers- well, Mrs. K. Williams, Mrs. Wil- cox. Mrs E. Sambrook, Miss Hoï¬'~ man. Mrs. Wm. Ball. \Ir. J. H. Passmore and Mrs. E. A. Terry. Group Committee Meets A heaittéhWh aonalso,a etao St. John’s Church The lst Jeffefsdn BBy Scout group committee met at the home of Archie McFee Monday night ,V_ i “_â€"_, “1°... to discuss boy scout activities for the summer. Others present were Harold Betts, chairman: Ivan Pet- ersen. Reg. Williams. Tim Saul and R0 ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Correspondent: The Evening Branch of tho Woman'n Auxiliary of St. John's Anglican Chunk TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-153‘ M. Enact present. Monday, May 12. will see the former cubs being promoted to scouts at a sgeclal ceremony to be held in t e new Jefferson school at 7 pm. Parents and oth- er interested adults are invited. Support Scouting In Your District Many friends of Scouting are either working to help our boys by acting as leaders, serving on group committees, providing transportation, camping gear and many other items -â€" you can help by sending in your small contri- bution in answer to the appeal made some weeks ago. Let’s keep the young boys in the scouts where they will learn to become good citizens of the community. He was at church and Sunday school earlier in the day. Mark’s many Carrville friends wish him a speedy recovery. School News On Friday, the Carrville public schol baseball team and support- ers went to Patterson school and played a game. The score was 11- 8 in favour of the home team. Patterson will play in Can-ville this Friday. ’ The group committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the many friends who have already sent their contributions. also the Mothers’ Auxiliary for their continuous support. On Sunday at Carrvlle United Church, Robert Ernest Bone. son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bone was baptized. Sund y, May 11, is Mother’s Day. he Sunday school will hay? a_ Mg'ther’s Day program‘ Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton telephone Maple 130R3 Church News Mark Kirk undefwént van zip- pendectomy at Newmarket Hos- pigzgl late Sunday evening. Mr. de'Waax and Mr. Wilson are at Carrville School this week frog} I'II‘qronto Tegchers’ Cpllege. Birthday greetings to Bever- ley Morris and Mrs. J. A. Baker who celebrate birthdays on May 11. Belated greetings to Gary Broom who celebrated his ï¬fth birthday on April 17. Kathy Wood was four years old on April 27 and Jill and Jane Nunn, Donna Ley, Margaret Jean Broom and Johnny Walsh helped her cele- brate. Karen Wood will be ï¬ve years old soon. Socials Fathers of the scouts have been invited to the ï¬rst camp and sev- eral have indicated they wish to joi}; with the boys in the fun. _ Your son can still join the cubs or scouts for the summer activi- ties. Have him check with the boys in school for particulars. Leaping Walt Ceremony Mrs, A. Hayter visited one day last; week in Richmond Hill with Mrs. C. Salter. ed plans for overnight camps for the 10 scouts and 18 cubs who comprise the lst Jeï¬erson troop. It was decided to have the ï¬rst camp on the week end of May 24 for the scouts and probably alter- nate with the cubs thereafter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. David Burton of Beverley Acres to the Orange Home and helped take part in a party for the children there. I ‘ Mr. a'nd Mrs.'Douglas Bone ent- ertained at dinner on Sunday, following the christening of their young son Bobby at the Carrville church. 'Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. E. Bone and Miss Evah Sheppard anld Bobby's brother; Donnie. . Little Miss Judy Kirk of Tor- onto is holidaying this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Macbeth and Mr. and Mrs. Alastair Todd and son Keir have arrived from Perth. Scotland, and are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McEwen and Bob and expect to stay In Canada for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DelBrocâ€" co attended the wedding of Yale DelBrocco and Sandro Capogna, on Saturday at St. Edward’s Ro- man Catholic Church, Lansing. Several other Carrville families attended also. Gretta Middleton celebrated her eleventh birthday on May 6. and had as her supper guests Mr. and Mrs. Bob Middleton and son Glen of Doncaster. as well as her sister Nancy and mother and dad. Lawn & Gax‘den Equipment P.S.: While the supply lasts. STAN TROYER is STILL GIVING AWAY a FREE David McLean Ltd. Need 4 More Salesmen Toy Mower with the pur- chase of any one of his good Lawn or Garden Machines. That‘s STAN TROYER’S. Yonge St. 2 miles north of RICHMOND HILL At the STAN TROYER’S CARRVILLE SEE PAGE 3 Names of the Winners Big Snowman. for the Mr. Harrison stated the place would be cleaned up and placed under proper supervision. He understood the property could not be sold but a long lease could be obtained which would warrant the erection of a structure and a new foundation. Council did not have any pet!- tion but some discussion took place which indicated that any request would be refused. letter laid over for future attention. Refreshment Booth Douglas Harrison of the Aurora Dairy and Mr. Kilpatrick attend- ed council to inquire if a request for a license to operate a refresh- ment booth on the old dance hall grounds at Lake Wilcox. location known as Willow Beach. would receive favorable consideration from council. Don't Want Permanent Residents Willow Beach To Be Cleaned Up Mrs. Gibb stated that at pres- ent the property was used for locatiOn of boating parties com- ing to the lake with boats on trailers, swimming was also tak- ing place without much‘regatd to _proper costume. She stated these boating par- ties arrive every Sunday and re- main the entire d?" 3"" <-<m times into the night. The loca tion appeared one that provided easy access to'launch a boat. She would be very glad to see the property under some control. L. J. Harper addressed coun- cil on behalf of Mr. Cappe who is the owner of some 19 acres of land on which he wishes to Council received a communi- cation from Messrs. Harries. Housser & Jones on Thursday night, stating they were the So- licitors for the Preston Lake De- velopment Co. and it had come to their attention that a petition was being circulated requesting council to amend the bylaw mak- ing the area one in which resi- dents might reside the entire year. The subdivision contains 71 building lots, all but six have been sold but only some twenty homes have been constructed, and few of the class necessary {or permanent residence, the re- mainder for summer months only and each deed issued deï¬n- itely states that summer use only is permitted. The solicitors stated the com- Plny would be agreeable it the majority of the owners signed the petition. Council gave Mr. Harrison every encouragement that an ap- plication for a license would re- ceive favorable consideration. Wgecking Yard Sturdy 2 HP. engine with rope start. Large size discharge and, side trim. Cuttingheights adjustable from 1 inch to 2% inches Smartly styled for home and garden use. TU-tone. durable red and green enamel ï¬nish. Seamless rolled edged tray for additional strength. New styled handles give additional support to the tray. 2% cubic ft. capac- ity, 10 x 1%" semi-pneumatic, puncture-proof tire. Regular Prile $9.98 Rust-proof cast aluminum, brass axle pin, permanently lubricat- ed. High quality ball bearing; used for smooth, silent opera- tion, with patented locking fea- ture and anchor eyelet. Popu- lar sizes. Egg. price $1.30 -_5%_†cligm. Make your spraying ‘chores fast and simple with the help of these two tank spraï¬rs. Steel tanks welded and galvanized for your protection. Cannot rust, easy ï¬ll funnel top. Adjustable spray nozzles. Choose the size your require and save dollars. Reg. price $8.50 13:2 gal. capacity ALUMINUM BALLBEARING Clothes Line Pulley’ Sï¬ring 'Spec. $1.39 Regular p_rice {3,75 31/; gal.. capacity 119g. price $1.75 Spiing Sbec. $6.99 Sbfing- Sbec. $8.95 Sï¬r-ing I Special 99c OWING TO POPULAR DEMAND RICHMOND HILI. HARDWARE LAWN BOY Power Mowers $56.95 - $89.95 DON'T MISS THESE FINAI. WEEK BARGAINS TOWN & COUNTRY Wheel Barrow HUDSON “WINNER†Tank Sprayer Deal contains 3 of the most useful garden items. 50 ft. length Plastic Garden Hose with couplings; 1 solid brass Hose Nozzle; 1 only all metal Hose hanger. Regular price of all these items $3.39. Our Springtime Special price saves you money. REG. $3.39 'I'IJ. 4-2101 We Are Continuihg Our Sale Of Spring Specials For Another Week Homeowner’s Special Combination Offer 63/2" diam $8.49 FROM THE WOODBRIDGE NEWS : Since cooling of milk slows up bacterial action and per- mits the milk to remain fresh for a longer period. Marvin Beach of Kemptville Agricultural School advises that milk should be cool- ed as soon as it is taken from the cows and should be kept at a temperature of 50 degrees {ah- renheit or lower until used. A simple method of cooling milk is to set the cans in plenty of water 45 degrees or lower. Each lot of milk should be cooled separate- ly as warm milk added to milk already cooled may produce an oil flavour. Council referred the matter to property committee to arrange a time for inspection and report at next meeting. operate a wrecking yard. It was claimed the property was high and well above the road. Mr. Cappe made the usual clalm that the property which at present was very neglected would be turned into a beauty spot. He stated the house on the property, vacant at present and unï¬nished, would be completed. Mrs. Gibb advised council that a similar situation existed at Wil- cox Lake as a builder by the name of McLean was building for permanent dwalling. She stated Building Inspector Smith had visited the property and warned the purchaser that it was not in accord with the Land Use Bylaw. gm\nun\lul\luimmmu\ununmummmummnu\\\ummmuumumuumunuumunuumuuumtmmumlllm\lmumumunummmu\mnmu\mmmmmun\umummnmmmmmmm“\\\\\\\\1\\\\\\1\\\\\\\§ 1st Girl â€" $15.00 and cup 1st Boy -â€" $15.00 and cup 2nd Girl â€"- $10.00 \ 2nd Boy â€"- $10.00 3rd Girl â€"- $5.00 3rd Boy -â€" $5.00 a“mummummymnn\u\mmmmm1nuunumummmmmmmmummmmm\m\mnumumumumumumu\ummum\lunmumummmuummmmmmnmnmmummm Set consists of 1 large family size plastic dish drainer, made strong and durable. Will not scratch or mar your ï¬nest china. Plastic drain tray to match - light. easy to handle and clean. Rounded sides assure quick draining. Reg. Price $3.18 set. Turquoise, Yellow or Red This is a handy item around the home or cottage or car. Cleans windows in a jiffy. 6" replace- able cellulose sponge and flex- ible rubber blade. Easy grip wood handle. Reg. price 590 49c Reveal the hidden original beauty of your car with this easy to use long lasting paste wax. The only car wax with the bullt-in-cleaner. Just wash and J-Wax. $1.95 8†tempered drop forged steel blades ï¬rmly attached to smooth wood handles. Excellent value. Regular price 32.19. Dish Drainer and Tray Combination Polished drop forged steel head. Well ï¬nished straight grain hickory handle. Weight 16 02. Regular price $139. Siting Spec. $1.79 Spring Spec. ‘Scï¬ï¬hï¬g‘rmsiiéé. $1.59 CHEESECLOTH WITH .. Johnson’s J-Wax Window Cleaner .REXDALE N311 Hammer REXDALE Hedge Shears Labatt’s Safe Driving Tests Available for Everybody. RICHMOND HILL LIONS TEENAGE SAFE DRIVING ROADEO Monday, May 19, 1958 Starting time 9 AM. PLACE - LOBLAW’S PARKING LOT “Trim-Eze†18†Rotary Mower DELIVERY TWICE DAILY Applicants must have a driver’s licence and be under 20 years on June lst,1958 , Application forms may be obtained from the Richmond Hill Police Department and should be returned not later than May 10, 1958 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 8, 1958 Under Supervision of Richmond Hill Police'Dept. $2.59 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill 24 YONG! ST. S. Hose Nozzle Polished Chrome plated. The perfect nozzle for varying streams of water. SQUEEZE â€" it's on, RELEASE - it's off! Regular price4$1.29._ At last a clothes line hoist that is really easy to operate Yes - this hoist is equipped with ball bearings in the pulley also in the runner. 3’2†galvanized pipe. Special braided cord and many other special features. Very easy to lnstal}. Reg. price $7.95 Sbriflg Special 95c 2 gallon Gasoline can. 8" re- versible spout, leak-proof con~ struction, dust top seal and ï¬lter screen. Rustproof. Ideal for power mowers. outboard motors, automobiles, etc. Regular price $1.98. Spring Spec. $1.7 9 Now any homeowner can do house painting like a profession- al with this complete Paint Roller Kit. All metal. easy to clean non-tip tray, 7%†mohair Roller: Reg. §1.98. Finished in smooth soft lustrous White, complete with heavy chrome plated cast brass hinge. Solid moulded seamless conâ€" structlon ensures long life. This is a real special for the budget- minded home owner. Spring: Spec. $1.39 Spring Spec. $4.79 Spring Spe_c._ $5.99 Clothes Line Hoist Emergency Can If the merchandise in your store is no. moving out as rapidly as you think it should. why not take a new look at advertising possibilities?. You need to get out the news that you have this merchandise for sale, and you need to quote prices. This large circulation makes a tremendous im- pact on the public, and it produces results that are felt in your cash register as it rings up additional sales. The best medium to reach the. mom. of Rich- mond Hill and districtds The Liberal. your local news- paper. Our circulation in the district runs over 5200 copies every issue. If you are not now using the Libflal’s advertis- ing columns. we invite you to take a new look down our way. and let us help you. Home Paper of the District Since 1878 63 Yonge Street South Richmom Take A NEW LOOK! Paint Roller Kit Lever Spray Toilet Seat PRIZES OIbe liberal TU. 4-1105 TU. 4-1106 SPRING SPECIAL Opens like an umbrella. very easy to turn. Heavy steel cen- tre post and ground tube, gal- vanized for your protection. Cast Aluminum caps and drying arms. Blue plastic rayon core line that cleans in a flash. 150' drying area. Reg. price $16.95. A new model featuring extra strength, perforated steel top. lightweight. fully adjustable. 12 easy height adjustments 24" and 36†which offer comfort stand- ing or sitting down. Top ï¬nish- ed in beige with tan rubber tip- ped legs. Will not slip or scratch Reg. price $9.95. ' Spring Spec. $8.49 Syprwing Sprec'. $13.50 Beautiful decorated 8 cup pyrex Carafe with wrought iron can- dle warmer. graceful design with black bakelite handle and cover. Keeps coffee piping hot right at the table. Perfect for making Instant Coffee. The ideal gift for weddings. show- ers, etc. Reg. price $7.95. Covers large rectangular lawn areas, uniformly, simple split second control, gets into cor- ners, eliminates overlap and wet sidewalks. Made entirely of non-corrosive Aluminum, Zinc, Brass and Nylon. The low- est priced sprinkler oi this type on the market today. $6.95 Sbting "Spec; $4.75 $2.89 Pyrex Carafe Set COMPLETE .RID-JID Ironlng Board ALUMINUM Clothes Dryer MELNOR SWINGING Spray Richmond Hill