Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 May 1958, p. 8

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The May 12 meeting of Home and School promises to be one that shouldn't be missed. Install- ation of officers for 1958-9 will take place. Mrs. Kajola. who is Viceâ€"President for west area of York-Simcoe Council of Home and School Association will be present to install the new ofi’iP- ers. Also on the programme will be a film on water sports and water safety, supplied by, the Canadian Red Cross. Since the swimming and boating season is approaching, the association feels that everyone. especially those of us with families who love the water, should see this film. --- n F.-- The Mothers' Auxiliary is hav- ing" a travelling bake sale on Saturday. May 10. The Guides and Brownies will visit homes in the area with the baking, and the sale will end, of course. when all the baking is sold, Pro- ceeds will go toward supplies for the Brownie and Guide groups in the community. We urge all those who are visited to purchase some of the baked goods i0 that the mothers and the girs will be encouraged by their initial money-raising en- deavour. Home and School Brownies and Guidgg MAPLE ONT. SHUR-GAIN 20% Super Growing Mash Plus high energy scratch mixture containing at least 50% wheat and/or corn Maple, Concord & Edgeley Districts SHUR-GAIN 16% ALL-Mas“ Chick Grower WHICH OF THESE 2 SCIENTIFICALLY DESIGNED E SHUR-GAIN PROGRAMS IS BEST FOR YOURVCHICKS ? ersr DEVELOPMENT} (Medicated) FEED Mlll. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, Ontario, Thursday, May 8, 1958 SHUR-GAIN HIGH-EFFICIENCY PROGRAM When it's SHUR-GAIN now offers poultry farmers a choice of 2 scientifically Concord Socials SHUR-GAIN â€" you profit either way â€" get SHL'R-GAIN ______________.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"i , The Liberal is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord & Edgeley districts. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. R. Thompson, Maple 126.]; in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Kefier, AV. 5-2875: and in Edgeley. Mrs. James Ash, AVE-4002. designed programs. Make your choice! "Cu-.. .__°._- The senior room at Concord School is working on a conservaâ€" tion scrapbook contest sponsored by the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. They also entered a Conservation Quiz. Winners were Peter Voigt and Mary Ann Baker. Dcnuv: J'v" Now that spring has arrived everyone is thinking about out- door sports -â€" especially base- ball. This year both the senior teams are practising hard. hop- ing to win the trophies. The boys played their first game on Tues- day, April 29, at Jefferson. and were victorious 17-3. The girls‘ games began the follnwim! \venk. For the‘past two weeks the boys and girls have been playing m house league teams. .- 1 School News w-'f'h_eqé}1trire school is working on songs for the Woodbridge Music Festival. Bowling May 2 was the final game of the bowling season. Total pins were the count for the playofis and the following is the result: Concord Wildcats 3354. Edgeley Pinheads 3313. Edgeley Aces 3318, Conpord JetsA3018, Roy Esfiie won the match for the Wildcats with his last game total of 301, a job well done. Un- til then his team had only a 6-pin lead over the Pinheads. Our thanks go to Joan White, Herb Joslin and Alec Strachan of Map- 1e who counted playoffs for the league. We appreciate them giv- ing up an evening for us. Baseball ' Sunday. May 4. saw the “noble nine" of Concord emerge victor- ious over Vellore 12-9, in an ex- hibition game. Starting off with a few bad fumbles. the Concord team soon improved and played the rest of the game in their usual fine style. Thursday, May 8, Concord plays Clairville at Clairville. and we would like to ‘have a good turnout of spectators. Tuesday, May 13, Yellow plays at Concord. Since the boys have started off well. let's encourage them to keep up the good work by giving them our moral (and financial) sup- port. GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1880 The finest in floral designé and bedding plants. Phone Maple 2 Keele Street, Maple, Ont. and be sure This was the week for end-of- season bowling banquets. and the Maple Ladies Bowling League had theirs on Monday, April 28th, at the Community Centre. The Women's Institute catered a de- licious turkey dinner, which was followed by the presentation of trophies to the winning teams. "The Alley Cats." Cant. Fi'M Quinton, were presented with their trophy by Madeleine Brown, and each member of the team also received a small replica. “The Bakers,” Capt. Clare Baker, received the next trophy from Miss Brown, and “The Bets 6/7ths Capt. Betty Grahlman, and “The Rovers." Capt. Marg.’ Crook, were presented with trophies by Jean LaRiviere. These trophies all change hands each year. The M.R.A. trophy was also presented to a team of the six best lady bowlers, who competed for the trophy with Vellore, Edgeley and Maple Over 60’s league and came out the winners. Members of the team were D. Palmer, B. Ingram, ‘D. Cooper. M. Mains, C. Johnson and“ B. Rumble. The evening con- tinued with the playing of Court Whist, and for this Mar'g. Crook won first, Mary Darker second and Marilyn Watson the consola- tion prize. About 20 lucky prizes were also given out. ' SHUR-GAIN LOW-CAL PROGRAM The Men's Over 60’s Bowling League held their annual ban- quet at the Ridge Inn on Friday night. May 2nd. Following a de- licious chicken dinner, the men and their. “fives played euchre and crockinole. Prizes for euchre went to Mrs. H. Brian, first ladies, Mrs. A. Cameron, second ladies. Mr. H. Chapman, first mens and Mr. H. Brian, second mens‘ Mr. L. Kefl‘er and Mrs. F. Piercey won crockinole prizes. Church News St. Andrew’s Mission Band met at the home of Mrs. E. Kefier last Saturday afternoon ,with Marilyn Brice, Vice President, in the chair. Susan Scott read the scrip- ture, and the roll call was an- swered with “What I like about spring." Sharon Clegg read the story “Be Kind," and the study book was.“Flowers for Children’s Day." The next meeting. which will be the last for this season will be held May 315t. At this time the annual bale will be packed, and the roll call will con- sist of a gift for this bale. St. Paul's Vaughan Mission Band met at Vellore School on April 28th. WAyne Taylor read the scripture .and the roll call was “How to help a friend." Mrs. A. Cameron took the story en~ titled “Hana finds a friend.” 24 C.O.C. were given out at this meeting . _ - On April 11th. four Maple Scouts, Grant Meikle. Bill Kerri~ gan. Peter Davis and Noel Gill- ings ,were given their Leaping Wolf recognition certificates at SHUR-GAIN 20% Super Growing Mash Plus Oats Only (low energy) Allâ€"Mash Chick Grower (Medicated) PHONE 167 Maple, N095 Low-Cal. 16% SHUR-GAIN the Richmond Hill High School during a recognition ceremony of the York Summit Area. The Y Mn- ing Wolf badge is the highest honour a cub can get before gu- ing into scouts. At the meeting held on Tues- day evening .April 29th, at the Richmond Hill High School for the purpose oi forming a York County Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association. Mrs. John Martin of Maple was elected as one of the executive. Following the meeting the execuâ€" tive met briefly to set Thursday, May 8th. as their next meeting date. It is hoped to organize units in the various areas of York County in the near future. Congratulations to Mrs. Emily Rumble on her 79th birthday which she celebrated on April 24th. ' Mrs. William Clark of Mont- real ,wldowed sister of Mr. Wll- liam Ingram whose dear Wife Mina just died ,wlll spend a few weeks at the home of her broth- er in Maplg. Mr. Maclachlan introduced Mr. Perkjns, president of the Rich- mond Hill Unit, of which the Maple organization is a branch The branch treasurer, Mrs. R. St. Stephen's Anglican W.A. May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Barron this Fri- day evening, May 9th, at 8.30 pm. On Saturday. May 10th, start- ing at 2 pm. the United Church ladies will hold a Rummage and Bake Sale. _ The \whole Maple community was saddened to learn of the passing of one of its most beloved members iast Tuesday, April The branch president, Mr. Wills Maclachlan, presented to Mr. McDonald 8 large plaque on which were written all the names of his zone chairmen and can- vassers, thanking him for the expert leadership he had shown in organizing the campaign. The May meeting of the Maple Women’s Institute will be held May 14th at the home of Mrs. M. Palmer under the topic of agri- culture. The roll call will consist of the exchanging of plants or bulbs. 7- and Mrs. J. Leece will give the first of a series of studies of Canadian Provinces, this time Newfoundland. We were sorry indeed tto hear of the death of Mr .Lloyd Hamil- ton Hemphill on April 25th at his home in Nobleton. Mr. Hemp- hill was the brother of Ernie Hemphill and Mrs. A. Lawrie of Maple. The funeral took place at the Egan Bros. Funeral Home. Bolton, on April 28th. with in- terment at Nashville Cemetery. Maple Branch Of Cancer Society Visits 1,000 Homes - Raises $2,500 On Monday,-May 5, at the Map- le Community Centre the execu- tive of the Maple Branch of the Canadian Cancer society enter- tained the canvassers and thank- ed them for their work in the Aprjl fund rais_ing campaign. 11.... .-r... _V_V_, , , The master of ceremonies, Mrs. G. Miller introduced the cam- paign chairman, Mr. James Mac- Donald. Mr. MacDonald thanked his zone chairman and the can- vassers for their efforts and an- nounced that in visiting approx- imately 1,000 homes, they had raised $2500.00. Large Family And AII'Community Mourns Passing Of Mrs. Mina Ingram RICH BLACK PEA'I' Good brakes are a “must” for safe stops. Have the peace of mind of being 100% brake- sure. Come in for a brake check. If needed we’ll reline and adjus} them. Can You Count On Safe Stops? Hunt & Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Special rate for 10 yard load OUR RATES ARE REASONABLE QUALITY GUARANTEED Elgin Mills Loam & Sod Co. AV. 5-1514 TU. 4-3151 Boys' And Girls' Variety Concert Greatly Enjoyed A fine audience of parents and friends of the boys and girls of Maple United Church Sunday School responded to_the invitation A_J DLuuv. . ear“... of the teachers and officers and members of the school to attend a Variety Concert in the Christ- ian Education Centre last Friday night and they were treated to‘ a most interesting and enjoyable program. In the absence of Mr. M. J. Kmnee. Sunday School su- perintendent who was detained by other church business, Rev. A. G. Donald presided and ex- tended a hearty welcome to what he hoped would become an an- nual event under the auspices o the Sunday school. - The new Christian Education Centre, he pointed out, was ad- mirably suited for an affair of this kind and he felt that it was greatly to the benefit of the school to have the opportunity from time to time to entertain those who had sacrificed so greath to make such a centre possible. Later in the evening Mr. Kinnee spoke along similar lines, commending the teaching staff for their fine work on Sun- days and urging that the interest in the school’s activities be kept at a very high level. The funeral was conducted from the home of Mrs. A. W. Lawrie on Thursday afternoon, May lst, by Rev. C. H. Bowman and Dr. A. Wallace. and pall- bearers were six nephews, Alvin Lloyd of Maple .Harvie Lloyd of Thornhill, Bruce Lloyd of To- ronto, Jimmie and Hector Clark of North Bay and Harry Ingram of St. Catharines. Interment fol- lowed at the Maple United Ceme- Left to mourn her passing are her husband, sons Gordon of Maple and Charlie of Toronto. daughters Jean (Mrs, Cal Miller) of Maple and Marjory Mrs. Carl Black) of Kettleby. brothers Wil- liam and Andrew in Scotland and sisters Barbara (Mrs. Lloyd) of Toronto and Mary (Mrs. John Phillips )of Scotland ,as welll as five grandchildren. 29th. Mrs. Mina Ingram, nee Ren- nie. died in her 70th year after a lengthy illness, leaving a large family to mourn for her. Mrs. Ingram had lived in Vaughan Township for \46 years, 43 of which were spent in Maple. She was born in Aberdeen. Scotland and was the wife of William M. Ingram. Lifelong member of the Presbyterian Church, she attend-I ed the Maple Presbyterian Church for the last time only a few Sundays ago. and had al- ways been a very faithful church- The following program was given: Piano solos: Evelyn Pa}- mer, Dona Reid, Sharon Clegg, Douglas James, Linda Johnson. Piano duet: Mr. *and Mrs. R. Thompson. Guitar selection, Jim Jackson. Accordian solos. Ken- neth Rumble, John Jackson, Tim Weir and Clarence Palmer. Vocal Solos: Miss Jill Neufeld, Mrs. John Yorke and Linda Reeds. Elocution selection, Bruce Payne. Puppet show. Eric Weir, Gregg Shore and Bill Hamilton. High- land dancing: Marilyn Pufier, Sheena McDonald, Shirley Bow- en, Lynda McMahon. A display of modern fashions by members of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. James’ young people‘s class: Selections, The Teen Tuners of Richmond Hill. Mrs. Roy Clegg was the accom- panist for the evening. goer tery. The executive of the Maple Branch wish to thank the peopie of Maple and district for their support in this. the successful campaign for 1958. Special thanks were extended to Mrs. C. Boake, the hard work- ing chairman of woman‘s services and Mrs. R. Bigford, the branch treasurer. Lunchfiwas served by the ladies of the executive. Bigford presented to Mr. Perkins a cheque for $2,500. Mr. Perkins complimented the people of Ma- ple on their fine effort and men- tioned that once again, as in the past, Maple citizens had shown wonderful community spirit. Mr. Maclachlan spoke brleflly to the group, thanking the ladies, who year after year seem to grow in strength and enthusiasm. He mentioned that. thanks to the help of the Canadian Cancer So- ciety, the medical profession can now claim that in the field of cancer they can cure someI re- lieve many, and comfort all. The Edgeiey branch of the W0- men's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Raymond Stuart on Thursday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Bert Cook presided and the meeting opened with the Ode, followed by “O Canada". Mrs. James Spencer. Maple. conduct- ed the installation of officers: Honorary President. Mrs. J. W. Dalziel; Past President, Mrs. J. A. Spencer; President, Mrs. B. Cook; lst Vice President, Mrs. R. J. Darlington; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. R. Stuart; Secretary-Treas~ urer. Mrs. G. Mains: Assistant Secretary, Mrs. G. Kefier; Direc- tors. Mrs. V”. Maginn and Mrs. C. Summerfeldt; District Director, Mrs. R. J. Darlington; Alternate District Director, Mrs. R. Stuart; Pianist, Mrs. A. Bagg; Assistant Pianist, Mrs. R. Kefier; Repre- entatiile to Cancer Board. Mrs. J. Spencer; Auditors, Mrs. P. Snider and Mrs. R. Kefier; Life Members Mrs. J. W. Daizie‘l, Mrs. A. Bagg, Mrs. E. Phillips. Mrs. F. Locke, and Mrs. P. Snider. Convenors: Agriculture and Canadian Indus- tries, Mrs. R. Kefier, convenor; Mrs. E. Fierheller and Mrs. G. Kefier; historical research and 'current events, Mrs. R. Stuart, convenor; Mrs. Butt and Mrs. J. Stuart. Edgeley WJ. Roy Espey won the playoffs for the Wildcats with his last game of 301. Roy has always been the boy to pul' us out of the hole, Thanks a lot, Roy. There was a terrific battle for first place un~ til the last game. Total pin fall for the Wildcats 3354. Pinheads 3313. Edgeley Aces won the con- solation 3318 against Concord Jets 3018. The banquet will be held Fri- day. May 9, at the Four Winds. Tickets are still available from Kathlen Kef’fer. There will be eight teams next year nd a wait~ ing list is now being formed. Please see Ella Whitmore if you are interested. Home Economics and Health, Mrs. A. Acheson, convenor; Mrs. F. Locke and Mrs. C. Summer- felt. Citizenship and Education: Mrs. C. Boake. convenor; Mrs. W. Maginn and Miss Ella Whit- more. Resolutions, Mrs. E. Phil- lips. Work committee. Mrs. Bert Pelar, convenor; Mrs. H. Whit- more and Mrs. F. "Locke. The Tweedsmuir historical committee, Mrs. C. Agnew, convenor; Mrs. E. Phillips, Mrs. R. Stuart, Mrs. A. Acheson. Mrs. F. Locke, Mrs. J. Dalziel, Mrs. A. Bagg. Mrs. P. Snider, typlst Mrs. B. Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash were honored by their family on Sun- day, May 4, at the home of their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. nd Mrs. David Barton at Beve ey Acres. who will be 25 years mar- ried on May 13. Others present besides the honored guests, were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash. Mrs. John Ash, John Ash and Miss Pat Knowles of Concord, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ash. Robbie and Donna- Lyn Ash. Bill Ash, Edgeley and Miss Beverley Miller, Wood- bridge. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash presented them with a chrome suite. Edgeley Bowling News Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunter and Paul and John had dinner Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. Oldham of Mount Albert. 259} Wedgiigg Anniversary Edgeley hall committee, Mrs. W. Maginn, Mrs. P. Snider, Mrs. B. Cooke. 4â€"H Homemaking Club leaders. Mrs J. Darlington. Mrs. Bodker. Mrs. G. Mains and Mrs‘ P. Snider. Roll call theme was money making suggestions. Most members favoured talent money as a means of making money. For the motto, Mrs. Maginn read a poem entitled "Little Things". Mrs. W. Maginn is the delegate to the district annual meeting for West York Women’s Institute to be held in Maple Un- ited Church May 22. The 4-H girls clubs which are sponsored by the Edgeley Branch of the W.l. are asked to arrange a display at Wgodbridge lj‘air. Each member was asked to bring an article of interest to the meeting or to contribute in some way to the program, which re- sulted in it being a most interest- ing one. The final item,was when Mrs. Cooke asked the members to disclose now she met her hus- band. Mrs. C. Boake. Mrs. W. Maginn and Mrs. B. Cooke were the social committee. Mrs. Alf Bagg won the door prize and Mrs. John Stuart held the lucky num- ber. The pioneer picnic will be held Saturday, June 21, at Shar- Mrs. R. Keffer, convenor of Ag- riculture and Industries, will be in charge of the program. Soclal Mrs. Lorna Jolly of Toronto was a sunper guest recently of Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lamott and daughters‘ Pauline and Barbara of Willowdale. called on Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stuart 0!: Sunday afternoon. on. A highlight of the day will be music as in pioneer days. The next meeting of the W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Boake, June 5. The roll call will be to name a bird which helps the farmer and how he does it. Motto â€" Those who plant kind- ness, gather love. Wills Maclachlan FOR INFORMATION Cancer Society Maple Branch Maple 76W Canadian Edyeley Socials CALL Mr. Davies is one of the young- er ministers of the church and is The United Church Religious Education Centre was packed last Wednesday night when the Maple Women's Institute celebrated their 60th anniversary with an Open House. Visitors came from all over the West York district. as well as from other districts, and many of them brought greet- ings from their institute branch. In the absence of President Mrs. L. Clarke. Mrs. H. Jackson. vice-president. welcomed the guests, following an informal sing-song conducted by Mrs. N. Payne to the accompaniment of Mrs. w. Noble. The first speaker was Miss Helen McKercher, 'Director of Women’s Institute Branch and Home Economics Service. Miss. McKercher brought greetings from the Department of Agriculture Home Economics Service and mentioned that Mrs. N. Payne, as Miss Doris Cook, was one of the first honor 4-H .Club members of the province. Miss Ethel Chapman, editor of Home and Country. then added her good wishes and spoke of the steady progress of the W0- men's Institute organization. Mrs. James Haggerty. President of the Federation of Women’s Institutes of Ontario, spoke further on this subject, especially in the field of the Institute's Maternity and Child Welfare service. She men- tioned the many changes which had taken place in the course of Maple Institute‘s 60 years of life and the extension of its program. Mrs. W. Cook, who later cut a three-tier cake was the only Maple W.|. Open House ? On 60th Anniversary- Rev. H. W. Davies, Orillia Called To Maple Church THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN All applications should be made on forms supplied by the Township and available at the Municipal Offices in Maple. Applications Will be received for the position of “Dog Catcher” for the Township of Vaughan. The applicant will be responsible for the operation of the Township’s equip- ment, the impounding of dogs and the care'and feeding of dogs impounded. Truck, equipment, shelter and food will be provided by the Township. The salary approved will be $2,760.00 per annum for a forty-eigh hour week. George Manning DOG CATCHER Manager, Twp. of Vaughan Dump Please be advised that the Vaughan Town- ship Municipal Dump is open from 8.00 o’- clock A.M. until 5.00 o’clock P.M., Tuesday to Saturday inclusive, for the use of residents of Vaughan Township only. Only garbage of a household nature or that approved by the dump manager will be ac- cepted; NOTICE VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk-Treasurer, Vaughan Township For a graduate of the University of Toronto and Emmanuel Theo- logical College. His home church was Donlands Avenue United in Toronto. ' He is married and has two children. Prior to becoming as- sistant at Orillia, Mr. Davies had a very influential ministry in northern Ontaro where his work was marked by a very keen inter- est in youth activities. In addition to being assistant to the minister at St. Paul‘s in Orillia Mr. Davies had a very large part in inaugur- ating work at a new United Church built under the extension plan of the United Church in’a new subdivision on the western outskirts of that thriving city. It is expected that he will be in- ducted into his new work in Maple early in July. charter member present at this mgefiing. . Then followed a delightful elocution recital by Helen and Ken Payne and one by Helen alone ,which was much enjoyed by all, and this was followed by the greetings which were brought from many representatives of other area institutes. including those from Mrs. C. Kellam. Presi- dent of West York District and Mrs. J. Hermanson, Secretary of West York District. Mrs. Kellam compared the institute's aim to the white line on the highway, keeping close to this at all times while coming from the past and going into the future. A vocal solo by Mrs. Roy Fierheller of Aurora ,who is the former Marg. Manning of Maple, was then en- joyed. . A highlight of the occasion was the presentation of life member- ship pins to Mrs. M. Palmer for her 32 years of service in the Women's Institute, and Mrs. D. Allen for. her service during ap- proximately the same period. Mrs. T. Jackson presented Mrs. Palmer’s pin. while Mrs. A. Snid- er performed this pleasant duty for Mrs. Allen. Following the cutting of the birthday cake by Mrs. W. Cook, refreshments were served and guests viewed the lamp shades made by institute members and displayed at the back of the hall; as well as the display of antique glass and chinaware and the Maple Tweedsmulr History book also on display. J. M. McDonald Clerk-Treasurer, Twp. of Vaughan

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