Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1958, p. 7

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The Ontario Men’s and Women’s championships {\will be held by the local track club at the Ontario Lea- dership Training! Camp, Lake Couchiching, on June 7. It is expected to attract 200 top athletes from all 6ver '56 Dodge Suburban, radio ’56 Dodge 4-Door Sportone ’55 Dodge Suburban, radio ’54 DeSoto Sedan '53 Pontiac Sedan ’53 Fords (2) ’53 Plymouth Suburban With the election of executive for 1958-59 season, the popular “Tubby” Barrow will head the “Little” N. H.L. as president, Johnny Gropp as secretary, Matt Kinnari as treasurer, Eric Charity as convenor of junior pee wee teams, and Bob Jackson as convenor for the senior pee wees. The members of the executive‘ will go all out in benefitting' all boys playing in the will go all out in benefiting all boys playing in the lowing of fans in games played on Saturday afternoons at the local arena. WM. NEAL The executive committee had a fine turnout with Dr. J. Wynne, Bill Babcock, Bill Boone. George Rut- ledge, Howard Whillans, Metro Kozak, John Munroe and Pete Savage present. “LITTLE” N.H.L. ‘The Richmond Hill‘ Lions‘ Club has given the “Little” N.H.L. fullest support and donate all the ice time throughout the season. SOFTBALL Sil Stefian, Secretary of the Richmond Hill Soft- ball Association, announces that Dynes Jewellers Inter- mediate Team will have another hustling ball aggrega- tion this season. Dynes are in a fast league of Inter- mediate “B” ball. This calibre of softball should rate good attendance at the local ball park. They will play their home games under the floodlights on Monday evenings. Away games will be played on Thursdays. Several new faces will be seen in this year’s lineup. They include Moe WilliamSon, who after a year’s ab- sence will return. Moe is a great favourite with local fans. Matt Kinnari who played several games last year, is expected to become a regular this season. The Markham Township League will have strong entries this season. All the teams will be strengthened tremendously, with the idea of entering in Ontario Sen- ior Softball Association playoffs. R. HILL & DISTRICT INTERMEDIATE SOFTBALL FOR A GOOD DEAL SEE Two outstanding athletes from the local track club will go to Saskatoon to compete in the British Empire Game Trials on June 20 and 21. Marian Munroe, youthful girl speedster of the Richmond Hill High School, who had a very successful year in 1957, estab- lishing a couple of new records, is one of these young stars. John Passmore, one of Canada’s brightest pros- pects in hurdle events, who has broken all existing records, will also attend. The Richmond Hill Track Club will endeavour to send 30 athletes by bus to participate in the Eastern Canadian championships at St. Lambert, Quebec, on Friday and Sgturdey,_Jpne 27 and 28. With the ever-increasing number of registrations this season, it has been decided there will be eight teams in/the junior pee wees, and a possibility of extra teams in’the senior pee wees” with a record 300 or more Iegistrations, expected .this coming season, extra ice‘ time will be necessary. ' ""ifhé 16w? track" oliib 6m! open the spring training program at the local high school on Monday, May 12, at 7 pm. Anyone wishing to obtain an Amateur Athlet- ic Union card and membership in the club, should see Pete Savage. ' Ontario: RICHMOND HILL TRACK CLUB A number of important track and field meets have been lined up for the month of June, Secretary Pete Savage of the Richmond Hill Track Club, announced to an executive meeting on Monday! April 29: _ With all teams having played several exhibition games, the Richmond Hill and District Intermediate League is lacking a few good umpires. This is its s‘ecâ€" ond year of operation. ‘All games should have a quali- fied umpire, other than a player. A few bad calls could cost a team a chance of winning an important game. Anyone interested in umpiring games played on Mon- day, Tuesday and Thursday evenings should contact J. Tovell at TU. 4-4026, Bill Costoff at TU. 4-1471 or Norm Heintzman at PR. 3-5248. SOUTH VAUGHAN LEAGUE South Vaughan League will be well represented this season with each team having a manager, coach and director. Vellore who won the championship last year will be managed by Harry Madinsky, coached by Alf Roberts and director Tom Taylor, past president of the league. Pine Grove, eliminated in the finals by Vellore, will be managed by Herb Hardwick, Coach Pete Abels, and Director Ken Thorpe. Woodbridge, the new entry in the league is represented by Bill Taylor. Ron Burns and H. Cooper. Concord 'is managed by Ernie Bokus, coach Ray Locke, director Cliff Glandfield. Clair- ville is managed by Herb Wooden, president of the league this year, coach Ken Tawse and director Gard Baggwl‘lope is coached by Bill Thomas and director Roésâ€" Kirby: MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Dodge-DeSoto Dealer TU. 4-209] RICHMOND HILL Sports Review non. AV. 5-84” ll- McKean Army,Navy,Air Force League April 29, 1958 Final Standings After Playoffs Group 1: (Champs) Tit-for- Tats 6387 pins, (Runners-up) 6065 pins. Blowers 5983 pins, Flunkers 5688 pins. Group 2: Satellites 6264 pins, The Underdogs 6190 pins. The Slobs 8122, Go-getters 5653. Trophy Winners Men‘s high average, Al Oper. snik 205. Ladies' high average, Fran Stanway 199. Men's high 3 flat, Clare Tomlinson 879. Ladies‘ high 3 flat, Anne Gilchrist 797. Men's single flat. John O‘Connor 341. Ladies‘ singleiflat, Pat Green 318. Men's high single with ham dicap, Frank Thomas 339. Ladies' high single with handicap, Yv- onneTomlinson 328. Men‘s high 3 with handicap. Bob Dobson 785. Ladies' high 3 with handicap. Nora Thomas 765. We‘ll see you all May pm. at Woodbridge Leg David McLean Ltd. Need 4 More Salesman ' 23 at 1 ion Hall Frank Mahovalich presented the Mack McDermott trophy to Terry Maddeaux. captain of the winning Bruins Team. in the jun- ior pee wees. Frank, an eligible bachelor, was presented with a bouquet of roses, in appreciation of his being present, and he prov-' ed a great hit with the boys. an- swering all their questions. Jim Morrison, with an injured hand encased in a cast. gave a fine address on the subjects of hockey and education. Of the ut- most importance, education al- ways comes first. Only one boy out of every 15,000 players makes the grade in the NHL. Jim pre- sented the Butler and Baird Tro- phy to captth Rickey Bradshaw of the Leafs. who won the senior pee wee championship. Jimmy was presented with a bouquet of roses for his wife. A large crowd of “Little” NH. L. players jammed the Richmond Hill Lions Hall on Friday, May 2. ‘representing 12 teams in junior and senior pee wees. The coaches were on hand. taking an active part in the evening's entertain- ment. as the final wind up of the season got under way. Johnny Gropp, popular referee of the league games all season, was mas- ter of ceremonies. Johnny’s quick wit and pleasing personality were appreciated by all those present. He introduced two popular play- ers of the Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Club. Frank Mahovalich prize rookie of the year and the first Leaf player to win the Cal- der Trophy since 1946-47. Jim Morrison. star defenceman for the Leafs was also present. In the presentation of trophies Johnny Gropp stated. he would like to see all boys win a trophy, as they were worthy of it. It was a hard choice in selecting the most sportsmanlike player. combined with ability, as there RICHMOND BOWL MEN’S LEAGUE Gunnar’s Tailors Champions The final ball of the season has been rolled inthe Richmond Bowl Men‘s League and a good time was had by all. A stag ban- quet was held at the Ridge Inn on Saturday, April 26. which had Gord. (Fuzz) Tonner as M.C., who presented the trophies and prizes with the finesse of a pro. Fun and Satire were delivered by Bruce Murray of Dynes Diam- onds. who gave a comical play by play description of the lea~ gue’s entire season which had everybody in stitches. Honored guests were Mr. Vern Dynes, (Dynes Jewellers), Mr. Gunnar Soderberg .Gunnar's Tailors), and Mr. Ned Hill (Richmond Bowl). The annual team trophy was presented to the winning team by Mr. Soderberg, captain- ed by Norm. Bowen of Rlchvale, Bill Bowen. Mal Larocque, Al Larocque. Terry Hemming, Mor- ty Charles. This was also accom- panied by a beautiful set of en- graved cuff links donated by Gun- nar's Tailors. The consolation winners were J. Marchiori Car- l[:entter, captained by Lionel Gil- er . The executive was elected for the comin season with George Lusignan, resident; Ron Biggar Secretary: and Lionel Gilbert. Treasurer being elected. NORTH END LEAGUE May 3. 1958 Irene Leech Wins High Average Amid gaiety and excitement, the annual banquet and dance was the setting for the awarding of trophies ant} several door prizes. Individual winners: High aver~ age: Irene Leech, Bob Karsh. High triple flat: Jessie Hill, Fred Darlington. High triple with han- dicap: Marion Bennett. Roy Lund. High single flat: Pat Linstead, Art \Gibson. High singles with haf/{icapz Laura Darlington, Ran- dy usselman. Juan Lopez Wins Match WithGideen A new trophy given for most points added to averages during the season and known as “Bow1~ er of the Year" was won by Win Young and Lorne Hill. Series Winners: lst Series. 12 Sr. 8. Jr. N.H.L Teams Represented‘At Banquet Gideon Gideen and Juan Lop- ez went at it again Tuesday night at the market, with Lopez coming out on top this tilme and retaining his title n a close hard- fought battle. This match could have gone either way with first one and then the other having the advantage. Lopez, the great opportunist grabbed Gideen when he was foolish enough to turn his back to argue with the refer- ee. They can say what they like about Lopez, but he is a real champion, what a terror he must have been in his prime. In the other bouts the Jennings 1Bros‘, those honest upright citi- ‘zens of Subury, lost to Paul La- chance and Freddy Labeile when they were thumbed to the show- ers for using the tag team rope to subdue the Frenchies. Donl Mangotich proved too strong for Teddy Clague and drop-kicked his way to a Win over the popular Richmond Hill ‘uoy. In the opener Grant Wyl- der of Aurora pulled a big upset by beating Billy Foster in 24 minutes. \Vylder received a good minutes. \Vylder'received a good hand from the standing room only crowd because of his pleasing win. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING QUICK RESULTS PHONE TU. 4‘1105 Bowling Scores lst Series, Seated at the head table, along- side Frank Mahovalich and Jim Morrison. were Jim Ley, who has been very active in the operation of the arena all season; Bob Jackson. Johnny Gropp. Les Mar- kle and Jim McKean of "The Lib- eral" sports staff. Hot dogs, pop, Ice cream and pie. did a‘very quick disappear- ing act as all the Lads had ter- rific appetites. The wives of the coaches and executive members deserve a vote of thanks. The "Little" NHL. League donated crests to all players, the cgaches of the teams distributing t em. All the teams were represénted by their coaches. Leafs. Brian Mills; Boston, Bill McDougall; Rangers. Willy Beresford: Hawks Brian Wainman. and Wings, Norm Mabley. The Norm Stephenson Trophy for most sportsmanlike player, went to another Ranger player. Dean Wainwright of the junior pee wees. who was not able to be present for the presentation. Joe Boyer. who has done a wonderful job as timekeeper and scorekeeper. was thanked for his help. Mr. Boyer presented the "Robbie" Robbins Trophy to Jim Lawson of Rangers. for his out- standing sportsmanshlp and plaY‘ ing iability. Junior pee wees: Bruins. Tubby Barrow; Hawks, Don Thurston; Rangers, Jim Pollard; Canadians, Bert Windrum; Leafs, Bryden Ellis and Wings. Bob Ross. Rockets. Captain Irene Everatt; 2nd series, Pawnbrokers. Cap- tain Marie Musselman; 3rd ser- ies. Guided Missiles, Captain 11‘â€" ene Leech. Play-off winners, Gofors, cap- tained by Eleanor Cook; 2nd by Guided Missiles. were so many boys in both lea- gues who were eligible. However. the decision was a very popular one. In both sections this was the first year these trophies had been awarded. A miniature tro~ phy went to the players and a large trophy will be presented an- nually. Re-elected for a second season was the committee: President, Wilt Young; Treasurer, Norm Cook: Secretary, Bob Karsh. NATIONAL LEAGUE May 6. 1958 Esther Bell 207, Isobel Bon- ner 223, Glad Rowden 203, E1- vira Sparrow 220. Charlene Par- ker ‘219, Greta McKlbbon 206, Madge Nicholson 241, Addie Lund 229, Rene Morrison 208, Edna Maltby 234, Ivy Hartford 207, Muriel Taylor 213, Bai Der- rick 201. Doris Allison 214. Flor- ence Melkle 239, Edna Maybury 230, Anna Wilkie 210. I! t t * THORNHILL LADIES _ May 5, 1958 Bowler of the week: Kay Reid 7.01 â€" ga_n_1es 220, 246. 235. Enjoy your summer. See you all September 12. Winn Glen 234. Joy Pickthall 228, Beth Townsend 204, H. Will- cocks 249, Lots Curtin 249, Dot Anstey 238. Jean Simpson 203 M. Brotherhood 219, Jane Bali 245. ‘ High average: Dot Anstey 189. High single. Jean Simpson 287. High single, handicap: Emily E1- gie 308. High triple. Flora Mc- Mullrn 869. High triple handi- cap: Vera Moore 778. Winning cup team: Gutter-Kings. Emblematic of the Ont. Open Tag Team Qhampion- ships THORNHILL MARKET TUES., MAY 13, 8:45 P.M. Mue||er Gosselin FOR $100.00 CASH AND THE JOHN LABL'W“ TROPHY Morro Edwards ELIMNATIONS 2-3 FALLS - 60 MIN. LIMIT Brooks Gideen and N0 INCREASE IN PRICES and Foster White BIG JIM KROTCHER AURORA AND ONE OTHER BOUT Free Exhibition Parking VS “HAPPY” BOOTH V and and During the month of April. Conservation Oflicers in the Dis- trict have spent much of their time on enforcement duties. Main attention has been given to local fishing activities in spawning areas and the number of anglers who couldn’t wait un- til opening dates, have been ap- prehended, stated Senior Con- servation Officer J. S. Ellis. Midhurst Station Distributes Trout With the official 0.x. from SylVio Samson in the associatiOn headquarters at Montreal, match- maker Joe Greenfield has the fol- lowing teams llned up for the elimination tournament to decide on the Ontario Tag Team cham- pions, with the winner to get the John Labatt trophy and $100.00 From Sudbury, we have Wolf and Frank Jennings. Juan Lopez and Dam Mangotich, Karl Muel- ler and Orro Morro. Joe Green- field and Teddy Clague, Aledo Orlando and Wildcat Osborne. Paul Lachance and Freddy La- belle. From Quebec City, Gideon Gideen and Tommy White. Ston- ey Brooks and Basher Billy Fos- ter. with Alex Jensen and Jack Diamond the last to enter. Two tag teams a night will be run of! for four nights with the final night to be June 10 with, We cash Pike and Pickerel have com- pleted spawning and returned to safe waters Mr. Ellis stated. Rain- bow trout are still present in the streams and anglers should have good results during the sea- son. Speckled trout distribution from the Midhurst Rearing Sta- tion is now underway and good numbers of legal size trout are being introduced to suitable wa- ters. Aurora Highlands Elects President Jack. Rickaby Elimination Tournament To Decide Ontario Tag Team Championship Jack Rickaby, a prominent'res- ident of the town of Richmond Hill was elected president at the annual meeting of Aurora High- lands Golf Club. Other officers are: Vice-president. Charles MacKenzie; Captain, Gordon Ton- ner; Secretary. Leo T. Jansen; Treasurer, Wilbur Preston; Han- dicap committee, Verne Gunn; Entertainment committee. Fred Henney. The‘ married couples’ tourna- ment. which is the first event of the season will be played on June lst. WESTERN TIRE SPRING SPECIAL - . COMPLETE SAFETY CHECK 3. MOTOR. TUNE-UP only $9.95 WEEKLY Childrens' Softball Bat & Ball only $114 SPECIAL Cowhide Black Leather Glove $2.29 ALL NEEDED REPAfRS ’WILL BE ESTIMATED AND To'LD T0 CUSTOMER FUR APPROV- AL BEFORE REPAIRED. X Inspect tires for cuts, tread and inflate to proper pressure. XI Clean and space plugs. XII Check points and regap (replacements and parts extra) XIII.Clean and re-oil air cleaner. XIV Clean all battery terminals and tighten. XV Take compression test. " extra). IV Drain and flush cooling system. V Check condition of all radiator hoses and tighten connections. VI Fill Master cylinder and check for leaks. VII Inspect and adjust fan belt. VIII Inspect steering for worn or broken parts. IX Check operation of windshield wipers. Stop 22 A Yonge St. (between Thorn‘ hill and Richmond Hill) AV. 5-1031 All repairs guarameed and done by registered mechanics in our new repair shop. I ONLY GUARANTEED PARTS ARE USED IN OUR SHOP WE CARRYOA COMPLETE LINE OF INTERIOR & EXTERIOR HOUSEHOLD PAINTS, AUTO PAINTS & ENAMELS Wheel cylinders'for leaks. II Adjust brakes (Foot and Emergency). III Check operation of all lights and replace needed bulbs (bulbs I.Fr0nt brake drums removed, brake lining checked for wear and FORD 49-51-55-56 CHEV. 49-54 PLYMOUTH 46-52-55-56 Something for Eyery Member off the Family “The friendly étore that saves you more” hope, the Ontario Athletic Com- mlssioner Merv McKenzie. who will present the cash and the tro- P Y- For the first two tag team ev- ents Stoney Brooks and Basher Billy have drawn Gideon Gideen and Tommy White. Brooks, at his beefing best, declared that it was not a fair go to giVe their team Gideen and White right off the bat. “We should have at least drawn an easier team than these two." White said. “I think the drawing should have been done in public and not by Joe Greenfield. who is in this tour- nament himself." But right or wrong Basher Bill and Stoney have drawn Gideeh and Tommy White. In the other tag team Orro Moâ€" ro and tough Karl Mueller of Kitchener have drawn Maurice Gosselin and Eddie Edwards. Morro &the German were happy at the draw 'and announced to one/and all that there would be no more mistakes, “This time we Will get the cash and the tra- phyri.‘ Although Edwards and the lit- tle French star are not spectac- ular. they sure can get a lot done in a short time and they are very decelvlng workmen. Let's hope they can deceive Mueller and Morro. To balance out the card Big Jim Krotcher of Aurora will take on newcomer “Happy” Booth of Maple, Ont. and in the other bout a wrestler is being sought for Rocky Bowley, “the Moncton Hawk.‘ who has not appeared here for two years. Let us hope that he gets a good one. as we remember he is a pretty good grappler and should spice up the cards at Thornhlll. Competing for the $10,000 cash prize and the trophy during the next two~weeks of elimination bowling at the O’Connor Bowl, the eyes of the bowling and sports fans will be on ‘champlon Jim Hoult of Richmond Hill and his team. Last year. Jim Hoult won the trophy, together with the number one cash prize of $1,000, which was shared by the team â€"- as â€" under their “gentleman's agreement." all winnings by individual members of the team are pooled, so, good luck Jim and the rest of the team. This Pasquale Team â€"- consisting of Jim Hoult, Vic Bernard, Joe D'Orazio. Bob Taylor, Paul Shannahan and Billy Hoult â€"- should prove very strong contenders, es- pecially as they .are the “City Champs” in the City Major League playoffs. win- ning the Seagram _Gold Cup. Compete At O’Connor‘b‘owl FENDER SKIRTS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, Ontario, Thursday, May 8, 1958 OLDS 49-50-54-55 DODGE 46-52 MERC. 55-56 Telephone TU. 4-1650 Rudy Kloosterman AX. 3-6131 Town of Richmond Hill TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the T0wn of Richmond Hill intends to construct as a local improvement the grading and gravelling on: 1. Palmer Avetlue from Church Street to Ruggles Avenue, 'and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work: DATED at the Town of Richmond Hill this fifth day of May, 1958. NEW WORK â€"- ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS The estimated cost of the work is $6,300.00 of which $2,190.25 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot frontage is $3.10. The special assessment is to be paid in five equal annual installments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is 80.70c. Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may within 21 days after the first publication of this notice file with. the Board his objection to the said work being undertaken. The said Board may approve of .the said work 'being undertaken, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the said work will be considered. ROGER PROULX WELL DIGGING AND CLEANING WELL TILE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF COMPRESSOR WORK Free Estimates Gladly Given PLUMBING & HEATING R'CHMOND HILL R. LYNETI‘, w--~o.4. Ted DeBoer HU. 7-0093 62 Crosby Ave. Clerk

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